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Clinical Biomechanics 14 (1999) 653±660


Passive dynamics of the knee joint in healthy children and children

a€ected by spastic paresis
Maria K. Lebiedowska *, John R. Fisk
Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine, Division of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 19652, Spring®eld, IL 62794-9652, USA
Received 30 December 1997; accepted 19 March 1999

Objective. The purposes of this study were (1) to evaluate how changes in biomechanical parameters a€ect segment dynamics in
children and (2) to determine whether the biomechanical parameters were changed in children with spastic paresis.
Design. In vivo measurements were collected of knee viscoelastic properties.
Background. It is unknown if the inertial and viscoelastic properties of a human growing limb should be considered in motor
performance. Also unclear are whether changes in passive dynamics might be responsible for abnormal control in human spastic
Method. Small oscillation techniques were used to measure moment of inertia of lower leg, sti€ness and viscous damping of the
knee joint. Eighty seven healthy children and 32 children with spastic paresis participated.
Results. Moment of inertia, sti€ness and the damping changed with the ®fth power of child's height. Dynamic equation of motion
parameters were a constant, independent of the child's height. Passive viscoelastic parameters were not changed in spastic patients.
Conclusions. Inertial and viscoelastic properties of a growing limb segment should not be considered in motor performance.
Passive viscoelastic properties were not changed in patients with spastic paresis and, therefore, cannot be responsible for abnormal
control in human spastic paresis.

There is no need to adapt control patterns in children (ages 6±18). Passive viscoelastic parameters cannot be used as a descriptor
of spasticity. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Passive dynamics; Children; Spasticity

1. Introduction inertia, sti€ness and viscous damping of the joint ele-

ments) is available for the foot [2], forearm [3,4] and
The central nervous system (CNS) monitors biome- lower leg [5,6]. The equation of motion is usually re-
chanical variables such as force, position and velocity. duced by a measurement design. This reduction relates
The manner in which the CNS maintains these variables to the biomechanical degrees of freedom, activation of
constant, stable and reproducible in motor tasks is un- muscles (relaxation or steady e€ort) and gravitational
clear. Hill [1] made an assumption that the muscle sys- forces (unloading or constant loading condition).
tem consists of active and passive elastic structures. The Methods for identifying the parameters of a reduced
three basic components of the viscoelastic properties of equation depend on the choice of the structural ele-
a limb segment system are commonly evaluated at the ments, the complexity of the model, the identi®cation
level of an intact joint. The passive, intrinsic and re¯ex procedures and the technical methods of force or motion
properties are related to the state of segment's muscle analysis being utilized. The identi®cation procedures are
activity (relaxation, voluntary and re¯ex, respectively). based on a given system response to the di€erent input
The full dynamic description (Appendix A Eq. (A.1)) of functions and controllable initial conditions. The
an individual segment (including segmental moment of methods for the moment of inertia measurements of
di€erent human body segments based on the geometrical
distribution of a segment's mass are limited to its inertial
Corresponding author. E-mail: mlebiedowska@siumed.edu properties [7,8] and have been discussed elsewhere [9].
0268-0033/99/$ - see front matter Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 8 - 0 0 3 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 2 1 - 2
654 M.K. Lebiedowska, J.R. Fisk / Clinical Biomechanics 14 (1999) 653±660

