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Mammon_'s Tales to Tux's Grandson

32-bit Task-Switching Synchronized Insurrection

Linux allows for different levels of commitment. On the one hand, with a
distribution such as Corel or Caldera, one can have a no-fuss, well-configured
system in under an hour; on the other hand, with a more serious distribution
such as Slackware or Debian, one can spend weeks --even months-- modifying
initialization scripts, adding command-line shortcuts, squeezing an extra
iota of performance out of the memory manager, and in general fine-tuning
the machine in the manner of a weekend mechanic.

The previous paper represented a lower level of commitment; its contents

could be considered mandatory for any install, the bare minimum one needs in
order to obtain a linux install worth having. What follows represents a
somewhat higher level of commitment to the OS; these topics can be considered
unnecessary, fanatical, or the extra 'points for style' to polish off an
already quality linux install.

Protecting Ports
The way into a computer is through its ports; any remote attack on a host will
require a connection to an open port in oder to succeed. Thus, from a security
standpoint, the ports on a host are the first area to safeguard. Many arguments
stressing the superior security of Windows NT tend to ignore this; any given
unix ships with servers listening on every standard port, while NT does not
even have a telnet server [that networking stuff costs extra]. As a result, the
majority of systems broken into are unix systems as they have more doors
[requiring more guards or even some bricking-up]; using this to imply that NT
is more secure than unix leads to the logical conclusion that DOS is therefore
more secure than NT. Security is to be measured in how secure a system can be,
not in how secure its manufacturer ships it -- and to get a system as secure as
it can be, the ports must be dealt with.

The first step one should take in securing the ports of a host is the same step
that a potential intruder would take: run a port scanner to determine which
ports on the host are open [and therefore, potentially vulnerable]. Nmap is
perhaps the best port scanner arouond for security purposes; unlike specialized
'security tools' such as SATAN it scans for all open ports rather than a select
few, and it has a number of features that most scanners are lacking.

To begin with, run nmap on the target host:

Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor (fyodor@dhp.com, www.insecure.org/nmap/)
Interesting ports on gaap.pandemonium.com (
Port State Protocol Service
21 open tcp ftp
22 open tcp ssh
23 open tcp telnet
25 open tcp smtp
37 open tcp time
80 open tcp http
111 open tcp sunrpc
113 open tcp auth
515 open tcp printer
731 open tcp netviewdm3
2049 open tcp nfs
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds

Note that the above output was obtained before ip_chains were configured; the
machine is protected only by tcp_wrappers. Once ip_chains have been started,
with the configuration suggested in Part 1 [default action is DENY, suitable
for a workstation], nmap returns no ports found.

As mentioned earlier, nmap supports multiple scanning techniques in order to

circumvent portscan countermeasures on the target host. The different scannning
methods are identified with variations of the -s flag:
-sP : Standard ping scan -- shouts "I am portscanning you!"
-sT : Standard TCP connect() scan -- still rather obvious
-sU : Standard UDP scan -- for UDP ports only
-sS : TCP SYN scan -- slightly more covert
-sF : TCP FIN scan -- packet has only FIN flag set
-sX : TCP 'Xmas Tree' scan -- packet has FIN, URG, PUSH set
-sN : TCP NULL scan -- packet has no flags set
In addition, nmap has some 'special options' that make it the Aston Martin of
port scanners:
-b user:pwd@server:port -- proxy the portscan from 'server:port'
-D server[,server2 ...] -- use "server"[s] as decoys :)
-S ipaddress -- specify the IP address the scans appear to come from
-g # -- specify the port number the packets appear to come from
-p #-# -- range of ports to scan [default is 1 - 1024]
-P0 : do not ping hosts before scanning [very nice]
-PT : use a TCP ack rather than ICMP echo for ping
-PI : use ICMP echo packet
-PB : use TCP and ICMP ping methods [default]
-O : identify OS of target host
-I : query identd on remote host for owner of each open port
-f : fragment the S,F,X, or N packets to fool packet filters
-o filename -- output human-readable log to 'filename'
-m filename -- output machine-readable log to 'filename'
-v : verbose [natch]

Nmap has found a few ports open: now what? Just for fun, you can telnet to the
ports, or use netcat. Depending on the port, you may wish to disable it
entirely in inetd.conf or in the rc scripts, or you may wish to protect it
with an ipchain.

Port Sentry
Port Sentry has got to be the coolest linux security program in existence,
vis-a-vis the win-nuke-em script punk situation. Port sentry is meant to
do one thing: detect and react to port scans. The detection part is simple;
the program allows Classic mode --where you specify the ports you want to
monitor-- and Stealth mode, in which you provide the top end of a range of
ports to scan [default is 1024, so 1-1024 are watched] and a list of ports to
exclude from monitoring. Both of these modes allow you to specify hosts to
ignore [e.g., your LAN] and the number of connections to allow before
triggering [default is 0].

Now the fun really starts. Port Sentry allows you to set up the following
response actions:
KILL_ROUTE: use routed to route the packets from the suspect IP to a
nonexistent machine or to reject them; or set up an
ipchains rule for the suspect IP.
KILL_HOSTS_DENY: Add suspect IP to hosts.deny file
KILL_RUN_CMD: The best one yet. This runs an external command [and
will pass the suspect IP on the command line] of your
choosing; one can page the sysadmin, email root, nmap
the suspect IP, flood-ping the suspect IP, etc.
Port Sentry also allows you to mock any potential attackers with the
PORT_BANNER variable, which will display a short message to the port
being scanned.

PortSentry will write to the /var/adm/messages file with the following

adminalert: - Some message indicating the status of the PortSentry.
securityalert: - A message indicating a security relevant event occurred.
attackalert: - A host has tripped a sensor and an action was performed.
It is configured via the portsentry.conf file in the the portsentry home
directory. The configuration file is fairly straightforward:
#_________________________Ports_to_Monitor [Basic Mode]
#_________________________Ports_to_Monitor [Advanced Mode]
# Monitor ports up to & including the one listed
#_________________________Ports_to_Exclude [Advanced Mode]
# Default TCP ident and NetBIOS service
# Default UDP route (RIP), NetBIOS, bootp broadcasts.
# 0 = do not block 1 = block 2 = do KILL_RUN_CMD only
# Sensitivity [ # of connects allowed before alarm ]
KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY -l"
KILL_RUN_CMD="echo PortScan from $TARGET$:$PORT$ | wall"

Once configured, port sentry can be started in either TCP or UDP mode using
-tcp/-udp for basic mode, -stcp/sudp for stealth mode, and -atcp/-audp for
advanced-stealth mode:
root@localhost>portsentry -atcp; portsentry -audp
Running nmap flat-out will demonstrate the effects of PortSentry quite quickly:
* A message is sent to all users with the IP address of the scanner
* The scanner's IP is added to /etc/hosts.deny
* A rule is added to the 'input' ipchain denying all packets from the
scanner's IP address [check with 'ipchains -L input']
Note, however, that nmap's stealth options [e.g. -sF and -sX] allow it to scan
the host undetected -- for this reason one should secure all valuable ports
with ipchains, and use PortSentry only on 'script kid' ports such as the
Back Orifice and PC Anywhere ports --which should have no 'server' listening
on Unix machines-- in order to build a log of hostile IP addresses.

Integrity Checks
An integrity checker is one of the tools that one hopes one will never need. It
is at its most useful after an attack, when the sysadmin knows of the security
breach and is trying to ascertain the damage. At its most basic, an integrity
checker maintains a database of file sizes, checksums, and create/modification
times for a list of files specified by the admin. This database is kept in a
secure location such as a floppy, cd-rom, or other read-only filesystem, and on
dire occasions it is compared with existing files to determine what system files
have been modified.

The most widely-used integrity checker is Tripwire; however, it is usually not

included with linux distributions as it is not GPLed. Aide is a GPLed utility
intended to replicate the functionality of Tripwire.

Integrity checkers are very simple to use. First, create a config file in
./aide.conf or /etc/aide.conf; this config file must contain the location
of the aide database, any program options, and the files or directories to
root@localhost>vi aide.conf
/boot R
/etc R
/sbin R
/usr/sbin R
/var/logs R
The 'R' flag is a composite aide command; it detects changes to permissions,
inode number, number of links, user, group, size, modify time, and create time.
Naturally there are more options within aide.conf, including the use of
variables and conditional expressions; man aide.conf for details.

The command 'aide --init' will set up the database; when software has been
updated, aide --update will validate those changes in the database. It is
important to check the database before using the update feature, in order to
avoid validating any changes made without your knowledge. Note when updating
one must explicitly rename the new database file to the original filename,
e.g. `mv /var/adm/aide.db.new /var/adm/aide.db`.

The database is checked with the command `aide --check`; this will output a
report to STDOUT:
root@localhost> aide --check
Total number of files=400,added files=0,removed files=0,changed files=2

Changed files:
Detailed information about changes:
file: /etc
Mtime: old = 954037287 , new = 954041324
Ctime: old = 954037287 , new = 954041324
file: /etc/passwd
Size: old = 683 , new = 714
Mtime: old = 953967763 , new = 954041324
Ctime: old = 953967763 , new = 954041324
MD5: old = Ai9GS5SS4hSxjLCxSJOnyg== , new = cbVLM2dF7hUNpfSE7eGx5g==
Here you see aide reporting on a change to the /etc/passwd file; the modify
time has changed, and the MD5 checksum is different, indicating that the file
has been modified since the database was last updated.

Once the integrity checker has been set up, it is important to have it run
frequently. It would be wise to add a cron job which will mail the output
to the system administrator:
root@localhost>crontab -e
0 1 * * * aide --check | mailx root 2>&1 >> /dev/null
Since this will send a blank message each evening at 1 am when aide finds no
changes, a shell script could be wrapped around the command to only mail the
admin when aide reports changes.

Packet Captures
A packet sniffer is arguably the most useful tool in the network or security
analyst's toolbox; it can be viewed as a disassembler for the network stream.
A packet sniffer can be applied to a specific interface; it will place the
interface in 'promiscuous mode' [meaning it will accept all packets, even
those not destined for it] and print to STDOUT or to a file a log of all
network traffic. Needless to say, this is dependent on the physical network to
which the interface is attached, and thus a packet capture can only be used on
local networks.

Every linux distribution comes with tcpdump, a command line packet sniffer. The
syntax for tcpdump is, at one level, very simple:
tcpdump [-i interface] [-c count]
This will capture 'count' packets [default is infinity] from 'interface'
[default is eth0] and print them to STDOUT. Some of the more common options
to tcpdump are -x [dump the packet in hexadecimal], -a [resolve IP addresses
to names], -n [do not resolve IPs to names], -s [maximum packet size to
capture], -p [do not enter promiscuous mode], -q [less verbose], -v and -vv
[verbose and very verbose]. In addition, the -d, -dd, and -ddd parameters will
compile the packet-matching filter specified on the command line and print it
in 'human readable' format, in C format, and in decimal format.

The filtering itself can be quite complex; in general the filters will have the
type direction protocol
A 'type' is one of 'host', 'net', and 'port' -- e.g. 'host localhost', 'net
10.1', 'net', 'port 25'.

A 'direction' is one of 'src', 'dst', 'src or dst', and 'src and dst'. These
are combined with types to provide qualifiers such as 'src host frimost',
'dst net port 25', and 'src or dst host localhost'.

A 'protocol' is one of 'ether', 'fddi', 'ip', 'arp', 'rarp', 'decnet', 'lat',

'sca', 'moprc', 'mopdl', 'tcp', 'udp'. In general, only ip, tcp, and udp will
be needed.

