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Heat exchange between human skin

surface and thermal environment
A. PHARO GAGGE John B. Pierce Foundation and Yale University,
YASUNOBU NISHI New Haven, Connecticut

CHAPTER CONTENTS dia, which consist of the air we breathe; the clothing
we wear; man-made sources of heat and cold neces-
Body Heat Balance Equations sary for our health and comfort; the heat, cold, and
Independent Variables in Human Thermal Environment
Ambient temperature humidity caused by the weather; exposure to solar
Dew-point temperature or ambient vapor pressure radiation; work under various barometric pressures,
Air and fluid movement high or low altitude, and occasionally human beings
Mean radiant temperature or effective radiant field live in aquatic environments. All these factors are
Clothing insulation characterized by temperature, or they in some way
Barometric pressure
Time of exposure affect the heat transfer from the skin surface by
Dependent Physiological Variables in Body Heat Balance radiation, convection, conduction, or evaporation.
Equation The human body's response to the thermal environ-
Mean skin temperature ment may be classified into three zones: 1) body
Skin wettedness
Body heat storage and rate of change of mean body cooling, in which regulation of body temperature is
temperature initially possible first by vasoconstriction, then by
Metabolic energy shivering, and finally is impossible; 2) evaporative
Sensible Heat Exchange by Radiation and Convection regulation, in which successful regulation of body
Operative temperature
Clothing in sensible heat exhange
temperature and a state of thermal equilibrium is
Radiation Exchange accomplished by vasodilation and sweating; and 3)
Mean radiant temperature and effective radiant field body heating, in which regulation by both vasodila-
Direct evaluation of effective radiant field tion and sweating fails. In the zones of body cooling
Solar radiation and heating, the exposure time is a principal consid-
Measurement of radiation exchange
Convective Heat Exchange eration.
Heat transfer theory Environmental temperatures that describe the
Free and forced convection transitional regions between the zone of body cooling
Measurement of convective heat transfer coefficient and of evaporative regulation are associated with
Effect of barometric pressure physiological thermal neutrality, neutral sensation
Evaporative Heat Exchange
Direct measurement of evaporative heat loss of environmental temperature, and a sense of ther-
Maximum evaporative heat loss from skin surface mal comfort. In the extreme zones of body cooling and
The Lewis Relation between heat and mass transfer body heating, the principal question for physiolo-
coefficients gists, physicians, and engineers is how tolerance to
Skin wettedness vs. efficiency of evaporative regulation
Special Environments
these environments can be extended. The transi-
Water immersion tional temperatures at the upper and lower limits of
Hyperbaric helium-oxygen atmospheres the zone of evaporative regulation vary considerably
Rational Temperature Indices of Thermal Environment with clothing worn, with the level of activity, and
Operative temperature with the very nature of the thermal environment
Humid operative temperature
Standard operative temperature itself. Man's ability to change his thermal environ-
Standard humid operative temperature ment by either of the latter three methods provides a
Standard effective temperature pattern for behavioral temperature regulation.
A new effective temperature index Metabolic heat reaching the skin surface must
leave by radiation, convection, conduction through
clothing, and evaporation. Exchange by these proc-
esses is governed first by the physical characteristics
HUMAN THERMAL ENVIRONMENT begins at the skin of the environment, namely, temperature, humidity,
surface and extends outward to the surrounding me- air movement, clothing, barometric pressure, and,

secondly, by two physical properties of the skin sur- Equation 3 will be expressed in terms of energy ex-
face- its temperature and wettedness due to regula- change per unit area of body surface given by Equa-
tory sweating. In this chapter, the avenues of heat tion 2.
exchange will be analyzed in terms useful for physiol- The usefulness of the heat balance Equation 3 in
ogists, physicians, and engineers. Finally, rational any application of partitional calorimetry lies in the
temperature indices ofthe total thermal environment ability to calculate accurately (within ± 5% of M) any
will be described. Practical applications will be given four of its five terms. The fifth term, containing an
to illustrate principles to be presented. The terms, unknown factor to be measured, may be found by
symbols, and definitions used follow the recent Glos- difference.
sary of Terms for Thermal Physiology (34), as ap-
proved by the International Commission of Physio-
logical Sciences and its commission for thermal phys- INDEPENDENT VARIABLES IN HUMAN
The nature of regulation of body temperature by
shivering, vascular changes, and sweating is dis- There are seven variables that must be considered
cussed in the chapter by Hardy and Stolwijk in this in the description of any thermal environment.
Handbook; the epidemiological effect of the thermal
environment on heat tolerance and heat oriented Ambient Temperature
illnesses is the subject of the chapter by Lind.
The ambient temperature (Ta) in degrees Celsius of
a gaseous or liquid environment surrounding the
BODY HEAT BALANCE EQUATIONS body is measured at a point outside the thermal or
hydrodynamic boundary layers over its surface. The
The heat balance equation describing the thermal media to be considered are usually mixtures of air
exchange between the body and its environment and water vapor. In special cases, water environ-
takes the classic form ments and hyperbaric mixtures of oxygen and helium
S = M ± E - I.± W) ± R ± C (l) will be considered.
where S = rate of storage of body heat (+ for net
gain); M = rate of metabolic energy production (al- Dew-point Temperature and
ways +); E = rate of evaporative heat transfer (- for Ambient Vapor Pressure
net loss); W = rate of work (+ for work against The dew-point temperature (Tdp) is a fundamental
external forces); R = rate of radiant heat exchange measure of humidity in an air-water vapor environ-
(+ for gain); and C = rate of convective heat transfer ment and is defined as the temperature at which
(+ for gain). condensation first occurs when an air-water vapor
For the present analysis the outer skin surface will mixture is cooled at constant pressure. The ambient
be considered as the boundary separating the human vapor pressure (Pa), when measured outsi.de the body
body and its thermal environment. All terms in boundary layers, is an alternate fundamental meas-
Equation 1 will be expressed in watts (W) per square ure of humidity. Water vapor pressure is always
meter of outer skin area, [W'm -2] whose area may be associated with the saturation vapor pressure at
evaluated by the classic Dubois formula some temperature (T) in degrees Celsius. Thus Pais
An = O.202(m)O·4"(H)o.725 [rn"] (2) also the saturation vapor pressure at dew-point tem-
perature and equals P" dp- Here the symbol P" indi-
in which the human body or total skin surface area cates saturation pressure and the subscript describes
(AD) is in square meters, body mass (m) in kilograms, the temperature in degrees Celsius. There are many
and height (H) in meters. meteorological tables (58) and psychrometric charts
At the skin surface, Equation 1 takes the simpli- in engineering handbooks (1) available, which relate
fied format saturated water vapor pressure (in torr) to tempera-
S = M'k ± R ± C ± E sk (3) ture (in degrees Celsius). A useful empirical relation-
ship between P" dp and T dp is the Antoine Equation
where M sk = net rate of metabolic heat to skin sur- for vapor pressure (1893) as follows
face (+ for net gain), and E sk = net rate of evapora-
tive heat transfer at skin surface (- for net loss). P*dp = antilog lO [8.10765- 1750.286/ (T d P + 235)] [torr] (4)

In applications of Equation 3 we will assume that or

the skin evaporative heat exchange (E sk ) always oc-
P*dP = Exp[18.6686-4030.183/(Td p + 235)] (4')
curs on the skin surface, and that the sensible ex-
change (i.e., R + C) from the clothed body surface to This Equation, which can also relate any tempera-
be the same as the dry heat flow from the skin surface ture to the corresponding saturation vapor pressure,
to the clothing surface. As in Equation 1, all terms in is accurate within 0.02 Torr in the range 0-40°C,

when compared to the classical Goff-Gratch Tabula- Clothing Insulation

tion (1924) often used in meteorological tables (58).
The unit of clothing insulation (lelo) is the c/o, a
For a complete discussion on these classic psychro-
practical unit, which represents the effective insula-
metric relationships see L. A. Wood (66).
tion provided by a normal business suit worn by a
Other measures of humidity, but dependent on the
sedentary worker in a comfortable indoor surround-
ambient air (Ta) or dry bulb (Tdb) temperatures, are
ing (21). The value of one clo unit is arbitrarily set at
relative humidity (<I» and wet bulb temperature 0.155° m 2 .oC ·W- I •
(T wet) (ventilated). If any two of the five variables, T a ,
P a, T weh <1>, and T dp are known, the other three may
be found by use of a psychrometric chart (36) or by use Barometric Pressure
of the following meteorological equations (58) The barometric pressure (P b ) in torr is a fundamen-
<1> = p./P*. tal variable that affects heat transfer in air-water
vapor media both by convection and by evaporation.
At sea level r, is 760 Torr, 101.33 kilopascals, 1013.33
= P*dp/P*. as nondimensional fraction (NO)
P*dp = [P*wet - 0.00066·P b
(4"') millibars, or 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA).
·(T. - Tw",)(l + 0.00115T w"')] torr
Time of Exposure
or at sea level
P*dp = P*w"t - 0.5 (T. - T we')
The time of exposure (t) in hours has particular
significance in cold and extreme heat.
where P, is the barometric pressure in torr.


Air (and Fluid) Movement
The movement (v) of the ambient air or fluid in
meters per second results from a) free buoyant mo- Mean Skin Temperature
tion caused by a warm body in cool air medium, b) by
forced ventilation of the environment itself, and c) by Skin temperature (TSk) may be measured experi-
bodily motion caused by activity of the subject. Air mentally by the use of a radiometer (29) or by appro-
motion is difficult to measure consistently; anemome- priately designed thermocouples (38). Mean skin Tsk ,
ters usually measure movement caused by forced with whose value we are most familiar, is an average
ventilation. In a water environment these same three of at least eight local values of T sk over the body
factors apply. Air on fluid motion over the body sur- surface, each weighted by the fraction of the total
face is a fundamental consideration, necessary for a body surface represented. A useful weighting scale
complete understanding of both convective and evap- (30) is head (7%), chest (17.5%), back (17.5%), upper
orative heat exchange. arms (7%), forearms (7%), hands (5%), thighs (19%),
and legs (20%). In the zone of evaporative regulation
Mean Radiant Temperature the skin surface temperature tends to be fairly uni-
or Effective Radiant Field form and thus the weighting factors are less signifi-
cant in determining TSk ' In the cold, wide differences
The basic environmental variables that govern the in Tsk over the body surface can be expected, which
exchange of heat by radiation are a) in the tempera- hinder proper interpretation of Tsk •
ture mode, mean radiant temperature (Tr ) , which is Accurate measurements of skin temperature make
defined as the temperature of an imaginary isother- it possible to determine the temperature and vapor
mal "black" enclosure in which human beings would pressure gradient that affect both the sensible (R +
exchange the same amount of heat by radiation as in C) and insensible heat (E sk ) exchange from the body
the actual nonuniform environment; and, alterna- surface. Skin temperature serves as significant index
tively, b) in the energy mode, effective radiant field ofthe mode of regulation of body temperature (see the
(H r ) , which is defined as the radiant energy (W'm- 2 ) chapter by Hardy and Stolwijk in this Handbook).
exchanged by a human being with the imaginary Values of T Sk may also serve as indices of our sensory
black enclosure at temperature 1'" ifhis body surface judgments of heat, cold, and pain as well as of the
is considered to be at the same temperature as the thermal comfort of the environment.
ambient air. In the actual environment, the only Table 1 outlines the general relationships that may
factors that contribute to H, are surrounding bodies, be expected between skin temperature and various
intense directional heat sources, and cold sinks, i.e., physiological and sensory states. The purpose of this
bodies at temperatures differing from the ambient T a' table is to orient the reader on the orders of magni-
The elementary interrelationships between H" T" tude involved. During rest and work on a bicycle
and T a and their measurement will be discussed in ergometer and when the subject rates his environ-
the section RADIATION EXCHANGE. ment as comfortable, skin temperature over range