Static sti€ness, de®ned as a coecient between the examined and determined to be healthy prior to the
change of force and displacement, was described by experiments. Thirty two patients with spasticity partic-
Wilkie [10] and has been measured in the elbow [11], ipated in the study. Twenty three children had spastic
knee [12,13], ankle [14], metacarpophalangeal [15] and hemiplegia (Table 1). Nine children exhibited spasticity
hip [5] joints. An apparatus supplying constant velocity in both legs (Table 2).
displacement (the inertial properties in the equation of All children were patients of the Rehabilitation De-
motion negligible) and measuring force (or vice versa) partment, Child Health Centre, Warsaw, Poland, and
has been used in ankle joint sti€ness measurements [16± were referred for evaluation by a physician. All subjects
18]. The resistance to sinusoidal movement or the and their parents gave oral consent to be included in the
movement as a result of sinusoidal forces was used to study.
measure interphalangeal [19], elbow [20], wrist [21], an- We incorporated the free oscillation technique origi-
kle [2], hip [22] and knee muscle [12] sti€ness. Force and nally used by Hill [1] to measure the forearm moment of
displacement step and pulse input functions were used to inertia. This method was described for the moment of
identify the viscoelastic properties of interphalangeal inertia elsewhere [9]. The shin in the free hanging posi-
[23], wrist [24], elbow [25], ®nger [26] and ankle [27,28] tion was attached to a strain-gauge beam at the ankle
joints. joint (Fig. 1). The strain gauge beam was used to mea-
A popular method involves driving the limb system sure transitional position.
with sinusoidal force of increasing frequency to deter- The system was perturbed by manually hitting (rep-
mine its natural frequency. Dynamic sti€ness is calcu- resented by d(t) in Appendix A Eq. (A.8)) the leg at the
lated from the free frequency with an estimated or ankle joint perpendicularly to the long axis of the seg-
measured moment of inertia. This method was used to ment to elicit small oscillations. The signal from the
identify the sti€ness of muscles acting on the ankle strain gauge bridge (CMT-83) was ampli®ed (Tektronix
[2,29,30], wrist [31], elbow [3,31,32], knee [6,33] and in- AM502) and fed to an electromyograph, Disa 1500.
terphalangeal [19,34] joints. The random perturbation Surface electrodes were attached to the skin over the
sequences (nonlinear identi®cation technique) was ap- rectus femoris and hamstring muscles to monitor EMG
plied to identify the biomechanical properties of the activity and to verify when the muscles were relaxed (no
knee joint [35]. The biomechanical properties of di€erent signs of EMG activity > 50 lV). A one degree of free-
body segments were measured during muscle relaxation dom model of the lower leg and the apparatus were used
and during activation by di€erent sources (voluntary (Appendix A Eq. (A.8)). The reduced mass (0.005 kg)
and re¯ex). and the damping of the apparatus (0.007 N s/m) were
There are no data, however, describing the changes in negligible compared to other parameters, and thus, were
viscoelastic properties in children populations. It is un- not in the model. It was found that the in¯uence of the
certain to what extent the inertial and viscoelastic viscous damping on the period of free oscillations of the
properties of a growing limb segment should be con- system was less than 0.28%, thus the system was reduced
sidered in motor performance. Do adaptive control to an undamped second order system. The standard
mechanisms automatically recalibrate the motor system solution of Eq. (A.8) (Appendix A) relates these pa-
[36]? There were several studies investigating the changes rameters, which can be calculated from the periods of
in passive sti€ness and viscous damping in human free system oscillations. The periods were measured with
spastic paresis. The ®ndings for adult spastic patients an external mass loading me of 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 kg. The
are inconsistent [5,30,33], and there are no data for average values for up to ten oscillations for each loading
children with spastic paresis. were calculated. Next the square of free system oscilla-
The objectives of this study are twofold. The ®rst tion x2 was calculated, and the function m ˆ f(x2 ) was
objective is to evaluate the in¯uence of changes in bio- plotted (Fig. 2A).
mechanical parameters on segment dynamics in a chil- The function value at 0 was assigned as the reduced
dren population. The second objective is to determine mass of the whole system (mr ). The moment of inertia
whether the passive segment dynamics are a€ected by was calculated according to the formula: I ˆ mr2 , where
human spastic paresis and can be used as a quantitative r is the radius of reduction, equaling the distance from
measure of spasticity in children. the knee axis of rotation to the point of attachment. The
error of the moment of inertia calculations depended on
the correlation coecient (which was > 0.95) and was in
2. Methods the range of 2±10%. The slope of the function was
considered as the sum of joint sti€ness (reduced to the
Eighty seven healthy school children (33 girls and 54 attachment point), apparatus sti€ness and the gravita-
boys) were evaluated. They ranged in age from 5 to 18 tional component (Eq. (A.10)). The mass of the lower
yrs. Their body height ranged from 113 to 189 cm, and leg was estimated as 0.061 of total body mass (37). The
their body mass ranged from 19 to 81 kg. Children were distance of center of mass from the knee joint was
M.K. Lebiedowska, J.R. Fisk / Clinical Biomechanics 14 (1999) 653±660 655

