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Digital Communications

Lecture 3: Random Processes

Mandar Gujrathi

Bldg 78, Room 312

August 2, 2011
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• Random Variables

• Random Processes

• Noise

• Signal to Noise ratio

• Transmission and Filtering

• Digital Communications.

• Formatting analog information.

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Random Variables
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Discrete Random Variables

• Example: S= { Tail, Head}, Sx = {0, 1}

• A function that maps S into Sx is called as a Random Variable,

denoted by X (.)

• Sx is countable: Discrete Random Variable

• One to one mapping, Many to one mapping

• Sx is uncountable or infinite: Continuous Random Variable

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One to one mapping

X (s2 )

s 2 Tail

x1  1
x2  0
s1 Head
S X  {1,0}

X (s1)

Sample Space S

• Example: S= { Tail, Head}, Sx = {1,0}

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Probability of Random Variables

• The random variable X(.) maps on an event si from a sample space

S to xi in the sample space Sx

• In one to one mapping its basically the same event with different

Hence, P[X (s) = xi ] = P[sj : X (sj ) = xi ] = P{si }
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Probability of Random Variables

• For many to one mapping

P[X (s) = xi ] = P[sj : X (sj ) = xi ]

= P[sj ]
j:X (sj )=xi

fX [xi ] = P[X (s) = xi ]

• fX [xi ] is called the Probability Mass Function

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Continuous Random Variable

• Example: Length of waiting times at an airport

• Sx is infinite and uncountable: Continuous R.V.

• Difficult to assign a specific probability to each value of X

• But we can calculate the probability of X lying in an interval.

exponential distribution







0 a 5 10 15 20 25 30
b x

Z b
P[a ≤ X ≤ b] = fX (x)dx
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Probability Density function (PDF)

• fX (x) is called as the PDF, fX [xi ] is called the PMF.

• Properties
• PDF/ PMF must be non negative

fX (x) ≥ 0

• PMF must sum to 1

fX [xi ] = 1
fX [xi ] = 1

• PDF must integrate to 1

Z ∞
fX (x)dx = 1
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• Expectation E [X ], Mean µ

E [X ] = xi fX [xi ]
Z ∞
= xfX (x)dx
Z ∞
= g (x)fX (x)dx

• Expectation is linear

E [a1 X1 + a2 X2 ] = a1 E [X1 ] + a2 E [X2 ]

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nth moment
• Expectation E [X n ].
E [X ] = xin fX [xi ]
Z ∞
= x n fX (x)dx

• Variance, σ 2

Var (X ) = E [(X − µ)2 ]

σ 2 = E [(X − E [X ])2 ]
Z ∞
= (X − E [X ])2 fX (x)dx

• Variance is a non-linear operation

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Two Random Variables


HT x
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Concept of Multiple Random Variable

• Outcome of 2 coin tosses = {HT , TH, TT , HH}

• To map these events we require 2 random variables.

• But
 we are
 from the same sample space
X (si ) x
S  =  i
Y (si ) yi
• Two random variables defined on the same sample space are Jointly

distributed.       
1 0 0 1
• SX ,Y =   ,   ,   ,  
0 1 0 1
• These are discrete events, so joint PMF
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Joint PMF

• For a single RV, PMF: fX [xi ] = P[X (s) = xi ]

• For a multiple RV, Joint PMF:

fX ,Y [xi , yj ] = P[X (s) = xi , Y (s) = yj ],i = 1, . . . , Nx

j = 1, . . . , Ny

• Properties of Joint PMF

0 ≤ fX ,Y [xi , yj ] ≤ 1
Nx X
fX ,Y [xi , yj ] = 1
i=1 j=1
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Joint distributions

r =1

Sample Space S
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Joint distributions

r =1 (r , θ)

Sample Space S New Sample Space Sr ,θ

Sr ,θ = {(r , θ) : 0 ≤ r ≤ 1, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π}
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Random Processes
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Random Signals and Process

• Random Variables

X (s2 )

s 2 Tail

x1  1
x2  0
s1 Head
S X  {1,0}

X (s1)

Sample Space S
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Random process example

• Mapping the outcomes from the original experimental sample space.

