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for Judith Keller Fort Tryon Park: September from THE CLOISTERS original key William Hoffman John Corigliano (b. 1938) Andante # A-lone in these woods A-mong Ng ba. mp tp ae va-gar-ies of leaves, Pale ar-cades, and plum - metting ber- ries, ___ a = — b, b, mf f ‘We foun - der__ and flee In-to dreams of — per-ma-nence.— ze Sp. Copyright © 1967 by G. Schirmer, Inc. (ASCAP) New York, NY international Copyright Sere. Al leks Reierve. farming: Unauthorized reproduction ofthis publicat cohbied by Federal law ad eject ocimital prveetion 67 ——s ‘The sun, di-min-ished by trees—— And black-en-ing i - vy, we seek the cob - bled ‘for Robert White Song to the Witch of the Cloisters from THE CLOISTERS William Hoffman original key John Corigliano Allegro (b. 1938) D_» fsecco » pe — Old ta-dy in the herb gar-den, ‘This Sun-day in the lav - ender, — eT nm ft ait Fat la-dy in the crawling leaves,White la-dy in the sun, slightly slower — —* I know by moon - light, Sweet la- dy, what___ you Pi slightly slower) Copyright ©1967 by G. ehrmer, In. (ASCAP) New York, NY International Copyright Secured. All Ri sthored reproduction of ts publican prohibited by Federal law and subject to criminal prose

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