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University of Melbourne - Department of Nursing PREV NEXT 1

WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Intellectual Disability

(i) Define the terms: Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Developmental Disability (DD), Intellectual
Disability (ID) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
(ii) Understand two different models of intelligence
(iii) explore implications for providing nursing assessment and care to individuals with an intellectual disability
or developmental disorder

PBL #1 PBL # 2 PBL #3 Feedback

WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


➡ An umbrella term for severe conditions that

impact the attainment of normal developmental

➡ What’s my milestone?

Room - A3A3D2C1

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


➡ An umbrella term for severe conditions that

impact the attainment of normal developmental
➡ Impacts are in the areas of language, mobility and
DD independence
➡ Fragile X

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➡Fragile X - Behavioral Presentation

Social Shyness
Sensory Defensiveness
Autistic-like Characteristics

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➡Fragile X - Behavioral Presentation ■
Dan has an IQ of 50 – a mental age of 4-5…. he is 20
Dan has finished school but will never work. He attends a
community participation programme Monday to Friday, where  his
favourite activity is dancing
■ Dan can recite lots of lines from movies and TV programs:
■ “Sticky tape, we have sticky tape, lots of sticky tape at our
house” (Bananas in Pyjamas);
■ “I’m so in love” (Sleeping Beauty – but recited when giving mum a
hug….Thank you Mr Disney!)
■ But Dan communicates in just single words – “juice” “toast” “Ipad”
or gesturing
■ Dan can’t write his own name but is a whiz on the iPad
■ At 20 Dan will never drive a car. He can ride a bike with training
wheels, but can’t use the brakes so I have to run next to him. He
takes great delight in telling me “run” and peddling as fast as he can
(City to Surf training, thanks to Dan!)
■ Dan has trouble concentrating, exhibits features of ADHD and
suffers from epilepsy. He takes 5 different medications every day…
15 tablets a day. Last year he learned to swallow tablets with water!
■ Dan can be overwhelmed with input. If he can’t express this, it can
come out physically…hitting and biting. He sometimes has drawn
■ At 20 he still has occasional toileting accidents
■ Dan will live a full lifespan but will need constant care because
he cannot live independently
■ His sisters have had to grow up sooner than their years would
normally demand, taking on a shared parenting role.
■ But without a doubt, Dan has made us all better people. We are
more tolerant and patient.
■ Dan loves Disney princesses – last year I took him to Disneyland. It
was the best holiday of MY life
■ When I tell Dan I am the luckiest mum in the world, there is no
greater truth

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

➡ An umbrella term for severe conditions that impact
the attainment of normal developmental milestones
➡ Impacts are in the areas of language, mobility and
DD ➡ Fragile X
➡ Feotal Alcohol Syndrome Spectrum Disorders
➡partial fetal alcohol syndrome (PFAS),
➡alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND), and
➡alcohol-related birth defects

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➡ Although national guidelines advise against drinking during pregnancy,
half of Australian women reported drinking during pregnancy in the recent
(2010) national household survey.

➡Indigenous women are less likely than non-Indigenous women to drink

during pregnancy, but many who do so drink frequently and at high-risk

➡Alcohol exposure in pregnancy is a leading preventable cause of intellectual

disability, developmental delay and birth defects and can cause fetal alcohol
syndrome (FAS) and partial FAS (pFAS).

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The Lililwan* Project

➡ In 127 pregnancies, alcohol was used in 55%.
➡FAS or pFAS was diagnosed in 13/108 children,
➡a prevalence of 120 per 1000 (95% confidence interval 70–196).
➡Prenatal alcohol exposure was confirmed for all children with FAS/pFAS,
➡80% in the first trimester
➡50% throughout pregnancy.
➡Ten of 13 mothers had Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test scores and
all drank at a high-risk level.
➡Of children with FAS/pFAS,
➡69% had microcephaly,
➡85% had weight deficiency and
➡all had facial dysmorphology and
➡central nervous system abnormality/impairment in 3 to 8 domains.
Fitzpatrick, etal (2015) Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51, 450–457

University of Melbourne - Department of Nursing PREV NEXT 16

The Lililwan* Project

➡ CNS structure including microcephaly or other structural CNS abnormality

➡Hard and/or soft neurological signs; seizure disorder; gross and/or fine
motor functioning (± articulation, phonology and motor speech)
➡ Cognition – cognitive delay and/or uneven cognitive profile
➡ Memory – auditory and/or visual
➡ Executive functioning and abstract reasoning
➡ Communication – expressive and/or receptive language
➡ Attention deficit/hyperactivity (± other behavioural problems ± sensory
➡ Visual motor integration
➡ Adaptive behaviour/social skills/social communication
➡ Academic achievement
Fitzpatrick, etal (2015) Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51, 450–457

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


➡ An umbrella term for severe conditions that

impact the attainment of normal developmental
➡ Impacts are in the areas of language, mobility and
DD independence
➡ Fragile X
➡ Feotal Alcohol Syndrome
➡ Down’s Syndrome

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Trisomy 21

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Down’s Syndrome

➡ first described, in 1866, by John Langdon Down, a physician at the

Earlswood Asylum for Idiots.
➡ 1:1,000 births / 2 births per day
➡ no correlation between obviousness of DS physical attributes and
cognitive or developmental delay
➡ Sensory problems: glue ear, grommets, 50% sensory deafness, 70%
corrective lenses by age 7, respiratory infections, mouth
breathing ...

Dierssen M, de la Torre Fornell R. (2102) Down Syndrome. [Electronic Resource] : From Understanding The Neurobiology To Therapy [e-book]. Burlington : Elsevier Science

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University of Melbourne - Department of Nursing PREV NEXT 22

WELCOMEFragile Intelligence 2 Fragile

X1 (male) X (female)
Down’s Syndrome Definitions Problem Based Learning 3

Reilly C. Behavioural Phenotypes and Special Educational Needs: Is Aetiology Important in the Classroom?. Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research [serial online]. October 1, 2012;56(10):929-946.

