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Read and Match !

READING TASK : Read carefully and decide which cartoon (s) each description
can apply to. Write down the corresponding number(s) next to the letters.

a- The scene takes place in a home. Œ/’

b- An exhausted mom (mum) is taking a nap while her kids are messing up the whole
house. Œ

c- Her son is wondering what her mother is dreaming about. Œ

d- The mother is very grateful and she decides to celebrate the day . She thinks
grown-ups should receive presents to thank them for

having taken care of their children all summer long.‘

e- She is so thrilled that she is jumping for joy at the sight of the school bus taking
her children to school. Œ

f- Free at last! Œ//Ž///‘/“

g- The cartoon tells us about another day in Hell for kids! / Ž//

h- It takes place during the day. Œ//Ž///‘/“

i- The cartoon is composed /made up of 2 parts. ’

j- The general atmosphere is relaxed. //“

k- There are many people mainly grown-ups (parents). /“

l- Time to celebrate! Œ//Ž///‘/’/“

m- The mother depicted in the cartoon stands for (=represents) all the mothers ‘
excitement on Back-to-School time. Œ//Ž///‘/’

n- The boy looks cross and upset. /Ž//

o- Kids are not in a mood for fun! Ž/

p- As D-Day is getting closer and closer, moms are getting more and more
hysterical about their children going back to school. Œ/Ž/’/“

q- The target group are parents. Œ//Ž///‘/’/“

r- Se feels relieved because her kids are eventually on their way to school. /

s- It’s bargain time in the US ! 

t- There is a contrast between the grown-ups’ feelings and their children’s moods.

u- It shows a mother with a big smile on her face; she seems to be enjoying her free
time. 

v- The target groups are both kids and their parents.

w- The characters are caricatured by the cartoonist so as to put the stress on their
feelings. Œ//Ž///‘/’

x- It shows 4 mothers performing famous dances. “

y- It’s party time! Œ///“

z- What we have here is a Canadian cartoon which was taken from a website called :
Cagle Cartoons.com /“

aa- The cartoon probably appeared in an American newspaper. Œ//Ž//‘/’

bb-It depicts a young couple standing outside their house waving good-bye to their
kids on the bus to school. 

cc- School makes grown-ups feel euphoric and ecstatic and kids depressed! 

dd-It was drawn by a man called Gary Markstein. ’

ee- The room is a real mess! Œ

ff- It depicts a mother and her son going back from shopping on Back-to-School sale’s
Day. 

gg-It shows kids having fun and fighting. Œ/’

hh-The mother in the cartoon is looking forward to her kids going back to school ; she
probably loves school more than her husband! ’

ii- The kid’s comment is supposed to make us smile. Œ/

jj- The text in the speech balloon is written in capital letters to attract the reader’s
attention. Œ///’

kk- The aim (=the purpose) of the cartoonist is to entertain (=amuse ) by underlining
the fact that” school is the most wonderful time of the year”. School is cool for
grown-ups. Œ//Ž///‘/’/“
ll- Unlike their children, parents are looking forward to that day with a great deal of
excitement and anticipation. Œ//Ž///‘/’/“

mm- My feeling is that this is very well-done as we can easily identify with the
characters. Œ//Ž///‘/’/“

nn-The character is standing at the bus stop waiting for the school bus to come and
pick up her kid. ‘

oo- School means jail! 

pp-It was drawn by a cartoonist whose name is not mentioned. /“

qq-A mother is dreaming about her children going back to school. Œ

rr- School can be Hell for grown-ups sometimes! 

ss- The boy looks perplexed and does not seem to understand her mother’s
generosity. ‘

tt- The cartoon shows mixed feelings. Unlike his mother who is ready to party , the
boy is in no mood for fun and he imagines himself locked inside a cell which
symbolizes school. 

uu-They are in such a good mood because their kids have just been dropped off at
school. “

vv- The cartoonist makes use of opposites. Œ//Ž///‘

ww- The tone is very ironical! Œ///‘

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