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Health, Strength, and Endurance.

The development and maintenance of a sound

body in which a sound mind may be securely housed is of no small concern to the
leader as well as to the follower. Not all of us are naturally possessed of strong
physique, exceptional vigor, or even unmarred health. But, like so many of the qualities
which are in a measure inherent, we should seek to improve and develop those
desirable physical attributes which will enable us better to perform the tasks which fall to
our lot.

Physical size is not always the hallmark of the successful leader. Physical fitness is the
measure of developing and maintaining the mean provided; vigor and manliness mark
the use of these means; and fortitude and endurance are the indexes of the moral ability
to whip these toward the goal when fatigue and discomfort cause the energies to flag
and falter.

Presence and Manner. Closely akin to other physical qualities are those marking the
appearance and bearing of the individual. It is of advantage to the aspirant toward
leadership to develop and possess what may be termed a commanding presence. This
decidedly does not mean ostentatiousness, pompous strutting, or dramatic self-
consciousness. Rather does it involve a quiet, dignified, and self-assured bearing which
in itself conveys proof of pride in one’s appearance, knowledge of one’s ability, and
acceptance of one’s usefulness in the position occupied and for the task in hand. A neat
and soldierly appearance creates an instantly favorable opinion. The power of example
is tremendous, and can be used for good just as it can be allowed to wreak destruction
in the appearance or morale of an organization. The list of “don’t’s” seems almost
endless; but the mere mention of avoiding asperity and haughtiness, indifference and
laziness, irascibility and petulance, uncertainty and vagueness, are enough to show the
many pitfalls into which the leader may fall, with consequent jeopardy to his success
and that of his organization.

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