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Annals of the Association of American Geographers

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Reencountering Development: Livelihood

Transitions and Place Transformations in the

Anthony Bebbington

To cite this article: Anthony Bebbington (2000) Reencountering Development: Livelihood

Transitions and Place Transformations in the Andes, Annals of the Association of American
Geographers, 90:3, 495-520, DOI: 10.1111/0004-5608.00206

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1111/0004-5608.00206

Published online: 15 Mar 2010.

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Reencountering Development:
Livelihood Transitions and Place
Transformations in the Andes
Anthony Bebbington

Department of Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder

Neither poststructural nor neoliberal interpretations of development capture the full extent and
complexity of rural transformations in the Andes. Poststructural critiques tend to view develop-
ment as a process of cultural destruction and homogenization, while neoliberal interpretations
identify a different development “failure” that inheres in “inefficient” patterns of resource use,
and the “nonviability” of large parts of the Andean peasantry. In each case, the state is seen as a
problem: as an agent of dominating modernization, or as a brake on market-led transformation.
The paper reviews these positions in the light of the transformations in governance, livelihoods,
and landscape that have occurred in the regions of Colta, Guamote, and Otavalo, all centers of
indigenous Quichua populations in the Ecuadorian Andes. These transformations question the
accuracy of arguments about cultural destruction or nonviability. Instead they suggest that people
have built economically viable livelihood strategies that, while neither agricultural nor necessar-
ily rural, allow people to sustain a link with rural places, and in turn allow the continued repro-
duction of these places as distinctively Quichua. The cases also point to the increased indigenous
control of political, civil, and economic institutions and the important roles that development
interventions, including those of the state, have played in fostering this control. In sum, this sug-
gests the need for more nuanced interpretations of development that emphasize human agency
and the room to maneuver that can exist within otherwise constraining institutions and struc-
tures. It also suggests the value of placing livelihood and the coproduction of place at the center
of any interpretation of the processes and effects of rural development. Key Words: critical devel-
opment geography, livelihood, place, Andes, social movements.

W hether seen as “pioneering,” “biting,”

or “an opportunity lost,” (respectively,
Peet and Watts 1996b: 17; Cooper
and Packard 1997: 15; Lehmann 1997: 568) Ar-
development and its official institutions. Neolib-
eral interpretations similarly see little cumula-
tive benefit from state intervention in rural
areas. In much of Latin America, such approaches
turo Escobar’s work (1984, 1988, 1991, 1995) increasingly argue that large parts of the peas-
has stirred the worlds of critical geography and antry (or campesinado) are no longer “viable” in
development studies.1 Emblematic of a broader the face of a globalizing market economy. Thus,
poststructural critique of development, Escobar’s while, in the poststructuralist critique, the state
analysis falls within a long and distinguished tra- and development are viewed as the aggressive
dition that sees little possibility of improvements agents of modernization, according to neoliberal
in human well-being without radical political critiques, they have largely stood in the way of
economic change. His work questions the possi- the transformative and modernizing potential
bility of building or even imagining alternatives of the market. This leads to recommendations
from within the current languages and institu- for further liberalization of market-based resource
tions of development.2 Indeed, it suggests that allocation from the constraints placed on it by
these very institutions and languages are deeply state and customary institutions. That such lib-
implicated in processes of cultural destruction. eralization would fuel a redistribution of rural
Poststructural critiques are not alone in pos- resources (especially land and water) to more
ing profound and critical questions about rural competitive and larger economic agents, and a
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 90(3), 2000, p. 495–520
© 2000 by Association of American Geographers
Published by Blackwell Publishers, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JF, UK.
496 Bebbington

concomitant movement of campesinos out of opment revolving around notions of place and
agriculture and rural areas, is deemed desirable livelihood. Indeed, the implication is that a more
on efficiency grounds. comprehensive development theory has to be
While empirically and normatively dubious, built at the interface of geography and history.
such interpretations command far more politi- To make these claims, the first section of the
cal influence than do poststructural ones. This paper lays out elements of recent poststructural
makes it that much more important to build a and neoliberal interpretations of rural develop-
counternarrative that meets them on their own ment in the Andean region, subjecting them to
turf while questioning many of their supposi- critical scrutiny on conceptual grounds.4 The
tions on conceptual and empirical grounds. Yet second section then subjects these interpreta-
in this sense, poststructural positions are trou- tions to empirical scrutiny through a compara-
blesome. By finding so little that is recoverable tive analysis of regional transformations in three
within the practice of development, by failing to localities in highland Ecuador: Colta, Guamote,
address in any detail the economic dimensions and Otavalo. It quickly becomes apparent that
of alternatives, and above all, by not exploring it is impossible to judge the development expe-
the diversity of development processes and out- rience of these places through the blunt inter-
comes, they fail to develop the empirical bases of pretations of either type of critique. These are
a possible counternarrative. Furthermore, when places where outmigration and land-degradation
subjected to empirical interrogation, the categor- have been accompanied by increased indige-
ical assertions of such positions appear overstated, nous control of everything from municipal gov-
in turn suggesting theoretical weaknesses. As a ernment, to regional textile markets, to bus
result, and however unintentionally, they cede companies. They are places where increased con-
ground to neoliberal interpretations and the sumption of modern commodities has come to-
types of programs that might derive from them. gether with the emergence of assertive and ever
That poststructural critiques give little atten- more ethnically self-conscious social organiza-
tion to alternatives and leave so little space for a tions. More generally, as the economic geogra-
continuing dialogue with the development ex- phy of these regions has changed, so new and
perience to date is largely a consequence of their changing cultural practices have also been played
emphasis on discursive critique.3 Interpretations out, creating landscapes that continue to be dis-
of development, and its alternatives, might dif- tinctive, and indeed alternative to modern cap-
fer if they were based on ethnographic and his- italist landscapes even as they incorporate many
torical analyses of the ways in which develop- ideas, practices, and technologies of modernity.
ment interventions and market transactions The third section teases out certain patterns
become part of a longer, sedimented history of a across these cases. Overall, profound transfor-
place and its linkages with the wider world mations in the social relations that structure ac-
(Moore 1999; Massey 1994). Indeed, if we look cess to resources and power have accompanied
at histories of places, rather than of discourses, and contributed to the development of these
and trace actual processes of livelihood and places. So also has a progressive expansion of
landscape transformation and the institutional grassroots influence and control over the pro-
interventions that have accompanied them, it cesses through which these places are produced
becomes easier to identify elements of feasible and governed. These changes appear to be as
development alternatives. Germs of these alter- much a result of the external interventions of
natives have already been elaborated at the state programs, NGOs, and churches as they are
intersection of popular practices and external an effect of popular initiative. The transforma-
interventions, albeit in quite unanticipated tions and interventions involved are, then, too
ways. In this sense, I will use discussions of re- complex and contingent to be judged simply as
gional transformations in highland Ecuador to normatively desirable or not, as “success” or
point to problems (as well as strengths) in the “failure,” as “development” or “destruction.” They
normative positions and analytical tools of both also question the accuracy of frameworks that
neoliberal and poststructural interpretations. work with relatively unitary and unproblema-
These observations will provide a basis for build- tized notions of state, market, and community.
ing theory that draws on insights of each type of The final section of the paper draws out im-
interpretation, and that helps identify ways for- plications for theory. It suggests that cases such
ward for a far more geographical theory of devel- as those discussed here lay the bases for encoun-
Reencountering Development 497

tering a notion of development that is at once value assessed in monetary terms. Poststructural
alternative and developmentalist, critical and critiques begin from a profoundly different no-
practicable. Indeed, this is the larger goal. Criti- tion of value, and of valid knowledge. Valuing
cal development research has so often been vul- difference, they are critical of modernizing no-
nerable to the charge of impracticability be- tions of development, perhaps especially neolib-
cause its normative concerns and profound eralism, on the grounds that they break down
critique of mainstream notions of development difference, impose cultural homogenization, and
have blunted empirical inquiry into whether the constitute a form of domination: “the project of
practice of development indeed had the effects neoliberal globalization represents the most re-
that this critique anticipated, and whether pop- cent of such discourses, and contains within it
ular practices indeed carried the germs of the the attempted subordination of different modes
same utopias as those implied by this theory. Too of thought and interpretation” (Slater 1997: 274).
often this led to theory without actors (and Yet ironically these critiques converge to a
therefore without entry points into practice), considerable degree around other claims: each
and alternatives that required forms of structural declares that orthodox development has failed
change that, in the short-to-medium terms, and that official development bureaucracies are
seemed improbable at best (Booth 1994). If re- deeply implicated in this failure; each relies
search engaged with questions of practice— largely on externally defined criteria to judge
both popular and bureaucratic—it might be- this failure; and each has suggested radical (as
come apparent that the goals, meaning, and opposed to reformist) alternatives that involve a
power relationships underlying development of- decentering of the state.5 These alternatives de-
ten differ from those imputed by much develop- rive in considerable measure from their respec-
ment theory. Power, meaning, and institutions tive theoretical frameworks, as well as their pri-
are constantly being negotiated, and these nego- mary concerns about the failure of mainstream
tiations open up spaces for potentially profound development practice. The poststructural critique,
social and institutional change. Understanding primarily concerned with the ways in which de-
how these spaces open and how they are used is velopment constitutes a form of cultural domi-
a critical research challenge, and will take us be- nation and homogenization, seeks alternatives
yond some of the oppositions that haunt much in the cultural and political practices of popular
development theory. actors. The neoliberal critique, primarily con-
cerned with the failure of development pro-
grams to foster rural growth and income genera-
Critiques of Development tion, seeks alternatives in the efficient allocation
in the Andes of resources that would derive from the liberal-
ization of markets.
The analytical tools and normative concerns Cowen and Shenton (1996) suggest a yet deeper
of poststructural and neoliberal critiques of de- sense in which the two frameworks converge.
velopment (critiques that Cooper and Packard They argue that both approaches (indeed all de-
[1997: 2–3] term, respectively, “postmodernist” velopment doctrine) ultimately imply a notion
and “ultramodernist”) differ profoundly. At one of “trusteeship,” in which one actor, on the basis
level, these differences are part of a far long- of their presumed privileged understanding or
standing split in development studies between institutional authority, determines on behalf of
critical Marxian and sociocultural interpreta- others the direction in which development
tions, and more developmentalist approaches should proceed. In apportioning trusteeship to
informed by neoclassical economics and ratio- agents who are ultimately not the citizenry, such
nal choice theory. Neoliberal approaches aim to frameworks, they suggest, frustrate the possibil-
understand the means through which resources ity of autonomous human improvement.6
can be most efficiently allocated to maximize
their economic productivity. In their purest
sense, they therefore criticize interventions that Development as Knowledge-Power Regime:
support rural producers on criteria other than Poststructural Critiques
competitiveness as diversions from the norma-
tive goal of efficiency maximization. In this view, While not alone in pursuing a critique of de-
people are producers and consumers of value—a velopment informed by Foucault in particular,
498 Bebbington

