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Interview Transcript with bu Riris

A : Interviewer
B : Interviewee
A Baik. Selamat siang bu Riris
Okey. Good afternoon Bu Riris
B Selamat siang.
Good afternoon
A Untuk mempermudah pencatatan wawancara kita hari ini, apakah Ibu
keberatan percakapan kita saya rekam?
To make it easy in taking notes on our interview today, do you mind me
recording our interview?
B Tidak
No, of course.
A Terimaksih. Jadi sudah berapa lama Ibu megajar bahasa Inggris di SMP?
Thanks you. So how long have you been teaching English in lower
secondary schools
B 3o tahun.
30 years
A Di SMP ini buy a?
In this school?
B Iya
A Pendidikan terakhir Ibu?
What is your last education background?
B S-1
Bachelor degree in English Language Teaching
A Baik, karena materi penelitian saya adalah seputar bahan ajar narrative,
bisakah Ibu menjelaskan pembelajaran narrative yang sudah ibu lakukan
selama ini?
Well, because my research topic is about materials for narrative, do you
mind describing your narrative teaching you have done so far?
B Pertama, saya ajarkan siswa ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan dalam
narrative. Jadi setidaknya anak-anak tahu grammarnya missal kata kerja
bentuk kedua dan ketiga yang digunakan dalam teks narrative. Kedua, saya
juga biasanya mengajarkan struktur teks dalam narrative.
I usually teach students the language features used in narrative. So at least
students have to know for example about past verbs or participle in which
they are frequently used in narrative. The second, I also usually teach the
students the generic structure used in narrative texts.
A Selain tujuan pembelajaran yang tertera dalam silabus bahasa Inggris
kelas 9 Ibu nggeh, apakah Ibu juga punya tujuan lain yang ingin Ibu capai
dalam mengajar narrative khususnya membaca?
About your objectives in teaching, apart from what have been already stated
in the English syllabus in the ninth grade, do you also have other objectives
you want to achieve in teaching narrative texts especially in reading skills?
B Pertama, siswa harus senang dulu ya. Itu penting karena kalau siswa ndak
senang mereka ndak akan tertarik. Karenanya kalau mengajar teks
narrative kita berikan teks yang mereka sudah tahu sebelumnya, missal
cerita yang mereka dapatkan ketika TK atau cerita dari desanya. Biasanya
anak-anak kan senang dengan cerita yang berkaitan dengan budayanya.
Ketika mereka sudah pernah dapat cerita dalam bahasa Indonesia, anak-
anak kan lebih mudah memahami cerita dalam Bahasa Inggris, jadi mereka
bisa guessing maknanya dari konteks.
At the first place, students have to be assured that they like English. That’s
the first point that much attention to be paid for because if the students do
not like English they will not be interested in it. Therefore when we teach
narrative we give them stories they have already been familiar with,
probably the stories exposed when they were in kindergarten or the ones
well-known in their region or community. Students are usually happy when
they are exposed to the stories related with their culture or regions. When
they are exposed to the stories they have been familiar with in their Bahasa
Indonesia, it will be much easier for them to understand the stories written
in English because they can do guessing the meaning based on the context.
A Sepanjang pengetahuan Ibu, bagaimana kemampuan membaca narrative
anak-anak kelas 9?
To the best of your knowledge, how is the ninth graders’ ability in reading
narrative texts?
B Sejauh ini jika saya menyuruh anak-anak untuk membaca sepintas
sehingga mereka akan mencari makna kata dalam teks untuk memahami isi
teks. Saya Tanya “Do you understand” biasanya mereka menjawab “Yes”
atau “Little”. Tetapi kalau saya suruh reading loudly, ndak bisa karena
anak-anak ndak terbiasa membaca. Soalnya kan ujiannya berbasis tulis,
jadi reading san speaking jarang diperhatikan.
So far if I assign the student to read by skimming that they have to translate
the words into Bahasa Indonesia to understand the meaning of the texts,
when I ask them “Do you understand?”, sometimes they answer “Yes” or
“Little”. However if I assign them to do read aloud activity, it is very
difficult because they are not accustomed to reading. This happens because
the exam format that we use is written tests, sometime little attention is paid
for reading and speaking skills.
