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Solid State Communications 219 (2015) 25–27

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Strain effect on the Néel temperature of SrTcO3

from first-principles calculations
Chun-Lan Ma a,b,1, Cheng-Min Dai a,b, Gao-Yuan Chen a, Da Chen a, Tao-Cheng Zang a,
Li-Juan Ge a, Wei Zhou c, Yan Zhu c
School of Mathematics and Physics, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, PR China
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, PR China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Generalized gradient approximation with on-site Coulomb corrections (GGAþU) method is used to
Received 7 March 2015 investigate the effect of biaxial strain on the Néel temperature of SrTcO3. A series of hypothetical strains
Received in revised form on SrTcO3 are considered to simulate its being applied in SrTcO3-based devices. It is found that a tensile
8 June 2015
strain will decrease TN, while a compressive strain less than 6.6% will increase TN. At a compressive strain
Accepted 16 June 2015
between 5.5% and 6.7%, a highest TN which is about 26.6% higher than that of the bulk material can be
Communicated by J. Fontcuberta
Available online 25 June 2015 obtained. The higher TN can be experimentally achieved by growing SrTcO3 on the common substrate
STO/LSAT/NGO/LAO. Our work provides a theoretical basis for the application of high-TN SrTcO3 in small
Keywords: devices.
A. Transition metal oxides
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Perovskite
D. Néel temperature
E. Strain effect

1. Introduction ensuring strained SrTcO3 in a device being usable in comparatively

high temperature, we consider the tetragonal instead of orthor-
The investigation of 4d transition metal oxides (TMO) lags far hombic phases [3].
behind 3d TMO, since 4d orbitals are much more extended, which
makes them less special. Following the discovery of unconven-
tional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 [1], SrTcO3 comes into peo- 2. Crystal structure and computational details
ple's sight with an unexpectedly high Néel temperature ðT N Þ of
1023 K [2], which is by far the highest magnetic ordering tem- Fig. 1(a) gives the schematic tetragonal crystal structure
perature among all the existent 4d TMOs. The bulk properties of containing 20 atoms, with four Tc atoms, in-plane O1 atom
SrTcO3 have been intensively studied [2–9]. However, SrTcO3 will and out-of-plane O2 atom being indicated. The spin combina-
inevitably experience strain when it is integrated in a device due tions of Tc1, Tc2, Tc3 and Tc4 are þ þ þ þ, þ þ   , þ  þ 
to the mismatch between SrTcO3 and other materials. Can strained and þ   þ for FM, A-AFM, C-AFM, and G-AFM configura-
SrTcO3 retain high TN property as bulk material? Up to now, no tions, respectively. Relative to the experimental lattice constant
experimental or theoretical work is performed to investigate this a¼ b¼5.59374 Å [3], a series of biaxial strains (from 8.0% to 5.0%)
issue. We examine the strain effect on TN of SrTcO3 from first- are employed. For each in-plane lattice constant a (a ¼b), various
principles method in this paper. SrTcO3 will experience four out-of-plane lattice constant c values are scanned for the total
structural phase transitions from Pnma, Imma, I4=mcm, to Pm3m energies calculations to determine the ground state. The computa-
with temperature increasing [3]. The ground state Pnma phase tions are carried out by the projector augmented wave (PAW)
cannot exist when the temperature is higher than 390 K and the method [10,11], as implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation
orthorhombic Imma will be replaced by tetragonal I4=mcm when package (VASP) [12]. The exchange correlation potential of Per-
the temperature is higher than 625 K. With the motivation of dew–Burke–Ernzerhof form [13] is used. The rotationally invariant
on-site Coulomb correlation corrections LSDA þU method accord-
ing to Liechtenstein [14] is employed in GGA þU calculations
E-mail addresses: machunlan@126.com (C.-L. Ma),
(U¼2.3 eV, J¼ 0.3 eV) [5,9]. A k mesh of 8  8 6 is used and
zhuyankmust@foxmail.com (Y. Zhu). the plane-wave cutoff energy is 500 eV. The magnetic exch-
Tel.: þ86 512 68418463. ange constants are calculated according to Heisenberg model

0038-1098/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
26 C.-L. Ma et al. / Solid State Communications 219 (2015) 25–27

Fig. 1. (Color online) (a) Magnetic cell of SrTcO3 with four formula units (f.u.). The space group is I4/mcm. The abc coordinate denotes the conventional coordinate system,
based on which the xyz coordinate is obtained by rotating 451 around the z-axis. The x/y direction is along Tc–O–Tc direction. O1 denotes the ab-plane oxygen and O2
denotes the apical oxygen along the c-axis. (b) The total energies as a function of the in-plane lattice constant a for various magnetic phases (shown by the y-axis on the left),
and the calculated structural parameter c as a function of the in-plane lattice constant a (shown by the y-axis on the right).