TABLE 1. General Relation of Skin Temperature which occurs during rest and when there is no regula-
(T sk ) to Various Physiological and Sensory States tion of body temperature by sweating or by vascular
State changes, mean skin temperature range is 83.7-34°C,
rectal temperature 36.9--37.1°C, and esophageal tem-
Above 45° Rapid tissue damage
43°-41 ° Threshold of burning pain perature is 36.&-36.8°C. The corresponding range of
41°_39° Threshold of transient pain mean body temperature (1'b) would be 36.3-:36'soC.
39°_35° Sense of hot
37°_35° Initial sense of warm
34°_33° Neutral temperature sense at rest; comfortable Metabolic Energy
33°_32° Neutral temperature sense at 2-4 mets exercise
32°_30° Neutral temperature sense at 3-6 mets exercise The metabolic energy term M in the basic heat
balance Equation 1 represents the free energy pro-
36°-30° Range where T'k - Til and is independent of M
duced by the transformation of chemical energy dur-
31°_29° Uncomfortable cold while sedentary
25° (local)
ing aerobic and anaerobic metabolic activities within
Numbing of skin sensation
20° (hand) Uncomfortable, cold an organism. Except during transient bursts of exer-
15° (hand) Extremely uncomfortable, cold cise and short periods following such exercise, the
5° (hand) Painful," cold anaerobic component may be ignored and M may be
Met, metabolic rate (for sedentary human beings 1 met = 58.2 measured by the rate of oxygen consumption as given
W'm- 2 ) ; M, rate of metabolic energy production; Til, operative by the following equation
M = <O.23IR] + 0.77) 15.873] (V0 2 ) (60/A,,) W'm- 2 (7)

28-34°C may be shown (32) to be proportional primar- in which [R] is the respiratory exchange ratio and
ily to the operative temperature (To) and only very varies from a value of 0.83 during rest to 1.0 during
slightly dependent on the metabolic energy (M). moderately heavy exercise. In Equation 7, \102 is
rate of oxygen consumption in liters per min at stand-
ard temperature and pressure, dry (STPD) (DoC, 760
Skin Wettedness
Torr, dry), and [5.873] is energy equivalent of oxygen
Skin wettedness (w) is defined as the ratio of an in watts·hour per liter or 21.14 kJ per liter.
equivalent skin area (A w) , which, if covered with The metabolic energy M may be expended in four
water, would produce the observed skin evaporative ways: 1) as metabolic heat (M sk ) , which passes
heat loss (E sk), to the total skin surface area (AD)' through the skin surface; 2) as heat of vaporization of
Methods of measuring or evaluating w will be dis- respired water vapor (E n .s ) ; 3) as heat convected by
cussed in the section EVAPORATIVE HEAT EXCHANGE. respiration (C res); and 4) as external work (-+- W). Thus
the net metabolic heat through the skin surface is
Body Heat Storage and Rate Change M Sk = M - E n •s - C,es - (±W) (8)
of Mean Body Temperature
in which (17)
The rate of storage of body heat (S) is directly
E n .s = 0.0023 M (44 - Pal (9)
related to the rate of change in mean body tempera-
ture Ill'b/At by and
S = (0.97·m/A vld'l\/M W·m- 2 (5) C«, = 0.0014 M (34 - Tal (P,,/760) (0)

in which 0.97 is the specific heat of the body in As indicated in last term in Equation 8, when work
W·h·kg- t (or 3.49 k-I-kg") and m is the body mass in is done by the body on an external system, i.e.,
kg; At is in hours. positive work (-+- W), the metabolic energy, which is
If an initial mean body temperature 1" b can be expended as heat, must be reduced by (-+- W). When
determined accurately before exposure by a weighted work is done on the body by an external system, i.e.,
average of 1' Sk and some measure of internal body by negative work (- W), mechanical heat is added to
temperature, such as the rectal (T re) or esophageal the metabolic energy M. The net flow of heat across
(Tes) temperature, then the skin boundary layer is given by the storage term
S in Equations 1 and 3. When S is positive, heat flows
from environment into body and the mean body tem-
or perature (1'b ) rises.
= r-, + [(S·A v)/(0.97·m)]t (6')
In a typical environment (25°C, 12 Torr or of 50%
rh) the E res loss accounts for about 7% of M. The C res
where t is the time of exposure in hours. In the cold loss accounts for about 1% of M and is often ignored
the probable weighting ratio for 1'sk:Tre is 1:2 (12). In for air at sea level. Work (W) can be measured accu-
the heat the probable ratio would be 1:4 (31) when T re rately on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill. The ratio,
is used, or 1:9 (59) when T es is used. W1M, represents the mechanical efficiency (TJ) of the
In a state of physiological thermal neutrality, body doing work. In human beings maximum me-

chanical efficiency occurs while pedaling on a bicycle the dry heat exchange (DRY) from the body surface,
ergometer, and is approximately 18-22% for an aver- whether partially clothed or not, at temperature T surr
age person. Treadmill exercise is about 8-10%. For is given by
level walking and during most stationary activities, DRY = h(T" - T,urr) W'm- 2 (11)
the mechanical efficiency is zero and external work
(W) may be ignored. Negative mechanical efficiency where h is the combined coefficient for heat transfer
during negative work may be as high as 100% (2). by radiation and convection in W·m- 2.oC-l.
Table 2 shows the physical effort associated with In terms of our definition for ambient air tempera-
the expenditure of various levels of metabolic energy ture T a and mean radiant temperature r, above
during steady state. The data given here are pre- DRY = h, (T; - T,ur,) + hr(T r - r.,» (12)
sented primarily to acquaint the reader with the
general orders of magnitude of the physiological fac- in which he = convective heat transfer coefficient in
tors involved. The metabolic energy is expressed here W·m- and h, = linear radiation exchange coef-

in met units, arbitrarily defined as 58.2 W· m" per ficient.

met, \70 2 in liters per minute applies for an average- Comparing Equations 11 and 12, it follows that
size man, i.e., about AD = 1.8 m", m = 70 kg (l55lb); operative temperature
and H = 1. 75 m (5 ft 9 in). Heart rates and respiratory T" = (hrTr + h..Ta)/(h r + h.) °C (13)
data are estimated from Astrand & Rodhal (3).
h = h , + h,.
RADIATION AND CONVECTION Thus by Equation 13 operative temperature can
also be defined as an average of T; and r, weighted
The exchange of sensible heat from the skin sur- by their respective governing heat transfer coeffi-
face at average temperature T Sk is usually accom- cients.
plished first by conduction through clothing, when
worn, and next by radiation and convection from the
Clothing in Sensible Heat Exchange
outer clothing or skin surface to the surrounding
medium. In the section Operative Temperature, a The role of clothing in lowering the heat transfer
general view of the sensible or dry heat exchange will between the environment and skin segments of the
be presented, before a more detailed discussion of the body varies greatly from person to person, for the
heat transfer processes themselves. various activities concerned and for type of clothing
worn. In the past it has been simpler to generalize the
Operative Temperature problem by defining the effective conductance of any
set of clothing worn as the ratio of the dry heat
The operative temperature (To) of human thermal exchange (DRY) from the skin surface during ther-
environment is defined as the temperature of a uni- mal equilibrium to the average temperature gradient
form isothermal "black" enclosure in which man from the skin surface at T Sk to the outside clothing
would exchange the same heat by radiation and con- surface at temperature Tel. If measured accurately by
vection from his body surface as he would in his a radiometer, Tel should have the same weighting for
actual nonuniform environment. By this definition, its segmental surface temperature, as given for T sk '
and also include temperatures of exposed skin areas,
such as those of the face and hands. By this definition
TABLE 2. Classification of Physical Effort for
DRY = h., (Tel - '1'50) W'm- 2 (15)
Average-Size Healthy Young Man
Classification M. mets
",,02• V~:. HR. where h el is the effective clothing conductance in
I/min (STPDl IImin (STPD) beats/min
W·oC-1 per square meter of skin surface rather than
Basal 0.7- 0.8 0.20-0.24 5.5- 6.3 -70 the clothing surface. The reciprocal of h., or lei is thus
Sedentary 0.9- 1.1 0.27-0.33 7.6- 8.0 70- 80 defined as the effective insulation of the clothing
Very light 1.3- 1.7 0.40-0.50 10 - 13 80- 85
2.2- 2.8 0.66-0.84 17 - 23 90- 95
Moderate 3.7- 4.5 1.1 -1.5 32 - 33 105-115 The dry heat exchange from the clothing surface at
Heavy 5.2- 6.4 1.6 -1.9 41 - 50 125-135 temperature Tel is given by
Very heavy 6.7- 8.3 2.0 -2.5 52 - 64 145-155
Exhausting 10 -12 DRY = ht'I', - Tel) W'm- 2 (16)
3.0 -3.5 85 -100 -180
Data is for steady-state work without environmental In terms ofT sk
stress. M, metabolic energy, 1 met = 58.2 W'm- 2 ; V0 2 , oxygen (17)
uptake in liters per minute at standard temperature and pres-
sure, dry (STPD) for average-size man; VE , ventilating minute where
volume in liters per minute (STPD); HR, heart rate in beats per
minute. F", = h"l!(hd + h) ND (18)

or in which the insulation I elo is the effective insulation

F", = 10 / ( 1 0 = I,.,) ND (19) of the clothing worn in clo units.
By eliminating h in equations 16 and 17 it may be
where I", the thermal resistance of the operating seen that
environment, is the reciprocal of h, its combined heat
ND (21)
transfer coefficient.
As first proposed by Burton (13), it can be seen from or
Equation 17 that the use of clothing introduces a 1',.) = To + F,.) (1'sk - To) (22)
thermal efficiency factor, F e h in any equation de-
scribing heat transfer from the skin surface to the Thus if Ts k ' Ielo and h are observed, it is possible to
temperature To of the operating environment. The estimate Tel by Equation 22. Conversely, F el may be
effective combined heat transfer coefficient from the found by direct measurements of To, r., and T sk '
skin surface is thus the product Fclh and also equals Typical values for insulation of various clothing
the reciprocal of the sum (I, + lei) ensembles and corresponding values of F el are given
In practice, a uniformly heated copper man-size in Table 3. The factors F pel and i m will be discussed in
manikin has been used to evaluate the intrinsic insu- the section EVAPORATIVE HEAT EXCHANGE.
lation I e h effective for various clothing ensembles
(57). Observations of TSk and DRY (watts imput to
manikin) are usually made during thermal equilib- RADIATION EXCHANGE
rium in a uniform environment at temperature T a'
For the clothed manikin, the product Felh or 1/(Io + Mean Radiant Temperature and
lei) is evaluated using Equation 17. For the unclothed Effective Radiant Field
manikin the h or 1/10 of the environment is evalu- In an earlier section two alternate definitions of the
ated. From these two measurements the value of lei radiant environment were introduced: mean radiant
may be found. The value of the clothing insulation in temperature (T ) and effective radiant field (H ) . The
clo units (Ielo) is I e dO.155. The thermal efficiency, F e h former concept r has been used by the heating r
may now be redefined ventilating engineering profession for many years
F,.) = 1/(1 + 0.155·I,·'o·h) ND (20) (50); the latter concept (23) was introduced recently

TABLE 3. Typical Insulation and Permeation Data for Various Clothing Ensembles
and Their Relation to Sedentary Comfort
I Probable ET* or T a at
50% RH for Thermal
I,"t,,] h' F,l hF,ol-- F p<'!:' h"F pd <1>' i mH
Clothing Ensemble Neutrality and Corn-

clo W!(m'C) NDlO W!(m'C) ND W!(m'Torr) Torr!OC ND °C ± 0.5°C

Nude 0 8.1 I? 8.1 I? 7.7 1.05 0.43 29°

Shorts 0.1 8.2 0.89 7.3 0.95 7.3 1.0 0.45 28°
Typical tropical: shorts, open-neck shirt with short 0.3 8.25 0.72 5.9 0.87 6.7 0.88 0.52 27°
sleeves, light socks and sandals
Light summer: long light-weight trousers, open- 0.5 8.3 0.61 5.1 0.80 6.2 0.82 0.55 26°
neck shirt with short sleeves
Light working: athletic shorts, woolen socks, cotton 0.6 8.4 0.56 4.7 0.77 5.9 0.80 0.57 25°
work shirt (open neck), and work trousers, shirt
tail out (KSU-Standard clothing)
US Army "fatigues," man's light-weight under- 0.7 8.5 0.52 4.4 0.74 5.7 0.77 0.59 24°
wear, cotton shirt and trousers, cushion sole
socks, and combat boots
Typical business suit with vest 1.0 8.6 0.43 3.7 0.67 5.1 0.73 0.62 22°
Traditional European business suit: cotton under- 1.5 8.65 0.33 2.85 0.57 4.4 0.65 0.70 19°
wear with long legs and sleeves, shirt, woolen
socks, shoes, suit including trousers, jacket, and
US Army standard cold-wet uniform: cotton-wool 2.0 8.70 0.27 2.35 0.50 3.8 0.62 0.73 15°
undershirt and drawers, wool and nylon flannel
shirt, wind-resistant, water-repellent trousers
and field coat, cloth mohair and wool coat liner,
and wool socks
, Clothmg insulation. ' Combmed heat transfer coefficient h, + h.; h, =
3.5 W/(m" °C), for normal air movement 0.2 m/s or 40
fpm. 3 Burton's thermal efficiency factor for clothing, calculated by Equation 20. 4 Effective combined heat transfer coefficient
from 1'sk to T a . ' Nishi's permeation efficiency factor for water vapor through clothing. 6 Effective evaporative heat transfer

coefficient for water on skin surface. 7 I/J, ratio of effective dry heat transfer to effective evaporative heat transfer coefficient:
hF,.';(h"Fp,.,l. 8 i m , Woodcock moisture index of water vapor through clothing and equal to 1/(2.21/1). 9 Probable new effective
temperature ET* for sedentary comfort, calculated by (34° - Msk/(hF cI )) + (P*340 - 0.5P*ET*)(0.06/I/J). )0 ND, no dimensions.

