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TRAFFIC CONTROL AT ROADWORKS CMa eau ieee uct Ministry of Public Works “|| IntRopucTION ‘This booklet is produced by the Minisiry of Public Works in co-operaton with the Saiely and Planning Section of the Trafic Police Division, Ministry of the Interior, and in accordance with the Qatar Trafic Menual The term ‘roadworks' includes not only works cavriad out within the highway (the cartlagoway, verge, footway or median strip) but also works remote rom the highway which require the use of the cattiageway or footway for temporary access or for the storage of materials. Such works will normally be initialed by the use of the R.0. (Road Opening) system. ‘Any ‘ference in this booklet 10 ‘Signing’, ‘control or ‘contro! devioss’ includes the use of trafic signs, cones, barriers, demarcation pasts and tape and flashing lights 26 deceribed in Sections 6 and 7. ‘The main adjectives of vaitic control at roadworks are (to protect the public and enable them to pass the worksite safoly (i) 10 protect the men working on site (ii) to protect the works themselves IL is the responsibility of those carrying out the works to ensure thal the traffic contiol devices are placed and maintaned, day and night, tnroughout the duration of the works, to the requirements of this booklet and to the satisfaction Of the Tratfic Police ‘The contiol devices and procedures described must be used al all works, ro- gaidless of their size oF duration. It should be noted tha! these controls and procedures ere minimum requitements and that additional control may be required at particularly hazardous sites. The signing associated with roadworks must be instantly recognisable 10 the river end must quide trafic clearly and sately though the length of he works. Tho route to be taken by trafic must be just as clear at night or in inclement weather gs il would be tn normal daytime condhions. ee 2) GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS | |! "ai. Me basic methods used to warn and inform road users of any works, to contol their progress through the site of the works and to delineate the site are: {i) Traffic signs (Section 6) (il) Tratfic cones, barriers, demarcation posts and tape and lamps. (Secon 7) ii) Temporary trafic signals (Section 9) The signe must be of the same typas, sizes and reflective standards used in permanent signing, The signs must accurately rellect the sitvation that the driver or pedestrian will encounter when passing by 0 through the site, ‘The signs must always appear in the same sequence, which drivers will come to recognise. The postion of the st sign and the spacing of the suDsequent signs in» % ‘advance of the hazard must be related to speed of the passing treffic. : Drivers must be guided past the obstruction saloly, with shallow angles and. lapers being used 50 as lo avoid severe sleering corrections. ay Temporary floodlighting may be necessary at particularly hazardous" sites, Where temporary clrectional signing is provided it must bo clear end easily 2 understooa. ie High visibilty clothing shoutd be worn by all labour working in the sarriagatu especially those responsible for sotling out, moving and collecting the she and cones etc. Restrictions on working hours, or any aiher special conditions, imposed by the Minisiry of Public Works or Trailic Police must be sticily observed. Where the works are within a Security Area, special conditions may be imposed by the Security Authority 3|| PREPARING FOR THE WORKS Ful Road Opening Appiova's rust be ovtained ag instructed In the ‘Code of Practice and Specification, Trenchworks in the Highway’ as produced by the Ministry of Public Works and as up-dated from lime to timo, A schedule of requited signing should ve produced in accordance with inis booklet It must be approved by the Trafic Police, Traffic Planning Section, at tha tima of requesting their approval for Road Opening, This schedule may be in plan torn tor a relatively simple scheme (a photocopy from ths booklet will nor~ mally be sufficient) but tor 2 more complex scheme, especially one requiring diversions, a written schedule musi be provided in addition to a pian showing both the treffic control and diversion signing. The requirements of the Traffic Police in this respect must be observed ‘The person responsible lor the works must supply his name and telephone rumber(s} to the Traffic Police in case he has to be contacted outside normal working hours ‘Any permanent signs and/or toad markings which may be misieading 10 the river should be removed of covered for