Each of the above qualifiers can be combined with the keywords 'gateway' and
'broadcast', as well as arithmetic and logical expressions. The tcpdump man
page provides a wealth of information regarding filters; in particular, the
EXAMPLES section provides filters such as the following:
To print out all ICMP packets that are not echo
requests/replies (i.e. not ping packets):
tcpdump 'icmp[0] !=8 and icmp[0] != 0'
For small LANs and for introductory experimentation, however, filters need not
be used.

Due to the complexity of tcpdump and the data it captures, many front-ends are
available. For X, one has the choice of Xipdump and Ethereal, as well as the
usual KDE and GNOME versions. So far, Ethereal seems to have the most features.

An alternative to tcpdump is the sniffit program; sniffit used libpcap and the
BPF [BSD Packet Filter] to capture packets. The most basic use of sniffit is
to dump packets to STDOUT:
root@localhost> sniffit -t 10.12.34.@ -x -a
Note that -a dumps the packets in ASCII format [in case, for example, you are
emulating a password hijack for an interested onlooker] while -d dumps the
packets in hex [in case you are attempting a password hijack *despite* an
interested onlooker]. The more interesting sniffit parameters are
-t [addr] --destination IP
-s [addr] --destination IP
-n --disable IP checksum checking
-d --dump packets in hex-mode bytes to STDOUT
-a --dump packets in ASCII-mode bytes to STDOUT
-x --prints extra info on TCP packets [SYN,ACK, etc]
-P [proto] --protocol: IP, TCP, ICMP, UDP
-p [port] --port to log; 0 means 'all'
Needless to say, a few examples will make things more clear:
#Watch ICMP traffic:
root@localhost> sniffit -t 10.12.34.@ -x -a -P ICMP
#Monitor telnet logins:
root@localhost> sniffit -t 10.12.34.@ -x -a -p 23
#Read outgoing email:
root@localhost> sniffit -s 10.12.34.@ -x -a -p 25
Sniffit also has an interactive mode which can be entered with `sniffit -i`;
this is an ncurses window with absolutely no helpful hints. When a connection
is made, a line will appear in the window: 21 -> 1270 : FTP: 220 1270 -> 21 : FTP: USER mammon
Note that there are two connections shown, one for the server [port 21] and
one for the client [port 1270]. The client is of course the most interest
here; use the arrow keys to select that line and press ENTER. A small window
will appear in which all subsequent network traffic will be logged:
PASS YeahRight!..SYST..PORT 10,12,34,57,4,247..LIST..
...and thus is it possible to capture a username and password. A word to the
wise: ssh.

Login and Process Accounting

Process accounting is used to record the commands executed on the system; it can be
used for monitoring user activity or for measuring system resource
usage. To enable process accounting, the kernel must be compiled with the
BSD process accounting support [CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT] enabled. Once this
has been done, the accounting software [GNU's acct package] must be installed
and its log file set up:
root@localhost>mkdir /var/account
root@localhost>touch /var/account/pacct
root@localhost>chmod 644 /var/account/pacct

Process accounting can be turned on and off with the accton command; the
default behavior of accton is to turn off accouting, however when supplied a
filename as a parameter, it will turn on accounting to that file. Thus, the
rc.d scripts must be modified to run the following command upon entering the
default run level:
accton /var/account/pacct

Once accounting has been turned on, testing that it is recording is fairly
straightforward as the file size grows with each command:
root@localhost>ls -l /var/account/pacct
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 64 Nov 29 01:01 /var/account/pacct
root@localhost>ls -l /var/account/pacct
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 128 Nov 29 01:01 /var/account/pacct

The acct package contains utilities that check the pacct file as well as the
utmp log files. The pacct file contains the actual process accounting logs;
it can be viewed with the 'lastcomm' [most recently run commands] utility,
or summarized with the sa [summarize accounting] utility:
bash F root stderr 0.00 secs Mon Nov 29 01:06
sh S root ?? 0.00 secs Mon Nov 29 01:05
flushpop.sh S root ?? 0.01 secs Mon Nov 29 01:05
126 25.56re 0.04cp 0avio 273k
5 0.01re 0.01cp 0avio 214k dump-utmp
4 0.16re 0.00cp 0avio 544k vim

User IDs associated with each process can be displayed in the 'sa' report
by using the -u option, although the output will be slighty different:
root@localhost>sa -u
root 0.00 cpu 207k mem 0 io accton
root 0.01 cpu 221k mem 0 io ls
root 0.04 cpu 547k mem 0 io vim

The pacct file is a binary file and thus cannot be viewed in a text editor;
for an ASCII version, the 'dump-acct' utility must be used:
root@localhost>dump-acct /var/account/pacct | vim -

The utmp files are used for login accounting; like the pacct file, they are
binary files and must be dumped with dump-utmp:
root@localhost>dump-utmp /var/log/wtmp | vim -
root@localhost>dump-utmp /var/log/utmp | vim -
The wtmp file maintains a log of all logins and logouts on the system; it
should be truncated regularly as it can get quite large. The utmp file contains
information about who is currently logged into the system. The 'last' and
'who' commands make use of the wtmp and utmp files, respectively.

The 'ac' utility can be used to summarize system logins; the -d option will
show the total connect time for all users for each day, while the -p option
will show the total for each user --note that these options can be combined
to give the total connect time for each user, by day. The connect time for
a specific user can be found by appending the username to the 'ac' command:
root@localhost>ac root
total 1059.28
root@localhost>ac mammon
total 0.00

In addition to the built-in accounting systems, there are many useful

monitoring tools available for linux. The most common, of course, is
'top', along with GUI equivalents such as 'qps', 'gps', and 'gtop'. Top
allows realtime system monitoring; in addition, it allows the user to
kill ['k'] or renice ['r'] a process, to refresh the snapshot [spacebar],
to sort by various fields [ P for CPU usage, M for memory usage, T for
time], to display the command line of a process ['c'], and to hide or
display various fields ['f'].

A good addition to the native process accouting facilities is the 'exec'

kernel module, available as exec.c from linux software repositories. Once
compiled, exec can be loaded with 'insmod exec.o', whereupon it will log
exec() calls as kernel.info messages. When using this module, the syslog
daemon should be configured to log these messages to a specific terminal
or logfile; the syslog.conf line would look as follows:
kernel.info /usr/adm/execlog

Restart the syslog daemon by doing a kill -HUP on syslogd, then tail -f
Nov 22 09:06:01 gaap kernel: EXECVE(65534)[459]: /usr/sbin/in.identd
Nov 22 09:06:01 gaap kernel: EXECVE(0)[464]: /usr/sbin/tcpd
Nov 22 09:06:01 gaap kernel: EXECVE(0)[465]: /usr/sbin/tcpd
Nov 22 09:06:01 gaap kernel: EXECVE(0)[465]: /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd
Nov 22 09:06:27 gaap kernel: EXECVE(0)[470]: /usr/local/bin/nmap
Nov 22 09:07:41 gaap kernel: EXECVE(0)[471]: /bin/ping
Nov 22 09:08:18 gaap kernel: EXECVE(0)[472]: /bin/ls
To avoid filling up the filesystem, either truncate this file regularly, or
configure syslogd to output to a terminal.

A final important system monitoring tool is 'lsof', which is used to list

currently open files. By default, for the root user, lsof displays every
open file, including devices and pipes. The -u option will display files
open for a specified user, with ^ acting as the NOT operator; thus 'lsof -u
root' will display all of the files open under the root UID, while 'lsof -u
^root' will display all files open under UIDs other than root. Files
opened by a specific command can be displayed using the -c option followed
by the command:
root@localhost>lsof -c vi
vim 457 root cwd DIR 3,1 2048 164161 /root
vim 457 root rtd DIR 3,1 1024 2 /
vim 457 root txt REG 3,3 919860 8488 /usr/bin/vim
vim 457 root mem REG 3,1 79508 172437 /lib/ld-linux.so.1.9.9

Special files can be display as well; the -N option shows NFS files, the
-i files shows TCP/UDP ports, and -U shows sockets. Kernel-space files
can be ignored using the -b option, which will clear up the display
somewhat. And finally, the +D option can be used with a directory name to
display the open files within a specified directory tree:
root@localhost>lsof +D /var
syslogd 108 root 1w REG 3,1 692282 12319 /var/log/messages
syslogd 108 root 2w REG 3,1 28182 12318 /var/log/debug
syslogd 108 root 3w REG 3,1 5444 12347 /var/log/authlog

Needless to say, lsof is a command that lends itself readily to aliases

such as 'opensockets' and 'opendevices'.

File System Quotas

Linux allows disk usage quotas to be enabled for ext2 filesystems; these are
useful for preventing a filesystem from filling up due to user abuse, over-
zealous log files, or runaway processes with disk output. The quota system
is enabled by compiling quota support [CONFIG_QUOTA] into the kernel and
modifying /etc/fstab; it is administered with quota.group and quota.user files,
and with the commands quotaon, quotaoff, quotacheck, repquota, and edquota.

Quota support is applied to filesystems; the filesystems to be administered

must be marked with the 'usrquota' option in /etc/fstab. A typcial fstab would
then appear as follows:
/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults, usrquota 1 1
/dev/hda3 /usr ext2 defaults, usrquota 1 1
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc /cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto 0 0
Note that 'usrquota' refers to quotas enforced by UID; the option 'grpquota'
can be used when enforcement by GID is necessary. The options are not mutually
exclusive, and both may be specified in a single fstab line.

At the mount point for each filesystem to be monitored [/ and /usr in the above
example] there must be created the files quota.user and quota.root; these files
must be owned by the root user [chmod 600]. Once these files are created and
the fstab entries modified, the system should be rebooted to enable quota
support [alternatively, the filesystems could be remounted and the quotaon
command run]. Note that the rc scripts need to be modified to run quotacheck
and quotaon at boot; a script for this is
if [ ! -e /.noquotas ]
echo "Checking disk quotas."
/sbin/quotacheck -avug
echo "Turning on disk quotas."
/sbin/quotaon -avug
This will enable quotas unless the file .noquotas is present in the root

The quota limits can be modified using the 'edquota' utility; it can be used
with the -u option to modify quotas for a specific user, or with the -g
option to modify quotas for a particular group. The quota system allow one to
specify a 'soft limit' at which point the user will be warned, and a 'hard
limit' which will disallow further disk activity. To use these, the system
'grace period' must be set up using 'edquota -t'.

The edquota command will bring up the default editor [usually vi] with the
limits or grace period displayed at their current setting; these may be
modified directly, and the results will be enforced when the file in the
editor is saved.
root@localhost>edquota -u mammon
Quotas for user mammon:
/dev/hda1: blocks in use: 21, limits (soft = 0, hard = 0)
inodes in use: 5, limits (soft = 0, hard = 0)

Once the quotas have been modified, they may be verified using the 'repquota'
[report quotas] utility:
root@localhost>repquota -a
Block limits File limits
User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace
root -- 151419 0 0 12848 0 0
bin -- 109 0 0 1 0 0
daemon -- 2 0 0 3 0 0
mammon -- 4 500 600 4 50 100
nobody -- 1 0 0 1 0 0

The Proc Filesystem

The proc file system contains two types of files: kernel data structures
(read-only) and kernel variables (read-write).

