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The Fourth
Technological innovations are fuelling momentous change throughout
the world, generating great benefits and challenges, in equal measure.
by Klaus Schwab

revolutions have occurred when new tech- 80s) and the Internet (1990s).
nologies and novel ways of perceiving the world trigger a pro- Today, we are in the midst of a fourth industrial revolution
found change in economic systems and social structures. The that began at the turn of this century and builds on the digital
profound shift — the transition from foraging to farming — revolution. In this article I will describe the challenges and op-
happened 10,000 years ago, and was made possible by the do- portunities it presents for modern business leaders.
mestication of animals. The agrarian revolution combined the
of animals with those of humans for the purpose of pro- A Kind of Revolution
duction, transportation and communication. Little by little, food The fourth industrial revolution is not just about smart and con-
production improved, spurring population growth and enabling nected machines and systems: its scope is much wider. Occurring
larger human settlements and the rise of cities. simultaneously are waves of further breakthroughs in areas rang-
The agrarian revolution was followed by a series of indus- ing from gene sequencing to nanotechnology, from renewables
trial revolutions that began in the second half of the 18th century, to quantum computing. It is the fusion of these technologies —
with the spanning from about 1760 to 1840. Triggered by the and their interaction across the physical, digital and biological
construction of railroads and the invention of the steam engine, domains — that make this revolution fundamentally
it ushered in mechanical production. The second, which started from its predecessors.
in the late 19th century and into the early 20th century, made Emerging technologies and broad-based innovation are dif-
mass production possible, fostered by the advent of electricity fusing much faster and more widely than in previous revolutions
and the assembly line. The third industrial revolution began in — which continue to unfold in some parts of the world. The sec-
the 1960s. It is usually called the computer or digital revolution ond industrial revolution, for instance, has yet to be fully experi-
because it was catalyzed by the development of semiconductors, enced by 17 per cent of the world, as nearly 1.3 billion people still
mainframe computing (1960s), personal computing (1970s and lack access to electricity. This is also true for the third industrial

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The question for every company is no longer,
‘Am I going to be disrupted?’ but, ‘When is disruption
coming, and what form will it take?’

revolution, with more than half of the world’s population — four business in the fourth industrial revolution.
billion people, most of whom live in the developing world — lack- Aside from speed and breadth, this revolution is unique be-
ing internet access. cause of the growing harmonization and integration of so many
While I am convinced that the fourth industrial revolution different disciplines and discoveries. Today, for example, digital
will be every bit as powerful and historically important as the fabrication technologies can interact with the biological world.
previous three, I have two primary concerns about factors that Some designers and architects are already mixing computational
may limit its potential. First, the levels of leadership and under- design, additive manufacturing, materials engineering and syn-
standing of the changes underway — across sectors — are low, thetic biology to pioneer systems that involve the interaction
when contrasted with the need to rethink our economic, social among micro-organisms, our bodies, the products we consume,
and political systems to respond to the current revolution. As a and even the buildings we inhabit. In doing so, they are making
result, both at the national and global levels, the requisite insti- (and even ‘growing’) objects that are continuously mutable and
tutional framework to govern the diffusion of innovation and adaptable — hallmarks of the plant and animal kingdoms.
mitigate the disruption is inadequate at best — and at worst, al- Meanwhile, artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us, from
together absent. self-driving cars and drones to virtual assistants and translation
Second, the world lacks a consistent, positive and common software. AI has made impressive progress, driven by exponen-
narrative that outlines the opportunities and challenges of the tial increases in computing power and by the availability of vast
fourth industrial revolution — a narrative that is essential if we amounts of data — from software used to discover new drugs to
are to empower a diverse set of individuals and communities and algorithms that predict our cultural interests. Many of these algo-
avoid a backlash against the fundamental changes underway. rithms learn from the ‘bread crumb’ trails of data that we leave in
The speed of innovation in terms of both its development and the digital world. This results in new types of ‘machine learning’
diffusion is faster than ever. But it is not just about speed; returns and automated discovery that enables ‘intelligent’ robots and
to scale are equally staggering. Digitization means automation, computers to self-program and find optimal solutions from first
which in turn means that companies do not incur diminishing principles.
returns to scale (or less of them, at least). Applications such as Apple’s Siri provide a glimpse of the
To give a sense of what this means at the aggregate level, power of one subset of the rapidly-advancing AI field — so-called
compare Detroit in 1990 — then a major centre of traditional in- intelligent assistants. Voice recognition and artificial intelligence
dustries — with Silicon Valley in 2014: in 1990, the three biggest are progressing so quickly that talking to computers will soon be-
companies in Detroit had a combined market capitalization of come the norm, creating what some technologists call ‘ambient
$36 billion, revenues of $250 billion, and 1.2 million employees. computing’, in which robotic personal assistants are constantly
In 2014, the three biggest companies in Silicon Valley had a con- available to take notes and respond to our queries.
siderably higher market capitalization ($1.09 trillion), generated
roughly the same revenues ($247 billion), but with about 10 times Inequality: A Systemic Challenge
fewer employees (137,000). It is my belief that the fourth industrial revolution will generate
The fact that a unit of wealth is created today with so many great benefits and challenges, in equal measure. Of particular
fewer workers compared to 15 years ago is possible because digi- concern is exacerbated inequality. The challenges posed by ris-
tal businesses have marginal costs that tend towards zero. Addi- ing inequality are hard to quantify, as a great majority of us are
tionally, the reality of the digital age is that many new businesses consumers and producers, so innovation and disruption will both
provide ‘information goods’ with storage, transportation and positively and negatively affect our living standards and welfare.
replication costs that are virtually nil. Some disruptive technolo- To date, the consumer seems to be gaining the most, as the cur-
gy companies seem to require little capital to prosper. Businesses rent revolution has made possible new products and services that
such as Instagram or WhatsApp, for example, did not require increase (at virtually no cost) the efficiency of our personal lives.
much funding to start up, changing the role of capital and scaling Ordering a cab, finding a flight, or watching a film — all of these