Table 1
Group of children with spasticity of di€erent origin with hemiplegia a

No Sex Age Body height Body mass Type of Diagnosis Years after
(years) (m) (kg) paresis incident

P1 M 12 1.48 30 HS S 8
P2 F 15 1.60 52 HD S 1
P3 F 10 1.42 29 HS CP ÿ
P4 M 10 1.25 24 HS SS 6/12
P5 F 13 1.62 49 HD CP 6/12
P6 F 12 1.54 56 HS BS 1
P7 M 5 0.97 15 HS S 5
P8 M 7 1.32 28 HD CP ÿ
P9 F 17 1.62 49 HD CP ÿ
P10 F 7 1.25 25 HS TBI 2
P11 M 14 1.77 47 HD TBI 3/12
P12 M 7 1.34 32 HS SI 1
P13 F 5 1.18 26 HD TBI 6/12
P14 M 9 1.31 27 HD TBI 6/12
P15 M 9 1.33 34 HS TBI 1
P16 M 12 1.53 44 HD TBI 2 6/12
P17 F 7 1.30 29 HS TBI 1
P18 F 3 0.98 22 HD TBI 1
P19 M 9 1.27 25 HD TBI 3
P20 M 9 1.29 24 HS TBI 2
P21 F 14 1.63 44 HD BS 8
P22 M 12 1.44 36 HD CP ÿ
P23 F 12 1.33 30 HS CP ÿ
S: stroke BS: brain surgery, CP: cerebral palsy, TBI: traumatic brain injury, SI: spinal cord injury, SS: spinal cord surgery, HS: hemiplegia of left
side of the body, HD: hemiplegia of right side of the body.

Table 2
Group of children with spasticity of di€erent origin with diplegia (D), paraplegia (P) or tetraplegia (T) a

No Sex Age Body stature Body mass Type of Diagnosis Years after
(years) (m) (kg) paresis incident

P1 M 10 1.6 56 P TBI 1
P2 F 15 1.52 48 P TBI 16/12
P3 M 14 1.43 34 T SI 0.2
P4 M 10 1.40 36 P TBI 6/12
P5 F 15 1.34 31 T TBI 2/12
P6 M 9 1.71 46 T TBI 1
P7 F 14 1.69 43 D SS 2
P8 F 12 1.58 46 P SI 7
P9 M 8 1.2 21 P CP ÿ
CP: cerebral palsy, TBI: traumatic brain injury, SI: spinal cord injury, SS: spinal cord surgery.

estimated as 0.606 of lower leg length (from greater

trochanter to medial malleolus) (37). The joint sti€ness
was calculated as the di€erence of the apparatus sti€ness
and gravitational component from the function slope.
The linear viscous damping of the elements acting on the
knee joint (reduced to the ankle joint) was calculated
from the decrement of amplitude (Fig.2B) (Appendix A,
Eq. (A.11)). To obtain moment of inertia, rotational
sti€ness and viscous damping around the joint axis, the
transitional parameters were multiplied by the square of
the radius of reduction. This was equal to the distance
Fig. 1. The block diagram of the arrangement of biomechanical pa- from the knee axis of rotation to the location of the
rameter measurements. transducer. The appropriate coecients of the dynamic
656 M.K. Lebiedowska, J.R. Fisk / Clinical Biomechanics 14 (1999) 653±660

