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Aspects of coordinate geometry

CLEMENT RADCLIFFE a=2 ... a = -2 Solution
Contributor -3 3 (i) The gradient of AB = m = y2 - y1
Let us now continue the review of coordinate geometry with x2 - x1
HIS WEEK, we will continue to review aspects of coordinate the topic length of a straight line. ... m = 3 - 2 = 1 = -1

T geometry. How many hours were you able to spend last

week reviewing your notes and practising additional
problems? Do you recall the advice not to wait until it is too late?
The length of AB is found by using Pythagoras’ Theorem with
-5 - 1 -6 6

(ii) The midpoint of AB is M = x2 + x1, y2 + y1 )
We will begin with the solution to the homework given last week. 2 2
AB the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle ABC. As triangle
ABC is right-angled, AB2 = BC2 + AC2. (
M = -5 + 1, 3 + 2
2 2
HOMEWORK Given the coordinates of the points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2),
Given the points X(-2 , 3) and Y( 4 , 5), find the values of: ... AB2 = (x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2 ( 2 2
) ( )
M = -4 , 5 = -2, 5
(a) Gradient, m (b) the coordinates of the The method of finding the length of a straight line is illustrated
midpoint, M on the figure below. (iii) In order to find the length of AB, we use the formula AB2 =
Fig 1 (x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2
Solution ... AB2 = (-5 - 1)2 + (3 - 2)2
1(a) The gradient of XY = m = y2 - y1 Substituting = ( -6)2 + 12 = 37
x2 - x1 AB = 37
... m = 5 - 3 = 2 = 1
4 - -2 6 3 If you are to do well on this topic, you must bear the following
... m = 1 in mind:
3  Always begin by presenting the required formula.
 To calculate the gradient, you may use one of the following:
( 2 2
(b) The midpoint of XY = M = x2 + x1, y2 + y1 Substituting m = y2 - y1 or m = y1 - y2
x2 - x1 x1 - x2
... M = 4 - 2 , 5 + 3 = 2 , 8
( )( ) Example I am sure you can prove that both are correct. Note the order
2 2 2 2 A straight line is drawn through the points X (-2, 1), Y(3, 2). of the subscripts; the order is important.
... M = ( 1, 4) Find the length of XY.  In evaluating the values, be careful to ensure the accuracy of the
Length: XY2 = (x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2 Substituting substitution and please watch the negative signs (directed numbers).
2. Given the points X (1, 0) and Y (-2, a ), if the gradient is ... XY2 = (3 - -2)2 + (2 - 1)2 Kindly note the following points with respect to the gradient of a
2/3, find a. = 52 + 12 = 26 straight line:
... XY = 26 1. Parallel lines have equal gradient
Solution 2. If perpendicular lines have gradients m1 and m2, then m1 x m2 = -1.
We will try another example. 3. It is clear then that given two lines with gradients m1 and m2, if
The gradient of XY = m = y2 - y1 Substituting , Example they are parallel and m1 = 3 , then m2 = 3. If they are
x2 - x1 A straight line is drawn through the points A(1, 2) and B(-5, 3). 2 2
a-0=2 Find (i) the gradient of AB
-2 - 1 3 (ii) the midpoint of AB (iii) the length of AB CONTINUED ON PAGE 22


yl:information technology

Pseudocode algorithms
We also have a statement called the prompt statement. A
OOD DAY, students. This is lesson 19 in our series of

prompt statement is actually an output statement which displays These statements are used to control the amount of time a
lessons. In this week’s lesson, we will continue to look at on the screen, to the user, a message indicating to the user what statement or sequence of statements is carried out based on some
algorithms. Let us examine the parts of a pseudocode actions to take based on the program written. For example, you condition. We will look at each of these separately in the next
algorithm in more details. may be asked to write a pseudocode algorithm to accept two lesson.
INPUT STATEMENTS numbers and prompt the user to enter the numbers (this would be An algorithm can be represented using a pseudocode or a flow
done via the keyboard). This is how you would write the prompt
The input statement is used to get data from outside the chart. Below is an example of a pseudocode representation of an
computer from a particular input device into a variable for algorithm, where you will be able to observe the different parts of
manipulation by the pseudocode. The key words we will use for an algorithm we have discussed thus far.
input will be ‘input’ or ‘read’. To read data into a variable you write
ŽƵƚƉƵƚ Print “Please enter two numbers”
the word input or read followed by the variable name. The prompt statement Example 1
This is the way in which it will be written: ŬĞLJ ǁŽƌĚ Read num1, num2 written in open and
READ VARIABLE_NAME close quotation. Write a pseudocode algorithm to read the length and width of a
The variable_name is the name given to the location where the perimeter, find the area of the perimeter and output the area.
value is to be stored, as you learnt previously. For example, if I
am reading a math score into a variable, my variable, name could The Input statement
be ‘score’ and the read statement would therefore be: Algorithm Perimeter {The algorithm header}
This algorithm finds the area of a perimeter. {The declaration}
Assignment statements are used to give initial value to
Declare length, width and area as real {Indicating the data type
variables and to change the value assigned to a variable. The
Read score Variable name of the variables}
Input key assignment statement has two parts, the left value and the right
value. The left value refers to the variable as the storage location
word where the right value will be stored. The right value refers to a
value which may be the result of an expression or the content of
another variable. The assignment statement will be written as Input statement
follows: Readlength, width
OUTPUT STATEMENTS variable_name = expression Assignment statement {The Body of the Algorithm}
The output statement is used to get information to the
area ĸ length * width
programmer or to the user. The key words we will use for output An assignment statement may involve an arithmetic operation
are ‘display’, ‘print’ and ‘output’. To output information to the user, such as:
you write the word Print, a statement followed by a variable_name Product ? num1 * num2 (see Fig 1, for example, of operation)
Print area Output statement
or the word Print followed by a variable_name. While some assignment statements just involve assigning
This is the way in which it will be written: values to variables, such as:
Print ‘statement’, variable_name
Stop {The Terminator}
Print variable_name ϲ і Ϯ Ύ ϯ ,ĞƌĞ ǁĞĂƌĞŵƵůƚŝƉůLJŝŶŐ ƚŚĞǀĂůƵĞ
ƐƚŽƌĞĚŝŶƚŚĞǀĂƌŝĂďůĞ ŶƵŵϭ ƚŽ
For example, if you were required to read two numbers, find the
sum of the numbers and output the sum of the numbers. The
Product ĸ num1 * num2 ƚŚĞǀĂůƵĞƐƚŽƌĞĚŝŶƚŚĞǀĂƌŝĂďůĞ We have come to the end of this lesson. See you next week,
output statement would be: when we will continue to look at pseudocode algorithms.
ŶƵŵϮ͖ ƚŽďĞƐƚŽƌĞŝŶƚŚĞǀĂƌŝĂďůĞ
Figure 1 Remember, if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.
ŽƵƚƉƵƚ Print “The sum of the numbers is”, sum Natalee Johnson teaches at Ardenne High School. Send questions and
ŬĞLJ ǁŽƌĚ comments to kerry-ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com