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This document is authorized for use only in ExEd's ILGO - Costa Rica course at INCAE Business School, from October 2016 to April 2017.
To prevent the concentration of power in just
a few hands, we have to find ways to balance the
benefits and risks of digital platforms.

tasks can now be done remotely. megatrends that convey the broad landscape of technological
The challenges created by this revolution appear to be drivers to date, and they are deeply interrelated.
mostly on the supply side — in the world of work and produc-
tion. Over the past few years, an overwhelming majority of the 1 PHYSICAL MEGATRENDS
most developed countries and some fast-growing economies
such as China have experienced a significant decline in the share To date, there are four key physical manifestations of the techno-
of labour as a percentage of GDP. Half of this drop is due to the logical megatrends.
fall in the relative price of investment goods, itself driven by the
progress of innovation (which compels companies to substitute Autonomous vehicles. The driverless car dominates the news,
labour for capital.) but there are many other autonomous vehicles out there — in-
As a result, the great beneficiaries of this revolution are the cluding trucks, drones, aircrafts and boats. As technologies such
providers of intellectual or physical capital — the innovators, the as sensors and AI progress, the capabilities of these autonomous
investors and the shareholders — which explains the rising gap machines will improve at a rapid pace. It is only a question of a
in wealth between those who depend on their labour and those few years before low-cost, commercially-available drones, to-
who own capital. It also accounts for the disillusionment among gether with submersibles, are used in widespread applications,
so many workers — convinced that their real income may not in- including checking electric power lines or delivering medical
crease over their lifetime and that their children may not have a supplies in war zones. And in agriculture, the use of drones —
better life than theirs. combined with data analytics — will enable more precise and ef-
The concentration of benefits and value in just a small per- ficient use of fertilizer and water.
centage of people is also exacerbated by the so-called ‘platform
effect’, in which digitally-driven organizations create networks 3D printing. Also called ‘additive manufacturing’, 3D printing
that match buyers and sellers of a wide variety of products and consists of creating a physical object by printing layer-upon-layer
services and thereby enjoy increasing returns to scale. The con- from a digital 3D drawing or model. This is the opposite of ‘sub-
sequence of the platform effect is a concentration of few-but- tractive manufacturing’ — which is how things have been made
powerful platforms that dominate their markets. The benefits until now, with layers being removed from a piece of material un-
are obvious, particularly to consumers: higher value, more con- til the desired shape is obtained.
venience and lower costs. Yet so, too, are the societal risks. To This technology is being used in a broad range of applica-
prevent the concentration of value and power in just a few hands, tions, from large (wind turbines) to small (medical implants).
we have to find ways to balance the benefits and risks of digital For the moment, it is primarily limited to applications in the
platforms (including industry platforms) by ensuring openness automotive, aerospace and medical industries. Researchers
and opportunities for collaborative innovation. are already working on 4D — a process that would create a new
The question for all industries and companies is no longer generation of self-altering products capable of responding to
‘Am I going to be disrupted?’ but, ‘When is disruption coming, environmental changes such as heat and humidity. This technol-
and what form will it take?’ It is our responsibility to ensure that ogy could be used in clothing or footwear, as well as in health-
we establish a set of common values to drive policy choices and related products such as implants designed to adapt to the hu-
to enact the changes that will make the fourth industrial revolu- man body.
tion an opportunity for all.
Advanced robotics. Until recently, the use of robots was con-
Three Categories of Megatrends fined to tightly-controlled tasks in specific industries such as
My selection of the key technologies to watch is based on research automotive. Today, robots are increasingly used for a wide range
done by the World Economic Forum and the work of several of tasks, from precision agriculture to nursing. Rapid progress
of its Global Agenda Councils. We have identified three sets of in robotics will soon make collaboration between humans and