The bulk of /proc consists of files whch contain kernel data structures; these
files may be read, but not written to. The general layout of /proc is as
1/ -- Info for PID 1
cmdline -- Command Line Arguments
cwd@ -> // -- Current Working Directory
environ -- Environment
exe@ -> /sbin/init
fd/ -- Open file descriptors
10 -> /dev/initctl|
maps| -- Memory Maps
mem -- Memory in use by process
root@ -> //
stat -- Status (unformatted)
statm -- Memory Status (unformatted)
Format: Size Res Share TRS DRS LRS DT
[Total program size, size of in-mem portions, # shared
pages, # code pages, # data/stack pages, # library
pages, # dirty pages ]
status -- Status (formatted)
10/ -- Info for PID 10
103/ -- Info for PID 103
99/ -- Info for PID 99
apm -- APM [power mgt] stats
bus/ -- Misc BUS Info
pccard/ -- PCMCIA Bus Info
00/ -- Info for device 00
cardbus -- Hex data
exca -- Hex data
info -- Card Information
pci -- Hex data
ioport -- I/O Ports used by PCMCIA
irq -- Interrupts used by PCMCIA
memory -- Memory used by PCMCIA
pci/ -- PCI Bus Info
00/ -- Info for device 00
00.0 -- Binary data
02.0 -- Binary data
devices -- Available devices
pnp/ -- Plug n Pray Info
00 -- Info for device oo
boot/ -- Boot ID info
00 -- Binary data
devices -- Detected devices
cmdline -- Kernel command line
cpuinfo -- Info about the CPU
devices -- Available devices
dma -- Used DMS channels
filesystems -- Supported filesystems
ide/ -- IDE Bus Info
drivers -- IDE Driver versions
ide0/ -- IDE controller 0
channel -- IDE controller channel
config -- Configuration parameters
cache -- Device cache
capacity -- Capacity of the medium
driver -- Driver and version
geometry -- Physical and logical geometry
identify -- Device identify block
media -- Media type
model -- Device identifier
settings -- Device setup
smart_thresholds -- IDE disk management thresholds
smart_values -- IDE disk management values
model -- model info
interrupts -- Interrupt usage
ioports -- I/O port usage
kcore -- Kernel core image
kmsg -- Kernel messages
ksyms -- Kernel symbol table
loadavg -- Load average
locks -- Kernel locks
meminfo -- Memory info [Total, used, free, swap]
misc -- Miscellaneous
modules -- List of loaded modules
mounts -- Mounted filesystems
mtrr -- Pentium II mtrr configuration
net/ -- Network Information
arp -- Kernel ARP table
dev -- network devices with statistics
dev_mcast -- Layer2 multicast groups
dev_stat -- network device status
igmp -- IP multicast addresses
ip_fwchains -- Firewall chain linkage
ip_fwnames -- Firewall chains
ip_masq/ -- masquerading tables
ip_masquerade -- Major masquerading table
netlink -- List of PF_NETLINK sockets
netstat -- Network statistics
psched -- Global packet scheduler parameters
raw -- Raw device statistics
route -- Kernel routing table
rt_cache -- Routing cache
snmp -- SNMP data
sockstat -- Socket statistics
tcp -- TCP sockets
udp -- UDP sockets
unix -- UNIX domain sockets
wireless -- Wireless interface data
parport/ -- Parallel Ports
0/ -- Device 0 [LPT1]
autoprobe -- Autoprobe results of this port
devices -- Connected device modules
hardware -- Hardware info (io-port, DMA, IRQ, etc.)
irq -- Interrupt Used
partitions -- Table of partitions known to the system
pci -- PCI Bus devices
rtc -- Real time clock
scsi/ -- SCSI BUS Info
slabinfo -- Slab pool [memory usage] info
sound -- Sound device info
stat -- Overall statistics
swaps -- Swap space utilization
sys/ -- System Variables [see below]
tty/ -- Available and used tty's
driver/ -- Tty Device Drivers
serial -- Usage statistic and status of single tty lines
drivers -- List of drivers and their usage
ldisc/ -- Line disciplines
ldiscs -- Registered line disciplines
uptime -- System uptime
version -- Kernel version

Note that the /proc file system will differ with devices and modules; the
above is taken from a Dell laptop and thus is missing the SCSI tree. These
files are primarily used for gathering information about the system; their
contents should be apparent from their names, though the data may be unfor-
matted. Note that much of this information can be displayed with formatted
output using the procinfo command.

The /proc files can be combined with cat in aliases to create a quick means
of accessing kernel variables:
root@localhost>vi ~/.bashrc
alias powerleft='cat /proc/apm'
alias mem='cat /proc/meminfo'
alias mods='cat /proc/modules'
export PS1='$PWD[$TTY] `cat /proc/apm|cut -d " " -f 8`min>'
The last line will display the battery life on the shell prompt, renewing
each time the prompt displays.

The kernel variables are located under the directory /proc/sys; this is,
in general, the only location of files in /proc/sys that can be modified.
The /proc/sys tree usually has the following files:
sys/dev -- Device-specific [driver-supplied] vars
sys/fs -- filesystem data
binfmt_misc/ -- Register misc binary formats for kernel auto-exec
register -- Register binary format type. Syntax:
[name = unique identifier, type = method of file
recognition -- E=extension/M=Magic, offset = offset
of Magic # into file, magic = byte sequence to
match at offset [hex = \x##] or extension to match,
mask = bitmask for match, interpreter = program used
to launch the matched file]
status -- enabled/disabled
dentry-state -- Directory Entry cache
Contains NULL, # of used cache entries, Age [seconds]
when entry is reclaimed, and want_pages + 2 dummy vals.
dquot-max -- Max # of chached disk quota entries
dquot-nr -- Currently allocated and free quota entries
file-max -- Max # of file handles
file-nr -- Currently allocated, used, and max# of handles
inode-max -- Max # of inode handles
inode-nr -- Currently allocated, free inodes
inode-state -- Ditto, followed by "preshrink" [nr_inodes > inode-max]
super-max -- Max # of superblocks
super-nr -- Currently allocated superblocks
sys/kernel -- kernel parameters
acct -- Control BSD process accounting. Format:
highwater lowwater frequency
[ % at which to resume, % at which to suspend,
how often to check ]
ctrl-alt-del -- 0: send to init >0: reboot.
domainname -- Get/set domain name
hostname -- Get/set hostname
modprobe -- Location of modprobe
osrelease -- Kernel release #
ostype -- Linux ;)
panic -- # seconds to wait before rebooting on panic
printk -- Control kernel printk output. Format:
[ console_loglevel, default_message_loglevel,
minimum_console_level, default_console_loglevel ]
rtsig-max -- max # of POSIX realtime (queued) signals
rtsig-nr -- # of current POSIX realtime (queued) signals
shmmax -- Max shared memory segment size
version -- # of times compiled from this source distr.
sys/net -- Networking
802/ -- E802 protocol
core/ -- General parameters
message_burst -- # of 1/10-seconds between repeat msgs
message_cost -- Priority of message [ more = less msgs]
netdev_max_backlog -- Max # of incoming packets to queue
optmem_max -- max ancillary buffer size
rmem_default -- default socket receive buffer size
rmem_max -- max socket receive buffer size
wmem_default -- default socket send buffer size
wmem_max -- max socket send buffer size
ethernet/ -- Ethernet protocol
ipv4/ -- IP version 4
conf/ -- per-device configuration settings
accept_redirects -- Boolean 0=router, 1=pc
accept_source_route -- Boolean 1=router, 0=pc
bootp_relay -- Boolean act as BootP relay
forwarding -- Boolean IP forwarding
log_martians -- Boolean log unknown source addr
mc_forwarding -- Boolean multicast routing
proxy_arp -- Boolean proxy ARP
rp_proxy_arpfilter -- Boolean validate source
secure_redirects -- Boolean ICMP redir to gateway only
shared_media -- Boolean
send_redirects -- Boolean send ICMP redirs
icmp_destunreach_rate -- Max package rate 1/100-second
icmp_echo_ignore_all -- Boolean on/off
icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts -- Boolean on/off
icmp_echoreply_rate -- Max package rate 1/100-second
icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses-- Boolean on/off
icmp_paramprob_rate -- Max package rate 1/100-second
icmp_timeexceed_rate -- Max package rate 1/100-second
ip_autoconfig -- Boolean: was IP auto-cfg'd?
ip_default_ttl -- Max # hops for outgoing packets
ip_dynaddr -- Boolean: dynamic address rewriting
ip_forward -- Boolean: enable IP forwarding
ip_local_port_range -- Range, lowest-highest avail port#
ip_no_pmtu_disc -- Boolean: Path MTU Discovery
ipfrag_high_thresh -- Max memory for IP reassembly
ipfrag_low_thresh -- Lower threshold [stop dropping pkt]
ipfrag_time -- Time to keep IP fragment in memory
tcp_fin_timeout -- How long to wait for FIN
tcp_keepalive_probes -- # of keepalive probes to send
tcp_keepalive_time -- How often to send out keepalive
tcp_max_ka_probes -- Max keepalive per timer run
tcp_max_syn_backlog -- Size of socket backlog queue
tcp_retrans_collapse -- Boolean: send larger pkt on retry
tcp_retries1 -- # TCP retries [receive]
tcp_retries2 -- # TCP retries [send]
tcp_sack -- Boolean: select ack [RFC2018]
tcp_stdurg -- Boolean: urgent ptr [RFC793]
tcp_syn_retries -- # of times to retry SYN pkts
tcp_syncookies -- Boolean: enable syncookies
tcp_timestamps -- Boolean: timestamps [RFC1323]
tcp_window_scaling -- Boolean: Window scaling [RFC1323]
unix/ -- Unix domain sockets
delete_delay -- Delay for socket delete
destroy_delay -- Delay for socket destory
max_dgram_qlen -- Max queue length
sys/sunrpc -- Reset the debug flags for RPC subsystem
nfs_debug -- Reset nfs_debug flag
nfsd_debug -- Reset nfsd_debug flag
nlm_debug -- Reset nlm_debug flag
rpc_debug -- Reset rpc_debug flag
sys/vm -- Virtual Memory Management
bdflush -- bdflush kernel daemon
nfract: % buffer cache dirty to activate bdflush
ndirty: Max # dirty blocks writ per wakecycle
nrefill: # clean buffers to obtain on refill
nref_dirt: Dirty buffer threshold
dummy val
age_buffer: Age od normal buffer before flush
age_super: Age of superblock before flush
2 more dummy vals
buffermem -- How much memory to use for buffers
min_percent: minimum % of memory to use
borrow_percent: % to prune on memory shortage
max_percent: maximum % to use for buffers
freepages -- Regulate free-memory allocation
min: Below this only kernel can alloc memory
low: Below this kernel seriously swaps
high: Below this point, kernel lightly swaps
kswapd -- Kernel swap daemon
tries_base: # of pages to swap out each round
tries_min: Min # of times to try freeing a page
swap_cluster: # of pages written in one turn
overcommit_memory -- Set to 1 to allow mallocs to always succeed
page-cluster -- Read in 2^[#] pages at a time -- default is 4.
pagecache -- Same as buffermem, only for memory-maps
pagetable_cache -- Per-processor cache -- set to 0 for non-SMP
Note that each of these parameters can be modified; the best way to do this is
to cat the /proc file to a temporary file, modify the file, then echo the temp
file to the /proc file. The /proc files with a boolean [0/1] value can be reset
simply by echoing 0 or 1 to the /proc file.

In general, the /proc/sys tree mimics the linux kernel source layout; for
example, /proc/sys/net/core maps to /usr/src/linux/net/core. To track down
the usage of variables in the kernel source, one could search the relevant
directories under /usr/src/linux for occurences of the variable:
root@localhost>cd /usr/linux/src
root@localhost>grep -A 2 message_burst net/core/*.c
net/core/sysctl_net_core.c: {NET_CORE_MSG_BURST, "message_burst",
net/core/sysctl_net_core.c- &net_msg_burst, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
net/core/sysctl_net_core.c- &proc_dointvec_jiffies},
root@localhost>grep -n net_msg_burst net/core/*.c
net/core/utils.c:39:int net_msg_burst = 10*5*HZ;
net/core/utils.c:55: if (toks > net_msg_burst)

One of the tunable kernel parameters that is not located under /proc/sys is the
interface to the MTRR support; this is available through the /proc/mtrr file.
MTRR stands for Memory Type Range Register; in a nutshell, it is a register for
transferring specific memory ranges in order to gain high-speed access to that
memory range. Sample uses of MTRR would be to increase performance to on-card
memory for video card and drive controller cards.