Or ƐƚŽƌĞƚŚĞǀĂůƵĞŽĨ Count 1
Print sum Highest_Price 0



Enslaved Africans
and major revolts
T THE end of the lesson, you should be Barbados (1816)

A able to:
a) Identify the key personalities in the
Berbice (1763), Barbados (1816), Demerara
Bussa, Roach, Jackey
Franklin Cain Davis

(1823) and Jamaica (1831) revolts.

Demerara (1823)
b) Explain two causes for the revolts named
Berbice (1763) Jack Gladstone &
in ‘a’ above.
c) Describe the nature and consequences of Coffy Quamina
the revolts identified in ‘a’ above. .H\ 5HEHOOLRQ 3HUVRQDOLWLHV

(See diagram at right)

The Berbice Revolt was as a result of the Jamaica (1831-1832)
enslaved population being treated inhumanely Sam Sharpe
by white personnel and the inadequate
provisions for daily existences supplied on the
estates. The enslaved population had meagre
rations and whenever there were shortages, they
on the Slave Registration Bill with paper’ was being withheld by the island’s Trelawny, Hanover, Westmoreland and St
would be adversely affected.
emancipation. The activities of the non- governor. Elizabeth. The 1831 rebellion is symbolic as it
conformist missionaries among the enslaved was the largest and most widespread of the
Nature and consequences
population were also another cause of the Nature and consequences rebellions in the British Caribbean and it was
The revolt began on Plantation
Barbados revolt. Enslaved Africans refused to return to work the last major revolt in the British Caribbean
Magdalenburg on the Conje River on February until verification of claims of a ‘free paper’ had before emancipation. It resulted in over 100
23, 1763. By March 1763, the revolt had spread been provided. In the ensuing violence, more enslaved persons being executed, including
Nature and consequences
to the Berbice River. The enslaved peoples were than 100 slaves were killed; several others were Sharpe, and 100 flogged. Several Baptist and
able to capture several plantations along the Bussa and Jackey started the revolt in April
1816. The revolt would then quickly spread to executed after holding court martial(s). Moravian missionaries were persecuted as well
river and Coffy played an instrumental role in as their churches/chapels destroyed.
this area. Though Coffy committed suicide, the areas such as St Philip, St John and St George.
enslaved peoples were still committed to the Within days, martial law was declared and JAMAICA, 1831
cause of freedom. The colony was controlled by Bussa was killed. Almost 200 enslaved Africans Causes SOURCES
blacks for 10 months, showing the active thrust were killed, 200 executed and another 100 The underlying cause of the rebellion was the 1. Liberties Lost: Caribbean Indigenous
by enslaved peoples to end the system of chattel enslaved peoples exiled to Sierra Leone. The widespread belief that freedom was being Societies and Slave Systems – Hilary Beckles &
slavery. colony would suffer economically as, with the withheld by the local authorities. The activities Verene Shepherd
damage or total destruction of sugar estates, the of nonconformist missionaries among the 2. Caribbean Story, Bk 1 – William Claypole
sugar industry was impacted. enslaved population was also another factor. & John Robottom
3. Caribbean Revision History for CXC –
Causes Nature and consequences Peter Ashdown & Francis Humphreys
The revolt began as the enslaved population DEMERARA, 1823 Sam Sharpe’s civil disobedience quickly
believed that emancipation was being withheld Causes evolved from a general strike on the Kensington Debbion Hyman is an independent contributor.
by the local establishment; in actuality, they had The underlying cause of this revolt was that Estate (St James) into an open revolt. It would Send questions and comments to
misinterpreted information that they had heard the enslaved peoples believed that their ‘free quickly spread to several parishes such as kerry-ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com


yl:office administration

The human resources

office – Part 2  Name of department in which
Contributor employee will be located.
I, STUDENTS! I hope you have  Length of notice to be given by

