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Mandolini, A. & Viggiani, C. (1997). GeÂotechnique 47, No.

4, 791±816

Settlement of piled foundations


A numerical code for the prediction of the L'article preÂsente un code numeÂrique pour
settlement of pile groups and piled rafts is preÂdire le tassement des reÂseaux de pieux et
presented. The code is based on the interaction des radiers de fondation aÁ pieux. Ce code repose
factors method; the non-linearity is simulated as sur la meÂthode des facteurs d'interaction: on
suggested by Caputo and Viggiani, that is, simule la non-lineÂarite de la facËon proposeÂe par
concentrating it at the pile±soil interface. In Caputo et Viggiani, c'est-aÁ-dire en la concen-
the linear range, the accuracy is checked against trant aÁ l'interface pieux=sol. Dans le domaine
known benchmark solutions. A standard proce- lineÂaire, on veÂri®e l'exactitude aÁ l'aide de
dure, based on the results of load tests on single comparaisons aÁ des solutions de reÂfeÂrence
piles, is suggested for the evaluation of soil connues. Pour eÂvaluer les proprieÂteÂs du sol et
properties and for the implementation of the appliquer l'analyse aÁ des situations reÂelles, les
analysis in real cases. Nineteen well-documented auteurs proposent une meÂthode standard, qui
case histories are then analysed, calculating for s'appuie sur les reÂsultats d'essais de charge sur
each of them a linear elastic, an equivalent pieux isoleÂs. L'article analyse 19 cas bien
linear elastic and a non-linear solution. Five out documenteÂs et calcule pour chacun une solution
of the 19 cases are illustrated in some detail, to eÂlastique lineÂaire, une solution eÂlastique lineÂaire
allow a deeper insight into the procedure. In all eÂquivalente et une solution non lineÂaire. L'article
but one of the analysed cases the predicted illustre plus en deÂtail cinq de ces cas, pour aider
values of the average settlement are within aÁ mieux comprendre le processus. Dans tous les
20% of the observed values. The maximum cas analyseÂs sauf un, les valeurs preÂdites de
differential settlement is predicted with slightly tassement moyen correspondent, aÁ 20 p. 100
lesser accuracy. For foundations characterized preÁs, aux valeurs observeÂes. Les preÂdictions du
by a relatively high safety factor, linear and tassement diffeÂrentiel maximal sont quelque peu
non-linear analyses are essentially equivalent. moins preÂcises. Dans le cas de fondations
Some evidence suggests that the low-strain shear caracteÂriseÂes par un coef®cient de seÂcuriteÂ
modulus, obtained by in situ shear wave velocity relativement eÂleveÂ, les analyses lineÂaires et non
measurements, can be successfully employed in lineÂaires sont plus ou moins eÂquivalentes.
the prediction of the settlement. When the Certaines donneÂes semblent indiquer qu'il est
safety factor is low, the consideration of non- possible de preÂdire le tassement aÁ l'aide du
linearity becomes mandatory. module de cisaillement aÁ faible deÂformation,
calcule aÁ partir de la vitesse des ondes de
cisaillement mesureÂe sur place. Si le coef®cient
KEYWORDS: numerical modelling and analysis; de seÂcurite est faible, il devient impeÂratif de
piles; settlement. prendre en consideÂration la non-lineÂariteÂ.

INTRODUCTION dation is to reduce settlements. However, once the

In his state-of-the-art report on `Design methods decision has been made that piles are required, the
for pile groups and piled rafts' to the New Delhi traditional design approach is to ensure that the
Conference of ISSMFE, Randolph (1994) draws total structural load can be carried by the piles,
attention to the fact that in the majority of cases with an adequate factor of safety against a bearing
the primary reason for the choice of a piled foun- capacity failure. Hence design calculations for pile
groups concentrate on the ultimate capacity of
The use of piles as settlement reducers had been
Manuscript received 10 October 1995; revised manuscript discussed as early as 1977, at the Tokyo Confer-
accepted 31 May 1996.
Discussion on this paper closes 1 December 1997; for ence of ISSMFE. Burland et al. (1977) pointed out
further details see p. ii. that traditionally engineers have asked themselves

Second University of Naples. how many piles are required to carry the weight of
{ University of Naples `Federico II'. the building, and claimed that designers should


perhaps better ask themselves the question of how as that due to Mindlin (1936), is used to relate the
many piles are required to reduce the settlement to displacement of each element to the tractions on
an acceptable amount. The number of piles in the other elements. Corresponding equations are
answer to the second question is invariably signi®- written for the structural response of the founda-
cantly less than in answer to the ®rst question. tion, using either a ®nite difference or a ®nite
There are a number of compelling arguments for element approach. The two sets of equations, to-
moving towards a settlement-based design method- gether with those for overall equilibrium, allow the
ology for pile foundations, and since 1977 a num- unknown tractions to be found, and hence the
ber of interesting developments have occurred in settlement and load distribution throughout the
this direction, including some outstanding applica- foundation to be evaluated.
tions (Burland & Kalra, 1986; Sommer et al., In practice, the computational resources required
1991); nevertheless the capacity-based design is to perform the ideal analysis described above be-
still dominant, as is evident for instance in current come excessive for all but the simplest foundation
revisions of national and regional design codes. systems; it is therefore necessary to introduce
Such a situation may be partially attributed to simpli®cations, particularly if non-linearity is simu-
the widespread belief that predicting deformations lated using a stepwise linear incremental proce-
is more dif®cult and less reliable than predicting dure.
capacity. On the contrary, a variety of analytical Typical simpli®cations include
and numerical techniques for the analysis of the
(a) the assumption that the raft is clear of the soil
settlement of piled foundations and suitable experi-
(the so-called free-standing raft)
mental procedures for the determination of the
(b) the assumption that the raft is either rigid or
relevant stiffness have been developed in recent
completely ¯exible (in which case the load
acting on each pile is known), thus avoiding
A method of analysis capable of taking into
the analysis of the structural response
account the interaction among rafts, piles and soil,
(c) the use of interaction factors to represent the
and possibly accounting for non-linearity, is re-
in¯uence of a complete foundation unit (for
quired. In this paper a numerical code for the
example, a pile or the pile cap) on the
analysis of piled rafts is presented, which meets
displacement of either another unit or an
the above requirements although it remains rela-
element (Poulos, 1968; Banerjee & Driscoll,
tively simple and straightforward. It is shown that
1978; Caputo & Viggiani, 1984; Bilotta et al.,
substantial simpli®cations are admissible provided
1991). Randolph & Wroth (1979) developed
the analysis is aimed at the prediction of settle-
simple approximate analytical expressions for
the interaction coef®cients
The code is employed to predict the settlement
(d) the combination of a load transfer approach to
in a number of well-documented case histories,
express the relationship between local tractions
partly taken from the literature and partly coming
and displacement of each pile, together with an
from the writers' ®les. The former include small
elastic continuum analysis of the additional
and large pile groups, bored and driven piles and
displacements due to the tractions acting on
different subsoil conditions. The latter refer to a
other elements (O'Neill et al., 1977; Chow,
number of high-rise buildings recently constructed
1986; Grif®ths et al., 1991; Clancy &
in the eastern Naples area, and founded on bored
Randolph, 1992).
or auger piles in pyroclastic soils.
The deformation properties of the subsoil are The computational procedure used in this paper
deduced by a back-analysis of loading tests on is based on the following codes:
single piles.
In all but one of the cases examined, such a SINGPALO. This is a BEM code analysing the
procedure is shown to predict the absolute and behaviour of a single pile embedded in an elastic
differential settlements with remarkable accuracy. continuum. The settlement w of the pile under an
axial load Q may be expressed as


