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Name: ___________________________ 

PreCalc EOC 
1) Do you think that you have grown in   
your mathematical ability this year?  1 2 ​3​ 4 5 
Please mark how much you think you've 
grown on a scale from 1 (I have not grown 
at all) to 5 (I have grown a lot). 

1a) Please write 3 or more sentences  I believe that I have grown in my mathematical 
explaining your answer to question #1  ability in terms of understanding concepts. My work 
completion and ability to ask for help has also 
improved. I feel as though I have been forced to 
work a little harder than last year. I still struggle with 
tests and although I had sought to stay after school 
on Thursdays, important private matters prevailed. I 
also believe that I could have done better if I tried 
harder, but if I’m being completely honest with all 
the issues I dealt with this year, I stopped caring 
about things.  

2) Choose one topic that stood out to you  One topic that stood out to me, would have to be 
this year. For example, it may have been  the lesson on shifts and stretches of sinusoids. At 
the most interesting, the most  first it had been challenging for me to grasp, but 
challenging, the most confusing, the one  once I fully understood it came much easier for me. 
It actually became a little fun for me. 
where you felt the most successful, and 
so on. Why did this topic stand out to 
you? Please write 3 or more sentences 
reflecting on this. 

3) Choose one student skill that you think  One skilled that I think I developed this year, was 
you ​developed ​this year, to help you in  asking for help and not necessarily from the teacher. 
math classes in the future (either in  I attempted to ask for help from the teacher in the 
college or in Mav’s Calc class). Describe  beginning, but eventually stopped. I did, however, 
became more confident in sharing my confusion 
(using at least 3 sentences) one time 
with certain concepts with my friends and began 
where you used this new skill to your 
both giving and receiving help. While it is 
advantage in this class. (Ex. asking friends  something I clearly still need to work on, I think that 
for help, even though you never used to  I’m off to a good start for the future. 
need to; staying after school even when 
you weren’t asked; doing extra problems 
to study for tests; etc.) 

4) Optional: Write anything else you   

think it's important for me to know. 

Signed off:  Ye Dam Lee 


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