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1) Osteoarthritis - definition

- pathology

- risk factors

- clinical presentation

- x rays and findings

- management

Briefly mention about Rheumatoid arthritis and Gout

2) Cervial/Lumbar Spondylosis – definition, aetiology, clinical ppt, x rays and management of each of
the pathology. List out differential diagnosis for low backpain according to age and aetiology. Mention briefly
on cervical myelopathy.

Osteoporosis – definition, classification, aetiology, clinical ppt, investigations and management .

(preventive and other methods). List out sites of osteoporotic fractures.

3) Paediatrics - Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) – def, aetiology, clinical ppt, x rays & Mx

- Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) – same as above

- Hip pain in children – differential diagnosis – definition and x rays on these

diagnosis should be adequate

4) Fractures/dislocation of special mention – each slide should mention definition, x ray and
treatment and complications

- Colles # - shoulder dislocation(how to reduce)

- Monteggia # - hip dislocation(how to reduce)

- Galleazi # - neck of femur # - blood supply,classification, Mx & complications

- Scaphoid # - briefly on ankle #

5)Spinal trauma - patient presentation, how to examine and diagnose

- early, late management and complications

Pelvic # - classification, management and complications

6)Bone tumors – principles of management of tumors in general

- mention important benign and malignant bone tumors

- clinical ppt, x rays and management

7) Sports injury – knee - ACL/PCL injury

- meniscus injury

Shoulder problems - impingement syndrome (rotator cuff problems)

- shoulder instability

- frozen shoulder

8) Trauma/Fractures in Children – Mention briefly and show x rays on the following;

- erbs palsy post delivery

- Child abuse

- Torus and Greenstick fractures

- Physeal fractures (salter harris classification)

- Supracondylar fracture of the humerus (elaborate on management and


9) Upper and Lower Limb deformities – Mention briefly on the following with pictures:

- Torticollis
- Torsion of lower limbs
- Cubitus Varus and Valgus - Limb length disdrepancy
- Radial club hand - Genu Varum and Genu Valgum
- Trigger thumb in children

10 ) Soft Tissue Lesions - mention briefly on definition, clinical presentation and management
on the following;

- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Plantar fascitis

- Trigger finger - Tennis elbow - De Quervains

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