H been making notes on the

lessons we have done so far. I
will continue to look at other
employer and employee for
termination of employment.
functions and the importance of the A service record indicates the date
human resources office. of the employee’s first appointment to
STAFF WELFARE the particular organisation, the
Staff welfare is concerned with the position he has held and the length of
maintenance of safe working time he has served in each post.
conditions and the provision of LEAVE
services for employees. These Leave may be granted with pay or
services include pension, without pay. The different categories
superannuation and medical schemes of leave include: study leave, vacation
and safety regulations. leave, sick leave, special leave,
PROMOTION, TRANSFER, compassionate leave, maternity leave
LAYOFF AND DISMISSAL and no-pay leave. Again I am going
to require of you to make notes on
As organisations change, they
FILE the different categories of leave.
have different labour requirements. If
a firm is expanding, new jobs are Honorees at The Gleaner Honour Awards pose along with Gleaner Managing Director PERSONAL HISTORY
created. On the other hand, if the Christopher Barnes (second left in the back row) and Douglas Orane (in the back row at right) This is usually recorded from the
volume of work is reduced, the who led the panel of judges.The function was held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel recently. employee’s résumé. When the HR
workforce declines. These factors office receives additional information
usually influence promotion, transfer, pertaining to qualifications, training,
layoff and dismissal. promotion, marriage, change of
STATUTORY PROVISIONS FOR carries out her duties under the  Sorting various forms,
address, etc, these details are added
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES EMPLOYEE PROTECTION supervision of the HR including application, appraisal, etc.
to the employee’s personal history.
It is the employees’ responsibility There are statutory provisions for manager/officer. Very strict  Providing information regarding
to familiarise themselves with the employee protection. Such confidentiality should be observed by job vacancies, leave, insurance, etc. APPRAISAL FORM
organisation’s rules and regulations. provisions are legislated and outline this person in dealing with personnel CONTRACTS OF EMPLOYMENT An employee appraisal form is a
Organisations often provide such protection conditions as: matters. The duties include: A contract of employment is a record of performance evaluation. It
employees with a staff handbook,  Employee’s leave rights  Writing routine letters, for document which gives the employee allows organisations to compare
code of regulations or other written  Public holidays leave/pay example, a letter in response to a certain particulars pertaining to the employees using the same criteria
document indicating the company’s  Sick leave request for information on a vacancy, conditions of the service. It usually
and becomes part of each employee’s
disciplinary procedures. This  National minimum wage rate a letter inviting an applicant to an indicates:
personal file. The completion of the
 Maximum work hours employee appraisal form must be
department, at times, may find it interview, a letter to a successful  Date of commencement
both impersonal and impartial.
necessary to discipline employees on DUTIES AND applicant.  Remuneration
See you next week.
matters relating to poor performance, RESPONSIBILITIES OF A  Arranging meetings for  Times of payment
absence or lack of punctuality, gross CLERK IN A HUMAN interviews.  Hours of work
Hyacinth Tugman is an independent
misconduct, harassment and misuse RESOURCES OFFICE  Maintaining files and records,  Length of holidays contributor. Send questions and comments
of the organisation’s facilities. The clerk in this office usually including confidential records.  Welfare services and conditions to kerry-ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com


yl:english literature

Let’s look at poetry

BERYL CLARKE the airport in Antigua, they are sluggish,
Contributor unenthusiastic and lacking in respect for those
O FAR this term, we have been dealing who use this port of entry.

S with drama. I do believe that you would

like us to spend time on another genre,
for a week or two at least. We will, of course, be
In addition, please note how he associates
Puerto Rico with being a winner, with silver
lining and a gold ring. If we look carefully, we
returning to Julius Caesar soon, but let us now will understand that the speaker is saying that
turn our attention to the poem below. the islands are involved in a game in which
Puerto Rico is the winner, possibly because of
her link with the USA. He categorises her as a
WEST INDIES, USA jewel, as the island that shows hope; the silver
lining behind the clouds of the other islands.
Cruising at thirty thousand feet above the He tells us that she is a wealthy place like
endless green Dallas, Texas, the centre of oil money in the
the islands seem like dice tossed on a USA. The word ‘maverick’ in the last line of
casino’s baize, verse one may be referring to the fact that the
some come up lucky, others not. Puerto Rico country is not one of the states of the US but an
takes the pot, independent country. No wonder that he says
the Dallas of the West Indies, silver linings “And now for plush San Juan.” Clearly, the
on the clouds persona is disenchanted with the other islands
as we descend are hall-marked, San Juan FILE
and looks forward to Puerto Rico with
glitters impatience.
Students of Herbert Morrison Technical High School in 2011. Before we continue, we need to think about
like a maverick’s gold ring.
the form or the layout of this poem. It is
All across the Caribbean Through toughened, tinted glass the Caribbean island but, in addition, it has a obviously different from any that we have
we’d collected terminals - airports are like contrasts tantalise; special relationship with the United States of studied so far and is used, no doubt, by the
calling cards, US patrol cars glide across the shimmering America (USA). The country was ceded to the poet to make a point. I would like you now to
tarmac, US in 1898 after the Spanish-American War. In take into account that the persona is looking
cultural fingermarks; the hand-written signs
containered baggage trucks unload with 1952 it became a commonwealth while down at the Caribbean Sea from thirty thousand
at Port-
fierce efficiency. maintaining a voluntary association with the feet above as the plane which he is in cruises
au-Prince, Piarco’s sleazy tourist art, the
So soon we’re climbing, USA. It has full powers of local government and over the waters. You will notice that while
some of the privileges of the US. stanzas one and two end with full stops, the
contempt of the baggage boys at ‘Vere Bird’
low above the pulsing city streets; The speaker here is a visitor to the succeeding three verses do not.
in St. Johns...
galvanised shanties overseen by Caribbean. He/she speaks from limited The plane lands in San Juan and we can
And now for plush San Juan. condominiums knowledge. References are made to only three imagine the speaker thinking to himself, “At
polished Cadillacs shimmying past Rastas airports, even though he says “All across the last”. Then he receives a bit of unwelcome
But the pilot’s bland, with pushcarts Caribbean ... ”. How much can one learn about
you’re safe in my hands drawl crackles as we information from the pilot, whose voice he
and as we climb, San Juan’s fool’s glitter a country from its airport? How fair an describes as dull or uninteresting. He hears that
land, calls to mind assessment can one make from such limited he cannot leave the plane because of US law. If
“US regulations demand all passengers not the shattered innards of a TV set that’s fallen knowledge? These are questions to be you have been on a plane that stops at this
disembarking off the back of a lorry, all painted valves and considered, for from them we learn about the airport, you already know that unless this
at San Juan stay on the plane, I repeat, stay circuits speaker. He (we will use he as the pronoun for country is your destination, you really cannot
on the plane.” the roads like twisted wires, our narrator) dismisses Haiti, Trinidad and leave the plane. This regulation is enforced by
Subtle Uncle Sam, afraid too many desperate Antigua with negative comments, but remarks tight security.
blacks the bright cars, micro-chips that San Juan is plush, which should come as Finally, in the third stanza, he gets what he
might re-enslave this Island of the free, It’s sharp and jagged and dangerous, and no surprise since in the very first stanza he had wants, or does he? We’ll talk about it some
might jump the barbed belonged to someone else. referred to Puerto Rico as the Dallas of the West more, so be good and God bless!
Indies. Haiti is made out to be backward; the art
electric fence around ‘America’s Stewart Brown, the author of this poem, has pieces at Piarco are described as squalid, seedy Beryl Clarke is an independent contributor. Send
back yard’ and claim that vaunted sanctuary... given it what may be thought of as a strange or shabby, therefore not suitable for the tourists questions and comments to kerry-
‘Give me your poor...’ name, and yet it is a valid one. Puerto Rico is a they are meant to attract. As for the porters at ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com