and post structural theory more generally, Esco- take place in intellectual and academic circles”
bar’s has been the most sustained critical project (Escobar 1995: 222). Instead, this articulation
(Escobar 1984, 1988, 1991, 1995; Watts and will occur in the alternative grassroots practices
McCarthy 1997: 73). In essence, he claims that that resist development, and more generally in
development represents a further elaboration of the practices of popular groups10 whose “organiz-
the Enlightenment project, in the process im- ing strategies . . . begin to revolve more and
posing Northern interests on those of the South more around two principles: the defense of cul-
(Escobar 1995: 55–101; Apffel-Marglin 1998: 29; tural difference . . . and the valorization of eco-
cf. Frank 1969).7 Thus, the idea of development nomic needs and opportunities in terms that are
allows for the notion that there are people and not strictly those of profit and the market” (Es-
places that are underdeveloped, “backward” and cobar 1995: 226). For Escobar, the defining fea-
poor, and therefore in need of development. tures of the alternatives being pursued among
This labeling turns them into the targets of de- these groups reside in the “defense of the local,”
velopment programs that then intervene in or- “identity strengthening,” “opposition to mod-
der to promote a particular ethnocentric notion ernizing development,” and the elaboration of
of what it is to be developed. These interven- proposals from the context of existing con-
tions aim to turn rural people into efficient pro- straints (1995: 226). That these are indeed the
ducers, and if they do not make this transition, defining features of these popular practices, and
then they ought be encouraged to leave the that they hold out any realistic hope for feasible
countryside: “produce or perish,” Escobar puts it alternatives is, however, less substantiated.11
(1995: 157). As these instruments are not based In framing a view of alternatives in this way,
on an understanding of the actual concerns, as- Escobar is drawing—as does much work in critical
pirations, and strategies of the popular sectors, anthropologies and geographies of development—
they inevitably fail, but this merely—he on notions of the resistant peasant (cf. Scott
suggests—justifies a further round of interven- 1985).12 Such conceptualizations, however, have
tion to get it better. That there is bureaucratic their own difficulties—in particular, the ten-
complicity in development failure is argued yet dency to essentialize about peasant motivation,
more forcefully in Ferguson’s (1990) study of ru- and to invoke voluntaristic interpretations of
ral development in Lesotho. Ferguson suggests cultural politics. But, as Smith (1989) has sug-
that development failure serves the interests of gested, forms of peasant cultural politics are
the very institutions charged with implement- rooted deeply in the material conditions of peas-
ing development, because their own reproduc- ant existence—in the ways in which they make
tion depends on a continued official commit- a living. Making a living, making living mean-
ment to development at the same time as an ingful, and struggling for the rights and possibil-
official belief that it has not yet been achieved.8 ity of doing both are all related. Yet the litera-
Ferguson’s state, like Escobar’s, seems mono- ture on resistance and alternatives tends to
lithic, unable and unwilling to act in a way that detach interpretations of politics of identity and
does anything but depoliticize development place from these livelihood practices. If they
and reproduce development failure (cf. Moore were reembedded, and if frameworks made clearer
1999). how very situated are such practices and poli-
These critiques are not dissimilar from the tics, then we might anticipate forms of political
dependency writing of the 1970s (Lehmann behavior and responses to development that are
1997; Watts and McCarthy 1997: 75), though neither necessarily resistant nor antipathetic to
their form of analysis and implications for strat- the logics of markets and modernity. Locality
egy are different. Dependency writing empha- might also be conceptualized differently—not
sized the need for change in the wider political as pregiven but rather as continuously pro-
economy (de Janvry 1981). Poststructural cri- duced at the intersection of livelihood practices
tiques of development instead emphasize change (understood as making a living and making it
at a more decentralized, local scale:9 “[T]here meaningful), local politics, institutional inter-
are no grand alternatives that can be applied ventions, and the wider political economy. Un-
to all places or all situations,” and so “one must derstood thus, place would be less something
resist the desire to formulate alternatives at an that people defended, and more something
abstract, macro level; one must also resist the whose means and practices of production they
idea that the articulation of alternatives will aimed to control.
Reencountering Development 499

Such a conceptualization means foreground- Such interpretations have serious flaws. They
ing problems of livelihood and production as read the viability of rural places only in terms of
much as problems of politics and power—and economic competitiveness, and likewise under-
emphasizing negotiation and accommodation as stand poverty only in income terms. As good
much as resistance. More generally, it suggests “trustees” of development (cf. Cowen and Shen-
the importance of paying more attention to ton 1996), their authors presume to prescribe for
agency. “Poor” people may be discursively con- others—prescriptions that will clearly foster the
structed as objects of development (or even as destruction of rural practices in the name of fis-
subaltern subjects of resistance),13 but they also cal efficiency. Yet at the same time, these inter-
act individually and collectively, creating their pretations do point to empirically substantiated
own room for maneuver within and beyond any problems related to the economic dimensions of
constraints these categories may place on them. livelihoods (Mayer and Glave 1999). Studying
As Escobar suggests, the seeds of alternatives are programs of three well-respected nongovern-
most likely to be found in those actions. But mental organizations (NGOs) in the Peruvian
those same actions, rather than presumed ana- and Bolivian highlands, van Niekerk (1994) con-
lytical categories, will define the contours of cludes that the impact of their interventions on
those alternatives and the particular ways in incomes was less than the cost of implementing
which they negotiate relationships with state, the programs. Worse still, a recent study of thir-
market, and civil society. teen municipalities in four departments of the
Bolivian highlands suggests that 79 percent of
the population perceives a decline in crop and
Viable Andes? Neoliberalism and livestock productivity, with even higher rates
Andean Futures among poorer farmers; only a handful of com-
munities perceived any impact from livestock or
While the poststructural critique has as- crop projects (VMPPFM 1998; cf. Zoomers
sumed progressively greater force in academic 1998). Similar, if less drastic, patterns also
debate, a quite distinct critical conversation has emerge from recent surveys in Ecuador, which
also emerged in Latin America: the discourse on suggest declining agricultural income, an in-
“viability.” Though the steady differentiation of creased reproduction squeeze on the campesi-
a peasantry into a capitalized sector on the one nado, and an increase in temporary migration,
hand, and a landless or land-poor proletariat on with between twenty and fifty-five percent of
the other, has absorbed many pages of debate males migrating (Hentschel et al. 1996; Lan-
(de Janvry 1981; Lehmann 1986; Llambi 1989; jouw 1996). Within the current policy context,
Kay 1995), the significance of this discussion many farms in higher, drier, more remote loca-
has increased in recent years. Driven by the rise tions seem no longer able to sustain families in
of neoliberal agendas, some have argued with situ. Some observers end up succumbing to the
increasing explicitness that there is little virtue despair of environmental determinism: “When
in an uncompetitive and inefficient campesino all is said and done, one can’t change environ-
sector.14 They therefore argue that rural devel- mental limitations” (an official quoted in van
opment programs should focus only on viable Niekerk 1997: 3; see also Hentschel et al. 1996).
campesinos, helping them to restructure their For all the limits of neoliberal arguments
productive strategy so as to become competitive about viability in the Andes, the empirical work
in an open market. Those who are not deemed that underlies them is therefore a reminder of
viable ought be assisted in making the transition real problems of production and income. It high-
to other livelihoods, most likely in urban areas lights the extent to which a focus on discourse
(López 1995; Hojman 1998). Though voiced most misses a large part of the drama of livelihood
explicitly in Chile, where some estimate that up struggles, practices, and dilemmas in the Andes
to half of the peasantry is not viable (see Kay 1997; and therefore—like neoliberal frameworks—
Sotomayor 1994), these discussions are equally presents a partial view of rural life. Furthermore,
apparent elsewhere. An InterAmerican Devel- they remind us that a failure to address the
opment Bank (IDB) report, for instance, sug- ways in which more viable livelihoods are and
gests that significant parts of the Bolivian alti- might be constructed only favors the ascen-
plano [high plane] are nonviable and that programs dancy and hegemony of neoliberal frameworks
there should foster outmigration (IDB 1996). that would ultimately endorse policies that would
500 Bebbington

have the effect of fostering the demise of the they are a part, and a range of product and labor
campesino sector. markets. Finally, it is likely to challenge our no-
tions of resistance and politics at least as these
relate to development, for as Keith (1997: 276)
Ways Forward? Hybrid Livelihoods and notes, “a politics of the possible must inevitably
Comparative Ethnographies emerge from a sustained engagement with the
empirical, not a naïve romance of the real.”
Neoliberal and poststructural positions are, Escobar provides us with something of a lens
in one sense, like oil and water: their political for thinking about these issues with the notion
agendas, normative intents, and epistemological of “hybrid cultures” (1995: 217–26). Popular
positions are quite different. Partly as a conse- practices—which, he suggests, should be the basis
quence, they emphasize different dimensions of of any alternative development—constantly
rural livelihoods. Neoliberal takes on rural de- piece together the old and new, elements of mo-
velopment in the Andes draw our attention to dernity with longer-standing elements of local
the very real challenges that Andean people practice. They are, in his words, characterized
confront in making a living and negotiating by a relentless “traffic between the traditional
their relationships with a range of product, la- and the modern” (1995: 222). The difficulty
bor, and other markets. Meanwhile, poststruc- with the notion of hybrid, however, is that it as-
tural positions focus our attention on the ways sumes that there exist “prehybrid” cultures. Yet
in which rural people make living meaningful Latin American landscapes and livelihoods
and struggle politically for spaces of autonomy have been hybridized at least since the sixteenth
and self-realization—themes on which the via- century (Whitmore and Turner 1992). It is per-
bility discussion, and much other development haps this implicit assumption of “prehybridity”
research, are largely silent. that underlies a certain tendency to invoke ideal
Yet while their normative intents make these typical notions of popular practice as the basis of
approaches fundamentally incompatible, their development alternatives. Yet, if all practices
substantive concerns surely represent different and cultures are indeed hybridized, then it seems
parts of a larger whole in which rural people are unreasonable to make categorical statements
engaged all the time: the challenge of securing a about the principles that will characterize popu-
viable way of guaranteeing the material basis of lar practices and development alternatives—for
their livelihood and, at the same time, building they, along with identity and place, will be dy-
something of their own. If, in practice, people namic, unstable, and above all situated.
pursue these concerns at the same time, then A second point of departure begins from
analytical approaches that pay attention prima- poststructural concerns to highlight differences
rily to one or other dimension of them are likely and identities, radicalizing the point more than
to work with oversimplified notions of grassroots do their discussions of alternatives. For just as
economic and political action, and of grassroots people might assert difference and identity vis-
notions of “development” and betterment. In- à-vis development and its institutions, these dif-
deed, I argue that if our approaches give equal ferences are also at stake in relationships within
weight to these different dimensions of liveli- the popular sectors. Imagining alternatives, as
hood, then this can challenge notions both of well as practicing current livelihoods, is there-
viability and of development. On the one hand, fore likely to be internally debated and conflic-
it shifts the notion of viability from one focusing tive, among genders, generations, kin groups,
only on viable economic activities, to one con- communities, and others. This is not to mini-
cerned with livelihood and place, and the ways mize the importance of these alternatives, but it
in which people struggle to keep rural localities is to push a step further in not romanticizing
alive by somehow generating incomes that will them, and therefore in making them seem more
allow the material reproduction of these places. credible.
On the other hand, it will challenge notions of The third and central point of departure also
development as destruction and of markets as derives from Escobar: his call for more ethnogra-
anathema, for one of the critical means through phies of development and of how it is experi-
which people make livelihoods and places via- enced and resisted. Again, though, if local cul-
ble is engaging with the institutions of develop- tures are hybrid, to emphasize questions of
ment, the wider modernizing processes of which resistance to development is perhaps once again
Reencountering Development 501

