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Get your lover back -

The No #1 Most Comprehensive System For Winning Your Lover Back..

"Discover the Ultra Rare Secret to Using Psychological Tactics to Get Your Ex Begging &
Pleading to Want YOU Back..."

Read This Page Immediately If You Want The Fastest Way to Win Your Ex Back Right Now!

FROM: Ashley Kayme

Hi, my name is Ashley and I'm going to help you get your ex lover back.

Impossible? Tall order I know, but I say this because I've been helping thousands of men and
women reunite for over a year now, and the best feeling I get is when I hear my customers having
success using my strategies to win back an ex partner and finally have the relationship they want!

I will warn you that my tactics are nothing like you've seen before. I'm brutally "honest" and my
advice are quite frankly be "blunt" and "harsh" if you're not ready to hear it.

With that said, it works ONLY IF you follow the exact strategy that I'm about to reveal with you!

The biggest obstacle people have when using my strategy is that they "fall off track" and never
return to the fundamentals that I teach in order for them to succeed.
I'm going to reveal the secrets MOST people will never know about getting an ex back...

* The biggest misconceptions to what an ex does after a break up and how it ultimately affects
your chances to win them back
* The truth about whether you have a chance to win your ex back
* The ONLY thing that matters if you want your ex back...

So.. with that said, let's tackle this one step at a time...
I must warn you now...

There are
7 Deadly Mistakes That’s Killing Your Chances... Are You Making These Right Now?

Are you making these mistakes?

* Calling your partner constantly after the break up.

* Saying "I Love you" over and over and how much you can’t live without them.
* Trying to convince them that you’ll change and everything will be different this time.
* Begging and crying, acting out of desperation in the hopes that they will feel “sorry” for you
and take you back.
* Trying to use reason and logic to get them to come back.
* Resorting to arguing, blaming and guilt trips when all else hasn’t worked.
* Doing absolutely nothing because you’re afraid to make things worse.

Let me be BRUTALLY honest here... people ACT ON EMOTIONS.. NOT logic, reason, threats or
guilt trips. This thing called "emotion" is something you can't FORCE onto people by "begging
and pleading".

Actually, the only emotions your ex will feel when you act DESPERATE is sympathy (or

The truth is your ex had a major emotional advantage over you because they had the chance to
PREPARE for the break up. You DIDN'T.

Why is it NOT too late if you have made every single one of these mistakes?

Most people ARE extremely forgiving people. All of us have the capacity to want to try and
understand why someone behaves a certain way.

Your ex is the same way. He or she will think back to that period where you screwed up and think
"Yes, that was terrible and I really wish it never happened BUT I can understand WHY he/she did

And your ex will understand because they are the one who "broke your heart", "rejected your
advances", "ignored you" or "called you nasty names" etc.
It is NOT Your Fault, No One Is There To Teach This Stuff

We always analyse things after the fact and then consider what we would or would not have
done. What makes your ex one of the most forgiving people on the planet right now is that THEY

I think people forget this and want to carry ALL the blame, what they failed to see is that a
relationship failed because BOTH you and your partner didn't know how to save it. That's all.

So remember, it is NOT your fault, and you're FAR from hopeless in terms of saving your
relationship and getting the "attraction" and "spark" back in your relationship.
Is it Possible to Win Your Ex Back?

Break ups are a common part of learning about dating and relationships. What you learn from a
break up is more important than the actual break up as it teaches you what you like, don't like and
what to watch out for your next relationship.

I'm sure you've heard of couples who have gotten back together who really shouldn't have. Or
couples who constantly break up and get back together like the season. You may have personally
experienced this "break up" and "get back together" cycle to know what I mean.

The truth is, the act of getting back together is as common as break ups because people are
everchanging, dynamic and OFTEN change their minds.

Ever said or did something to your partner only to later regret it? Face it, we all make mistakes,
we're not perfect. We learn by DOING and break ups are apart of that.