A Jadi anak-anak ndak terbiasa bercerita dalam bahasa Inggris ya Bu?
You mean the students are not accustomed to telling stories in English.
B Iya, ya itu. Karena anak-anak kurang kosa kata. Beda kalau mereka
diminta cerita dalam bahasa Indonesia. Mereka lancer bahkan malah lebih
panjang ceritanya. Mungkin karena siswa berpikir bahasa Inggris itu
bahasa asing jadinya merka hanya belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah saja.
Yeah that is, again, because students have poor command of vocabularies.
It is different from when they are asked to tell stories in Bahasa Indonesia.
They can do it fluently even the stories are longer than the original one.
Probably students consider that English is a foreign language for them so
that they only learn English at school.
A Jadi di luar sekolah anak-anak jarang terekspos dengan bahasa Inggris ya
You mean outside the school, students are rarely exposed to English?
B Iya. Jarang sekali saya menemukan ada anak-anak yang les di luar.
Mungkin Cuma sat atau dua anak saja yang ada dukungan dari orang tua.
Di sini kan mayoritas orang tuanya petani jadinya mungkin mereka
berpikir bahasa Inggris bahasa asing itu.
Yes. It is very rare to find students who have extra lesson for English
subject after school. Probably only one or two because they have the
parents’ support to have extra lesson after school. While the majority of our
students come from farmer family background who consider English as
foreign language.
A Jadi apa yang Ibu ingin anak-anak bisa lakukan ketika membaca? Apa
yang ibu ingin tekankan pada siswa dengan membaca?
So what do you expect the students are capable of doing in their reading?
What do you want to emphasize in reading?
B Ya pertama kami ingin anak-anak disini itu seperti anak-anak yang sekolah
di kota. Mereka bisa bercerita dengan baik. Kalau ndak salah kita ada
lomba story telling, kita mau mengarahkan ke sana. Tapi jujur ya, saya
pengin anak-anak saya bisa bercerita dengan bahasa Inggris. Ya saya terus
mencoba mengajarkan agar mereka bisa bercerita dengan bahasa Inggris
meski terbatas pada bercerita berantai. Jadi saya minta anak-anak
berklompok 5 atau 6. Lalu saya potong poting satu cerita menjadi 6
paragraf. Lalu setiap anak di kelompok itu dikasih satu paragraph untuk
dihafal dan dipahami. Setelah itu mereka saya mminta ke depan bercerita
secara berantai dan menjadi sebuah cerita utuh. Dan hasilnya bagus.
Mereka antusias. Tapi ya gitu, mereka Cuma paham satu paragraph itu
saja. Kalau ditanya isi satu cerita utuh, ya ndak bisa mereka
Well first we do expect that our students are like those who are educated in
towns. They can retell stories well. If am not mistaken we often have
storytelling contest that we expect our students to participate in. But to be
honest, I do expect students are able to tell stories in English. I keep trying
to have them tell a story albeit limited to do chain storytelling. So I assign
students into groups of 5 or 6. I divide a story into paragraphs and give
them to each student to memorize and understand the story. Once they
memorize and understand, I ask each group to tell the story in turns to make
a well-organized story. The result is good and they are enthusiastic.
However, I admit that this is not good because the student only understand
the part of the story they read. When they are asked the content of the
whole stories, they will get difficulty.
A Pertanyaan berikutnya seputar kegiatan membaca yang sudah Ibu
praktikkan. Apa kegiatan yang Ibu lakukan saaat pre-reading? Materi apa
yang Ibu harapkan untuk kegiatan pre-reading?
The next question is about the reading activity that you have practiced so
far. What activities do you practice for pre-reading activities? And what
kind of materials that you expect for doing pre-reading activities?
B Okay. Jadi misalnya gini. Hari ini saya ingin mengajar narrative tentang
fable. Saya Tanya anak-anak tentang hewan yang mereka tahu. Kalau lalu
saya fokukan ke hewan yang ada dalam cerita missal Cat and Gog itu ya.
Saya Tanya anak-anak tentang Cat gitu biasanya mereka jawab “tame”.