to apply too partial a lens to popular practices. If (Figure 1) during the second half of this century.
one of the principle challenges in the contem- The cases deliberately juxtapose two localities
porary Andes is to address problems of produc- (Colta and Guamote, both in the province of
tion and income, it may be appropriate to call Chimborazo) which, for many observers, have
for ethnographies of how people have struggled been examples of development failure and areas
to compose livelihoods aimed at making a liv- where campesino livelihoods are in crisis, with a
ing, and making it meaningful. It is in building third case (Otavalo), which is often viewed as
these livelihoods that people encounter devel- one of the most successful instances of local de-
opment interventions, state and market, in ways velopment in the Andes. The reason for juxta-
that might be interpreted sometimes as resis- posing the cases is to suggest that there are also
tance, sometimes as accommodation, and some- intriguing similarities among them. In each case,
times as instrumental. If in such ethnographies, access to resources has become more inclusive,
we find—as I believe we do—that livelihoods and new and more accountable local gover-
have not only been viable, but have also allowed nance structures have been created. Likewise,
accumulation, albeit in very unanticipated ways, livelihoods have been built that, by engaging
then the neoliberal discourse on viability needs with a range of markets, have allowed levels of
reframing. And if we find—as I believe we do— accumulation that in part sustain the material
that this has been possible to a considerable basis for these other sociopolitical and cultural
degree because of development programs, state changes. In each case, external interventions
interventions, and market integration, again in have played (often unanticipated) roles in fos-
often very unanticipated ways, then the post- tering these processes of transformation. To-
structural critique also needs reframing, norma- gether, these patterns make it difficult to talk
tively and analytically. glibly either of nonviability or of development
In this sense, empirical, ethnographic and as destruction.16 The cases do, though, suggest
historical analysis of particular regional con- the importance of further elaborating some of
texts might also generate the type of knowledge these claims. First, though, a comment on ques-
and theory that could resolve the problem of tions of method.
trusteeship as laid out by Cowen and Shenton
(1996). By illuminating the concerns and no-
tions of improvement implicit in popular strate- Reflections on Methodology
gies, and by understanding the types of develop-
ment of which these actors aim to be “trustees,” To attempt a comparative reading of the ar-
empirical work offers the prospect of illuminat- ticulations between development interventions
ing the idea of development as lived, rather than and microregional political economy opens up a
invoked, thus rescuing the idea of development series of methodological questions. Such ethno-
from the doctrinal lenses of those who would graphically informed comparisons across differ-
otherwise define it. This might also change the ent sites “may entail a novel kind of fieldwork.
criteria used for thinking about the impacts of Rather than being situated in one, or perhaps
development. two, communities for the entire period of re-
search, the fieldworker must be mobile, covering
a network of sites that encompasses a process,
Transitions and Transformations which is in fact the object of study” (Marcus and
in the Ecuadorian Andes Fischer 1986: 94). This raises several interpreta-
tive issues, for while the analysis of the process
The risk of calling for such ethnographies itself might remain “thick,” discussions of the
and histories of development is that it succumbs particular place-based manifestations of that
to the problem of exceptionalism, making diffi- process are necessarily thinner. Such a research
cult any effort to build theory on the basis of in- approach also raises logistical issues. Multilocale
dividual cases. One possible response is to do work necessarily involves extended field pres-
comparative analysis of ethnographic and his- ence, which is only possible at certain stages of a
torical material.15 Though this has its own career. In my own case, the most in-depth basis
methodological difficulties (see below), it is the for this comparative analysis was laid in 1988–
approach taken here. I discuss the transforma- 1989, during a fourteen-month study of the pro-
tion of three localities in the Ecuadorian Andes cesses of agrarian change and development in-
502 Bebbington

Figure 1. Ecuador and case study locations.

tervention in Colta and Guamote. That research focused on the impacts of peasant organizations
involved intensive involvement in four commu- on local governance in Guamote; and the fifth
nities, and sustained contact with leaders and was simply a return to some of the same commu-
staff of five federations of indigenous communi- nities where the earliest work was conducted, to
ties and with staff of six separate state and non- discuss patterns of change. This subsequent re-
governmental development organizations. This search, conducted for far shorter periods of vari-
work combined participant observation, ex- able duration, has involved in-depth interviews
tended and repeated discussions and interviews, (rather than ethnographic work) with some of
a short household survey in two of the commu- the same households, federations, NGOs, and
nities, and some soil analysis and crop trials. key informants as were encountered in the ear-
This was combined with far less intensive inter- lier work. The advantage of such a sustained in-
actions with people in twelve other communities. volvement is that it brings to light processes of
I have since complemented that initial study change that can be missed in single-stay periods
with five other field visits to the region over the of research. It has also allowed me to discuss my
past decade. Though each subsequent study has own evolving interpretations with a variety of
had different purposes, they have been part of a the actors involved. The disadvantage is that
larger deliberate attempt to understand the cu- the nature and quality of information and in-
mulative effects of development intervention sights varies among the different periods of field
on rural livelihoods and institutional change research.
over an extended period. Two studies were of These methodological problems of compara-
campesino organizations in Guamote and Colta, tive analysis are made much more serious by an
and their relationships to NGOs; one looked at attempt to compare across different authors’
the role of NGOs in local development; another ethnographic and ethnohistorical research. Eth-
Reencountering Development 503

nographies emphasize place, context, case spec- residents. Such outmigration from rural areas is
ificity, and authorial insights. To seek more ge- often taken as an indicator that local liveli-
neric principles across ethnographic accounts hoods are not viable. This phenomenon has
can do violence to the authors’ own intents. been interpreted as semiproletarianization, the
Furthermore, given that different ethnographies ever incomplete absorption of poor rural people
emphasize different dimensions of local social into the urban economy, as well as a necessary
and cultural practice, they do not all give com- survival strategy in conditions of natural-
parable attention to the same issues. Any at- resource scarcity (de Janvry 1981). Other authors
tempt to draw comparisons might then stretch see periodic migration as a deliberate attempt to
the data beyond its justifiable reach. Indeed, continue to be a campesino (Farrell et al. 1989),
some would eschew the possibility of such com- and to retain some form of economic activity
parison unless they were able to witness or par- that offers a buffer against downturns in urban
ticipate in the same empirical moments, and not labor markets (cf. Brown et al. 1997). Without
have to depend on the interpretations of the denying the sense in which migration is, in con-
ethnographer (Schegloff 1999). While there siderable measure, a consequence of structural
can be no easy answer to this problem, to reject constraints and regional underdevelopment,
entirely the possibility of reading across ethno- these latter accounts also emphasize that mi-
graphic and historical accounts greatly dimin- grants are also agents, and in which migration is
ishes the potential role of such approaches in a strategy as well as a necessity. For many families
building up more nuanced and problematized in Colta, it has been a strategy for maintaining a
understandings of rural change. More generally, foothold in the region.18 This foothold, in turn,
it probably undermines the potential for the allows the maintenance of agricultural prac-
sorts of ethnographically informed accounts of tices, religious practices, and local institutions
regional processes called for by commentators through which the extent of Quichua (i.e., in-
such as Marcus and Fischer (1986). digenous) control of Colta has expanded, and
What follows is therefore my own compara- through which its material landscape has been
tive reading of these different accounts. It is transformed—in both its agricultural and built
based on the conviction that much of what is forms. Though transformed, Colta thus contin-
narrated in these other accounts, when read ues to be the locus of a range of practices and
through the lens of my own experience, seems identifications with place and history which,
quite plausible to me, while, at the same time, though constantly in flux and varying across
providing additional insights that — though gender, generation, and other lines (cf. Silvey
beyond my own field experience — I am pre- and Lawson 1999), together constitute an im-
pared to accept as valid, given the conver- portant basis of being a Quichua from Colta.
gences of other authors’ insights with my own These transformations are all the more re-
interpretations. While this is perhaps an insuf- markable given that as recently as 1965, a Cor-
ficiently rigorous set of criteria for reading nell research team produced a study on the Qui-
across different bodies of work, it is akin to the chua population of Colta entitled “Indians in
criteria that researchers use when, as lay folk, Misery” (Maynard 1965). The study depicted
we engage in simple conversation aimed at ex- Quichuas dominated by large rural estates (haci-
tending the boundaries of our own knowledge endas) through various forms of tied labor rela-
and understanding. tionship that restricted access to land. The ties
between hacienda, church, and local political
authorities likewise restricted possibilities of in-
Colta: Migration and the Viability of Place digenous accumulation or any form of political
participation, preserving forms of social control
The canton of Colta is located in the central and exclusion in much the same way as Casa-
highlands of Ecuador, with a population of grande and Piper (1969) described for the
slightly less than 50,000 people,17 living mostly neighboring parish of San Juan. Yet at the same
in rural communities at altitudes of 3000 m and time as the Cornell team was working, a series of
above, along with a handful of small “urban” changes were occurring that would drive the
centers of some two thousand people or so. Pri- transformation of this region. The most impor-
marily agricultural, Colta is also notable for the tant of these was land reform. National land-
high levels of periodic outmigration among its reform laws were passed in 1964 and, more far
504 Bebbington

