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ISSUE: Installing an office printer on server

Needed help installing a new office printer on his machine.

Newer HP printer not compatible to the version of HPLIP on Debian 8.4 distro without an update.

 Disconnect printer

 Type in a terminal window

 sudo apt-get update <enter>

 Then

 sudo apt-get install hplip <enter>

o Plug the printer in after restarting

If it is still not detected and able to work the printer, run the full HPLIP update installation.

 Manually download latest HPLIP drivers from http://hplipopensource.com/ onto the

local machine.

 In a terminal window type

 adduser synetouch sudo

 Open a console/terminal and cd to the location where the installer was downloaded.
(e.g., cd ~/Desktop)

 Type in and run this command: 'sh hplip-3.17.4.run' (replace with current version file

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