for a better understanding of high-temperature ra- in which

diant sources, such as a quartz infrared lamp or the h, 0= 4u(A r/A n)fal'il (1'1'1 + T.,)/2 + 273.2J" (29)
sun. Mean radiant temperature is included in the
definition for the effective radiant field as follows In Equations 28 and 29, o: is the Stefan-Boltzman
Constant and equals 5.67 x 10- 8 W·m- 2·K-4. The
H, = h,(T, - T a ) (23)
term (Arl AD) is the ratio of 47T radiating area of the
or human body surface Ar to its Dubois surface AD and
will vary with posture. The ratio Ar/A D has recently
T, = 'I', + H,/h, (24)
been determined with considerable accuracy by Fan-
Introducing Equation 24 in the definition for opera- ger (17) by use of optical methods and was found to
tive temperature Equation 13 vary from 0.70 for the sitting position to 0.725 for
standing within ±2% regardless of height and body
To=Ta+H,/h (25)
weight. When clothing is worn, the radiating area of
or the body Ar is increased by a factor facl. Fanger (17)
H, = ht'I', - T a ) (26) and Breckenridge & Goldman (11) have shown that
facl increases by approximately 15% for each clo unit
The term (R + C) in the basic heat balance Equa- of clothing insulation worn, i.e., by factor (1 + 0.15
tion 3 may now be rewritten introducing Equation 25 I e10) '
in Equation 17 From Equations 22 and 28, for an unclothed subject
(R + C) = Fl'iH, + hF,.\(T a - Ts k ) (27) at thermal neutrality with 34° T Sk at 29° To the value
of h, is 4.5 W·m- 2.oC-1 and would apply for the sitting
or position; for a lightly clothed subject (0.6 clo) with 30°
(27') Tel at 24°C To during thermal comfort, h, == 4.7; for a
well clothed subject (1.0 clo) with T,-r at 27°at 20°, h, ==
and 4.8.

Thus from Equation 27 the dry heat exchange for Direct Evaluation of Effective Radiant Field
human beings can always be expressed as the sum of The Effective Radiant Field (ERF) is the sum of the
two terms; the first, FclHfl is directly proportional to energy exchanges with sources that radiate at tem-
the effective radiant field as previously defined; and peratures differing from the ambient temperature.
the second term, hFel(Ta - Tsk ) , is proportional to the Thus
heat exchange from skin surface in a uniformly
heated environment at the ambient air temperature (ERF) = (ERF). + (ERF)2 + (ERF)3 + ... + (ERF)n (30)

(Ta). Equation 27' describes only those terms involv- In this case (ERF). may represent the direct solar
ing radiation exchange and shows that R may be radiation absorbed; (ERF)2' radiation reflected from
divided also into the radiation exchange with all the sky; (ERFh, radiation reflected upward from the
surfaces differing in temperature from Ta plus the ground surface; (ERF)4' long-wave radiation emitted
exchange from the entire environment radiating at a by the surrounding warm ground surfaces; (ERF)5
uniform temperature Ta' Equation 27" describes only may be alternatively the negative radiation lost to a
the term involving convective heat exchange and will "cold" night sky. In general, any (ERF)n is a function
be discussed in more detail later. of the temperature of the radiating source T; in de-
The radiant field term H, itself represents the grees Kelvin, the absorptance a of the exposed body
equivalent radiant heat absorbed and exchanged at or clothing surface for the emission of uTn4 by the
the outer surface of the body, if this surface were source, and an appropriate shape factor F m-n that
theoretically at ambient temperature, Ta' The magni- describes the fraction of human total body surface
tude of H r would be affected by the absorptance either irradiated by the source. Figure 1 illustrates how the
of the clothing worn or of the exposed skin surfaces to absorptance (a) for human skin varies with the tem-
the wave length corresponding to the temperature of perature spectrum of the radiating source (23,24).
the radiating source. The radiant field absorbed is Any radiant source n contributing to the total ERF
modified by the thermal efficiency (F cl) of the clothing may take the generalized form
(ERF)n = f aci (A r/ Ao)F m-nUn
In establishing the general principles of sensible
heat exchange above, the linear radiation exchange [(Tn + 273)4 -(T. + 273)4] W'm- 2 (31)
coefficient h, has been treated as a constant. Its exact In Equation 31 the shape factor F m-m as here used,
value may be derived from the 4th power radiation refers to the body area AD itself, rather than the
law, which states radiating area of the body surface (AJacl) corrected for
R = u(Ar/Ao)f.el[(To + 273.2)4 - (Tel + 273.2)4] (28) clothing. Only for the simplest geometrical arrange-
ments can values of F m-n be easily evaluated. If the
radiating source is an enclosing infinite sphere, Fm--n
(28') would be 0.70--0.73, as we mentioned for Ar/A D. At

ReflectIvIty Ab!orplion
(11) exposed a clothed heated manikin to solar radia-
" Ec c t o r

50 I " 50
tion under a variety of weather conditions on the roof
of their laboratory at Natick, Massachusetts. Their
averaged data for 15 runs are given in Table 4.
40 60 From Table 4 based on the data of Breckenridge &
Goldman (11), the effective radiant field H r is

30 70
(Eo' an' F m-n) or 172 W· m ". Other observed factors
are ambient temperature = 20.4° C; air movement =
2.2 m/s; clothing insulation = 0.84 clo; insulation of
20 Gos 80 the air 10 = 0.37 clo; thermal efficiency of clothes =

Ro drot or
0.305 (no dimensions). The calculated solar heat load
on body is Fell r or 52 W'm- 2 • In comparison, solar
heat load on manikin (measured by drop in heat load
necessary for a constant Tsk ) was 55 W -rn ".
o '-----"'----~_ _---'---_ _L _ _ ~_ _~_ ____'~_ _' 100 In calculating the heat load on a body caused by the
o 2000 4000 6000 effective radiant field; first, the irradiance En must be
Color Temperature (OK)
evaluated and adjusted for shape factors (F m-n) in-
FIG. 1. Variation of absorptance (a) of human skin as a func- volved and the absorptance (a) of the clothing or skin
tion of the radiating temperature of the source. Total surface surface exposed; finally, the total EFR must be multi-
reflection and absorption of human skin for blackbody radiators.
[Data from Gagge et al. (24).] plied by the F cl efficiency factor.

Measurement of Radiation Exchange

the center of an infinite hemisphere (e.g., the night
sky) F rn- n - 035-0.37. For a point source such as the In practice it is more desirable to measure directly
sun at a 60° angle, F m-n - 0.2-0.25, depending on the radiant field received on the body surface by a 477'
posture. In every case, (ERF)o is the energy absorbed radiometer, rather than calculate heat exchange
on the outer surface of the body and is a function of from each source individually. Although many so-
the absorptance of the skin or clothing surface; it is phisticated instruments for measuring the total ra-
not a function of the body surface temperature but of diant heat received, have been made in the past,
the ambient temperature. namely, the Pan-Radiometer (54), the Two-Sphere
(60), R-meter (22), and the Gier and Dunkle 27T radi-
Solar Radiation ometer (26) all are either extinct, one-of-a-laboratory
kind, or difficult to find. Any instrument that uses
Roller & Goldman (55) have recently published a the ambient air temperature as a reference (as do
comprehensive study on the solar load for clothed most radiometers) gives a reading directly propor-
soldiers working in various geographic areas and tional to the effective radiant field, which it receives.
climates. Solar load contributes directly to the effec- The simplest direct measure of H, for human beings
tive radiant field. By using their sample data as a generally available is by a skin-colored Bedford globe
guide, we can evaluate the case for a person walking thermometer (6-in diameter) (4, 18) and by using the
in the desert when the sun is at a 60° angle above the formula
horizon. In Equation 31 the irradiation received from
W'm- 2 (32)
the sun at temperature To in degrees Kelvin is cov-
ered by the energy term cr (T n )4; the term with crTa4 where v is the ambient air movement in meters per
may be ignored. The total solar load on a clear day second. The first term in the bracket is the value of h,
consists of three parts: 1) the direct (-800 W'm- 2) ; for a sphere at average temperature, 27°C. The sec-
2) the diffuse (-152 W'm- 2 ) ; and 3) the albedo or ond term is Bedford's formula for the convective heat
energy emitted and scattered by the terrain (-107 transfer coefficient for a 6-in globe, when converted to
W·m- 2) . The respective angle factors (F rn-n) for
each case are 0.24, 0.48, and 0.72. If a for either skin TABLE 4. Averaged Data for a Clothed,
or clothing surface worn is 0.7 (for direct and diffuse) Heated Manikin Exposed to Solar
and 0.95 (for albedo), the total solar load absorbed on
the body or clothing surface for all three parts would Radiation at Solar Angle 45°
Solar Irradi-
be 258 W'm- 2 for ERF. For h = 20 W·m- 2.oC-l (i.e., Type of Irradiation
ance, En
Absorptance, Shape Factor,
Source. n" a, F m _,
wind at approximately 4 miles per hour or 1.8 m/s) (W'rn-')

and lelo = 0.5 (i.e., F cl = 0.39), the net load on the skin Direct 1 492 0.7 0.24
surface would be 101 W·m- 2 • Without clothing it is Diffuse 2 201 0.7 0.48
clear that the solar load on the bare skin surface Terrestrial 3 32 0.95 0.72
could have been the 258 W·m- 2 • * Index number of radiant source. Data from Breckenridge
In another recent study, Breckenridge & Goldman & Goldman (11).

