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Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers

Project Three
Lesson 3, Day 1 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given sulfate paper, a pencil, a presentation and demonstration on gesture drawing, students will
diligently participate in a figure drawing exercise.

Assessment Criteria:
- ​Attentively watched various example videos.
- Actively participated in gesture discussion.
- Diligently created gesture drawings of the various teacher poses.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Past Student Examples of Superhero Covers

- Superhero Presentation
- Ipad with apple airplay
- Black Panther Video: ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjDjIWPwcPU
- Thor Ragnarok: ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kuh2DE-vEso
- Suicide Squad: ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=CmRih_VtVAs

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Practice Paper- Sulfate paper cut in half
- Pencils

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Introduction: 18 Minutes

● Begin lesson by showing three videos in the ● Actively watch videos.

powerpoint. (10 min)
○ Super Hero (2 min)
○ Super Villain (3 min)
○ Anti Hero (3 min)
● Move through powerpoint… (8 min) ● Follow along with powerpoint and offer
○ How do these all connect? feedback.
■ Name, outfit, special power
○ What about their movements
compared to a human?
■ More dynamic
■ Special abilities
○ How do we begin drawing them?
■ Human Figure
■ Gesture

Development: 20 Minutes

● Demonstrate for students how to draw a ● Observe teacher demonstration.

proper stick figure (5 Minutes)
○ Start the head, add in the shoulder
line, backbone, hip line, arms and
○ Move to adding volume
● Pose for the students (15 Minutes) ● Practice drawing different poses.
○ Start with 5 ten second poses (1 min)
■ Stick Figure
○ Move into 5 thirty second poses
(2:30 min)
■ More detailed stick figure
○ Now do 4 one minute poses (4 min)
■ Stick figure with some
○ Move to 2 two minute poses (4 min)
■ Gesture with volume

Conclusion: 10 Minutes
● Take a photograph of our figures and add ● Photograph figures and add them to
them to Schoology Schoology
Lesson 3, Day 2 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given sulfate paper, a pencil, a presentation and demonstration proportion, students will carefully select
an olympic figure to create a proportional drawing.

Assessment Criteria:
- ​Attentively watched olympic superhero video.
- Actively participated in gesture and proportion discussion.
- Diligently created proportional gesture drawings olympic figures and.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Superhero Presentation
- Ipad with apple airplay
- Olympic Figure Powerpoint
- Olympic Superhero Video:

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Practice Paper- Sulfate paper cut in half
- Pencils
- Ipads

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Introduction: 20 Minutes

● Begin lesson by reviewing what a gesture is. ● Review what gesture drawing is
○ Non Detailed sketch drawing of a
figure (3 min)
● Show superhero video (2 min) ● Watch olympic superhero video
● Open with a practice exercise having ● Practice creating gesture sketch
students practice gesture drawing (10 min)
○ Four 30 second poses
○ Four 1 minute poses
○ One two minutes pose
○ Go around to the table and draw
with them.
● Have them circle one of their best gestures ● Circle best and least successful gesture
and one of their worst. (5 Minutes) and state why for each.
○ Write down why.
○ Discuss with entire class.
■ Leading to the idea of

Development: 20 Minutes

● Introduce human proportion (5 Minutes) ● Follow along with proportion

○ Use powerpoint presentation powerpoint and discussion.
○ Leave the final proportion page up
on the screen.
● Have students put the first olympic figure on ● Find the first olympic figure and begin
their screen. (10 minutes) creating it on paper in correct
○ Go through with students how to proportions.
develop this proportional figure
starting with the head, and using that
as measurement.
● Have students select an olympic figure to ● Practice creating proportional figures
draw. (5 Minutes) using one of the olympic figures.
○ Time them out for three minutes and
have them measure heads to create
the figure.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Take a photograph of our figures and add ● Photograph figures and add them to
them to Schoology Schoology
Lesson 3, Day 3 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given sulfate paper, a pencil, a presentation and demonstration on foreshortening, perspective and
contrapposto, students will thoughtfully create a sketch of a foreshortened figure.

