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HILKAR ELEKTRIK ELEKTROTEKNIK SAN. VE Tic. LTD. STi. TEST LABORATORY / DENEY LABORATUVARI e Hilkar® ee ee 54580 ARIFIYE / SAKARYA / TURKIYE www.hilkar.com Tel : +90 264 275 55 40 Fax : +90 264 275 1276 ‘AB-0665-T TEST REPORT 1808020 DENEY RAPORU 03.2018 Customer Name : PT. Trafoindo Prima Perkasa Masterinin Adi Customer Address : Misterinin Adresi + Jl. Hayam Wuruk 4 Fx, Jakarta 10120 INDONESIA ‘Customer Order Number . Master siparis numarast + P11g00801 Manufacturer Order Number. gy g4o4 Oretici siparig numarasi Description of Sample Numunenin Tarim Trade Mark Marka Drawing Number Teknik Resim Numarasi Serial Number(s) Seri Numara(lar): Reception Date of Sample : 3,3/ V3 kV 19 Ohm 100 A 10 s Neutral Grounding Resistor Hilkar + NTD.S.1A.10T.01R.18.0106 REVO1 + 61730218, 61740218 ‘Numune Kabul Tarihi + 08.03.2018 Test Date(s) : Deney Tarih(len)i + 08.03.2018 Number of Pages of the Report. Raporun Sayfa Sayisi HILKAR is accredited by TURKAK under registration number AB-0665-T for TS EN ISO IEC 17025:2012 as test laboratory. Deney Laboratuvari olarak faaliyet gosteren HILKAR, TURKAKtan AB-0665-T ile TS EN ISO IEC 17025:2012 standardina gore akredite edilmistir. The Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK) is a signatory to the European co-operation for the Accreditation (EA) Multilateral Agreement (MLA) and to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) ‘Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) for the recognition of test reports. Tark Akreditasyon Kurumu (TURKAK) deney raporlarinin taninirligi konusunda Avrupa Akreditasyon Birlgi (EA) ile Cok Tarafli Anlasma ve Uluslararasi Laboratuvar Akreditasyon Birligi(ILAC) ile karsilikr tanima antlasmasi imzalamistir. The test and/or measurements results, the uncertainties (if applicable) with confidence probability and test ‘methods are given on the following pages which are part of this report. Deney velveya 6lgam sonuglan, genisletiimis Gleam betirsiziKleri (olmasi halinde) ve deney metotlan, bu sertifkanin tamamlayici kismi olan takip eden sayfalarda verilmistr. Date Person in Charge of Test Tarih Deney Sorumlusu 09.03.2018 i ppotnicio ‘This report shall not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of the laboratory. Testing reports without signature ‘and seal are not vals. ‘Bu rapor Laboatuvann yazi i olmadn kismen Kopyelanp gagatiiomaz,Inzasre ve mist raporler gecesi. 1400.F.011-1 Rev:t7 /07.2017 Sayfa /Page 1/5 : | k [aB-066s-7 Hi ar 8 HILKAR Elektrik Elektroteknik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti, | ya s550 www hilkar.com Test Laboratory / Deney Laboratuvari 03.2018 4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS / TEKNIK OZELLIKLER Operation Voltage / /sleime Geriimi (Un): 3,3 / V3 kV# 10% 50HZ Basic Insulation Level (BIL) / /zolasyon Seviyesi 36/10/40 kV Resistance Value / DA Direnci (Res): 19Q £10% @25°C Rated Fault Current / Anza Akim 100A Rated Time “On” / Anza Sdresi 10s Rated Continuous Current / Sirekli Akims 10A Duty Cycle / Galisma Cevrimi 1 time per hour Max. Ambient Temperature / Mak. Cevre Sicakligi 55°C Max. Temperature Rise / Mak. Sicaklik Artist $760 °C Max. Resistance Variation / Mak. Direng Degisimi <60% Resistor Material / Direng Malzemesi CrNi Stainless Steel Resistor Type / Direng Tipi Edgewound Incoming Terminal / Giris Terminali Bottom Outgoing Terminal / Gikis Terminali Side Enclosure Protection Degree / Kabin Koruma Sinifi IP 54 (Outdoor & Indoor) Enclosure Material / Kabin Malzemesi 2 mm Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Painting & Min. Thickness / Boya & Min. Kalinhk RAL 7035 /2 50 um Dimensions (WxLxH) / Ebatiari (ExBxY) 1130 mm x 1010 mm x 1260 mm Net Weight / Net Agiriik 160 kg Current Transformer / Akim Trafosu 100/5 A, 5P10, 10 VA. Voltage Transformer / Gerilim Trafosu - ‘Switching Equipment / Anahtarlama Elemani . Lightning Arrester / Parafudr - Grounding Transformer / Topraklama Trafosu - ‘Over Current Relay / Asin: Akim Rélesi Over Voltage Relay / Asin Gerilim Rolesi - Heater & Thermostat / Hacre Isiticis: & Termostat - Lamp / Lamba - Door Switch / Kap Anahtarr - 2._TESTS / DENEYLER =] Routine Tests / Rutin Deneyler Test Methods / Deney Metotlar! 2.1. Coating Thickness Measurement / Kaplama Kaliniiginin Olguma EN ISO 10346 — EN ISO 12944 2.2. Current Transformer Test / Akim Trafosu Deneyi IEC 61869-2 2.3. DC Resistance Measurement / DC Direng Oleumi ANSI / IEEE32 - 1972 2.4. Insulation Test of Resistor Blocks / Blok Izolasyonu Deneyi ANSI / IEEE32 - 1972 2.5. Applied Voltage Test / Uygulanan Gerilim Deneyi ANSI / IEEE32 — 1972, IEC 60060-1 Type Tests / Tip Deneyler Test Methods / Deney Met in 2.6, Protection Degree Control Test / Koruma Derecesinin Tespiti Deneyi EN 60529 2.7. Lightning Impulse Test / Yildinm Darbe Deneyi ANSI / IEEE32 ~ 1972, IEG. 600 2.8. Temperature Rise Test / Sicaklik Artis: Doneyi ANSI/IEEE32 - 1972.0" eo This report shall not be reproduced other than in fll xcopt withthe permission of the laboratory. Testing report without signature and ‘Bu rapor,Laboratuvann yor in oimadankismenkopyalanypcopaiemas, Imzasi ve mUnureleraporar goves2dr 1400.F.011-1 Rev:t7 /07.2017 Sayfa /Page 2/5 e |AB-0665-T 1 a HILKAR Elektrik Elektroteknik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. recat ee Test Laboratory / Deney Laboratuvari 03,2018 u { 3._TESTS RESULTS / DENEY SONUGLARI___ - 3.1. Serial Number / Seri No : 61730218 Tag Number / Etiket Numarasi : 3.1.1. Coating Thickness Measurement / Kaplama Kaliniiginin Olgiimii ‘Three points of each piece of enclosure is measured randomly and the average value of thickness is calculated. Kabinin her bolaminden rastgele segilmis Og nokta dlgilir ve bu degerlerin ortalamas! alirur. Acceptance Criteria / Kabul Kriteri: (Galvanization / Galvaniz) + (Paint / Boya) = 57 um Result/Sonug: 173 pm Test Equipment / Deney Cihazian KO10 [Affirmative /Olumiu [x Negative / Olumsuz| 3.1.2, Current Transformer Test / Akim Trafosu Deneyi Ratio/oran | Vkn | ikn Current Ratio Error in % 1007 % Akin Oran Hatasi (100 % load Cose0,8) M_| [may _|a%in [5% in_| 10% In [ 20% In [50% in | 100% in | 120% In | 200% In 100 A:4,988 A | 28,768 | 0,088_| -2,051 | -0,855_| 0,604 | -0,436 | -0,306 | -0.247 | -0,234 | -0,203, Test Equipment /Deney Cihazian —_: K232 Affirmative /Olumlu B Negative / Olumsuz Z] 3.1.3, DC Resistance Measurement / DC Direng Olgiimi: Ri= 18680 — Ty= 19,19 