Identification of ions and gases

OU SHOULD be able to identify

the following cations: Pb2+, Al3+,
Ca2+, Zn2+, Fe3+, Fe2+, NH4+ and

Metallic ions or cations are identified

based on the colour and solubility of
the hydroxides formed from their
reaction with aqueous ammonia and
sodium hydroxide.
(See diagram at right, top)
 Fe2+ produces a dirty green
precipitate, which is insoluble in excess
aq NH3 and NaOH.
 Fe3+ produces a rusty brown
precipitate, which is insoluble in excess
aq NH3 and NaOH.
 Cu2+ forms a blue precipitate
which is insoluble in excess aq NaOH,
but soluble in excess aq NH3.
These cations can clearly be
identified based on their colours alone.
 Al3+ and Pb2+ both form white
precipitates when reacted with aq.
NaOH and NH3. In aq NaOH, the
precipitates are soluble in excess while
in aq. NH3 they are insoluble in excess.
As can be seen, Al3+ and Pb2+ give the
same results so, to differentiate
between them, other reactions must be
taken into consideration. Pb2+ will form
- -
precipitates with I , Cl and SO42- ions
(PbI2 (yellow), PbCl2 (white), and
PbSO4 (white), while Al3+ will not.
(See diagram at right, middle)
Two other cations form white
precipitates. Zn2+ forms a white
precipitate, which is soluble both in
excess aq NaOH and NH3. Ca2+ forms a
white precipitate, which is insoluble in
excess NaOH but does not form a
precipitate when treated with ammonia.
The NH4+ ion can be identified based on
the evolution of ammonia (NH3) gas
when warmed with aq NaOH.
(See diagram at right, bottom)

Francine Taylor-Campbell is an independent

contributor. Send questions and comments to


yl:principles of business

Public limited companies

ELLO, EVERYONE. This week, we will

H consider the public limited companies.

Remember that for each type of
business, the definition, characteristics, legal
aspects, advantages and disadvantages are
what should be considered.
Public limited companies are also known as
joint stock companies.
A public limited company has a minimum of
seven shareholders, but no maximum. It may
start out as a public company or be formed
from a private company that has ‘gone public’.

1. The company’s name will have PLC at the
end of it.
2. In addition to the documents that must be
provided to the Companies Office of Jamaica
by the private company, the public company
also needs a Certificate of Trading. This is
issued by the Companies Office of Jamaica
when they are satisfied that the business has
raised the minimum amount of capital that will
result in the fulfilment of their plans and
3. The capital is largely through selling FILE
shares, selling debentures (loan capital) and
Students of Campion College leaving the school campus in 2013.
borrowing from financial institutions.
4. Large amounts of capital can be raised.
5. Shareholders do not have much to do with 9. Each public company must have a 3. It is fairly easy for them to borrow money 4. Too much expansion leads to
the day-to-day operations of the business. secretary and must publish their accounts. from financial institutions as they are seen as diseconomies of scale (disadvantages of large-
6. At the annual general meeting 10. Like the private company, the public secure borrowers. scale production).
shareholders elect a board of directors who are company has a separate identity to its owners. 4. Since they are large-scale businesses, 5. Accounts must be published and sent
responsible for the decisions of the company. 11. Profits are distributed among they may reap economies of scale. annually to the Trade Department for
There is one vote per ordinary share. shareholders in the form of dividends. inspection.
5. The public limited company is
7. A share is part of the capital of a company Your task for this week is to discuss three
independent of its owners.
or cooperative. Shares are sold to the general similarities and three differences between a
LEGAL ASPECTS 6. Many owners share the risk of the business. private limited company and a public limited
public through the stock exchange. There are These are the same as for the private limited company. Additionally, make a list of three
two main types of shares sold: ordinary shares company with the addition that they are legally Disadvantages examples of private limited companies and
and preference shares. You will find it useful to allowed to register and use the stock exchange. 1. The personal touch which is evident in three examples of public limited companies.
consider the similarities and differences smaller businesses is often lost. Bye for now.
between these two types of shares. Advantages 2. These businesses are more difficult to
8. The registrar will approve the issue of a 1. They are able to raise large sums of manage than smaller businesses. Yvonne Harvey teaches at Glenmuir High School.
certain number of shares of a certain par or capital. 3. Conflict of interest may arise between Send questions and comments to
nominal value. 2. The liability of the shareholders is limited. managers and shareholders. kerry-ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com


yl:english language

Poetry comprehension
MELISSA MCKENZIE 2. This contract is as solid as the ground we 2. The diaper is so leak-proof not even
Contributor stand on. Irony – This is a device that points to a Niagara Falls could get through.
ELLO, STUDENTS. This week, we will contrast between what is stated and what is