wˆ ˆ w1 Q (1)
Numerical code Es L
The most widespread technique for the analysis
of pile groups and piled rafts is provided by the where the factor I w is a function of the ratio of the
boundary element method (Poulos, 1968; Banerjee, length and diameter of the pile, L=d, of the ratio
1970; Poulos & Davis, 1980; Banerjee & Butter- of the moduli of the pile and soil, Ep =Es , of the
®eld, 1981). The interface between soil and foun- Poisson's ratio of the soil ís and of the model of
dation (piles and pile cap or raft) is divided into subsoil adopted (homogeneous half-space, horizon-
elements and an appropriate Green's function, such tally layered half-space, Gibson soil, etc.)
SINGPALO allows the evaluation of the com- X
n X
n X

pliance w1 of a single pile with the following Qi ˆ Q; Qi xi ˆ Qe x ; Qi yi ˆ Qe y

iˆ1 iˆ1 iˆ1
(a) horizontally layered elastic soil; the layering
beneath the pile point is accounted for by the
The system of n compatibility conditions (4)
so called Steinbrenner approximation, as de-
plus three equilibrium conditions (5) allows the
scribed by Poulos & Davis (1980); the layers
determination of the n unknown loads Qi plus the
crossed by the pile shaft are treated in the
values of w0 , â x and â y .
same way, by an approximate application of
Finally, in the case of a raft of ®nite stiffness,
the reciprocal theorem
the vertical displacements of its points are found
(b) pile with stepwise or continuously variable
by a ®nite element model.
It must be pointed out that GRUPPALO can be
(c) compatibility of both vertical and horizontal
easily extended to account for a direct contact
between the raft (if any) and the soil; this is
(d) slip at the interface between pile and soil once
necessary if the load sharing between piles and raft
a limiting shear stress has been attained; the
has to be investigated. However, both theoretical
latter can be either cohesive or equal to the
analyses (Butter®eld & Banerjee, 1971) and experi-
horizontal stress times a friction coef®cient.
ments (Cooke et al., 1980) have shown that the
contact between the raft and the soil does not
ALPHAPALO. This is a BEM code analysing the signi®cantly affect the settlement of the group,
interaction of a pair of piles i, j, embedded in an even if the load taken by the raft is as high as
elastic continuum and loaded by the forces Qi , Q j 50% of the total applied load.
respectively. The settlement of a pile is expressed The assumption of a free-standing raft has been
as retained in this paper, which is devoted to the
analysis of settlement, in order to make the analy-
w i ˆ w1i [Qi á ii ‡ Q j á ij ] (2)
sis as simple as possible. With the same aim, either
ALPHAPALO determines the in¯uence factor á ij a fully ¯exible or a rigid raft has been considered,
(obviously, á ii ˆ 1) with the same assumptions as thus avoiding the rather dif®cult task of evaluating
SINGPALO. The two interacting piles may be differ- the combined stiffness of the raft and superstruc-
ent in length and diameter. ture (Wood, 1978).
The non-linearity of behaviour is simulated as
suggested by Caputo & Viggiani (1984). They
GRUPPALO. This is a program for the analysis of claim that the non-linearity is essentially concen-
pile groups and free-standing piled rafts, based on trated at the pile±soil interface, while the inter-
the use of interaction factors. The settlement w i of action between other elements (pile±pile, pile±cap,
the ith pile in a group of n piles is expressed as cap±soil) may be represented by a linear model
with suf®cient accuracy. Accordingly, in an analy-
wi ˆ w1i Q j á ij (3) sis using the method of interaction factors, they
assume that all the factors á ij (i 6ˆ j) are constant,
irrespective of the load level, while the pile±pile
Obviously, á ii ˆ á jj ˆ 1. interaction factors on the principal diagonal á ii
In the case of a group of piles acted on by vary according to the expression
known loads (fully ¯exible raft), equation (3) may
be used directly to evaluate the settlement of each á ii ˆ (6)
pile in the group. In the case of an in®nitely stiff Qi
raft, the settlement of the raft is de®ned by the Qi,lim
vertical displacement w0 of the centre and by two
rotations â x and â y . The settlement of the pile i, corresponding to a hyperbolic load±settlement re-
having coordinates xi , yi referred to the centre, lationship for the single pile (Chin, 1970, 1972).
must be compatible with such a displacement; This suggestion is essentially equivalent to that
hence formulated by Randolph (1994), to estimate the
w1i Q j á ij ˆ w0 ‡ â x yi ‡ â y xi (4)

jˆ1 Note that the value of Qi,lim in equation (6) is intended
only as a geometrical parameter of the hyperbola ®tting
Furthermore, if Q is the total load acting on the the load±settlement curve in the load range of interest. In
raft with eccentricities e x and e y, the equilibrium some cases this value may signi®cantly differ from the
requires that actual failure load.