T;=25°C «= 0,00105 °C Rr=Rix[1+a(T2—Ty)]= 18,800 Test Equipment / Deney Cihazian__: KO05, K274 Affirmative /Olumiu &2 Negative | Olumsuz [ 3.1.4. Insulation Test of Resistor Blocks / Blok Izolasyonu Deneyi Test voltage is applied between resistance and block ! Test gerilimi direng ve blok arasina uygulanmistir. Un=3,3/V3kV N=2 (2,25 x Un J N) +2 = 4,14 kVac, f= 50 Hz, 60s Test Equipment / Deney Cihazian__: KOO1 Affirmative [Olumiu 8 Negative / Olumsuz CI 3.1.5. Applied Voltage Test / Uygulanan Gerilim Deneyi Ut= 10 KV, f= 0 Hz, 60 s is applied between resistance and enclosure / direng ve kabin arasina uygulanmistir. Test Equipment / Deney Cihaziari oot Affirmative /Olumiu §] Negative / Olumsuz C1] 3.1.6. Protection Degree Control Test / Koruma Derecesinin Tespili Deneyi IP x4 Remark : This test was applied to the 61740218 serial number NGR. Not Bu test 61740218 seri numarali NTD ye uygulanmstir. Test Equipment / Deney Cihazian K275 Affirmative /Olumiu [} Negative / Olumsuz Cj 3.1.7. Lightning Impulse Test / Yildirim Darbe Deneyi Ut = 40 kVpeoitepe iS applied between resistance and enclosure / direng ve kabin arasina uygulanur, Test Equipment / Deney Cihazian _: KO03, Affirmative /Olumiu B& Negative / Olumsuz 3.1.8. Temperature Rise Test / Sicaklik Artisi Deneyi 100 A t=10s AT = 365K Test Equipment / Deney Cihaziari K005, K274 Affirmative /Olumlu 6 Negative / Olumsuz C This report shall not be reproduced other than in full except withthe permission ofthe aboratory. Testing reports without signature and seal are not valid. ‘Burapor Laboratuvarm yea i cimaden ksmon hopytanip sopatiomas Incase ve Mnurue raparar peparslear 1400.F.011-1 Rev:17 / 07.2017 Sayfa /Page 3/5 H ji | k a fee = | f HILKAR Elektrik Elektroteknik San. ve Tic. Ltd. $ti. Test 1803020 | www.hilkar.com Laboratory / Deney Laboratuvar! 03.2018 4. TECHNICAL DRAWING(S) / TEKNIK RESIM(LER) ring isc aac 230 " wee 3.3/3 KV 19 Ohm 100 10 Se. [NEUTRAL GROUNDING RESISTOR Ey Hl \ t t gi 4 20 a sora, T | i i I ee L----L-_-4. FINAL DRAWING I "Ws roport ha nob eroded ote tan nfl xcopt th he permission ofthe abreta Testing report witout ont nd sel arent vl apo Labortuvar yell gimadansismen hogan cogatiome,Imzast ve inure rapa ged 1400.6 011-1 Rewt7 107 2017 Sayla /Page 5/5 ° i 5 ® | HILKAR ELEKTRIK ELEKTROTEKNIK Hilkar SAN. VE TIC. LTD. STI. Se © RECOMMENDED RELAY SETTINGS TAVSIYE EDILEN ROLE AYARLARI hoo A _l3 Ohm do Sec. PROTECTION OF THE NEUTRAL GROUNDING (EARTHING) RESISTOR (NGR) NOTR TOPRAKLAMA DIRENCININ (NTD) KORUMASI A og 4,5 Ia 01s oo 0,5 1 lor 0,0 In loo lea for Vo= 0,60 Us / V3 vy ee az ® ® ibe eee vce nn oa se ge gs ss 238 28 2s 38 Ss B33 ax 38 BE 2 33 & B38 Bore 53 5 : a : Se "2 Remark ; Maximum current that can be loaded without cooling is _/0_A continuously. Uyari —_: Soguma olmaksizin yiiklenebilecegi maksimum siirekli akim 9 A ‘dir. Morkez / Head Office:, 1 Yol. No: 16 54580 Arfiye / Sakarya / Torkiye Tol: 90,264,275 56 40 Fax: 90.264.275 1278 ‘Sube / Branch Office: Perpa-Elektrokent Kat11 No:1678 Okmeydant /Istanbul/ Tarkiye Tel: 90:212.210 68 64 Fax: 90.212221 1025 obs: yw hilker.com —e-mal: hikarf@hikar com ine Nav 4400 F 011-48 REVO Pane $14

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