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Taking Back the University Campus 

Over the years, feminism (with its politically affiliated forces) has made a "long
march through the institutions". In this way, it has established an institutional
power base that is both widespread and deeply entrenched. Many key sectors
are now feminist-dominated or controlled and, as a result, the entire culture is
overshadowed by the feminist ethos and entangled in a range of feminist plans.
The list of institutions could be long, but three stand tall in particular: the
entertainment industry, the news media, and post-secondary academia. Our talk
will focus on the third of these — and specifically, the university campus

We recognize the university campus as an upstream source from which feminist

influence trickles down and out into society. You might say that the magic
begins here. People at their most impressionable stage of life are taken in, told
what and how to think, then cranked back into the world to colonize the
industries and professions where they eventually settle. (That would include the
aforesaid news and entertainment sectors.)

From their seats of influence, these people commence to infusing the feminist
message or mindset (and politically affiliated ones) into the broader culture. They
do this in many ways, directly or indirectly, so that the final effect feels organic
and ambient.

Again, the university campus is where it starts, so any action applied to that
point will be felt all the way down the chain. For this reason, we would make
the university campus a special target for non-feminist intervention efforts.

It's a tough job, considering that the university campus is jealously guarded turf
controlled by violently dogmatic authoritarians. Any non-feminist who intervenes
on campus does so at personal risk, but whatever the risk, the rewards could
be far greater. Let's talk about that.
Clearly, our mission is to rescue souls who would otherwise be led astray into
moral servitude. We want to break the chains of feminist indoctrination. Our
method is to inform, or more precisely, to deliver certain information that will
counteract the delivery of other information. We have a message. We must be
fast and clever with that message so as to outmaneuver the adverse party.

That is a job for insiders; in other words, students. Outsiders may serve as
supporters, advisers, even mentors, but people with access must work the ropes.
The best plan is to create dedicated non-feminist task groups. Clubs, if you like
that term. That's the over-arching scheme of things, with details to be fleshed
out according to local expertise.

These clubs could operate from a variety of action models, all of which are
useful in different ways. Your choice of models will depend on your available
time and resources, and the personalities of the people involved.

Your group can be either unannounced or announced; that's your call.

If your group is unannounced, you might only gather informally for study and
discussion, and look for nonchalant ways to spread counter-feminist information
(CFI for short) within the campus community. That would be the end of it. (CFI
is any information which either directly or indirectly undermines the feminist
worldview.) You would not "officially" be a group at all, hence you would not
"officially" exist at all. As far as anybody could tell, you would simply be a social
clique. Flying below the radar has its points.

If your group is announced, you should draft a charter statement and publicize
this on campus by suitable methods. Here, your existence would be "official" in
the way of being self-acknowledged and proclaimed to the world. However, since
there is no way in hell the campus authorities will let you be an officially official
campus club, you will need to operate in a culturally underground manner. Not
to worry, this can be done.
Among other things, your charter statement should clearly identify you as a non-
feminist group — in fact, “non-feminist” should be included in your name. This
wording is critical. You are not a “men's” group of any kind, although some
people, out of sheer arrogance or intellectual laziness, might presume that you
are. Also, self-described “men's” groups might already be starting on your
campus, and you want to make it clear that you are not them, that you operate
from a different political model. (That model is “feminism's wrongs”, not the
clichéd “men's rights”.)

This is critical to the formation of your political personna. Politics is theatre, so

it's all about personna.

Note that a “men” orientation, although morally strong, is politically weak. You
want to be both morally and politically strong, and that is why you focus
narrowly on the feminist problem, and address this in an ecumenical voice.

Something else — and this is subtle: you should never expressly state that you
are "not a men's group". That would smack of being on the defensive. You
should carry on blithely as if it had never crossed your mind that anybody would
call you that. If they do, you should act oblivious and stone deaf to it. (That
might take some theatrical finesse, but give it a go.)

Your charter statement should be the kind of document we call a bulkhead

statement. The purpose of a bulkhead statement is to define your political
identity with utmost clarity and foresight, making it harder for the enemy to lie
about you or conflate you with somebody else — and believe me, they will try!

The ideal bulkhead statement should be written in a style which is crisp and
businesslike, not melodramatic. It should sound non-aggressive and yet pull no
punches. (Not as paradoxical as it sounds — you'll get the hang of it.)

When you compose this statement you should operate preemptively, by

anticipating their dirty tricks. Don't sound pugnacious. Be firm and clear, yet
somewhat bland, in your predictions. If you openly predict that they will do x, y,
and z, you can forestall those actions. That is what a bulkhead statement can
do for you. You can blunt them in advance; you can make it harder for the
enemy to execute such moves.

The simplest way to make this happen, is to include a section which says: “We
are prepared to face opposition. This might take the following forms: [insert list].”
So later on, if they attempt any of those things, you can call it off by number.
You can say “ah ha! See what they're doing? We have name for that!”