meters per second and degress Celsius. The factor where Re = pvdi IL or vd/v in which p is the density
[fael(A r / AD)]' converts the radiation field that the (kg-rn"), v is the velocity in m-h", IL the viscosity in
globe "sees," to one that a clothed human being "sees" kg-hr--m", and v is the kinematic viscosity in
over a 41T solid angle. The skin color allows the globe m 2 ·h- J •
to absorb radiant heat, as a human being does, re- The important points to note from the above classic
gardless of the direct or reradiated energy spectrum. relationships are 1) for free convection, he varies with
If the globe were matte black (a - 1), the energy the temperature gradient aT, the gravitational con-
calculated by Equation 32 must be multiplied by an stant G and density; 2) for forced convection, he var-
average a for the various radiant sources. ies with density and air motion and is independent of
The Bedford black globe thermometer was origi- aT,3) for both free and forced convection, he varies
nally used for the measurement of mean radiant inversely with some function of the diameter d or
temperature ('l'r)' By his formula, Tr was the solution length of the warm object. In a spaceship, for exam-
of the following equation ple, free convection would not exist, as G = 0, and all
a{(Tr + 273)4 - (T. + 273)4] = 13.6 v'V(T. - '1'.) (32') convection would be forced. Barometric pressure af-
fects density and thus he. In general, the he for a
Alternatively, r, may be found by substituting the large object would be lower than one for a small object
values of h, and H r found by Equations 29 and 32, in in any given environment.
equation 24. Both methods should give essentially In the transitional region between free and forced
identical values for Tr- convection there is no simple relationship as de-
scribed earlier. For the resting human body with a
probable aT of 5°C from surface to ambient air, the
transition occurs at 0.2-0.3 m/s (40-60 ft/min) am-
Heat Transfer Theory bient air movement. Below this level of air move-
The heat exchange by convection between a warm ment he may be considered as a constant (52).
body and a surrounding fluid has been the subject of The effective convective heat transfer coefficient,
study by aerodynamic and mechanical engineers for he' defined as the ratio of the total heat exchange by
the past century (51). The classic names, Nusselt, convection from unit area of exterior body surface
Reynolds, Prandtl, and Grashof, have all become to the temperature gradient from the exterior body
associated with nondimensional numbers, involving surface to the ambient air temperature, has proven
the basic physical quantities in convective heat ex- to be one of the most difficult to evaluate accurately
change. The convective heat transfer coefficient (he) for human beings. As can be seen by the basic heat
in W·m- 2.oC-t is defined as the ratio of the convective balance Equation 3, optimum calorimetric measure-
heat loss to the aT gradient between body surface ments occur when the total dry heat exchange
and ambient air. It appears in the Nusselt number (R + C) can be accurately measured from the ob-
(Nu) as the product-ratio (h.d/k), where d is diameter served M Sk and E sk and, more important, under
of the warm object in meters and k is the thermal conditions for thermal equilibrium when S is proba-
conductivity of the medium W·m-t.oC-l. bly zero. Calorimetric measurements of the DRY
heat exchange under these conditions result always
Free and Forced Convection in an accurate value for the combined heat transfer
coefficient (h). The value for the effective he is now
For free convection the Nusselt number (Nu) is a found by subtracting from h a calculated value for h ..
function of the Grashof (Gr) and Prandtl (Pr) num- such as given in Equation 29. Determination of he by
bers as follows this difference method are best done on unclothed
(Nu) - (Gr)O.25(pr)O.25-<l.333 ND (33) subjects.
In general, the physical factors associated with he
where (Gr) = G{3p2d3aT/ IL2 , in which G is the gravi- are not simple to measure. Conditions of free and
tational constant (m-h "); {3, the volume expansion forced convection may exist simultaneously. Convec-
coefficient (K:"); IL, the absolute viscosity (kg' tion is also affected by the motion of the ambient air
m-I·h~t); p, the density (kg-rn"), aT, the temper- as well as by activity on the part of the subject. The
ature difference between object and medium in de- ambient air movement (v) caused by either turbulent
grees Kelvin or Celsius; d, characteristic diameter of or laminar flow, may affect he differently. Finally the
object (m); and where (Pr) = ILCp/k, in which C, is question always remains how and where must the air
specific heat at constant pressure (J·kg-t·K-t). (Pr) is movement itself be measured for an accurate and
considered as contant (0.72) for air in thermal physi- consistent relationship with he'
For forced convection the Nusselt number is a func-
tion of the Reynolds (Re) number and Prandtl num- Measurement ofConvective Heat Transfer Coefficient
ber (Pr) and is described by the relation
Measurements of he for various standard activities
(Nu) - (Re)055·(Pr)O.33 ND (34) used in the laboratory are presented in Tables 5 and

6. The theoretical value proposed by Rapp (52) in ambient or room air has even less significance. In
Table 5 is based on a sphere with 75-cm diameter; evaluating the effect of both air movement and activ-
those by Missenard (43) in Table 6 are based on a ity, it is more practical to consider the resulting value
long 17-cm diameter cylinder. Values by the naph- of he as an index of "relative air movement" rather
thalene method, reported by Nishi (47), represent than use the actual values of the air movement itself.
the first direct measurements of he during exercise,
treadmill walking, and free walking without the Effect of Barometric Pressure
use of calorimetry. The last equation for he in Table
6 combines the dual effect of free walking and am- The values of he listed in Tables 5 and 13 apply only
bient air movement in the opposite directions and at sea level. Barometric pressure (P b ) changes he by a
is based on a comparison of the he coefficients for free factor (P b/760)O.55. Thus the correct equation for de-
and treadmill walking, the difference being the con- scribing the convective heat exchange (C) in the skin
tribution of ambient air movement. The values pre- heat balance Equation 3 is
sented have an experimental basis up to speeds of 4 C = h,.Fd(T a - TSk)(Pb/760)o."" w· m 2 (35)
mph (or 1.8 m/s), For greater air velocities, these
equations are still useful as first-order estimates. The value ofh and its component h., used in defini-
Finally, values of he vary widely over the surface of tion for F tl (see Equation 20), must also be corrected
the body. Table 7 illustrates the changes observed for barometric pressure. In all equations to follow he
(47) during standing and various types of exercises. always represents a sea level value.
The relation of room air movement (v) to the coeffi-
cient he has limited significance. In practice v is EVAPORATIVE HEAT EXCHANGE
usually measured with a hot wire anemometer,
which is calibrated in a wind tunnel at speeds above 1 The heat loss by the evaporation of sweat secretion
m/s. Lower readings to 0.1 mis, found by projecting on the skin surface is man's most effective means of
the parabolic calibration curve backwards, thus have survival in the heat. The evaporative heat loss (E)
only relative accuracy. Measurements of v are usu- itself is the best single physiological index of his
ally taken at the room location of interest without environmental stress. Since the beginning of human
people present. When a human being is in situ practi- calorimetry, observed changes in E have been the
cal observations of v should be made at a point 5--10 quantitative basis for measurements of the combined
em off the body surface, as proposed by Missenard (42) transfer coefficient h for (R + C), for calibration of
and used by Nishi in locating the naphthalene balls the ratio A r / AD, and the individual transfer coeffi-
(47). When a subject is active, such as pedaling a cients for radiation and convection for the particular
bicycle ergometer, the measured value of v for the experimental arrangement used (15, 45, 63, 64).

TABLE 5. Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient» (hJ in Normally Ventilated Environments at Sea Level
Condition Ref. Remarks

Seated 4.1* (52) Theoretical

Seated 2.9 ± 0.9* (45,63) Partitional calorimetry
Standing 4.5 ± 0.3* (45) Partitional calorimetry
Standing 4.0 (43) Cross flow, theoretical
Reclining 4.3 ± 0.9* (15) Longitudinal flow
Reclining 4.2 (43) Longitudinal, theoretical
Seated on stool 3.1* (47) Naphthalene method
Seated on bicycle 3.4* (64) Partitional calorimetry
Pedaling bicycle ergometer 4.8 ± 0.8 (64) Partitional calorimetry
Pedaling bicycle ergometer (50 rpm) 5.4 (47) Naphthalene method
Pedaling bicycle ergometer (60 rpm) 6.0 (47) Naphthalene method
* These values involve both free and forced convection and may be considered as constant and representative of ambient air
movement in range 0-50 ft/rnin or 0-0.25 m/s.

TABLE 6. Formulas Relating Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients (hJ to velocity (v) at Sea Level
Formulas in W·m- 2 .oC - 1 Activity Ref. Comments

he = 11.6 V O." Seated (63) v , room air movement by hot wire anemometer
he = 3.43 + 5.93 v Seated (43) v, relative air movement 10 cm off body surface
h, = 2.7 + 8.7vo. 67
Reclining (47) v , air motion lengthwise by hot wire anemometer
h, = 6.5vr,r Treadmill (47) Vtw, speed of treadmill in normal room air
h. = 8.6v'i;;'!3 Free walking (47) v'w, speed of walking in normal room air
he = 8.6vl'w"l + 1.96 v~I.·" Free walking Va, air movement against direction of motion

Velocity is measured in meters per second.


TABLE 7. Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient (he) in W' m -2. °C-I During Rest
and Exercise in Normal Air Movement (0.15 - 02 m/s)
Upper Thighs Legs
Body Region Head Chest Back Forearms Hands Average (he)
W'm- 2 , OC - 1

Area, % 17.5 17.5 19 20

Manikin Standing 2.7 2,5 2.6 3.2 3.1 3.5 2.9 4.5 3.2

Treadmill exercise Sitting 3.2 2.5 2.4 4.0 3.9 4.6 2.8 3.7 3.1
2 mph" 4.2 3.6 3.2 6.4 6.6 7.2 5.0 10.5 5.8
3 mph 4.6 3.8 3.6 7.3 9.3 10.3 6.6 12.7 7.2
4 mph 5.4 4.5 4.3 8.3 10.8 15.4 7.7 14.4 8.4

Free walking 2 mph 7.2 4.8 4.7 6.0 11.2 11.6 8.7 11.8 8.4
3 mph 7.5 5.3 5.1 13.3 12.5 13.2 10.0 13.4 9.4
4 mph 9.5 6.7 6.7 17.0 16.3 17.2 12.5 17.0 12.0

Bicycle ergometer Sitting 3.5 2..9 3.0 4.9 5.1 4.7 3.7 5.2 4.0
50 rpm 3.6 3.2 2.9 5.0 4.8 4.6 6.0 10.0 5.4
60 rpm 4.4 3.3 3.2 5.3 5.2 4.7 6.7 11.1 6.0

• 1 mph x 0.45 = 1 meter/second. [Data from Nishi & Gagge (47).]

Direct Measurement of Evaporative Heat Loss the maximum steady sweat production, when they
set their limits for heat strain. The maximum whole
In direct calorimetry, such as used in the classic
body sweating observed in the extreme heat is in
studies of Hardy and Dubois (16) and of Benzinger &
range 25-30 g·min-I for short periods of time (36).
Kitzinger (8), the evaporative heat loss from the body
The validity of Equation 36, as a direct measure of
may be determined from the change in the humidity
evaporative heat loss, depends on the ability of the
ratio (kilograms of H 20 per kilogram ofdry air) at the
sweat produced at a rate m to evaporate completely
outlet from the whole body calorimeter. Chambers
(14) has published such a psychrometric chart useful on the skin surface. Theoretically E sk should always
be less than the maximal evaporation possible for a
for physiological research from which values of the
humidity ratio may be determined. total wet skin surface.
In partitional calorimetry E is found from the rate
of change in body mass rn, (11m/lit), as measured by a Maximum Evaporative Heat Loss from Skin Surface
sensitive balance. The most successful balance used The maximum evaporative heat loss (E m ax ) from a
for this purpose has been the Potter Bed, described in totally wet skin surface is proportional to the concen-
US Pat. 3,224,518 and 3,360,002. This balance is de- tration gradient from the water vapor on the skin
signed without any wearing knife edges and has surface to the water vapor in the ambient air and
proven useful for continuous measurement of body may be described by the relation
weight during both rest and heavy exercise (56). In (37)
such studies, E is determined by the following rela-
tion where A. is latent heat of sweat in 0.68 W'h'g- I; h o is
E = 60·ri1·A/A D W'm- 2 (36) mass transfer coefficient (for diffusion of water vapor)
where rn is the rate change of body mass (m) in in m-h"; Psk is vapor density at skin surface (g-rn"):
grams per minute; A. is the latent heat of sweat (0.68 and Pa is vapor density in ambient air (g-rn"). Vapor
W . h/g" or 2.45 J. g-I). For heavy exercise m must density is related to vapor pressure by the classical
also be corrected downward for CO2 loss over O2 gain Gas Law and Equation 37 may now be rewritten for
by factor (0.00154 MAo) (in grams per minute), for an unclothed subject as
which the respiratory exchange ratio (R) is unity. To (38)
evaluate E sk , the total evaporative heat loss from the
body (E) must now be corrected for respired vapor where T is [(TSk + T a )/2 + 273.2]; P,;tk is the saturated
(E res ) as described in Equation 9. vapor pressure (in torr) on a completely wet bare skin
In Equation 36 the magnitude expected for m for an surface at TSIO P~p is equal to the ambient vapor pres-
average-size person is of interest. Without active sure (P a) in torr; and R w is the gas constant for water
sweating the body would lose weight by respiratory vapor and equal to 3.47 x 1O-3m3·Torr·g- I·K-I.
and skin diffusion at a rate of approximately 0.5 Equation 38 is valid when the difference (TSk - T a ) is
g-rnin". When working at 50% of maximum oxygen small with respect to T, i.e., less than 10%. The term
capacity in 30° T a and 50% rh, his sweating rate (rn) in the bracket [hoA./(RwT)] is now defined as the
would be about 10-12 g' min-I. For an average person evaporative heat transfer coefficient (he) in W·m- 2 •
Belding & Hatch (6) have chosen 18-20 g-min" as Torr".