H commence our focus on poetry

comprehension. However, before we
begin our journey into the dynamic world of
Metaphor – Like a simile, a metaphor is used
to compare things. It is made or can be
identified when the word used for comparison
really meant or between what is expected to
happen and what really happens. There is also
irony of situation.
Oxymoron – This is the placing together of
contradictory or contrasting concepts in a
manner that actually ends up making sense in a
poetry, let me provide you with the answers to can be associated with another thing or action. strange, and slightly complex manner.
the multiple-choice activity from last week’s Examples Examples
lesson. Examples 1. Here he was in the middle of the ocean and 1. Her room was an organised mess.
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 1. Your love is my medicine. he was dying of thirst. 2. The graduation ceremony was bittersweet.
10. A 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. C 2. She was drowning in a pool of misery. 2. Titanic was promoted as being 100 per
18. D 19. C 20. A cent unsinkable; but, in 1912, the ship sank on Paradox – A paradox in literature refers to the
Personification – This consists of giving its maiden voyage. use of concepts or ideas that are contradictory
Let us now look at the key aspects of poetry. human attributes to an animal, object or a 3. You laugh at a person who slipped to one another, yet, when placed together hold
concept. stepping on a banana peel and the next thing significant value on several levels. A paradox
you know, you slip too. usually provides astonishing insight.
WHAT IS POETRY? Examples Examples
This involves the use of language in a 1. The leaves waved in the wind. 1. We need to go backwards to go forwards.
Symbolism – This involves using an object
creative and imaginative way to communicate 2. The thunder clapped angrily in the 2. Once a man, twice a child.
or action that means something more than its
meaning. distance. literal meaning. The phrase ‘a new dawn’ does
Please familiarise yourselves with these
not talk only about the actual beginning of a
Purposes Onomatopoeia – It refers to sound words literary devices. In future lessons, we will
new day but also signifies a new start, a fresh
Poetry has many purposes, but I will provide whose pronunciation imitates the actual sound examine poems that make use of several of
chance to begin and the end of a previous tiring
a few that I find to be the most outstanding. they represent. them.
1. It develops our critical-thinking abilities. ACTIVITY
2. It challenges the way we view things. Examples: buzz, creak, squeal, crack, meow,
Pun – A word or phrase is a pun when it Identify the literary device that is being used
3. It encourages us to empathise with others. whoosh, hiss, bang
suggests two or more meanings. It is a play on in each sentence below.
4. It enables a person to express himself.
words. 1. He is like a mouse in front of his teacher.
5. It creates an awareness of the issues that Alliteration – This is the sound effect of
Examples 2. Seven slippery slugs slid slowly
impact human existence. repeating the consonant sound in words that
1. I have been to the dentist many times so I southward.
6. It assists in maintaining a culture. come together. It is usually found at the
know the drill. 3. The trees of the forest watched
The above definition points to the idea that beginning of words.
2. Reading while sunbathing makes you well- sympathetically over the lost child.
poetry entails using language imaginatively to 4. She was overwhelmed by a sea of
Examples red.
convey impressions. This is where the use of homework.
figurative language such as figures of speech 1. Carrie’s cat clawed her couch.
Repetition – This involves repeating certain 5. The other day I held the door open for a
and literary devices hold significance. It is, 2. Hannah’s home hopefully has heat.
words or phrases for emphasis. A perfect clown. I thought it was a nice jester.
therefore, important that you have an 3. Football fever fuels fans into a frenzy.
example of this device is in Martin Luther King’s 6. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be
understanding of these devices and how they kind.
Imagery – This is the use of language that ‘I have a dream’ speech where he repeats the
impact meaning. Below, I have given you a list 7. It is the festival of guns, the carnival of
appeals to our senses. There are five types of expression “I have a dream” a number of times.
of common literary devices. This will help to misery.
imagery you should be aware of: auditory Another example of repetition is: He tried and
refresh your memories. 8. The traffic cop got his licence suspended
(hearing), visual (sight), olfactory (smell), tried and tried to do his very best.
LITERARY DEVICES for unpaid parking tickets.
tactile (touch) and gustatory (taste).
9. You could have knocked me over with a
Simile – This is one of the most commonly Hyperbole – This is a literary device where
used literary devices. This is when one thing is Examples specific words and phrases are exaggerated or
10. You can save money by spending it.
compared directly to another by the use of a 1. The mountains were lush green overemphasised in order to produce a grander,
In the next lesson, I will provide the answers.
word such as or ‘like’ or ‘as’. mountains, dotted with tiny flowers in a riot of more noticeable effect.
colours and trees coming alive. (visual imagery) Examples Melissa McKenzie teaches at Old Harbour High School.
Examples 2. I awoke to birds chirping gaily in the tree 1. I’m so sleepy I might fall asleep standing Send questions and comments to kerry-
1. Last night, I slept like a log. outside my window. (auditory imagery) here. ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com



The eye (continued)