A bulkhead statement works on the principle that if you don't define yourself,
others will define you. You should pack a lot of thought into your statement, and
make it a masterpiece. Above all, you should feature a clearly enunciated
commitment to NON-VIOLENCE. Set this near the head, couched in such
resolute terms that nobody, but nobody, can pretend they didn't see it. In this
way, you set the standard which your enemy must live up to. If they fail, their
disgrace will redound to your honor.

So you have already signaled your non-feminist identity and you have posted
your commitment to non-violence. In your charter statement, you should also
underscore two things: that the university campus is a hostile space for non-
feminist people, and that this is so because it is a feminist space. Make that
stand out with unmistakable clarity. Establish it like the Rock of Gibraltar,
because many things build upon it.

Let's reiterate those three critical points:

1.) You are a non-feminist group

2.) You are committed to non-violence
3.) You know that colleges are hostile to non-feminist people

Regarding the third point: in time, the truth of this will become as plain as day.
Odds are that your own group will furnish an example, for once you get
generally known you can expect pushback. The administration and faculty of the
college will spring to action, as will many of the students. Batten down the

Your mere presence — your mere being, even if you don't significantly do
anything — will perturb the feminist establishment. You will be a pebble in their
shoe. They will be unable to ignore you because you will pose an existential
threat by reason of nothing but your existence. Eventually they might try to
fabricate charges against you, so be on your guard. Have charges against them
ready to go.

Keep a daily logbook of everything that happens, along with any relevant
documents you might acquire. Record or video-capture episodes of potential
importance — in fact, never be without a videocam if you can help it. Your
watchword is ABC: Always Be Chronicling. Remember that any move they make
against you is feminist aggression, and should be publicly named as such, in
those exact words. Feminist aggression.

So, unless you are being ultra low-key, you will need a blog to serve as a
broadcast tower. Advertise this around campus in various ways. One easy
method is to leave small leaflets in random places, for people to find. You can
mass-produce these on the cheap with a xerox machine, and cut about ten from
a standard sheet. (I recommend investing in a guillotine paper cutter.) Leave the
leaftlets lying around loose or tack them lightly to surfaces with a dab from a
glue stick, so the wind won't blow them away.

Post your charter statement on your blog. While you are announcing your
existence, the URL will find its way into people's bookmarks. If they are
intrigued, they will come back often to see what you'll say next, so make it a
point to be intriguing.
Eventually, if you do this right, your blog will become the talk of the town on
campus. You will have created the proverbial “bully pulpit”, which will give you
the power to stir the pot and project your non-feminist voice into campus
politics. (And you will be creating that politics yourself, in many cases!)

You should make a clear decision about the exact shape of your campus
activities. Really now, what do you plan to do? The core of your mission, as we
have said, is to spread CFI. However, there are many ways to approach this
and your audacity can have many dial settings. The main thing is, do what is
comfortable. Do what is natural. Don't try to be a “rock star” if that's not you.
(Although if you start off easy, you might surprise yourself and work up to that!)

A decision fork presents itself: you can be either simple information workers, or
activists. Mind you, both of these are technically “activism” and both have
information sharing as their core element. However, the former may be likened
to Johnny Appleseed scattering seeds as he strides along, while the latter may
be likened to Farmer John who runs a complex agrarian business. Your own
position could fall anywhere along this spectrum. It's your call, but you should
model your project with these parameters in mind.

Ideally, your campus activity involves two components. Let's cover these one at
a time, expansively.

The first component: as said before, you are spreading counter-feminist

information. In this way, you are letting people know that the feminist story is
not the only story. You are challenging feminist orthodoxy in its main citadel by
jamming their signal with a counter-signal, opening a crack in the wall so that
people can see a different landscape. To give it a short name, this is culture

The question is, what kind of information? We recommend that you focus on
bread-and-butter material which undermines the feminist narrative directly and
simply, with a minimum of commentary. Such counter-narrative data would
include stuff like statistics challenging (for example) the domestic violence
narrative or the “rape culture” narrative. It could also include links to classic
counter-feminist arguments of various kinds, such as online articles or videos.
Finally it could include “suggestions for further reading” in the form of book lists.

Needless to say, a lot of this CFI will go on your blog. Some of it can be
distributed in other ways, such as conversation, printed pamphlets or CD-roms
loaded with various files. Whatever works best for you.

Although the mainstay of your information work will be counter-narrative data,

there is also a place for direct argument and persuasion. That is especially true
if you have a genius for such things. You will be speaking ex officio here, so
practice the art of rhetorical discipline. Your ideal tone is the “three Ds”: Dryly
and Discreetly Damning. Try to be bland without being boring. Avoid sounding
angry, and above all say nothing which your enemy might plausibly construe as
a threat. Think of it as driving on an icy road; you will need studs or chains
and you will need to take it slow. You will also need to look out for people
who, frankly, want to run you into a ditch.

