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Outdoor Lighting designs were dull and uninteresting. tionally versatile. Choice of colors. grille styles, and a
Regardless of chojce, fixtures didn't seem to fit the variety of Concept brackets and standards let you
tota I a rch itectural prcture. Now, with Revere's virtually customize Iighting systems for individual
Concept approach, you can blend lighting systems with appllcations. Best of all, Concept area lights are
other elements to create a useful, pleasing lorm: an engineered to provide peak perlormance with conven-
archrtectural This new idea offers you outdoor tional mercury lamps, the newer metallic vapor lamps,
area lights in four desrgn-matched sizes, Jive new and the more recently announced Lucaloxt' lamps.
shapes, and seven wattages. Select the luminaire family lf dollars mean something, think of this: Three
thai best fits the environment: Concept-5, Concept,6, 1000-watt Concept luminaires provide more light on
Concept-7, Concept-8, or Concept Citation. Then parking areas than many 4000-watt fixtures. Yet I
choose appropriate luminaire sizes and wattages for Concept luminaires cost about 25 o/e less. Let your
different areas of the appllcation without changing Revere Representative prove it.
luminaire designs. Concept luminarres are excep- L!calox is a registe.ed trademark of the General Electrid Cohpany.
Concept Design Matched Luminaires and Poles
Concept-5 {i PVramidal, Acryllc Diffuser
Lum inaires
:i.r Family of Three Design.N4atched LLrnrinaires
:lj Polished Aluminum Grille or Color Coordinated Front
lll Eight Baked Enamel Finlshes
i: Sources: Mercury, lncandescent, or Newer l\4etallic Vapor Lamps
:i: Wattages: 175, 250,4AO, or 1000W (Mercury)
i:: Davit Pole, Straight Pole, or Wail N4ounting

Concept-6 ti Trapezoidal, Acrylic Diffuser

Luminaires i1; Family oi Three Design.llatched Luminaires
i:l Pol shed ALumlnLrm Grille or Color Coordinated Front
iil Eight Baked Enamel Finishes
t Sources: [4ercury, lncandescent, or Newer Metallic Vapor Lamps
i,: Wattages: 175,250,400, or 1000W (Mercury)
lil Davit Pole, Straight Pole, or Wall Mounting

Concept-7 tt Oval, Prisrnatic Glass DiJ{user

Luminaires iij Family of Two Design.lvlatched Luminaires
f.il Polished Aluminum Grille or Color Coordinated Front
:..) Eight, Baked Enamel Fjnishes
1r Sources: Mercury, lncandescent, or Newer Metallic Vapor Larnps
! Wattages: 250, 4OA,7OA, 1000W (Mercury)
iil Davit Pole, Straight Pole, or Wall N4ountlng

Concept-8 ri: Flat, Glass Diffuser for Conceal'Source Lighting

; famrly o' lwo Design l\4atched Luminaires
:li Eight Baked Enamel Finishes
:ij Polished Aluminum Grille or Color Coordinated Front
? Sourcesl l\,4ercury, lncandescent, or Newer Metallic Vaoor Lamps
it Wattagesr L75, 25O, 4OO, 700, or 1000W (N4ercury)
i Davit Pole, Straight Pole, or Wall Mounting

Concept l Pyrarnidal, Glass Diffuser

Citation i! One Compact Fixture-Less than 1l-inches long
a Eight Colors PIus Two New Textured Finishes
rJ Wattagesr 100W Mercury or up to 200W lncandescent
ll Mountings for 2'Jt. Davit Pole, Straight Pole, or Wall [4ounting

Features ij)

All Concept series luminaires adhere, of course, to Revere's traditional emphasis on

quality. Fixtures are internally wired and availabie wlth, or without, integral ballasts.
The tapered aluminum housings are constructed to keep internal surfaces clean
and dry. Finishes are weather and heat resistant. And you can color coordinate Concept

E!!F poles with lurninaire finishes by ordering matching paint in any of the eight Concept

Your Revere Representatlve has a fixture to show you. Examine it. Yor]'ll discover a new
look in liehtine that adapts to the total architectural environrnent.

@Revere Electri. Mf9. Co-, 196/

Concepf Design Matched Luminaires and Poles

I Revere's family ot Concept poles are spec fically

designed to dramatrze Concept luminaires. Canted
Davit poles are excellent for entrance-exrt appl cat ons
or for parking area perimeters. Reverse cant poles add
impact to crty streets and suburban shopprng centers.
Or rnount one to four luminaires on Concept

Square Tapered Straight poles. :: Concept
poles are oJfered in mounting heights
ranging from 10 to 3B feet. A handsome
2-toot canted davit pole rs offered 'for
the ioo-watt Concept Crtatron. Each f
pole is engineered to support Concept
lumrnarres in winds up to 100 mph.

Concept 5, 1000 watt um narres on 35'Concept Canted Davit Poles.


Concept Citations on
nratching Canted Davit Poles. Concept-5, 400.watt luminaires
on 30' Concept Poles. V

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