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machines an everyday reality. Moreover, because of other tech- 2 DIGITAL MEGATRENDS
nological advances, robots are becoming more adaptive and
flexible, with their structural and functional design inspired by One of the main bridges between the physical and digital applica-
complex biological structures (an extension of a process called tions enabled by the fourth industrial revolution is the Internet of
biomimicry, whereby nature’s patterns and strategies are imi- Things (IoT). In its simplest form, the IoT can be described as a
tated.) relationship between things (products, services, places, etc.) and
people that is made possible by connected technologies and vari-
New materials. There are now applications for ‘smart materials’ ous platforms.
that are self-healing or self-cleaning, metals with memory that Sensors and numerous other means of connecting things
revert to their original shapes, and ceramics and crystals that in the physical world to virtual networks are proliferating at an
turn pressure into energy. Take advanced nanomaterials such as astounding pace. Smaller, cheaper and smarter sensors are be-
graphene, which is about 200-times stronger than steel, a mil- ing installed in homes, clothes and accessories, cities, transport
lion-times thinner than a human hair, and an efficient conduc- and energy networks, as well as manufacturing processes. This
tor of heat and electricity. When graphene becomes price com- will radically alter the way in which we manage supply chains
petitive — currently it is one of the most expensive materials on by enabling us to monitor and optimize assets and activities at
earth, with a micrometer-sized flake costing more than $1,000 a very granular level. In the process, it will have transformative
— it could significantly disrupt the manufacturing and infrastruc- impact across industries, from manufacturing to infrastructure
ture industries. to healthcare.

The Disruptive Power of Platforms by Sangeet Paul Choudary, Geoffrey Parker and Marshall Van Alstyne