Setelah mengerucut lalu saya Tanya “Now you compare cat and dog”.
Mereka akan jawab ‘dog’ [unclear]. Setelah itu saya berikan ceritanya.
Jadi pre-reading saya kasih apa itu…. Knowledge..
Okay. Let me take an example. Today I want to teach narrative about fable.
I ask students to mention kinds of animals they know. Then I focus on the
animals that would be involved in the story for example about Cat and Dog.
I will ask them to mention any words about cat and they usually answer
‘tame’. After that I ask them to mention any words about dogs and compare
between cat and dog. They will mention that dog is [unclear]. After that I
will give the story. So in pre-reading, I… what is it?… knowledge?…
A Jadi di pre-reading, Ibu mengaitkan pengetahuan anak-anak sebelumnya
tentang topic ya Bu?
You mean in the pre-reading activities, you activate students’ prior
B Iya. Itu.
Yes. That’s what I mean.
A Baik. Ketika ibu mengajar teks, Ibu menggunakan teks dari sumber lain di
samping dari buku yang ada?
When you teach a text, do you use the texts taken from other books apart
from the book that was published by the Ministry of Education?
B Kadang saya pakai buku cerita lain atau download dari internet dan saya
printkan untuk anak-anak.
Sometimes I use other books or simply download stories from internet and
print them out to be distributed to the students.
A Lalu setelah itu, apa yang Ibu lakukan. Whils-reading?
What do you do in your whilst-reading activities?
B Biasanya setelah pre-reading, saya minta anak-anak membaca teks dan
memberikan pertanyaan yang jawabanhya ada di teks. Setelah itu saya
kasih yang lebih sulit. Jadi membutuhkan pemikiran lebih.
Usually after pre-reading activities, I ask students to read the texts and give
them questions of which answers are stated in the text. After that I
challenge them with more difficult questions of which answers require them
to think deeper about the text.
A Untuk post-reading apa yang Ibu lakukan?
What do you do for the post-reading activities?
B Nah untuk post reading ini butuh kreativitas guru. Saya dulu pernah pakai
jigsaw, tapi teks nya siswa harus udah tahu ya. Jadi saya kelompokkan
anak-anak missal 7 anak. Setelah itu masing-masing anak saya minta
kumpul di kelompok baru, expert itu. Lalu masing-masing kelompok expert
saya kasih satu paragraph dari sebuah cerita. Setelah mereka paham, saya
suruh kembali ke kelompok awal lalu saya minta mengurutkan sebuah
cerita full. Tapi ya itu, anak-anak harus teks yang sudah mereka tahu
karena pernah saya coba pakai teks yang mereka ndak tahu. Dan ndak
For the post-reading activities, I once tried a jigsaw reading about the text
they have already known. So I assign students into groups of, let’s say 7
students. After that I ask each member of the group to new group (expert
group). Each expert group is given a part of the story. Usually I give them
one paragraph for each group. After all members of the expert group
understand the story, they return to their home group. In their home group,
they are asked to arrange the story. But teachers must keep in mind that the
texts should be the ones that students have already known because I have
tried with the ones the students do not know, it did not work.
A Berkenaan dengan materi dalam buku yang ada sekarang Ibu. The Golden
Star Fruit Tree dan Sangkuriang. Bagaimana pendapat Ibu tentang teks ini
untuk mendukung tercapainya tujuan Ibu mengajar narrative text? Apakah
sudah cukup?
About the materials in the book that already exists, The Golden Star Fruit
Tree and Sangkuriang. What is your impression about these texts to achieve
all your goals in teaching narrative texts? Do you think they have
adequately provided you with the means to achieve the goals?
B Menurut saya sih sudah bagus meskopun teksnya panjang dan tiap
paragrafnya panjang-panjang. Kalau gak salah itu kan 4 paragraf
panjang. Saya dulu pernah ngajar dengan membagi anak-anak dalam 4
kelompok untuktiap kelompok memahami masing-masing paragraph.
In my opinions these texts are good enough as a source of teaching and
learning narrative texts albeit very long and contain a long paragraph for
each paragraph. If I am not mistaken these texts contains four long
paragraph. I once taught these texts by assigning the class into four groups
and asked each group to understand one paragraph.