Getting an ex back is actually not the difficult part, what is crucial is that you understand:

1. Why your ex left (the REAL reason).

2. What it was that attracted your ex to you in the first place.

I believe if there was genuine love in the relationship, that love doesn't just "disappear". Your ex
may try to hide it or deny it, but the truth is, it's very difficult if not near impossible to flip your
feelings off for someone completely.
The Biggest Misconception #1- What It Means When You Hear: "I don't love you anymore"...
Here's a quick quiz I'd like you to take. Does your ex:

* Tell you they don't love you anymore, there's no spark and they just don't feel anything for
you anymore.
* Tell you they will never get back together with you and that you should move on.
* Tell you they hate you and never want to see or talk to you again.
* Goes out of their way to act like they don't care about you.
* Tells you they want to be friends, then either doesn't contact you at all OR acts like nothing
has changed.
* Starts seeing someone else almost immediately.

If you answered yes to any of the above, it's not NEARLY as hopeless as it seems.

All of the above are very common when a break up occurs. The reason being is that PEOPLE are
mostly the same no matter what kind of relationship you were in and what part of the world you're
from: We all want to avoid pain and gain pleasure.

What you need to keep in mind when you see these behaviours is that:

"Your Ex is doing what they believe is the RIGHT thing."

The problem is that it's an ACT and not what they really want or feel.

You know this because you have done it too. Haven't you ever said things that were not exactly
true but you said them anyway to protect yourself and to do the right thing?

For example, telling kids that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny exists even when you know they
don't. You do it because it's the "right thing" to do.
The Biggest Misconception #2 - Your Ex Hates You Just Because They Say They Do

The biggest misconception people have is they believe HATE is the OPPOSITE of love. The truth
is there is a FINE line between love and hate, and more often than not those lines do cross over.

Why do you think your ex would CARE to hate you if they didn't care for you at all?

It's the people who are closest to us that has the potential to hurt us the most, and your ex knows
this! In fact, you see this in couples all the time when an argument erupts. They know exactly
what to say to hurt one another. And it works every time.

I classify the following as things your ex is doing when in DEFENCE mode:

* Ignoring you or shutting you out

* Telling you they hate you and never want to see you or talk to you again
* Blocking your advances quickly (like a reflex reaction)
* Doing things deliberately to make you jealous (dating someone new, deleting you on
Facebook, telling or showing you how happy they are now you're broken up)

If your ex just did not care at all and they've completely moved on, they wouldn't bother putting in
the EFFORT to hate you.. yes that's right, it's not easy to hate someone and keep hating

If your ex is putting in so much effort to block you out and treat you like you don't matter, then
clearly you know the OPPOSITE is true, because to truly not care would mean they'd be in their
natural state around you.

In other words, they'd be indifferent!

The more an ex appears to hate you, the MORE they're really hurting inside. That's why you need
to approach the whole situation very carefully! The mistakes you make while they're vulnerable
matters and they STACK.

For example, when you're extremely emotional and the same annoying person keeps contacting
or annoying you, you're going to dislike that person even more.
Here's The Truth to Whether Your Ex Really Has Feelings For You...
(Press Play to View Video)
The ONLY Way You Can Possibly Win An Ex Back Is...

Here's the secret to what my course is about and how it can help you win your ex back even if it
"appears" helpless.

There are PSYCHOLOGICAL triggers that are present in ALL HUMAN BEINGS... in fact these
are so hardwired into us that MOST people fall for these with little or NO resistence. These
psychological tactics are EXTREMELY powerful and virtually hands you the key to getting anyone
to do whatever you want them to do!

Men and women have their own specific psychology triggers as well as those we all share to help
us move through the world.

I've created a revolutionary system that step-by-step walks you through how to use simple but
powerful psychology tactics to pull your ex back to you and reignite their love and attraction for
you.. in a way that is HONEST, FAST WORKING and LONG LASTING.

This ONLY works due to these principles:

* People want what they can't have

* People can be easily persuaded if you know what they want and how you can align their
needs with your needs

I want to show you exactly how you can use these psychological principles to get your ex back...
A Powerful Psychological STEP-by-STEP System
to Get Your Ex Lover Back
"The Ex Recovery System"

Download The Ex Recovery System Now

I've been spending a year meticulously putting together a POWERFUL and PROVEN system that
steps you through the EXACT blueprint - what to do, say and act and when - for bringing your
lover back. Not only will it show you the exact, step-by-step blueprint to re-attracting your lover's
heart. It will show you an in-depth psychological break down of your break up.

The Answer to WHY your ex left and HOW to get them back...

Here's The Benefits You'll Receive Once You Have The Ex Recovery System In Your Arsenal...