X-windows takes advantage of MTRRs, so it is a good idea to set this up for

the local video card. The simplest way to do this is to capture the output
from X ['X -probeonly 2> out.txt'] and grep the output for the line buffer:
root@localhost>grep buffer out.txt
(--) SVGA: NM2160: Linear framebuffer at 0xF0000000
A /proc/mtrr entry can be added by echoing the memory base address, size, and
type to /proc/mtrr. The above videocard has 2MB of VRAM; thus the following
command is used to modify the MTRR file:
echo "base=0xf0000000 size=0x200000 type=write-combining" >> /proc/mtrr
The results will be added in the next available register [usually reg03]:
root@localhost>cat /proc/mtrr
reg00: base=0x00000000 ( 0MB), size= 128MB: write-back, count=1
reg01: base=0x100a0000 ( 256MB), size= 16MB: write-back, count=1
reg02: base=0xf0000000 (3840MB), size= 2MB: write-combining, count=1
Additional PCI devices can be added by searching through /proc/pci for
prefetchable memory addresses; these should be added as write-combining to
enable burst memory writes.

The binfmt_misc directory is also a good area to experiment in. The register
file in this directory allows one to register file types with specific
executables, so that if a file of that type is given execute permissions
[chmod +x] it will be passed as a parameter to the executable it is associated
with. This turns out to be a mechanism similar to file extension association
in Windows-9x or in various Window Managers, only more powerful -- files can
be associated by extension or by a binary signature in their file header [e.g.,
DOS apps could be identified by the MZ string in the header]. The following
are a few suggested associations:
The files must still be made executable, of course, or the kernel will not
attempt to load them ... however once registered, files of any type may be
made to open in a default application.

Loadable Kernel Modules

The proc file system provides for generalized devices with which to communicate
with the kernel and with loadable kernel modules -- more sophisticated devices
can be created by kernel modules as files in the /dev directory.

Loadable kernel modules introduce a bit of complexity into the system from an
administration standpoint. For one, devices no longer need to be compiled into
the kernel in order to be supported -- a module can be compiled and added to
the system at any time, allowing users with sufficient access the ability to
add or remove devices and psuedo-devices to a running system.

A compiled module [an unlinked object file, usually ending in '.o'] can be
loaded dynamically with the insmod utility:
root@localhost>insmod modname.o
and unloaded with the rmmod utility:
root@localhost>rmmod modname
Note that the .o extension is used only when loading the module.

The modprobe utility is a more sophisticated tool which allows a module to

be loaded:
root@localhost>modprobe modname.o
or unloaded:
root@localhost>modprobe -r modname.o
It can also display a list of which modules are available for loading by
supplying the -l options along with the -t flag and the module type [e.g.
fs, net, block, scsi, misc, pcmcia]; thus one could list the available
file system modules with the command
root@localhost>modprobe -l -t fs
The modprobe utility is oftne used with the depmod utility to load modules
at startup. The command 'depmod -a' will create a list of dependencies for
all compiled modules; modprobe will then consult this list to determine which
modules are required in order to support the module currently being loaded.
Modprobe thus allows a collection of modules [e.g., the sound modules] to be
loaded when a single module is requested ['modprobe sound'], rather than
requiring each module in that collection to be requested separately, in order.

A list of all loaded modules is kept in /proc/modules; a list of all exported

kernel symbols is kept in /proc/ksyms. These files may be cat'd as normal. In
order to be alerted when unapproved modules are loaded, it would be a good
idea to cat /proc/modules to a secure file and compare it to the current
/proc/modules on a regular basis:
root@localhost>cat /proc/modules > /var/adm/proc.table
root@localhost>diff /proc/modules /var/adm/proc.table
The diff statement can be included in a shell script that is run hourly, which
would mail the sysadmin when the files differ. The proc.table file should be
re-created at boot, or when a legitimate module is loaded.
A more recent feature added to Linux's loadable kernel modules is kerneld, the
automatic kernel module loading facility. When the kernel requests a feature
that is not present in any currently loaded module, kerneld will use modprobe
to load that module and then retry the request -- thus modules may be loaded
as-needed rather than at boot time. Note that /sbin/kerneld and 'depmod -a'
needed to be at the very start of your rc scripts in order to fully take
advantage of kerneld.

Kernel modules are surprisingly easy to create; the canonical 'hello' module
can be built as follows:
root@localhost>vi heya.c
#define MODULE
#include <linux/module.h>
int init_module(void) {
printk("<1>Heya linux!\n");
return 0;
int cleanup_module(void) {
printk("<1>Later, linux!\n");
return 0;
root@localhost>gcc -c heya.c
root@localhost>insmod heya.o
root@localhost>rmmod heya
All kernel modules must have the init_module and cleanup_module routines, which
run on insmod and rmmod, respectively. Each of these calls printk, the kernel
version of printf [the list of functions available in the kernel can be found
in books such as "Linux Device Drivers", in manuals for writing modules and
hacking the kernel, in pragmatic's "LKM Hacking Guide", or by cat'ing
/proc/ksyms ].

A read-only file in the proc file system is likewise not too complex:
root@localhost>vi evilproc.c
#define NULL 0
#define MODULE
#define __KERNEL__
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/stat.h>
//----------------------------------Function for returning proc file contents
int ReadEvilProcFile( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int len, int jnk)
len = sprintf(buf, "Muahahahaha!\n");
return len;
//----------------------------------Structure defining file entry under /proc
struct proc_dir_entry EvilProcFile = {
0, //low_ino
9, //name length
"EvilLaugh", //name
S_IFREG | S_IRUGO, //mode
1, 0, 0, // nlinks, owner, group
0, //size
NULL, //operations
&ReadEvilProcFile, //read function
//----------------------------------Register proc file on module load
int init_module(void)
proc_register(&proc_root, &EvilProcFile);
return 0;
//----------------------------------Unregister proc file on module unload
int cleanup_module(void) {
proc_unregister(&proc_root, EvilProcFile.low_ino);
return 0;
root@localhost>gcc -c evilproc.c
root@localhost>insmod evilproc.o
root@localhost>cat /proc/EvilLaugh
Naturally this will require a bit more explanation than the previous example.
When the module is loaded, it calls proc_register to register the new proc
filesystem entry, using the address of the parent /proc dir entry [in this case,
the root of the proc filesystem, or '/proc'] and the address of the /proc dir
entry being registered. This dir entry is simply a structure of type
proc_dir_entry and is defined --along with the various proc filesystem function
prototypes-- in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs. The important entries in
this structure, for the example given, are the name of the file to be created
["EvilLaugh"] and the address of the function called when the file is read
["ReadEvilProcFile"]. Note that this function is passed a 1-page buffer which
is used to store the text for output, and it is expected to return the number
of bytes written to the buffer.

The discussion of kernel modules so far may be perceived as merely academic;

however it is important to understand how modules work in order to recognize
them as a security threat. Take, for example, the following kernel module:
root@localhost>vi exploit.c
#define MODULE
#define __KERNEL__
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>

extern void* sys_call_table[];
int (* real_getdents) (uint, struct dirent *, uint);
int our_getdents(uint fd, struct dirent *dirp, uint count){
unsigned int bytes_read, tmp;
struct dirent *dirp2;
char hiddenfile = "HackerDir";
tmp = bytes_read = (*real_getdents) (fd, dirp, count);
//----------------------------Devious Psuedocode
// dirp2 = dirp;
// while tmp > 0
// if (dirp2->d_name == hiddenfile)
// remove (dirent) dirp2 from buffer dirp
// reduce bytes_read by dirp2->d_reclen
// else
// advance dirp2 to next dirent in buffer dirp
// reduce tmp by dirp2->d_reclen
printk("<1>Warning! Getdents is hooked!\n");
return bytes_read;
int init_module(void) {
real_getdents = sys_call_table[SYS_getdents];
sys_call_table[SYS_getdents] = our_getdents;
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void) {
sys_call_table[SYS_getdents] = real_getdents;
root@localhost>gcc -c exploit.c
root@localhost>insmod exploit.o
root@localhost>grep getdents /proc/ksyms
Getdents is the syscall function used by ls, ps and other such utilities to
list the contents of a directory [GETDirectoryENTrieS]. The above code
demonstrates the linux equivalent of a DOS interrupt hook. The syscall table
is similar to the interrupt table in DOS; an int 80 instruction is used to
turn control over to the syscall handler, then the function number [passed
in eax] is used to reference an offset in the sys_call_table [function
numbers are defined in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h and sys/syscall.h ]. The
above code hijacks the getdents() syscall, and restores it upon exit.

Note that when you grep for getdents in /proc/ksyms, it is readily apparent
that the module has been loaded -- its two main functions have been exported.
To prevent this, use the EXPORT_NO_SYMBOLS macro [defined in module.h] and

So, it is remarkably easy to hijack syscall vectors using kernel modules. What
can be done about it? The obvious answer is to monitor /proc/modules for
unauthorized modules. However, the module name can be hidden by setting it
to NULL and setting the reference count to 0 in the mod_routines structure
passed to init_module by reference in ebp.

The most simple way is to provide a module which will display the addresses
of each syscall:
#define MODULE
#define __KERNEL__
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
extern void* sys_call_table[];
int ShowSysCalls( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int len, int naught){
int x;
len = 0;
for (x = 0; x <= SYS_chown; x++) {
len += sprintf( buf+len, "%x\n", sys_call_table[x] );
return len;
struct proc_dir_entry SysProcFile = {
0, //low_ino
11, //name length
"SysCallAddr", //name
S_IFREG | S_IRUGO, //mode
1, 0, 0, // nlinks, owner, group
0, //size
NULL, //operations
&ShowSysCalls, //read function

int init_module(void)
proc_register(&proc_root, &SysProcFile);
return 0;
int cleanup_module(void) {
proc_unregister(&proc_root, SysProcFile.low_ino);
return 0;
This module will create a file named /proc/SysCallAddr which will contain
183 lines [the current number of syscalls, from 0 to SYS_chown], with each
line containing the address of a system call -- the system call # will be
(line# - 1) as the syscalls are numbered starting at 0. If the contents of
this file are saved at boot, the saved file can be compared to the current
/proc/SysCallAddr to determine if any of the syscalls have been hooked.

Another avenue would be to write a module to hook syscalls in advance in order

to watch for future module loading -- for example, by hooking init_module.
This type of preventative syscall hijacking can be used for other aspects of
system security -- to secure file system usage, or to prevent the execution
of files outside of valid directories [/usr/bin, /bin, etc] which will can be
kept on a read-only filesystem [hook execve for this].

That said, the reader who has found his interest piqued is directed towards
pragmatic's excellent treatise on the subject, "LKM Hacking" -- available
from Packet Storm Securities and whereever fine security texts are
distributed. Additional kernel module techniques have been discussed in
Phrack magazine in issues 50 and 52.

A read-through of the available material will inspire the truly paranoid to

disable kerneld/kmod entirely, forcing all device support to be compiled into
the kernel. In general, it should be enough to protect/rename modprobe and
insmod, to remove all treacherous .map and .obj files from the kernel source
directory with a 'make clean', and to protect kmem as best one can.

