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Hitler youth was significant
to world war 2 because it a
trained youth to think that a
jews or anyone who a
thought the opposite of a
hitler were bad. The impact a
of the Hitler youth on world q
war 2 led to more troops a
and more hate q

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The pearl harbor attack
was significant to world
war 2 because it cause a
huge war with america and
japan. The impact it had in
world war 2 was that
america was made to
believe that every
japanese descendent was
an enemy, leading to
racism. Japan wanting to
take land from america to
start war with china it was
all so messy. America
ended up winning against
The dunkirk evacuation was
significant to world war 2
because it got so many soldiers
out of a dangerous situation. The
impact this had in world war 2 is
that they got so many soldiers so
safety. As the soldiers were safe
and recovered they went back
into war and pushed back the
german soldiers and won back
January 31st was significant to
world war 2 because it was
germany's very big personal loss.
The impact it had on world war 2
was that hitler took that battle
very personal and lost it to stalin
another powerful dictator.
German soldiers were not
equipped to battle in stalingrad
due to the extreme weather
conditions. Therefore caused the
soldiers to surrender making it a
major personal loss to Adolf

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