* TWO Proven Psychological Strategies to winning your lover back one step at a time. One of
which is especially made for those:
o In long distance relationships or can’t see your ex on a regular basis.
o When your ex just won’t meet up with you under ANY circumstance.
o When nothing else you have tried has worked.
These techniques are EXTREMELY powerful and must be used ethically and for good people
only! You will not find this anywhere on the planet! (Page 96-122)
* How to cheat your way out of your break up pains in 5 minutes... this potent 4 step technique
will remove all your break up pains, calm your nerves and regain control of your emotions again.
(Page 17-22)
* How to be the “alpha” man or woman you need to be to talk, see and woo your ex back... and
you don't have to change anything about yourself! (Page 79)
* The 4 critical needs of a relationship... the SOUL of a relationship... if your relationship failed
it’s due to one or more of these not being met. (Page 28-29)
* The CORE reasons a man will leave a woman... these needs are so paramount that if you
give it to them and they will never leave you... ever. (Page 29-35)
* Find out what questions women ask themselves all the time to judge whether they want to be
with a man or not... these are the CORE needs of a woman. Give these to her and you’ll have her
in the palms of your hand... she’ll do anything to keep from losing you! (Page 35-41)
* Why YOUR EX left... not general men or women, but YOUR EX... the things that make your
Ex tick as an individual person... this is so important nothing else matters if it doesn’t personally
apply to what your ex wants ... I lay out exactly HOW you can get your partner’s needs met, now
and in the future. (Page 43)
* How to show your ex YOU'VE changed and have them believe you.. overcome your ex's
reasons for staying broken up.. this will make your ex reconsider in a heartbeat. (Page 110-116)
* Want to know how and what your ex was thinking before, during and after the break up? If
you ever wanted to get inside your ex’s head, find out ALL that was and is going on. This is as
close to a mind-reading device as you’ll get... you won’t find this ANYWHERE. (Page 44-58)
* One DEADLY hot button that will make your ex instantly rethink the break up and make them
want to get back together with you in an instant. (Page 59-62)
* How to STEAL your ex away from their new lover, even if your ex is not talking to you right
now. (Page 125-127)
* Find out a KEY component that could be ruining your chances of your dream relationship.
Could you be self-sabotaging your chances as we speak? (Page 63-69)
* Not sure when to contact your ex? I’ll hand you a mathematical formula you can use to
ensure your initial contact is a picture-perfect scenario... this is all a part of the master plan! (Page
* Your step-by-step blueprint on what to do, what to say, and how to act when you talk or meet
up with your ex. I’ll take you by the hand and guide you every step of the way. You won’t be left
guessing at what to do, say or how to act. (Page 81-129)
* 3 steps to becoming an ultra magnetic babe... your ex or anyone else won’t be able to resist
you... go from a “5” or “6” to a “10” EASILY. (Page 82-92)
* Important tips on SEX with an ex! If you don’t know how to use sex PROPERLY to reunite,
you could be taking huge steps BACKWARDS instead of forward with an ex. Know exactly what
to do to ensure POSITIVE steps towards reunion. (Page 106-108)
* How to REALLY tell whether your ex still has feelings for you. I don’t care what they say, this
is all you need to know to find out how they feel about you. (Page 123)
* The EXACT formula to getting your ex to finally commit to you! Is your ex on the fence right
now? Not sure whether to come back or not? This formula will show you how to get them to
commit once and for all! (Page 128-129)
* How to STOP a break up from happening again! The most important thing about maintaining
a relationship and how to stop the cycle of break ups and make ups. (Page 130-134)
* The absolute KEY to getting your ex to EAGERLY contact you again, without any resistance!
(Page 73-78)
* How you can "be friends" and still get your ex back... (Page 110 - 122)
* How to use these powerful psychological tactics especially if your ex is miles and miles away
from you.. (Page 110 - 122)
* Recapture and ignite the passion and romance in your relationship... as if it was like new.
Learn new habits that will quickly inject freshness and lust back into your relationship. (Page 110-

As you can see this is your personal roadmap to getting rid of your emptiness. The Ex Recovery
System is designed to be fail proof and NOTHING is left out.
"a journey to self discovery"

