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Benjamin Ruan 
Mr. Pham’s Class, Room C7 
May 18, 2018   

State Introduction 3 
State History 4 
State Facts 5


State Introduction   

Hello everybody my name is Benjamin and the state I chose for my State Report 

is New York. I knew that New York City is in New York and there are a lot of cool 

things there which I will talk about later. New York is surrounded by these states 

Vermont, Massachusetts,Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and shares 

an international border with Canada​. ​The nickname of my state is “The Empire” 

State. New York is called "The Empire State" because of its wealth and variety of  


State History  

The first European explorer to visit the area now known as New York was Giovanni 

de Verrazano, who sailed into New York Bay in 1524. The first settlement in the 

area came soon after in 1624, when the Dutch established a colony near Albany 

called Fort Orange 

New York became a state in July 26, 1788. George Washington Became the first 

president in New York in the year 1789.  


State Facts   

The area of New York is 304.6

The capital of New York is Albany.

The population of New York is about 19,862,512 people.

The major colleges in New York are New York University, Columbia

University, and Fordham University.

New York is known for Times Square, the most bustling square of New 

York is known for its many Broadway theatres, cinemas and eleclboards. 

The tourist attractions are The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Empire 

State Building, and Times Square.

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