S = {(H, H, T , . . . ), (H, T , H, . . . ), (T , T , H, . . . ), . . . }

SX = {(1, 1, 0, . . . ), (1, 0, 1, . . . ), (0, 0, 1, . . . ), . . . }

= {x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . }

• with each outcome of the random process denoted as

x1 = (x[0], x[1], . . . )

• The random process is a mapping from S which is a set of infinite

and sequential experimental outcomes to SX which is an infinte

sequence of realisations.
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Random process
X[n,s1] = x1[n]

x1[n] 1


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

X[n,s2] = x2[n]



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

X[n,s3] = x3[n]



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
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Random process
• A sample space or ensemble composed of functions of time is called

Random or stochastic process

• Suppose s1 , s2 , . . . , sn form the sample points of a sample space S

X (t, s), − T ≤ t ≤ T

xj (t) = X (t, sj )

x1 ( t )
x1 ( t k )

s2 x 2 (t ) x 2 (t k )


Sample Space x3 (t )
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Random process

• Is an ensemble composed of functions of time.

• For a single sample point s1 we get a single function of time x1 (t).

• If time is held constant t1 we get a random variable.

• For a given random process, the mean value of X (t) at arbitrary

time t is defined as

X (t) = E [X (t)]

• E [X (t)] is the ensemble average obtained by averaging over all the

sample functions with t held constant.

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Ensemble and Time Averages

• The ensemble average at a given time t is defined as

Z ∞
E [X (t)] = xfX (t) (x)dx

• In practice, we often have access to a single realisation of stochastic


• In this case it is possible to define the time average of a signal

1 2
hx(t)i = lim x(t)dt.
T →∞ T − T2
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Ergodic Process

• A process is said to be ergodic if all time averages are equal to the

corresponding ensemble averages.

• As per the definition,

E [X (t)] = hx(t)i = µx
= (x(t) − µx )2 = σx2

E X (t) − µx Variance
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Random Process: Operations

• Autocorrelation

Rx (t1 , t2 ) = E [X (t1 )X (t2 )]

Z ∞Z ∞
= x1 x2 fX (t1 )X (t2 ) (x1 x2 )dx1 dx2
−∞ −∞

• Autocovariance

Cx (t1 , t2 ) = E [{X (t1 ) − µx (t1 )}{X (t2 ) − µx (t2 )}]

= RX (t1 , t2 ) − µx (t1 )µx (t2 )

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Operations: Random Process

• Crosscorrelation

RXY (t1 , t2 ) = E [X (t1 )Y (t2 )]

Z ∞Z ∞
= xyfX (t1 )Y (t2 ) (xy )dxdy
−∞ −∞

• Cross covariance

CXY (t1 , t2 ) = E [{X (t1 ) − µx (t1 )}{Y (t2 ) − µy (t2 )}]

= RXY (t1 , t2 ) − µx (t1 )µy (t2 )

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• The two random processes are said to be uncorrelated if

CXY (t1 , t2 ) = RXY (t1 , t2 ) − µx (t1 )µy (t2 ) = 0

RXY (t1 , t2 ) = µx (t1 )µy (t2 )

RXY (t1 , t2 ) = E [X (t1 )]E [Y (t2 )].

• For a complex Stochastic Process, autocorrelation is

Z (t) = X (t) + jY (t)

RZ (t1 , t2 ) = E [Z (t1 )Z ∗ (t2 )]

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Types of Random Processes

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Strict Sense Stationary Process

• A random process X (t). At times t1 , t2 , . . . , tn , we observe random

variables X (t1 ), X (t2 ), . . . , X (tn ).

• The joint p.d.f is fX (t1 ),X (t2 ),...,X (tn ) x1 x2 . . . xn .

• A random process is strict sense stationary if

fX (t1 +τ ),X (t2 +τ ),...,X (tn +τ ) (x1 x2 . . . xn ) =

fX (t1 ),X (t2 ),...,X (tn ) (x1 x2 . . . xn )

• The joint p.d.f of random variables obtained by observing the

random process is invariant to time shift.

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IID random process

• So is IID random process stationary?