group response on the basis of initial small-strain group, smax is increased by adding a term rG as
elastic stiffness and afterwards add the plastic dis- suggested by Randolph & Wroth (1979) for a
placement due to the slip at the pile±soil interface. square group, and extended by Mandolini (1994a)
for any other shape of the group. For s > smax
‡ rG , the interaction factor á is assumed equal to
Evaluation of soil properties and implementation of zero.
the analysis
The evaluation of the deformation properties of
the subsoil for the prediction of the settlement of Check of the procedure against known solutions
the pile group is the most dif®cult and uncertain In order to assess the accuracy of the above
step of the analysis. This is probably true for procedure, a standard for comparison should be
almost all problems in geotechnical engineering, de®ned. Randolph (1994) claims that, for groups
but in the case of piled foundations the dif®culties of 100 piles and over, the accuracy of available
are increased by the signi®cant in¯uence of the computer programs is probably not better than
installation of the piles. 20%. While this is probably suf®cient for most
In order to reduce the uncertainties connected engineering purposes, given the dif®culty in esti-
with the choice of the parameters, the writers have mating the deformation parameters, it still seems
attempted to develop a well-de®ned standard proce- to indicate a limit to the extent to which it is
dure, involving traditional subsoil investigations as fruitful to conduct `rigorous' analyses of pile
well as the results of loading tests on single piles, groups.
when available. The procedure may be summarized Figure 1 (Randolph, 1994; Mandolini, 1994b)
as follows. shows the computed overall pile group stiffness for
The results of all the available site and labora- square groups of piles embedded in an elastic half-
tory investigations are ®rst used to develop a space, with L=d ˆ 25, Ep =G ˆ 1000, ís ˆ 0:5,
model of the subsoil, in which the geometry is and s=d ˆ 2:5 and 5. The group stiffness K p is
adapted to a scheme of horizontal layering and the de®ned as the ratio between the total load acting
relative stiffness of the layers is evaluated. In this on the pile group and the average settlement of the
connection the writers share the emphasis put by group. In Fig. 1, the stiffness is normalized as
Randolph (1994) on the importance of considering Kp =(sGn0 5 ), where G is the shear modulus of the
the overall geometry of the foundation; engineers soil and n the number of piles in the group. The
should be encouraged to prepare correctly scaled
elevation drawings of the complete foundation and
relevant soil stratigraphy, which will often reveal
shortcomings in the proposed foundation scheme.
The absolute value of the stiffness of the differ-
ent layers is then ®xed by ®tting the initial stiffness
of the load±settlement response of loading tests on
single piles. The ®tting operation is performed by
the code SINGPALO.
Once the subsoil model is ®xed, the code
ALPHAPALO is used to produce a set of interaction
factors á for various spacings s. The relationship
between á and s=d is then ®tted with a continuous
curve, usually either a power law (á ˆ M(s=d) N )
or a logarithmic law (á ˆ M ‡ N ln (s=d)). It has
been assumed that no interaction occurs for piles
whose spacing is larger than a limiting value smax ,
which is de®ned according to Randolph & Wroth
(1978) as
: : : GL
smax ˆ 0 25 ‡ [2 5r(1 ÿ ís ) ÿ 0 25] L (7)

where r is a parameter which re¯ects the vertical

homogeneity of the soil, varying from unity for
homogeneous conditions to 0´5 where the stiffness
is proportional to depth; G L and Gb are respec-
tively the values of the shear modulus at depth L Fig. 1. Comparison between results of computations
and below the pile base. If the piles belong to a carried out with different codes
results obtained by GRUPPALO are compared with and pile type vary from one case to another, so
other results taken by design charts available in the that they are believed to be representative of a
literature, and obtained with available computer wide range of practical problems.
codes, namely For each case history three solutions have been
(a) the approach by Fleming et al. (1992), using
the PIGLET program (Randolph, 1987) (a) a linear elastic (LE) solution, based on the
(b) the interaction factor approach of Poulos & elastic properties of the subsoil back-®gured
Davis (1980), using the DEFPIG program from the initial tangent stiffness of the load±
(Poulos, 1990) settlement curve of a load test on single pile
(c) the charts of Butter®eld & Douglas (1981) (b) an equivalent linear elastic (ELE) solution,
based on a complete BEM solution incorpo- based on equivalent elastic properties back-
rated in the PGROUP program (Banerjee & ®gured from the load±settlement curve of the
Driscoll, 1978). load test on single pile, considering the secant
stiffness corresponding to the average working
All the above analyses are linearly elastic.
load of the piles in the group
The ®rst and second approach may be seen to
(c) a non-linear (NL) analysis, as described above.
give divergent results, with the computed stiffness
differing by a factor of two or more for very large The Poisson's ratio of the soil ís has been
groups. The third and most rigorous approach gives assumed equal to 0´5 in clay soils and to 0´3 in
intermediate values, but it is limited to groups not cohesionless soils. In any case, the results are not
larger than 8 3 8, for enormous computational very sensitive to the values of ís .
resources would be needed to analyse larger Either a rigid or a fully ¯exible raft has been
groups. For very large pile groups, where the ratio assumed, depending on the available information
of group width to pile length becomes much great- on the superstructure. In the latter case the average
er than unity, the group stiffness should approach settlement and the maximum differential settlement
that of a shallow foundation. This would corre- have been evaluated. When a rigid raft has been
spond to a normalized stiffness of about 4´5, as assumed, the contribution of the self-weight of the
indicated in Fig. 1 (Fraser & Wardle, 1976). raft has been considered as a fully ¯exible load in
It may be seen that the results obtained by the cases where the available data made it possible.
GRUPPALO agree with those by Butter®eld & Dou- In order to allow a deeper insight into the pro-
glas (1981) over the small group range, and ap- cedure, the analysis of a few different case his-
proach the limiting value of 4´5 for large groups. tories is reported in some detail. The results ob-
The overall accuracy of the code seems thus tained for all the cases are listed in Table 2.
In the non-linear range, benchmark solutions are
not available and therefore a check of the overall Case 2. 19-storey reinforced concrete building
accuracy of the proposed procedure may only be (Koerner & Partos, 1974)
obtained by comparison with well-documented case The building was constructed in the USA in the
histories. In this context the term `overall accuracy' period 1967 to 1970; the overall dimensions in
refers not only to the numerical aspects or to the plan are 34 m 3 24 m. It is founded on 132 perma-
admissibility of simpli®cation such as the assump- nently cased driven piles with expanded base (pres-
tion of a free-standing raft or the use of interaction sure injected Franki-type) with a length of 7´6 m, a
factors, but also to the procedure of selection of shaft diameter of 0´41 m and a base diameter of
the relevant parameters and to the capability of 0´76 m.
predicting the real behaviour in terms of settle- The layout of the foundation is shown in Fig. 2.
ment. The subsoil consists essentially of cohesionless
A few recent case histories of settlement of pile soils, with a layer of highly compressible organic
groups are analysed in the next section, choosing silt between depths of 3 and 7 m below the ground
well-documented cases, for some of which other surface. The pro®le resulting from the site and
analyses have been published, so that a comparison laboratory investigation is shown in Fig. 3.
of the results is possible. The load±settlement curves of two load tests,
carried out on piles belonging to the foundations
up to a maximum load equal to twice the design
A list of the case histories that have been The subsoil has been modelled with ®ve hori-
analysed by means of the proposed procedure is zontal layers, as shown in Fig. 3; the ratio between
presented in Table 1, which reports the main the moduli of any two layers has been assumed
features of each pile group. They range from small equal to the ratio of the corresponding average
groups to very large piled rafts; subsoil conditions values of the SPT blow count.
Table 1. Essential features of the analysed case histories
Case Reference Description Soil type Pile type No. of L: m d: m s=d
1 Koizumi & Ito (1967) Field test Organic silty clay Driven, closed end steel pipe 9 5´55 0´30 3
2 Koerner & Partos (1974) Building Sand and silt Bored, permanent casing 132 7´60 0´41 Ð
d b ˆ 0:76
3 Tro®menkov (1977) Field test Silty clay Driven 9 12´0 0´40 3
4 Cooke et al. (1981) Building London Clay Bored 351 13´0 0´45 3´5
5 Thorburn et al. (1983) Tank Sand, silt and silty clay Driven, precast concrete 55 27´0 0´28 7
6 Kaino & Aoki (1985) Field test Interbedded clay and sands Bored, reverse circulation 5 24´0 1´00 2´6±3
7 Viggiani (1989) Tall building Pyroclastic; tuff substratum Bored, bentonite mud, end 136 30´0 1´50 2´4±2´6