If the re¯ex activation was elicited in the patientsÕ

muscles during the time of measurement (10±15 min) in
certain trials, then these trials were excluded from the
Only the trials with the EMG level below 50 lV were
used in further analysis. We observed that the scatter of
the data points around the function m ˆ f(x2 ) was re-
lated to the activation of muscles below the 50 lV
threshold and the activation of other knee muscles
which were not controlled. Thus the correlation coe-
cient of the m ˆ f(x2 ) function (Fig. 2A) was used to
quantify the ¯uctuations of the sti€ness Kfl during the
period in which data were collected. Kfl in controls was
equal to 0.992 ‹ 0.008.
In 21 children with spasticity restricted to one side of
the body, the results in both limbs were compared using
the paired t-test. Next all parameters for all a€ected
limbs (n ˆ 41) were pooled together and compared with
the control values at the signi®cance level a < 0.05. The
t-test was used if the data were normally distributed;
otherwise, Wilcoxon or sign tests were applied.

Fig. 2. (A) A function m ˆ kxÿ2 which was used to calculate segmentÕs 3. Results
moment of inertia I, and passive sti€ness (k) of the knee joint.
M ˆ mr + me , k ˆ kr + ke , x2 ˆ 4p2 /Tÿ2 , I ˆ mr \r2 , where mr is the re-
The results of measurements for the moment of in-
duced mass of the lower leg to the point of attachment (kg), me the
external mass loading (kg), kr the passive transitional sti€ness of knee ertia of the lower leg (I), sti€ness (K), damping (B) and
joint reduced to the point of, attachment (N/m), ke the sti€ness of the gravitational component (G) of the elements acting on
apparatus (148 N/m), T the period of free oscillations (s), r the radius the knee joint as the functions of body height are dis-
of reduction (m). (B) Calculation of passive transitional viscous played in Fig. 3 (A, B, C and D, respectively).
damping (b) of the knee joint, (Eq. (A.11)) where Dt ˆ Ti ÿ Ti ÿ 1 , n is
the number of oscillations used in calculations, Ti the amplitude of i
Moment of inertia, sti€ness and damping changes
oscillation used in calculations. with a ®fth power of body stature. The gravitational
component changes with a fourth power of body stat-
ure. The results obtained in spastic children are pre-
equation of the segment were calculated according to
sented in Tables 3 and 4.
their de®nitions (Appendix A, Eqs. (A.3)±(A.7). The
All parameters except for sti€ness ¯uctuation were
error of the moment of inertia and sti€ness measurement
normally distributed. No di€erences were found be-
had depended on the correlation coecient values (Fig.
tween the a€ected and the non a€ected side of the body
2) and could reach two percent. The error of the dam-
(in patients with hemiplegia), except for the sti€ness
ping measurement was 25%. The best least square ®t of
¯uctuation which was larger (correlation coecient at
the values of moment of inertia, sti€ness and viscous
the range: 0.82±0.99) in a€ected than in nona€ected
damping as a function of the ®fth power of body height
limbs (range: 0.98±0.99). The signi®cance of sti€ness
was calculated. The best least square ®t of gravitational
¯uctuation di€erences was con®rmed (z ˆ 3.1) with the
component G as a function of the fourth power of body
sign test.
height was calculated.
Sti€ness (5.17 N radÿ1 mÿ4 ‹ 2.19 N radÿ1 mÿ4 ) in all
The data were normalized by dividing the individual
a€ected limbs was larger than in healthy limbs (4.87 N
results of moment of inertia, sti€ness and viscous dam-
radÿ1 mÿ4 ‹ 1.83 N radÿ1 mÿ4 ) but was not statistically
ping by the ®fth power of body stature according to an
signi®cant. Moment of inertia in all a€ected limbs (0.032
earlier established procedure [38]. The mean values and
kg mÿ3 ‹ 0.01 kg mÿ3 ) was larger than in healthy limbs
standard deviations of normalized moment of inertia
(0.0295 kg mÿ3 ‹ 0.076 kg mÿ3 ) but was not statistically
(In ), sti€ness (Kn ) and viscous damping (Bn ) were:
signi®cant. Viscous damping in all a€ected limbs (0.053
In ˆ 0:0295  0:076…k mÿ3 †; N s radÿ1 mÿ4 ‹ 0.025 N s radÿ1 mÿ4 ) was smaller than
in healthy limbs (0.06 ‹ 0.022) but was not statistically
Kn ˆ 4:87  1:83…N radÿ1 mÿ4 †; signi®cant. The ¯uctuation of sti€ness in all a€ected
limbs was larger (correlation coecient range: 0.8±0.99)
Bn ˆ 0:06  0:022…N s radÿ1 mÿ4 †: than in controls (0.96ÿ1), and the signi®cance of
M.K. Lebiedowska, J.R. Fisk / Clinical Biomechanics 14 (1999) 653±660 657

