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Derive a relation

32. A jet of water of cross-sectional area A and velocity v impinges normally on a

stationary flat plate. mass per unit volume of water is ρ. By dimensional analysis,
determine an expression for the force exerted by the jet against the plate. [Ans. F =
K ρ Av2]
33. Experiments show that frequency (n) of a tuning fork depends on length (l )of
the prong, density(d) and the Young's modulus (Y) of its material .On the basis
of dimensional analysis, derive expression for frequency of tuning fork. [Ans
n=(K/l) √(Y/d)
34. Calculate the dimensions of linear momentum and surface tension in terms of
velocity (v), density (ρ) and frequency (ν ) as fundamental units.[Ans.p = k ρ v4
ν-3; σ = ρ kv 3 ν--1]
35. The wavelength (λ) of matter waves may depend upon Planck's constant (h),
mass (m) and velocity (v) of the particle. Use the method of dimensions to derive
the formula [Ans. λ= kh ]
36. The velocity ( v) of transverse waves on a string may depend upon (i) length
(l) of string,(ii) tension T in the string and (iii) mass per unit length (m) of the
string. Derive the formula dimensionally. [Ans. v = k
38. Assuming that the mass m of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing
river depends on velocity v, the density p and acceleration due to gravity g, show
that m varies directly as the sixth power of velocity of flow.
39. The frequency (v) of an oscillating drop may depend upon radius (r) of the
drop, density(ρ)of liquidand the surface tension (S) of the liquid.Deduce the
formula dimensionally[  k ]
r 3
40. Using the method of dimensions, derive an expression for rate of flow (V) of a
liquid through a pipe of radius (r) under a pressure gradient (P /1), Given that V
also depends on coefficient of viscosity (η) of the liquid.
pr 4
[Ans. V = k ]
41.The depth x to which a bullet penetrates in a human body depends on
coefficient of elasticity (η) and kinetic energy E. Establish the relation between

x   E  ]
these quantities using the method of dimensions. [Ans.
 

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