8 Briaud et al. (1989) Field test Sand Driven, closed end steel pipe 5 9´15 0´273 3´3±4´8
9 Goossens & Van Impe (1991) Silos Interbedded sands and stiff Driven, cast in situ 697 13´4 0´52 4
clays d b ˆ 0:80
10 Caputo et al. (1991) Tall building Pyroclastic Bored, bentonite mud 82 42´0 1´80±2´20 2´6±3´2
11 Caputo et al. (1991) Tall building Pyroclastic Bored, bentonite mud 77 42´0 1´60±2´00 3±3´75
12 Caputo et al. (1991) Tall building Pyroclastic Bored, bentonite mud 82 42´0 1´50±1´80 3´2±3´9
13 Mandolini & Viggiani Bridge piers Clayey silt Driven `Multiton' 16±24 42´8±46´8 0´41=0´36 5´1±6
14 Mandolini & Viggiani Tall building Pyroclastic Auger `PressoDrill' 323 20´0 0´60 4
15 Mandolini & Viggiani Tall building Pyroclastic Auger `PressoDrill' 314 20´0 0´60 4
16 Randolph & Clancy (1994) Tall building Sediments over hard siltstone Bored 280 20´0 0´80 3´2±3´8
17 Russo (1994) Cable stayed Clayey silt with interbedded Driven `Multiton' 144 48´0 0´41=0´36 3
bridge sand
18 Rampello (1994) Chimney Clayey waste, lignite, and Bored, bentonite mud 74 56´7 1´20 3±3´25
19 Rampello (1994) Power plant Clayey waste, lignite, and Bored, bentonite mud 768 52±54 1´20 3´6
Table 2. Computed and observed average settlement wav and maximum differential settlement ämax
Load per Observed settlement: Computed settlement:
pile: MN mm mm
Average Average Max. differential Linear elastic Equivalent linear elastic Non-linear
Case Qav wav ämax wav ämax wav ämax wav ämax
1 0´22 6´7 0´0 4´8 0´0 8´8 0´0 5´9 0´0


2 1´20 64´0 43´0 25´1 11´2 65´8 29´4 27´8 11´2
3 0´89 5´0 0´0 3´8 0´0 7´6 0´0 4´9 0´0
4 0´44 25´0 Ð 26´4 12´3 36´5 17´0 26´6 12´3
5 0´44 29´5 6´0±7´0 27´8 6´9 39´6 9´8 29´4 6´9
6 1´33 3´8 0´0 3´5 0´0 5´2 0´0 3´9 0´0
7 1´93 5´9 3´4 6´5 3´6 8´0 4´4 6´7 3´6
8 0´49 38´1 0´0 2´6 0´0 164´8 0´0 36´8 0´0
9 1´30 185´0 73´0 174´0 82´8 278´0 132´3 175´0 82´8
10 5´09±8´90 28´1 17´5 26´9 20´8 37´9 29´3 32´7 20´8
11 4´38±7´49 31´5 15´9 27´7 15´4 38´4 21´3 32´5 15´4
12 4´12±5´93 25´1 13´9 21´0 18´5 27´0 23´8 24´8 18´5
13 0´06±0´26 0´6±3´5 0´0 0´6±3´3 0´0 0´8±4´0 0´0 0´7±3´4 0´0
14 0´66 29´2 15´1 31´5 21´8 37´8 26´1 31´9 21´8
15 0´64 23´5 20´0 31´0 20´9 37´2 25´1 31´4 20´9
16(a) 3´93 35´9 6´0 25´9 5´9 81´9 15´9 31´6 5´9
(b) 3´22 24´5 3´0 23´5 4´7 64´4 12´9 24´4 4´7
(c) 5´00 22´3 9´0 21´3 9´3 58´0 25´6 25´5 9´3
(d) 3´22±5´00 27´0 23´0 25´7 14´8 68´2 47´7 27´5 14´8
17 0´76 32´0 0´0 31´0 0´0 39´9 0´0 32´4 0´0
18 0´82 5´4 1´6 3´7 0´6 4´0 0´7 3´9 0´6
19 0´00±1´25 3´6 2´5 4´0 1´8 4´6 2´4 4´1 1´8

(a) `core' foundation; (b) `dog-leg' foundation; (c) `hammerhead' foundation; (d) overall.