The Lewis Relation Between Heat in which hF el is the reciprocal of (1 + lel)' A compari-

and Mass Transfer Coefficients son of equations 40 and 44 shows that

Engineers, meteorologists, and physiologists are i m = h,F pel/(hF d) ND (45)
familiar with the analogous relationship between The product im(LR) would be the ratio of the effec-
convection of heat and mass diffusion during evapora- tive evaporative heat transfer coefficient to the effec-
tion. Convection is governed by a temperature gra- tive combined heat transfer coefficient. Values of i m,
dient between the skin surface and ambient air reported in the literature (68), may be used to calcu-
evaporation by a density or pressure gradient. Th~ late F pel by Equation 45 rather than Equation 43.
environmental factors, air motion and density, act in Table 3 has been completed to show how these evapo-
the same way during both processes. The constancy rate heat transfer coefficients and clothing factors
of the ratio hJh e under the same conditions of tem- vary with the clothing insulation.
perature and pressure was recognized by Lewis (39)
and has been expressed in terms useful for physiolo-
gists by others (33, 39, 51). The ratio ho/h e varies as Skin Wettedness vs. Efficiency
(D/k)2/:1 (pCp)-l/:J, where D is the mass diffusivity of Evaporative Regulation
(m--h"); k the thermal conductivity (W·m-1.oC- 1) ;
C p, specific heat at constant pressure (J·kg-1.oC) and The wetted area of the skin (A w) has been defined
p is density (kg-rn"), In practical terms for the as the area of the skin, which, if covered with sweat,
present discussion, the ratio (helh e), now called the would provide the observed rate of skin evaporation
Lewis Relation (LR), is given numerically by under the prevailing condition. Thus by this defini-
tionE sk = Aw·Emax/Ao. Skin wettedness (w) has also
(LR) = h..Jh,. = 2.2 (760/P,,) °C·Torr I (39) been defined as the ratio of Awl A o. Thus
The number 2.2 is the sea level value for (LR), which W = Aw/A o = E,./E m a x ND (46)
in turn varies inversely as the barometric pressure.
When E sk can be evaluated experimentally and
For a unit (m-) of wet skin at temperature Tsk, the
since E max is obtained from the basic observations of
maximum evaporative capacity may now be written
r., r; T wet (or T dp), he and I elo , it is then possible to
evaluate skin wettedness at any time by Equation 46.
in which 2.2 and he are sea level values. Skin wettedness ranges from a certain minimum
The term F pel Equation 40, known as the Nishi value, which occurs when there is no evaporative
Permeation Efficiency Factor (48) for passage of wa- heat loss by regulatory sweat (i.e., E rsw = 0), to a
ter vapor through clothing, has been added to take maximum theoretical value of unity. A theoretical
account of clothing worn. This factor also varies with minimum value of zero would occur if the skin were
barometric pressure. completely impermeable to water vapor. At the mini-
The factor F pel is analogous to the F cl for dry heat mum w value the evaporative heat loss from the skin
exchange and may be written surface is entirely due to the diffusion of water vapor
(E diff) , evaporated within outer layers of the skin. The
F tx-t = hpd/(hpel + hpj ND (41) E diff is also directly proportional to the value of E max,
in which heel is the heat equivalent of water vapor which represents the evaporative power of the envi-
passing through clothing and he evaporative heat ronment and is calculated from the aforementioned
transfer coefficient from the skin surface itself. six basic observations, when E rsw = O. When regula-
For a vapor impermeable garment, heel and thus tory sweating begins, evaporative heat loss may occur
F pel would be zero. For bare skin (unclothed) F pel is both by diffusion (E diff) as well as by the evaporation
unity. For normal porous clothing, such as worn ev- of sweat (E rsw ) . When the skin surface is completely
ery day by an average person, it has been shown wet (i.e., w = 1), E d if f, per se, no longer occurs, and
experimentally (48) at sea level. E sk is attributed entirely to regulatory sweating
(E rsw)' The ratio Ersw/Emax describes the skin wetted-
F pel = 1/(1 + 0.143h,l,o) ND (42) ness (w rsw) due to sweating, the ratio Ediff/Emax is the
Equation 42 relates F pel to the sea level values of he skin wettedness due to diffusion (Wdiff), and the total
and the effective clothing insulation lelw At any baro- wettedness (w) any time is given by
metric pressure he in Equation 42 should be replaced W = Wdlff + (1 - WdJrf)W rs w ND (47)
by h e(P b/760)o.:;:;.
An alternate factor to F pel is the nondimensional From data reported by Brebner et al. (10), the
moisture index (i m) of Woodcock & Breckenridge (68). minimum value of the ratio Ediff/Emax (or w) may be
The definition of i., is implied in his equivalent defini- 0.06. For continuing exposure to dry cold this mini-
tion for E max as follows mum value may lower (28). For the remainder of this
chapter, the value 0.06 for a minimum value of Wdiff
will be considered as fixed characteristic of the body
or skin surface as a whole. In terms of skin wettedness
(44) (w), the wettedness due to regulatory sweat (w rsw)

alone is given by the relation water. As was the case for air, a full-scale clothed
w"w = (w - 0.06)/0.94 ND (48)
manikin is usually used (65) to evaluate I clw when
immersed in water; due to compression of clothing by
Although the maximum value for w (i.e., unity) water, I clw tends to be lower than a corresponding
occurs when the skin is 100% wet, there is no clear measurement of leI in air.
evidence in the literature that in air the body can Values of h., for whole body immersion are ex-
ever become 100% wet. Sweating is not uniform over tremely variable. The value listed in Table 8 above for
the body surface. Some of the measured weight loss h., included the insulation effect of a thin waterproof
(rn) may roll off the body without contributing to coating on the manikin surface. Correcting for this
evaporative heat loss. Sometimes sweat may evapo- effect, Witherspoon et al. (65) estimate the resulting
rate within the clothing layers and thus the efficiency h , would have been 134 W·m- 2.oC-l. The h., for a
of evaporation by E sk would be reduced as a cooling gradient from the exposed outer surface of 3°C would
mechanism. Preliminary analysis of published data also include a free convection component almost
(18, 27) seems to show that the maximum skin wet- twice the forced convection component. The irregular
tedness for unclothed subjects may fall in the wetted- shape of the human body would also result in stagna-
ness range 0.8-1.0 at the upper limit of the zone of tion effects between arms and trunk and so reduce
evaporative regulation. With clothing the maximum hw •
wettedness useful for body cooling may drop near 0.5. More recently Nadel et al. (43) have evaluated h.,
Air turbulance of the environment tends to spread in a swimming flume for water velocities ranging
sweat evenly over the skin surface. In desert climates from still to 0.95 mls. They report for their unclothed
with low humidity and by using loose-fitting cloth- subjects values of h., of 230 W·m- 2.oC-l at rest in still
ing, the maximum effective wettedness may rise up water, 460 at rest in moving water and 580 while
to the 0.9-1.0 range. Activity and high ambient air actively swimming. The latter figure was found to be
movement also tend to spread sweat more easily over independent of swimming speed (using the crawl).
the body surface, specially when unclothed, and im- These authors measured their h w, as the ratio of the
prove the efficiency of evaporative process. average skin heat flow, measured by four copper-
The significance of the maximum possible evapora- tellurium Hatfield-Turner discs, to the average tem-
tive heat loss (E m a x ) for clothed and unclothed human perature gradient from four skin thermocouples, held
beings was first emphasized by Belding & Hatch (6) in place by a thin surgical tape (estimated insulation
when they proposed their heat stress index (HSI). 0.005 clo) to the water itself. Their water tempera-
During the thermal equilibrium the above value for tures varied between 18° and 33°C.
w, expressed as a percentage, would correspond nu- In practice an accurate measurement of t sk is
merically to their HSI Index. Modifications of their very difficult for bare skin in water but becomes
index have evolved in recent years in the proper considerably easier and more significant when mea-
interpretation of the product wE m a x and the associ- sured under clothing. Clothing insulation worn over
ated heat transfer factors in the denominator of their the skin surface causes, as before for air, the effective
index, and in the practical value of the product wh.;: heat transfer coefficient from the skin to water to be
F pel to be used as an effective evaporative heat trans- the product hwFclw or ratio l!(lw+ I clw)' For this I clw
fer coefficient when evaporative regulation of body value of 0.6 clo, when h., = 350, the product hwFelw =
temperature fails (7). 10.4; when h., = 100, hwFclw = 9.7. Thus a variation
100-300 in h., would make little significant change in
the overall heat transfer coefficient from skin to wa-
SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTS ter and the heat exchange itself would be less depend-
Water Immersion
TABLE 8. Typical Data for an Immersed Copper
Heat exchange during water immersion will follow Manikin Wearing a Neoprene Wet Suit
to a great extent the general physiological and physi- About 1/ 4 inch Thick
cal principles previously outlined for air. In water Still Stirred
Manikin Units Air
exchange by radiation and evaporation is absent and Water Water
the heat balance Equation 3 may now be written Unclothed
S = M,. - hw('I\. - Tw)Felw W'm- 2 (49) 10 or r, cIo 0.62 0.14 0.11
h or h., W·m- 2 . OC- I 10.4 46 59
in which the subscript w denotes water and h., is the Clothed
convective heat transfer coefficient from the exposed 10 + I cl or I w + I elw cIo 1.48 0.76 0.71
I cl or I elw 0.86 0.62 0.60
body surface to water. The thermal efficiency factor F el or F elw ND 0.42 0.18 0.15
for clothing (F Clw) in water is defined as before hF eh hwF elw, W·m- 2 .oC- 1 4.36 8.49 9.09
or 1I0 w + I cl w )
F elw = Iw/(lw + I clw) ND (50)
Data based on personal communication from Dr. R. F. Gold-
in which the insulation of the water I w is l/hw (in man, US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine,
m 2.oC·W-l) and I clwis the insulation of the clothing in Natick, Massachusetts.

ent on the accuracy of the h ; observation. The ulti- gas mixture, i.e., % O2 and % He or % N 2 , it is
mate usefulness of measuring h.F ctw and the total possible from these relationships to determine the
heat exchange in water is to predict accurately the ratio of he' (for any He-0 2 mixture) to he (for air at 760
rate of fall (or rise) of mean temperature from the Torr), first, by evaluating the relative change for a
storage term S and in tum human survival time in given mixture at sea level and, second, by correcting
cold water. For detailed studies in this area see this ratio for changes in barometric pressure, which
Lambertsen (37) and Keatinge (35). affects the p term only. Table 10 shows such calcula-
The physiological neutral point for unclothed sub- tions for various helium atmospheres. For 5 ATA (l
jects in water for h., value 100-300 W· m- 2 • °C-I ATA = 760 Torr) and above, a constant partial pres-
would be very close to neutral TSk (in range 33.5- sure of oxygen of 300 Torr is maintained. The values
34°C), and it would be lower by only 0.3-0.soC for a indicated in Table 10 are based on the physical prop-
threefold increase in level of activity expressed in erties of each mixture, by averaging the properties in
met units. However, for the wet suit described above Table 9 weighted according to the percentage of oxy-
the effective combined transfer coefficient is approxi- gen and helium oxygen and helium present.
mately 10 and the neutral water temperature would In Table 10 it can be seen that the initial substitu-
be lowered to 27-28° for 1 met or 16-19° for moderate tion of helium for nitrogen essentially increases the
activity (3 mets). convective heat transfer by a factor of two over that of
In shallow water for diving subjects the respired air at sea level. The greater increase for he' relative
convective heat loss forC res to be substracted from the to air at sea level is due to increasing density raised
energy metabolism M is small and may be ignored. to the 0.5 and 0.55 power. For the helium atmos-
However, in deep dives the heat loss may be consider- pheres above 5 ATA illustrated the relative increases
able by respiration, when breathing equipment used in he' for either free or forced convection is approxi-
is at water temperature, (62). As may be seen by mately the same.
Equation 10 it would be possible for a man to lose a During the evaporative process from a wet skin
sizeable portion of this metabolic energy by C res, surface to a helium atmosphere, the evaporative heat
while swimming in the above suit at 5°C at a depth of transfer coefficient (he') for a helium-oxygen mixture
40 meters (i.e., C res ~ 70 W· m ? for M ~ 350 W . m "). is different for the same environmental condition
with air, and is reflected in the relative change of the
Hyperbaric Helium-Oxygen Atmospheres product of the convective heat transfer (he') and the
Lewis Relation (LR') for the gas mixture. The princi-
The major changes in the heat transfer processes, pal properties of the gas mixture affecting the Lewis
caused by a helium-oxygen atmosphere under pres- Relation, as seen before, are described by the relation
sure, occur in the heat transfer coefficients for convec-
tion and for evaporation of sweating. At sea level the LR _(D/k)21:l(pC p)-II:l
convective heat loss by respiration was about 1% of The new term, now appearing, is the mass diffusivity
the metabolic energy, but under pressure this term (D) for water to a gas, which is also listed in Table 9.
becomes significant. The nature of these changes on Since D also varies with lip and since k and C p do not
the convective and evaporative heat transfer coeffi- vary with pressure, then
cient will be discussed in this section.
LR - lip
The principal physical properties of air, oxygen,
nitrogen, and helium, which affect heat exchange by Two columns have been added to Table 10 showing
convection and evaporation, are presented in Table 9. the relative changes in the Lewis Relation (LR) to air
From the earlier section CONVECTIVE HEAT EX- for various values of ATA. Helium alone at constant
CHANGE, it can be shown that the physical factors pressure would lower LR' by a factor 0.6-0.7. Since
affecting the convective heat transfer coefficient are LR varies inversely proportional to the barometric
he ~ k(P/i...jO-55(,..C,,/k)0.:l:l (forced convection) pressure, the ratio LR for mixture to LR for sea level
air lowers rapidly with increasing values of ATA.
he - k(P/,..)0.5(,..C,,/k)0.25 to 0.:1:1:1 (free convection) The product, Llc-h., is equal to the evaporative heat
where k = thermal conductivity, p = density, J.t transfer coefficient. The last column in Table 10,
absolute viscosity, and C, = specific heat. For any representing the relative change in the evaporative

TABLE 9. Gas Characteristics at 760 Torr and 20°C

Thermal Conductiv- Thermal Capacity Mass. Diffusivity (wa-
ity, k
Absolute Viscosity, JL Density, p Specific Heat, c, per gas volume, pCp ter to gas), D

Units W-m-I.OC-l kg-mv-h " x 10-- 2 kg-m? J·kg LOC-' J·m- 3 .oC- 1 m 2 ·h - l

Air 0.0250 6.55 1.20 1004 1205 0.088

Oxygen 0.0250 7.32 1.332 911 1213 0.088
Nitrogen 0.0250 6.83 1.166 1027 1197 0.088
Helium 0.149 7.03 0.1664 5200 865 0.271
Data based on International Critical Tables and Smithsonian Meteorological Tables.