This is perfect! its great! well written and straight to the point! made me realize a lot of things
about myself, my ex and our past relationship... its like a journey to self discovery, it awakens you
to what kind of relationship you really want and deserve... a path towards happiness and better
things in life!

nini, philippines

I have uncovered every secret method, every myth and every proven technique to make you
happy again. You get this incredible ebook for only…
Wait, there’s more! I want to ensure your success so I have included some amazing bonuses to
really supercharge your results:

BONUS #1 - Ex Recovery Interactive JournalEx Recovery Interactive Journal

(Retail Price $67)

* I've compiled all the key notes within the system so you can see all the important information
at a glance. Print this out and keep it close with you.
* Goes perfectly with the Ex Recovery System. It contains quizzes, exercises and key notes
you’ll need for each section.
* Checklist: Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You - find out SHOCKING clues that spells an
ex still not over you.
* Checklist: Are you're Emotionally Ready to get your ex back? - You could be KILLING your
chances right now, understand when you're ready to get your ex back without making things
* Checklist: Do you really want your ex back? - this ultra important step shows you your self-
destructive patterns when it comes to relationships and how to ELIMINATE your inner conflict to
get your ultimate dream relationship.
* Checklist: Are you ready for contact? - so many people get this WRONG! I've taken to great
lengths to ensure you ALWAYS know the RIGHT time to contact.

BONUS #2 - Ex Recovery 3-in-1 BonusEx Recovery 3-in-1 Bonus

(Retail Price $47)

* Initial contact letter or phone call templates to plugin and use. I’ve even done the work for
you. You can use my letter templates, with a little customization, these are ready to send to your
ex right now.
* A powerful way to erase a MISTAKE you’ve made. I’ll hand you the proven formula for a
powerful and effective apology. Cleanse away the hurt and anger instilled in your ex and start
over again.
* Is your ex on the fence? I give you the absolute KEY to getting your ex to come back to you...
I’ll give you exactly what to say to build a near foolproof argument that your ex can’t resist to say
No to. They’ll have to take you back with this little tactic under your belt.

BONUS #3 - Basic Membership Access to MyRelationships Hub *NEW*

(Retail Price $17 per month)

This goes perfectly with the Ex Recovery System bundle as you can receive additional support,
coaching and advice from fellow Ex Recovery System members and the Expert Support Team
with your break up help!

What you get:

* Members-only never-before-seen video training from Ashley Kay

* Top quality support team especially trained to give you the best relationship advice at the
most affordable price online!
* Unlimited access to the ERS Community Forums which is a private forum for members,
Ashley and her team only. Get up-to-date advice, support on anything related to: Dating, Breaking
up, Romance, Relationships and Life!

Download The Ex Recovery System

Why It's Better to Act Sooner Rather Than Later... The Urgency IS Real!

The truth is, the sooner you use these strategies after a break up, the easier it will be to see
results and get your ex back.

I have many customers come back and tell me that they wish they'd purchased sooner because
they realized they were missing all the signals and signs early on and didn't jump at the chances
when they could.

Others say they did a few things wrong early on which could have been easily avoided only to set
the progress back even further. This is why, I encourage you to act NOW so you get the entire
PLAN from the start, so you are prepared every step of the way!

Another problem I see is people who take bits of advice here and there and use them sparingly
without fully understanding WHY they're using it or if it'd even fit in with their situation.

Don't do this! I know, money can be tight but I would strongly suggest that you invest in this
system if your relationship is truly worth fighting for. I make sure to explain everything clearly so
you understand what the strategy is about and why you need to use it for your situation!
"Many Customers Say They Wish They'd Purchased Sooner..."
"this has got to be the best so far"

I've bought many "get your ex back" products, and this has got to be the best so far. I think that
you covered a lot of areas, such as long distance relationships and if the ex is seeing someone
else. Everything was very detailed and the examples were great. The interactive journal is the
best thing ever!

When I broke up with my ex, that was exactly what I needed. I didn't know how to sort out my
feelings, I just didn't know where to begin, and the journal was the best thing to turn to. I learned
so much about myself, my ex and the relationship just from filling out that journal alone.

Anonymous, Canada
"excellent product"

An excellent product with lots of detailed information.. it was very helpful, especially the analysis
section on where the relationship went wrong in the first place.