• Yes, Marginal PDF is the same for each RV. Therefore

fX (t1 +τ ),X (t2 +τ ),...,X (tn +τ ) (x1 x2 . . . xn ) =

fX (t1 ),X (t2 ),...,X (tn ) (x1 x2 . . . xn )

• Any process whose mean or variances change with time is NOT

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Wide sense Stationary Process

• Using joint p.d.f, first order distribution function, i.e. for n = 1 will

fX (t1 +τ ) (x) = fX (t1 ) (x)

• If t1 = 0, then

fX (τ ) = fX (0) (x) ∀τ

• Since the PDF does not depend on a particular time, so should not

mean/expectation. Therefore
Z ∞
E [X (t)] = xfX (x)dx = µx = constant

• Mean of a wide-sense stationary process is constant

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Wide sense stationary process

• Now, for n = 2 we have:

fX (t1 +τ )X (t2 +τ ) (x1 x2 ) = fX (t2 )X (t1 ) (x1 x2 ) ∀t1 , t2

• If τ = −t1 we have,

fX (t1 −t1 )X (t2 −t1 ) (x1 x2 ) = fX (t2 )X (t1 ) (x1 x2 ) ∀t1 , t2

• This leads to

E [X (t1 )X (t2 )] = E [X (0)X (t2 − t1 )]

RX (t1 , t2 ) = RX (t2 − t1 )

• Such a process is also called weakly stationary.

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• Recall that autocovariance of a random process is

Cx (t1 , t2 ) = E [{X (t1 ) − µx (t1 )}{X (t2 ) − µx (t2 )}]

= RX (t1 , t2 ) − µx (t1 )µx (t2 )

• If it is WSS,

CX (t1 , t2 ) = RX (t2 − t1 ) − µ2x

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To summarise
• A second order stationary process can be wide-sense stationary but

the converse is not true.

• A random process is ergodic if all time averages of sample functions

equal to corresponding ensemble averages.

• A random process is wide-sense stationary when the mean is

independent of time and the autocorrelation function depends on

the time difference.

• A random process is strictly stationary when the statistics do not

change regardless of any shift in time.

• A strict sense stationary process can be wide sense stationary but

the converse is not true.

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Properties of correlation for WSS process

• An Autocorrelation function is defined as

RX (τ ) = E [X (t + τ )X (t)] ∀t

• Mean square value of the process can be obtained by τ = 0.

RX (0) = E [X 2 (t)] this is second moment

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• Autocorrelation is an even function

RX (τ ) = RX∗ (−τ )







−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100

>> x = randn(1,101);
>> [a, shift] = xcorr(x);
>> plot(shifts,a);
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Properties of correlation

• Autocorrelation function RX (τ ) has the maximum magnitude at

τ =0

E [(X (t + τ ) + X (t))2 ] ≥ 0

E [X 2 (t + τ )] + E [X 2 (t)] + 2E [X (t + τ )X (t)] ≥ 0

2RX (0) + 2RX (τ ) ≥ 0

RX (0) ≥ |RX (τ )|
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Joint stationary

• For jointly WSS processes,

RXY (τ ) = RYX (−τ )

• If for all τ , RXY (τ ) = 0 we say X(t) and Y(t) are orthogonal

• If for all τ , CXY (τ ) = 0 we say X(t) and Y(t) are uncorrelated.

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• Consider a sinusoidal signal with random phase defined as

X (t) = X (t) cos(2πfc t + θ)

where A and fc are constants and θ is a random variable uniformly

distributed over the interval [−π, π] and independent of X (t).
Obtain the Rx (τ ) and PSD.
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• Consider a pair of quadrature modulated process that are related to

stationary process as

X1 (t) = X (t) cos(2πfc t + θ)

X2 (t) = X (t) sin(2πfc t + θ)

where fc is a carrier frequency and θ is a random variable uniformly

distributed over the interval [0, 2π] and independent of X (t). Obtain
the cross correlation.
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Filtering Stochastic Processes

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Filtering Stochastic Processes

• Consider a pair of LTI filters and process as shown.

X (t) V (t) Y (t) Z (t)

h1 (t) h2 (t)

• The cross correlation and cross spectral densities can be written as

Rvz (τ ) = v (τ ) ∗ z(−τ )

= h1 (τ ) ∗ x(τ ) ∗ h2∗ (−τ ) ∗ y (−τ )

Rvz (τ ) = h1 (τ ) ∗ h2∗ (−τ ) ∗ Rxy (τ )

Gvz (f ) = H1 (f )H2∗ (f )Gxy (f )

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Quadrature Filters

• A common tool in communications is the phase shifter, a device that

shifts the phase of its input by some number of degrees,

A cos(2πf0 t) A cos(2πf0 t − 90◦ )
−90◦ phase shifter

• Considered in terms of its constituent complex exponentials, this

phase shifter is shifting
• the phases of positive frequencies by −π/2 and

• the phases of negative frequencies by +π/2.