the duration of the works. Only trettic contiol devices of the prescribed shape end sizs may be used. Prior to the commencement of the works, these devices must be cleaned and put into ‘c00d working ordar. Battlers should be prepared lor marking Out the area of the works as required, Where the boundary o! the works site is such that the carriageway remaining for traffic has a width of lose than 6 motres, allonate single file iralfic working will be required, Under these circumstances, vailic control 's achieved by one of the methods detaled in Secticn 9. Vihere the evaitabie ceriagewey width is 6 metres or more, or where the work ‘te taking place on one or more lanes of one cariageway of a dual ceriagewey road, two-way traffic flow should be retained. Under these circumstances, traffic control is achieved by the appropriate method detailed in Section 10. i: Where the works are go extensive that a road must be closed to through tratfic, 2 talfic diversian must be designed in conjunction with the Traffic Police, Diver Sion oF temporary cirectional signing must be provided, both in advance af the closure and through the route of the diversion, as described in Section 8 Where the works obstruct the footway or pavement, alternative routes must be provided for pedestrians, as instructed in Section 6, to protect thom from any hazard, The use of any of tha methods of traffic Contra suggastad above, and detalled in lator sections, must be agreed with the Trafic Police et an early stage in the planning of the works. 4\\| SITE LAYOUT AND “|| MAINTENANCE The sile access musi have adequate sight ines and be kep\ clear ol parked vehicles and other obstuctions. Tho trafic control dovicos must bo got out as scheduled All signs and other devices must be kept clean and regulally maintained. Parlicutar attention should be paid to clearing the lenses of lamps and roplac- ing their batierles and bulbs, so that they provide the required standard of illumination If the works proceed along the carriageway, the tratfic control devices must bo relocated 2s necessary. Al plant, materials and surplus excavated maletial must be containad within the borrioes Mud and olher debris deposited on the road surtace by venicles leaving the ste must be removed immediately. Similar material within the site must ba ramoved belore the site is vacated The site mus} be kept tidy to ensure maximum safety for the workman, Local residents and business must be given full consideration throughout the ‘duraiion Of the work. Accesses should be mainteined and noise levels kept to ihe minimum, particulally when work is in progress outside normal working hours, Workmen of visitors should park their private vehicles well away from the site, remembering thal ther vehicles are nt exempt from any parking restrictions. At the end of the works, all tric control devices must be removed from the cartiageway. Any permanent signs and/or roatl markings that have been covered or removed must be uncovered or reinsiated, 5|| PROVISION FOR PEDESTRIANS Al obstructions and excsvations on or near the footway must be fenced off and signed, for the protection of pedestrians, Where the footway or verge is substantially obstiucted, pedesteans must be provided with a sale route either on the carriageway oc behind tha works. This temporary tooway must be lit at night, Signed throughout with Sign 358 (Pedes- tnans| and fully protected from passing vehicles, Temporary footways must have a well maintained, level surface of at least 1.8 metres width and must be kept clear of materials, plant and debris at all times, ‘A typical layout is shown in Figura 5.1 CONTINUOUS ‘A Fig. 5.1 Roadworks on single coriageway roeds, One lane pan cosed as diversion ior bsiructes footway. = | 6.0m (an AND 45° EXIT TAPERS: NO. CONE LEAD IN k WITH CONES AT 1.2 METRE SPACING 8 a 8 Siting Distence Nin No of Signe ot Firat Sign In Advance ot In Advance of Foeaworke Teale Speed Roadworks ‘Speend et Equal ony KPH Metres inter i Uptoss No eas than 50, 2 10-30 Be ‘0-123 aera 0-40 50-80 130300 Sort 2060 Dose 60 soo 80a a 5-8 10 TRAFFIC SIGNS FOR ROADWORKS As previously stated, signs used at roadworks must be to tHe same standards as permanent signs, The signs described here are therelore all to be found in the Qatar Traffic Manual and the relavant number rom that Manual lor each sigan is quoted here. Each sign used by the Contractor must have his identity and the name of his representative clearly marked on the reverse of tho sign plato, together with day ime and night-ime telephone numbers which may be used in case ol