Mike ladley, UK
"As close to a one on one session with Ashley as you can get"

A great book that’s hard to put down, Ashley provides a lot of insightful and actually useful
information that not only helped me tremendously, but gave me the tools to become a better
person along the way. As close to a one on one session with Ashley as you can get, without
actually being in the same room. Priceless!

Jonathan, Australia
Who Am I & How I Discovered This System...

My own break up came during my last year at University where I was majoring in Graphic Design.
I was at quite a low in my life and even worse when I discovered Graphic Design was NOT
something I wanted to do anymore. Somehow through all the PAIN I was in over the break up, I
found a new DESIRE to do something with my life.

This new desire or PURPOSE lead me down a path I never intended to take. I started to read and
study Relationship dynamics and Human Psychology like a maniac until I stumbled upon a
"secret formula" for winning back love in a book.

Unforunately, the book I had found mentioned nothing about the PRIMARY NEEDS of a
Relationship. The CORE reasons why relationships fail and the MINDSET you must possess in
order to get an ex back.

These were things I found to be CRUCIAL because so many people were coming to me asking "I
don't know exactly why my ex left, he just said he fell out of love, how can I get him back?" or "My
situation is different and No Contact only made my ex never talk to me again."

I read and studied countless books online and offline searching for exactly WHY people do what
they do and what the EXACT FORMULA for getting someone to get back with a past lover. These
were books on relationships, getting an ex back, human psychology and influence as well as
dating/pick up artist genre books.

After hundreds of hours of research and over a year of real world studies conducted, I put
everything I learned, all the secrets, tricks, myths into one massive and comprehensive book that
I'm sharing with you today. This is why The Ex Recovery System is The BEST and most
COMPLETE system on getting back an ex partner.
Why You Won’t Find This Information Anywhere Else On The Planet...

I don’t know why, but they certainly don’t teach this sort of stuff in school. I think it’s because all
relationship counsellors and the like would be all out of a job.

There are also a very limited amount of books available on this subject due to the fact that it is
SO specialized. I mean, if you go to your local bookstore, you’ll find rows and rows of SELF-
HELP books or relationship help books but they’re only helpful if you’re still in a relationship.
Nothing centres around repairing a relationship ONCE IT’S OVER.

And when you do look for help, either from friends, family members or even forums online, you’ll
find a lot of:

“Oh you should just move on.”...“You can find someone better.”...“That relationship isn’t worth
going back to”. Etc.

Why? Apart from the fact that it’s much easier to say “just move on already” instead of offering
REAL help - most of the time they just don’t know either!

The truth is there is nothing more important than the relationships you have and maintain with
others; especially romantic relationships.

Think about it, when are you the happiest? For me, it’s when I’m in love and my relationships are
going great! When are you the most miserable? Is it when your relationship isn’t where you want
it to be?

And when your relationship suffers so does everything else in your life. Suddenly, you can’t
concentrate at work anymore, you’d rather stay inside than go out, you can’t stomach food and
you find it hard “relating” to people anymore. You’re not YOU anymore.
Instant Download
Download The Ex Recovery System
Does It Really Work?

Clearly, a guarantee of success would be ridiculous for this type of thing as relationships and
people are impossible to predict with 100% accuracy. We can't even predict what we're going to
do ourselves half the time let alone figure out what someone else will do.

Some people go through the system only to discover they don't want their ex back anymore but it
has helped them move on and be happy anyway.

Others find that their ex is truly over them and in that case - and ONLY if you know for CERTAIN
they are - then it's best to let it go. There's no point trying to make someone love you when they
never did in the first place.

My system is not some kind of "magic" pill that will do it all for you while you sit back and do
nothing. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. If you want something you must go out there and TAKE

What I will say though is that the tactics within the book are based on how human beings work on
a PRIMAL level - things that are imprinted into our DNA and if you follow along, they are what
works MOST of the time for MOST people.

Besides, if you don't put this to use for you and your relationship, you will never know what kind of
results you will get. The worst that can happen is you move on, realize the relationship was never
going to work anyway and find someone else who makes you happy.

Remember, traditional relationship counselors charge upwards of $125 an hour to give similar
types of information. However they won't reveal all the secrets and techniques because they want
you to keep coming back to them. That's why I'm proud to be able to offer this full service to you (I
lay out all of my hidden secrets and techniques on the table) for such a low price.
Why the Ex Recovery System Is Unlike Other Products For Sale Online...

