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COVER PAGE ............................................................................................... i

PREFACE .......................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. ii

1.1 Background ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Identification ....................................................................... 4
1.3 The Benefit ........................................................................................ 6

2.1 Factual Description .......................................................................... 8
2.2 What is Padusan? ... .......................................................................... 12
2.3 Javanese Muslims Prepare For Ramadan With Padusan Ritual .......
2.4 Ritual Padusan In Islam View .......................................................... 2
2.5 The Value System Contained In Welcoming Ramadan
Rituals .......... ....................................................................................


3.1 Conclusion ...................... .................................................................


1.1 Background

The Java island is one of the islands of the indonesian archipelago.

Indonesia which located 60 north latitude, 110 South latitude and 950 – 1410 East
Longitude. Java is located between the Bali islands to the east and to the west of
Sumatra Island , between Natal Island to the south and to the north of Borneo .
Java Indonesia map surrounded by the Sunda Strait in the west , the Java Sea in
the north , Strait Madura and Bali Strait in the east , Indian Ocean in the south.
According to Herusatoto (2001 : 37 ) in Anthropology culture , the Javanese are
the people who using the Java language with various dialects for generations, and
is domiciled in Central Java or East Java . While in the western region and
Citanduy Cilosari river called West Java , inhabited by Sundanese tribal.

Javanese society is an open society , it is a reflection of the basic

attitudes that Javanese society into the noble values of Javanese culture , then
affects also the view of religious life in the Java community , so that when the
religions from the outside in , Javanese society is open to receive it . But the
reception was not fully applied purely . This is what makes abangan religion as a
form of syncretism of prior religions to their religion now . In the run life of the
abangan group still running Javanese rituals combined with their religion Shari'a (
Hadiatmaja and Endah , 2008: 66 ) . Rituals are full of symbolic meaning , such as
the salvation for the dead group abangan Islam , by reciting tahlil for seven days
and seven be made on the day of salvation in the form of a set of offerings
festivity which were distributed to the surrounding community , and salvation
other as well as with padusan rituals that can be seen in the Java community.

Java community has believes in the origin of life in society , namely

animism and dynamism . So , the arrival of Hindu , Buddhist and Islamic
encourage the creation become more complex cultures of Java. But it is not
eliminating the tradition from the previous beliefs. So it makes the acculturation
among the Java’s cultures which related the religion which coming in Java.

Regarding the early history of padusan, the history is not known

certainty. Logically, Ramadhan is considered as holy month which full of grace
for moslem around the world. So, muslim accross the world has own way to greet
Ramadhan. Like as muslims in Indonesia, each tribe which has religion also has a
tradition. Javanese Muslims take a bath on the beach as they prepare for Ramadan
with padusan ritual. Padusan ritual is Java culture with the purpose of purifying
themselves welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. Padusan derived from the
Javanese language adus, which means 'bath'. They usually bath in the lake or sea.
Ramadan, observed by Muslims worldwide, is the ninth month of the Islamic
lunar calendar and is a holy month of fasting, prayer and recitation of the Quran.

1.2 Problem identification

a. What is padusan in Java culture?

b. Why does Javanese Muslims prepare Padusan ritual for Ramadan?
c. How does ritual padusan in islam view?
d. What is the value systems contained in welcoming Ramadan rituals?

1.3 The Benefit

By reading this paper, the reader will understand about the tradition of Padusan
which be the belief and tradition in Java society. The physical and spiritual
cleaning culture when they wanted to pray or draw closer to God . Physical Health
through ritual padusan expected to purify the hearts of all feelings of envy,
jealousy , hasut , arrogant and deceptive . If the purity of padusan was brought in
the context of national life , will keep the political elite and the state
administrators of the deed lick , corruption , collusion , and nepotism ( KKN ) .
Three Javanese tradition of fasting before the implementation of this should be
maintained . Not only local wisdom contained in it , more of it as a form of
preservation of valuable cultural and ancestral heritage.

