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Multiple Intelligences

Jorden, Sierra, & Marleny

-Who is Howard Gardner? - Jorden
● An American developmental psychologist who
developed the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983.
● Gardner proposed eight abilities that he held to meet these
criteria: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic,
logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal,
intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
● Later suggesting that existential and moral intelligence may
also be worthy of inclusion.
What is Multiple Intelligences Theory?- Sierra
● The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by
Dr. Howard Gardner.

○ Linguistic (word smart)
○ Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)
○ Spatial (picture smart)
○ Bodily-Kinesthetic (body smart)
○ Musical (music smart)
○ Interpersonal (people smart)
○ Intrapersonal (self smart)
○ Naturalist (nature smart)
Visual-Spatial - Marleny
Visual-spatial learners learn best
when using puzzles or visually
seeing things. If a chart needs to
be memorized for a certain work,
having them draw it out and label
it with colors would be a great
way for them to learn about
given concept.
Logical-Mathematical - Jorden
● Math smart

● They are good at math, understanding complex items patterns.

● They think logically and they use reasoning to think logically.

● They can do puzzles, measuring, and putting things in patterns.

Musical - Jorden

● Music smart

● These people are sensitive to rhythm, melody, and sound.

● They also make good composers, singers, musicians,

songwriters, and conductors.
Interpersonal - Sierra

● People Smart

● An activity you could play is

A,B,C bingo.
Intrapersonal - Jorden
● Self Smart

● They are are aware of their emotions,

motivations, beliefs, and goals.

● Some activities could be used with these learners such as

treasure hunts that are self directed, journals, and setting their
own goals.
Bodily-Kinesthetic - Marleny

This type of learner often uses their hands or body

for their learning. A good way to have
bodily-kinesthetic learners involved in learning
would be to use hands on activities. Such activities
can include doing crafts, using a movement game
for their learning, and any other activity that
involves moving around
Linguistic - Sierra
● Word Smart

● An activity you could do is sing

along with each other and writing
their A,B,C’s.
Naturalistic - Marleny
For this type of learner, caring for a classroom pet
or plant would be a great activity. This would help
this learner keep in touch with nature while
learning concepts about science.

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