I've had an in-depth look at other "Get Your Ex Back" products out there and even some of the
free advice floating around (especially on forums), all I can say is, in terms of FREE information,
you get what you pay for. Even some of the paid stuff is rather "generic", and quite frankly I'm
disgusted to see people charging money for information that anyone can easily pick up for free

A lot of those products will only give you the BARE minimum of what you need, and for many
people that is not NEARLY enough.

They don't tell you what to do:

* If you can't maintain no contact.

* If you're friends with an ex.
* If your ex won't accept a date with you.
* If your ex won't even talk or see you.
* If you're in a long distance relationship.
* If you see your ex everyday due to work, school or family commitments (kids).

And that's only a small chunk of the things they leave out!

There is a huge lack of information in these products (possibly because the author didn't know
why the methods work?), that can be CRUCIAL to your success that I felt it was important I
create something that covered it ALL.

This is why I've created a "full-blown comprehensive step-by-step system" that covers exactly
what to say, do and act for YOUR specific situation and WHY these tactics work so you have a
complete working knowledge of these tactics.

Unless you understand exactly the strategy and why you're doing it, you will miss crucial
elements in your strategy and could push your progress backwards! This is something very few
products out there explain in detail.
Male & Female Psychology... Ex Recovery System Covers BOTH

Although the Ex Recovery System is suitable for both men and women, it DOES take into
account the fact that both MEN and WOMEN require different needs and have different

Many products out there promoted to both genders try to outline only the stuff that works for
BOTH genders, HOWEVER I've taken it a step further. Men and women DO think and
communicate differently, which is why you must use slightly different approaches depending on if
you want a man or a woman back.

Here's a super IMPORTANT fact about men and women...

MASCULINE and FEMININE traits (or male and female psychology) can be cross-gendered as
well. Meaning a man can have feminine traits and a woman can have masculine traits. This
means, you can use the information provided in the Ex Recovery System for BOTH genders to
your FULL advantage.

It's like you're getting 2 books for the price of 1!

Just imagine getting back together and being able to...

* Feel their arms and their lips around you again.

* Be filled full of ENERGY and EXCITEMENT about life again.
* Share the most precious moments of life with (getting pregnant, having kids, getting married,
growing old together).
* You’ll have someone to go on trips and holidays with again.
* Someone to share your hopes, your dreams, to laugh and tease at, and work together as a
TEAM to enhance your life experiences with!
* To ultimately be a part of a family again - especially if you have kids together. Imagine how
great it will be for everyone if that conflict is GONE for good!

Instant Access - Instant Download - 24 hours a day - No Waiting

Order The Ex Recovery System + BONUSES valued at $318+!
Download The Ex Recovery System
100% No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee!

I am completely confident you will get your ex back with the Ex Recovery System, however if for
some reason it didn't work for you OR you were not happy with the product in any way, I'll
GLADLY give you all your money back. In fact, I encourage it you do that!

I give you a full 60 days to try out this system risk-free, that is plenty of time to start seeing
"...repair the damage I’ve done..."

Thanks Ashley!
Just wanted to say well done! I have never come across a more in-depth detailed book on getting
my ex back. The explanations concerning the psychology of relationship was extremely helpful in
understanding all I’ve done wrong in my previous relationships as well as making me realize what
I what from them.
By far your interactive journal helped the most, really making me start Doing something to repair
the damage I’ve done. Now I’m smarter and more active in my current relationship, having the
best time of my life.

Thanks again for all the great work,

Ian, Australia

Look I know it's tough right now and everything feels like it's in a mess. You can't think straight or
focus on ANYTHING. I know this is the hardest part, but it doesn't have to be this way and hope
is NOT just a possibility or a fairytale, it's REALITY and I want you to take control of your fate right

I feel fortunate that due to this digital age, I'm able to offer this full service for such a low cost,
take advantage of this situation because I want to hear your success stories of how you got your
ex back as well!

Thank You For Reading & I'll See You Inside!

Ashley Kay

P.S Time is NOT on your side. Don't hesitate to take action, ACTIONS are what is going to win
your girlfriend, boyfriend or lover back. Take Action Now.

