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Maddison Howard

Mrs. Merritt

Honors English

10 May 2018

The Issue With Representation of Minorities in Mass Media and

The Importance of Diversity

Throughout the history of society, minorities such as diverse ethnic groups and various

sexualities and disabilities have been discriminated and unrepresented in the media. The

individuals in these groups do not benefit in society when it comes to representation in mass

media. Looking back over many years, it is clear to see that minorities are not common in the

movies that are considered iconic today or the television shows that people binge watch. Giving

a voice to minorities in the media by increasing their representation is an important step towards

their acceptance and equality in social aspects. Allowing this new voice from diverse groups of

people provides an increase of representation and the understanding of the importance of it.

Gaining a new point of view in the media can very well benefit the world and how the people see

different sides of certain things. There are many things one has to look at while studying the

representation of minorities in mass media. In order for minorities to use media as a platform for

their voices and acceptance, one must take into account different areas in mass media that lacks

representation and the impact those specific areas have, suppressing the voices of marginalized

communities that are currently in the media, reasons as to why representation is not common, the

efforts to increase minority representation, and the issue with the ways that different ethnic and

minority groups are portrayed in the media.

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There are many different forms of media in today’s society; social media, news,

television in general, and newspapers. Though it may not seem so important in the modern

world, representation in newspaper columns and journalism plays a very important factor in

various points of view on what’s happening in the world. ​“​Columnists set political agendas, set

the public discourse, set the parameters of acceptable debate​” ​(Black and White Opinions).

Journalists that provide a reliable source and voice to society are able to push an agenda or an

opinion they have. Having representation for marginalized communities in these settings can

help dictate just how reliable the source may be. “White commentators often dictate what is and

isn't racism; what is and isn't discrimination; what are and aren't issues of importance for

ethnic-minority communities” (Black and White Opinions). Commentators of topics such as

racism and issues for ethnic-minority communities are not able to rightfully and truthfully design

a column for everyone to read if they do not have the point of view of the topics that are being

written. Ethnic-minority groups provide a primary, reliable source from first-hand experience to

the topics they choose to write regarding their association with the group. This is a problem, not

only in America, but around the world.​ ​“Few of our leading opinion-formers and agenda-setters

reflect the racial diversity of Britain”. (Black and White Opinions). This is also a huge problem

in Britain as well. Those who are able to set the agendas for society and allow people to form

their own opinions, do not always emulate to diversity to provide multiple points of view.

Allowing this lack in the newspapers and media in general can make those marginalized

communities feel suppressed.

Quieting the voices of the minority communities is an ongoing problem. Instead of

speaking for them or not allowing their voices to be heard, encouraging the shouts to be heard for
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themselves gives the problem less power.​ “​Desmond Cole walked away from his Toronto Star

column after he detailed the ways in which he said the paper attempted to get him to write about

race less often.” (Williams).​ ​This is very discouraging to those who wish to be greater than the

issues they face. Avoiding the problems in today’s society by recommending to not talk about

them on a platform does not help with the issues in the world. Creating a platform for people to

voice their opinions is a great place to start, but it may be a problem within itself. “I would like

there to be a university campus where, if a white supremacist wants to do a speech, that person

comes and people who want to hear it are welcome to hear it. And then another person who

wants to talk about white fragility can come do a speech.” (​Williams)​ ​There is a dangerous line

that could be crossed with this statement; the difference between someone fighting for liberation

and a voice in society on the issues they are facing vs. fighting to maintain power over those

voices and suppressing them.

Many question as to why there is such a lack of representation in the media for minority

groups. There is not necessarily an easy answer or explanation to this question. ​“It is hard to

know what deterred someone from choosing a particular career path and how many would-be

black or Asian journalists there are who, taking a look at the general complexion of the media,

judge that their chances of being recruited are slim, and so don't bother.” (Behr).​ ​As the source

states, it is hard to tell if the demand for these positions to have a voice are low or if one is aware

of the circumstances they are in because of their ethnic group. ​Many infer that it is because the

minorities already know chances of being hired as a journalist or being represented in any way

are slim; therefore do not bother doing so. The perspective provided by these groups are not the

same as the perspective provided by a white male. ​“The failure routinely to represent the
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perspective of minorities and the failure to employ people who might bring that perspective.”

(Behr)​. ​The endorsement of a minority to be a voice in ones company can have an immense

affect on society and the representation for others. Failing to do so can be damaging to those

communities economic and social lives. Allowing someone to represent the group of people that

has no experience of their everyday life could lead to “fake news” and false information for

others to have feedback on.“There was something mildly ridiculous about a bunch of white men

sitting in all-white newsrooms, asking white journalists on their staff if they knew any black

people who might want to write about how racism is no longer such an issue.” (Behr).​ ​Many

media outlets do not look for the issues they want to display in the groups facing the issues. One

of the main problems of the media representation is the fact that many make an intriguing and

possibly controversial topic and look for the minority representative of the issue to carry it out,

for more belief in the subject. This is a huge issue because it may provide false information and a

non-passionate belief in said topic, making it unbelievable, which then falls on the author. This

also displays that some of the majority race feels as though they could have a good primary

source and writer on a topic oneself created and know nothing about. This could cause the

minority groups to be represented in a false way.

