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Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs

English Language Certification

LEVEL C1 on the scale set by the Council of Europe

MODULE 2 Writing and mediation

Period November 2007

ATTENTION  Do not open this booklet until the exam begins.

 Respond to both activities.
 Write your texts in your notebook. Use a pen, not a pencil.
 Do not use your name in or under either of your texts.
 You have 90 minutes to complete this part of the exam.
Κ Π γ / English Language Exam November 2007

Study the information on this webpage and join the discussion about how each of us contributes
to „Noise Pollution‟. Send an email message (180-200 words) to be posted on the website.
Inform other website visitors about:
 the kinds of noise pollution you experience in your area and how it affects you
 how you, your family or your friends contribute to the problem of noise pollution (see the
text below)
NOTE: Do NOT use your real name. Sign as: “Tired Ear”

Noise pollution

We may not be aware of it, but each and every one of us contributes to noise pollution
which can be extremely harmful because
it may disturb our work, concentration and relaxation
it may cause stress and affect our health
Noise pollution affects our health and we may experience

 Noise pollution hearing loss

sources heart disease (noise causes stress and the body reacts with increased
adrenaline, changes in heart rate and a rise in blood pressure)
 Community action
sleep disruption (noise which affects the quantity and quality of sleep –
against pollution
something which may result in lack of efficiency at work and ill health)
 Ways of coping with disturbed mental and social well-being (when noise becomes sufficiently loud
noise pollution or unpredictable, our first annoyance can lead to more extreme behaviour)
 Personal
experiences Residential noise (this noise could come from neighbours and the most
common problems come from stereos and television)
 Places in the world
Road traffic noise (people living or working near busy roads can find road
with extreme noise
pollution traffic noise disturbing and annoying)
Industrial noise (from industries, factories, plants, shipyards, etc.).
Entertainment noise (loud music from hotels, clubs, discos and concerts)
Share your Alarm noise (alarm systems are used to deter burglars but their loudness and pitch
experiences with us.
can cause problems if not turned off straight away or if they are faulty)
To write an email
click here:  Motor vehicle noise (car horns misused by drivers, exhaust noise levels and
car alarms)
Aircraft noise
Construction sites (buildings under construction)

Level C1 / Module 2 PAGE 2

Κ Π γ / English Language Exam November 2007

Below is an article, translated from English. It was originally published in the Evening Chronicle.
Read it and write a letter to the newspaper editor (180-200 words):
 expressing doubt that this is what people really think of Greece
 pointing out that the article does not reveal how the survey was conducted and by whom
 presenting your own evaluation of tourist services in Greece.
NOTE: Do NOT use your real name. Sign as: R. Pappas.

Σσνολικά πώς κρίνεηε ηην ποιόηηηα ηων ηοσριζηικών σπηρεζιών ζηην Ελλάδα;
Ποιότητα Σοσριστικών Τπηρεσιών ΢σγκριτικά με άλλα κράτη της Ε.Ε.
42.0% Εφάμιλλο
52,0% Καλή
10,1% Καλύτερο
37,4% Μέτρια
30,5% Χειρότερο
08,8% Κακή


37,40% 52,00%



Καιή ζεσξεί ην 52% ησλ εξσηεζέλησλ ηελ ζηε θπζηθή νκνξθηά, ζηνλ ήιην, ζηε ζάιαζζα, ζηα
πνηόηεηα ησλ ηνπξηζηηθώλ ππεξεζηώλ ζηελ λεζηά, ζηε θηινμελία, ζηε δεζηαζηά ησλ αλζξώπσλ,
Ειιάδα, ζύκθσλα κε έξεπλα πνπ δηεμήρζε, κε ζηα αμηνζέαηα (ηζηνξηθά κλεκεία), ζηνλ πνιηηηζκό,
ζηόρν ηελ αμηνιόγεζε ησλ ππεξεζηώλ πνπ ζηε λπρηεξηλή δσή, ζηελ ειιεληθή θνπδίλα, ζηηο
πξνζθέξνληαη ζηελ Ειιάδα. Σν 37,4% ηε ζεσξεί ππνδνκέο θαη ζην αίζζεκα αζθάιεηαο πνπ ληώζεη ν
κέηξηα, ελώ ην 8,8% ηε ζεσξεί κε ηθαλνπνηεηηθή. επηζθέπηεο ζηελ Ειιάδα.
΢πγθξίλνληαο ην επίπεδν ησλ ηνπξηζηηθώλ Γηα ηα κεηνλεθηήκαηα αλαθνξέο έγηλαλ ζηηο
ππεξεζηώλ ηεο Ειιάδαο κε ην επίπεδν ησλ άιισλ ηηκέο, ζηελ αθξίβεηα, ζηελ αηζρξνθέξδεηα, ζηελ
ρσξώλ ηεο Ε.Ε., ην 42% πηζηεύεη όηη είλαη έιιεηςε ηνπξηζηηθήο ζπλείδεζεο, ζηε ζρέζε
εθάκηιιν, ην 10,1 % ζεσξεί όηη είλαη αθόκα πνηόηεηαο θαη ηηκήο, ζηελ θαζαξηόηεηα, ζηηο
θαιύηεξν θαη ην 30,5% όηη είλαη ρεηξόηεξν. κεηαθηλήζεηο, ζηε κε αμηνπνίεζε ησλ ηνπξηζηηθώλ
΢ηα πιενλεθηήκαηα ηεο Ειιάδαο ζε ζρέζε αμηνζέαησλ, θ.ά.
κε άιινπο πξννξηζκνύο, νη απαληήζεηο εληνπίζηεθαλ
Evening Chronicle, 10-05-2007

Level C1 / Module 2 PAGE 3

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