P.P.S Why are you still hesitating? Failing to act is what got you into this mess in the first place!
Start learning from your mistakes NOW and take the RIGHT actions. Download Now! You're
seconds away from turning the tables on your relationship.
Try The Ex Recovery System Risk-Free
Download The Ex Recovery System Now
Try The Ex Recovery System Risk-Free
Here's some more notes I've gotten about this system that I'd like to share with you :)
Everything happening as planned in the book!

I like how there are always little warnings to help you cope with the method and the reasons
these techniques work. It has helped me to deal with my breakup. I am now set up to get back or
move on, and do either successfully.

I am still in the process, but so far everything has worked according to plan. I started to avoid
texting and contact until i was ready. I she texted me after a few days of not contacting her
coincidentally the same day i wrote and sent out the initial contact letter... everything is going to
plan exactly as in the book.
Read it 3 Times now...

I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your book.

I have read it 3 times now and it has taught me a lot and I know that the
knowledge will be very useful in the future whether or not she gets back
with me.
It's been a week since she stopped calling and I am in NC..."giving her
space". I feel that I am running out of time but we'll see.
Again thanks for providing this wonderful product.

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He is now contacting me first, asking how i am!
I was constantly asking myself why we split up and section 2 What Really Went Wrong really
helped to settle my mind and explain things enough so that i stopped asking why.
Section 3 - Psychology Behind the Breakup, Although upsetting, explained why he did things the
way he did.
The guidance on the initial contact made me take a huge step forward as i felt in control for the
first time.
The only section i had no comfort from was the control techniques, but understanding the way the
brain works was fascinating and made me understand how to break the emotional cycle.

I sent the initial contact letter (well email actually!) and was suprised to get a reply the next day. I
was delighted to hear that he didn't want me not to contact him and he seemed positive about the
changes i had started to make.
He is now contacting me first, asking how i am! I think you advise about taking charge of the
situation by setting the rules really helped me to take a step forward with the grieve process
I loved the overall product!
I loved the overall product. It has been very helpfull to me personally. I would have to say the part
I liked the most is the letter of acceptance to your ex. I have not yet done it because I am waiting
until I am sure of the acceptance. However, I have been separted for close to 3 yrs and just
recently my husband met someone and wants to persue the divorce. I have complited with his
request and signed the intial petition for divorce. However, I there was one thing that I feel you
should zone in on more are those individuals, like myself that have children and have to stay in
contact with their ex. That is very had. We have children that are in sports and require their dad
and I to have constant contact. It is very hard. Also, he feels that it is necessary to try and make a
connection between his new interest and his kids. I on the other had to not feel that same way.

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When I felt as though my world has fallen apart..
I am still on the recovery road and use the "Instant emotion buster" a lot. This is a great part and
really helps me when I feel as though my world has fallen apart.

Excellent! Got Ex Back In Under 30 Days...

I thought it was excellent. So many things I would've done wrong were different because I read
this and knew what to do, and not to do.
I did get my ex back in just under 30 days, and we are actually happier than ever. I didn't have
any obstacles, the system worked perfectly for me, it was incredible.
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Really Excited..!
I am really excited about this product! I'm currently at the "focus on me" stage and have 30 days
before actually "winging my ex" back in. The most helpful parts have been "do you really want
your ex back", and the initial contact. The contact call just occurred two days ago and it went very
well! He was so shocked that I was of the telephone within 15 mins. (I know you recommended
10, but he other 5 was his part of the convo). I could also tell he was impressed that I didn't
whine, cry, or beg...as well as left a lot of personal detail about the stuff going on in my life
outside of him.

The section that could be elaborated upon more is the providing more examples of phase 1 in the
indirect method. Although I haven't reached that part, the only example is "smoking/drinking"...I
would suggest focusing on the real break up examples- (i.e. commitment issues, finances,
intimacy, trust, fidelity.

Also, I would like you to address "other people" during this break up phase- not on the ex's end,
but on our end. How/when do we tell our ex we've been with someone else after them, although it
wasn't serious...and what if the ex uses this as a reason not to get back with you.

Gave me a good understanding...
Very useful in giving me insight of why relationship ended, I had some idea of the reasons but this
really gave me good understanding

It also made me realise how my behaviour post break up was driving him further away & it has
been really good at giving tips on how to act

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Yes, I got my ex back!
Yes, I did get my ex back!
I think your product is very good. Concise. Easy to understand.
The best parts were the sections on regaining confidence and self esteem and self examination.