ELLO, STUDENTS. It is that time of the

H week again! How are you all? Quite well, I

hope. This week, as we continue our
study of the eye, we will be looking at eye
defects. Eye defects prevent us from having
20/20 vision. An eye defect or a sight defect is
caused by any condition that prevents proper
focusing of light rays on the retina. The eye has
two main focusing structures: the cornea and
the lens. The lens is flexible and its flexibility
helps the eye to focus images from a variety of
Faulty focusing can be caused by:
 The shape of the eyeball EĞĂƌͲƐŝŐŚƚĞĚŶĞƐƐ
 Hardening of the lens Ő Ő
Some defects are fairly common and include:
We will be looking at each of these as the
lesson progresses. Again, it is very important
for you to learn these because questions relating
to them often appear on the exam paper. You
may be given diagrams that you are asked to
complete or you may be given diagrams where
you are asked to identify the condition. Please
ensure that you study these diagrams carefully.
This is also known as hypermetropia. This ŽďũĞĐƚ͘
condition occurs when the eyeball is too short
&ŝ Ϯ eye.
normal Ś The light Śraysƚfrom
Ś the image areŚ ƚŚ Ś on the Ĩretina,
converge ƚŚ causing
ů ŝa sharpƚ image ƚit isŝ too fat
ŝƚ so
ŝ itƚ bendsĨ the
ƚ raysŝƚcoming
ď Ě from the
(measuring from front to back) or from the lens
being too thin. The thin lens cannot bend the focused on the retina and the image is clearly to be focused there. distant object too much, hence the rays
seen. converge before they get to the retina.
light rays enough. This causes them to bend the NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS
In Diagram 1 Fig 2, two things are shown:  Diagram 2 Fig 3 shows the eye when it is
light rays from distant objects sufficiently, This occurs when:
1. The rays from the object converge after focusing the rays from a nearby object.
causing them to converge focusing the image  The eyeball is too long from front to back
they pass through the retina, hence the image is Focusing is normal and the rays converge on
on the retina, but light from near objects are not  The lens is too curved/fat
blurred. the retina.
bent sufficiently so they do not converge before This causes light rays from distant objects to
2. The blue lines show what happens when  Diagram 2 Fig 4 shows what happens when
they hit the retina. They converge behind the be bent too much, causing them to meet in front
the shape of the lens is changed; the new lens a concave or diverging lens is used to aid the
retina, thus causing the image to be focused of the retina. This condition can be changed if
bends the light sufficiently so that they now eye in the focusing of the rays. The lens helps to
behind the retina. This condition can be the lens in the eye becomes thinner or if the
bend the rays so that they converge on the retina.
corrected by the individual wearing convex or focus on the retina. individual wears concave or diverging lens.
See you next week, when we will complete
converging lens. The convex lens bend the light In Diagram 1 Fig 3, an external lens is  Diagram 2 Fig 1 shows the normal eye;
our study of the eye.
rays inwards so that they meet on the retina in added, the individual now wears glasses. that is, the eye without any defects focusing the
order that a sharp image becomes focused on Notice the shape of the lens; this is important. rays from a distant object. Monacia Williams is an independent contributor. Send
the retina. This is a convex or converging lens and it will  Diagram 2 Fig 2 shows what happens questions and comments to kerry-
Diagram 1 Fig 1 shows what happens in the bend the rays sufficiently so that they when the shape of the lens is not correct; that is, ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com


yl:social studies
and, on the advice of the prime minister, she appoints a

Creating, preserving governor general to be her representative. (Jamaica)

 The governor general must have no attachment to any
political party. The real legislative and executive
responsibilities of a country rest with the elected
representatives of the people.

and protecting
The governor general represents the queen on ceremonial
occasions such as:
 The opening of Parliament
 The presentation of honours
 Military parades
MAUREEN CAMPBELL end of the debate, a vote is taken. It is now referred to a  Under the Constitution, he is given power to act in many
Contributor committee. matters such as:
HE MAKING of laws can be a very slow process involving • Appointing and disciplining officers of the civil service.