University of Melbourne - Department of Nursing PREV NEXT 23

WELCOMEFragile Intelligence 2 Fragile

X1 (male) X (female)
Down’s Syndrome Definitions Problem Based Learning 3

Reilly C. Behavioural Phenotypes and Special Educational Needs: Is Aetiology Important in the Classroom?. Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research [serial online]. October 1, 2012;56(10):929-946.

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


➡ An umbrella term for severe conditions that

impact the attainment of normal developmental
➡ Impacts are in the areas of language, mobility and
DD independence
➡ Fragile X
➡ Feotal Alcohol Syndrome
➡ Down’s Syndrome
➡ Intellectual disability
➡ Pervasive Developmental Disorders

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

➡is an umbrella term for five psychiatric disorders
Pervasive manifesting as delays in attainment of
Developmental developmental milestones


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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

➡is an umbrella term for five psychiatric disorders
Pervasive manifesting as delays in attainment of
Developmental developmental milestones
Disorder ➡these include:
➡Childhood disintergrative disorder
PDD ➡Rett’s Syndrome
➡Autism spectrum disorders
➡ Asperger’s Syndrome

➡A regression or loss of milestones

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Example of regression or loss

A regression ➡2 years old would call out “3” when parents or others
or loss of said, “one ... two ....”
➡2 years runs and loves hide and seek games
PDD ➡2 years six months toilet trained for bladder not bowels
➡2 years six months no longer calls out “3”
➡3 years shows no interest in seek but likes to hide
➡3 years unable to control bladder and bowels
➡3 years no longer uses transitional object

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Example of developmental disruption

A regression ➡8 years old
or loss of ➡Can’t throw overhand
milestones ➡Can’t ride a bike
PDD ➡Can ride tricycle
➡Uses mnemonics to learn
➡Sexual feelings are apparent

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


➡A total of six (or more) from (1), (2) and (3), with at least
two from (1) and one each from (2) and (3).

Autism 1) qualitative impairment in social interaction as manifested

Spectrum by at least two of the following:
Disorders (a) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal

ASD behaviours, such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression,

body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction
(b) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to
developmental level
(c) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyments,
interests or achievements w other people.
(d) lack of social or emotional reciprocity

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


➡A total of six (or more) from (1), (2) and (3), with at least
two from (1) and one each from (2) and (3).

Autism 2) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by

Spectrum at least one of the following
Disorders (a) delay or total lack of, the development of spoken

ASD language
(b) in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment
in the ability to initiate or sustain conversation
(c) stereotyped and repetitive use of language or
idiosyncratic language
(d) lack of spontaneous make-believe play or social
imitative play at appropriate developmental level

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

➡A total of six (or more) from (1), (2) and (3), with at least
two from (1) and one each from (2) and (3).

3) restricted repetitive & stereotyped patterns of behaviour,

interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the
(a) encompassing preoccupation w one or more stereotyped
ASD & restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal in
intensity or focus
(b) apparent inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional
routines or rituals
(c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannersisms
Asperger’s? (flapping / twisting)
(d) persistent occupation of parts of objects

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

➡mental retardation
➡significant subaverage intellectual functioning (onset b’f 18)
➡IQ 70 or below
➡concurrent impairments (incl failure to meet milestones)
➡ communication
ID ➡home living
➡social / interpersonal skills
➡use of community resources
➡functional academic skills
➡work, leisure

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


50-55 Mild MR
Disability 35/40 -50/55 Moderate
20/25 - 35/40 Severe
20/25 or below Profound

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Intelligence distribution

What is


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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Intelligence Classification

130+ Very superior

120-129 Superior,
What is

Intelligence 110-119 High average

? 90-109 Average
80-89 Low average
70-79 Borderline
69- Extremely low
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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Intelligence Classification

What is


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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Intelligence Classification

What is the

Effect ?

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Learn, remember, perform - in different ways

visual spatial
Body kinesthetic

Intelligence Musical
? Interpersonal
Sal Khan Linguistic
Howard Garner
Logical mathematical
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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3


➡ Umbrella term for difficulty learning in a typical manner

➡ Processing of information:
Learning ➡input,
Disorders ➡integration,
LD ➡output

➡ Reading Disorder
➡Mathematics Disorder
➡Disorder of written expression
➡Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Clinical implications from definitions

PBL Mary, a 10-year-old grade-two student, has been
brought to the GP practice by her mother who is
concerned about her breathing. Mary has shown flu
#1 symptoms for two days (snotty, grotty, cranky).

You notice that Mary’s vital signs are within normal

Down’s limits although there is evidence of tachycardia.

Assessment Implications?
Nursing Care Implications?
University of Melbourne - Department of Nursing PREV NEXT 43
WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Clinical implications from definitions

PBL James, an 11-year-old grade-five student, has
presented to ED via ambulance with a compound

#2 fracture to his left arm sustained in the playground.

His mother has been contacted an is on her way, but
will be another hour due to public transport. The
Ambulance officer states that James has Asperger’s
Autism Syndrome and has just started mainstream schooling
this year.
Assessment Implications?
Nursing Care Implications?
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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

Clinical implications from definitions


Larry, a 30-year-old nightclub worker, is in

#3 rehabilitation following a blunt trauma to the
occipital region of the skull. Larry states he was born
with pFAS and wants to know if he the injury is
going to make him worse.
Assessment Implications?
Nursing Care Implications?

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WELCOME Definitions 1 Intelligence 2 Problem Based Learning 3

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