2.1 Factual Description

In practice , a ritual performed by a community of Java in various

places. They do the ritual of Padusan in the parangtritis beach and the beaches
aroud Parangtritis (such as from coast to coast Parang Endok Depok ) . Which
consists of thousands of residents of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas , such as
Magelang , Purworedjo , Surakarta , etc. Because so many people who perform
rituals Padusan on the beach, the government mobilized the police to set up a
vehicle that is so dense , and also search and rescue team of volunteers who are
usually even locals to keep watch along the coast , a precaution in case things
does not want ( http://nasional.vivanews.com ).

In the same line, some people do padusan in the pool , as happened in

the pool Tirta Tamansari, Niten Hamlet , Village Trirenggo . the Padusan ritual
will continue until the night because most of Bantul and surrounding
communities ranging from children to adults following the tradition of padusan .
Since the morning until 14:00 pm , the number of visitors amounted to thousands
of people ( http://www.mediaindonesia.com ).

Most of the citizens use water from a spring to perform this ritual , as
happened in the Spring Sendang Kasihan, Sub Tamantirto , Kasihan , Bantul .
Sendang Kasihan is special because the water never dry . Springs that emerge
from the ground was pure . According to local sources , the incidence of water
sources which later became Sendang Kasihan because of the luck wand of Sunan
Kalidjaga . It is told that in his wanderings that time arrived in the area of Sunan
Kalidjaga pity . In this area he needs clean water . Because he did not get the
spring, he stuck his stick into the ground. After the stick was lifted , then out the
spring of pure water and then collected in a basin and then known as Sendang
Kasihan ( http://metrotvnews.com ) .
In addition to the places mentioned above , there are many people who
perform the ritual padusan in their homes , and quite possibly in some other
sacred places , such as waterfalls , rivers , etc. .

2.2. What is Padusan?

Ramadan is a holy month that is always awaited by Muslims . In that

month the Muslim fasting a whole month . Besides fasting , month Ramdhan also
filled with practice sunnah as tarawih prayer , tadarus Quran , recitation , and so
forth . The aim of the fasting is to make every believer into a person who
Muttaqien , fully devoted to Him . Being Muttaqien can be interpreted into a more
holy person, so it is not an exaggeration to say fast becoming the media of
purification or cleansing of sin.

In order to welcome the arrival of the holy month , there are various
regions developed various welcome traditions. In many hamlets and villages in
Java, after the tradition ruwahan or nyadran , a series of Sha'ban month ended
with a special padusan tradition to welcome Ramadan .

Javanese Muslims take a bath on the beach as they prepare for Ramadan
with padusan ritual at Parangtritis beach on June 27, 2014 in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. Padusan ritual is Java culture with the purpose of purifying themselves
welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. Padusan derived from the Javanese
language adus, which means 'bath'. They usually bath in the lake or sea. Ramadan,
observed by Muslims worldwide, is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar
and is a holy month of fasting, prayer and recitation of the Quran.

Bath, as a means of purification clearly by naked eye can cleanse our

bodies of all kinds of dirt. Indeed padusan itself has meaning not only the
dimensions lahiriyah , but more deeply meaningful Rohaniyah indeed . It can be
seen from the tradition of our society , and this is also in line with Islamic, that the
padusan day or a few days before the fasting of the Muslims are encouraged to
apologize to each other . This needs to be done to ease the burden of Ramadan
pilgrimage Rohaniyah that we become much more smoothly and no obstacles

2.3 Javanese Muslims Prepare For Ramadan With Padusan Ritual

Padusan done with adus kramas , bath (junub), to remove large and
small dirt (hadast) . Padusan can be carried anywhere by using pure and purifying
water . Thus it is not necessary to do padusan in a particular well or a particular
water source , the water must wear a seven-way , seven water sources etc.now,
this padusan tradition that impressed mistaken to be done in a place that emerges ,
haunted or magical.

As a sign of implementation padusan day , in various hamlets and

villages are usually done with the beat “njedhor” , beating the drum in the mosque
and the mosque . Njedhor usually performed at various times after the execution
fardlu prayer . Njedhor into a rhythm of its own rhythm in the public ear , and the
village children are usually very enjoy. A child can play two drum beater with a
beautiful rhythm to be heard. Thus njedhor expertise skill performance is a
tradition among fellow hometown

Some ancient rituals in fact does not necessarily timeless . In some areas
, local people still regard it as an obligation . As padusan ritual in Yogyakarta .
Rituals carried out before Ramadan is a mixture of Javanese and Islamic culture .
The origin of the word padusan adus or bath . The goal : rid yourself of all forms
of dirt in the body . In this ritual , people can choose a bath . At the lake , pool , or
even the sea.

