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7th grade math

How to contact me:
Materials needed:
❖ Email: Tinocoj@friscoisd.org ⃝ ½ inch binder
❖ Classroom phone number: 469-463-3306 ⃝ Notebook
❖ Conference: 1st period from 8:25 - 9:11 ⃝ Spiral
⃝ Folder, Pencils
What is this class about?
The primary focal areas in are number and Grades:
operations; proportionality; expressions, equations, ◌ Daily (15%) ex. Warm
ups, hw
and relationships; and measurement and data. Students ◌ Minor (30%) ex.
use concepts, algorithms, and properties of rational ◌ Major (50%) ex.
numbers to explore mathematical relationships and to describe
increasingly complex situations. Students use concepts of
proportionality to explore, develop, and communicate mathematical
relationships, including number, geometry and measurement, and statistics and

Consequences: Rules:
First violation: verbal warning 1. Phones put out of site at ALL
Second Violation: teacher detention unless told otherwise.
Third violation: office referral, call parent 2. Keep the noise level at
a minimum in the
Fourth violation: AP, ISS classroom.
3. Be prepared and ready to learn.
4. Be respectful to everyone in the
5. No complaining
Tardy to class: You must be in your seat within 30 seconds after the bell, if not then
go to the front office to pick up a tardy slip.
Warm-ups: They will be on the screen and to be done on a piece of notebook paper.
Turning in assignments: Assignments will be turned into YOUR classes cabinet.
Late work policy: Late work will go into the ‘late work’ folder. You have only up to 3
days to turn in the work, points will be taken off. If not turned in then it is a zero.
Absences: Come into tutorials to catch up, work will be in folder named ‘absent’.
Cell Phone policy: Phones will be put away unless told to use it, if phone is out when
it is not supposed to it will be taken up and sent to the office.
Leaving the room: You must leave with the pass and return in under 10 mins, unless
told otherwise.
Ending class: Do not gather around the door and stay in your seat until the bell
rings. :)

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