TABLE 10. Comparison of Heat-Transfer Coefficient for Various Helium Oxygen

Hyperbaric Environments with Those for Air at Sea Level
P.,I760 %0, by %Heby h',/h, at 1 h',/h, at h',/h, at 1 h',/h, at (LR')/(LR) (LR')/(LR) at h',./h, at ATA
Gas (ATA) ATA (forced) ATA (forced) ATA (free) ATA (free) ATA (forced)
volume volume at 1 ATA

Air 1 20 80(N.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
He 1 20 80 2.47 2.47 2.75 2.75 0.62 0.62 1.5
He 5 7.9 92.1 2.13 5.16 2.48 5.55 0.64 0.128 0.66
He 10 3.9 96.1 1.98 7.03 2.33 7.37 0.67 0.067 0.47
He 20 2.0 98.0 1.89 9.82 2.24 10.01 0.70 0.035 0.34
He 30 1.3 98.7 1.85 11.95 2.20 12.05 0.71 0.024 0.29
P b , barometric pressure; ATA, atmosphere absolute; he, convective heat transfer coefficient; he, evaporative heat transfer
coefficient; LR, Lewis Relation (39); primes over he and LR refer to helium-oxygen gas mixtures; without primes, to sea level at 20·C.

heat transfer coefficient, is the product (he'/hc)-(LR'/ normal clothing thus tends to act like a garment
LR). Thus in a helium hyperbaric environment at 30 impermeable to vapor.
ATA, although the relative change in convective With increasing barometric pressure the thermal
transfer coefficient (he) increases by a factor of 12, the capacity (pCp) of a unit volume of gas mixture also
evaporative heat transfer coefficient drops by a factor increases. Values for pCp are also indicated in Table
of almost 4. 9. Although the density of helium is one-seventh of
The values of the ratios he' /h, and (LR' /LR) in that of air, its specific heat is five times that of air,
Table 10 can now be quickly converted to the actual the thermal capacity per unit volume remains ap-
convective he' and evaporative heat transfer he' coef- proximately 0.72--0.78 for the percent mixtures listed
ficients by substituting sea level values for he from in Table 10. The increase in the respired heat loss is
Table 5 or 6 and 2.2 for LR. To the value of he' derived thus principally a linear function of barometric pres-
in this manner must now be added the value of'h, (see sure (61). The sea level respired loss by convection, as
Equation 29) to get the combined coefficient h' for the described in Equation 10, was developed by Fanger
mixture concerned. When clothing is worn in a hy- (17), based on the valid assumption that the respira-
perbaric atmosphere, the effective combined heat tory ventilation rate varies linearly with the energy
transfer coefficient is now h'F~h in which F~l is metabolism M. For C:"'s in a He-02 atmosphere
found by substituting h' in Equation 20. The effective Equation 10 must be multiplied by the factor, 0.75
evaporative heat transfer coefficient is similarly or by [p'Cp' (for mixture)/pC p (for air)]. When these
found from the product (LR')(h~F~cl)' in which factors are combined, at 30 ATA, the additional con-
F~cl is found by substituting h~ in Equation 42. vective load by C res would be 1.8 W per degree
A practical illustration of the principles outlined in Celsius change in T, per met. This coefficient would
the previous paragraph is given in Table 11 for a only be relatively significant when the subject is
sedentary subject (M = 58.2 W'm- 2), wearing light- clothed (1.8 vs. 8.8) but insignificant when unclothed
weight clothing (lclo = 0.6) and still air (he at sea level (1.8 vs. 46.5) as far as the total cooling load is
= 3.5 W·m- 2. oC-l) for the same He-02 mixture listed concerned. With increasing levels of exercise, this
in Table 10. In general it can be seen the role of respiratory coefficient would rise, however, more rap-
radiation exchange (i.e., h.) becomes an increasingly idly in proportion to the rise in the effective combined
smaller fraction of the total dry heat exchange as coefficient itself, and the various parts of the body
barometric pressure increases. Although the relative both internally and externally would cool at different
increase in he is 12-fold at 30 ATA, the addition of the rates. Both would require a more sophisticated analy-
radiation coefficient (h.) reduces the relative change sis than presented here for values of i'Sk and whole
in the combined coefficient to a factor of 6 for an body heat transfer coefficients.
unclothed subject (i.e., Fel = 1). Light clothing in turn The physiological neutral operative temperature is
reduces the relative increase in the effective com- given by the solution of Equations 1 or 3 for To, when
bined heat transfer coefficient to a factor of only 2. all the effective heat transfer coefficients are used in
Although light clothing would give considerable calculating the terms involved. In Table 11 the neu-
protection against the cold with increasing atmos- tral point (T~n), for M of 1 met for unclothed and 0.6
phere absolutes, it creates a severe vapor barrier for clothed and for P, = 12 Torr (or 40% rh at sea level)
the evaporative heat loss from the skin surface. At 30 has been calculated; T~n occurs when the wettedness
ATA, without clothing, the evaporative heat transfer (w) equals 0.06. The temperature To" for the upper
coefficient drops to 29% of sea level; with clothing the limit of evaporative regulation occurs when w == 1
effective evaporative heat transfer coefficient is down and is found approximately by the sum T~n + E;"ax/
to 8% of sea level. By assuming an ambient vapor (h'F~I)' At sea level for the low humidities used, the
pressure (P a) of 12 Torr and a i'Sk of 34°, the E max for zone of evaporative regulation extends over a 30°
the environment may be calculated for either nude or range for To. With increasing barometric pressure the
clothed condition by Equation 40 or as indicated in range for regulation narrows to 1_2 at 30 ATA. 0

the footnote to Table 11. In a hyperbaric environment Towards the cold the transfer coefficient (h'F~l)

TABLE 11. Heat Transfer Factors and Limiting Operative Temperatures for Various
He-02 Atmospheres at Constant Water Vapor Pressure (12 Torr) and 20°C
ReI. Ther· Limits of Evaporative
Dry Heat Transfer Coefficients Evaporative Heat Trans. Coer. Max. Evap. Power
mal Cap. Regulation

Gas P, E:nilX E:n8ll T.',n for w = 0.06 T:: for w ~ 1

h'F'" h', or
h", h, h' nude F'" F~'l h',.F~d p'C' ,/(pC p )
clothed (LR')'h',
Nude Clothed Unci Clo Uncl Clo

W·m- 2 . Wornl!· W·rn- 2 • W·rn- 2 • W·rn- 2 • W'rn- Z '

% ATA ND ND w-m 2 W'm"2 ND °C °C °C °C
°e-I -c- "C--I °C-l Torr " Torr-I

Air 1 3.5 4.7 8.2 0.57 4.67 7.7 0.79 6.08 209 165 1 29 24 54 59
80% He 1 8.64 4.7 13.3 0.45 5.99 11.75 0.57 6.70 319 181 0.78 30 25 54 55
92% He 5 18.06 4.7 22.8 0.32 7.30 5.06 0.39 1.97 137 53 3.7 32 27 38 34
96% He 10 24.6 4.7 29.3 0.27 7.91 3.6 0.32 1.15 98 31 7.3 32 27 35 31
98% He 20 34.6 4.7 39.7 0.21 8.34 2.66 0.25 .66 72 18 14.4 33 28 35 30
98.6% He 30 41.8 4.7 46.5 0.19 8.84 2.21 0.22 .48 60 13 21.6 33 28 34 29.5
All primes refer to helium-oxygen gas mixtures indicated; otherwise data apply to air at sea level. Pb, barometric pressure; h.,
convective heat transfer coefficient; h., linear radiation exchange coefficient; h, combined heat transfer coefficient; F"" clothing
efficiency factor; h., evaporative heat transfer coefficient; F pd , permeation efficiency factor; E;"ax = h, (LR')F~d (Pf, - 12); o'C' p/(pC p ),
thermal capacity of gas mixture relative to air; w, skin wettedness due to perspiration and diffusion; Ton, operative temperature for
thermal neutrality when w = 0.06; '1';;, operative temperature at upper limit of evaporative regulation, when w = 1.

should be compared with the skin metabolism M sk- operative temperature and the combined heat trans-
which for our example is about 55 W·m- 2 • For the fer coefficient (h) and the clothing efficiency factor
extreme case, when the subject is unclothed at 30 (FeI) is
ATA, each drop in To' below T:m would cause an DRY = F",h(T" - 'I\k) W -rn" (7)
initial body cooling rate of 46.5 W·m- 2 • Thus this
cooling rate would correspond approximately to an By Equation 17 operative temperature may now be
initial drop rate of 1DC per hour in the mean body defined as the temperature of an imaginary uniform
temperature of an average-size person for each de- black enclosure in which a human being with an
gree that To' falls below T:m . observed skin temperature (Tsk ) would exchange the
In the present section the heat exchange in helium same sensible (DRY) heat as he would in the actual
hyperbaric atmospheres has been described in terms environment described by l' n T a, and clothing insula-
of the convective heat transfer coefficient now used in tion worn.
air environments. The order of magnitude of the Operative temperature is a temperature index of
phenomena derived on the basis of physical theory the physical heat stress caused by the environment
agrees well with those reported in the literature. on human beings and is independent of the tempera-
With one exception (61) most of the studies for this ture of the skin surface and insulation of clothing
field are descriptive and, when quantitative, the in- worn.
dependent variables describing human heat ex- In normally ventilated living space the tempera-
change are not always reported. The examples pre- ture (Tg ) of a skin-colored Bedford-type globe ther-
sented here confirm well-known observations (5, 53, mometer has been used as a direct measure of To (24).
62) that the nature of heat exchange under high baro-
metric pressure tends to be very similar to that in Humid Operative Temperature
water in that the temperature range for comfort in
Humid operative temperature (Toh) is a biophysical
both media is very narrow. temperature index (49) of the strain caused by the
physical environment on the regulatory sweating
system and is defined as the temperature of an imagi-
nary uniform "black" saturated enclosure (i.e., when
To = T a = T dp) in which human beings would ex-
All rational temperature indices (19) are based on
change the same total heat (sensible + insensible)
the fundamental heat balance Equations 1 or 3. The
from the skin surface at the TSk and w observed in
family tree of rational environmental temperature the actual environment, which in turn is described by
indices is illustrated in Figure 2. To. Ta , Td p and the ~'lo worn. Thus by this definition
Operative Temperature TOTAL (loss) = -R - C - E Sk W-m " (51)
= hFclCT,k - To) + wh,.Fpd(P;"k ~ P,tp) (52)
Operative temperature (To), as shown in Equa-
tion 13, is the average of the mean radiant ct) and = (A + wBllTsk - Toh ] (53)
the dry bulb or ambient air temperature (Ta) where
weighted by the linear radiation (h.) and convective
A = hF d (54)
(h.) heat transfer coefficients involved. The dry heat
exchange (DRY) from the skin surface in terms of B = 1.92h"F IX'I = 4. 22h"F pel (55)