Assessment Criteria:
- Actively participated in proportion discussion.
- Diligently created image of a foreshortened figure.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Superhero Presentation
- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Practice Paper- Sulfate paper cut in half

- Pencils
- Ipads
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Half Day
Introduction: 5 Minutes

● Review correct proportions. ● Participate in proportion review.

● Finish up superhero powerpoint with ● Follow along with powerpoint
foreshortening / distance. (5 min)

Development: 15 Minutes

● Demonstrate for students foreshortening and ● Use powerpoint to select and sketch
perspective. (10 Minutes) images.
● Have students practice creating their own
superhero. (5 Minutes)

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Take a photograph of our figures and add ● Photograph figures and add them to
them to Schoology Schoology
Lesson 3, Day 4 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given a mind map brainstorm exercise, paper, and pencils,

Assessment Criteria:
- Actively participate in mind map exercise
- Thoughtfully develop personal superhero mind map
- Diligently research matching images

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Sulfate Paper
- Permanent Marker for mind map
- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Introduction: 10 Minutes

● Begin class with a superhero mind map ● Participate in a mind map exercise.
exercise. (10 Minutes)
○ Ask class to create a random
■ Exp. Iron Women
○ Branch out from the middle with
ideas about what the superhero
might have.
■ Gesture Pose
● Exp. Foreshortened:
holding iron toward
■ Outfit
● Crisp clothing, or
ragged clothes?
● Bandana on hair,
maid uniform?
■ Background / Location
● Laundry room
■ Tools
● Household Iron
● Cord
● Clothes Pins
■ Logo

Development: 30 Minutes

● Have students spend time creating their own

mind maps in notability. (10 Minutes) ● Create personal superhero mind map.
● Once students have finished creating their
mind maps, have them research images of ● Research images relating to ideas on the
each of the items from their mind map, mind map.
adding those to notability. (10 Minutes)

Conclusion: 8 Minutes

● Students should add their research mind map ● Add image into Schoology.
and images into Schoology. (5 Minutes)
Use these questions as a guide to 
create your superheros… 
What are your top 5 favorite… 
Lesson 3, Day 5 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given sulfate paper, a pencil, a superhero brainstorm example, students will thoughtfully select a pose for
their superhero and creatively develop their characters details and outfit.

Assessment Criteria:
- Actively participated in proportion discussion.
- Diligently created image of a foreshortened figure.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Ipad
- Superhero Powerpoint
- Schoology

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- Sulfate Paper
- Pencils
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Introduction: 10 Minutes

● Begin by reviewing with students what they ● Follow along with a review of superhero
should be detailing about their superheroes details.
using the superhero powerpoint in
Schoology. (5 Minutes)
● Have students open up “Superhero Gesture ● Open up superhero gesture example and
Example” in Schoology. (5 Minutes) consider poses for personal superhero.
○ This can be used to decide on a pose.
○ Also refer them to the worksheets at
their table.

Development: 35 Minutes

● Have students begin sketches a pose for their ● Select a superhero post and begin
superhero on a sheet of paper. (10 Minutes) creating a drawing on paper.
● Once they have created their pose, students ● Add in ideas for details.
should create a list of features, outfit ideas
and tools for their figure. (10 Minutes)
● The final step would be drawing those ideas ● Draw in details on sketch.
onto their superhero sketch. (10 Minutes)

Conclusion: 3 Minutes

● Add brainstorm sheet to folder and put folder ● Clean up materials.

back in drawer.
Lesson 3, Day 6 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given sulfate paper and a pencil, students will creatively develop two sketch ideas for their comic book

Assessment Criteria:
- Actively participated in proportion discussion.
- Diligently created image of a foreshortened figure.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Sulfate Paper
- Permanent Marker for mind map
- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- Sulfite Paper
- Pencils
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Introduction: 8 Minutes

● Introduce the next step in the superhero ● Listen to the next step in the superhero
drawings. exercise.
○ Students should finish their
brainstorm sheet and begin creating
their two sketches.