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Quadrature Filters
• The transfer function of a Quadrature filter can be written as

HQ (f ) = −jsgn(f ) = −j f >0

= +j f <0

• Hence,
HQ ( f )

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Quadrature Filters

• If we want to write the impulse response,

F[sgn(t)] =
F[] = sgn(−f ) = −sgn(f )
j 1
F −1 [−jsgn(f )] = =
jπt πt
If F(x(t)) = X (f ) then F(X (t)) = x(−f ) Duality

• Hence the impulse response is

hQ (t) = .
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Quadrature Filters and Hilbert Transforms

• Hence, given an input g (t), to produce a −90◦ -phase shifted output

ĝ (t), we perform the convolution

Z ∞
1 1 g (τ )
ĝ (t) = ∗ g (t) = dτ.
πt π −∞ t −τ

• The integral formula is known as the Hilbert transform and g (t) and

ĝ (t) as a Hilbert transform pair.

• The filter is known as a Hilbert transformer or a quadrature filter.

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Quadrature Filters and Hilbert Transforms

• If ĝ (t) is the Hilbert transform of g (t) then −g (t) is the Hilbert

transform of ĝ (t).

• The inverse Hilbert transform is given by

Z ∞
1 ĝ (τ )
g (t) = − dτ.
π −∞ t −τ

• Observe that, if g (t) is real, so is ĝ (t). In this case, pairs are

orthogonal: Z ∞
g (t)ĝ (t)dt = 0.
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• A communications signal at the receiver is usually modelled as a

stochastic process. We usually identify two components in the


• the information-bearing component — the signal — and

• the component that bears no information — the noise.

• We sometimes identify a third component: a component that bears

unwanted information, that of another user — interference.

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Thermal Noise
• Produced by random motion of charged particles in conducting

• In 1928, Johnson & Nyquist studied noise observed in resistors

(Johnsons noise/ resistance noise).

• They found that the noise voltage can be modelled as Gaussian.

• Furthermore, it has a spectral density

2Rh|f |
GV (f ) = V 2 /Hz
e h|f |/kT − 1

• R is the resistance (Ω), T is the temperature (K),

• k = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K is Boltzmann’s constant,

• h = 6.62 × 10−34 J · s is Planck’s constant.

• It turns out that this density is almost flat up to infra-red f’s.

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Thermal Noise

• This could be written as

h|f | kT
Gv (f ) = 2RkT 1 − |f | <<
2kT h

• Hence, we tend to use the (very accurate) approximation

GV (f ) = 2RkT V 2 /Hz.
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White & Coloured Noise

• Thermal noise has (for our purposes) a flat spectral density.

• By analogy to visible light, we call such noise white noise.

• Its autocorrelation and PSD are

RW (τ ) = δ(τ )
GW (f ) =
RW (τ ) = 0 t 6= 0

• Hence, any two samples separated in time are uncorrelated.

• However, a theoretical problem is that white noise has infinite

average power.
• Filtered white noise is called coloured noise.
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Coloured Noise

• Suppose we pass a Gaussian white noise with SD 2 through an LTI
filter with transfer function H(f ).

• Resulting output is

Gy (f ) = |H(f )|2
N0 −1
Ry (τ ) = F [|H(f )|2 ]

• SD of filtered noise takes the shape of |H(f )|2

• Hence, filtered white noise is called coloured noise.

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Signal-to-Noise Ratio

• Typically, the signal and noise components are added together in a

received communication signal.
• In additive noise our received process Y (t) is

Y (t) = S(t) + N(t)

S(t) is the noise-free signal (or process) and N(t) is the noise.
• We usually assume that:

• the noise is ergodic and zero-mean,

• the noise is independent of the signal.
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Signal-to-Noise Ratio

• With E [|S(t)|2 ] = PS and E [|N(t)|]2 = PN we find that

E [|Y (t)|2 ] = PS + PN

• so the signal and noise power add also in the received signal.

• An important quantity is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR):

SNR = Ps /PN , often quoted in dB.

• A further typical assumption is that the noise is white and Gaussian,

hence Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).

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