Fig. 3. Biomechanical parameters as a function of body height. (A) lower leg moment of inertia (I), I ˆ 0.0299 H5 , r2 ˆ 0.74; (B) passive sti€ness (K)
K ˆ 4.588 H5 , r2 ˆ 0.68; (C) passive viscous damping (B), B ˆ 0.0609 H5 , r2 ˆ 0.68; (D) gravitational component, G ˆ 1.072 H4 , r2 ˆ 0.93.

di€erences was statistically con®rmed (z ˆ ÿ6.625) with of human body segments in children aged from 6 to 18
the Wilcoxon test. years. The dynamics of the passive lower leg in chil-
dren's population is described by the following equa-
4. Discussion
a00 ‡ 2 a0 ‡ 165 a ‡ 18:1 Hÿ1 sin a ˆ text ‡ tint :
There are no data describing the sti€ness and viscous When the motion is restricted to the horizontal plane
damping in children. The values of moment of inertia and/or when the torque generated by the muscles is
obtained with this study agree with other data reported much larger than the gravitational torque (tint > 18.1
in children, which were discussed in detail elsewhere [9]. Hÿ1 ) (fast movements), then similar equations describe
Our values of sti€ness in the oldest children (Fig. 3) were the motion of the body segment, despite the body size.
similar to the values obtained by Tai and Robinson [6] Thus, the dynamics is an invariant property of the
(90±130 N m/rad in ®ve adults) and were close to the growing human motor system. This is an important
values obtained by Mansour [13] (6±50 N m/rad in four feature of the growing human motor system. Similar
adults). The sti€ness values were larger than those ob- kinetic activity with respect to the shape, amplitude and
tained by Douglas et al. [33] and Stein et al. [5] (5±8 N duration can be expected as a result of the proportional
m/rad). Tai and Robinson [6] used a small range of propelling of a segment. The established patterns of the
motion in their study as we did in ours; it could be hy- movements can be used without any adaptation to the
pothesized that the short range [39] sti€ness played a geometrically increasing but dynamically similar bio-
role in both studies. However, the comparability of re- mechanical segment system. It means that there is no
sults obtained by di€erent methods needs more study. need to change the activation patterns in children 6±18
Our values of viscous damping obtained in the oldest yrs. Therefore, in human gait, similar kinematic gait
children (Fig. 3) are close to the values obtained in ten patterns are accompanied by similar patterns of muscle
adults (0.78 ‹ 0.53) [5]. The increase of moment of in- activation [37].
ertia, sti€ness and viscous damping according to ®fth In our study, small range (less than 0.26 rad) passive
power of body height con®rms the proportional growth sti€ness and viscous damping do not change in spastic
658 M.K. Lebiedowska, J.R. Fisk / Clinical Biomechanics 14 (1999) 653±660

Table 3
Results of small range knee passive sti€ness and viscous damping and moment of inertia of lower leg measurements (group of children with
hemiplegia of di€erent origin) a

Sti€ness K Damping B Inertia I Kvar

(N/rad m4 ) (N s/rad m4 ) (kg/m3 )


