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Nama : Ivan Fadhillah

NIM : 1507117723
Prodi : Teknik Kimia S1 B

Consider the folowing mixture going into a water-gas shift reactor to make hydrogen for the hiydrogen economy. CO, 630; H2O, 1130;
CO2 189; H2, 63 kmol/h. The gas is at 1 atm and 500 K. Use excel and MATLAB to compute the specific volume using
(a) Ideal gas law
(b) Redlich-Kwong equation of state
(c) Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state
The acentric factor for the TK-Soave method are: CO, 0.049; water, 0.344; CO2, 0.225; Hydrogen, -0.22.
Where did you get the other data you needed? How do the three answers compare? Is the gas ideal or not? Com,ment. Then redo
the calculations for a pressure of 200 atm and comment on the results

Answer :

n (mol) = di konversi menjadi mol/second

Senyawa n (mol/second) P (atm) T (Kelvin) R

CO 175 1 500 0.082
H2O 313.889 200
CO2 52.5
H2 17.5

Ideal gas law

V (L) specific volume [(L.Hour)/mol]
1 atm 200 atm 1 atm 200 atm
CO 7175 35.875 41 0.205
H2O 12869.449 64.34725 41 0.205
CO2 2152.5 10.7625 41 0.205
H2 717.5 3.5875 41 0.205
Nama : Ivan Fadhillah
NIM : 1507117723 P (atm) T (Kelvin) R
Prodi : Teknik Kimia S1 B 1 500 0.082
No Senyawa
Tc Pc R F a b y Vc Zc
1 CO 139.92 3.499 0.082 630 8.50773692 0.284097983 630 0.0944 0.229
2 CO2 304.21 7.383 0.082 189 28.1034314 0.292733829 189 0.094 0.274
3 H2O 647.096 22.064 0.082 1130 62.05775245 0.208361158 1130 0.0559 0.229
4 H2 33.19 1.313 0.082 63 0.6213151 0.17958697 63 0.0641 0.305

Answer :
untuk P = 1 atam
Average Tc 281.104 a mixture b mixture Volume f(v) ideal gas volume
Average Pc 8.56475 139026640 481.0705 482 110623075.8 41
Average R 0.082

untuk P = 200 atm

Average Tc 281.104 a mixture b mixture Volume f(v) ideal gas volume
Average Pc 8.56475 139026640 481.0705 482 196485412.3 0.205
Average R 0.082
Nama : Ivan Fadhillah
NIM : 1507117723 P (atm) T (Kelvin) R
Prodi : Teknik Kimia S1 B 1 500 0.082
No Senyawa
Tc Pc R F a b y ω Zc
1 CO 139.92 3.499 0.082 630 4.108660259 0.284098 630 0.0482 0.229
2 CO2 304.21 7.383 0.082 189 21.24260538 0.292734 189 0.2236 0.274
3 H2O 647.096 22.064 0.082 1130 68.57580988 0.208361 1130 0.3449 0.229
4 H2 33.19 1.313 0.082 63 0.927671359 0.179587 63 -0.216 0.305

m α
CO 0.555458 0.2554707
CO2 0.823147 0.5895901
H2O 1.001936 1.2571128
H2 0.131805 0.3846811

Untuk P = 1 atm
Average Tc 281.104 a mixture b mixture Volume f(v) ideal gas volume
Average Pc 8.56475 133780718 481.0705 482 105747046 41
Average R 0.082

Untuk P = 200 atm

Average Tc 0.689302
Average Pc 0.42253 f(v) ideal gas volume
Average R 0.082 191609383 0.205

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