We used to live in a world where businesses operated ‘pipelines’, Group shifted their focus from advertising to online classifieds
creating products and services that flowed through a linear value to instead own the monetizable portions of the news business.
chain from supplier to consumer. But increasingly, market upstarts In a similar manner, Amazon’s rise as an e-commerce store
are leveraging connectivity, democratized tools of production triggered the fall of retailers like Borders while also putting many
and recent developments in artificial intelligence to challenge this traditional mom-and-pop stores out of business because they
linear flow of value — building ‘platform ecosystems’ that enable could not compete with Amazon’s superior distribution economics.
value exchange across a network of participants. Netflix, likewise, beat Blockbuster by leveraging a data-rich pipe-
These platforms do not need to create value themselves: in- line to first disrupt rentals and then subsequently change the game
stead, they aid in the creation of value by producers and consum- to streaming. In short, Amazon and Netflix built efficient online
ers in their network. Platforms create incentives for participation, pipeline businesses with better scale economics, successfully
provide a plug-and-play infrastructure for people to connect, and disrupting their offline counterparts.
rules that foster interactions. Facebook doesn’t create its content,
Google its web pages, Apple its apps, or Alibaba its store fronts. 2. Platforms Beat Pipelines
These successful platform companies have led the way, followed Over the last decade, we have seen a second wave of disruption
by entrants like Uber, Airbnb, Flipkart, Slack and Spotify. Each sweep across industries: platforms are now beating pipelines.
has grown rapidly by aggregated ecosystems of value in a very The most successful businesses on the Internet today are platforms,
small period of time. We have observed that two narratives charac- and their rapid scaling is enabled by a combination of four factors:
terize this disruption:
Minimal marginal costs of expansion. Platforms are asset-
1. Efficient Pipelines Beat Inefficient Ones light and serve primarily as the infrastructure that enables producers
Newspapers were the first to feel the heat as ‘efficient pipes’ and consumers to interact. Platform infrastructure often has large
beat inefficient ones. The Internet of the 1990s created a vast fixed but low marginal costs, so the cost of scaling supply is minimal.
global infrastructure for the distribution of content and access to At the same time, demand continues to benefit from the superior
markets at near-zero marginal costs of distribution. Newspapers economics of the Internet. When Amazon moved to a platform model,
were rapidly disrupted because of the Internet’s ability to deliver it scaled its supply without bearing the marginal costs of operations.
news globally for free. The further unbundling of classifieds and Platforms benefit from superior marginal economics on both supply
advertising from news into multiple pipelines further challenged and demand.
the traditional news business model. While the entire industry
suffered, two types of companies played by new rules: on the Network effects. In an ecosystem, more production leads to more
one hand, Google created a massive empire by aggregating consumption, and vice versa. This enables platforms to build large
unbundled advertising and growing that market further; on the businesses without investing heavily in ecosystem creation once
other hand, traditional media houses like Schibsted Media they achieve critical mass.

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This document is authorized for use only in ExEd's ILGO - Costa Rica course at INCAE Business School, from October 2016 to April 2017.
The digital revolution is also creating radically new ap- the profound ethical issues this raises, these advances will not
proaches to the way in which individuals and institutions engage only have a profound and immediate impact on medicine, but
and collaborate. For example, the Blockchain, often described as also on agriculture and the production of biofuels.
a ‘distributed ledger’, is a secure protocol where a network of com- Many of our intractable health challenges — from heart dis-
puters collectively verifies a transaction before it can be recorded ease to cancer — have a genetic component. Because of this, the
and approved. Bitcoin is so far the best known blockchain appli- ability to determine our individual genetic make-up in an efficient
cation, but the technology will soon give rise to countless others. and cost-effective manner (through sequencing machines used
in routine diagnostics) will revolutionize personalized health-
3 BIOLOGICAL MEGATRENDS care. Informed by a tumor’s genetic make-up, doctors will soon
be able to make decisions about a patient’s cancer treatment.
It took more than 10 years — at a cost of $2.7 billion — to com- The ability to ‘edit’ biology can be applied to practically any
plete the Human Genome Project, but today, a genome can be cell type, enabling the creation of genetically-modified plants or
sequenced in a few hours, for less than a thousand dollars. With animals, as well as modifying the cells of adult organisms includ-
advances in computing power, scientists will no longer have to go ing humans. The list of potential applications is virtually endless
by trial and error; rather, they will test the way in which specific — ranging from the ability to modify animals so that they can be
genetic variations generate particular traits and diseases. raised on a more diet economical or better suited to local con-
Synthetic biology is the next step. It will provide us with the ditions, to creating food crops that are capable of withstanding
ability to customize organisms by ‘writing’ DNA. Setting aside extreme temperatures or drought.