P1 3.56 4.23 0.039 0.056 0.037 0.039 0.98 0.99

P2 4.63 7.32 0.079 0.099 0.04 0.058 0.97 0.99
P3 2.3 5.24 0.037 0.066 0.024 0.049 0.99 0.98
P4 5.9 ÿ 0.068 ÿ 0.042 ÿ 0.96 ÿ
P5 3.25 1.88 0.056 0.035 0.037 0.024 0.96 0.99
P6 9.46 8.86 0.116 0.127 0.07 0.056 0.98 0.99
P7 5.26 6.02 0.059 0.07 0.031 0.031 0.98 0.99
P8 6.06 4.39 0.057 0.104 0.05 0.061 0.95 0.99
P9 3.33 5.05 0.042 0.039 0.022 0.030 0.97 0.98
P10 6.49 9.4 0.052 0.064 0.026 0.033 0.97 0.99
P11 5.86 3.78 0.029 0.027 0.039 0.025 0.99 0.99
P12 6.96 7.57 0.011 0.010 0.045 0.042 0.98 0.98
P13 7.7 7.9 0.022 0.02 0.036 0.039 0.98 0.99
P14 9.25 7.5 0.075 0.09 0.035 0.027 0.99 0.99
P15 5.02 5.59 0.067 0.086 0.036 0.032 0.82 0.99
P16 3.47 4.30 0.032 0.028 0.019 0.014 0.97 0.99
P17 5.6 6.9 0.009 0.013 0.032 0.024 0.98 0.98
P18 5.6 5.4 0.031 0.042 0.026 0.031 0.98 0.99
P19 3.33 4.97 0.04 0.042 0.023 0.018 0.97 0.98
P20 4.25 ÿ 0.052 ÿ 0.027 ÿ 0.99 ÿ
P21 3.11 3.36 0.043 0.042 0.031 0.027 0.97 0.99
P22 4.8 4.6 0.052 0.058 0.026 0.022 0.99 0.99
P23 4.56 4.32 0.056 0.052 0.033 0.029 0.99 0.99
n 23 21 23 21 23 21 23 21
mean 5.2 5.65 0.048 0.056 0.02265 0.0344 0.971 0.986
SD 1.89 1.87 0.023 0.031 0.011 0.012 0.027 0.007
Note: All parameters normalized by ®fth power of body height. A: a€ected side of the body, N: nona€ected side of the body.

Table 4
Results of small range knee passive sti€ness and viscous damping and moment of inertia of lower leg measurements (group of children with tet-
raplegia, diplegia or paraplegia of di€erent origin) a

Sti€ness K Damping B Inertia I Kvar

(N/rad m4 ) (Ns/rad m4 ) (kg/m3 )


P1 10.3 4.1 0.1 0.048 0.032 0.028 0.8 0.96

P2 3.29 2.7 0.023 0.042 0.028 0.026 0.99 0.99
P3 6.93 3.2 0.07 0.036 0.049 0.022 0.99 0.99
P4 9.5 8.4 0.096 0.1 0.047 0.05 0.97 0.99
P5 7.47 6.9 0.1 0.069 0.026 0.03 0.97 0.97
P6 3.37 1.32 0.042 0.017 0.031 0.016 0.97 0.96
P7 3.11 3.36 0.043 0.042 0.031 0.027 0.97 0.99
P8 4.8 4.6 0.052 0.058 0.026 0.022 0.99 0.99
P9 4.56 4.32 0.056 0.052 0.033 0.029 0.99 0.99
n 18 18 18 18
mean 5.12 0.0581 0.0307 0.97
SD 0.058 0.026 0.009 0.04
Note: All parameters normalized by ®fth power of body height. R: right side of the body, L: left side of the body.