ment of the group; this is rather surprising, because

these charts are essentially a simpler version of the
procedure used in this paper. A closer scrutiny
reveals that: (i) an arbitrary value of the soil
modulus equal to 21 MPa has been adopted in the
analysis, and (ii) the geometry of the group has
been incorrectly modelled as a square regular
group of 11´5 3 11´5 piles at a constant spacing of
2´7d. This corresponds to overall dimensions in
plan of about 13 m 3 13 m, that is, much less than
the actual size of the building.
The reason for the disagreement between the
results of the present analysis and the observed
settlement has not been established; as a matter of
fact the ampli®cation effect in this case, as indi-
cated by the ratio between group and single pile
Fig. 2. Case history No. 2: layout of foundations of the settlement, is exceptionally high, compared not
building; pile locations are shown as solid circles, pile only with the results of the analysis, but also with
caps as full lines and columns as ®lled rectangles;
other experimental ®ndings.
overall dimensions are 33´6 m 3 24´4 m
A possible explanation of such an effect could
be the occurrence of a deep compressible layer.
The elements used for the analysis are as fol- Unfortunately, the maximum depth reached in the
lows: I w0 ˆ 1:66 mm=MN; Qlim ˆ 1:94 MN; E1 ˆ investigation (31 m below ground surface) allows
210 MPa; á ˆ 0:707(s=d)ÿ0 614 ; smax ˆ 13:3 m; no conclusion on this point.
rG ˆ 13:2 m. In order to investigate the possible in¯uence of
The results obtained are compared in Fig. 5 with this factor, the analysis has been repeated with a
the observed settlement. It may be seen that, in modi®ed soil model, including a deep compressible
this case, the LE and NL analyses grossly under- layer below the depth of 31 m, with a modulus
estimate the actual values of the settlement. The equal to that of the organic silt. With such a
ELE analysis shows a better agreement with the hypothesis (admittedly, rather unrealistic), the com-
observed values. puted average settlement is 34 mm for the LE and
Koerner & Partos (1974) claim that the design 37 mm for the NL analysis. These values are closer
chart by Morgan & Poulos (1968) allows a rather to the observed ones, thus con®rming that a deep
good estimate of the average and differential settle- compressible layer could be a possible explanation.

Fig. 3. Case history No. 2: typical soil pro®le and properties at building site; the subsoil model adopted in the
analysis is shown on the right-hand side

Fig. 4. Case history No. 2: load±settlement curves of two loading tests on piles

59 27

B-14 B-15
24·4 m

25 20
80 27 41 23
64 82 61 53
33 23
29 28
32 30
B-16 76 72

33·6 m

Borings 59 Observed settlement

Settlement points 25 LE
27 NL Predicted settlement
64 ELE

Fig. 5. Case history No. 2: comparison between predicted and observed settlements

Case 5. Molasses tank (Thorburn et al., 1983) values of Es,i . They have been ®tted with a con-
The tank under examination (Fig. 6) was con- tinuous linear law, obtaining the expression
structed in Scotland in 1978 to store molasses. It
has a diameter of 12´5 m and is supported by 55 Es (MPa) ˆ 4:5 ‡ 1:35z(m)
precast concrete piles, each 250 3 250 mm2 in corresponding to a ratio Es =su ˆ 750, and practi-
cross-section and 29 m long, laid out on a triangu- cally coincident with the one assumed by Ran-
lar grid at a spacing of 2 m. A 2 m thick pad of dolph (1994). The elements used for the analysis
dense granular material was constructed over the are: I w0 ˆ 10:82 mm=MN; Qlim ˆ 1:48 MN; á ˆ
piles and incorporated a 150 mm thick reinforced 0:570(s=d)ÿ0 600 ; smax ˆ 18:6 m; rG ˆ 6:8 m.
concrete membrane connecting the pile heads. The The results obtained are shown in Fig. 8. It may
effective pile length was then reduced to 27 m. be seen that LE analysis slightly underpredicts the
In the application of GRUPPALO the subsoil mod- average and differential settlements, as was to be
el reported in Fig. 6 has been adopted. The founda- expected; NL analysis is rather satisfactory, and
tion soil is a silty clay with interbedded sandy silt ELE substantially overpredicts the measured aver-
and silty sand layers until a maximum depth of age settlement.
18 m below ground level, overlying a slightly over- For this same case history, similar results were
consolidated silty clay with occasional intercala- obtained by Randolph (1994).
tions of sand and silt. According to Randolph
(1994), the subsoil can be modelled as a unique
cohesive layer with an undrained shear strength Case 8. Field test on ®ve-pile group, San
linearly increasing with depth, with the expression Francisco (Briaud et al., 1989)
In the framework of an investigation on the
su (kPa) ˆ 6 ‡ 1:8z(m) behaviour of piles in sand, load tests to failure
The load±settlement curve obtained by a load- were performed on a single pile and on a ®ve-pile
ing test on a single pile is shown in Fig. 7. group. The piles were closed-end steel pipes,
Ten layers with constant Es,i values have been 273 mm in diameter, driven to a depth of 9´15 m
assumed. The ratios between these values have below ground surface through a 300 mm diameter
been ®xed, simulating a stepwise increase of Es hole predrilled to a depth of 1´37 m. The piles of
with depth; then SINGPALO was used to reproduce the group were connected by a rigid reinforced
the above value of I w0 , thus obtaining the ten concrete cap, clear of the ground.

Fig. 6. Case history No. 5: schematic of the molasses tank and subsoil model adopted in the analysis

Fig. 7. Case history No. 5: loading test results on single pile

Fig. 8. Case history No. 5: comparison between predicted and observed settlements

At the test site, the subsoil consists of a hydrau- The load test on the single pile has been
lic ®ll made of clean sand, about 11 m thick, corrected by subtracting from the pile head settle-
overlain by 1´4 m of sandy gravel and underlain by ment the elastic shortening of the free upper part
sand with interbedded layers of stiff clay down to of the test pile. The elements for the analysis
the bedrock found at a depth of around 14´3 m are: I w0 ˆ 2:25 mm=MN; Qlim ˆ 0:49 MN; E1 ˆ
below ground surface. The layout of the test, a 92:2 MPa; á ˆ 1:020(s=d)ÿ0 480 ; smax ˆ 13:6 m;
subsoil pro®le and some results of the site investi- rG ˆ 0:7 m.
gations are shown in Fig. 9. A value of 38´3 MPa The experimental load±settlement curve up to
is reported for the shear modulus of the hydraulic failure of the pile group is compared, in Fig. 10,
®ll, as deduced from shear wave velocity. with those predicted by the analyses. The curve
Considering that the predrilled hole disconnects labelled ELE has been obtained using at each load
the pile from the upper gravelly layer, a subsoil level the secant modulus evaluated at the same
model with ®ve elastic layers resting on a rigid load level from the load test on the single pile.
base has been adopted in the analysis; it is also It may be seen that the LE analysis allows a
shown in Fig. 9. rather good prediction of the actual settlement up