Virality. Platforms scale rapidly because users spread the word In closing
to other users during the course of using the platform, and that Platforms change the economics of participation, leading to the
brings in new users who find an increasingly valuable platform creation of entirely new markets. They also uncover new sources
because of the network effects described above. of supply. Platforms do not merely redistribute value, they create
new sources of value, by providing meritocratic market access and
Intelligence. Finally, platforms scale because they scale simplifying the act of production.
their data, their intelligence, and their ability to reliably match As the fourth industrial revolution unfolds, platforms are
producers with consumers over time. As the ecosystem scales, repeatedly disrupting ‘pipes’, leveraging their lower transaction
the best platforms ensure that the relevance of its interactions costs. To fight disruption, you need to closely evaluate your
scale, as well. business model and identify transaction costs that could be
eliminated in the future. Information-intensive industries have
For example, Apple and Android leveraged a platform been the first to be disrupted, but make no mistake: more
approach to beat the pipeline model of Nokia and BlackBerry; regulated industries like banking, education and healthcare
Amazon became a platform when it opened itself up to will soon feel the pressure.
third-party merchants. Airbnb grows its accommodation
base through a platform approach and scales faster than
any hotel chain; Alibaba has used the platform approach
to transform Chinese commerce, and is increasingly transforming
finance in China; and traditional incumbents like BestBuy
and Walmart find it difficult to compete with Amazon’s
burgeoning platform.
Elsewhere, platforms like GoJek and Grab are Sangeet Paul Choudary is the founder of
transforming public transportation in highly populated cities Platform Thinking Labs. Geoffrey G. Parker
across South Asia and are proving more effective than all is a Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth
College and a visiting scholar at the MIT Initiative
traditional public transportation measures. Moreover, their
on the Digital Economy. Marshall Van Alstyne
impact on changing car ownership poses a significant threat
is a visiting scholar at the MIT Initiative on
to the car manufacturing industry. Meanwhile, the car industry, the Digital Economy and a professor at Boston
itself, is building out business models where the car acts as University. They are co-authors of Platform
a platform, capturing data about usage that can be leveraged Revolution: How Networked Markets Are
by a larger ecosystem consisting of after-sales service stations Transforming the Economy and How to Make
and insurance firms to create new value for drivers in a highly Them Work For You (Norton 2016).
personalized manner.

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3D manufacturing will be combined with gene editing to Tipping Points Expected by 2025
produce living tissues for the purpose of tissue repair and regen-
eration — a process called ‘bioprinting’. This has already been 10% of people will be wearing clothes connected to
used to generate skin, bone, heart and vascular tissue. Eventu- the Internet 91.2%
ally, printed liver-cell layers will be used to create transplant
organs. We will soon be confronted with new questions around 90% of people will have unlimited and free 91%
what it means to be human, what data and information about our (advertising-supported) storage
bodies and health can or should be shared with others, and what
1 trillion sensors will be connected to the Internet 89.2%
rights and responsibilities we have when it comes to changing the
very genetic code of future generations.
The first robotic pharmacist 86.5%
Discussions about the opportunities and challenges of these
capabilities are underway. Notably, in December 2015, the Na- 10% of reading glasses will be connected to the Internet 85.5%
tional Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine
of the U.S., the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal So- 80% of people will have a digital presence on the Internet 84.4%
ciety of the UK convened an International Summit on Human
Gene Editing. Despite such deliberations, we are not yet pre- The first 3D-printed car will be in production 84.1%
pared to confront the realities and consequences of the latest
The first government will replace its census
genetic techniques.
with Big Data sources 82.9%

In closing The first implantable mobile phone will be available 81.7%

Innovation is a complex social process, and not one that we commercially
should take for granted. To foster ground-breaking fundamen-
tal research and innovative technical adaptations across aca- 5% of consumer products will be printed in 3D 81.1%
demia and business alike, governments should allocate more
aggressive funding for ambitious research programs. Equally, 90% of the population will be using smartphones 80.7%
public-private research collaborations should increasingly be
90% of the population will have regular access 78.8%
structured towards building knowledge and human capital to
to the Internet
the benefit of all.
Driverless cars will equal 10% of all cars on U.S. roads 78.2%

The first transplant of a 3D-printed liver will occur 76.4%

30% of corporate audits will be performed by AI 75.4%

Tax will be collected for the first time by a government 73.1%

via the Blockchain

Globally, more trips/journeys will occur via car sharing 67.2%

than in private cars

10% of global gross domestic product will be stored 57.9%

on blockchain technology

The first AI machine will sit on a board of directors 45.2%


Klaus Schwab is the founder and executive chairman of

the World Economic Forum and the author of The Fourth
Industrial Revolution (World Economic Forum Press, 2016).
Along with his wife Hilde, he co-founded the Schwab
Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

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This document is authorized for use only in ExEd's ILGO - Costa Rica course at INCAE Business School, from October 2016 to April 2017.

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