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Kevin Rivas

Professor Batty

English 101

1 March 2018

Out of Place: Life of an Immigrant

To this day immigrants deal with many issue but the main one has to be discrimination.

Being from another race/culture comes with consequences; Having people staring at you, not

feeling like you belong and receiving unequal treatment are some of the issues they have to live

with. In the mural “We Are Not a Minority” by Mario Torero the image includes shades of light

and dark blue in the background, a text with different fonts and Che Guevara pointing at the

audience. Although many may argue it’s just another mural, it is more than just a painting on a

wall it speaks to the people who are dealing with discrimination throughout the community and

proves that it is a huge issue.

Having import people that the community looks up to in your strike can make your

problem stronger. In the website History.com states the importance of Che Guevara and his

background. Having Che Guevara a military leader who abandon the medical career because he

believed that revolution was the only way to get justice, he was part of the Chicano movement

(“Che Guevara”.). He is used as part of the mural to show justice of all races because we should

all be equal. Everyone throughout the world is being judged and aren’t receiving the same

treatments as Americans. This mural demonstrates that it is a huge issue and must be resolved in

order to have equality and stop all the judging that goes on which can bring peace.
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Our society has been separated by Americans and Immigrants which causes many

problems. In the article 20 of L.A’s Most Iconic Murals expresses how we should all be the same

and not be put into different groups only because you’re not American. Having such a big issue

that impacts so many people is great to be express in a mural especially when the problem keeps

on going without having a stop. Mario Torero used the text “We Are Not a Minority” displayed

on the mural with a different font for each line because it can grab the audience attention because

it uses the word “we” instead of “you” to connect with everyone in the community because they

aren’t alone (Coleman, Jonny). Having this mural to express the problem in the community is

important because knowing you’re being recognize as an immigrant can be bad but also good

because you shouldn’t look at them different just look at them the same as any other human


Getting the minorities voice heard on the mural is the main point because most people

won’t speak up especially when the whole city/community is going through that issue. The

message is being displayed for everyone not just the minorities but also to the people judging and

discriminating having it displayed in a community makes it be notice that it is a big deal. We

should be united not separating one another “we” all should have the same type of freedom.

Ever image has a hidden message behind it so we have to look at it carefully. In the

power point Picture This How Picture Work describes how the colors all types of feeling’s

because the colors vary from light to dark. The shades of dark and light blue represents freedom.

Having that light shade of blue grabs, the audience attention. The lighter the background the

safer it can appear to the eye (Bang 24). It can show the signs of freedom because people are

being placed in groups like minorities and getting racial discrimination trying to prevent them
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from continuing can be a huge relief. Having peace in our world would make our country safer

and more peaceful. Getting rid of racial comments would make the people feel more equal and

would unite us more.

No one knows more about an issue if they lived throughout the problem. In the article

Biography.com insures that having an instigator telling the story can prove your argument more

right. Che Guevara brings the mural to life because he lived and explored the problems of being

a minority seeing other countries going through those problems, he fought for justice (“Che

Guevara). We must end this and be more united and stop fighting between one another because

we all make up this country. We don’t know what problems each and every immigrant has dealt

with so don’t try to make any situation worse especially when you don’t know that person.

We live in a world with many problems that can be prevented. Having murals to express

those problems are a positive thing to get the message across to everyone. Hoping it can bring an

end to those issues. Being discriminated is the main topic going on in the mural “We Are Not a

Minority” because it wants to ensure that it needs to end. This mural has more than just an

image it provides a message that many can express and see a connection with their personal life.

The colors of blue are used to pop and make the mural more vivid and appealing to the audience.

Life can be an illusion but we must step up to them to make a change and stop the problem from

continuing. Imagine if this is just on this mural and how much background it has when there are

a lot more in the area of Los Angeles which also have a meaning behind them.
Works Cited

“Che Guevara.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 28 April 2017


“Che Guevara.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 2009


“20 Of L.A.'s Most Iconic Murals.” 20 Of L. A’s Most Iconic Murals,

Coleman, Jonny


“Picture This How Picture Work” Handout , Molly Bang

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