Fig. 9. Case history No. 8: layout of the test and subsoil pro®le

Fig. 10. Case history No. 8: comparison between predicted and observed load±settlement curves; the
ELE curve has been obtained using at each load level the secant modulus evaluated at the same level
from the load test on a single pile

to a load of 0´75 MN, which corresponds to a concrete piles with a length of 13´4 m, a shaft
safety factor of around 3. For higher loads, the diameter of 0´52 m and a diameter of the expanded
settlement is underestimated, but the approximation base of 0´8 m.
is still acceptable up to a safety factor of around The subsoil pro®le obtained from the site inves-
2´5. tigations is shown in Fig. 11 together with the
The NL analysis improves the prediction over subsoil model adopted in the back-analysis. The
the whole load range, and remains reliable even in geometry and the relative stiffness of the different
the vicinity of the failure load. layers are equal to those of the model developed
The ELE analysis gives acceptable results only by Poulos (1993) to analyse the same case history.
up to a safety factor of around 3, that is, in the On the basis of the two load tests available, the
range of nearly linear behaviour of the group. following data for the analysis have been obtained:
For loads exceeding 1 MN, ELE grossly over- I w0 ˆ 1:56 mm=MN; Qlim ˆ 5:17 MN; E1 ˆ 7:5
predicts the observed settlement, because it incor- MPa; á ˆ 1 ÿ 0:26 ln (s=d); smax ˆ 26:8 m; rG ˆ
rectly ampli®es both the elastic and plastic 19:2 m.
components of the settlement. The comparison between the measured values of
the settlement and those predicted by GRUPPALO is
shown in Fig. 12. The results of NL analysis are
Case 9. Ghent Grain Terminal (Goossens & Van practically coincident with those of LE analysis,
Impe, 1991) since the non-linear component of the settlement
In 1975 a block of 40 cylindrical reinforced of the single pile (wn1  1 mm) is very small in
concrete grain silo cells was erected in Ghent, comparison with the linearly elastic component
within a new terminal for storage and transit. The ampli®ed to account for the group effect, Rs wel .
inner diameter of each cell is 8 m, the total height It may be seen that the prediction of both the
52 m and the wall thickness 0´18 m. The founda- average and the differential settlement, obtained by
tion consists of a 1´2 m thick slab, 34 m 3 84 m in an LE and NL analysis using low-strain soil mod-
plan, resting on 697 driven, cast in situ, reinforced uli, agrees rather well with the observed values.
MOS 1 PF2 PF7 MOS 6 MOS 9 PF11 PF12 MOS 14

5 5 E1
0 Fill
0·52 m E2 = 33·3 E1
0 0

13 m
Pile tip 5·5
qc –5
–5 qc level E3 = 20 E1
qc Clayey sand
qr,b qc
–10 –10 12


0·8 m
qr,b E4 = 26·7 E1
–15 0 10 20 30 –15 17
qc,qr,b: MN E5 = 3·7 E1 Medium stiff clay
–20 –20 22
E6 = 14 E1 Relatively dense sand
0 10 20 26
–25 –25
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
qc,qr,b: MN E7 = 8·7 E1 Tertiary clay

Loamy or clayey quaternary sand layer of variable density CPT before pile installation
Consistent tertiary clay layer CPT after pile installation 39
Relatively dense tertiary sand layer E8 = 66·7 E1 Very dense sand
Tertiary clay layer

Fig. 11. Case history No. 9: subsoil pro®le and subsoil model adopted in the analysis; the geometry of the model and the ratio between the moduli of any two
layers are the same as assumed by Poulos (1993)

Fig. 12. Case history No. 9: comparison between predicted and observed settlements

On the contrary, the ELE analysis, based on a 1 m thick, stiffened by heavy reinforced concrete
secant value of the axial pile ¯exibility I w ˆ frames in the lower stages and resting on 241
2:46 mm=MN (E1 ˆ 4 MPa), substantially over- bored piles with a length of 42 m and diameters
estimates the settlement. ranging between 1´5 m and 2´2 m, equipped with a
For the case under discussion, a still larger over- preloading cell at the base (Viggiani & Vinale,
prediction had been obtained by Poulos (1993) 1983). The layout of the foundation in plan is
using the code DEFPIG. As already observed, this shown in Fig. 13, while a schematic section of the
code overevaluates the interaction among piles structure is shown in Fig. 14.
because it evaluates the interaction factors with an The subsoil of the whole area has been thor-
elastic half-space model and without introducing a oughly investigated by a number of authors (a
maximum interaction spacing. summary is given by Mandolini, 1994b) and it is
Both Goossens & Van Impe (1991) and Poulos well known in its general features.
(1993) argue that `single pile load settlement mea- Starting from the ground surface and moving
surements have limited usefulness for describing downwards, the following soils are typically found:
overall building behaviour', and suggest that some
(a) made ground
form of the equivalent raft method is more suited
(b) volcanic ashes and organic soils
for large groups, such as the one under discussion.
(c) strati®ed sands
The results obtained by the present writers, on the
(e) pozzolana, cohesionless or slightly indurated
contrary, seem to support the conclusion that a
(f) volcanic tuff.
proper application of the interaction factors method
can give satisfactory results even for large groups. Pozzolana and tuff belong to the same pyroclas-
tic formation, the only difference being the degree
of diagenesis.
Cases 10, 11 and 12. New Law Court Building, The groundwater table is found at a shallow
Naples (Caputo et al., 1991) depth below the ground surface, located at an
The building belongs to the New Directional average elevation of 5 m above mean sea level.
Centre of Naples, in the eastern area of the town. At the building location the tuff bedrock is
It consists of three towers, ranging in height be- missing, and the pyroclastic formation consists
tween 70 m (Tower C) and 110 m (Tower A), and only of cohesionless and slightly indurated pozzo-
has a steel frame structure with reinforced concrete lana. An average soil pro®le with some CPT results
stiffening cores. (average values of qc plus or minus the standard
The foundation is a reinforced concrete slab, deviation over 12 CPT pro®les) and a summary of
Fig. 13. Case histories Nos. 10, 11 and 12: layout of the foundation

Fig. 14. Case histories Nos. 10, 11 and 12: schematic plan and section of the structure

soil properties obtained by means of laboratory Viggiani & Vinale (1983); all piles were instru-
tests on undisturbed samples are shown in Fig. 15, mented with strain gauges at different sections
together with the soil model assumed in the analy- along the shaft.
sis. The subsoil has been modelled as a three-layer The construction of the three towers took about
medium. The ratio between the moduli of any two seven years (1982±1989). During the whole con-
layers has been assumed equal to the ratio of the struction period, a detailed record was kept of the
corresponding average qc values, as deduced from load distribution over the foundation area, and the
the CPT pro®les. settlement of a number of points has been recorded
Several pile load tests have been performed at (Fig. 17).
the site, including tests to failure on four piles In the ®nal part of the construction period
(Fig. 16). All test piles were 42 m long; the (1987±1989) and for some years after the end of
diameter was 1´5 m for piles A and C, and 2´0 m construction, the rate of settlement remained nearly
for piles B and D. Piles C and D were equipped unchanged, in spite of the very small increase
with a preloading cell at the base, as detailed by of the applied load. Such a behaviour can be