One final note for the paranoiac/sysadmin, it is possible [as mentioned in the
pragmatic text] to search for byte signatures in the kernel in the same
manner one does while registering software. For example, one could compile the
same kernel verion as the target on one's own machine, then look up the entry
points for each of the syscall routines and save the first 10-20 bytes of each
kernel function. In this way, one could scan through /dev/kmem or the kernel
binary on the target for those same 10-20 bytes and locate the syscall entry
points in this method; once a few signatures have been found, the syscall table
location can be deduced by searching for a sequence of these entry point
addresses, and the syscall table entries can be modified by accessing /dev/kmem
directly and bypassing all modules/most system calls.

Those well endowed with the luxury of time may find it within themselves to
fill various locations in memory with those very signatures --perhaps with the
liberal use of asm 'db' statments in their kernel modules-- in order to
guarantee a minimum of 3 matches per 32-byte signature ... about a 12K
Tooling about in other people's binaries
There comes a time in every coder's life when source code cannot provide all
the answers. This could arise due to runtime system anomalies, or when the
source code for a binary is simply not available. With the commercialization
of linux, the latter condition arises quite frequently; many software
companies neglect to post source code in their haste to release, and the end
user is stuck using a product full of code left over from the development
cycle such as nag screens, time limits, passwords, and disabled features.
Recognizing this common oversight, linux ships with a number of utilities
to extract information from compiled binaries.

The first and foremost utility for dealing with binaries is objdump. The man
page for objdump describes it as a tool to 'display information from object
files'; however in reality this is a very flexible disassembler. The command
`objdump -x [filename]` gives a good overview of the file, providing
information on its header, sections, and symbols; `objdump -D [filename]`
provides a 'dumb' disassembly of the entire file, while `objdump -d [filename]`
will disassemble only the code sections. Of course objdump offers a number of
additional options:

*To view the sections of a file and their headers:

objdump -h [filename]
*To view the contents of all sections in a hex/ascii dump:
objdump -s [filename]
*To view the relocations:
objdump -r [filename]
*To view the dynamic [shared-library] relocations:
objdump -R [filename]
*To view the symbol table:
objdump -t [filename]
*To view the dynamic [shared-library] symbol table:
objdump -T [filename]
*To view debugging symbols:
objdump --debugging [filename]
*To view source code [if avail] with the disassembly:
objdump -S [filename]
*To disassemble part of the file:
objdump --start-address=[addr] --stop-address=[addr] [filename]
e.g. objdump --start-address=0x80484b4 --stop-address=0x80484c5 -d test.exe
Using objdump can get quet tedious; as a testament to this, there are a slew of
objdump wrappers, front ends, and beautifiers at Freshmeat and Packet Storm.

Similar to objdump is the 'nm' utility, which is used to list the symbols in
a binary file. Symbols are printed in either BSD [default] or SysV [in a
human-readable table, using the flag '-f sysv'] format.

Strace & Ltrace

Basic information about the operation of a program can be gained by using the
program ltrace, or 'library trace'. Ltrace will run the target program under
the control of the ptrace() system call; it will record library calls and
system calls made by the target, as well as any signals the target receives.

The basic usage for ltrace is `ltrace -iSC` to trace everything, `ltrace -iC`
to trace only library calls, and `ltrace -iSL` to trace only system calls.
A PID to attack to can be specified with the -p parameter; other useful
options include the -r option to print a timestamp at each library call, and
the -e option to dictate which functions to trace.
root@localhost> ltrace -e 'printf,malloc' ps aux
root@localhost> ltrace -e '!printf,malloc' ps aux
As demonstated, the expression following -e can contain a comma-separated list
of function calls to either report or [if preceded by an exclamation point]

Strace is more specialized than ltrace, monitoring only system calls and
signals; however, it allows more precise control over the logging. The basic
usage of strace is:
strace [flags] target
The more useful options are
-i print IP [cs:ip] of system call
-tt, -r, -T : print timestamp [profile]
-T time
-xx hex format
-e expr
-e trace=file,process,network,signal,ipc
-e signal=sigio,sigterm
-e read=fd,all
-e write=fd,all
-p PID attach to...
Note that the expressions allowed are more detailed than those of ltrace. The
"trace=" expressions take a list of function names to [or not to] trace; the
keywords file, process, network, signal, and ipc refer to all system calls
which provide file access, process management, network facilties, and so on.
The "signal=" expression states a list of signals to trace; the "read=" and
"write=" specify a list of file descriptors for which to provide a full hex
dump on every read or write. Note that the output can get quite dense:
root@localhost> strace -e trace='!file,process,close' -e write=0,1,2 ps
so it is good to get familiar with the ! expressions.

This is a simple stack trace utility which is given a PID on the command line;
it unwinds the stack and prints a sort of execution history for the current
call of the process. When symbols are stripped from the binary executable, the
pstack output is somewhat cryptic, as this sample output will demonstrate:
root@localhost> pstack 21149
21149: /opt/wp/wpbin/xwp
(No symbols found)
0x401765e0: ???? (bfffe038, bfffdeb4, 4005224c, 2, 8818e90, 0) + 1e8
0x4002fca6: ???? (8818e90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) + 18
0x40030a6d: ???? (8818e90, bfffe0c0, 0, 1, bfffe124, 1d) + 5c
0x40028003: ???? (8818e90, 0, 400063a4, 8051370, d4, ac) + 1974
0x08122936: ???? (1, bffffad4, bffffadc)
0x080513cb: ???? (0, bffffbea, 0, bffffbfc, bffffc03, bffffc14) + 40000518

Hex Editors
For some reason --perhaps the lack of 0x74 -> 0x75 byte changes needed to run
GNU software-- there has not been the flood of hex editors in linux as there
has been in the DOS/WinXX world. Fortunately, the recent commercialization of
linux --and the sudden influx of PC-bred coders-- has brought about the release
of hex editors more useful than the venerable [but drab] hexedit.

Both the KDE and the GNOME desktop suite have --to their credit-- shipped with
adequate hex editors [ khexdit and ghex ]; however, there is something strange
if not outright unholy about a GUI hex editor -- for one thing, the newbie
shock people get reading over your shoulder at the office is significantly
decreased. A taste test of the available console-mode hex editors turns up a
few worthy of attention, all of which rely on ncurses for UI details.

Unfortunately, there is still no perfect console hex editor. Of those available,

BIEW offers the most features, including a file header parser and a dis-
assembler; however, due to a lack of foresight, it captures the ALT-F# keys
for its own purposes, thus effectively limiting the user to a single virtual
terminal when in console mode. A good all-around runner-up is VCHE, an ncurses-
style hex editor that works well in console or xterm; for viewing rather than
editting files, 'hasci' works surprisingly well. The old hexedit program has
been around for awhile and is a reliable hex editor shipped with many
distributions; however it is somewhat difficult to use and lacking in features.

For the truly masochistic, vi can be used to edit binary files using the -b
command line switch; in command mode, 'ga' will display the value of the
current position [byte] in ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal.

Rolling Your Own

While many of the available tools are quite good; they were often designed with
somewhat dubious goals ['security', 'integrity'] in mind ... and thus may be
burdened with rather arbitrary restrictions. Many tools will not attach to a
process that is missing debug information, ELF section headers, and other
niceties that tend to be missing from binary executables. As such, there may
come a time when one must write one's own programs; to do so, an understanding
of the facilities linux provides is in order.

The ptrace system call is used for analyzing and debugging a running process;
it provides the following functions:
PTRACE_ATTACH -- attach to [stop] a process
PTRACE_DETACH -- detach from a process
PTRACE_TRACEME -- be traced by parent
PTRACE_CONT -- Continue stopped process
PTRACE_KILL -- Kill the process
PTRACE_SINGLESTEP -- Execute one instruction of the process
PTRACE_SYSCALL -- Stop process at the next syscall
PTRACE_PEEKTEXT -- get data from .text segment
PTRACE_PEEKDATA -- get data from .data segment
PTRACE_PEEKUSER -- get data from process user [ring 3] space
PTRACE_POKETEXT -- write data to .text segment
PTRACE_POKEDATA -- write data to .data segment
PTRACE_POKEUSER -- write data to process user space
PTRACE_GETREGS -- Get registers from stopped process
PTRACE_SETREGS -- Set registers in stopped process
PTRACE_GETFPREGS -- Get floating point registers
PTRACE_SETFPREGS -- Set floating point registers
The general approach to using ptrace is to start a process and PTRACE_ATTACH
to it, then do whatever dirt deeds need be done [installing breakpoints with
PTRACE_POKETEXT, dumping text or data segments to a file, etc], and finally
release the process back into the wild using PTRACE_DETACH. Most of the
'dirty deeds' done with ptrace() will take the form of stopping the process
[with a BP or by hooking the next syscall or instruction using PTRACE_SYSCALL
or PTRACE_SINGLESTEP], reading and writing the process memory and registers,
and executing a PTRACE_CONT to allow the process to continue execution.

The ptrace() facility is fully documented [`man ptrace`]; however the following
program is provided to demonstrate a simple single-step debugger:
#include <asm/errno.h>
#include <asm/user.h> //includes <system/ptrace.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main( int argc, char* argv[]) {

int err;
extern int errno;
long thePID = strtol( argv[1], NULL, 10);
struct user_regs_struct regs;
printf("Tracing PID: %s\n", argv[1]);
err = ptrace( PTRACE_ATTACH, thePID, 0, 0);
while ( err >= 0 ) {
if ((ptrace( PTRACE_GETREGS, thePID, NULL, regs)) < 0) break;
printf("CS:IP %08X:%08X\t SS:SP %08X:%08X FLAGS %08X\n",
regs.cs, regs.eip, regs.ss, regs.esp, regs.eflags);
printf("EAX %08X \tEBX %08X \tECX %08X \tEDX %08X\n",
regs.eax, regs.ebx, regs.ecx, regs.edx );
printf("Press ENTER to step one instruction...\n");
printf("ERROR %d! Check /usr/include/asm/errno.h\n", errno);
ptrace( PTRACE_DETACH, thePID, 0, 0);

This program will advance an instruction and print out the more useful
registers each time ENTER key is pressed.

The basic ELF file format can be parsed using the structures defined in
/usr/include/elf.h . While a full treatment of the ELF file format is, as
they say, beyond the scope of this work, the following code should serve
to demonstrate the general principle:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <elf.h>

int main( int argc, char* argv[]) {

int Target, x, diff, entry;
Elf32_Ehdr* TargetHeader;
Elf32_Phdr* ProgramHeader;
Elf32_Shdr* SectionHeader; //not used; included for posterity ;)

Target = open( argv[1], O_RDONLY);

printf("File name: %s\n", argv[1]);
(int) TargetHeader = malloc( sizeof( Elf32_Ehdr ));
read( Target, TargetHeader, sizeof( Elf32_Ehdr ));
(int) ProgramHeader = malloc( sizeof( Elf32_Phdr));
lseek( Target, TargetHeader->e_phoff, SEEK_SET);
for ( x = 0; x < TargetHeader->e_phnum; x++){
read( Target, ProgramHeader, sizeof(Elf32_Phdr));
if ( TargetHeader->e_entry >= ProgramHeader->p_vaddr &&
TargetHeader->e_entry <=
( ProgramHeader->p_vaddr + ProgramHeader->p_filesz) ) {
diff = ProgramHeader->p_vaddr - ProgramHeader->p_offset;
entry = TargetHeader->e_entry - diff;
printf("\tEntry point at RVA %X offset %X\n",
TargetHeader->e_entry, entry);
lseek( Target, TargetHeader->e_phentsize, SEEK_CUR);
close( Target );
return 0;

The program Elf_hdr will print out the name of the target and both the RVA
and offset of its entry point; further information in the file can be obtained
by parsing the Section and Program headers.

Legend has it that Stallman and Wallace were discussing a portable binary file
manipulation library. Stallman mentioned that the endeavour would be quite
difficult; Wallace replied 'BFD'. That should provide some background on the
development of this library...