A Kalau ndak salah itu teksnya kan cloze ya Bu dan teks fullnya ada di Buku
Guru untuk dibacakan. Bagaimana pendapat Ibu?
If I am not mistaken the text is in the form of cloze text and the whole text
is in the Teacher’s Guide. Teachers have to read the text in order that
students can get the whole text. What do you think about this?
B Iya ada dua jenis di bab itu, cloze sama jumble itu ya. Ya anak-anak
kesulitan karena dikasihkannya di awal. Biasanya teks ini kan sebagai post
test setelah anak-anak paham semua narrative. Kayaknya baguan buku
yang dulu pernah saya pakai, dari pemerintah juga. Pertama, anak-anak
dikasih kosa-katanya dulu dengan banyak kegiatan sampai ngerti. Kalau
sudah mengerti kosakatanya kan anak-anak akan jauh lebih mudah untuk
memahami teksnya.
Yeah there are two kinds of text in the chapter, cloze text and jumble
paragraph. This is of course difficult because the activity is presented in the
beginning of chapter. Usually this kind of texts is presented in the post test
after students understand well about the narrative. I think it would be better
if the book presents the activities as what the previous book provided by the
Ministry of Education presents. At first, students are provided the target
vocabularies by doing all sorts of activities to make students understand and
familiar with the vocabularies therefore when they read the texts, it will
ease them to understand the texts.
A Jadi materinya sudah bagus ya Bu Cuma teksnya terkalu panjang dan
organisasi aktifitasnya dari difficult ke simple, kebalik ya? Menurut Ibu
materi yang ada saat ini apakah sudah mendukung tujuan Ibu dalam
mengajar teks narrative?
So you mean the materials provided in the existing book are already good
but the texts are too long and the organization of the activities is not
organized from simple to difficult? So do you think the materials in the
book provided by Ministry of Education has adequately provided you with
the means to achieve your goals in the teaching of reading of narrative text?
B Iya. Missal teks berjudul Sangkuriang dari Jaw barat itu ya. Kalau anak
Jawa Barat mungkin tahu apa itu cerita Sangkuriang. Tapi kalau teks yang
the Golden Star Fruit Tree itu, dari mana? Vietnam ya. Anak-anak sini
pasti ndak tahu cerita itu. Kenapa ndak ambil dari cerita di Indonesia
secara umum saja?
Okay. Let me take an example of narrative text entitled Sangkuriang which
was taken from the story from West Java. For West Javanese students, they
might be familiar with the story, but not the non-West Javanese. Also the
text entitled The Golden Star Fruit Tree which was taken, if I am not
mistaken, from Vietnam. Indonesian students might not be familiar with the
story. Why not taking the stories familiar for Indonesian students in
A Berkaitan dengan cerita Ssangkuriang itu Bu, bagaimana menurut
pendapat Ibu? Itu kan ceritanya tentang anak suka ibunya. Menurut Ibu
sudah sesuaikah cerita itu dengan level usia anak SMP?
In the case of story entitled Sangkuriang, what is your impression of this
story? You know? This story is about a son loves his own mother and the
mother had to deceive the son in order to prevent him from marrying her.
Do you think this appropriate for lower secondary students?
B Ndak papa sih kan ndak terlalu vulgar ceritanya. Ya ndak papa sih.
I think it is okay because the story is not quite vulgar stating the
relationship. Yeah I think it is okay.
A Secara umum, bagaimana pendapat Ibu tentang buku yang ada sekarang?
In general, what is your impression about the book provided by the
Ministry of Education?
B Menurut saya bagus. Banyak warnanya. Gambarnya menarik. Kosa
katanya diulang ulang. Tapi itu kurang banyak latihannya.
I think the book is good. It is colorful. The pictures are interesting. The
vocabularies are well-recycled although it is lack of exercises.
A Kalau penggunaan bagan, tabel dan story line, menurut Ibu mendukung
About the use of charts, tables and story line, do you think these are
important for the students?
B Mendukung, tapi ya tadi itu. Latihanhya kurang banyak.