Development: 35 Minutes

● Have students continue to develop ideas for ● Continue developing ideas.

their superheroes.
● Students can begin creating composition ● Create two sketch ideas.
ideas for their comic book covers.
● Help students develop ideas.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students clean up their area and put ● Put folder back into drawer.
away their folders.
Lesson 3, Day 7 of 13
Name: Dana Katz

Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given bristol board and a 4H graphite pencil students will carefully begin sketching out their final comic
book covers.

Assessment Criteria:
- Carefully begin laying out final comic book cover.
- Diligently use class time to work on comic book.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Bristol Board
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- Bristol Board
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Introduction: 5 Minutes

● Introduce students to the bristol board and go ● Listen to introduction of final project.
through the steps of beginning the final
○ Begin with action line, shoulder line
and pelvis line
○ Remember Ellipses and Cylinders
○ Go to visuals in notability and
sketches for adding details
○ Do not fill in with pencils
■ The next step after sketches
will be to fill in with colored
pencils and finally markers

Development: 35 Minutes

● Have students begin working on their final ● Begin working on final drawing.
drawings by sketching out their figures.
● Walk around and help students to develop
their drawings.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students clean up their areas and put ● Clean up area by putting supplies and
their supplies away. folders away.
Lesson 3, Day 8 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given bristol board and a 4H graphite pencil students will diligently continue sketching out their final
comic book covers.

Assessment Criteria:
- Carefully continue laying out final comic book cover.
- Diligently use class time to work on comic book.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Bristol Board
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- Bristol Board
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Introduction: 5 Minutes

● Review with students what they should be ● Listen to introduction of final project.
working on today.
○ Final sketches

Development: 35 Minutes

● Have students continue working on their ● Add in details and background for
final drawings by adding in details and a figures.
background for their figures.
● Walk around and help students to develop
their drawings.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students clean up their areas and put ● Clean up area by putting supplies and
their supplies away. folders away.
Lesson 3, Day 9 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Line, Shape, Value, Space (positive space, negative space), Texture, and Form.

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition.

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture.

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, and micron pens, students will carefully add outlines and
details to finalize their comic book covers.

Assessment Criteria:
- Carefully continue laying out final comic book cover.
- Diligently use class time to work on comic book.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Comic Book Examples

- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- 6B Graphite Pencils
- Micron Pens
- Bristol Board

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Introduction: 10 Minutes

● Demonstrate for students how to use micron ● Watch and participate in demonstration.
pens to add details and an outline to their
comic book covers.

Development: 30 Minutes

● Have students practice with the micron pens ● Add in details and outline with micron
on their sketches. pens.
○ Can use a micron pen or map out
where they might want to add details
using a 6B pencil.
● Students should begin adding in final details
with micron pen and outlining their figures.
● Help students decide where to add details.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students clean up their areas and put ● Clean up area by putting supplies and
their supplies away. folders away.
Lesson 3, Day 10 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :


Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition,

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture,

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, and micron pens, students will fully finalize their comic book

Assessment Criteria:
- Carefully continue laying out final comic book cover.
- Diligently use class time to work on comic book.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Comic Book Examples

- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- 6B Graphite Pencils
- Watercolor Paint brushes
- Watercolor Pencils
- Micron Pens
- Bristol Board

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Introduction: 10 Minutes

● Have students grab their final drawings. ● Listen to intro.

Development: 30 Minutes ● Grab final drawings.

● Have students continue adding details with

micron pens.
● Assist students in finalizing the outline and ● Add in details and outline with micron
shading of their superhero drawings. pens.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students clean up their areas and put ● Clean up area by putting supplies and
their supplies away. folders away.
Lesson 3, Day 11 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :

Elements:​ Color Scheme, complementary colors, primary colors, secondary colors, monochromatic

Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition,

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture, layering,

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, paint brushes, and watercolor pencils, students will begin
filling in their final comic book covers with color.