Falsely representing a marginalized community in the media in not new, but is in fact

getting better. ​“Black immigration is bringing in the dirty, stupid and lazy who threaten "the jobs

and homes of the white Englishman", announces a pamphlet doing the rounds.” (Cohen).​ ​This all

dates back to the systematic oppression created for those who were seen as inferior to the white

race. It also falls back on the stereotypes we have today on many people, allowing their

representation to not be taken seriously at times. When a marginalized community is falsely

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portrayed, it affects every individual in that group. “When government and the media persist in

defining British Muslims by their religion, they turn them into automatic suspects in any case of

terrorism.” (Cohen)​. ​This example can be used for the current issues of today, as one group of

people are put in a box with one individual of the same community. The reputation of a

marginalized community can be very vulnerable to the way that their own representation is

forced upon them, due to false depiction and stereotypes. The media representation of today has

a greater impact than it would have fifty-years ago.​ ​“Kids are on their phones all of the time, and

some of us grew up with them, making us very gullible to whatever is put in front of us.”

(Literal).​ The way that minorities are portrayed is able to negatively impact the group of

people because of the subjectiveness that many of the youth are exposed to, when it

comes to the media.

Although we still have a long way to go when it comes to representation for

everyone, there have been many efforts to increase it today and for the future. ​“Activists

have also pressed for "localism" regulations that would give community organizers a greater role

in shaping broadcasters' programming and content, and for ownership rules that would increase

racial and ethnic minorities' access to broadcast licenses.” (Munro)​. ​This makes a great impact on

the youth and their encouragement to voice their opinions on the matter they care about.

Activists that are able to provide a wider and more accessible path to representation is increasing

for the better and servicing the society .​ ​“Liberal advocates and some federal officials, such as

FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, have long campaigned for diversity regulations that would

raise the media visibility of ethnic and racial groups.” (Munro).​ ​Creating regulations for diversity

to increase the number of voices is a step towards the right path. Taking the small steps to reach
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the large goal of representation of marginalized communities provides hope for a better future in

the world of media. “Additional regulations governing the TV industry and Internet firms are

needed because "at the heart of the idea of America is a diversity of voices, and not letting a

humongously rich and controlling group [of companies] crowd out the voices of the many," said

Marcy Carsey”​ (Munro). ​Television is a large form of media used in everyday life and often

lacks the minorities on the screen. Those it has been getting better, for there are shows such as

“Blackish”​ and movies such as ​“Black Panther”. ​An all black cast is not common but something

that explains the lack of representation well. Once the movie “​Black Panther” ​premiered in

theaters, there was a lot of praise, especially from the black community where they expressed

their excitement over a movie that would be groundbreaking and seen as “iconic”. This premier

though, also sparked conversation about it’s representation. Many claimed it as “racist” because

of the all black cast. This displays the importance of making representation for minorities in

mass media, allowing it the be less threatening, and more common.

With the rapid increase of the media and the ways it is portraying others, it is important to

look at diverse groups to have a voice in what's being portrayed to gain multiple, new and

helpful perspectives various subjects. Looking at the growth of this representation, from small

things such as an all black cast for a movie, to larger things such as the first Black President. The

narration for the communities with these such things increase the possibility of having even more

in the near future. Various depictions of marginalized communities are able to communicate

distinct point of views. This depiction is able to impact the future and how we see the past.

Learning from previous mistakes regarding representation for a diverse group of people is only a

big step towards improvement. Gaining knowledge of said groups and allowing them to speak
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out and be represented for themselves increases the chance for mass representation in mass

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Works Cited

Behr,​ Rafael. "Minority Report." New Statesman, vol. 141, no. 5088, 16 Jan. 2012, p. 30.




"Black and White Opinions."​ ​New Statesman​, vol. 141, no. 5088, 16 Jan. 2012, p. 33.




Cohen,​ Nick. "Muslim Is Not a Dirty Word. (Cover Story)." ​New Statesman​, vol. 133, no.

4708, 04 Oct. 2004, p. 10. EBSCO​host​,



Munro,​ Neil. "Lobbying for Media Diversity." ​National Journal​, 03 July 2010, p. 15.




WILLIAMS​, MELAYNA. "The Year of Allyship." ​Maclean's​, no. 1, Jan. 2018, p. 7.




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