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Kehamilan dengan

Hipertensi Company Name

Faktor resiko

An Alternate Approach A text box offers a flexible way of

displaying text and graphics; it’s
On the other hand, you might basically a container that you can
want to organize your information resize and reposition. By linking a
as a continual stream of text box on one page with a text
information broken up into smaller, box on another, your article
“easy to chew” chunks. These automatically flows from one page
Pengertian smaller chunks can be separated to another.
by a descriptive subheading, like
Hipertensi yang terjadi saat the one that begins this paragraph.
kehamilan berlangsung dan If this is the approach you prefer,
biasanya pada bulan terakhir you can make use of linked text
kehamilan atau lebih setelah 20 boxes, which allow text to flow
minggu usia kehamilan pada from one column to the next.
wanita yang sebelumnya

1. Hipertensi kronik

Hipertensi yang timbul sebelum This area can be used to give

umur kehamilan 20 minggu. Street Address
Address 2 the reader clear instructions for
2. Pre eklampsia City, ST ZIP Code the next steps that you hope they
Phone: 325.555.0125 will take. It may be a number you
Hipertensi yang timbul setelah Fax: 325.555.0145 want them to call, a Web site you
umur kehamilan 20 minggu E-mail address want them to visit, or information
disertai proteinuria. you want them to fill out.
Caption describing picture or
3. Eklampsia graphic. Your the
Whatever business
case, this tag line

Pre eklampsia yang disertai

information should be clear, brief
and engaging enough to
dengan kejang – kejang dan motivate the reader to make that
koma small decision to move forward.
Phone: 325.555.0125

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