BFD stands for Binary File Descriptor, and is an attempt to provide a portable
library for manipulating [lit., linking and disassembling] object files. The
documentation is written from a maintainer's standpoint, and describes the BFD
back end, front end, history, hash table facilities, and so on; what the user
of the BFD library need to know is the following:
* #include <bfd.h>
* link to libbfd and libiberty [-lbfd -liberty]
* call bfd_init() before doing *anything* with BFD
* use bfd_openr() and bfd_close() to manage files
* set the default target to NULL and call bfd_check_format_matches()
* rely on the bfd_ functions for everything
That said, BFD provides a number of functions for reading and writing object
file contents. In the interest of brevity, and due to a focus on disassembly
rather than reassembly, only the 'read' functions will be mentioned:
General Routines
long bfd_get_mtime(bfd *abfd);
long bfd_get_size(bfd *abfd);
bfd_vma bfd_scan_vma(CONST char *string, CONST char **end, int base);
Machine Architectures
const char *bfd_printable_name(bfd *abfd);
const bfd_arch_info_type *bfd_scan_arch(const char *string);
const char **bfd_arch_list(void);
enum bfd_architecture bfd_get_arch(bfd *abfd);
unsigned long bfd_get_mach(bfd *abfd);
unsigned int bfd_arch_bits_per_byte(bfd *abfd);
unsigned int bfd_arch_bits_per_address(bfd *abfd);
Executable Types
bool bfd_set_default_target (const char *name);
const bfd_target *bfd_find_target(CONST char *target_name, bfd *abfd);
const char **bfd_target_list(void);
File Formats
bool bfd_check_format(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format);
bool bfd_check_format_matches(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format, char ***m);
bool bfd_set_format(bfd *abfd, bfd_format format);
File Sections
asection *bfd_get_section_by_name(bfd *abfd, CONST char *name);
void bfd_map_over_sections(bfd *abfd, void (*func), PTR obj);
boolean bfd_get_section_contents (bfd *abfd, asection *section,
PTR location, file_ptr offset, bfd_size_type count);
reloc_howto_type * bfd_reloc_type_lookup (bfd *abfd,
bfd_reloc_code_real_type code);
const char *bfd_get_reloc_code_name (bfd_reloc_code_real_type code);
#define bfd_canonicalize_symtab(abfd, location) BFD_SEND (abfd,
_bfd_canonicalize_symtab, (abfd, location))
void bfd_print_symbol_vandf(PTR file, asymbol *symbol);
Core Files
CONST char *bfd_core_file_failing_command(bfd *abfd);
int bfd_core_file_failing_signal(bfd *abfd);
boolean core_file_matches_executable_p (bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd);
Needless to say, there are many more BFD routines, most of them documented
in `info bfd`. The above have been chosen to demonstrate the capabilities of the
BFD library.

BFD works by creating a bfd structure describing a file or stream; the bfd
strcuture can have read and/or write access to the original file. The BFD
library assumes an object file will have a header, a number of sections, a
set of relocations, and symbol information. To parse an object file using
BFD, the file is opened using a function such as bfd_openr() to create a bfd
structure; the structure contains a linked list of sections found in the file,
and these may be searched with bfd_get_section_by_name or iterated over using
bfd_map_over_sections, and displayed using bfd_get_section_contents.

The definition for a section structure is quite huge:

typedef struct sec
CONST char *name;
int index;
struct sec *next;
flagword flags;
unsigned int user_set_vma : 1;
unsigned int reloc_done : 1;
unsigned int linker_mark : 1;
unsigned int gc_mark : 1;
bfd_vma vma;
bfd_vma lma;
bfd_size_type _cooked_size;
bfd_size_type _raw_size;
bfd_vma output_offset;
struct sec *output_section;
unsigned int alignment_power;
struct reloc_cache_entry *relocation;
struct reloc_cache_entry **orelocation;
unsigned reloc_count;
file_ptr filepos;
file_ptr rel_filepos;
file_ptr line_filepos;
PTR userdata;
unsigned char *contents;
alent *lineno;
unsigned int lineno_count;
struct bfd_comdat_info *comdat;
file_ptr moving_line_filepos;
int target_index;
PTR used_by_bfd;
struct relent_chain *constructor_chain;
bfd *owner;
struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
struct symbol_cache_entry **symbol_ptr_ptr;
struct bfd_link_order *link_order_head;
struct bfd_link_order *link_order_tail;
} asection ;

...as is that for the bfd itself. Any use of the BFD library *requires* a
reading of the info file and a trip through /usr/include/bfd.h. However, as
a quick demonstration, the following program will iterate through the sections
of an object file and print a list to stdout:
// compile with gcc -o BFD_test BFD_test.c -lbfd -liberty
#include <stdio.h>
#include <bfd.h>

//callback, ripped from objdump...

static void hdr_summary(bfd *abfd, asection *section, PTR jnk)
printf ("%3d %-13s %08lx \n", section->index,
bfd_get_section_name (abfd, section),
(unsigned long) bfd_section_size(abfd, section));

int main( int argc, char* argv[]) {

int x;
bfd *abfd; //BFD object
char **matching, *target = NULL; //have BFD detect target
extern bfd_target *bfd_target_vector[];

if ( argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]); return 1; }

bfd_init ();
abfd = bfd_openr(argv[1], target);
if ( abfd == NULL) { printf("Unable to open %s\n", argv[1]); return 1;}
else printf("Acquired target: %s\n", argv[1]);
if (! bfd_check_format_matches(abfd, bfd_object, &matching)){
printf("Unrecognized File!\n Supported targets: ");
for ( x = 0; bfd_target_vector[x]; x++) {
bfd_target *p = bfd_target_vector[x];
printf("%s ", p->name);
} else {
printf("\nMapping %s sections...\n", abfd->filename);
//iterate through the sections, using hdr_summary as a callback
bfd_map_over_sections(abfd, hdr_summary, (PTR) NULL);
if (! bfd_close(abfd)) printf("Unable to close BFD!\n");
return 0;

Ah, here it is at last: the Big One. The most enticingly-named library in the
binutils arsenal, with zero documentation, a ton of header files, and only
objdump and gdb for sample code. For those wishing to plumb the depths of the
opcodes library, it is best to download the binutils source, and study quite
carefully the file ./include/dis-asm.h [this should be moved somewhere into
the /usr/include tree along with the other binutils include files, perhaps in
/usr/include/binutils] and the disassemble_bytes() and disassemble_data()
routines in objdump.c .

Libopcodes relies heavily on the disassemble_info structure; this structure

actually duplicates information found in the bfd structure -- thus it is not
necessary to use BFD in order to use libopcodes, however the BFD functions make
the disassemble_info initialization much easier.

The disassemble_info is huge, and has contains four callback functions which
the user can replace:
Of these the most useful to replace will be print_address_func(), as it is
responsible for the AT&T syntax. Also of import to note is the use of an
fprintf-style function and an output stream to produce the final output; not
only does this allow output to go to STDOUT or a file, it also allows a chance
to review [and parse or translate] the disassembled line in a temporary file
or buffer. The disassemble_info structure itself is well worth a look:

typedef struct disassemble_info {

fprintf_ftype fprintf_func;
FILE *stream;
PTR application_data;
enum bfd_flavour flavour;
enum bfd_architecture arch;
unsigned long mach;
enum bfd_endian endian;
asymbol **symbols;
int num_symbols;
unsigned long flags;
PTR private_data;
int (*read_memory_func)
PARAMS ((bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, int length,
struct disassemble_info *info));
void (*memory_error_func)
PARAMS ((int status, bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info));
void (*print_address_func)
PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, struct disassemble_info *info));
int (* symbol_at_address_func)
PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, struct disassemble_info * info));
bfd_byte *buffer;
bfd_vma buffer_vma;
int buffer_length;
int bytes_per_line;
int bytes_per_chunk;
enum bfd_endian display_endian;
char insn_info_valid; // Branch info has been set.
char branch_delay_insns; // How many sequential insn's will run before
char data_size; // Size of data reference in insn, in bytes
enum dis_insn_type insn_type; // Type of instruction
bfd_vma target; // Target address of branch or dref, if known
bfd_vma target2; // Second target address for dref2
} disassemble_info;

Naturally, the version in dis-asm.h is better-commented. Note the structure

members towards the end; these contain information after a call to the
disassembler function [covered below] which can be used for higher-level
disassembly or decompilation operations, e.g. cross-references.

The usage of disassemble_info requires a bit of explanation. First of all, like

the BFD library, it must be initialized with stream and an fprintf routine:
disassemble_info info;
INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO(info, stdout, fprintf);
Next, the buffer member must point to data, of size buffer_length, which
contains the bytes to disassemble; usually an entire program section is read
into this buffer. Finally, the buffer_vma member must be set to the virtual
address of the code in the buffer -- again, usually the VMA of the section

At this point, one of the libopcodes disassembler functions can be called

to disassemble the bytes in the buffer. The syntax for the disassembler
functions is
count = (*disassembler_ftype) (bfd_vma, disassemble_info *);
where bfd_vma is the VMA to disassemble at -- this will usually be incremented
by 'count' after each (*disassembler_ftype) call, unless only a single
instruction is being decoded. When the disassembler function returns, the
disassemble_info will be updated, and any analysis of cross-references and such
can take place ... though this will be after the instruction has been

The disassembler functions are all prototyped in dis-asm.h; they can be

perused with a `grep "extern int print_insn" dis-asm.h`, but the only one of
interest for Intel asm coders will be
or, due to some strange libopcodes bug,

Some sample code would of course do little harm. The following is an

expansion of the BFD example; it will disassemble the .text section of an
ELF file in a very dumb, very linear manner; however, it should more than
suffice to demonstrate the usage of libopcodes.
// compile with gcc -o elf_dis elf_dis.c -lopcodes -lbfd -liberty
#include <stdio.h>
#include <bfd.h>
#include <binutils/dis-asm.h>

//the following is needed since ld cannot find print_insn_i386

extern int print_insn_i386_intel PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
int main( int argc, char* argv[]) {
int x, bytes;
bfd *abfd;
asection *section;
char **matching, *target = NULL;
extern bfd_target *bfd_target_vector[];
//-----below are added from the BFD program
bfd_vma dis_addr;
bfd_byte *data = NULL;
bfd_size_type datasize = 0;
disassembler_ftype disassemble_fn;
disassemble_info info;

if ( argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]);
return 1;

bfd_init ();
abfd = bfd_openr(argv[1], target);
if ( abfd == NULL) { printf("Unable to open %s\n", argv[1]); return 1;}
else printf("Acquired target: %s\n", argv[1]);
if (! bfd_check_format_matches(abfd, bfd_object, &matching)){
printf("Unrecognized File!\n Supported targets: ");
for ( x = 0; bfd_target_vector[x]; x++) {
bfd_target *p = bfd_target_vector[x];
printf("%s ", p->name);
} else {
//-------- The Disassembly of .text begins!
section = bfd_get_section_by_name(abfd, ".text");
if ( section ) {
// Set up the disassemble_info struct
INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO(info, stdout, fprintf);
info.flavour = bfd_get_flavour(abfd);
info.arch = bfd_get_arch(abfd);
info.mach = bfd_get_mach(abfd);
info.endian = BFD_ENDIAN_LITTLE;

// Prepare the disassemble_info buffers

datasize = bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(section);
data = (bfd_byte *) malloc ((size_t) datasize);
if ( data == NULL ) return 1;
info.buffer = data;
info.buffer_vma = section->vma;
info.buffer_length = datasize;
bfd_get_section_contents (abfd, section, data, 0, datasize);

// Choose the disassembler function

disassemble_fn = print_insn_i386_intel;
bytes = 0;
printf("starting at %8X\n", section->vma + bytes);

// ------------------ iterate through .text section

while ( bytes < section->_raw_size ) {
printf("%8X : ", section->vma + bytes);
bytes += (*disassemble_fn) (section->vma + bytes, &info);
//here is where you would put additional processing
printf("\n"); //default is no CR/LF ;(
if (! bfd_close(abfd)) printf("Unable to close BFD!\n");
return 0;

Dungeon Bashing
It is important to have one's system set up correctly for kernel [and other]
source code browsing. The most important tool for this is vim; not only should
syntax highlighting be set up as described in the previous essay, but the
ctags facility should be made use of as well. For ever significant body of code
in /usr/src --at least the kernel, and perhaps code kept for reference such as
the binutils code-- the ctags utility should be run from the root directory
for the project. Each version of ctags seems to have different options; in
general, only the -R [recurse] option is needed:
root@localhost:/usr/src/linux> ctags -R *
This will create a tags file in current directory; vim will use any tags file
found in the current directory when it is run.