I think so. But as I mentioned earlier, it is lack of exercises.
A O iya tadi ibu menyebutkan materi di download dari internet ya bu, apakah
Ibu mengadaptasi atau mengadopsi?
About the materials that you sometimes download from the internet, do you
adapt or adopt the materials?
B Kalau saya kadang saya sederhanakan ceritanya. Saya kan juga harus tahu
isinya. Jadi agar lebih mudah saya sederhanakan kosa katanya.
I usually adapt the materials because sometimes I also need to simplify the
A Tentang materi yang adaptasi tadi. Teks apa saja yang sudah Ibu
sampaikan ke anak-anak?
About these materials that you have adapted, what texts you have already
given to the students?
B Saya biasanya kasih fable missal itu the Lion and the Mouse, Sang Kancil.
Kadang juga itu cerita Djoko Dolog atau Gunung Bromo.
I usually give the students fable for example the Lion and the Mouse, the
Mousedeer. Sometimes also about folktales for example about Joko Dolog
or about Mount Bromo.
A Untuk menympulkan interview ini Ibu, apa yang Ibu harapkan dari buku itu
yang ada teks narrative nya?
To wrap up the interview, what do you wish for the book containing the
texts to teach narrative?
B Mungkin untuk berikutnya, sebaiknya semua contoh teks narrative
disajikan meskipun cuma satu dua.
I think for the forthcoming book, examples of all types of narrative text
should be provided albeit the samples only.
A Jadi semua jenis teks narrative harus ada ya Bu? Menurut Ibu buku nya
harus jelas mengakatan in teks Fabel, ini teks legend, dan sebagainya?
So you mean all types of narrative should be provided? Do you think the
book should clearly states that this text is about legend, fables, etc.?
B Iya. Karena kan kadang di Buku Siswa itu ndak jelas siswa harus ngapain.
Siswa ndak tahu apa yang dilakukan dengan materi itu.
Yeah I think so because sometimes in the Student Book, the instructions are
not provided. Students do not know what to do with the materials.
A Kalau seandainya ada bahan ajar tambahan tentang narrative, menurut
Ibu masih diperlukan kah buku guru nya?
So if only there is an additional material in the form of book for teaching
narrative, do you think it should be provided with Teacher Guide?
B Menurut saya juga begitu karena semua instruksi kana da di Buku Guru
I think so because all the instructions are provided in the Teacher Guide.
A Menurut Ibu baik mana instruksi disajikan di Buku Guru atau langsung
tercantum di Buku Siswa?
Do you think the instructions should be provided in the Teacher Guide or
stated explicitly in the Student Book?
B Kalau ada di Buku Siswa itu malah kebih enak jadi anak-anak juga tahu
harus ngapain dengan materinya tanpa disuruh guru.
I think it would be better if the instructions are stated clearly in the Student
Book because the students can understand and follow the instruction albeit
without teacher supervision
A Terimakasih Bu Riris untuk waktunya dan informasinya
Thank you very much for your time for having interview and your
information bu Riris.
B Sama-sama
You’re welcome
Interview Transcript with bu Dyan
A : Interviewer
B : Interviewee
A Selamat siang Bu Dian
Good afternoon Bu Dian
B Selamat siang mbak Lidia
Good afternoon Mbak Lidia
A Terimakasih. Hari ini saya ingin mewawancari bu Dian seputar
pengalaman bu Dian mengajar bahasa Inggris di SMP. Sebelumnya
bolehkah saya bertanaya sudah berapa lama bu Dian mengajar bahasa
Inggris di SMP?
Thank you very much. Today I would like to have interview with you about
your teaching experience in lower secondary school. Before that, do you
mind me asking how long you have been teaching in lower secondary
B Saya sudah mengajar sejak tahun 2005. Jadi tahun 2017 sudah 11 tahun 4
I have been teaching since 2005. So about 11 years and 4 months
A Sebelumnya sudah pernah mengajar di SMP lain atau jenjang pendidikan
Before that, did you teach in other schools?
B Dulu pernah ngajar di SMK Muhammadiyah
I once taught in SMK Muhammadiyah from 2005
A Berapa tahun di SMK
For how long?