reaching, in 1973. These laws marked the end of semiprofessionals (teachers, agricultural techni-
the hacienda-based mode of production and so- cians, etc.).
cial control, and had profound effects on Colta’s The livelihoods of contemporary Colta are
agrarian and sociopolitical structure. Some sub- therefore now diverse: none linked to the haci-
division of estates had begun before land reform, enda, all deeply linked to the market, and most
as early migrants used savings to purchase land, still linked to rural property, however small the
and some hacienda owners began to sell, espe- plot or house. This shift in the nature and geog-
cially those who had a particularly unruly labor raphy of livelihoods in Colta has been accompa-
force (cf. Thurner 1993). The laws, however, led nied by important changes in the landscape.
to an intense acceleration of this process of land Colta’s countryside is a mixture of small, often
acquisition. By 1990, more than forty-three per- visibly eroding fields dotted with breeze-block
cent of Colta’s land surface had been affected by houses, of one, two, or sometimes three and four
the land-reform process, and no large hacienda stories. Like Colta resident Manuel Alvarado’s
remained, though some smaller ones still did two-story house (in the community of Lupaxi
(Bebbington et al. 1992: 125). Grande), most of these have been built with
These changes in access to land, while they money earned elsewhere, in his case, first, while
ended the former system of rural governance, working in the sugar cane harvests on the coast,
were not equal across Colta. Families and com- and subsequently, as a peddler of shoes and
munities19 gained access to different qualities and clothing. Also, as in his case, responsibilities for
amounts of land as a result of the combined ef- the house and the fields are feminized. While
fects of different geographies of population pres- Manuel is as happy in Colta as on the coast—
sure, of social conflict, of the onset of hacienda “when I’m on the coast, I’m a costeño; when I’m
decline, and of soil and water quality and avail- in the community, I feel content, and this is my
ability. In cases such as the sector of Gatazo, land”—he makes his money on the coast and
where families gained access to valley-bottom sends it back to Colta for investment in housing.
alluvial land with irrigation water, and signifi- Like many others, that is where he will ulti-
cantly, where hacienda subdivision and migra- mately retire.
tion had started at an earlier date, processes of Accumulation and housing investment have
accumulation began earlier and have been rela- also been part of a subtle but important shift in
tively rapid. Migration-based accumulation in the centers of governance in Colta. New centers
Gatazo was translated into land purchase, which have emerged at two scales. At a local level, the
has in turn allowed accumulation strategies based hacienda has ceded to the community the cen-
on intensive horticulture. Though again the ex- ter of everyday political decisionmaking and
tent to which this is so varies among households, surveillance.20 These legal (and territorial) com-
it has led to a reversal of outmigration as people munities now govern most of rural Colta, most
have moved back to the locale, sustaining them- having been created since land reform. Though
selves either entirely through agriculture, or only localized centers of power, most communi-
through a mix of agriculture and periodic partic- ties in this area (and Guamote—see below) mon-
ipation in local labor markets (Allen 1993). itor carefully the passage of other people and ve-
In other cases, far more typical in Colta, the hicles through the space they govern, be these
land accessed was unirrigated and sloping and private individuals or government workers. In-
has not allowed any significant agricultural in- evitably, as I was entering a community where I
tensification. Indeed, reports from communities was working less intensively, I would be greeted
in Colta with this type of land all emphasize with a “Adonde vas gringuito” [where are you off
agricultural stagnation and land degradation to, gringuito], and would be sought out by one or
rather than intensification, and draw attention another village dignitary shortly after arriving,
to the importance of periodic (and occasionally just checking up on me. Similarly, as the field
permanent) outmigration as a livelihood strat- workers of the farmers’ association with whom I
egy (Bebbington 1990; Knapp 1991; Muratorio spent much time in Colta would drive into a
1982; Tolen 1995). Finally, in some more sui ge- community in which they had some task or
neris cases such as the communities of Santiago, other to see to, people would come and check
where land is poor and scarce, but where migra- on the purpose of their visit. Very occasionally,
tion began quite early, significant numbers have and more seriously, communities have held un-
become itinerant traders (Gellner 1982) and wanted guests hostage.
Reencountering Development 505

The other shift has occurred at the level of AOCACH (Asociación de Organizaciones Cam-
the canton, where the parish and cantonal cap- pesinas Autonomas de Chimborazo), UNASAC
itals (the former centers of the hacienda-state- (Unión de Asociaciones Agricolas de Columbe),
church triumvirate) have been in demise. On AIECH (Asociación Indígena Evangelica de
the one hand, old mestizo21 houses are being Chimborazo)—these organizations are new ac-
purchased by Quichuas, who split their residence tors in the governance of Colta. They have
between these capitals and the community. And projects; negotiate with government for ser-
at the same time, these old centers have been vices, and have their own buildings and offices
partially replaced by new centers linked to other on which families and community leaders con-
systems of authority and sources of legitimacy. verge one day a week in order to engage in
Some of these new regional “centers” are linked project-related business, gossip, and squeeze
to commercial success, as in the semiurbanized in a game or two of volleyball. The organiza-
communities of the Gatazos and Santiago (see tions also mark one of the latest reversals of
above). Others have emerged as a result of an- ethnic and institutional relationships in Colta.
other change that was beginning just as the Cor- In 1988, though many rural development
nell team was conducting field work: the rise NGOs worked in Colta, none had its office
and subsequent consolidation of the Evangelical there.22 By 1995, the technical team once
Protestant church. There are many explana- linked to one of these federations, AIECH, had
tions of how this religious change occurred. At recreated itself as an NGO: the Center for In-
the very least, it seems clear that the ability of digenous Development (CEDEIN) with its
the church to enter the region was itself facili- headquarters in the main mestizo urban center
tated by land reform and the weakening of the in Colta. By 1998, it was hiring mestizo advi-
hacienda; it may also have reflected the deter- sors, and contracting other long-established
mination of Quichua campesinos to look be- NGOs from other parts of Ecuador to help with
yond the institutions that had traditionally water projects. Some in Colta had begun to ap-
dominated them. Several observers have also proach its director, José Bueno, to ask him to
suggested that the Evangelical church’s com- consider running for mayor. José smiled at me,
plete ban on alcohol consumption was attractive at once modestly and wryly, saying he didn’t
to earlier migrants who wanted to invest their think it was time yet. One day, he implied, it
migrant savings in land and housing rather than would be. In the meantime, he wanted to im-
alcohol-intensive fiestas (Tolen 1995; Gellner press on me that when I had first known him
1982). That these migrants were also dispropor- and the team, they were being hired by mestizos
tionately represented among a new generation to implement the activities of other organiza-
of more savvy community leaders further strength- tions: now the tables were turned, not aggres-
ened the authority of Evangelicalism. Whatever sively, but significantly.
the explanation, the Evangelical church dis- The distance between an image of “Indians
placed the Catholic Church. Today many com- in misery” and contemporary Colta is great. It is
munities in Colta have their own community- an indicator of how profoundly the relationships
organized center of worship, and indeed some between livelihoods, access to resources, rural
have several (Tolen 1995; Muratorio 1981). governance, and rural landscape have been
Meanwhile, the community of Majipamba, where transformed as a combined effect of campesino
the mission had its center, is now the place that initiatives, and the state, religious institutions,
is popularly understood as being “Colta.” Its and NGOs. This is not to imply that these
large churches, radio antenna, and religious or- changes are unproblematic. People are still very
ganizations (some of which engage in social- poor, and many (though not all) would prefer
development activities) mark it as the region’s not to migrate; most people sustain their (or
new center, at least as seen from the communi- their families’) residence in Colta with income
ties (cf. Tolen 1995). derived from elsewhere; differences in access to
In some areas within Colta, the formation of land exist, as do differences in income; intrigue
communities was followed by the creation of feder- and gossip surround who benefits most from
ations of communities (this process is discussed in Colta’s new institutions. But it is important that
more detail for the case of Guamote below). Each arguments about development happen in Colta
with their own acronym—UOCACI (Unión now, and not only (nor perhaps even mainly) in
de Organizaciones Campesinas de Cicalpa), provincial and national capitals.
506 Bebbington

Guamote’s New Geographies of Governance ship, they availed themselves of this power in
order to control—but not always. During the
Bordering Colta to the South, the canton of leadership of Wilson Huilca in the 1980s, the
Guamote, with an almost entirely Quichua pop- DRI worked towards the vision of rural develop-
ulation of slightly less than 30,000,23 more than ment in Guamote coordinated and imple-
ninety percent of whom live in rural communi- mented through networks of campesino federa-
ties located above 3,000 m, has likewise been tions. Though nowhere written in the project
transformed in the last three decades, though documents, staff from that period recall the vi-
the contours and implications of this transfor- sion clearly. Ultimately, some campesino leaders
mation differ. In 1974, Guamote had the highest today comment, this was its effect.26
concentration of land in large estates in all of State rural development programs ran more
Ecuador: today no large or even medium-sized, or less continuously up until the early 1990s,
individually owned property remains.24 In 1974, and were then taken over (in part) by a follow-
governance—both rural and urban—was dom- up NGO program. The radical Catholic Church
inated by the hacienda; today Guamote is at the has remained present throughout, and has built
head of a national list of so-called “alternative links between communities and church-related
municipalities,” where municipal government is NGOs. Increasingly, though far less systemati-
either in the hands of, or works closely with, in- cally, Evangelically related NGOs have also es-
digenous populations (Muñoz 1998). tablished themselves in some communities. In
The roots of this transformation lie in state this babble of intervention and acronyms, many
responses to campesino pressure for land. From agendas and interpretations are at play. No pro-
the 1950s to 1970s, campesino mobilization for gram is “innocent.” They are all linked to wider
land in Guamote became increasingly assertive, projects—of building a state presence in the
bolstered by links to national peasant move- area, of strengthening campesino organizational
ments and the communist party. The state, con- capacities, of establishing Evangelicalism, or in-
cerned with these levels of unrest, made Gua- deed of fighting off its advance. Yet beyond this,
mote the object of a far-reaching program of land and in conjunction with the cumulative effects
reform. The radical Catholic Church was also of schooling, these interventions have had
active in pushing for land-redistribution, and be- other effects, deriving in large measure from the
came the principal counterpart of the national cadre of younger campesinos who were formed
land-reform agency’s program in Guamote.25 in the very process of mediating between these
In some sense, the idea of Guamote as a cen- external institutions and communities.27 In
ter of chronic poverty (which it was) was insti- some cases, the interventions also deliberately
tutionalized in the 1970s (cf. Escobar 1995: 21– created federated organizations to act as coun-
54). Thus categorized, Guamote became the terparts in community-level interventions—
object of a whole series of development inter- federations within which this cadre of campesi-
ventions aimed at reducing this poverty. Land nos have become active leaders. The effect—in
reform was followed by a series of state agricul- part deliberate, in part accidental—has been to
tural and rural development programs, one change the governance of Guamote. As in
(Fondo de Desarrollo de Areas Rurales Margin- Colta, the nexus of hacienda-priest-state repre-
adas, FODERUMA) coordinated entirely by the sentative has been replaced by a new institu-
Church, the other (Proyecto de Desarrollo Ru- tional complex through which Guamote is
ral Integral, DRI), a project within the National governed—a complex of communities, federa-
Program for Integrated Rural Development, im- tions, NGOs, the “new” churches, and most re-
plemented by the state. Yet it is hard to argue cently, the municipal government.
that these development interventions became a In the early 1990s, one of the two principal
“destructive” force in Guamote (Escobar 1995: campesino federations in Guamote, the Union
44). Certainly development complicated the lo- of Indigenous and Campesino Organizations of
cal institutional landscape, and while its inter- Guamote (UOCIG), launched a candidate in
ventions (together with popular protest) helped local government elections and won the posi-
wrest power from the hacienda, they also en- tion of mayor (Bebbington and Perreault 1999).
dowed development institutions themselves Since reelected, the mayor has initiated a series
with an apparent power to exert great influence of administrative and governance changes aimed
on Guamote. Sometimes, under certain leader- at enhancing community control over the mu-
Reencountering Development 507