T a number of stages during which key issues are debated

and negotiated before being passed as a law. It may even
take a few years before a proposed law is implemented and
If the bill passes the second reading, it then goes on to the
committee stage. This committee may comprise the whole
House or the House can refer the bill to a select committee. At
• Suspending Parliament.
 The governor general also exercises the prerogative of
mercy on behalf of the queen.
before its impact is felt. • The prerogative of mercy includes the power to grant
this stage, the bill is scrutinised and every clause is carefully
The legislature, the law-making body, consists of two pardon to any person who has been sentenced to death.
examined in detail. Every phrase, every expression is carefully
Houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives (and the examined and adjustments to the bill may then be moved and  The governor general acts on the advice of an appointed
governor general who represents the queen). voted upon. A bill may not be rejected during this stage. Privy Council. The functions of the Privy Council are usually
limited to advising the governor general.
The legislature has a number of important functions: THE ROLE OF THE OPPOSITION
At the end of the committee stage is the report stage, when
 It determines the Government that will represent the the speaker reports what has happened to the bill while at the The opposition is essential for the proper working of a
people. committee stage, whether there have been amendments to the democratic system of government. The party with the most
 It debates and passes laws intended for the nation. bill. non-government members in the House of Representatives
 It ensures that the general administration and expenditure becomes the opposition party and its leader becomes the
in the country are carried out with regards to the citizens’ Leader of the Opposition.
needs and the Constitution. After the committee stage, the third reading is carried out. At The opposition acts as one of the checks and balances that
 It provides a forum for public debate on issues of this stage, no amendments of a significant nature may be has been established by the Constitution.
national interests. made. At this stage, the bill is accepted or discarded by means  The Opposition therefore has, as its name suggests, the
of a vote. If the bill is accepted, passed by the House of officially recognised function, established by convention, of
STEPS IN MAKING LAWS/HOW Representatives, it is sent to the Senate, where it goes through
A BILL BECOMES LAW opposing the government.
the same procedure as one which originated in the Lower
 The Opposition forms a recognised, even semi-official
The law is the body of rules imposed by a government upon House.
its members; it is designed to regulate human conduct within AT THE SENATE  The Opposition questions the Government of the day and
that country. A bill is an Act of Parliament and no bill can holds them accountable. Opportunities for scrutinising the
If the Senate opposes any aspect of the bill and makes an
become law until it is approved by the Houses of Parliament
adjustment, the bill is sent back to the House of policies and administration of the government are provided in
and receives the formal assent of the governor general. Once a
Representatives for deliberation. If the House agrees with the yearly budget debates, debates on legislation, notices of
bill has been enacted into law, it is called a statute or an Act of
Senate’s amendment/adjustments, the Senate will be informed motion and No Confidence Motions.
Parliament. Bills may be introduced in either the House of and asked to reconsider the bill. When an agreement is  Members of the Opposition who are members of
Representatives or the Senate, but no bill involving finance can reached and the bill has been passed through all its stages in parliamentary committees have the opportunity to scrutinise
be first introduced in the Senate. both houses, it requires only the royal assent to make it law. new legislation as part of the committee process.
Public Bills, designed to give effect to government policy, The Royal Assent is given by the head of state, usually the  The Opposition utilises the media to reach the electorate
are introduced by ministers or other officers of the governor general or the president with its views and to establish an identity as an alternative
government. Private Members’ Bills are introduced by any
THE HEAD OF STATE government.
other member of the house, whether of the governing party or
The head of state is either a governor general or a president,  The Opposition appoints shadow ministers who, with the
the opposition. After a bill has been introduced in the House, it
whether a titular or executive president in the Caribbean. leader of the opposition, collectively form a shadow cabinet. It
must pass through several stages, known as readings.
is also the duty of the shadow cabinet to respond to
FIRST READING PRESIDENTS government policy initiatives and offer alternative policies to
At the first reading of the bill, no debate is allowed. The bill  The titular president is a person in an official position of the electorate.
is read by the clerk of the House, it is ordered to be printed leadership. This person possesses few, if any, actual powers.  The role of an opposition is a most important role as it is
and a day is designated, usually by the member in charge, for (Trinidad and Tobago) believed that the effectiveness of Parliament largely depends
the second reading.  Executive presidents are active in day-to-day governance on the strength of the Opposition.
of a nation and are usually popularly elected to carry out their
SECOND READING executive duties. (Guyana) Maureen Campbell teaches at St Hugh’s High School. Send questions and
The bill is debated at length at the second reading. At the  In a constitutional monarchy, the queen is head of state, comments to kerry-ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com