Assessment Criteria:
- Carefully continue laying out final comic book cover.
- Diligently use class time to work on comic book.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Comic Book Examples

- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- Watercolor Paint brushes
- Watercolor Pencils
- Bristol Board

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Introduction: 10 Minutes

● Demonstrate for students how to fill in ● Listen to introduction of final project.

comic book covers with watercolor pencils
and paint brushes.
○ Color Scheme
■ Warm - Cool
■ Complementary
■ Primary
■ Secondary
■ Monochromatic
○ Layering

Development: 30 Minutes

● Have students continue working on their ● Begin adding in color to comic book
final drawings by filling in their comic books cover.
covers with color.
● Walk around and help students to develop
their drawings.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students clean up their areas and put ● Clean up area by putting supplies and
their supplies away. folders away.
Lesson 3, Day 11 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :


Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition,

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture,

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, paint brushes, and watercolor pencils, students will continue
filling in their final comic book covers with color.

Assessment Criteria:
- Carefully continue laying out final comic book cover.
- Diligently use class time to work on comic book.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Comic Book Examples

- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
- 4H Graphite Pencils
- Watercolor Paint brushes
- Watercolor Pencils
- Bristol Board

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Introduction: 10 Minutes

● Have students grab their drawings from their ● Grab drawings from folders.
● Emphasize again that students should be
using a specific color scheme and layering
colors in order to achieve a flat color rather
than crayon like color.

Development: 30 Minutes

● Have students continue working on their ● Continue adding color to comic book
comic book covers by adding color. covers.
● Walk around and help students to develop
their drawings.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students clean up their areas and put ● Clean up area by putting supplies and
their supplies away. folders away.
Lesson 3, Day 13 of 13

Name: Dana Katz


Lesson Title:​ Superhero Colored Pencil Comic Book Covers ​Grade Level: ​11th - 12th

Concept/Skill Vocabulary Terms :


Principles of Composition: ​Balance, composition,

Tools:​ 4H graphite pencil, bristol board, micron pens, and watercolor pencils.

Technique: ​Gesture,

Overall Lesson Objective​:

Given bristol board, 4H graphite pencils, watercolor pencils, micron pens, gesture demonstrations, and
presentations on superheroes, villains and antiheroes, students will creatively develop a comic book
cover, that has their figure, figure’s name, logo, and a background.

Daily Objectives:
Given f.

Assessment Criteria:
- Actively participated in proportion discussion.
- Diligently created image of a foreshortened figure.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

- Sulfate Paper
- Permanent Marker for mind map
- Ipad with apple airplay

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Ipads
Teacher Activities Student Activities

Introduction: 8 Minutes

● Discuss critique activity for the day. ● Listen to teacher presentation about
○ Students will get 24 different awards critique behavior. Offer input on ideas to
to pass out for 24 students. They help the critiques flow better.
should select a different person for
each award. (10 Minutes)

Development: 35 Minutes

● Have students lay out their drawings on the ● Lay out drawing on the table.
table. (5 Minutes)
● Students should spend time walking around ● Walk around and hand out different
and handing out different awards to fellow awards to peer portraits.
students. (15 Minutes)
● Discuss the winners of each category. ● Participate in a critique discussion.