In Yogyakarta , padusan routine mass in Sleman district , namely Umbul

Pajangan, Pendowoharjo, Sendang Klangkapan, Margoluwih Seyegan, Sendang
Ngepas Lor- Donoharjo Ngaglik, dan Umbul Temanten Umbulharjo, dan
Cangkringa. Meanwhile, in the district of Bantul usually carried on in South
Beach , which is Parangtritis. (http://life.viva.co.id )
2.4 Ritual Padusan In Islam View

Islam Religion has not prescribed specifically on the implementation of

the bath when the month of Ramadan came , but only advocating for Muslims to
clean themselves . Rid yourself can be interpreted literally to cleanse the physical
/ outward physical , self-cleaning can be interpreted at the level of the soul /
spiritual inward.

However, in generally the society inteprete as the physical cleaning /

physical. Therefore the public recommended to applyit. Then the bath is done not
just a shower , but the ritual bath because the bath is contained acculturation and
not just shower as usual , but the bath in order to rid yourself or a large bath as is
done by people who are in a state junub. So bathing is carried out also intentional
as a junub bath , more importantly , the bath is done in certain places with
reverence , as on the slopes of mountains, rivers , beaches , and so forth .

In line with the description above, the Islamic religious leaders , KH

Muzamil caregivers Rohmatul Umah boarding school in Tegalsari Donotirto
Kretek ensure there is no guidance relating to the implementation of padusan in
the Qur'an and hadith . According to Islam Muzamil just ordered his people to
cleanse themselves before running them with a shower of worship . But bathing in
the Islamic religion should not be done in a public place simultaneously together
and mixed between men and women , as do padusan in public places would be
more harm than good.( http://infobantul.wordpress.com )

2.5 The Value System Contained In Welcoming Ramadan Rituals

“Manusia adalah makhluk budaya dan bersimbol, simbol itu terefleksi

dengan perilaku-perilaku masyarakat, kemudian membentuk sistem nilai yang
terkandung dalam adat istiadat suatu budaya tertentu”. (Herusantoso, 2001:14). It
means that humans are creatures of culture and symbol the symbol that reflected
the attitudes of society , then form a system of values contained in the customs of
a particular culture . Including the ritual padusan , according to Muslims in
general and especially Java , the month of fasting is a blessing and a full moon has
its own privileges. It is because based on their own philosophy of Java fasting is
concerned behavior and the means to get closer to the gods , in order to achieve
the degree of jalma , winilis , or human choice . Not only padusan , there is
another ritual that is nyadran and megengan , in order of implementation , namely
: nyadran - padusan - megengan .

Furthermore, what is the purpose of those tradition " Nyadran , Padusan

, Megengan " ? Rituals carried out before Ramadan , they are still alive are
required to make offerings of cakes , drinks , or a favorite of the deceased.
Furthermore , the offerings were put on the table , laid out neatly , given the
flowers , and calibration is given in the form of light -ngan . Procession nyadran
currently performed pilgrimage while cleaning the ancestral graves , prayed for
forgiveness , and sow flowers . That meaning as a symbol of devotion and
gratitude to ancestors person .

We can feel magical and unique in nyadran ritual . Uniqueness , apart

from using certain rampe uba , nyadran conducted at sites considered sacred and
is believed to be closer to the Almighty . Places where it is usually in the form of
ancestral graves or large figure that a lot of merit for religious broadcasting . For
example , in Banyumas , implementing community nyadran in the tomb of Sheikh
Muchorodin or Mbah Supreme Mulyo . Nyadran execution time is usually chosen
on December 15 , 20 , or 23 Ruwah or Sha'ban . The selection of these dates , in
addition to based on the agreement , also based mudhunan understand and
munggahan , namely understood that believing in Ruwah as the hour of the
ancestors to visit children and grandchildren in the world.

