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Human Reproduction Vol.22, No.4 pp. 905–911, 2007 doi:10.

Advance Access publication December 18, 2006

Human embryo: a biological definition
J.K.Findlay1,2, M.L.Gear1, P.J.Illingworth3, S.M.Junk1,4, G.Kay5, A.H.Mackerras1, A.Pope6,
H.S.Rothenfluh1,8 and L.Wilton7
National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra, 2Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research, Clayton, Victoria, 3IVF
Australia Western Sydney, Westmead, New South Wales, 4Fertility Specialists of Western Australia, Bethesda Hospital, Claremont,
Western Australia, 5Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane, Queensland, 6Monash IVF, Clayton, Victoria and 7Genetic and
Molecular Research, Melbourne IVF, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
To whom correspondence should be addressed at: National Health and Medical Research Council, GPO Box 1421, Canberra, ACT 2601,
Australia. E-mail: harry.rothenfluh@nhmrc.gov.au

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This paper defines a human embryo from a biological standpoint that takes into account emerging technologies in
reproductive science. The paper does not consider legal, moral, religious or social views. As the definition of a
human embryo must reflect the multifactorial processes of development, an approach has been adopted which com-
bines recognition of observed events with potential for further development. This acknowledges that fertilization and
development are not static processes, and as such embryo status can only be defined by observation of specific
markers. The following biological definition of ‘human embryo’ is proposed.

A human embryo is a discrete entity that has arisen from either:

(i) the first mitotic division when fertilization of a human oocyte by a human sperm is complete or
(ii) any other process that initiates organized development of a biological entity with a human nuclear genome or
altered human nuclear genome that has the potential to develop up to, or beyond, the stage at which the primitive
streak appears,

and has not yet reached 8 weeks of development since the first mitotic division.

Key words: definition/human embryo/primitive streak/syngamy

Introduction fall within current definitions of an embryo. Definitions based

Definitions of a human embryo normally include those entities on a potential for further development might capture entities
created by the fertilization of a human oocyte by a human that might not be covered by definitions that specify a critical
sperm. However, there have been a number of recent technologi- early developmental time point (e.g. completion of fertilization).
cal developments that have made it possible to create entities For example, since some of the technologies do not involve ferti-
called embryos by other means, such as somatic cell nuclear lization, it has been proposed that the entities produced may not be
transfer (SCNT) and induced parthenogenesis. Due to these considered to be embryos under some legal definitions (Morgan
examples and developing technologies, it was considered appro- and Ford, 2004). This has been argued even though in some
priate to revisit the biological definition of a ‘human embryo’. cases there is the possibility that if placed into the correct
The last decade has seen the development of reproductive tech- uterine environment, a viable individual could theoretically be
nologies that have resulted in considerable debate as to whether produced. To date, there is no credible evidence of any cloned
the entities that can, or could theoretically be generated would human beings having been born. However, the fact that in several

# The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. 905
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J.K.Findlay et al.
Table I. The developmental potential and genetic contribution of entities produced either by natural processes of fertilization or as a result of emerging technologies in reproductive science

Reproductive technique Male Female Functional element Genetic contribution

gamete gamete
Fertilization Syngamy Cleavage Morula Blastocyst Potential Gastrulation Potential to Potential Nucleus Mitochondria
to implant develop into for live
a foetus birth