nicipality, and increasing municipal control over ment programs). For others among Ecuador’s de-
the federations. All federations are required to velopment institutions who would have once
coordinate with each other and the municipal- seen Guamote as a miserable bastion of brutish
ity in the form of a Committee for Local Devel- haciendas and unruly Indian populations, where
opment that has its base within the municipal planned development intervention (and social
building. Under this rubric federations have be- research) was a thankless, and pointless, task,
come the implementing arms of municipal de- Guamote is now an innovative experiment in
velopment policy. At the same time, a body to local governance.
which each community is supposed to send a Seen against these political transformations,
representative—a so-called “Indigenous Parlia- economic change has been much more modest.
ment” (Parlamento Indígena)—was created, with There is less evidence of accumulation in the
the purposes of monitoring municipal actions landscape than in Colta, in part because the
and discussing and presenting issues of concern greater control exercised by the hacienda over
in the communities. Giving new meaning to an campesinos in Guamote meant that the early ac-
old landscape, the Parlamento uses the old offices cumulation linked to migration from Colta was
of the DRI as its base. far less frequent. In some communities, however,
These are all incipient changes, and are accumulation is beginning. In the communities
fraught with tensions. The two main federations of Sablog Rosa Ines and San Isidro, from the one
in the canton—Jatun Ayllu and the UOCIG— truck owned in 1988 (by a family that, because
still jostle for power and prominence. UOCIG of a personal relationship with the hacienda,
is at odds with the municipal government, had been able to purchase twice as much land as
whose agents argue that, given the indigenous any other family), there were, by 1998, seven
control of the municipality, it would make far families with trucks combining agriculture with
more sense for UOCIG to pass its grain mill over trade. And one and two-story breeze-block houses
to the municipality; UOCIG wants to maintain have begun to pop up across the landscape. But
control of the mill itself. Some communities even though demographic pressure and the level
complain that the federations are not well man- of land subdivision in Guamote is less than in
aged, and particular Quichua individuals tussle Colta, incomes remain chronically low: Gua-
for power, each feeling they have special leader- mote’s three parishes exhibit poverty rates of
ship roles to play. At the same time, some NGOs near or above 90 percent of the population
support these changes, others maintain a certain (Torres 1998). While the new municipal gov-
distance. These tensions mark out the micropol- ernment has shifted investment from urban cen-
itics of arguments over strategy and control (cf. ters to rural areas, and has mobilized additional
Moore 1998) in which different individuals, resources from external agencies primarily for
communities, and kin groups have varying opin- rural investments, this has more effect on the
ions over how resources should be used within “meaning” of Guamote than on its poverty.
Guamote, and who should determine these de-
cisions. Yet, in some sense, these are the con-
tents of the “indigenous self-management” that Otavalo and an Ethnic Market Economy29
so stir people. The very occurrence of these ar-
guments reflects how the governance of Gua- If Colta and Guamote are viewed as poor,
mote has changed profoundly. Power and con- eroded, and backward in the national imaginary,
trol over local development have moved from the image of Otavalo is quite the opposite.
one ethnic group to another (blanco-mestizo to Known to tourists through its weekend market
Quichua), from one type of unit to others (haci- and “ethnic” products, and nationally through
enda to community and federation) and—in traveling Otavaleño merchants in market places
the period since 1974—from central govern- selling textiles for popular consumption, this
ment and line agency to municipal government weaving center has a special reputation. Otava-
and federation.28 With these changes, the image leños are seen as proud, well dressed, and suc-
and meaning of Guamote have shifted. In the cessful (cf. Casagrande 1981), and the transfor-
words of one federation leader, Hilario Maola, mation of Otavalo into a relatively vibrant
“at last we have indigenous self-management” regional economy was seen early on as a possible
(1998) (after decades of local governance being model for community development elsewhere
dominated by the church or state rural develop- (Salomon 1981). For Salomon, the essence of
508 Bebbington

Otavalo’s success was that through these trans- namic campesino agriculture came later than
formations, Otavaleños had, in Sol Tax’s terms, the household-weaving economy. But in some
sustained a “total pattern that is distinctively areas, campesinos have now also gained access
their own” (Salomon 1981: 431). Somehow, he to this land—not infrequently under the aus-
implied, they had crafted a different type of mar- pices of land-reform legislation, and far more re-
ket economy that had become the material basis cently, in the context of Catholic Church-
through which a highly distinctive place and set financed programs of land purchase in the 1990s.
of regional and ethnic identities was being pro- In these areas, rather than a weaving economy, a
duced. Delving into ethnographic insights into more intensive form of agriculture dominates
how this occurred causes intriguing parallels (Korovkin 1997).
with the incipient processes of transformation That these already market- and profit-
in Colta and Guamote to become apparent. oriented initiatives became the basis of a partic-
Long before Otavalo’s current textile economy, ularly vibrant regional economy—one that
the region had a pre-Hispanic weaving culture. has since seen yet more dramatic expenditure
After the Conquest, this culture was harnessed on contemporary-styled housing (Colloredo-
by the Spanish in the form of obrajes —grim ru- Mansfield 1994), as well as relatively low levels
ral textile factories based on indebted and other- of migration—is as much due to external inter-
wise tied Indian labor. Though the fortunes of ventions and state policy as it is to popular prac-
the obrajes waxed and waned, they and other tices and initiative. Import-substitution indus-
small textile enterprises kept a weaving econ- trialization policies in the 1960s and 1970s
omy alive into the twentieth century, by which protected textile production for the domestic
time Otavaleño Quichuas were already regain- market and also fueled an export boom—each
ing control of land. A 1909 document of the favoring the expansion of the textile economy
town government noted that “[d]ay by day, the (Korovkin 1998). At the same time, the grow-
Indian is taking over the lands of the Canton, ing tourist economy (also promoted, if less
albeit by fair purchase” (Salomon 1981: 442). clearly, by state policy) provided a particular
The cumulative effect was that by 1946, while a niche for Otavalo’s more “ethnic” products—a
third of Ecuador’s rural population worked en- niche that its trading elite quickly exploited
tirely on other people’s land, only thirty-one per- (Buitrón 1962; Korovkin 1998).
cent of Otavalans did any work on others’ land More specific development interventions
(Salomon 1981: 426, citing Salz 1955). then assisted in the relatively rapid adjustment
The relative economic and political inde- of the ethnic economy to the market: first in
pendence afforded by early access to land has fa- weaving and later in agriculture. Otavalo was
cilitated several transitions in the rural econ- one of the selected regions for the work of the
omy. In some cases, it enabled early migration, Andean Mission in Ecuador (Jordan 1988), and
income from which was invested in further pur- the Mission provided technical assistance to
chase of land and other investments (Korovkin weavers to help them diversify and improve the
1998). It also created a space for the formation quality of their products. This type of support,
of small Quichua textile enterprises—at both coupled with—albeit limited—credit assis-
a household and small-factory scale. Thus tance, continued in different forms and guises of
emerged both a Quichua entrepreneurial class, state intervention, serving to reorient Otavalan
as well as a semiproletariat that, employed in production to market opportunities (Korovkin
these enterprises, did not need to migrate long 1998).
distances in order to make a living, and could If the state provided some of the means
combine farming and weaving. This economy for this reaccommodation and capitalization of
facilitated the emergence of a trading class community entrepreneurial activity, nongov-
(larger than in Colta, and this time selling prod- ernmental and religious (often Evangelical
ucts from Otavalo) who, by mid-century, were Protestant) institutions did much the same, par-
traveling nationally and internationally to sell ticularly in the form of a range of community-
textiles (Buitrón 1962). Even by the 1960s, a based savings and loan institutions that emerged
number of Otavaleños were investing in hous- to fill gaps left by the state and private banks.
ing and consumer durables (Buitrón 1962). As These institutions supported agricultural and
haciendas kept control of more fertile valley- land-purchase activities as much as textile pro-
bottom land, the emergence of a more dy- duction (Korovkin 1997; 1998).
Reencountering Development 509