20 Jab 1600 TN
10 Jc
Jab and Jc (meV)


-50 800
-70 600
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9
o o
Lattice Constant a (A) Lattice Constant a (A)
Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) The exchange coupling constant Jab/Jc between the neighboring antiferromagnetic Tc atoms as a function of in-plane lattice constant a. (b) The Néel
temperature TN as a function of a.

P , , , , lowest total energies. The lattice parameters a and c for bulk

H ¼  i;j J i;j Si  Sj as follows. The sign of spin–spin interaction Si  Sj SrTcO3 are found to be 5.683 Å and 8.041 Å, respectively. The
is dependent on the magnetic configurations. The coupling con- calculated equilibrium lattice constant a(c) is about 1.6% (1.5%)
stant J i;j between nearest neighboring (NN) Tc atoms mediated by larger than the experimental one, which is consistent with
O atom is defined as Jc or Jab (Jc is the exchange integral along the common trend that GGA þU method usually overestimates the
c-axis and Jab is along the x-axis or the y-axis, i.e., in the ab-plane) lattice constant within 2% [16–19].
[8,9]. Assume that the total energies of FM, A-AFM and G-AFM The exchange constant is calculated based on the calculated
SrTcO3 with a unit cell containing 20 atoms shown Fig. 1(a) are total energies for different magnetic configurations (FM, A-AFM
EFM ; EAAFM and EG  GFM , respectively. We would have EFM ¼ and G-AFM). Fig. 2(a) shows the evolution of J ab ðJ c Þ with the
4  2J ab S2 þJ c S2 ; EAAFM ¼  4  2J ab S2  J c S2 , and EGAFM ¼ lattice constant a. For the bulk tetragonal SrTcO3, at the equili-
  brium lattice parameter a indicated by vertical pink line, Jab and Jc
4  2J ab S2 þ J c S2 , where S ¼ 3=2 due to d3 for Tc4 þ . The exchange are found to be  25.1 meV and 36.5 meV, respectively, which
integral can thus be obtained by J c ¼  ð1=8S2 ÞðEFM  EAAFM Þ and are very close to the values for orthorhombic SrTcO3 [8,9]. When
the lattice parameter a of the unit cell is larger than 5.3 Å
J ab ¼ ð1=16S2 ÞðEAAFM  EGAFM Þ. According to the mean field
P (corresponding to a compressive strain of 6.7%), the absolute value
theory, 3kB T N ¼ SðS þ 1Þ J s [15], where kB is the Boltzmann
of Jab decreases with the increase of lattice constant a monoto-
constant and Js is the exchange constant of one Tc with its NN
nously. The absolute value of Jc increases with lattice constant a
neighbors. For G-AFM SrTcO3, each Tc has ð2J ab þ J c Þ. Therefore,
monotonously when a 4 5.37 Å (corresponding to a compressive
T N ¼  5  ð2J ab þ J c Þ=4kB .
strain of 5.5%). Above the equilibrium lattice parameter a, the
epitaxial films experience tensile strains. The absolute value of Jab
(J c Þ decreases (increases) with a more tensile strain. The phenom-
3. Results and discussion ena can be explained as follows. When the strain becomes more
tensile, the distance between the neighboring Tc atoms in the ab-
Fig. 1(b) shows the total energies of the unit cell (shown Fig. 1 plane largens while the distance between the neighboring Tc
(a)) with various magnetic phases and the out-of-plane lattice atoms along the c direction shortens (see Fig. 1(b)). In terms of
constant c as a function of in-plane lattice constant a. It is observed compressive strain relative to the theoretical equilibrium lattice
that for all of the strained epitaxial films, G-AFM phase has the parameter, when the strain is less than 6.7%, the absolute value of
C.-L. Ma et al. / Solid State Communications 219 (2015) 25–27 27

J ab ðJ c Þ increases (decreases) with a more compressive strain. SrTcO3. Our work provides a theoretical basis for the application of
When the compressive strain is larger than 6.7%, an abrupt change high-T N SrTcO3 in small devices.
of the trend is observed. Fig. 2(b) shows the evolution of Néel
temperature as a function of the in-plane lattice constant a. The
calculated TN for the bulk SrTcO3 at the equilibrium lattice constant Acknowledgments
ða ¼ 5:683 Å Þ is 1257 K (indicated by a pink star), which is 23%
larger than the experimental value of 1023 K. The overestimation This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation
of T N is due to the neglect of fluctuations in mean field theory [20]. of China (Grant nos. 11247023, 11304218 and 61405135), the NSF
The error falls in the scope of 33% from quantum fluctuations of Yunnan Province with Grant no. 2011FZ051, the Opening Project
[21,22]. For all the tensile strain epitaxial films ða 4 5:683 Å Þ, TN Fund of Fudan University (No. KF2012_03), Jiangsu Qing Lan
decreases compared to the bulk material. A compressive strain Project, and Jiangsu Overseas Research and Training Program.
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