B 2 tahun
2 years
A Pendidikan terakhir apa bu Dian
What is your last education?
B S 1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Bachelor degree in English Language Teaching
A Dari Unesa Bu ya
From UNESA, right?
B Iya
A Berkaitan dengan pembelajaran bu Dian tentang teks Narrative buy a.
apakah bu Dian keberatan kalau percakapan ini saya rekam?
In relation with your teaching narrative text, do you mind me recordning
our conversation today?
B Oh tidak
No problem.
A Baik. Akan ada 6 pertanyaan bu Dian. Pertama tolong gambarkan
pengajaran bu Dian selama mengajar membaca teks Narrative.
Very well. There will be six questons. The first, could you describe your
teaching of reading narrative text?
B Pembelajaran membaca narrative, anak-aanak itu lebih antusias. Karena
anak-anak kan bercerita ya. Mendengarkan cerita, bercerita. Berbeda
dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tema yang lain seperti
mendeskripsikan atau menceritakan pengalaman. Jadi narrative itu kan
identic dengan mendongeng.
In the teaching and learning of reading narrative text, students are more
enthusiastic. Probably because in narrative they can tell story, listen to
stories, retell the stories. Different from other English learning activities for
example describing things or retelling experiences.
A Jadi anak-anak lebih enjoy ya
You mean students are more joyful learning narrative?
B Iya
A Berkaitan dengan tujuan mengajar, selain yang tertera dalam silabus Bu
ya, apakah Ibu juga punya tujuan lain, harapan lain?
About your teaching objectives. Apart from the objectives stated in the
syllabus provided by the Ministry of Education, do you have other
iobjectives that you want to achieve when you teach reading narrative text?
B Jadi kalau mengajar narrative itu harapannya kan agar anak itu setelah
belajar teks narrative mereka bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris menceritakan
kembali teks yang mereka baca jadi berbicara di depan kelas dengan
percaya diri dan otomatis pronunciation juga tercapai sesuai dengan
kemampuan standar anak SMP. Itu target kita seperti itu kan ya.
When I teach narrative, we expect that after students learn narrative, they
are able to retell the stories they read and speak confidently in front of the
class and use pronunciation appropriate to their level. That’s our target we
want to achieve.
A Sejauh ini bagaimana kemampuan membaca siswa siswi bu Dian?
So far, how is your students’ reading ability?
B Masih kurang. Maksudnya disini itu anak-anak masih kurang dalam
mehamai cerita. Jadi kalau seandainya mereka diberikan cerita-cerita dari
budaya budaya atau background yang sudah pernah mereka ketahui
sebelumnya, itu sedikit lebih mudah dibanding dengan cerita yang asing
buat mereka.
I think it is still lack. I mean they are lack of understanding the story. So if
only they were given stories related to their culture or they have
background about it, it will be much easier compared to when they read
stories they have never been exposed to.
A Bagaimana dengan kosakata mereka Bu?
How about their vocabularies?
B Masing sangat kurang.
Still very lack
A Bagaimana bu Dian menekankan bagaimana mengajarkan kosa kata?
So how do you emphasize on when teaching vocabularies?
B Biasanya untuk mengajarkan kosakata dalam teks narrative itu kan anak
harus senang dulu ya. Biasanya kita pancing dengan bercerita dulu, anak-
anak paham ndak dengan cerita yang kita bacakan. Atau mungkin sambil
guru membacakan cerita, anak-anak menggaris bawahi kosa-kata yang
belum mereka tahu. Lalu didiskusikan barangkali ada teman yang tahu
atau Kalau ndak ketemu maka otomatis ke gurunya atau kamus.
Usually when we teach narrative, we have to make sure they are fond of it.
We can stimulate them by telling a story and see whether they understand
the story or not. Or while reading a story, teacher asks students to underline
the new vocabularies. After that we discuss the vocabularies. Students can
ask to their friends. If nobody knows, then teacher should help or they may
consult to their dictionary.
A Untuk mencapai tujuan itu semua ya, anak-anak bisa bercerita dan
kosakata bisa juga. Untuk kegiatan pre-reading bu Dian biasanya
In the effort of achieving those goals that students can tell stories and have
good command of vocabularies, what pre-reading activities do you do?