Processes that occur naturally in humans

Fertilization—naturally occurring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Both gamete Oocyte donor
Chimaera—embryo fusion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Both gamete Oocyte donor
Embryo splitting—monozygotic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Both gamete Oocyte donor
twins donors
Experimental techniques that have been successfully conducted using human material (italics indicate theoretical assessments as the entity has not been demonstrated experimentally to proceed to the
developmental stage indicated)
(1) Cloning by embryo splittingc,d Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Both gamete Oocyte donor
(2) Somatic cell nuclear transfer No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Somatic cell Oocyte donor
(SCNT)—human somatic cell (enucleated donor
and human oocyte oocyte)
(3) Heterologous nuclear transfer— No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes hESC Oocyte donor
human embryonic stem (hES) (enucleated
cell nucleus and human oocyte oocyte)
(4) Pronuclear transplantation— Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Donors of gametes Oocyte donor
transfer of pronuclei from used for
fertilized human oocyte to fertilization
enucleated donor human oocyte
(5) Parthenogenesis—human oocyte No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Oocyte donor Oocyte donor
(6) Chimaera—generated by No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multiple origin Multiple origin
aggregation of individual viable depending on depending on
blastomeres obtained from origin of origin of
non-viable embryosh blastomeres blastomeres
Experimental technique that has been successfully conducted using human and animal material
(7) SCNT—human somatic cell No No No No Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? Human somatic Animal oocyte
and enucleated animal oocytei,j cell donor donor
Experimental techniques that have been successfully conducted in animal models involving no human material
(8) Fertilization—mouse sperm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Derived from mES Mouse oocyte
generated in vitro from cells used to donor
differentiating mouse embryonic generate sperm
stem (mES) cellsk
(9) Gynogenesis—as for pronuclear No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Oocyte donor Oocyte donor
transplantation but using two
maternal pronucleil,m
(10) Androgenesis—as for pronuclear Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? No Sperm donor Oocyte donor
transplantation but using two (enucleated
paternal pronucleim,n oocyte)
(11) SCNT—mouse somatic cell No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Mouse somatic Mouse oocyte
genetically altered to remove cell donor donor
implantation potential and
enucleated mouse oocyteo

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(12) Chimaera—injection of mouse Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Host embryo or mES cells and host
blastocyst with mES cells mES cells (but blastocyst cells (but
not in same cell) not in same cell)
Proposed and theoretically possible experimental techniques (italics indicate theoretical assessments as the technique has not been published as successfully conducted)
(13) Fertilization—human gametes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Derived from hES Derived from hES
generated in vitro from cells used to cell used to
differentiating hES cells generate sperm generate oocyte
(14) Fertilization—human gametes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Male and female Female human
produced in vitro s human tissue tissue donor
(15) Fertilization—human oocytes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Male and Female human
produced by animals containing female human tissue donor
human ovarian tissue grafts tissue donors
fertilized with human spermt
(16) SCNT—human somatic cell No No No No Yes Yes Depends upon No No No No Human somatic Human oocyte
genetically altered to remove genetic cell donor donor
implantation potential and alteration
enucleated human oocyte (or
oocyte generated in vitro from
differentiating hES cells)
(17) SCNT—human somatic cell No No No No Yes Yes Depends upon No No No No Human somatic Animal oocyte
genetically altered to remove genetic cell donor donor
implantation potential and alteration
enucleated animal oocyte
(18) Chimaera—injection of hES cells Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? Host embryo or hES cells and host
into animal blastocyst hES cells (but blastocyst cells
not in same cell) (but not in same
(19) Chimaera—injection of animal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? Host embryo or Animal ES cells
ES cells into human blastocyst animal ES cells and host
(but not in same blastocyst cells
cell) (but not in
same cell)
Strain et al. (1998)
Yu et al. (2002)
Footnote 25 in Daar and Sheremeta (2002)
Chan et al. (2000)
Cibelli et al. (2001)
Stojkovic et al. (2005)
Zhang et al. (2003)

Human embryo: a biological definition

Alikani and Willadsen (2002)
Chen et al. (2003)
Chang et al. (2004)
Nayernia et al. (2006)
Kono et al. (2004)
Surani (1986)
Barton et al. (1984)
Meissner and Jaenisch (2005)
Hubner et al. (2003)
Toyooka et al. (2003)
Geijsen et al. (2004)
Bukovsky et al. (2005)
Gook et al. (2003).