yl:principles of accounts

Control account
Contributor Question ĂͿ    dŽƚĂů ĞďƚŽƌƐ ĐĐŽƵŶƚ
1. Faith Heaven extracted the following figures from her ϮϬϭϯͲϮϬϭϰ Ψ ϮϬϭϯʹ ϮϬϭϰ Ψ
balance sheet at October 1, 2013: KĐƚϭ Ăů͘ďͬĚ ϭϴϲϬϬ ^ĞƉϯϬ ĂŶŬ ϮϮϰϭϰϬ
Control accounts: ^ĞƉϯϬ ^ĂůĞƐ ϮϮϲϬϬϬ ^ĞƉϯϬ ĂůĐͬ΀ǁϭ΁ ϮϬϰϲϬ
The control accounts are prepared to check the arithmetical Ψ ϮϰϰϰϲϬ ϮϰϰϰϲϬ
accuracy of the concerned ledgers. WůĂŶƚΘDĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJ ĂƚŶĞƚŽŽŬǀĂůƵĞ ϵϲϬϬϬ
• Sales ledger control account checks the sales ledger ϮϬϭϰͲϮϬϭϱ
balance. ^ƚŽĐŬ ĂƚŽƐƚ ϮϴϲϬϬ
KĐƚϭ ĂůďͬĚ ϮϬϰϲϬ
SalesŐledger control account ĞďƚŽƌƐ ϭϴϲϬϬ
WƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƐ ZĞƚƵƌŶƐ ydždž ^ĂůĞƐZĞƚƵƌŶƐ ydždž ƌĞĚŝƚŽƌƐ ϭϳϰϬϬ
ƌĞĚŝƚ^ĂůĞƐ ydždž ŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ůůŽǁĞĚ ydždž ĂƉŝƚĂů ϭϯϴϲϬϬ Ϳ b) Total Creditors Account
/ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚŽŶ KǀĞƌĚƵĞ ĞďƚƐ ydždž ĂĚĞďƚƐ ydždž ϮϬϭϯͲϮϬϭϰ Ψ ϮϬϭϯʹ ϮϬϭϰ  Ψ
ĂůĂŶĐĞĐͬĚ ydž ŽŶƚƌĂ͗ WƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƐ>ĞĚŐĞƌ ydždž On September 30, 2014, the end of the financial year, the
ͺͺͺͺͺ ĂůĂŶĐĞĐͬĚ ydž balance of stock, debtors and creditors had each increased by 10 ^ĞƉϯϬ ĂŶŬ ϭϵϬϴϬϬ KĐƚϭ Ăů͘ĐͬĚ ϭϳϰϬϬ
ydždž ydždž per cent.
ĂůďͬĚ dždž ^ĞƉϯϬ ĂůĂŶĐĞĐͬĚ΀ǁϮ΁ ϭϵϭϰϬ ^ĞƉϯϬ WƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƐ ϭϵϮϱϰϬ
The cash book for the year ended September 30, 2014 was as
i. The debit balance in the sales ledger control account is the follows: ϮϬϵϵϰϬ ϮϬϵϵϰϬ
Summarised Cash Book
amount representing closing debtors.
ii. The credit balance represents the amount owed to the
KĐƚϭ ϭϵϭϰϬ
debtors by the firm because of:
1. Advance payment Ăů͘ďͬĚ ϭϮϴϬϬ WĂLJŵĞŶƚƐĨŽƌWƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƐ ϭϵϬϴϬϬ c) i
2. Cash payment ZĞĐĞŝƉƚƐĨƌŽŵ^ĂůĞƐ ϮϮϰϭϰϬ ^ƵŶĚƌLJ džƉĞŶƐĞƐ ϯϵϮϬϬ
3. Goods returned after account was settled. ĂůͬĐͬĚ ϮϯϬϲϬ ƌĂǁŝŶŐƐ ϯϬϬϬϬ Ψ
• Purchases ledger control account checks the purchases
ledger balance. ĞďƚŽƌƐ ϭϴϲϬϬ
>ĞƐƐ͗ ƵƌƌĞŶƚ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ
Ψ Ψ a. A debtors account to calculate sales for the year ended
ƌĞĚŝƚŽƌƐ ϭϳϰϬϬ
WƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƐ ZĞƚƵƌŶƐ ydždž ĂůĂŶĐĞďͬĚ ydždž September 30, 2014.
tŽƌŬŝŶŐ ĂƉŝƚĂů ϰϮϲϬϬ
ĂŶŬ ydždž WƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƐ ;ƌĞĚŝƚͿ ydždž b. A creditors account to calculate purchases for the year
ŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ZĞĐĞŝǀĞĚ ydždž /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚŽŶŽǀĞƌĚƵĞďŝůůƐ ydždž ended September 30, 2014.
c. Calculate the working capital at: c ii)
ŽŶƚƌĂ͗^ĂůĞƐ >ĞĚŐĞƌ ydždž ĂůĂŶĐĞĐͬĚ ydž
i. October 1, 2013
Ăů͘ĐͬĚ ydž ͺͺͺͺͺ
ii. September 30, 2014 Ψ Ψ
ydždž ydždž ƵƌƌĞŶƚƐƐĞƚƐ
ĂůĂŶĐĞ ďͬĚ ydž ĂůĂŶĐĞďͬĚ dždž Working ^ƚŽĐŬ ΀ǁϯ΁ ϯϭϰϲϬ
ĞďƚŽƌƐ ϮϬϰϲϬ
i. The credit balance in the purchases ledger control account ϱϭϵϮϬ
is the amount representing closing creditors. ΀ǁϭ΁ ĞďƚŽƌƐ нϭϬй сůŽƐŝŶŐ ĞďƚŽƌƐ >ĞƐƐ͗ ƵƌƌĞŶƚ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ
ii. The debit balance represents the amount owed by the с ΨϭϴϲϬϬ н ΨϭϴϲϬ сΨϮϬϰϲϬ ƌĞĚŝƚŽƌƐ ϮϯϬϲϬ
creditors to the firm because of:
΀ǁϮ΁ ƌĞĚŝƚŽƌƐнϭϬй сůŽƐŝŶŐƌĞĚŝƚŽƌƐ tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂů ϵϳϮϬ
1. Advance payment made to them. сΨϭϳϰϬϬнΨϭϳϰϬсΨϭϵϭϰϬ
2. Cash returned from creditors. Roxanne Wright teaches at Immaculate Academy. Send questions and
3. Goods returned after account was settled. ΀ǁϯ΁ ^ƚŽĐŬ н ϭϬй с ^ƚŽĐŬ Ăƚ ĞŶĚ
comments to kerry-ann.hepburn@gleanerjm.com



perpendicular and m1 = 2, then I am sure you agree that m2 = -1/2.

The above will enable you to solve word problems with information
obtained using the above.

Given that the line A(2, 4) B(0, 0) is parallel to XY. Find the
gradient of XY.

The Gradient m, of AB = y2 - y1 Substituting,
x2 - x1
m=4-0 ... m = 4/2 = 2
As both lines are parallel, then the gradient of XY is also 2.

Given the line A(3, -2) and B(1, 4), find the gradient of the
perpendicular bisector of AB and its point of intersection with AB.

The gradient of AB = m = y2 - y1 Substituting
x 2 - x1
... m = 4 - -2 = 6 = -3 ... m = -3
1-3 -2
Let the gradient of the line perpendicular to AB be m1
... m x m1 = -1 ... -3 x m1 = -1 ... m1 = -1 = 1
-3 3
( )
The midpoint of AB, M, = x2 + x1, y2 + y1 Substituting
2 2
( )
M = 1 + 3, 4 -2 = (2, 1)
2 2
The perpendicular bisector of AB has gradient 1/3 and passes
through the point (2, 1).

The line l passes through the points S (6, 6) and T (0, - 2).
Determine: 1) The gradient of l; 2) The midpoint of the ST and
3) The length of ST.

1) Gradient m = y2 - y1
x2 - x1
Substituting, m = -2 - 6 m = -8 = 4
0-6 -6 3
2) Midpoint M = 0 + 6 , -2 + 6 = (3, 2)
2 2
3) ST2 = (0 - 6)2 + (-2 - 6 )2 = (-6)2 + (-8)2
= 36 + 64 = 100 ST = 100 = 10.
Given the points A(-8, 2) and B(3 , - 2) find the following with
respect to the line AB: FILE
(i) Gradient, m (ii) mid-point, M (iii) length of the line AB Rivoli United’s Raymond Williamson (left) aims to kick as he is challenged by Boys’ Town’s Peter Keys
(iv) Gradient of XY which is parallel to AB in their Red Stripe Premier League football game at Barbican Field recently. Rivoli won 3-2.
(v) the gradient of AC which is perpendicular to AB

Clement Radcliffe is an independent contributor. Send questions and comments to



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