Secondly (building on the first component), you are announcing your existence
as non-feminist people within the campus community. By extension, symbolically,
you are annoucing the existence of ALL non-feminist people anywhere on earth.
Think about that last part. You are putting the feminist power on notice that the
non-feminist sector is a thing, and that feminism is no longer the only game in
town. Furthermore, you are making non-feminist people aware not merely that
the non-feminist sector exists, but that it has the potential to exist politically.
This plants a seed of thought. The seed will grow, and implications will unfold
as petals from a bud.

So much for the two components. You will want to design your campus activity
as a finely tuned mix of both, with exact proportions at your discretion.
Never forget that non-feminist men and women have a fundamental right to
exist. Don't let the other side forget that either. You are free to peacefully
assemble with other non-feminists, and to converse about feminism in a way
that breaks the feminist narrative. They can writhe and gnash their teeth, but
they had best not try to shut you up. You mustn't purchase their toleration at
the price of acting like you don't exist. You must be free to walk this world
quite visibly in your lack of feminism and the feminists must, frankly, suck it up.

A number of acts and things constitute “existing”, and a number of

infringements upon these are possible. That said, feminism might, under certain
condtions, infringe upon non-feminist existence — this has happened in the past!
Furthermore, such infringement might fluctuate over time, assuming more or less
onerous forms. So when necessary, the right of non-feminist people to exist
entails a derivative right to, frankly, push back.

Vigilance would be central to this. If vigilance is not a right before all other
rights, those other rights might as well be an unlocked car with keys in the
ignition. Therefore, your non-feminist right to exist entails a right to vigilantly
secure that right against infringement. Whoever tells you otherwise is infringing.

Think of your campus group as a locus of non-feminist vigilance. Even when

you are not actively pushing back against feminist aggression, you are at least
keeping a sharp lookout in case that need arises.

As always, your core mission is to share the counter-feminist “gospel”. This

goes right along with your right to exist. However, in the course of your mission
you are apt to face resistance from the powers-that-be — in other words, feminist
aggression. That is why vigilance and activities related to it are also on the

If you meet NO resistance from the establishment, you can go quietly about
your sweet business of sharing CFI and preaching to the almost-converted.
Vigilance aside, life will be simple. However, if things do get fancy, you will
need to operate defensively. In that case you might as well profit from adversity
and use political theatre to turbo-boost your message.

The business of repelling attacks will constitute said theatre. More than
abstractly explaining what feminism does, you will be enhancing your lecture
notes with an array of working demonstrations. The scripting will be at your
discretion, but remember, your blog is your broadcast tower.

Object lessons about the character of feminism will dangle in front of you as
ripe fruit for the plucking. The establishment will do a certain thing, you will
make a certain response, they will respond to that, and on it goes.

No matter what they do, your response will include commentary about what they
are doing while they are doing it. You are the narrator. From the pages of your
blog, you will call the action play by play, and give a name to every stage of it.
Note that the power of naming is now yours, so if you can sound like a snide
social critic who never blows his cool, many will dig the show and sway to your

Your tussles with the feminist establishment will furnish a living display of how such
affairs generally roll – people can ponder and digest what they are witnessing. After
that, they can turn their gaze upon the world at large and spot the same patterns in
action everywhere. This will stay with them long after they have left college.

You are a universal critic of feminism and your narrative tonality should reflect
this. It is one thing to list off feminism's wrongs against men, dispassionately,
amongst its other wrongs, but it's a whole different show to complain about this
from a subjectively male standpoint. You must avoid the latter, so you must train
your ear to hear the difference. You must learn to sing in the right pitch, to
eschew the “men speaking as men” voice, to maintain the ecumenical vox
humana that would broadly address the world about the feminist problem. If you
are a woman, this will come to you more readily. If you are a man, it might
take some practice, but you'll catch on to it.

If the moment is perfect and your confidence is godlike, you could go for some
“j'accuse” action à la Émile Zola. But as a rule, we don't recommend the
histrionic approach. Let the other side do that, for it will make them careless.

Finallly, your goal is to make the non-feminist voice ring out across this world, and
make the feminist power powerless to stop it. The university campus is the best place
to get that project rolling because if the non-feminist voice can make itself heard on
the university campus, then frankly, where can't it make itself heard?

Non-feminist presence on campus should become a permanent institution. In time, it

should grow a support network, with media contacts and the ability to “lawyer up”
when necessary. Supportive faculty should also be brought on board. Eventually, let us
hope, the non-feminist campus outreach will garner the power to undertake political
actions that can reverberate far beyond the confines of the university.

Somebody might pompously demand to know “how many members” your group
has. Besides being none of their business, that is a meaningless question. It is
impossible to say, since you don't keep any membership list. Your center is
everywhere and your perimeter nowhere, so you might tell those pompous ones
to count all the people on Earth who think feminism should be held accountable.

In conclusion, the university is your crucible, your region of preparation. What

you create on campus is a cultural microcosm meant to overspread society in
years ahead. It is the yeast that will leaven the dough, the starter that will make
the yogurt happen. Reflect on that. The university is a place for education, and
you too, can be an educator.
28 May, 2018

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