Otavalo’s economic transformation has been development as destruction. Of course, three

accompanied by significant political changes. places constitute too small and purposive a sam-
Local politics had been dominated by urban and ple from which to draw generalizations, and my
landed groups linked in some way to the haci- purpose here is not to stretch the material to
enda or urban textile economy, but even by make conclusions that cannot be sustained. On
1962, Buitrón reported the first Quichua teniente the other hand, elements of these transforma-
político,30 signaling the beginning of a more pro- tions show certain similarities, I would argue,
found set of changes. The progressive early dis- with other places of the Andes (Bebbington
placement of the hacienda’s political power and 1997) in a way that calls into question some of
control of land laid the foundation for a progres- the generalized claims of both neoliberal and
sive, if lagged, shift in the traditional distribu- poststructural frameworks. This in turn calls for
tion of political power (Korovkin 1998). Princi- a more inductive, empirical approach to building
pally these took form in the emergence of development theory that, in working at the level
indigenous provincial federations that became of both structure and agency, is more modest in
active in county and national politics—a pro- the general claims it makes. Such theory would
cess that began in the 1970s as part of the wider serve as much to frame questions about possibil-
rise of ethnic organizations in the country (Beb- ity as to make assertions about determinacy.
bington et al. 1992). Early leaders in these orga-
nizations came from relatively prosperous fami-
lies, marking the clear link between economic Viability, Migration, and Place
transformation and political change, if also rais-
ing questions about who it was that these new Migration is frequently taken as a primary in-
institutions represented. The two main federa- dicator of nonviability. Depending on one’s an-
tions, FICI (Federación Indígena y Campesina alytical lens, it can be seen as a consequence of
de Imbabura) and FICAPI (Federación Indí- development destroying agricultural livelihoods,
gena y Campesina de la Provincia de Imbabura), or as a measure of the incomplete absorption of
each played active roles in the management and land-hungry peasants into urban labor markets.
control of the provincial bilingual education In these three cases, however, it has been more
programs of the 1980s and 1990s, and have be- than either of these interpretations. It has been
come active in a subsequent national program a means of producing, securing, and investing in
for the development of indigenous communities rural localities with the effect of transforming
(Andrango 1998; Korovkin 1998: 133–34). them.
Though these changes have not been with- Many dynamics are at play here. Migrants
out their own conflicts among different political, have consistently used earnings to purchase
geographical, and kin-based currents within the land, particularly in those periods when more
federations (Andrango 1998), their emergence land was available because of lower population
and role in regional politics has nonetheless densities and when shifts in rural power rela-
shifted the balance of power in discussions of de- tionships weakened the hacienda’s grip on
velopment and access to resources. This marks a land.31 Migration has also been an important
significant shift in the political landscape of the way of financing the building of a new architec-
region—a shift in which, to some extent, a pol- tural landscape as people replace adobe and
itics that is also “distinctively their own” is thatched-roof houses with more modern build-
emerging. In Otavalo, politics, culture, and ing materials.32 Whether as peddlers, urban la-
economy have all been transformed and, in the borers, or international traders (as in Otavalo
process, become more—if far from perfectly— and parts of Colta), these migrants have trans-
inclusive. ferred income from engagement in labor and
trade markets into the same steady reconquest of
land and space that Grillo has noted in the Pe-
Places and Theories ruvian highlands (1998: 136–37).
To be a migrant may not be the best of all
These cases throw light on several of the core possible worlds, but the ways in which many
themes in both poststructural and neoliberal people have used migration also challenge any
discussions of rural development: themes of via- simple notion of this behavior as a mere indica-
bility and place, hybrids and alternatives, and tor of the destruction of rural livelihood, or im-
510 Bebbington

pending urban transition. Migration has be- Of course, the structural constraints are
come constitutive of lifestyles that make claims many. People migrate partly as a result of the sys-
on more than one place. It has its appeal to those tematic lack of public investment in areas of
young adults like Manuel who love to come back dominantly indigenous populations and the his-
to Colta periodically, but with time, get bored, torical failure of haciendas to invest signifi-
and so also like to return to urban or coastal cantly in employment generation. Meanwhile,
areas. It has also been used by many, of all in- accounts of migrant work experiences recall
come brackets and ages, not just to maintain a long hours, heavy burdens, long commuting
link with rural areas, but also to consolidate trips to work, and cramped living conditions. So
this link. Part of this is clearly an issue of status this is not to be naïve. But it is to put the agent
and conspicuous consumption (cf. Colloredo- back into migration and to suggest that people
Mansfield 1994). The community of Sablog Rosa use it for ends that are more than merely ones of
Ines in Guamote is like many others in that its survival, and in many cases, have turned migra-
showiest house—a two-story house with bal- tion into strategies that both create economic
cony and mock brick facing—is empty for much resources and re-produce rural places. Agricul-
of the year while its owners work in the north- ture may not be competitive, but the livelihoods
ern highlands. But much of this sustained link is that it continues to be a part of clearly are.
also an issue of lifestyle, cultural practice, and
identity. People comment, whether talking of
their homes, or their participation in commu- Autonomy, Hybrids and Alternatives
nity public-works programs to install water or
electricity, that this is an investment in a place The cases all reflect a very significant invest-
to which they can return to rest, celebrate fies- ment in rural places on the part of campesinos.
tas, perform discrete agricultural tasks, and ulti- Individually and collectively, people struggle to
mately retire. Speaking of Pulucate, one of the maintain these places, and to expand their
larger communities in Colta, Becky Tolen (1995: degree of control over the social and economic
318) similarly comments: “[w]hen those who processes that unfold there. This process occurs
own businesses, even houses, in Guayaquil, are at various levels: the body (in the case of dress),
asked why they also built houses in the country- the locality (as, for instance, when people mon-
side, they insist, against all appearances, that itor the passage of others into and out of com-
they will someday live in the countryside again.” munities), and the microregion (as in the case of
Migration also becomes a means of sustain- governance processes in Guamote).
ing subsistence agriculture, and thus the prac- While this statement resonates with Esco-
tices linked to agriculture—even if these are bar’s claim that development alternatives will
practiced by only some members of the house- involve the defense of the local, the notion of
hold, and only occasionally by migrants on their “defense” draws too sharp a distinction between
periodic returns to the highlands. These prac- local and external. It implies too static a notion
tices in turn continue to be constitutive of iden- of the local, and ultimately more antagonism in
tity. Tolen (1995: 130) again captures this per- the relationship between locality and external
fectly:33 “[d]espite the ever-increasing significance institutions than necessarily exists. Indeed, to
of migration, agriculture is the heart and soul of draw on another element of his framework, it
life in Pulucate as residents describe it. As a seems more apposite to think of people actively
form of activity, agriculture is thought of prima- engaging in the production of “hybridized” lo-
rily as the provision of food to people and ani- calities than in the defense of a pregiven local-
mals. This act, in turn, is the essence of human- ity. This hybridization occurs through active en-
ity and sociability.” The ethnographic record gagement in wider labor and product markets,
elsewhere in the Andes similarly emphasizes the with the institutions of the national state, and
relationship between place, the practices that the institutions of development (discussed in
coresidence makes possible, and cultural iden- the following section). Otavalo is the clearest
tity (Allen 1988; Rasnake 1988; Weismantel case in which an engagement with markets has
1988). Retaining some toehold in farming ap- been central to strategies (including land acqui-
pears to be particularly significant to such ques- sition and political organization) that help se-
tions of practice and identity, however econom- cure greater control of locality. But such engage-
ically uncompetitive that agriculture may be. ments are also apparent in the case of migrants
Reencountering Development 511

who work periodically elsewhere, investing their “La gente se esta modernizando” [“people are
savings in the highlands (see above). Beyond modernizing”], one young campesino reflected
any assertion of status, this investment is also a approvingly as he and I looked out across Sa-
way of creating places that are more subject to blog’s fields and houses one day. This, though,
the person’s control: “[t]hese houses are not only was no rudderless modernization, commented a
an expression of having one foot in the urban friend: “you learn from the past. You tie yourself
world: they are also a way of maintaining one into tradition and history and bring it forward into
foot outside that world, a refusal to accept that the present.” And in this process of assembling
one is entirely defined by one’s marginalized po- the artifacts of modern Ecuador in new ways and
sition in urban society” (Tolen 1995: 318).34 combining them with prior practices, these ma-
Of course, Otavalo is something of a sui gen- terials and ideas become indigenous, conveying
eris case. Nor is there necessarily much to cele- a refashioned but still distinct identity.35
brate in livelihood strategies based on selling More than defending and resisting, people
labor cheaply in distant environments, and and their organizations seem to seek means of
building houses that one cannot live in year- using, controlling, and making meaningful these
round because highland livelihoods are unable processes of composition and hybridization. Or
to generate sufficient income. But something in the words of three Quichua bilingual educa-
more is going on. Through various types of orga- tors, “this speaks very clearly of the deep cultural
nizations and networks, people are increasing nationalism [of Quichuas] that must be orga-
the extent to which they control these places, nized and directed, but by their own leaders and
and the processes that unfold in and on them. social promoters” (Bueno et al. 1983, my empha-
This is most clear in the new organizational and sis).36 As people produce these new places, they
political landscapes of each of these localities. produce new meanings and identities—but still,
At a local level, legalized communities have as Salomon insists, maintaining “a pattern that
multiplied across the landscape to become the is distinctively their own.”
basic unit of rural governance. Supracommunal
campesino federations have also developed in
each case, and an increasingly vibrant indige- Coproduction, Institutions and Networks
nous Evangelical church in most. These organi-
zations have increasingly trespassed into the ter- The transformations that have occurred in
rain of the state, seeking to make it a further each of the cases discussed here have much to do
mechanism through which local populations in- with the cumulative effect of individual and col-
crease their influence over the ways in which lective struggles to build livelihoods and rework
places are produced. Guamote is the most obvious the relations of power that structure patterns of
case of this process, but in Colta and Otavalo, el- access to resources and of participation in mar-
ements of the same process are apparent. In- kets and political processes. But they also have a
deed, this process reaches wider through the Ec- great deal to do with the ways in which state de-
uadorian and, perhaps especially, Bolivian velopment programs, different churches, and an
Andes (Booth et al. 1997). array of nongovernmental development agen-
Each of these strategies and practices involve cies have engaged with, responded to, and often
engaging with modernizing institutions and promoted these individual and collective strug-
practices. In the process, new rural landscapes gles. Even if these intersections between popular
are produced: landscapes with modern building practice and the practice of development have
materials, new commodities, new forms of dress, sometimes occurred in quite unplanned and un-
vehicles parked outside campesino houses, in- predictable ways, with equally unanticipated
creasing use of Spanish as an everyday language, outcomes, they have implications for how we
Quichuas sitting behind office desks that were think about claims that development has failed,
once the preserve of others, and so on. These are at least in the Ecuadorian Andes.
new landscapes, symbolic of many changes that It would be hard to argue that the situation in
have occurred in how people live, and think of Colta, Guamote, and Otavalo is, today, worse
living, in these rural spaces, and of the extent to than in the periods when hacienda-based re-
which so many of their practices are mediated gimes of power and control dominated these
through the incorporation of modern ideas, areas. The transformation of these power rela-
things, and commodities. tions is clearly, in part, a result of everyday and
512 Bebbington