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J.K.Findlay et al.

mammalian species, such as mice, sheep and cows, SCNT has from ovarian surface epithelial cells (Bukovsky et al., 2005).
resulted in live births that developed into healthy adult animals It is yet to be demonstrated whether human oocytes produced
would suggest that this could be achieved in humans. using these strategies (reproductive techniques 13 and 14) are
When considering what defines an embryo in the light of able to be fertilized and develop to form viable pregnancies.
recent technological advances, it is important that the definition The use of such gametes in fertilization may result in the devel-
does not become so wide as to encompass human cells or cel- opment of blastocysts that theoretically have the potential for
lular structures that traditionally have not been previously con- implantation and forming a viable pregnancy.
sidered to be embryos. For example, it has been argued (Bailey, Another option is the generation of animals that produce
2001) that a human somatic cell, the nucleus of which theoreti- human gametes. To date, it has been demonstrated that mice
cally could become incorporated into a live entity after much containing a human ovarian xenotransplant can produce
manipulation, as demonstrated by the success of SCNT, human oocytes (reproductive technique 15; Gook et al., 2003).
could be considered a potential embryo. Further, hydatidiform Human gametes could in theory also be made by chimeric
moles, which may have derived from an embryo, have tradi- animals produced by injecting human embryonic stem cells
tionally not been considered to be embryos. into animal blastocysts (reproductive technique 18). The use
Table I summarizes the developmental potential and genetic of gametes produced by grafted or chimaeric animals in fertili-
constitution of entities produced as a result of emerging tech- zation theoretically could result in entities that are capable of
nologies in reproductive science as well as horizon technol- implantation and forming a viable pregnancy.
ogies that are based on indications from the literature. For There have been proposals to genetically alter the nucleus of

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comparison, embryos arising from the naturally occurring the somatic cell before transfer into an enucleated donor oocyte
reproductive process are also included. From the information in a manner that would remove the implantation potential of any
presented it can be inferred that the emerging technologies resulting human embryo clones (reproductive techniques 16
could produce entities that: and 17). This technique has recently been demonstrated in the
mouse model (Meissner and Jaenisch, 2005). Briefly, the
(i) have no potential to implant or result in a live birth donor cells were genetically altered to disrupt the expression
and/or of a gene that is essential for the formation of a functional tro-
(ii) do not have a contribution of genetic information from phoblast. The resultant entities formed inner cell masses, from
a sperm and an oocyte and/or which embryonic stem cells could be derived, but were unable
(iii) may contain DNA from two different species. to implant into the uterus. It has been argued that this technique,
otherwise known as altered nuclear transfer, circumvents the
It is instructive to examine these key differences between enti- ethical objections to using SCNT for the generation of human
ties produced by the naturally occurring reproductive processes embryonic stem cells (Melton et al., 2004; Hurlbut, 2005a, b;
and the emerging technologies in order to determine whether Pacholczyk and Hurlbut, 2005). To date, there are no reports
the latter could be defined as a human embryo. that this technique has been successfully conducted in humans.
Gynogenetic and androgenetic preimplantation embryos
have only a paternal or a maternal genetic contribution,
respectively (reproductive techniques 9 and 10). Such unipar-
Should the potential to produce a live birth form part of the ental preimplantation embryos can be created by pronuclear
biological definition of a human embryo? transplantation. Androgenetic preimplantation embryos can
Animal models have demonstrated that SCNT blastocysts have also occur without experimental manipulation and result in
the potential to implant and develop to a live birth (Wilmut what is known as a partial or complete hydatidiform mole
et al., 1997). It is therefore reasonable to assume that human depending upon morphology and genetic origin. Pathologically
SCNT blastocysts also have the potential to develop into a indistinguishable hydatidiform moles can also be biparental.
viable individual if placed within the correct environment. A mutation in a gene, belonging to a protein family involved
It has been demonstrated that transferring viable blastomeres in inflammatory responses and programmed cell death, which
from developmentally slow preimplantation embryos into an causes recurrent hydatidiform moles in humans has been ident-
empty zona pellucida produces an aggregate preimplantation ified (Murdoch et al., 2006). Although androgenetic and gyno-
structure that can develop to the blastocyst stage, from which genetic preimplantation embryos may be able to develop to the
human embryonic stem cells can be derived (Alikani and blastocyst stage and implant, they are not able to establish
Willadsen, 2002). Although it remains to be tested whether viable pregnancies.
such aggregate blastocysts (reproductive technique 6) can Parthenogenic preimplantation embryos (reproductive tech-
implant and form a viable pregnancy, it is theoretically feasible. nique 5) are also uniparental as they have only a maternal
In the mouse model, significant progress has been made in genetic contribution. Although they can implant, they have
the generation of gametes from embryonic stem cells limited subsequent developmental potential. In mice, partheno-
(Hubner et al., 2003; Toyooka et al., 2003; Geijsen et al., genic embryos with potential to develop into a viable individual
2004; Lacham-Kaplan et al., 2005). The generation of fully can be produced, but only after a substantial amount of genetic
functional male gametes from embryonic stem cells ex vivo manipulation (Kono et al., 2004). In mice (Mann et al., 1990;
has recently been demonstrated (Nayernia et al., 2006). Allen et al., 1994) and macaques (Vrana et al., 2003), it has
Another approach has been to derive human oocytes in vitro been demonstrated that parthenogenic preimplantation embryos
Human embryo: a biological definition