children treated as a group; although in some individ- lV was observed, con®rming the well known fact that in
uals, di€erences were observed. The larger ¯uctuation of spasticity full relaxation is dicult. These results agree
the passive sti€ness at level of EMG activation below 50 with Douglas et al. [33] and Stein et al. [5] obtained for a
M.K. Lebiedowska, J.R. Fisk / Clinical Biomechanics 14 (1999) 653±660 659
knee joint. They did not ®nd an increase in the sti€ness Ia00 ‡ Ba0 ‡ Ka ‡ G ˆ Text ‡ Tint …1†
in spastic patients when the muscles were electrically
silent. Douglas et al. [33] found a decrease in the sti€ness or
of paraplegics with upper motorneuron lesions com- a00 ‡ ca0 ‡ x2 a ‡ b ˆ text ‡ tint …2†
pared to the control subjects. This ®nding correlated to
a decrease in the thigh circumference and atrophy of the where:
muscles. Contrary to those results, Lehman et al. [30] G ˆ MRg
and Hufschmidt and Mauritz [40] found that the sti€-
ness in the knee joint in spastic patients was larger than b ˆ GIÿ1 …3†
in controls (40±80 N m/rad). To exclude the in¯uence of
muscle activation, Lehman et al. [30] con®rmed their c ˆ BIÿ1 …4†
results with nerve blocks. Similar results were obtained
for ankle joint muscles by Gottllieb et al. [2]. Bromberg x2 ˆ KIÿ1 …5†
and Grimby [18] reported a velocity dependent increase
of resistance torque, but they did not measure muscle text ˆ Text Iÿ1 …6†
activity It should be noted that patients with muscle
contractures were involved the Hufschmidt and Mauritz tint ˆ Tint Iÿ1 …7†
[40] study. It is not clear if muscle contactures were where B, K is the tensors of viscous damping and sti€-
present in Lehman et al. [30] patients; however, the 5 ness of the muscles acting on the joint: passive and ac-
degree range of motion criterion seems to give place for tive (including voluntary and re¯ex muscle activity), M
such an assumption. Contractures were neither present the matrix of the segment masses, R the matrix of the
in our studies nor in the Stein et al. [5] study. distances of center of mass from joint axis, I the matrix
The inconsistency of the passive viscoelastic param- of the segmentÕs moment of inertia around the joint axis,
eters reported for healthy subjects and in patients may Text;int the tensor of the external and external moment of
be addressed in future studies. The following issues forces (respectively), a; a0 ; a00 the matrix of the general-
should be taken into account: the measurement method ized coordinate of motion and their time derivatives.
applied, the detailed clinical status of the patients (2) The biomechanical model applied in the small
(contractures, atrophy of muscles) and the ability of oscillation techniques:
subjects to relax.
…mr ‡ me †x00 ‡ …br ‡ be †x0 ‡ …kr ‡ ke †x ‡ …m ‡ me †gx
ˆ d…t† …8†
5. Conclusions
where mr ; kr ; br is the mass of the lower leg (with foot),
During growth of the human body segment, the sti€ness and viscous damping of knee joint (reduced to
segment passive dynamics remain invariant. Thus, it is the point of attachment), me ; ke ; be the external loading
not necessary to adapt the motor control parameters to mass, sti€ness and viscous damping of the apparatus,
the changes in biomechanical parameters of the growing x; x0 ; x00 the transitional position, velocity and accelera-
limb segment. The small range passive sti€ness and tion at the point of attachment (perpendicular to the
viscous damping in patients a€ected by spastic paresis long segment's axis), m the segment's mass, me the ex-
are not changed. Thus the small range viscoelastic ternal mass, ke the sti€ness of arrangement (ke ˆ 148 N/
properties cannot be responsible for abnormal control in m), d(t) the Dirac pulse function.
human spastic paresis and cannot be used as a de- The standard solution of Eq. (7) leads to the ex-
scriptor of spasticity. pression
x2 ˆ ‰kr ‡ ke ‡ g…m ‡ me †Š=…mr ‡ me † …9†

Acknowledgements Comparing Eq. (8) with the de®nition of free oscillation

period x ˆ 2p=T where T is the periods of free oscilla-
The authors thank A. Polisiakiewicz M.Sc. for help- tions, the function
ing in data collection and Dr. M. Lebiedowski for his mr ‡ me ˆ T 2 =4p2 ‰kr ‡ ke ‡ g…m ‡ me †Š …10†
clinical evaluations.
can be determined (Fig. 2A).
(3) Determination of viscous damping of muscles
Appendix A acting on the joint.
The transitional viscous damping b of muscles acting
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lowing equations. ping (Fig. 2B) according to the formula
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