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Colégio de Aplicação / UFRJ

Disciplina: Inglês Professor(a): Camila Oliveira

Aluno (a): ________________________________________________
Série: 1º Ano E.M. Data: ______________

Final Exam (TRI II)

1- A partir do texto abaixo, responda as questões. ATENÇÃO: ENUNCIADOS EM INGLÊS: RESPOSTA EM INGLÊS;

Does journalism still require impartiality?

Kellie Riordan

Is showing emotion the same as taking a stance? And what place does a journalist’s opinion have in the
digital space?

1 The journalists and bloggers that have created 38 arguments” This, of course, is different to merely
2 the biggest impact in the media world in the past few 39 publishing opinion without evidence. The Press
3 years have one thing in common. They are story- 40 Council has reflected this in the newly released
4 tellers for a digital age that come less from the tradition 41 standards, which ask newspapers to make sure
5 of straight, impartial news gathering and instead 42 “writers’ expressions of opinion are not based on
6 embrace a new style of journalism which favours 43 significantly unexact factual material or omission of key
7 transparency, strong analysis, opinion, a subjective 44 facts”.
8 standpoint, and at times, clear advocacy for one side 45
9 of a debate. 46 Transparency also relies on the audience to
10 47 actively engage rather than passively consume, in
11 And with evidence suggesting younger 48 order to transfer some of the responsibility. US-based
12 audiences in particular do not want traditional news, do 49 media ethicist Stephen Ward says “the new ethics of
13 we really need impartiality anymore? As far back as 50 transparency assumes that news consumers are
14 2001, the american media scholar John Pavlik 51 media experts and it moves some of the burden of
15 wondered if, “by removing the ideology of objectivity, 52 responsibility away from the journalist to the audience”.
16 alternative news sources may help to put the facts into 53 Audiences now have access to more information and a
17 a more complete context and perspective. Perhaps 54 variety of different perspectives to form their own
18 society will then be able to reflect about the truth in a 55 conclusions. However, do audiences need a journalist
19 way that traditional journalism cannot, because of its 56 to de-code the news or contextualise the facts
20 objectivity ideology”. Even BBC News boss Richard 57 anymore? I think they still do. This is what hasn’t
21 Sambrook has asked “does a neutral voice hold the 58 changed.
22 same value today as it did a century ago? Is the 59
23 emphasis on impartiality in news actually an 60 Of course, it’s possible these two approaches
24 impediment to a free market in ideas?” In addition, 61 to journalism can and should co-exist. It shouldn’t be a
25 academics such as New York University’s Jay Rosen 62 game where one approach wins out over the other. It
26 have criticized impartial journalism, saying it can lead 63 should be possible to write a piece from a viewpoint, if
27 to what he calls “the view from nowhere”. 64 it is based on evidence. And it should equally be
28 65 possible to write a piece of journalism that is impartial
29 Business site Quartz is an example of a news 66 where the audience is left to draw its own conclusions.
30 which publishes journalism that comes from a partial 67 What has changed in the digital era is not so much the
31 viewpoint, but only when based on evidence. Global 68 need for impartiality but the method to achieve it. New
32 editor Gideon Lichfield says “we’re different from most 69 media prefer transparency and plurality to achieve
33 of daily newspaper in that we don’t do the neutral 70 impartiality, old media achieve it with objective
34 viewpoint, neutral voice type of journalism. We do stuff 71 methods. Let’s acknowledge that both methods can
35 that has an opinion. In that sense we’re similar to The 72 lead to quality journalism, or for that matter, to poor
36 Economist in that someone can take a position but be 73 journalism.
37 clear in pointing out the real facts that support the
a) De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, quais são as características dos jornalistas e blogueiros atuais?

b) According to the text, what are the characteristics of traditional News? (0,5)

c) What does the expression “free market in ideas” (l. 24) suggest according to the ideas presented in the text?

d) Você concorda com a crítica de Jay Rosen (l.25) sobre o jornalismo imparcial? Explique. (1,0)

e) O que o Business site Quartz e o The Economist têm em comum? (1,0)

f) De acordo com o texto, qual a função do Press Council? (1,0)

g) A partir da leitura do texto, qual o posicionamento do autor sobre o novo jornalismo e o jornalismo tradicional?
Explique com evidências encontradas no texto (1,0)
And in the end, the love you take is equal to
the love you make <3

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