Made ground

15 m
10 12 CPT
Peat and organic silt
γsat = 11–14 kN/m3
Silty sand with interbedded
pozzolana layers

25 m
E2 = 3 E1
γsat = 16–18 kN/m3 30

Depth: m
Cohesionless pozzolana
γsat = 15–16 kN/m3 40
c ′ = 0; φ′ = 36–40˚ 42 m

E3 = 10 E1

Slightly indurated pozzolana 60

γsat = 15–16 kN/m3
c ′ = 100–200 kPa Ep = 1200 E1
φ′ = 28– 32˚ 70

0 10 20 30 40 50
qc: MPa

Fig. 15. Case histories Nos. 10, 11 and 12: subsoil pro®le and properties, and subsoil model adopted in the analysis

Fig. 16. Case histories Nos. 10, 11 and 12: load±settlement curves of four load
tests on piles (PLC, preloading cell)

Fig. 17. Case histories Nos. 10, 11 and 12: loading history and settlement observed during and after

explained by the occurrence of creep deformations. piles, corrected to account for the in¯uence of
The occurrence of creep in pyroclastic soils has anchor piles and ®tted with a hyperbola, gave the
been known for a number of years (Croce, 1948). values reported in Table 3.
The comparison between predicted and observed SINGPALO has been used to reproduce, on aver-
settlement, reported below, refers to the end of age, the corrected values of I w0 , giving a value of
construction. E1 ˆ 39:3 MPa. Once the soil model was de®ned,
The load±settlement curves of the four test the codes SINGPALO and ALPHAPALO were used to

get respectively the values of I w0 for the piles with Indeed, the LE analysis based on low-strain
a diameter different from that of the test piles, and moduli as back-®gured from the initial stiffness of
the pile±pile interaction laws. Table 4 summarizes the load test on single piles gives a rather satisfac-
all the results obtained; the values of smax and rG tory agreement with the observed values in all but
do not depend on d and are 55´2 m and 84´5 m two cases (Fig. 19(a)).
respectively. One of the latter is case 2 (Koerner & Partos,
It has been found that the factor of interaction 1974), which has already been discussed. The other
between two piles of different diameter is equal to one is case 8 (Briaud et al., 1989) for a load close
that of a pair of identical piles having the diameter to the failure load, where obviously non-linearity
of the loaded pile. This agrees with the ®ndings of plays a major role. In fact, for the same case and a
Poulos & Hewitt (1985). safety factor SF > 2:5 (Q < 1 MN), the compari-
A comparison between the settlement predicted son falls within the range of all other cases (Fig.
by GRUPPALO at the end of construction and the 10).
measured settlements is shown in Fig. 18 for the These ®ndings con®rm the view already ex-
alignments reported in Fig. 13 and along the pressed by some authors (Mandolini & Viggiani,
perimeter of the raft. 1992b; Randolph, 1994) that the ampli®cation of
The agreement may be considered rather good the settlement of a single pile due to group action
for the LE and NL analyses; ELE analysis once depends essentially on the geometry of the group
more overpredicts both the average and the differ- and can be reliably predicted by a linear super-
ential settlements. position procedure.
In four out of the 19 cases examined, site mea-
surements of the shear wave velocity were avail-
DISCUSSION able, allowing an independent assessment of the
A comparison between the observed average and low-strain shear modulus of the soils.
differential settlements, and those predicted by the For the hydraulic ®ll in San Francisco (case 8)
analyses reported in this paper, is given in Fig. 19 Briaud et al. (1989) give an (average?) value of
for all the 19 cases examined. the shear modulus deduced by shear wave velocity
The majority of the cases examined refer to equal to 38´3 MPa. With a value of the Poisson's
foundations designed according to a conventional ratio ís ˆ 0:3, this corresponds to a Young's mod-
capacity-based approach. As a consequence, their ulus Es ˆ 99:6 MPa, to be compared with the
safety factor under the permanent working load is value Es ˆ 92:2 MPa back-®gured from the initial
rather high, and a simple linear analysis may be stiffness of the load test on the single pile.
expected to be adequate for engineering purposes. For the pyroclastic soils of the eastern Naples
area a set of cross-hole measurements of the shear
wave velocity were published by Vinale (1988).
Table 3. Data resulting from the load tests on single
piles Table 5 reports a comparison between such values
and those back-®gured from the pile load tests for
Pile I w0 : mm=MN I w0 : mm=MN Qlim : MN case histories 7, 10±12, and 14 and 15, all relating
(uncorrected) (corrected) to sites belonging to that area.
A 0´505 0´587 15´85 At the site of the bridge over the river Gariglia-
B 0´395 0´489 21´08 no (cases 13 and 17), a set of cross-hole measure-
C 0´518 0´611 47´22 ments of the shear wave velocity were published
D 0´313 0´351 34´55 by Mancuso & Mandolini (1993); they also carried

Pile C underwent a brittle failure at a load of 18 MN. out a number of vibration measurements during the
As stated elswhere, the value of Qlim reported in the table driving of piles, and interpreted them in terms of
is intended only as a geometrical parameter of the shear wave velocity. The results they obtained lead
hyperbola ®tting the initial part of the load±settlement to values of the shear modulus G0 equal to 18 MPa
curve. in a surface crust, and then increasing with depth
from 9 MPa at a depth of 5 m to 30 MPa at a
depth of 30 m below ground surface.
Table 4. Parameters for the analysis At the same site the load tests on a single pile
d: m I w0 : mm=MN á ˆ M(s=d) N gave an initial stiffness corresponding to values of
the shear modulus equal to 13 MPa from the
ground surface to a depth of 9 m, 9 MPa from 9 to
1´5 0´583 0´494 ÿ0´800 22 m, 14 MPa from 22 to 34 m and, ®nally,
1´6 0´538 0´506 ÿ0´805 20 MPa from 34 to 50 m.
1´8 0´467 0´529 ÿ0´815 At the site of the Pietra®tta plant (cases 18 and
2´0 0´412 0´549 ÿ0´823 19) the data shown in Fig. 20 allow a direct com-
2´2 0´368 0´567 ÿ0´831
parison between the values of the shear modulus