B Biasanya ya itu, saya minta siswa secara individu untuk menggaris bawahi
kosakata yang belum mereka ketahui lalu bisa ditanyakan ke temannya
mungkin ada yang tahu.
Usually I ask them to underline the new vocabularies and then we discuss
A Dalam mengajar narrative, apakah b Dian juga memberikan arahan missal
dengan menggunakan tabel tokohnya siapa atau bagaimana?
Do you give the students clear instruction when teaching narrative?
B Iya biasanya seprti itu. Tolong nanti sambil membaca cerita cari siapa
tokohnya, bagaimana wataknya. Nah itu kan akan ditemukan sendiri
sembari membaca.
Yes. Sometimes I ask students to jot down the characters and the
characterization while they read the stories. They would find it during their
A Itu sudah whilst reading buy a. Lalu apalagi Bu yang dilakukan ketika
whilst reading selain mencari tokoh, watak dan sebagainya?
So that is the activities in whilst- reading. And what else that you do in the
B Membuat ringkasan kecil mungkin, missal lokasi ceritanya dimana. Intinya
saja pokoknya. Apa konfliknya. Bagaimana akhir ceritanya. Nah kalau
sudah tahu itu semua kan anak memahami ceritanya.
Sometimes I ask them to summarize the story for example mentioning the
setting of the story. What’s the conflict. How is the resolution of the story.
Just the main points. By so doing, we can assume that students understand
the story.
A Post reading bu Dyah? Apa yang biasanya bu Dian lakukan.
And what do you usually do in the post-reading?
B I give some questions.
I give some questions.
A Pernahkah bu Dian meminta anak-anak membuat story line?
Have you ever asked your students to make story line?
B Belum. Masalahnya kan anak-anak itu membaca kalau hanya bila disuruh
atau diberikan tugas. Kalau ndak ya ndak. Jadi kalau harus disurub
membuat diagram teks narrative yang sudah mereka baca. Mereka
kesulitan. Mungkin dari satu kelas itu yang hobby baca cuma satu dua anak
Not yet. Yeah. The problem is that not all students are eager to read, only
when they assigned to do so or given homework. So when they are told to
make story line about the stories they have read. They get difficulty.
Probably there is only one or two students have good reading habits and can
make story lines.
A Berkaitan dengan buku K-13 bu Dian ya. Kelas 9 chapter 9. Disana kana
da teks Sangkuriang dan the Golden Star Fruit Tree. Menurut bu Dian
apakah teks itu sudah mendukung Ibu untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan tadi
itu, anak bisa percata diri bercerita di depan kelas dan sebagainya?
In relation with the Curriculum-2013 book. Grade 9 chapter 9. There are
texts entitled Sangkuriang and the Golden Star Fruit Tree. Do you think
these texts have provided you the support to achieve your goals, studenta
are confidently telling stories and so on.
B Tidak. Karena buku ini kan menasional ya. Jadi harapannya anak kan bisa
membaca. Lha menurut saya sebaiknya ceritanya itu yang anak-anak sudah
ada background nya, jadinya lebih mudah. Itu cerita the Golden Star Fruit
Tree itu kalau gak salah kan dari Vietnam ya. Ya anak-anak mungkin tidak
tahu. Coba seandainya ceritanya diambil dari sekitar kita mungkin nitu
bisa mempermudah siswa untuk mehamami cerita. Kan banyak cerita local.
Itu saja banyak yang ndak tahu anak-anak. Padahal dari Indonesia sendiri.
I don’t think so. Since the book is nationally used and expect the students to
be able to read. I think it would be much better is the stories provide student
with the background. The stories the Golden Star Fruit if I am not mistaken
is taken from Vietnam. Of course students know nothing about it. If only
the stories were taken from students’ environment, I think it will help
students understand more about the stories. There are a lot of local stories
that even students do not know about them. Students are not familiar with
local stories, let alone the stories from other countries.
A Jadi menurut bu Dian, kita perlu lebih menggali lagi cerita dari Indonesia
sendiri gitu ya
So in your opinion, we need to explore more stories from Indonesia, is that
B Local saja lah. Domestic.