can develop to the blastocyst stage and are amenable to the gen- embryonic stem cell lines into mouse blastocysts is used to
eration of embryonic stem cells. In humans, however, parthe- generate transgenic and knockout mice (reproductive tech-
notes are unlikely to develop beyond the first few divisions, as nique 12). Since the embryonic stem cell lines were derived
the centrioles contributed by the human sperm are required for from a different individual to the host blastocyst, a chimaera
the formation of a functional centrosome (Pickering et al., 1988). is produced. It is not clear whether this technique could be
Most of the emerging technologies summarized in Table I applied to the generation of interspecific chimaeras. Transplan-
produce entities that have the potential to implant and form a tation of whole rat inner cell masses or individual rat inner cell
viable pregnancy. Indeed, it is likely but not proven that mass cells into mouse blastocysts did not produce any viable
should they be allowed to develop to term, live births would live births (Gardner and Johnson, 1975). Therefore, the devel-
result. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that if these tech- opmental potential of chimaeras created by injecting human
niques are conducted using human material, they could embryonic stem cells into a blastocyst from a different
produce a live human being. species (reproductive technique 18) or by injecting non-human
Some of the emerging technologies discussed above produce embryonic stem cells into a human blastocyst (reproductive
entities with no potential to form a viable pregnancy. From a technique 19; DeWitt, 2002) is unknown.
purely biological perspective, conducting these techniques Some of the techniques included in Table I have the potential
using only human material would produce a human blastocyst to produce an entity with DNA from more than one species.
but not a viable pregnancy or live birth. If the potential to Any technique that could result in a live birth would likely
produce a live birth is to be a key element of a definition of involve the formation of an embryo at some point in the