emerg- ency, ‘The typical layouts ilustialed in the booklot claerly show that the first sign that a diver will encounter is Sign 345 |oedworks). This sign should be positioned in advance of the works, a! the distance shown in Table 1. Where this distance is greater than 200 metros, it must be supplomented by Plato 253 |Distance) Between the intial roadworks sign and the work site any one, or combination, of Signs 211, 315 and 347 10 351 may be used, according to the nature of the obstruction and as shown in the typical layouts Atthe end of the works, Sign 345 should be used together with the supplemen- tary Plate 346 (End) On roads where the general tralic speed is greater than 89 kph, it is recom- mended thal a temporary speed limt be considered, This must be discussed with the Tratlic Police, Traffic Planning Section, at an early stage. " 10 || TRAFFIC SIGNS ©] FoR ROADWORKS As previously slated, signs used al oadworks must be to the same standards {as permanent sions, The signs described here are therefore all to be found in the Qatar Trafic Manual and th relevant number rom that Manual for each sign 's quoted here. Each sign used by the Contractor must have his identity and the name of his representaiive cloarly marked on the roveree of the sign plate, together with day- lime anc night-time telephone numbers which may be used in case ol emerg- erey, The typical layouls ilustrated in tne booklet cleerly show thal the first sign that a driver will encounter is Sign 345 (Roadworks). This sign should be positioned in advance of the works, al the distance shown in Table 1. Where this distanca is greater than 209 motras, il must be supplemented by Plate 253 |Distance). ‘Between the intial roadworks sign and the work site any one, or combination, of Signs 211, 315 and 247 to 351 may be used, according to the nature of the abstruction and as shown in the typical layouts, At the end of the works, Sign $45 should be used together with the supplemen tary Plato 246 (End) (On wads where ihe general traltic speed is greater than 8) kph, it is recom= mended [hat a temporary speed limit be considered. This must be discussed. with the Traffic Police, Trafic Planning Section, at an early staga " Position of first sign Size of warning or in advance of site regulatory signs (mm) Traffic Speed metres Urban Rural kph roads roads 0-45 50 600 750 45-60 50-150 wo | $00 60-80 | 150-300 300 1200 Over 80 900-500 - 1500 Tabio 1 — Sign sizes and positioning 12 Genera . sage Signs e oO 500m as ass acon Diatanco Plate wale ps 0 ably End For 2km oo oo End of Rondworks Extent of hazard att att Keep Right Keep Lott “ 315 315, Road narrows, 318 Two way traffic 347 347 Reduction In number of traific lanes Sign face varies to show actual layout Traffic ( _..trol Signs pb» D>) 348 Chevron board 249 Hard shoulder to be used as trafic lane 351 Diversion of traiflc to opposite carriageway 350 Vehicles on hard shoulder to rejoin main carriageway 16 201 Manually operated STOP/GO signs CORIO) CL) Briar gels ahead 359 Permitted legends are: Trattic Contro! Ahead (On Ried Step Hore Road Ahead Closed Road Closed No Construction Traffic Construction Traific Only Works Access ‘Tomporary Surface Single file traffic past sit Single File Traffic 366 of roadworks 320 Traffic signats ahead 2 Priority to ‘oncoming traffic Priorlty over oncoming tratfie W Route Diversion 352 Start of diversion (Direction of arrow varios) 354 Diversion direction sign i 105 T ‘Advance Direction Sign 18 Intermedia 353 355 End of diversion 108 T Direction Sign direction Pedestr.... Sign reese) Ge Cour 358 Pedestrian route (oir tlon of arrow varies) Miscellaneous Signs Gols Slee! ese Surveying 342 343 Hazard warning ‘The permitted logends are (used with Plate 343) Consus Flood Overhead Work Road Ends Surveying Smoke 357 Loose chippings on road 19 OTHER TRAFFIC ‘(|| CONTROL DEVICES Traffic Cones Traific cones should be portable, conspicuous and suitably ballasted so that they remain stable under all conditions. The while portion of the cene must be relleciorised, Where the cones remain in place overnight, either each cone musi be fitted with a high intensity flashing lamp or a llashing lamp, supported an a demarcation post or metal ipod, must be positioned beiween each par of cones, At locations where the general tralfc speed is greater than 80 kph, and else- whore as required by the Ministry of Public Works or Traffic Police, 900 mm high cones must be used. Otherwise 600 mm high cones are acceplaple, Demarc: a Posts and Tape TYPICAL DETAIL FOR Posr 10F 1d ‘tee! Tube Conte Bass Comarcation