A Jadi kalau di beri range gitu. Buku yang sekarang itu sudah bagus, cukup
atau kurang?
If you score the existing book, is it good, good enough or bad?
B Cukup. Tapi buku itu kan penunjang ya. Tidak harus buku itu yang kita
gunakan. Kreatif kreatif nya guru saja.
I think it is good enough. But again the book to me is not the compulsory.
No need to use them all. That depends on teacher’s creativity.
A Tapi itu kan buku dari Pemerintah Bu ya?
But you know that the book is issued by the Ministry of Education, don’t
B Iya. Memang tapi buku itu kan hanya memberikan petunjuk guru saja kan
ya bahwa pengajarannya begini, begini. Tapi untuk ceritanya kan tidak
harus dari situ ambilnya. Situasional lah kalau menurut saya
Yes. The book indeed provides instructions on what teachers should do in
their teaching. However, I believe that stories might not always be taken
from the book. It is situational, I think.
A Kalau menurut bu Dian buku K13 itu apa sisi positifnya
What do you think of the strengths of K-13 book?
B Oke, jadi kalau sisi positifnya buku K13 itu kan jelas instruksinya guru
harus ngapain-ngapain saja. Jadi guru tahu K-13 itu permintaanya guru
harus ngapain dalam pembelajarannya
The instructions to use the book are provided, so teacher might know what
the curriculum requires teachers should do in implementing K-13.
A Itu di Buku Guru atau Buku Siswa
That’s in the Student Book or Teacher Book
B Sama.
Both of them I think
A Tapi apakah instrument dan petunjuknya di buku Siswa dan buku Guru
But do you think the instruments and the instructions in both books are the
B O tidak.
A Jadi seandainya kalau ada bahan ajar tambahan materi teks narrative.
Apakah buku nya perlu ada buku siswa dan didampingi buku guru ndak bu
So if only there were an additional material for teaching reading of
narrative text. Do you think the Student Book should be accompanied with
Teacher Book.
B Ndak sih kayaknya.
I don’t think that necessary.
A Jadi sebaiknya cukup buku siswa dengan instruksi yang jelas ya
You mean Student Book with clear instructions is sufficient?
B Iya
A Biasanya untuk menyiasti kekurangan materi, apa yang bu Dian lakukan?
How do you usually compensate your materials when you think you need
B Saya biasanya memberikan buku cerita. Kadang kalau jalan-jalan itu kan
nemu buku, yang ada ada gambarnya itu. Nah itu saya berikan ke anak-
anak. Setelah itu saya berikan tugas tambahan untuk membaca buku cerita
sederhana. Lalu saya minta anak-anak retell.
I usually give students simple story book. Sometimes when I hang out I buy
story book with pictures. I give them to the students with the assignment to
do, for example I ask them to retell the story.
A Jadi follow-up nya speaking Bu ya?
So you prefer speaking as the follow-up activity?
B Ndak harus speaking, kan bisa juga writing. Kadang meminta siswa maju
menceritakan kembali.
Not always speaking, it might be writing as alternative.
A Untuk materi tambahan tadi, aapakah Ibu mengadopsi, mengadaptasi, atau
membuat sendiri?
For the additional materials, do you adopt, adapt, or create them?
B Biasanya saya mengadopsi dari buku cerita sederhana.
I usually adopt them from simple story book.
A Kalau seandainya ada buku berisi materi tambahan narrative, apakah bu
Dian merasa terbantu?
If only there were an additional material for teaching reading narrative, do
you feel assisted?
B Iya.
Of course, I do.
A Menurut bu Dian. Bagaimana harapannya apabila ada buku tambahan itu?
In your opinion, what do you expect with this additional material?
B Mungkin lebih di simple kan ya bahasanya untuk anak SMP.
I think it should use simplified vocabularies appropriate to lower secondary
level students.
A Jadi kosakatanya yang high-frequency Bu ya. Terimakasih bu Dian
So you mean it should use high-frequency vocabulary. Thank you bu Dian
B Sama-sama
You’re welcome

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