organized forms of peasant resistance and mobi- five years and a change in government, Huilca
lization, and land purchase using migrant earn- was forced out. It is, though, to recognize agency
ings. But it is also, and primarily, a consequence within these constraints, and to note that its ef-
of land-reform programs. These programs, in part fects can be lagged, and lasting, even after the
responses to campesino mobilization, also became agent’s space has been closed.
possible because of pressure from an emerging The constraints on economic accumulation
national bourgeoisie who saw the hacienda as a are greater than those on changes in local gover-
brake on market expansion, and from the U.S. nance. There has, though, been accumulation
for land reform throughout Latin America in or- in these areas. Much of this has occurred be-
der to prevent the rise of communism. The leg- cause of work done in other places as migrant la-
islation created the legal space for campesinos to bor. Nonetheless, the emergence of the weaving
recover land, a process that very often involved industry in Otavalo (Salomon 1981; Korovkin
collaborations between communities, state of- 1998), the more localized patterns of agricul-
fices, the church, and NGOs. Over the last de- tural intensification in parts of Colta, or cases
cade, the Catholic Church and an NGO, Fondo such as the campesino agroindustrial complex of
Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio, completed Salinas (Bebbington et al. 1992) suggest that
this process of complete land transfer in Gua- the conditions for competitiveness can be cre-
mote, using Church funds to finance campesino ated through external intervention.39 In the con-
purchase of remaining hacienda land.37 text of a globalized economy, understanding the
These transformations in relationships of ac- coproduction of economic possibilities through
cess underlie the subsequent changes in gover- the joint actions of people, their networks, and
nance in each region as new political and social external intervention thus becomes critical to
institutions have been built or assumed more any attempt to build counternarratives against
strength. The emergence of community-based neoliberal formulations of crisis: counternarra-
organizations and federations, Quichua munici- tives that recognize, however, the importance of
pal governments, and now Quichua NGOs owes the economic as well as the cultural and politi-
much to development interventions. While cal dimensions of alternatives.
much of this support came from NGOs and Rather than read off from different project
priests who supported community capacity to documents the ways in which development in-
negotiate with state programs and to access re- terventions aimed to discipline and control
sources, some of it came from state programs these three areas, these cases therefore highlight
themselves. This was frequently because of the the ways in which the practice of development
actions of individuals within these programs interventions, and their effects, have opened up
who turned institutional practice and resources new spaces and opportunities in political and
to particular purposes. The examples here are market spheres. Contra many neoliberal argu-
many. Some are of those foot-slogging commu- ments, this does indeed suggest that viability
nity organizers, like Miguel Rojas, who, by 1997, can be created, and—contra many poststruc-
could not remember how many communities he tural interpretations—it suggests that develop-
had helped organize and gain the legal status ment interventions can play roles in contribut-
they needed in order to engage with other pub- ing to such reworkings of power relationships.
lic programs. Others are educators like Carlos None of the above is to make the normative
Moreno, who—from within a government edu- suggestion that current forms of market and po-
cation department—managed to mobilize re- litical participation are ideal. It is, however, to
sources for literacy training programs that trained suggest that spaces have been created through
small armies of community-level promoters (in- the combined effect of people’s initiatives and
cluding those quoted earlier), many of whom development intervention. Many people have
subsequently assumed leadership positions in used these spaces to secure livelihoods, expand
campesino and other organizations. And finally their control over highland places, and con-
there are those occasional directors who, like tinue investing in the highlands. Understanding
Wilson Huilca, turned whole rural development how such spaces opened up and have been used
programs into something bearing scant resem- is critical for thinking about alternatives. Cate-
blance to the project document.38 Again none gorical assertions about the destructiveness of
of this is to be naïve about political constraints development distract attention from these
on development interventions—indeed, after spaces and the possibilities that inhere in them.
Reencountering Development 513

Conclusions been multiple and, in many instances, have con-

tributed to the restructuring of local power rela-
Development as Destruction tions and patterns of access to resources. These
or Coproduction? effects in turn depend significantly on the prac-
tices of agents within these programs. Indeed,
Poststructural and neoliberal takes on devel- there is considerable dissonance between some
opment are, both in some sense, narratives on of these practices and the sometimes-stated na-
destruction: in the former case, the narrative is tional policy that these programs were intended
that development has destroyed local cultures; to foster the integration and assimilation of
in the latter, it is that it ought do so as a “neces- Quichuas into Ecuadorian society. The implica-
sary if unfortunate” consequence of fostering tion is that there are a variety of knowledge-
more “efficient” forms of resource use. The cases power regimes at work within the institutions of
discussed here make it difficult to accept such development. If that is so, then the ways in
interpretations. which poststructural analyses have deployed the
There are both epistemological and empiri- knowledge-power/institutions-intervention re-
cal reasons for challenging the notion that sig- lationship as the cornerstone of their analyses
nificant parts of the Andes do not merit devel- may be too blunt, obscuring the scope for, and
opment investment because they are not the effects of, agency. As Escobar notes, ethnog-
economically viable. The epistemological case raphies of development are important: but in
revolves around the problem of trusteeship (Co- this case, they challenge elements of his and re-
wen and Shenton 1996), and the very narrow lated frameworks. They question the generaliz-
categories through which such interpretations ability of the conclusions as well as some of the
define “viability.” The empirical reason is that categories being used.
though there is clearly a problem of agricultural The same seems to be the case in post-
viability in many parts of Colta and Guamote, structural discussions of alternatives: these, and
people have nonetheless composed livelihood the knowledges that are claimed to go with
strategies that allow a degree of accumulation.40 them, also seem to be essentialized conceptions.
They have invested heavily in local institutions The emphasis on resistance is, in some sense wel-
and built form, if not always in agriculture. In come and appropriate, but to phrase it categori-
this way, they have kept these places viable and cally as resistance to state interventions, or op-
vibrant even though agricultural livelihoods position to modernization, seems unhelpful: for
meet only a small part of household income while explaining some phenomena, others be-
needs. Meanwhile, cases like Otavalo suggest come harder to explain when resistance is essen-
that in situ viability can be created with time, tialized in this way. Given this, and given the
and that, indeed, income from migration might apparent logics at work across these diverse
be an important initial stage in this process. The cases, it seems more appropriate to argue at a
absence of institutions through which migrant simpler level. People encounter development
income can be translated into productive in- from their mundane, daily concerns to build and
vestment in places like Colta and Guamote is improve their livelihoods, to build places they
probably a more important reason for the cur- enjoy being in, to give meaning to their lives
rent stagnation of the local economy than any through these livelihoods and places, and to
ecologically determined nonviability. maintain and, as far as possible, to extend the
Poststructural interpretations are similarly degree to which they can exercise control over
vulnerable to both epistemological and empiri- their conditions of existence. This encounter
cal critique. From these cases at least, it is not can sometimes seem like resistance, sometimes
easy to substantiate the view that development like accommodation, and sometimes like self-
programs and plans are merely exercises in a interest. But first and foremost, people encoun-
form of cultural domination exercised through ter development in the process of trying to build
the institutions of the modernizing state. While something of their own. In these cases at least,
such interpretations ring true for certain cases, this means that “modernizing development” is
at certain points in time, these cases suggest the not necessarily resisted but is more often taken,
importance of empirical rather than simply dis- transformed, and used; and similarly, moderniz-
cursive analyses of these interventions. In these ing institutions are worked with, used, trans-
instances, the effects of these programs have formed, and turned, as far as possible, to people’s
514 Bebbington

own purposes. As a consequence, almost every- Conversely, the risk is that arguments about hy-
thing about development is “coproduced.” This bridity and place lead inexorably to analyses of
coproduction occurs at the intersections of in- the kind that celebrate difference and context-
stitutional practices and popular practices, and specific alternatives. Such approaches are vul-
of different practices within those institutions nerable to the accusation of case specificity and
and popular sectors (for there is rarely a conver- exceptionalism, and can make theory building
gence of local minds on the sorts of home and or generalization difficult. The approach taken
meaning that ought to be built, or over who here, to compare ethnographic and historical
should have a say in this). Similarly, it is copro- accounts of different localities, is one way of ad-
duced through people’s engagements with a dressing this problem, though it has methodolog-
range of markets, and historical and moderniz- ical difficulties of its own. The claim, though, is
ing ideas and practices. that under certain circumstances it is possible to
The notion of hybridity (Escobar 1995) is read across these texts and to suggest the exist-
useful here, but needs further elaboration. If ence of patterns in the ways in which develop-
popular practice, livelihood, and culture has al- ment is experienced locally and in which liveli-
ways been hybrid, then it is conceptually (as hoods and landscapes are constructed.41
well as empirically) inconsistent to celebrate, by Of course, three cases are too few to make
definition, the local over the external. Rather, it categorical claims. Such claims about pattern
may be more important to understand the pre- would obviously assume more authority, the
ferred hybrid forms implied in popular strategy, greater the number of cases, and the greater
the terms and relationships of power under the convergence among interpretations of dif-
which such hybridization occurs, and the condi- ferent readers of these cases. As this process of
tions under which those relationships are re- validated comparison and synthesis moves for-
worked to the benefit of those groups whose in- ward, it becomes easier to theorize and general-
terests the author is primarily concerned with. ize. The general argument to be made at this
Such an approach, of course, has many dan- point, however, is that subalterns are not merely
gers. To some extent, it takes the broader politi- victims who resist, but also agents who have suc-
cal economy as given, looking for room-for- ceeded in opening up spaces within states and
maneuver within its constraints. This not only markets. They have used these spaces to build
brackets the possibilities that these constraints new types of hybrid livelihood, institutions, and
might be changed. It can also divert attention landscapes that are constitutive of quite distinc-
from critical discussion of the extent to which tive forms of place making that, though incor-
people have no choice but to pursue their live- porating many symbols of modernity, are indeed
lihoods through practices structured by a glo- alternative to simple landscapes of moderniza-
balized economy whose very dominating effect tion. It is hard to imagine that the same spaces
closes off the possibility of imagining alterna- would have opened without people having en-
tives outside it. On the other hand, a focus on gaged with markets, state programs, and devel-
coproduction can hone attention on the ex- opment interventions.
tent to which room-for-maneuver for generat- This is an argument for building up a body of
ing income and further extending the social ethnographically informed histories and geo-
control of local political and economic institu- graphies of development through the Andes.
tions might exist within these political eco- Working at a regional level, it becomes more
nomic constraints. possible to narrate stories that do more justice to
human agency while, at the same time, being
clear on structural constraints. Such mesoscale
Theorizing Up? knowledge (cf. Turner 1989) also offers greater
hope of reducing the distance between theory
If coproduction and hybridity are central to and practice, critique and alternative. In these
development as practiced and experienced, cases, it implies that increasing grassroots con-
then, as the material reviewed here suggests, ob- trol over the ways in which places are produced
servers ought to be cautious before making ge- and governed is central to alternatives. Building
neric arguments about causation and possibility more accountable political institutions is criti-
of the kind made by both neoliberal and post- cal here, but alone is insufficient. This is so not
structural critics of development in the Andes. only because the grassroots control of such insti-
Reencountering Development 515

