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The effect (impact) of energy needs always increase because the source of

energy will be empty according to consumption that never end (non stop). Therefore
we need some new energy for resolve that problem. One of the reason (factor) who
affect performance heliks turbine. Gorlov is a sum of blade (sudu ga tau artinya) in
that turbine. Method that used in this research is experiment. Variation the sum of
blade(sudu) is 2 blade, 3 blade and 4 blade. The water speed variation that used is
0,81 m/s, 0,94 m/s, 1,08 m/s. The result of research state (show) the efficiency
watrer turbine never always increase during a sum of blade (sudu) increase and
increase speed of water. This is because an increse sum of blade (sudu) in one
turbine leg (lengan) has effect massa or weight have be accepted with turbine when
spinning will be increase and will be high the speed of water on the turbine that
causing spinnging water turbine will be stable so performance turbine not optimal.
Turbine with two blade with water of speed 0,94 m/s is the turbine the most
optimal because has highest Coefficient Power (Cp) is 0,00376
Keyword: heliks turbine Gorlov, sum blade (sudu) , Power, CP

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