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Dizon, Dietrich J. June 27, 2017 Group No.

Physics II : Lab - T 1-4pm Prof. Omiles

Experiment No. 2
Electrical Charges

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes an object to experience a
force when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of electric charges: positive
and negative. Like charges repel and unlike attract.

In the previous experiment, we are asked to study and observe different object and
contemplate and watch the impacts of charges on various items; To have the capacity to
recognize decidedly and different charged bodies; And to have the capacity to comprehend the
idea of electric charges through different set-ups or experiment.

These are the procedure in order to see and observe the charges in two different objects:
First we blow up the balloon and rubbed it to the socks we brought but we also tried to rub it in a
tarpaulin-like material and to our pants(pantalon) and after doing this we put the balloon to small
pieces of paper. Second is that we used human hair if it’s going to attract in the rubbed balloon.
The third one was we are able to attract the rubbed balloon and the wall, in this third experiment
we released the balloon and got attracted to the wall. And lastly, we opened a faucet to make a
stream of water and we also used charged balloons and it made a stream of water bend.

These procedures were very successful and we are able to see and observe the objects
and different objects attracted to the charged/rubbed balloons. We used the balloons as charged

I therefore conclude that there is an effect of charges on an object. Same charges repel
and opposite charges attract. And there are the only few in charging an object: conduction, by
induction, and by friction which is used in the experiment to create static electricity.
Dizon, Dietrich J. June 27, 2017 Group No. 2
Physics II : Lab - T 1-4pm Prof. Omiles

Experiment No. 1
Electrical Devices

Electrical devices are very important because by this gadgets or devices we are able to
measure the current or the voltage.

In the previous experiment, we are asked to study, observe and try to use different
electrical device and able us to measure like ampere and volts in an object.

These are the procedures that we did in the experiment: For the first part, we used
galvanometer. First, connecting the conducting wires to each terminal of the galvanometer.
Second is holding the opposite ends of the with our hands, and observing the deflection of the
galvanometer. And the third step is that placing the opposite ends to our tongue and observe
some changes in galvanometer. And lastly, by varying the distance of the wires in our tongue by
bringing them by about 15cm and observing some changes in the electrical device. For the second
part is the ammeter. First is by connecting a simple circuit. It consisted of a resistor, battery and
a switch. Second is inserting the ammeter in series with the resistor and the last procedure we
did in this electrical device is repeating the procedure 1 but with use of a material with lower
resistance. Third part is the observation of voltmeter. In the first procedure of this electrical device,
first we used the same circuit in galvanometer and then connecting the voltmeter in across the
resistor and lastly by repeating the procedure but using another resistor at much lower resistance.
And the last part of this experiment is the observation and how to use the rheostat. First is by
connecting the rheostat in a series, with a battery and a switch. Inserting the ammeter in series
with the rheostat, second is that the sliding of rheostat if there are changes in reading. Third is
connecting the voltmeter across the rheostat and lastly, we slide the rheostat if there are any
changes and observing and recording the readings in the voltmeter.
Electrical devices are very important because by these gadgets we can measure the
resistance or the voltage of an object.

We therefore conclude that the galvanometer and the ammeter are instruments that are
used for detecting and measuring currents. The only difference is that galvanometer is an
instrument for detecting and measuring small electric currents while ammeter is an instrument for
measuring electric current in amperes . Voltmeter is an instrument for measuring electric potential
in volts. And lastly rheostat is an electrical instrument used to control a current by varying the

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