When a tag file has been found, it is possible to use vim keyboard commands to
jump between source code files:
[i == jump to include file where tag under cursor is defined
[I == display found tags
Ctrl-] == jump forward [next tag occurrence]
Ctrl-[ == jump backward [previous tag occurrence]
Ctrl-W } == display tag in the 'tag preview window'
Ctrl-W z == close the 'tag preview window'
Ctrl-W ] == open a new window and jump to next tag occurrence
Ctrl-W j == switch to next [below] window
Ctrl-W k == switch to next [above] window
Ctrl-W x == exchange windows
Ctrl-W q == close current window
Ctrl-W + == increase height of current window
Ctrl-W - == decrease height of current window
N Ctrl-T == backtrack N jumps
:tags == display tags
Note that these are the same commands used for navigating the vim help files.
Vim also can be started with the -t parameter, which will open the file in
which the specified tag is found. For example,
root@localhost> vim -t dma_chan
will open the file $LINUX/drivers/ap1000/mac.h at line 55, where 'dma_chan' is
defined. Ctags is intended for use with vi [as well as nedit, crisp, zeus,
and fte]; emacs users are recommended to use etags for their source navigation.

Tracking down information involves sleuthing through source code directories,

grepping include files, and healthy doses of man paging. As an illustration --
both of the sleuthing technique, and of general editorial laziness -- here is
an example posted in response to RalDnoR on the hcu linux forum.

Query: The target is referencing the MAC address of the network card as part
of a licensing scheme. There are a ton of ioctl() calls in the code; how do
you know which one is getting the MAC?

Response: First, `man ioctl`. This will give a listing of typical ioctl
uses, though none of these covers network devices. However, at the end of
the man page comes the ever useful cross-references:
execve(2), fcntl(2), mt(4), sd(4), tty(4)
The 'sd' seems familiar, it is probably '/dev/sd#', or the SCSI devices. This
would imply that man4 contains device driver info. To verify this, one could
`man 4 sd`
sd - Driver for SCSI Disk Drives
...or `man 4 intro`
intro - Introduction to special files
This chapter describes special files.
/dev/* -- device files
Right, man section 4 it is. Now a simple `ls /usr/man/man4` will display what
devices are actually documented there:
There are no eth0 devices in linux [a sore point on many fronts], however the
'netdevice' looks promising. The next step, naturally, is a `man 4 netdevice`:
NETDEVICE(4) Linux Programmer's Manual
netdevice - Low level access to Linux network devices.
That would be it. The man page provides a wealth of info; searching for
'hardware' ['hardware address', since 'MAC' fails] turns up
Network device ioctls
Name ifreq member Purpose
SIOCGIFHWADDR ifr_hwaddr Get the hardware
address of a
All that remains now is a trip through the includes to find out what constant
SIOCGIFHWADDR is defined as. Since this is a kernel device driver, the include
file will be with the kernel source:
root@localhost> grep -r SIOCGIFHWADDR /usr/src/linux/include/*
:#define SIOCGIFHWADDR 0x8927 /* Get hardware address
Success on the first try: the call to ioctl() will be passed the value 0x8927
as its second parameter.

System Maintenance
For all of RedHat's publicity, Corel's applications, Caldera's install program,
and Mandrake's hardware detection, linux is still a unix system -- and that
means that any owner of a linux system must become, at least in part, a unix
sysadmin. The 'sysadmin manual', as it were, is of course the O'Reilly book on
'Essential System Administration'; also, sites such as the Unix Guru Universe,
BOFH-net, and the annals of alt.sysadmin.recovery provide the essential mindset
for the job.

Such reference material may be too heavy-handed -- or too volumnious -- for the
casual user; this section should serve to introduce the elementary admin tools
provided with linux.

Device Management
There is no System Control Panel in linux. Granted, KDE and GNOME have some
system configuration dialogues to make things easier, but these dialogues are
simply graphical front-ends to console utilities and /proc files. To properly
configure a linux system, one must become familiar with the command line tools.

One of sore points for linux newcomers is the apparent lack of hardware detect-
ion; while linux is not PnP, it does have utilities which will probe buses and
controllers for connected devices. The ide_info and scsi_info commands will
report device information from their respective controllers; likewise lspci
and lspnp will display info on known pci and PnP devices [this information is
also available from /proc/scsi/scsi, /proc/ide, /proc/pci,and /proc/bus/pnp],
and lsmod will list loaded kernel modules [usually device drivers].

Various drivers can be configured from the command line, or by echoing values
to /proc files to set kernel variables. The utility ifconfig will display or
set addresses and netmasks for network devices; the route command will display
or modify network routes and gateways; hdparm can be used to optimize hard
drive performance, and vidmode can be used to set the bootup video mode. For
PnP devices, the pnpdump utility will dump default [and alternate] parameters
for all PnP ISA devices; the resulting file can be editted and used as input
to isapnp for configuring plug and play devices at boot. The setpci program
can be used to configure PnP devices on the PCI bus.

Finally, as mentioned in the discussion of file systems, most of the system

configuration information is stored as text files in /etc. In general, any
/etc file with 'rc' or 'conf' in the filename will be useful; the following
files are of the most interest for a standard system:
conf.modules -- modules [device driver] configuration
fstab -- filesystem [disk partition] setup
group -- user goups
hosts -- hard-coded IP/name translations
host.conf -- general networking options
inetd.conf -- TCP/IP service config file
inittab -- system run level setup
ld.so.conf -- library file path/search order
man.config -- man page path/search order
passwd -- user ids
printcap -- printer setp
protocols -- definition of network protocols
resolv.conf -- DNS name server listing
services -- TCP/IP service to port number mapping

Runtime Monitoring
When a new convert to linux is asked why they made The Change, they will
usually say 'Performance'. As time goes on, and they learn the Unix way, their
answer will invariably change to 'Control'. With a Unix system, it is possible
to know anything about a running system with a few simple commands.

The most basic, of course, is 'uptime' -- a report of how long the system has
been running, and what the load average [average number of processes spawned
per second] is. The 'w' command provides this information, as well as a report
on current user activity:
root@localhost> w
9:29pm up 1 day, 9:23, 5 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03
root tty1 - Sat10am 30:44 1.89s 1.79s -bash
root tty2 - Sat11am 3.00s 13.64s 13.48s vi Linu
root tty3 - Sat12pm 1.00s 0.98s 0.02s w
root tty4 - Sat 1pm 43:31 0.25s 0.22s -bash
root tty5 - Sat 1pm 8:08m 28.54s 0.11s -bash

The 'top' command has long been a staple of sysadmins, providing a constantly
refreshing list of the "most-wanted" processes and a system summary. Though
top by default groups processes by CPU usage, the display can be modified using
the follwing keys:
N Sort by pid (Numerically)
A Sort by age
P Sort by CPU usage
M Sort by resident memory usage
T Sort by time / cumulative time
u Show only a specific user
n or # Set the number of process to show
S Toggle cumulative mode
i Toggle display of idle proceses
c Toggle display of command name/line
l Toggle display of load average
m Toggle display of memory information
t Toggle display of summary information
Some basic admin commands can also be performed from within top:
k Kill a task (with any signal)
r Renice a task

More process control can be obtained with the 'ps' [process stack] command;
its most common usage is `ps aux` on BSD and Linux systems, and `ps -ef` on
System V machines. The ps utility is often used to obtain PIDs prior to
killing a process, as can be shown with the common command [often an alias or
utility in its own right on modern linux systems] `ps aux | grep netscape`.

Along with process concerns comes disk management; the 'df' command can be
used to display file system information:
root@localhost> df -k
Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 809556 340932 427500 44% /
/dev/hda2 2016016 1147020 766584 60% /usr
/dev/hda5 124915 44225 74241 37% /var
/dev/hda6 42913 25 40672 0% /tmp
The disk usage command 'du' provides more local information; by default it
will recursively scan the contents of the current directory, printing the size
of each file and a total for each directory. To skip the traversal, the -s flag
can be used.

More system information can be obtained using the free, vmstat, and netstat
commands. Free will display 'used' and 'available' statistics for physical and
swap memory; in general, the swap usage should be fairly low, i.e. below 1%.
Vmstat displays process and virtual memory statistics; its output is fairly
procs memory swap io system cpu
r b w swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id
0 0 0 68 45580 22656 37060 0 0 0 0 108 27 1 0 99
in order to save space. The fields are, from left to right: the # of processes
waiting for run time, the # of processes sleeping, the # of processes swapped,
the amount of virtual memory used, the amount of idle memory, the amount of
memory allocated to buffers, the amount of memory swapped in from disk, the
amount of memory swapped out to disk, the number of blocks read per second from
block devices, the number of blocks written per second, the number of
interrupts per second, the number of context switches per second, the % of CPU
time spent in user mode, the % of CPU time spent in system mode, and the % of
CPU time spent in idle mode.

The netstat utility is used as a general-purpose network troubleshooting tool;

by default, it prints put a list of active internet connections and sockets.
In actuality, netstat provides the following reports which correspond to
single-letter command line switches:
g IGMP multicast group info
i interface details
M Masqueraded sessions
N Netlink statistics
r routing tables
s summary
Using the -n option with any of these will cause addresses to be printed
rather than machine names; the -p option will print program names for socket
connections, -c will provide continuous updates, and -v will provide more
verbose output. Common uses of netstat would include `netstat -nr` to check
routing and gateway information, `netstat -s` to look for NIC errors, and
`netstat -c -i eth0` to troubleshoot network problems [often in conjunction
with ping or other ICMP packet generators]. The interface table from netstat
is another rather complicated report:
root@localhost> netstat -i eth0
Kernel Interface table
eth0 1500 0 16572 0 0 0 9965 0 0 0 BRU
lo 3924 0 14 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 LRU
vmnet 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BRU

The columns of this table, from left to right, are Interface, Max Transmission
Unit, Metric, Packets Received OK, Packets Received with Error, Received Packets
Dropped, Received Packets lost from Overrun, Packets Transmitted OK, Packets
Transmitted with Error, Transmit Packets lost from Overrun, Packets Dropped,
Transmit Packets, Flags. The flags for network devices are
B Broadcast address has been set
L Loopback device
M Promiscuous mode
N No Trailers
O ARP is disabled
P Point-to-point connection [e.g. PPP]
R Device is Running
U Interface is up

Finally, kernel boot messages can be examined using the 'dmesg' utility. This
produces many pages of output, and is essentially a distillation of the
/var/log/messages or /var/adm/messages system log file.

User Management
Properly administered, a Unix system would never fail ... if there were no
users. That is the impression one is left with, at least, after configuring
a few servers. The fact is that sysadmins do not trust users, and as a result
there are quite a few utilities on linux systems made for watching users.