After carrying out nyadran , the Java community is usually done through
a purification ritual called padusan . The procession began with a heads flushed
with a dipper of water flowers . After that , a clay container which also contains
water and flowers in front of the pond slam padusan place , as a closing ritual .
Padusan symbolic meaning , as the physical preparation and inner hearts to be
clear , clean and pure , so that when fasting is not tempted of evil lust and abject .
Padusan also very unique because the election is not just any place . For example ,
natural water sources were considered sacred , like Bannerman Cokrotulung in
Klaten , Pengging in Boyolali Bannerman , Bannerman Kayangan in Winton ,
Bannerman Berjo in Karanganyar , and others.

The next is a feast or megengan ceremony , held ahead of the sinking

sun on the western horizon before the 1st day of Ramadan . Megengan word ,
derived from the Javanese " megeng " , which means to hold . Symbolic
significance was , in entered the fasting of Ramadan , the first Java should do
good for others and social environment . In megengan procession , chanted
prayers usually requests the inner and outer safety and happiness for the whole
family and the surrounding community.

A series of fasting Javanese tradition that has deep wisdom . First , as a

means of creating social relations ( horizontal ) harmonious . for example
Nyadran, not just mutual help clean up the ancestral tombs , ongratulations to the
feast , and make apem cakes, glutinous compote as a key element of offerings . It
is transformed into a venue for gathering , social adhesive vehicle , a means of
building a national identity , a sense of nationhood . It was seen in the procession
of nyadran , where family groups or certain breeds , do not feel pigeonholed in
social status , class , religion , class , political parties , and so on . Differences
were merged , because they come together , love each other . In fact , after
nyadran there are people who invite you to wander in the village come and work
in the big cities . This is where there is kinship , togetherness , affection among
citizens or members . Felt at all , as if the whole village residents descent . Spirit
nyadran that when taken in the context of the country will make Indonesia a
harmonious , ayom , calm and serene.

Second , a form of tribute to the ancestors or predecessors . They were

returning from overseas associate nyadran with alms , charity to the poor , to build
a place of worship , restoring the cupola and railing tomb . These activities as a
form of remuneration for the sacrifice ancestors , who are training , financing of
the children , to be a successful person . In short , they want to " “njaga prajane
sing wis sumare” or the child's efforts to maintain the image , prestige and good
name of his ancestors.
Third , physical and spiritual cleaning culture when they wanted to pray
or draw closer to God . Physical Health through ritual padusan expected to purify
the hearts of all feelings of envy, jealousy , hasut , arrogant and deceptive . If the
purity of padusan was brought in the context of national life , will keep the
political elite and the state administrators of the deed lick , corruption , collusion ,
and nepotism ( KKN ) . Three Javanese tradition of fasting before the
implementation of this should be maintained . Not only local wisdom contained in
it , more of it as a form of preservation of valuable cultural and ancestral heritage.

Unfortunately , that tradition has a profound meaning little by little

getting dashed , over time it could be this tradition will become extinct , because
at this point was only a part of the Java community who know , and even then
only the elderly , how the younger generation rate Java ? The ancestors should
feel sad , because very few young children really understand the local wisdom
contained in this tradition.

3.1 Conclusion

Padusan is a ritual of Java culture with the purpose of purifying

themselves welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. And this is one of the
traditions of some communities in Central Java , because there are some areas in
Central Java were not aware of this tradition

the Java community is usually done through a purification ritual called padusan .
The procession began with a heads flushed with a dipper of water flowers . After
that , a clay container which also contains water and flowers in front of the pond
slam padusan place , as a closing ritual . Padusan symbolic meaning , as the
physical preparation and inner hearts to be clear , clean and pure , so that when
fasting is not tempted of evil lust and abject . Padusan also very unique because
the election is not just any place . For example , natural water sources were
considered sacred , like Bannerman Cokrotulung in Klaten , Pengging in Boyolali
Bannerman , Bannerman Kayangan in Winton , Bannerman Berjo in Karanganyar
, and others.

Each tradition has a meaning and a value stored in it , likewise the

tradition in other Javanese society , in this tradition has meaning and value , as the
event welcomes the month of Ramadan to rid itself of impurities.Then the
implementation of a large shower(Junub). Not only that , they also expect to be
cleansed heart from the nature of envy, jealousy , and liver diseases . Because they
want running the fast with a clean soul and body condition , physically and
spiritually .

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Author. Tahun. Judul artikel. URL. Tanggal akses.

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