and w = 1.0 loci. In the zone of body cooling loci of

constant Tob parallel the w = 0.06 locus and Tob ap-
proached To numerically in value. Above the w = 1.0
locus, evaporative regulation has failed, and loci of
constant T ob would parallel the w = 1.0 locus. The
For Stand. negative slope of lines of constant Tob or w in Figure
Environment 3, as seen from Equation 58, is the ratio
hFcl/(wheF pel)' The abscissa at the intersection ofloci
of constant wettedness with the saturation curve
(Tsk) (Tsk. W) gives the numerical value of the T uh index. For the
Tso TsOh----SET- transfer coefficients chosen here the zone of evapora-
FIG. 2. Family Tree of rational environmental temperature tive regulation lies between values of23.5° and 30.5°C
indices. The physical properties of the skin are temperature Cr,.) for T oh- All loci of constant wettedness or constant T ob
and wettedness (w). Basic environmental temperatures are radiate from a common point (CP), whose abscissa is
mean radiant (1'r), ambient air (T a), and dew-point (Trip) temper- given by the term [TSk - Msk/(hFcl)] and whose ordi-
atures. Barometric pressure (P b ) and air movement affect the
convection coefficient (he)' Clothing insulation (lc/o) affects the nate is p* sk- Physically speaking, this abscissa value
efficiency factors (F rl and Fpc,) for transfer of heat and water equals the operative temperature at which MSk would
vapor through clothing. The standard of reference environment, be theoretically balanced by the DRY loss, when E Sk
used for comparison in standard operative (T,o) and standard = O. Figure 3 actually describes a plot of the basic
humid operative (T ,oh) temperatures, describes usually one which
is familiar for our daily living conditions. The indices for new
heat balance equation on the psychrometric chart,
effective temperature (ET*) and new standard effective tempera- when Equation 52 is entered in Equation 3.
ture (SET*) refer to environments at 50% relative humidity (rhl, Skin temperature actually is not constant over the
range of Tofor the zone of evaporative regulation but
and increases slowly, Loci for w = 1 are also drawn for TSk
values of 35° and 36°C. The true w = 1 locus would
(56) thus tend to be flatter than one drawn for a constant
In Equation 56 a linear dew temperature (Tdew) is TSk'
defined by In Figure 3, loci are also drawn for the classic
Effective Temperature (ET) applicable to a sedentary
Td e w = (P. + 25.3)/1.92 ac (57) normally clothed subject and described in the original
In the range of the observed dew-point temperature studies of Houghten & Yaglou (32). For the satura-
25° < T dp < 35°C, T dp and Tdew are numerically equal. tion line 000% rh) the numerical index values for ET
The ambient vapor pressure (Pa) may be rewritten as and T ob coincide by definition. Deviations between
either P" dp or <l>P*a' In terms of the basic environ- the two occur at lower relative humidities. When
mental physical properties (To and Pa), by combining regulatory sweating is minimal (w - 0.06), the older
Equations 56 and 57 ET tends to overestimate the effect of vapor pressure
when compared to T oh- When evaporative heat loss is
-c (58) near its maximum (w - 1), ET tends to underesti-
The general relationship of Tob to the ambient vapor mate the effect of vapor pressure. In the middle
ranges of evaporative regulation, when 0.3 < w <
pressure, (P a), and the operative temperature (To> is
0.5, index values of T ob and the older ET tend to be
illustrated on the psychrometric chart in Figure 3 for
a resting sedentary subject while lightly clothed in a identical at all relative humidities.
normal ventilated room. The relative humidity There is no simple direct measure of humid opera-
tive temperature with a simple physical instrument.
curves indicated refer to either To or T; and Pa. The
characteristics of the environment are indicated in As may be recognized from Equation 56, Tob may be
the box on the left side of Figure 3. In the zone of considered as a linear average of the Ta , Tr , and TdP or
evaporative regulation any line of constant wetted- Tdew, weighted by their associated transfer coeffi-
ness is described by the equation cient. The wet bulb-globe temperature (WBGT) index
developed by Yaglou & Minard (70) would be in the
(P. - P*sk) = -[hF,.,/(wh.F pd )] same numerical category as Tob, since WBGT is a
{'I', - ('I'sk - M.k/(hF cI )) ) torr
weighted average of T a, the T g of a black globe ball
and the Twb of an unventilated wet bulb. The weight-
which is the heat balance equation 3, rewritten and ing factors used with the WBGT as an index were
combined with Equation 52. For purposes of the pres- specially chosen to simulate the earlier ET of Hough-
ent illustration, mean skin temperature (Tsk) is as- ten and Yaglou.
sumed to be constant at 34° over the zone of evapora- Graphic solutions are possible for both T ob and w
tive regulation. When TSk is constant, loci of constant for conditions, when there is thermal equilibrium.
T ob and skin wettedness (w) appear as common The steps for such a solution are 1) the common point
straight lines on this psychrometric chart. The zone (CP) is plotted on a psychrometric chart with coordi-
of evaporative regulation falls between the w = 0.06 nates (TSk - Msk/(hF cl ) , P~'D; 2) coordinates of the


M =~2.4 W·rn
40 h=?6 w· ni2.o e l

he=2.9 w·ni 2 .oC- 1

FIG. 3. Graphic representation of a
IcI=06 clo
typical environment for a sedentary
clothed subject. All loci of constant
wettedness pass through a common
point (ep) whose coordinates are [(T Sk
- Msk/(hF,.,)), P" Sk]. The dotted loci rep-
resent the classic Effective Tempera-
ture (ET). The abscissa at the intersec-
tion of all solid loci with the 50% rh
curve is the new Effective Temperature
(ET*) of the American Society of Heat-
ing, Refrigerating and Air-Condition-
ing Engineers (ASHRAE). Shaded
zone represents the ASHRAE Comfort
Standard for environmental design.
T sk , skin temperature; rh, relative hu-
midity. 10

10 20 30 40 50 60

observed conditions (OP) for the environment in The slope of the (w = 1) line is (10.9)(0.66)/
question (To, P a or <I>P*a) are plotted; 3) a straight [(2.2)(6.0)(0.80)] or 0.68. The wettedness (w) under
line is drawn between CP and OP. The negative slope this prescriptive condition is 0.68/0.88 or 0.78. The
of this line equals analytically hF.,.j(wheFpel)' The slope line for w = 0.78, so drawn, gives the locus of To
value of w at OP may be found by dividing by the and P a values for which an identical prescription
ratio hFed(heFPel), which is negative slope of the w = environment would exist. For an equivalent dry de-
1 locus, the negative slope of CP-OP line. The abscissa sert environment, where P a == 5, the prescriptive
at intersection of the CP-OP line with the saturation limiting To would be 53°. The E sk at this 53° point
curve is the value for Toh that corresponds to the would be (0.78) x [ 2.2 x 6.0 x 0.80 x (42.2 - 5)] or
observed To and P a. Alternatively, when w can be 306 W' m ? or a sweat rate of 14 g-rnin " for an
evaluated experimentally by ratio Esk/Emax, a line average man. The bracketed term is value for E max.
with negative slope (hFeI/(wheF pel)] is drawn through Probable sweat rate at 50 and 100% rh above PP are
the (OP) point, (T", Pa)' The abscissa for the intersec- also indicated. Any observed point (OP) lying above
tion of the lines with the saturation curve give the Toh the prescriptive locus (for w = 0.78) describes a condi-
acting on the subject, whether or not equilibrium tion in the zone of body heating. In Figure 4 a line has
exists. been drawn through the CP with slope 0.68/0.06 or
A practical application of the T oh index is illus- 11.3, which defines lower limit of zone of evaporative
trated in Figure 4. A prescriptive environment of regulation. For the work conditions described, the
27.5° T oh or ET has been set for the limit in which men environment in terms of To and P a has now been
can work safely at 300 kcal- h-\ (or 350 W or 194 divided into the three zones of regulatory response.
W . m -2) for an average-size person with AD of 1.8 m". For an environment with these same general char-
This example is taken from Figure 2 in Lind (40). The acteristics and for this same work rate, suppose the
equivalence of T oh and ET follows by their definitions same worker must operate in front of a blast furnace,
at 100% rho The environmental factors are estimated which caused an effective radiant field of 100 W'm- 2
for this illustration as I elo = 0.3; he = 6.0 (~0.25 on the clothing surface, while the ambient air re-
m-s "); h, = 4.9; h = 10.9 from which Fe! = 0.66, and mained at a Ta of 25 ° and 40% rho The ambient vapor
F pel = 0.80. The critical value of TSk is assumed to be pressure would be now 9.5 Torr and the operative
35°C and constant. On a psychrometric chart, the temperature in front of the furnace 25 + 100/10.9 or
common point (CP) is first plotted, (35 - (194)(.9)/ 34.2°by Equation 25. Before facing the furnace the OPt
[(10.9)(0.66)], 42.2) or 00.7, 42.2). The prescriptive would have coordinates (25, 9.5). In front of the fur-
point (PP) is now plotted at (27.5, 27.5). The negative nace the OP 2 would be (34.2°, 9.5). The degree of
slope of the line drawn between (CP) and (PP) is 0.88. wettedness (w) associated with CP-OP I line is 0.3;


FIG. 4. Psychrometric chart which

40 relates a prescriptive condition (PP),
described by a humid operative tem-
perature (Toh) of 27.5° for a man work-
ing at about 3 mets and wearing 0.3 clo
to an equivalent temperature at 50%
and for a desert environment at 5 Torr
MSk"194x0.9W·rril vapor pressure. The values for wetted-
hc-6.0 W·m 2 .oC I ness (ui ), operative temperature T,,,
hr=4.9 W·ni 2.oCI and Toh at operating conditions OP-l
Iclo-O.3 and 2 for a man working in front of a
Tsk"35°C radiant heat source at ambient vapor
pressure (Pa) of9 Torr and atOP-3 and
OP-4 for 20 Torr are also indicated
graphically. CP, common point; M",
net rate of metabolic heat to skin sur-
face; hr. convective heat transfer coeffi-
cient; h" linear radiation exchange
coefficient; I rio, clothing insulation; T ok,
10 skin temperature; ET*, new effective
temperature; rho relative humidity;
ERF, effective radiant field.

10 20 30 40 50 60

with CP-OP2 w is 0.5. If the relative humidity of the coefficients hand F e l and by barometric pressure (Pg),
air at OP a had been 84% (or P, = 20 Torr), the wetted- in terms of the ambient temperature of a uniform
ness corresponding to CP-OPa would be 0.43, but in environment of known standard characteristics. By
front of the furnace for CP-OP4 , w is 0.71 and definition TSk applies to both actual and standard en-
would be near the prescriptive limit of w = 0.78. vironments.
Standard Operative Temperature Standard Humid Operative Temperature
Standard Operative Temperature (Tso) is defined as Standard Humid Operative Temperature (Tsoh) is
the temperature of a black isothermal environment
the temperature of an imaginary saturated isother-
in which a human being, wearing standard clothing
mal enclosure in which a human being, wearing
and exposed to a standard air movement and baro-
standard clothing and exposed to standard air move-
metric pressure, would exchange the same heat by ment at sea level, would exchange the same heat by
radiation and convection as he would with the same radiation, convection and evaporation as he would for
mean skin temperature in the actual environment the same skin temperature and wettedness in the
described by To. In the actual environment the DRY actual nonuniform environment. If As + wB s or Cs
heat exchange is given by Equation 17, or now by
are the values for the combined humid transfer coeffi-
DRY = A<TSk - To) W.m? (60) cients in the standard or reference environment, as
In the standard environment by definition was the case for T so it follows
T 80h = (C/C,)T Oh + (l - C/C,)T'k °C (64)
DRY = A,.(T Sk - Tso ) (61)
where Standard Effective Temperature
In general the Standard Temperatures- operative
and humid operative- make it possible to compare
two or more entirely different environmental condi-
Equating Equations 60 and 61, it follows tions, as described by Toand T ohs in terms of a Tso and
Tsoh for the standard or reference environment. The
T,o = (A/A,)T o + (l - A/A,lT'k °C (63)
standard often represents an environment that de-
By Equation 63, it is possible to describe any thermal scribes a set of physical conditions that exist for some
stress, caused by Ta , '1'" or ERF, by the transfer known physiological state. It is possible to compare