Fig. 18. Case histories Nos. 10, 11 and 12; comparison between predicted and observed settlements for some
alignments shown in Fig. 13 and around the perimeter of the raft

obtained by the shear wave velocity measurements Such an observation, if substantiated by further
and those back-®gured by the load test on a pile. experience, shows promising implications for both
In all four cases there is a substantial correspon- the interpretation of loading test results in terms of
dence between the two sets of values, with a trend soil properties and the prediction of settlement on
of the values back-®gured from pile loading tests the basis of geophysical measurements.
to ®t the lower limit of the geophysical measure- The NL analysis (Fig. 19(b)), which essentially
ments. It appears that the initial stiffness of the consists of adding the non-linear component of the
load±settlement curve of load tests on single piles settlement of the single pile to the settlement of
allows a reliable evaluation of the small-strain the group, obtained as in the LE analysis, slightly
deformability of the soil. improves the prediction of the average settlement

Fig. 19. Comparison between predicted and observed settlements: (a) average settlement, LE analysis; (b) average
settlement, NL analysis; (c) average settlement, ELE analysis; (d) maximum differential settlement, LE and NL
analysis; (e) maximum differential settlement, ELE analysis
Table 5. Values of the small-strain shear modulus of the pyroclastic soils in the eastern Naples area, as deduced by
shear wave velocity measurements and back-®gured from load tests on single piles at three building sites
Soil type G0 : MPa

Measured cross-hole Back-®gured from initial stiffness of load tests

(Vinale, 1988)
Case 7 Cases 10, 11 and 12 Cases 14 and 15
Peat 3±7 8
Volcanic ash 35±61 24
Strati®ed sand 66±101 45 144 58
Cohesionless pozzolana 93±128 112 80
Indurated pozzolana 150±191 151

Foundation level 4·3 m

10 G0 profile back-figured E1 Mine waste

from load tests on single pile

20 22 m
27 m E2= 1·2 E1 Lignite and peaty clay

E3 = 4·0 E1 Silty clay
45 m

E4 = 8·0 E1
Depth: m

50 Clayey silt
53 m

60 61 m
E5 = 16 E1 Sandy silt

69 m


E6 = 11·4 E1 Clayey silt


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
G0: MPa

Fig. 20. Case history No. 18: soil properties and subsoil model assumed in the analysis

in all the cases where the LE analysis was already 19(d) and (e)). The available data, however, are
successful. In case 8, where the non-linearity plays slightly more scanty and scattered than those on
a signi®cant role, NL analysis substantially im- the average settlement. This may be due, at least to
proves the prediction (Fig. 10). some extent, to the unknown and variable in¯uence
The ELE analysis (Fig. 19(c)), which incorrectly of the stiffness of the foundation and superstruc-
ampli®es both the elastic and plastic components ture.
of the settlement of the single pile, substantially As a ®nal comment, it should be noted that all
overpredicts the observed settlement. This is the analyses presented are `Class C' predictions
clearly shown in Fig. 10 for case 8 (Briaud et al., (Lambe, 1973), that is, predictions made after the
1989). event and when the results to be predicted are
The above comments also apply to the predic- already known. In spite of all the attempts at
tion of the maximum differential settlement (Figs de®ning a standard procedure and reducing to a

minimum the in¯uence of subjective judgement, a 20% of the observed ones. The maximum differ-
range of choice of the values of parameters, of the ential settlement is predicted with slightly lesser
loading history and of the boundary conditions accuracy. Such an accuracy is believed to be
always exists. More or less consciously the choice adequate for engineering purposes, considering that
may then be tuned, within such a range, to make also the accuracy of the numerical codes is prob-
the analysis ®t the known observed results. As an ably of the same order (Randolph, 1994).
example of this subjectivity, a comparison may be For foundations designed according to the con-
made between the results reported in this paper for ventional capacity-based approach, and hence char-
the buildings in the eastern Naples area (case 7; acterized by a relatively high safety factor, linear
cases 10, 11 and 12; and cases 14 and 15), and and non-linear analyses are essentially equivalent
previous back-analyses of the same cases published for the prediction of settlement. They are based on
by the writers or their colleagues (Caputo, 1991; elastic properties of the subsoil back-®gured from
Caputo et al., 1991; Mandolini & Viggiani, the initial stiffness of load tests on single piles.
1992b). The comparison is made in Table 6. Some evidence suggests that the low-strain shear
The previous analyses were essentially ELE, and modulus, obtained by in situ shear wave velocity
were carried out on the basis of the same experi- measurements, can be also successfully employed
mental evidence as used for the present paper, with in the prediction of the settlement.
slightly different procedures and codes. In particu- When the safety factor is low, the consideration
lar, different values of the maximum interaction of non-linearity becomes mandatory. It is to be
spacing and different subsoil models were adopted. expected that foundations designed according to
At that time, however, the equivalent linear proce- the settlement-based approach, where piles are
dure was believed to be the most suitable one and essentially used as settlement reducers, will require
accordingly also the judgement, though not deliber- NL analysis.
ately, was probably tuned to improve the agreement The only case in which the observed and pre-
between prediction and observation. dicted values of the settlement completely disagree
As a matter of fact, it may be seen that previous is that reported by Koerner & Partos (1974). If
ELE analyses tend to be in better agreement with errors or misunderstandings are excluded, a possi-
the observed results than the present ones. ble explanation could be obtained from the occur-
The results reported in Table 6 allow an assess- rence of a deep compressible layer not revealed by
ment of the in¯uence of apparently minor details the available investigations.
of the procedure of analysis and of the range of
subjectivity in the selection of parameters.
A number of undergraduate and postgraduate
CONCLUDING REMARKS students of the University of Naples shared in the
A number of well-documented records of the development of the computer codes and the back-
settlement of pile foundations have been back- analysis of cases histories reported in the paper.
analysed by a numerical procedure based on super- Among them R. Maiorano and G. Russo deserve a
position factors; the soil properties relevant to the special mention.
analysis have been back-®gured from the results of The work of M. Randolph, and the stimulating
loading tests on single piles. discussions held with him in various places and
In all but one of the cases analysed the pre- times, have greatly contributed to the ideas on
dicted values of the average settlement are within which this paper is based.

Table 6. Comparison between different evaluations of the average settlement of buildings in eastern Naples Area
Case Average settlement: mm

Measured Present Previous ELE

Value Source
7 5´9 5´2 4´1±10´6 Caputo (1991)
10 28´1 37´9
11 31´5 38´4 21´6±28´4 Caputo et al. (1991)
12 25´1 27´0
14 11´0 19´8 9´5 Mandolini & Viggiani (1992b)
15 7´0 14´3 6´9

These analyses refer to a load level lower than that at the end of construction.
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