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charlotte horton

science period 2
february 2 , 2018
the effects of climate change

Climate change is very real and it’s already affecting so many people. It
is scary to ponder about how the future will look with climate change, and even
scarier to see what’s already happening. One example of already-existing
effects is on a small island in Bangladesh. People here are experiencing
rapidly-rising sea levels. One family lost all of their land to the extreme
flooding, and are now struggling to survive. The father is trying to marry his
daughter off, although he doesn’t want to, he feels that he can barely support
himself, let alone his daughter. It is a really unfortunate situation where
some of the most poor and underprivileged can be put at the most risk for these
negative effects. In Bangladesh alone, many people are losing their homes and
their land, and many girls are being married off very early. People are having
to evacuate and can barely survive. For a lot of them, it’s just adding to
their already-existing struggles.
Another way climate change is affecting us, is not just from rising sea
levels, but from collapsing glaciers. In Tibet, there have been multiple recent
glacier collapse events, one injuring nine people and many animals. Climate
change is indeed the driving factor for these incidents. The warmer air and
more precipitation are causing more snow to fall, the ground underneath to be
more slippery, and in turn causing the glaciers to melt. All of that
contributes to the collapses. While this was already a very disastrous event in
Tibet, it’s frightening to imagine this happening in other more populated areas
where potentially even more humans and animals could die.
Looking at yet another way climate change is already affecting people, we
zoom into Cape Town, South Africa. Here, citizens are preparing for “Day Zero”.
This meaning that because of the city’s dangerously low water supply, they may
have to turn off taps in homes and businesses, and people may have to go to
certain areas to get rations of water. This is all caused by climate change.
Cape Town happens to be subjected to the unfortunate outcome of large and
frequent droughts. Cape Town has been getting drier and drier in recent years,
and only seems to be continuing to get drier. Despite Cape Town’s citizens
being very good at conserving water, they are still at a very probable risk
that “Day Zero” will happen. And unfortunately, Cape Town isn’t the only place
subjected to this, Brazil has already begun water rationing, and it’s all
caused by climate change and global warming.
In conclusion, climate change doesn’t just hold future effects. It’s
affecting the people on this planet now, in many different areas and ways. Most
of the effects seem to be negative and include severe droughts and flooding,
collapsing glaciers, and even more consequences. As mentioned above, all of
these are affecting people’s lives, in an unfavorable way. It is clear to see
that climate change can no longer be denied, and that something needs to be
done about it.
bibliography :

Pierre-louis, K. (2018, January 23). Bigger, Faster Avalanches, Triggered

by Climate Change. Retrieved from

Onishi, N., & Sengupta, S. (2018, January 30). Dangerously Low on Water,
Cape Town Now Faces 'Day Zero'. Retrieved from

Farber, T., & Molyneaux, A. (2017, November 17). Cape Town water crisis:
'Day zero' draws near. Retrieved from

Begum, R. (2011, September 05). Climate Change: Bangladesh. Retrieved

​ ttp://www.restlessbeings.org/humanitarian/climate-change-bangladesh
from h

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