tutions will never be harmonious, and some spirit of “reencountering” and rescuing develop-
popular interests will always prevail over others. ment, to understand possibility.
It is also—and more important—because such
institutions have only limited effect on the eco-
nomic dimensions of livelihood. Yet these eco- Acknowledgments
nomic dimensions are critical in determining
the types of rural places produced, and the abil- This paper has not been an easy one to write, and
ity of people to spend much time actually living it owes a great deal to feedback received in presenta-
in and enjoying those places. tions at Stanford University, the Universities of Brit-
More viable livelihoods will not be ro- ish Columbia, Texas, and Colorado, and in particular,
to the very helpful discussion of the paper by the Col-
manced into existence, but must instead be built
loquium on Agrarian Studies at Yale University. I am
up from already existing, and however imperfect particularly grateful to Jim Scott for his encourage-
strategies. Understanding livelihood thus be- ment and commentary. My thanks also to the follow-
comes critical for theory, in order to understand ing for their constructive and always challenging
how places are produced and governed, and who comments: Carolyn Cartier, Hugh Raffles, Don
participates in these processes. It is also critical Moore, Rachel Silvey, Lucien Taylor, Dodie McDow-
for practice—to understand the ways in which ell, Billie Lee Turner II, Christian Kull, Michael
people have created livelihood opportunities Woolcock, Donna Goldstein, Arun Agrawal, Gaston
that foster accumulation, as well as the obstacles Gordillo, Dan Segal, Bill Durham, Alex Keyssar,
to such accumulation. Trevor Barnes, Manny Schegloff, and Eric Wolby.
The suggestions of five anonymous referees were very
In addition to studying regional transforma-
helpful. Thanks also to Jim Robb for the map. I would
tions of the peasantry, and the multiple ways in also like to acknowledge all that I have learned from
which campesinos engage with their political my exchanges on peasant economy with Octavio So-
worlds (as called for by Roseberry 1993), it is tomayor, Julio Berdegué, and Nico van Niekerk, and
therefore also important to understand the ways from my many hours discussing Colta with Becky Tolen.
in which rural populations have engaged with The preparation of the paper was supported by a
different markets and the public, nongovern- Hewlett Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Studies
mental, and ecclesiastical institutions of devel- in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University.
opment. Such inquiries would seek to under-
stand the ways in which the practices of (and
within) these institutions have both closed and Notes
opened opportunities for creative forms of popu-
lar engagement with state and market. Ulti- 1. For some of the many reflections on its implica-
mately such an approach could identify how ac- tions for development geography and anthropol-
tions have led, and might lead, to change in ogy, see Blaikie (1998); Watts (1993); Peet and
both the local and the wider systems in which Watts (1996); Watts and McCarthy (1997);
campesinos are embedded. Yapa (1998); Crush (1995); Rigg (1997); Simon
(1998); Moore (1999); and Little and Painter
Cowen and Shenton (1998: 50) have argued (1995).
that one of the “confusions, common through- 2. This family of broadly modernizing initiatives is
out the development literature, is between de- generally referred to in such writings as “the de-
velopment as an immanent and unintentional velopment project” (Simon 1998).
process as in, for example, the ‘development of 3. “Do you or don’t you support drinking water
capitalism’ and development as an intentional projects?” after reading Escobar, one otherwise
activity.” The suggestion here is that mapping sympathetic reader asked aloud. Escobar himself
the latter onto the former, and tracing the mutu- recognizes this problem: “[o]ne of the most com-
ally constitutive interactions between the two, mon questions raised about a study of this kind is
is critical to a geography of development. The what it has to say about alternatives” (1995:
challenge is to map onto the geography of capi- 222). James Ferguson, who has pursued a similar
line of critique, similarly notes: “[t]here seems to
talist development in the Andes the (always hy- be a certain frustration with the fact that my
brid) intentions and actions both of people analysis traces the effects or mode of operation of
building livelihoods and places, and of the ac- an apparatus without providing any sort of pre-
tors involved in development interventions. scription or general guide for action” (1990: 279).
This would be a mapping exercise concerned to 4. I want to emphasize two points here. First, it
recognize constraint, but above all, and in the should be noted that my focus is on rural commu-
516 Bebbington

nities and small towns: I do not address issues of ties, however, begins to ask some of these ques-
urban development. Second, and more impor- tions (Grueso et al. 1998).
tant, as the paper develops, I put more emphasis 12. Pile and Keith (1997: xi) suggest that we are in a
on the limitations of the poststructural position. period “where everyone seems to be talking
This is not because I wish to imply that I have about resistance and domination.”
more sympathy with the neoliberal—quite the 13. Thanks to Lucien Taylor for making this paren-
opposite. Rather, it is that, because my norma- thetical observation.
tive sympathies lie with those positions implied 14. Julio Berdegué, former director of the small-farm
or explicit in the work of poststructural authors, I technology transfer program of the Ministry of
find the empirical analyses and programmatic Agriculture, notes that it “was questioned from
implications of such approaches that much more two quite different positions, that nonetheless
disappointing. complemented each other in that they called for
5. In their discussion of Marglin’s (1990) call for the termination of the program: the technocrats
alternative development in India, Cowen and of the economic sector, for whom the campesi-
Shenton (1996: 470) note a similar irony. Mar- nado are a pointless waste of time (una huevada
glin’s recommendations are, they suggest, ulti- sin destino), and that it therefore made no sense
mately the same as those of Conservatives in the at all to waste US$20 a year [in per-capita pro-
British colonial period who also argued that im- gram expenditure] since it was better to support
provement could only come from Indian society their migration to the city and into other lines of
rather than state policy. “What irony! What was employment; and [secondly] the populists” (Ber-
once the part played by conservative doctrine degué 1999).
becomes the script for a present-day, very self- 15. Another approach would be to combine ethnog-
conscious radicalism” (1996: 470). raphies and survey research—a potentially fruit-
6. At one level, this critique seems to square poorly ful approach, though also with its methodologi-
with the fact that writers on alternative develop- cal and logistical problems.
ment almost consistently argue that the authors 16. It also merits saying that although the paper fo-
of alternatives ought to be popular actors. The cuses on Ecuadorian material, I have come to
problem, Cowen and Shenton (1996: 458–59) these interpretations on the basis of studies in
imply, is that ultimately the few still determine other parts of the Andes, especially in Bolivia. In
the contents of alternatives for the many because conducting this other research, I have been for-
“only those conscious of being so free, and being tunate enough to collaborate with Tom Carroll,
relatively developed, can assume the burden of Chema García, Leonith Hinojosa, Adalberto
trusteeship . . . for the purpose of the relative har- Kopp, Luciano Martinez, Diego Muñoz, Perico
mony of authentic development” (1996: 458). Perés, Godofredo Sandovál, Tom Perreault, Galo
7. Based on a reading of development planning in Ramón, Victor Hugo Torres, the late Hernán
Colombia, Escobar’s is already a view from the Carrasco, and not least, Denise Bebbington.
Andes. It has been elaborated in Apffel-Marglin 17. The 1990 census counts 47,658 people in Colta
and PRATEC’s (1998) more specifically Andean (INEC 1992: 13).
critique of development. This critique similarly 18. This is not to imply that all families use the strat-
sees development as a failed extension of a Euro- egy. Some leave permanently (or only return for
pean enlightenment project: “Development is a one fiesta a year), yet most families maintain the
symptom of the senile dementia . . . of the foothold in Colta, reflected in the fact that pop-
plague” of European colonization (Grillo 1998: ulation continues to increase although more
137). slowly than other cantons in Chimborazo (INEC
8. As I shall discuss below, recent debates in the 1992).
Andes question elements of this argument, as the 19. The “comuna,” a legally recognized administra-
notions of failure and hopelessness have been tive unit since the early 1930s, in essence, re-
used by other parts of the bureaucracy to argue placed the hacienda as the basic unit for the gov-
that certain programs and types of investment ernance of rural space. I use the term community
ought be terminated for reasons of fiscal tight- to refer to these legally constituted entities, and
ness. Again the problem derives from a treat- not to imply a homogeneity of interests within
ment of bureaucracies and states as unitary, over- local populations.
looking their internal struggles for resources, 20. I use the term “surveillance” deliberately: com-
power, and the definition of policy. munities monitor arrivals and departures not
9. This is not to imply that such authors do not also only of local people, but also, more important, of
see the need for broader social change. strangers. Cars and people on foot are stopped
10. Ferguson’s (1990) epilogue similarly emphasizes and asked who they are and where they are
the role of such social movements. going. Periodically, forms of “popular law” are ex-
11. Escobar’s writing on Afro-Colombian communi- ercised by the community, when it identifies
Reencountering Development 517

wrong-doers. In areas to both the north and driving back and forth between the city and their
south of Colta, this has recently led to tensions ayllus. “Now that could be a good life, he com-
between community authorities and the official mented wistfully” (1988: 235–36).
judicial and police system. 35. This notion has been especially well articulated
21. “Mestizo” refers to mixed-race white/indigenous for the case of indigenous dress in the Andes
people who, in Colta and Guamote, typically (Zorn 1997; Tolen 1995); but also see Jokisch
managed, served, and traded with the haciendas, (1998) for the case of housing, and Bebbington
and would subject Quichuas to a range of abuses (1993) for that of agricultural practice.
(Maynard 1965). 36. This is from a document written by three Qui-
22. One family-planning NGO did, though, have its chuas for their training course to become bilin-
office there. gual educators. One of them, Jose Bueno, subse-
23. The 1990 census counts 28,058 people in Gua- quently became very active in one campesino
mote (INEC 1992: 13). organization, and now leads the Quichua NGO
24. I say “individual” because some communities own CEDEIN, mentioned in the discussion of Colta.
large extensions of land (generally high grass- 37. The program was, though, a national one.
lands) in common. 38. This observation, of course, cuts both ways: the
25. An official in the regional office of IERAC (the institutional weaknesses that allowed these indi-
former national institute for land reform) re- vidual actions can also allow less savory uses of
ferred to the priest in Guamote as “a very good public resources. Either way, the point is that there
friend of IERAC,” facilitating the rapid imple- is much scope for agency within these institutions.
mentation of land redistribution programs in the 39. Evans (1995, 1996) has similarly argued that in-
area (Andrade, 1989). dustrial comparative advantage can be created at
26. I refer to discussions with Hilario Maola, Genaro a national level via certain types of state-business
Guaylla, and Agapito Muñoz. embeddedness. The suggestion here, following
27. A number of these leaders had parents who had North and Cameron (1998), is that such com-
greater access to land. This meant that their chil- parative advantage can also be created at a sub-
dren had to migrate less frequently, and so were national level.
better positioned to assume this mediating role. 40. This is to challenge the neoliberal frameworks
28. There has, though, been little change in the gen- on their own epistemological grounds.
dering of local government in Guamote. 41. The parallel, in some sense, is that while each re-
29. This section draws on the work of others, and gion has its own indigenous peasant movement,
only a few interviews of my own. these movements are also able to coalesce na-
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31. Lehmann (1986) similarly identifies migration as a periences, however internally debated these na-
key source of income for land purchase in Carchi. tional platforms might be.
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tions associated with international labor migra- References
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Correspondence: Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0260, email Anthony.


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