The 'who' utility is first and foremost among these; it displays a list of
which users are logged in on which TTYs. The somewhat more existential
'whoami' program displays the username for the current effective UID -- thus,
after multiple su's across a few machines, it is still possible to retain a
grasp, however tenuous, on one's identity. The 'logname' command is similar,
displaying the name of the user who logged in on the current terminal.

In addition to 'live' reporting, recent user activity can be viewed with

programs that read the /var/log/wtmp and /var/run/utmp files. The 'last'
command will provide a list of recent login activity for all users, along
with terminal number, login time, and source IP address. The 'ac' command can
be used for more formal login reporting; by default it prints a somewhat
useless total of login time, but the commands `ac -d` and `ac -p` will print
out total login time per day and per user, respectively.

Disaster Recovery
Let's face it, linux is not all that rosy at times. It *is* possible to crash
the kernel, to hang the machine [especially with apps like Netscape/X], and to
corrupt the file system. Most users know about fsck, top, and kill for general
system problems, however linux has a few additional utilities which will be of
use in traumatic situations.

File Recovery
There is an 'Ext2-fs Undeletion HowTo' which covers in great depth the issue
of recovering deleted files; to follow it you will need the fsgrab and debugfs
utilities, along with the will to reconstruct files from their component
inodes. A tool called recover has been built to automate the undeletion

Debugfs is an interesting utility in its own right. It opens the specified

device in an interactive shell which allows direct manipulation of inodes and
blocks. Some of the more useful commands are:
cat filename : dump contents of filename to STDOUT
cd dirname : change current directory to filename
close : close specified device
dirty : mark FS as dirty
dump filename outfile : dump contents of filename to new file 'outfile'
freeb block : mark block as no allocated
freei inode : free inode
help : list debugfs commands
icheck : find inode owning block
kill_file filename : free inode and blocks associated with filename
ln filename newfile : create link 'newfile' to filename
ls filename : directory/file listing
lsdel : list deleted files
modify_inode filename : modify the inode structure for filename
ncheck : find pathname for inode
open dev : open device
pwd : print working directory
quit : exit
stats : print the contents of the superblock
stat filename : display inode structure for filename
Commands that take filenames for arguments can accept an inode, provided it
is enclosed in carets:
debugfs: stat <325633>
Debugfs outputs to STDOUT; thus it can be scripted to capture output. For
example, to obtain a list of all deleted files, one could use
root@localhost> echo lsdel | debugfs
and capture the output to a file. For more information, a shell script could
be written to display the contents of each inode as well:
root@localhost> vi del_inodes.sh
# assumes device is passed as the only parameter
for i in `echo lsdel | debugfs $1 2> /dev/null | awk '/^[0-9]/ {print $1}'`
echo $i Contents:
echo "cat <$i>" | debugfs $1 2> /dev/null
# Use the below line to avoid generating a 100MB file...
#echo "cat <$i>" | debugfs $1 2> /dev/null | head
echo "-----------------------------------EOF"
This will output the contents of each deleted file to STDOUT -- note that
many of these will be binary files, so it is recommended that output be
redirected to a file. When recovering a specific file, rather than just
browsing for deletions, one could use the 'echo lsdel' trick and cut or awk
the appropriate field for testing -- e.g., the file create date or size could
be used to narrow down the range of files to cat or undelete.

Finally, the Linux Disk Editor [lde] is a utility that can be used to browse
ext2 partitions in hex/ascii mode. It offers a subset of the debugfs function-
ality, however it has a somewhat more friendly user interface. Those who often
delete files by accident may well want to invest the time needed to learn lde.

There is available for linux an undelete daemon called 'undeld' which will
store deleted files in an special undelete directory -- much like the Trash
on a Mac and the Recycle Bin on Windows. The undeld daemon is started from
an rc script with a parameter stating what at what fraction of a day it
should clear the undelete directory -- .5 would clear twice a day, 1 would
clear once, .25 would clear four times, and so on. Running undeld without
this parameter eats up a lot of CPU resources, and has a notable impact on
system performance.

Once undeld is in place, deleted files can be viewed with 'lsdel', then
undeleted with 'undelete'. The 'clrdel' command can be used to clear the
undelete directory manually. Specific files can be flagged with chattr -u
to make them undeletable -- that is, their contents are not discarded or
overwritten when deleted.

SysRq Commands
One of the more interesting linux kernel options is 'magic sysreq key'; when
selected, this allows the use of ALT-SysRQ key combinations to use in times
of duress. Pressing Alt-SysRQ-ENTER or any other invalid combination [i.e.,
not an exisiting SysRQ command] will print a list of valid SysRQ commands
to the screen:
root@localhost>SysRq: unRaw saK Boot Off Sync Unmount showPc showTasks
showMem loglevel0-8 tErm kIll killalL
As usual, the capitalized letter of each command is used in combination with
the ALT-SysRQ combo, so that ALT-SysRQ-L will issue the killall command. The
SysRQ commands are as follows:
unRaw : Changes keyboard mode from raw to XLATE
saK : Kill all programs on the current Virtual Console
Boot : Reboot the system ungracefully
Off : Power off the system [requires APM support]
Sync : Sync all mounted filesystems
Unmount : Remount all mounted filesystems as read-only
showPc : Show contents of all registers
showTasks : Show detailed task list
showMem : Show detailed memory usage/status
loglevel0-9 : Set the console log level to # [0 = panic msgs, 9 = all msgs]
tErm : Send a SIGTERM to all processes except init
kIll : Send a SIGKILL to all processes except init
killalL : Send a SIGKILL to all processes including init
Note that ALT-SysRQ-S and ALT-SysRQ-U are very useful for hung systems, when
ALT-SysRQ-I doesn't help; doing a sync will print 'SysRq: Emergency Sync' to
the screen, followed by 'OK Done'. The filesystems are not synced until the
'Done' message is displayed; on an operation system this can take quite a few
minutes -- it would be a good idea to try it out once to get a feel for how
long your system will take to sync. If the system has reached critical mass,
the kernel may not respond to the SysRQ command, and you will never see the
'Done' message.

Console Madness
The escape sequences in Unix consoles provide endless hours of entertainment;
various control codes exist for activities such as moving the cursor, sounding
the bell, and changing the fore/background colors. The capabilities available
are such that, were one not concerned about performance, one could write a video
game entirely in shell script.

The console control codes are documented in the console_codes man page; these
codes are escape sequences -- series of command strimgs preceded by an escape
character-- which can be entered from a command prompt or shell script using
'echo -e'. The -e parameter causes echo to evaluate backslashed character
sequences as special characters; in particular, it allows the octal [not hex or
decimal] ASCII code for a character to be entered following the backslash. Thus,
the escape character can be represented by '\033' [note: there is a linux
utility called 'ascii' available at freshmeat.net which will display the ASCII
table in hex, dec, and octal].

One of the immediate rewards is the dynamic modification of xterm title strings;
the escape sequence "\033]0;TitleString\007" will change the title of an xterm
window to "TitleString"; thus one could enter the following in an xterm window
to change its title to "Logfile Output":
root@localhost>echo -e "\033]0;Logfile Output\007"
To automate this, a shell function could be declared in one's login or .bashrc:
function xterm_exec ()
echo -e "\033]0;$1\007"
This can be called from the command line to execute a program as follows:
root@localhost>xterm_exec more README.TXT

In addition to xterm titles, the text foreground and background colors of a

console can be set. The low-level way to do this is to use the "\033]P0" and
"\033]PF" sequences to set the background and foreground colors, respectively,
where the sequence is followed by the rgb values [in hexadecimal] of the new
color. Some quick examples:
root@localhost>echo -e "\033]PF808080"
root@localhost>echo -e "\033]P0FFFFFF"
root@localhost>echo -e "\033]PF000000\033]P0FF0000"
These will create a grey foreground, white background, and red background/black

A somewhat higher level of control is provided by the ECMA-48 SGR commands, as

documented in the console_codes manpage. The usage of these commands --and
there are several-- is pretty straightforward; the command prefix is "\033[",
which is followed by the command parameters [multiple parameters may be separ-
ated by a semicolon], and finally my the command itself. The 'm' command is the
set attributes command; its usage would therefore be "\033[#m", where # is the
numeric parameter. The following are some of the more interesting uses of "m":
echo -e "\33[0m" -- reset attributes
echo -e "\33[1m" -- set bold on
echo -e "\33[2m" -- set dim on
echo -e "\33[4m" -- set underscore on
echo -e "\33[24m" -- set underscore off
echo -e "\33[5m" -- set blink on
echo -e "\33[25m" -- set blink off
echo -e "\33[7m" -- set reverse on
echo -e "\33[27m" -- set reverse off
echo -e "\33[40;32m" -- set green fg, black bg
echo -e "\33[40;36m" -- set cyan fg, black bg
echo -e '\33[40;31mError!\33[0m' -- print 'Error!' in red text

One of the more useful applications of escape sequences is to mark error or

success conditions in the output of shell or rc [init] scripts. To this end,
a shell script can be declared to define text-coloring functions:
#/etc/textcolors : define functions for coloring output text

function errortext () { echo -e "\33[31m" } #red

function msgtext () { echo -e "\33[36m" } #cyan
function goodtext () { echo -e "\33[32m" } #green
function dimtext () { echo -e "\33[2m" } #grey
function remtext () { echo -e "\33[34m" } #blue
function defaulttext () { echo -e "\33[0m" } #reset
export errortext msgtext goodtext dimtext remtext defaulttext
This script can be sourced by shell or rc scripts, and the color of subsequent
text set depending on condition, e.g.
. /etc/textcolors
# ..... do something
if [$? -gt 0]; then
echo "Operation failed!"
echo "Operation succeeded!"
The loading of modules and daemons on the system initialization [rc] scripts
is a particularly useful place to try this out.

In addition to the escape sequences, linux also has available the 'tput'
command, which will manipulate console capabilities from the command line.
The usage is simply 'tput [capability]'; the capabilities ['capnames'] can
be found in the terminfo manpage. Examples:
root@localhost>tput bold
root@localhost>tput blink
root@localhost>tput reset
root@localhost>tput reverse
root@localhost>tput dim
root@localhost>tput setb 0
root@localhost>tput setf 7
The 'setb' and 'setf' capabilities set the background and foreground color to
one of 8 [numbered 0-7] colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan,
and white.

Final Words
One item that cannot be stressed enough is the need for security precautions.
Many starting linux users feel that security is for the professionals, or that
their machine is not important enough to attack ... as a result, there are
thousands of compromised RedHat boxes out there being used in distributed
DOS attacks on servers. Security is not a luxury for the unix box owner -- it
is a responsibility.

The key to a secure system is to have the 'security mindset' -- stay alert,
trust no one, and keep your laser handy. Unix security philosophies range
from general paranoia to becoming as devious as a would-be attacker. It helps
to encrypt everything, to modify banner and issue files so they give vague or
inaccurate information about the OS and server daemons you running, and to
guard the root account with your life.

A little paranoia never did a linux system any harm. The RC scripts should be
read and, if possible, renamed and rewritten so rootkits cannot parse them.
SUID files should be hunted down and systematically eliminated like the
treacherous dogs they are; the ext2 FS attributes should be applied to key
files using chattr -i to make files immutable, chattr -a to make them append
only, chattr -c to store them in compressed form, and chattr -s to overwrite
the file contents with zeroes upon deletion [for security, natch]. Integrity
information should be stored on a read-only partition, if they are stored in
the system at all. Passwords should meet the standard unix security passwords;
it is not unheard of for root passwords to contain unprintable ASCII characters
to discourage logging in as root from a terminal.

In the end, the security of a linux system --like its performance and its user-
friendliness-- is a function of how much time one puts into it.

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