posts, constructed as shown, may be used as an allernalive 10 tralfic cones EXCEPT for the initial taper at roadworks on roads where the gereral trafic speed is creater than 80 kph, in which case cones must always be used Where the posts are to remain in place overnight, they each must be fired with a high intensity ashing tamp, . Demercation tape should be strung between the posts, as shown, lo emphasise the delineation between the site and the mein cariageway, a Ls PAINTED BALLASTED Gil. DAUMS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR USE AT ROADWORKS. Barriers A barrier for use at roadworks consists of a Sign 248 mounted on a trestle Barriers for use on roads where the general trafic speed exceeds 80 kph must have an 800 rrun deep beam; those for use elsewhere may be 400 mm deep, The minimum lenoth of beam is that required for three compiala chevron, modules, \¢. 3.6 metres for the deeper beem and 1.8 metres for the shallower. It should be mounted so that the clearance to the underside of the beam is 1 metre. The white chevron bands must be rellactorisod. 22 When in position, no part of ihe bartier should be within 600 mm of the tempor ary edge of the carriageway, Whore a barrier is posiioned with the beam parallel to the carnagoway, tho chovrons should point in the direction af travel of Ihose vehicles passing closest 10 i Where @ pedestrian route passes through ar close to the site of the works, barriers must be provided 10 fence off the hazercous obstiucions or exca- vations. High Intensity Flashing Lamps ‘The lamps must show a yellow light when illuminated and should ba provided ‘on allemate demarcation posts (or every demarcation post where posis alier- ate with traffic cones) to delineate ihe works during the hours of darkness, They mus! be securoly fixed to the post The intensity of the lantern should be 100 candolas arid it should flash at ihe rate cl 120 10 160 llashes per minule. ‘These high intonsity amps ars required whon there is good streat lighting, Else where flashing lamps of a lower intensity may be usec, Positioning of control devices The position af each device is specified in the Tablas acsempenying the typical layout plans, Steel Plates and Ramps Whore steel plaes are used in order 19 Keep trafic lanes open, ey must be adequately bedded into the surface ofthe caragewey. pinned where necessary and maintained in a safe condition Similarly, amps must be well construcied and maintained to prevent rutting or break-up of the surface 24 es DIVERSION SIGNING FOR ROAD CLOSURE Where a road has to ba closad due to roadworks, the sequence af signing should be as follows: (In advance of the closure: Sign 359 — Road Ahead Closed ‘Sign 352 — Diversion Sign 105 T — Temporary Advance Direction f Mounted together Sign (if aquired) (i) At the point of closure: Sign 354 — Diverted trafic fr Sign 108 T — Temporary Direction Sign Sign 359 — Road Closed Diverted traffic must be guided along the diversion route by en appropriate pmbination of Signs 105 T, 108 T, 363 and 364, Once ine trallic hes been returned to its original route, Sign 355 (End of Diversion} must be displayed 9) SINGLE FILE TRAFFIC FLOW Police Supervision Poice assistence may be avallatle to control ratlic whilst the roadwerks signs, cones, ele, are being set out and to prevent congestion ai the sitas of emergency works, At all ther times Walle corteal wil be by means ol the devices described inthis booklet STOP/GO Signs 201 202 Menually operated STOP/GO signs should anly be used where both ends of the site are clesrly inter-visible, the traffic lows are light and the duration of the works is short Where the length of the site is 25 metres or less a single STOP/GO assembly is suficiont, Elsewhere two assemblies must be used, one at each end of he site Each assembly must be lil at night Advance warning {o drivers thal they are approaching ¢ length of road subject 10 this form of controt ie given by the use of Sign 369 (Tratfic Control Ahead) ‘A typical layout is shown in Figure 9.1 26 Tempor:. , fraffic Signals Where the ends of the site are not clearly inter-visible, where the site is at a junction of experiences heavy tafic flows or where the works aro of medium or ong duration, temporary trafic signals must be used. The signal timings should be contiolled by an automatic timing plan, which must be agreed with the Ministry of Public Werks, Trafic Section, and the signals must respond to vehicle demend, by means of microwave vehicle detection units The signals mus! bo positioned so a6 to be clearly visible to approaching trattic and