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2.1 Definition of investigated variables

In this research, we were studied about the factor that lead to the academic performance among
UUM students. We had found two of independent variable which are university-related aspects
and lecturer-related aspects and one of dependent variable which is academic performance.

2.1.1 University-related aspects

University will be the independent variable which will influence the dependent variable.
University can be define as “an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching
and research and authorized to grant academic degrees; specifically: one made up of an
undergraduate division which confers bachelor's degrees and a graduate division which
comprises a graduate school and professional schools each of which may confer master's
degrees and doctorates” (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/university)

2.1.2 Lecturer-related aspects

Lecturer will be the second factor that will influence the academic performance. Lecturer can
be defining as “someone who teaches at college or university”

2.1.3 Academic performance

Our dependent variable is academic performance which can be define as “Academic
performance is measured by the final grade earned in the course” “The academic
performance is defined by students’ reporting of past semester CGPA/GPA and their expected
GPA for the current semester. The grade point average or GPA is now used by most of the
tertiary institutions as a convenient summary measure of the academic performance of their
students. The GPA is a better measurement because it provides a greater insight into the relative
level of performance of individuals and different group of students” (Kaye Shelton (Lamar
University, USA) and Karen Pedersen (Online Learning Consortium, USA)).
2.2 Relationship:
2.2.1 Relationship between university-related aspects and academic performance
According to our research we had found the hypothesis for this studied; Null (H0) where, there
is no relationship between university-related aspects and academic performance. Alternative
(H1), there is relationship between university-related aspects and academic performance.

2.2.2 Relationship between lecturer-related aspects and academic performance

We had found null (H0), there is no relationship between lecturer-related aspects and academic
performance. Alternative (H1), there is relationship between lecturer-related aspects and
academic performance.

2.3 Theoretical framework

Figure 1.1 demonstrates the framework of study which investigate the relationship between
university-related aspects with lecturer-related aspects will influence student academic




2.4 Theoretical background

Spady’s sociological theory is the most significance and reliable theory that are related to our
study. Spady is the first researchers to propose a widely recognised theory on student retention
in 1970 (Spady 1970,77). The basic assumption of this theory is that the student dropout the
best explained by a process involving an interaction between the individual student and the
university environment. In this interaction, the student’s attributes such as attitudes, skills, and
interests are exposed to influences, expectations and demand of the university. The result of
this interaction will determine whether the student will be assimilated in the academic and
social system of the university and subsequently whether the student will be retained in the
university. Linked to this study are variable university-related aspects, lecturer-related aspects
and academic performance which the university and lecturer will be the factor that will lead to
the academic performance among UUM students.
2.5 Research hypothesis
Based on the evidence from previous studies, the following hypotheses were developed:

 H1: There is a significant effect of university-related aspects on UUM student academic


 H2: There is a significant effect of lecturer-related aspects on UUM student academic


1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272579348_Theoretical_perspectives_o
2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/university
3. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/lecturer
4. https://www.reference.com/education/definition-academic-achievement-
5. http://work.chron.com/meaning-academic-performance-17332.html
6. http://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-building-growing-

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