Conclusion: 5 Minutes

● Have students photograph their work, and ● Turn portrait in and wipe tables.
add it to schoology. They should also self
assess, and add to the media album.
Name: _____________

Best of Super Heroes 

Please use the following worksheet to list down the student who fits 
with each category. Each student should only be listed once on the 
Most Accurate Proportions​ ____________________________________
Most Interesting Pose​ _________________________________________ 
Best Foreshortening​__________________________________________
Best Weighted Line​ ___________________________________________
Best Line Craftsmanship (Neatest)​______________________________
Strongest Shadows ​___________________________________________
Largest Range of Values​_______________________________________
Best Detail ​__________________________________________________ 
Coolest Outfit​ _______________________________________________
Best Tools ​__________________________________________________ 
Best Logo​ ___________________________________________________
Coolest Color Scheme​ _________________________________________ 
Best Layering of Colors​ _______________________________________ 
Coolest Lettering​_____________________________________________ 
Best Superhero Name​ _________________________________________ 
Most Interesting Background​ ___________________________________ 
Best Use of Pattern​___________________________________________ 
Strongest Sense of Unity​_______________________________________
Best Layout ​_________________________________________________ 
Coolest Character​____________________________________________ 
Character I Would Most Like to Meet​_____________________________ 
Most Inventive Superhero​______________________________________ 
Most Unique Character​________________________________________ 
Most Helpful Student​__________________________________________
Project 9 - Superhero Comic Book Cover Rubric

Creating L1 VA:Cr2.2 Learn to Create

Investigate: ​Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

4 3 2 1

Accurate proportion of Minor errors in figure Several errors in figure Minimal attempt
the figure. proportion. proportion at achieving
correct figure


Presenting VA:Pr5.1 Analyze

Select: ​Anchor Standard 4: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation

4 3 2 1

Optimal Balance of Well Balanced Positive Positive and negative Positive and
Positive and Negative and Negative Space. space are not clearly negative space
Space. Fully used Partially used defined; one visually are not clearly
repetition, pattern, and/or repetition, pattern, outweighs the other. defined; one
visual movement to and/or visual Minimal Rhythm occurs. visually
create a sense of Rhythm. movement to create a Elements are not well outweighs the
Fully applied similar sense of Rhythm. Unified because of few other. No rhythm
elements to create a sense Partially applied similarities. Minimal occurs. Objects
of Unity. Fully applied similar elements to Contrast is developed. are not Unified
elements such as light vs. create a sense of Unity. Focal Point (Superhero) because lacking
dark, lg. vs. sm., and Partially applied is not clearly defined. similarities
varied placement to elements such as light and/or arbitrary
create Contrast. Clear vs. dark, lg. vs. sm., placement of
Focal Point, Superhero and varied placement elements.
stands out to create to create Contrast. Seldom applied
Emphasis. Focal Point, Superhero Contrasting
stands out to elements.
create Emphasis. Superhero not

Presenting VA:Pr5.1 Analyze

Select: ​Anchor Standard 4: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.

4 3 2 1

Excellent use of weighted Competent use of Marginal use of weighted Little to no use
line with ink. Optimal use weighted line with ink. line with ink. Minimal of weighted line
of Proficient use of use of watercolor pencil with ink. Did not
watercolor pencil to watercolor pencil to to enhance superhero use watercolor
enhance superhero and/or enhance superhero and/or background. pencil to enhance
background. Challenged and/or Needed assistance with superhero or
self by problem solving background. problem solving. background. Not
independently and with Challenged self by willing to
peers. problem solving problem solve.


Connecting VA:Cn11.1

Relate: ​Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical
context to deepen understanding

4: Exceeding 3: Meeting 2: Approaching 1: Starting

Artwork demonstrates a Artwork is connected Artwork minimally Artwork does not

synthesis of personal to societal, cultural, or demonstrates a demonstrate
interests or historical context. connection to societal, connection to
experiences, connected to Inventive superhero cultural, or historical societal, cultural,
societal, cultural, or character; final drawing context. Superhero or historical
historical is mostly original. character somewhat context.
context. Unique, Always on-task. plagiarized; final drawing Superhero
compelling, inventive Included Superhero, is somewhat original. character
superhero character; final Title, and a Sometimes off-task. unfinished or
drawing is completely Background. Missing either a Title or a completely
original. Always on-task Background. plagiarized; final
and assisted others. drawing is not
Included a Title, original.
Superhero, Logo, and a Mostly off-task.
Background. Missing a Title
and a
Student Examples

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