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human embryo, then gynogenesis and androgenesis (reproduc- early development process. Therefore, the biological definition
tive techniques 9 and 10) would not be considered to be tech- of a human embryo should not specifically exclude an entity
niques that can produce a human being, even if only human created with DNA from two species.
material is used.
The above discussion suggests that the potential to form a Should the biological definition of human embryo
new living being may indeed be a useful component of a defi- include a developmental time point?
nition of ‘human embryo’, as it allows a distinction between It has been previously argued that the potential for continued
emerging technologies that may lead to live births from those development should be a key consideration for any definition
that do not. of ‘embryo’ (Latham and Sapienza, 2004). The discussion pre-
sented in this paper fully supports this view. However, it is ques-
Should fertilization and/or syngamy form part of the tionable whether it is possible to define ‘human embryo’ without
biological definition of human embryo? making some reference to a developmental point in time.
A number of the emerging technologies summarized in Table I do Another approach to the development of a biological defi-
not involve the contribution of chromosomal DNA by both a nition of ‘human embryo’ may be one that does include a refer-
sperm and an oocyte or the completion of syngamy (reproductive ence to a specific developmental time point, but in the context
techniques 2, 5–7, 9–11 and 16–17). However, some of these of the potential for continued development. The term ‘human
techniques, if conducted using human materials, might have the embryo’ is not applicable before the completion of fertilization
potential to produce a live human birth. Given this, it would be of a human oocyte by a human sperm (i.e. syngamy), because
expected that a human embryo would be created during the this is when the new genome of the new individual is created.
developmental processes initiated using these techniques. The Prior to syngamy the maternally and paternally inherited
inclusion of fertilization and syngamy as necessary elements in genomes exist as two separate genomes.
a definition of ‘human embryo’, would eliminate emerging tech- A definition of ‘human embryo’ based on syngamy excludes
nologies that have the potential (even if theoretical at present) to reproductive technologies that do not involve the fertilization
produce a new human being. Therefore, an absolute requirement of a human oocyte by a human sperm. Although some of
for fertilization and/or syngamy may not be appropriate for the these technologies might result in live births if applied to the
biological definition of a human embryo. human, it is clear from animal studies that others would not.
From a biological perspective, setting the definitive time
Should the biological definition of human embryo exclude point at syngamy would include entities that have no potential
techniques combining DNA from more than one species? to form a live human individual. It may be more appropriate to
Some emerging technologies could theoretically result in an assess the potential of such entities to develop to, or beyond the
entity with a nuclear genome that is human while the mitochon- appearance of, the primitive streak.
drial genome could be derived from another species (reproduc- The above discussion suggests that a definition of ‘human
tive technique 7). It is not known whether mitochondrial embryo’ may need to be separated into two components: one
heteroplasmy would cause developmental problems (Brenner for early developmental processes resulting from the fertiliza-
et al., 2004). This is an unresolved aspect of SCNT, as it is tion of a human oocyte by a human sperm and the second for
possible that cloned embryos will contain mitochondria from those resulting by other means.
different sources, i.e. associated with the transplanted donor A final consideration is whether the definition should refer to
nucleus and also from the recipient host-enucleated oocyte. syngamy, which cannot be visually confirmed until the
Another possibility is an entity that contains cells from initiation of the first mitotic division. Given that the aim of
different species. Injection of genetically altered mouse this paper is to develop a biological definition of ‘human
J.K.Findlay et al.

Table II. Emerging technologies and their status under the biological definition of human embryo

Reproductive technique Covered by definition?

Processes that occur naturally in humans

Fertilization—naturally occurring Yes
Chimaera—embryo fusion Yes
Embryo splitting—monozygotic twins Yes
Emerging technologies
(1) Cloning by embryo splitting Yes
(2) SCNT—human somatic cell and human oocyte Yes
(3) Heterologous nuclear transfer—hES cell nucleus and human oocyte Yes
(4) Pronuclear transplantation—transfer of pronuclei from fertilized human oocyte to enucleated donor human oocyte Yes
(5) Parthenogenesis—human oocyte activation Insufficient information available
(6) Chimaera—generated by aggregation of individual viable blastomeres obtained from non-viable embryos Yes
(7) SCNT—human somatic cell and enucleated animal oocyte Yes
(8) Fertilization—mouse sperm generated in vitro from differentiating mES cells Yes
(9) Gynogenesis — as for pronuclear transplantation but using two maternal pronuclei Insufficient information available
(10) Androgenesis — as for pronuclear transplantation but using two paternal pronuclei Insufficient information available
(11) SCNT—mouse somatic cell genetically altered to remove implantation potential and enucleated mouse oocyte No (no human material involved)
(12) Chimaera—injection of mouse blastocyst with mES cells No (no human material involved)
(13) Fertilization—human gametes generated in vitro from differentiating hES cells Yes

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(14) Fertilization—human gametes produced in vitro Yes
(15) Fertilization—human oocytes produced by animals containing human ovarian tissue grafts fertilized with human sperm Yes
(16) SCNT—human somatic cell genetically altered to remove implantation potential and enucleated human oocyte No
(or oocyte generated in vitro from differentiating hES cells)
(17) SCNT—human somatic cell genetically altered to remove implantation potential and enucleated animal oocyte No
(18) Chimaera—injection of hES cells into animal blastocyst Insufficient information available
(19) Chimaera—injection of animal ES cells into human blastocyst Insufficient information available

embryo’ it may be preferable to include a measurable event, Having arrived at the biological definition of a human
such as the first mitotic division. embryo, it is instructive to apply it to the emerging technol-
ogies previously discussed (Table II).