I feel like there's hope...

so far it helps keep me thinking theres hope for getting my ex-back. i like to read it over and over
and i feel like theres hope. i get inspired and it keeps me wanting to stick to the plan to achieve
great results. hopfully it all works out in the end. im hanging in there

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Not full of cliche's like some products I have seen.

Not full of cliche's like some products I have seen. It was helpful because I think in essence you
can only work on yourself and change yourself - and that was highlighted in the book.-

Back Together And Planning a Trip Away!

I wanted to drop you a line to let you know I am back together with my ex...In fact, we also just
planned a trip to Cabo for October.
You and your system were a huge help and I wanted to extend my gratitude.
All the best,

Try The Ex Recovery System Risk-Free

So I am very happy that we reconciled!!!

I am happy to say that me and my ex have gotten back together. The tips helped a lot. I think
what worked for me was that I gave him space and time. I didn’t push too hard to get back and I
had sent him a good bye text stating that whenever he needs me I will always be there no matter
what, but I told him I was moving on with my life not with a man , but to concentrate on me and
my family.
From there he wouldn’t stop contacting me. We have been best friends for 12 years and dated for
2 years. So I am very happy that we reconciled!!!
"got my ex back and we are deeply in love"

Hi Ashley
thanks for all your advice but i dont need it any more coz i have practerly got my ex back and we
are deeply in love:) we went to the movies yesterday and were holding hands then went to the
park and and a very deep and meaningful talk so thankyou very much :)

"I recommend to all..."

Whilst there are a myriad of other "games plans" on the net, without a doubt, your consolidated &
punchy strategy, is the only way to go. I recommend to all those, that are surfing onto your info,
that they should look no further. ... The key to enabling one's best chance of possible success, is
to obtain Ashley's digital book immediately! Don't waste any more energy-wasting time, in trying
to figure out how to get your life back on track.....it's a "win..win" opportunity..."

thanx i got her back thank u soo much


Try The Ex Recovery System Risk-Free

"...we had our first date..."

Just wanted to let you know that when I found you on the internet, I had lost all hope. I had done
EVERYTHING wrong. I won't go into detail, but I never thought I would ever get to speak to, let
alone see, the love of my life again.
We had been together for 5 1/2 years and were engaged. Our breakup was on February 13th. My
heart was broken. I found your website and I mailed "the letter" on June 1st. I called on July 1st
and got his voicemail. He called back 30 seconds later. He said that he was in shock. He refused
my offer to meet. He called me on July 13th, I missed the call. I called him back the next day and
we had our first date that night. We have had 2 more dates since then. We are going to go slow
and try this again. Life is good today and you are an angel. Thanks for everything! You go girl!"
Angie C
And More...!

"heyo i've already got my ex back with just the first step! haha
bye thankyou so much!"

"Love the program and I think it's working"


Thank you for the responses, I tried "Magic of Making Up" but couldn't get a simple response

Hi Ashley. First of all I want to thank you for your materials. Great for working on getting the ex
back and even better for moving on.

I got my girlfriend back! thank you so much for everything.and god bless you

Hey its Josh! With all your help I got my ex back!Thank you sooooo much for all your
help.Because of you I can be happy again. Bless you!!!I'm soo glad that I know someone like
you.Thank you soooo much.=)


today i got my ex back :D


OhhMaahGodd, Thanks soo much Ashleey. I got my ex back. But can you send me more for of
these way to get an ex back. PLEEEASE.
Weeel ~ Thanks Ashh (i hope it okay for me to call you Ash)

Caashh Moneey

thank you you have helped me alot and got my ex back but i wouled still like to recive these
emails just in case and so i can help my friends to when they have a break up i will allso
recamend you

Ms. Kay,
Great, great downloads...enjoyed them all and will employ them as opportunity permits...
I appreciate you and your response...

Things are going okay. I just needed to learn about what the other person is thinking and that
helped immensely. I was past the point of a letter. My success was gained by not answering the
phone a bunch of times. Thanks!


First off, I would like to thank you for actually responding and trying to help personally. I bought 2
other courses and when I asked for help, they sent me a generated email basically stating, "I'm to
busy...hope you understand". I wish I would have bought your course first
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