two environments directly only when the M Sk ex- The negative slope of the w 1 line is
pected in each of the two environments is nearly hF cI/[2.2 h.,Fped = 0.715 Torr·oC-l. The coordinates
identical. The following are some practical examples of the Common Point (CP) are (TSk - Msk/A, P*Sk);
of how the indices Tso and Tsoh may be used. these are for a), (22.6, 42.2); b), (23.6, 44.6); and
Question: What would be the equivalent ambient for c) (24.6, 47) in (OC, torr). The coordinates of the
temperature for comfort for an unclothed subject in a prescription points (PP) are for a), (28.8, 29.6); b),
hyperbaric atmosphere of 5 ATA? (32.2, 36.1); c), (33.9, 39.0), where the abscissa is in
For a series of studies (46) sponsored by the Ameri- degrees Celsius and the ordinate in torr. The corre-
can Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi- sponding values ofToh are 28.8, 32.2 and :l3.9, respec-
tioning Engineers (ASHRAE) as well as for the com- tively. The ratio of the characteristic slope of the w =
fort studies compiled by Fanger (17) it has been 1 locus to the slope of the CP-PP line is the skin
shown that sedentary man, while wearing 0.6 elo wettedness w. Thus a) for negligible (HS), w = (0.71)/
insulation, is comfortable at 24°C and 50% rh at sea [(42.2 - 29.6)/(28.8 - 22.6)] or 0.35; b) for danger of
level. The transfer coefficients for h and he, used in (HS), w = 0.72; and c) for fatal incidence of (HS), w =
Figure 3, were used to describe this ASHRAE com- 0.83.
fort environment, which will now be used as a stand- In the standard (or reference) environment (i.e., in
ard; thus the standard effective heat transfer coeffi- the case the hyperbaric), As = (4.7 + 34.9)(0.35) =
cient As = (0.59)(7.6) = 4.48 W·m- 2.OC-I. 13.9 and B, = 4.22(1/4)(34.9)(0.40) = 14.7, where the
For the hyperbaric environment in question, since values for F el and F pel are 0.35 and 0.40, respectively.
he is corrected by the factor (Pb/760)0.5\ thus A = (4.7 For a), Cs = As + wBs = 19.0 W·min- 2.oC- I; b), C, =
+ 2.9(5)°·55)(1.0) or 11.7 W·m- 2.oC-l. The solution is 24.5; and c), Cs = 26.1. The negative slope of the w =
the value of To in Equation 63, when rewritten 1 line for the reference environment is (13.9)/[2.2(1/
4)(34.9)(0.4)] or 1.8 Torr·oC-l.
To = (Too + (A/A, - l)'I',k)/(A/A,) °C
(63') The value ofT soh, equivalent to the three respective
= (24 + (2.61 - 1)34)/2.61 = 30.2° prescriptive points found by Equation 63, are a) 26.8;
b) 30.0, and c) 32.0. The negative slope of the loci of
Question: What is the temperature for sedentary
comfort for a subject at 12,000 ft (3,658 m) altitude same constant wand Tsk, as in the observed (Wynd-
while wearing 1.5 do? For this condition P, = 480 ham's) environment, are a), 1.80/0.35 or 5.14
Torr, and A = (5.3 + 2.9(480/760)°·55)(0.36) = 2.72. Torr·oC-I; b), 1.80/0.72 or 2.5, and c), 1.80/0.87 or 2.1.
The answer is an operative temperature for comfort Alternatively, these same loci could be found by
of 17SC. drawing slope lines between the common points and
A practical application of the use of standard (or a the prescriptive points.
reference) humid operative temperature is the follow- McNall et al. (41) have shown that clothed (0.6)
ing. Question: What would be limiting values for subjects, doing a step test with average Msk of 3 mets,
heat stroke in terms of T oh- for a man while working are comfortable at an ambient temperature of)7.5°
(50% rh) or T Oh of 15SC. Assuming a comfort T sk of
at 3 mets, wearing 0.3 clo, in an atmosphere of 4 ATA
33° and effective he of lOW· m -2 . "C- t, the skin wet-
(i.e., in an underwater caisson)? Also, what is the
comfort range? The air movement is about 400 ft/rnin tedness for comfort is 0.18. The corresponding pre-
(2 m/s) caused by fans and would correspond to he scriptive Toh for comfort in the above 4 ATA chamber
value of 34.9 W·m- 2.oC- 1 in the hyperbaric atmos- would be 22.4°C.
phere. All the aforementioned factors are illustrated
For the work range (3 met) Wyndham (69) has graphically in Figure 5. The various zones for cool-
reported that: a) below 28.8° T we! or T oh of a saturated ing, evaporative regulation, and for probability of
environment in a South African mine, the risks of heat stroke are outlined.
fatal heat stroke (HS) are negligible; b) a sharp rise
in HS occurs at 32.2° T oh; and c) above 33.9° T oh there A New Effective Temperature Index
is serious danger of a fatality. The mean skin temper-
ature TSk for the exercise level at each condition are All the operative temperatures described above
assumed to be a) 35°; b) 36°; and c) 37°. His he at 1 have been so defined that they can be used in a basic
ATA is assumed to be 8.2 W·m- 2.OC-l for 100 ft/min heat balance equation to describe the heat exchange
(0.5 m-s"), His subjects were unclothed and the M Sk from the skin surface at TSk and ultimately by R + C
value is also 160 W·m- 2 • The hyperbaric environment or R + C + E Sk to the environment. Both T oh and T soh
is now used as reference. The first step is to estimate by definition always refer to an imaginary saturated
the skin wettedness for the prescriptive conditions environment. By using the saturation curve as the
outlined above. The key heat transfer coefficients in numerical value for the environmental index, the
Wyndham's environment are range for the zone of evaporative regulation becomes
less than lOoC, and the values for Toh and Tsoh so found
A = hF.., = (4.7 + 8.2)(1) = 12.9 W·m- 2 . oC- '
are usually well below what our common experience
B = 4.22h..F lX' = (4.22)(8.2)(1) = 34.6 W· m'· °C-I would call hot and very hot. The same handicap also

50.....-------------::------; ,'----------,

FIG. 5. Psychrometric chart indicat-

ing limits for comfort and heat stroke
40 found in a hyperbaric atmosphere for
men working at 3 mets and with light
clothing (0.3). This chart illustrates
~ how, by using the concept of a standard
humid operative temperature, pre-
FOR CAISSON scriptive conditions for heat stroke, ob-
~ lela" 0.3
served by Wyndham (69), and for ther-
mal comfort by McNall et al. (41), both
hc"34.9 w·rn . '"
I at same level of exercise, may be rein-
~ 4ATA ~
terpreted graphically in terms of am-

It 20 bient vapor pressure and operative

temperature values in a hyperbaric en-
vironment, used as the standard or
~ common reference. 0, environments ob-
~ served by Wyndham (69) and McNall et
§ al. (41); 0, 4 ATA environment; 1',.,
skin temperature; ET*, new effective
10 temperature; I,."" clothing insulation;
CP, common point; PP, prescriptive
point; ATA, atmosphere absolute; h.,
convective heat transfer coefficient.

10 20 30 40 50 60

applied to the older effective temperature of Hough- by combining Equations 65 and 66 and reintroducing
ten and Yaglou. the basic transfer coefficients
A new effective temperature index (ET*, to distin-
f(ET*) = ET*
guish it from the older ET) has been proposed for use (67)
by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating + w[(2.2h('F pd)/(hF,.,)](O.5P*ET- - Pal - T" = 0
and Air-Conditioning Engineers, which uses as its
ET* may also be used as a standard effective tem-
index value the abscissa at the intersection of loci of
perature in the same manner as Tsoh' The only
constant wettedness with the 50% rh curve. The as-
change in Equation 67 would be SET* for ET* and the
sumption has been made that the average relative
use of h., h., and Iclos values for the standard or
humidity of our daily environment is approximately
reference environment.
50%. The new effective temperature index, ET* is
The ASHRAE ET*, when used as a standard, is
defined in exactly the same words as Toh except that
illustrated in Figure 6 (27). For this figure a two-node
the imaginary isothermal environment is now defined model of human temperature regulation (19, 20, 25)
at 50% rh instead of 100% rho From Figure 3, drawn
was used to generate values TSk and skin wettedness
for a clothed subject wearing 0.6 clo, it can be seen the
(w) that correspond to the environmental stress
range of Toh for zone of evaporative regulation is
caused by To and P a' In Table 3 the last column has
23.4-28.2°C compared to 24-38° for ET*.
been added to show in terms of ET* the probable
In Figures 3, 4 and 5 a 50% rh curve has been
environmental temperature for comfort and thermal
drawn for reference in converting any T oh to ET*. The
physiological neutrality when the clothing ensembles
abscissa at intersection of all loci of constant wetted-
in the left column are worn while sedentary.
ness with this curve gives graphically the value of
ET* and Toh are also related analytically by the
same definition Heat balance equations, describing human heat
T,," = [A(ET*) + w(B/1.92)(25.3 + 0.5P *ET-)]/(A + wB) (65) exchange by radiation, convection, and conduction
In terms of To and P, of the environment from Equa- from the skin surface with the thermal environment
tion 58 by have been introduced, and each term has been de-
T,," = [AT" + w<B/1.92)(25.3 + Pa)]/(A + wB) (66)
The environmental variables in the basic heat bal-
Analytically ET* is the solution (preferably by iter- ance equation that must be measured are ambient
ation on a computer) of the following function found temperature, mean radiant temperature or the effec-

environment· 0.6 cia
he =2.9 W·rri'·oC'
sea level
6. A chart relating standard ef-
40 expo time: I hr
fective temperature (SET*) with am-
bient vapor pressure in torr, dew-point
temperature (T dp) or linear dew tem- t
perature (T dn,.) and with standard op- ~
erative temperature (T 80)' For a stand-
ard environment at uniform ambient ~
temperature, this chart is equivalent ~
to an expanded comfort chart of the ~
American Society of Heating, Refriger- Q: 01>"\
20 /~
ating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. ~
IAdapted from Gonzalez & Gagge (27).] §-

20 25 30 35 40

tive radiant field, the ambient vapor pressure or dew- function of skin wettedness, the product of the Lewis
point temperature, an angle factor that describes Relation and the convective heat transfer coefficient,
body posture and orientation to thermal radiation and the clothing insulation.
present, air movement as it affects the convective The total heat loss from the skin surface is gov-
heat transfer coefficient, clothing insulation, baro- erned by the humid operative temperature and by an
metric pressure, and length of exposure. effective humid transfer coefficient, which is a func-
The physiological variables in heat balance equa- tion of skin wettedness in addition to heat transfer
tion are skin temperature; skin wettedness, which is coefficient for radiation, convection, and conduction
governed both by regulatory sweat secretion present through clothing, used in defining operative temper-
and by the evaporative power of the environment; the ature.
rate of change of body heat storage or of mean body Humid operative temperature is essentially an av-
temperature; the metabolic energy level along with erage of the operative temperature and the dew-point
the metabilic heat flowing through the skin surface; temperature, weighted by the effective heat transfer
and the external work accomplished. coefficient for dry heat exchange and the effective
The dry heat exchange from human skin surface is humid transfer coefficient for evaporative heat loss.
governed by the Operative Temperature (To) of the In this chapter, the heat balance equation itself, all
thermal environment and by an effective heat trans- its individual terms, the associated heat transfer
fer coefficient, which is a function of both the com- coefficients, and related temperatures- operative
bined heat transfer coefficient for radiation and con- and humid operative- have all been defined in ana-
vection and the clothing insulation. lytical terms that can be transposed easily into com-
Operative temperature is an average of the mean puter language for on-line analysis of experimental
radiant and ambient air temperature, weighted by data.
their respective heat transfer coefficient. It is also Graphical solutions of the heat balance equation
defined in terms of ambient air temperature and the have been also demonstrated by use of plots on a
effective radiant field. psychrometric type chart drawn with operative tem-
The evaporative heat loss from the skin to the perature as abscissa and the ambient vapor pressure
environment is governed first by skin wettedness, by as ordinate.
the ambient vapor pressure, and by an effective evap- Standard Temperatures- Operative and Humid
orative heat transfer coefficient, which is in turn a Operative- by which indices it is possible to compare

two or more environments with many different char- hyperbaric helium atmospheres, have been given an-
acteristics such as clothing worn, air movement, and alytical consideration in terms of the concepts listed
barometric pressure have been analytically defined. above.
Two special environments, water immersion and

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