The biological definition of human embryo Conclusion

After consideration of the issues raised in the preceding discus- Naturally occurring early human developmental processes as
sion, the following biological definition of ‘human embryo’ is well as emerging technologies in reproductive sciences have
proposed. been considered in this discussion paper. The deliberations
focused on the biology of these processes and technologies.
A human embryo is a discrete entity that has arisen from either:
On the basis of these facts, a biological definition of ‘human
(i) the first mitotic division when fertilization of a human
embryo’ was arrived at. The definition specifies that the term
oocyte by a human sperm is complete or
‘human embryo’ cannot be applied prior to the completion of
(ii) any other process that initiates organized development
syngamy, or after 8 weeks of development. The biological defi-
of a biological entity with a human nuclear genome or
nition of ‘human embryo’ presented in this discussion paper
altered human nuclear genome that has the potential to
also acknowledges that emerging reproductive technologies
develop up to, or beyond, the stage at which the primi-
may one day provide alternatives to the presently available
tive streak appears,
reproductive techniques (e.g. in vitro fertilization, intra-
and has not yet reached 8 weeks of development since the first cytoplasmic sperm injection). From a purely biological per-
mitotic division. spective, it is clear that the application of such technologies
This definition attempts to combine the aspects of observed would produce new individuals that at some point in the devel-
stages of development, developmental potential and origin of opmental process would have been a human embryo.
the DNA contributing to the new individual. It is recognized The definition does not specify how much human genetic
that this definition creates the possibility of an anomaly content an entity must possess before it can be considered to
whereby an entity which arose from completion of fertilization be a human embryo. It is felt that this issue would be more effec-
of a human oocyte by a human sperm and, for whatever tively addressed in the future as at present there is limited bio-
reason, lacked the potential for future development would logical information. Until such time, the ‘humanness’ of a
be considered as an embryo, whereas an identical entity that genome should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
was artificially created would not have the status of an embryo. It was beyond the scope of this discussion paper to consider
However, completion of fertilization of a human oocyte by a legal, ethical and moral ramifications of these emerging tech-
human sperm is sufficient to define an entity as a human nologies. However, it is hoped that when relevant experts
embryo regardless of any potential, or lack thereof, for future undertake such considerations they may use this paper as a
development. source of information.
Human embryo: a biological definition

Acknowledgements Hurlbut WB (2005b) Altered nuclear transfer as a morally acceptable means for
the procurement of human embryonic stem cells. Natl Cathol Bioeth Q
This debate article is an adaptation of the National Health and Medical 5,145–151.
Research Council (NHMRC) discussion paper ‘Human embryo—a Kono T, Obata Y, Wu Q, Niwa K, Ono Y, Yamamoto Y, Park ES, Seo JS
biological definition’, which is available for download from http:// and Ogawa H (2004) Birth of parthenogenetic mice that can develop to
www.nhmrc.gov.au/embryos/information/reports/index.htm. We adulthood. Nature 428,860– 864.
are grateful to James Catt, David Edgar, Martin Johnson, Anne Lacham-Kaplan O, Chy H and Trounson A (2005) Differentiation of ES cells
McLaren, Martin Pera, Janet Rossant and Robert Seamark for their into ovarian like structures. Hum Reprod 20(Suppl 1),i5– i6.
insightful comments on the original discussion paper. We also Latham KE and Sapienza C (2004) Developmental potential as a criterion for
would like to thank Clive Morris and Greg Ash for their editorial com- understanding and defining embryos. Conn Law Rev 36,1171–1176.
ments. Peter Illingworth and Graeme Kay are former members of the Mann JR, Gadi I, Harbison ML, Abbondanzo SJ and Stewart CL (1990)
NHMRC Embryo Research Licensing Committee. The development Androgenetic mouse embryonic stem cells are pluripotent and cause
of this definition was supported by the NHMRC Embryo Research skeletal defects in chimeras: implications for genetic imprinting. Cell
Licensing Committee. 62,251–260.
Meissner A and Jaenisch R (2005) Generation of nuclear transfer-derived
pluripotent ES cells from cloned Cdx2-deficient blastocysts. Nature
439,212– 215.
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