should be protected by trafic cones wherever possiole, Advance warning of this form of control is given by Sign 920 (Trallie Signale Ahead), To indicate to drivers where they should stop, Sign 359 (On Red Stop Here) should be positioned between | and 3 metras in advance of each traffic signal Atypical layout is shown in Figure 92 ar ee 45° TAPER WITH CONES AT 4 | 2METRE SPACINGS i \ A B ‘ ay 2 469 TAPER WITH CONES AT 7 \ 12 METRE SPACINGS rT Sting Distance Mla No of Signe otfiat in inadvancs of Tate speed Roedworke Length Ke ots = Usto4s Notas han go 2 wm ea iia 20a 2-8 =e hora im Figure 1 Aliomate singe tte trate ow, Trae contrat by Orero0 4 2-8 STOP/GO signs. _ 28 I 8 45° TAPER WITH CONES AT 12 METRE SPACINGS A —h_--_, dy [I i eouat k \ KPH Metres interval «8 20 a Priority Signs Where trafic flows are exceptionally low and the two ends of the site are cleaily inter-visible, Signs 220 and 221 inay be used to etablish a priory flow system. [As use of such @ system is likely to be extremely rare, 4 typical layout is not shown here bu! can be seen in the Qatar Trafic Manual, Pant Ono, Chapter 2. Where such a system is warranted, priority would be given to those vehicles climbing a gradient or, where there is no gradient, to those vehicles whose lane 's unobsinucted. 10 | TWO-WAY TRAFFIC FLOW Where roadworks on a single cartiagoway are such that more than 6 metres of width temains lor tralic, then lwo-way Working should be retaned, The signing and layout for this are identical to the case of pedestrian diversion, and Ine same site layout will be omployod (Figure 8.1). Where roadworks on a single carriageway of a dual carriageway road are such that a minimum of 4 metres width remains for through trafic, diversions on to the other carriageway are not necessary, The site layout should be as shown in Figures 101, 10.2 or 103. Where roadworks an a single carnageway of a dual cariegeway road are such that the whole carriageway has to be closed, a diversion on to the other car- ‘legeway will be necessary it no other alternative toute exists. The site layout for this situation should be as shown in Figures 10.4 and 105. In situations where none of the typical fayouts are appropriate, the principles on. which they are based may be used to produce individual designs. Any such ley- out musi then be approved by the Ministry of Public Works and the Tiatlic Police. Figure 10.1. Roadworks on dual cariagoway roads. Lane ciosure adiacent to Fard shoulder. 34 a 8 © ° Siting Dstanco NinNo ot Signs sir sigt Inauvanceot Tatiospecd | Roadworks Spaced ot Equat Length | cones | Length We. no, Lengtn ne. Kort Metres Interval im oy tm cores Lampe ro Ups No! less than 50 2 19-30 & 100 1s 3 5 7 6 ‘6-8 3-12) 2or8 moa t 130 2 8 B 6 too8 20-309 Sor 40-30 & 206, 2 B 10 2 1 Overt 300-509 4 50-90 1 300 So a 16 1 Nolo: On beth dua ane and dsl 2 tae catiageways, where only ove lane aijacent wo Ee tad shoud dlosed, cistancaC is weptacad by distance D and Sign Tio varied to show te cares yout 35 5 150 150 4 |s st 4 ‘ a | 1 ik HI q 1 T =Jraer4 ie yt J < : 4 . } [ 7 ase TAPER 4 1 4 4 4 i 7 A ° ¢ 3 Rica aha 3 oo | ome | cee A A ‘rsa ped Soretateaunt | tena | "Canto | Lng . e rg No, No No thee a ee ie we | sbuasenaieo : ww | a mo ou » 2 ‘ rad 1) Bord 20-20 8 0 20 8 oS 0 3:3 oa get me |G BOR 5 we OR i ae 18 “ 3 | BO 3 8 i Not Cabot utensil ane saigoray Figure 102 Roadworks on dual carriageway roads, Lane closure adjacent sod, ditance © ts veplaced by disance D and Sg te meon sip Hard shoot Yo avaliable nein lane, Sire iat wun corel yet 23 ar 45° TAPER — : 2 oa Sting bleiaece Mn oot tne | act remegoene | BANE seg vn, | sage ete | amg | tag a a |S a.) ae | vpias : 9-2 wf 2 2 ¢ | » | w “pea ads g e)2 8 $/#8)8 a a8 28 aie 8 2/8 | 2 Se : 28 2/8 £€ 8 | B | B Fave 08 Roar ond uogoway aie tare es aeso 38 39 ag S gE oy \ 8 { | 7 | { a b mort FF [ i | Vy | 1 14 > E E A " 100 ao” Figure 10.4. Roadworks on dual cartlageway reads, (One carriageway closed, diversion to opposite carrageway. 40 Note; Hove the hat shoulder isnot availe as.a running lane Wheret is avaiable, Sign’ shu be cisplayed a2 Siown in Figura 103 4l Ss 100 Trae Speod KPH pte 4s NNotigae thon 60 2 Y | s0-a0 8 109 4 3 “660 0120 pes 20-80 8 I 2B feo 0-00 Bora 40-50 6 200 a 2 Over BD 0-800 4 590 7 200 @ 2 Figure 105 Roadworks on dual cariayenay roads. { One carrageway closed, end cf civarsion Note: Here he hard stoulder ¢ cot avaiable aes running lane from opposite carriageway. t ‘yiee I is aval, igh 948 should be Usplayad as shown n Figure 103. 42. | 43

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