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+ subgequentiy learned frou ry step-cother that both she and ay father were neanvhile audited under the direction of Ron stubbard and Ma wife, Mary Sus Hublard, dn Johannesburg, in the course of viich, as it later transpired, jubtard Aearned a great deel regarding my personal history, In or about Deceaber 1960 T left the Scientology cheating, I had alvays underetood that Scientology vas basically about orgenteation because T thought they ver honesty, man being honest with himself and others, It did not appear to me that those reaponsible for running wed to lack the nec the Organisation in South Africe had this baste quality. They 9 sary genuine approach to the process of auditing, and were more concerned with the financial oxploitation of Scientology. I 414 private cuditing at my parents! hone, where I lived, and subsequently once more rejoined thé fezily business, Things went well for a tine bat ay brother becane resentful over the influence he thought I had over ay father an@ this led to friction, Aaa result I vas Gicomed by ay father who told me that I must rejoin the Sefentology Organisation. } undertook auditing and various Courses which vere available in South Africa until in or about April 1963 vnen T realised that I had studied es much about auditing as possible if South Africa. I discussed the position with ay father and step-nother and asa result of representations they then made to ne, and yet again with a view to presorving harmony within the family, I agreed to cone to Saint Hill Manor in Bngland to continue high-level treininy sions where experienced aulitore audited each other on a cpecial Briefing Course. Such Course comprised uttor of research, and it was not long before I realised that there was not any more "Scientology" to otuty and Sthit my colleagues and I vere in fact using auditing to research the nature of mankind and ploughing back the result of our findings into Setentology. ‘Ae thie otage T would explain that the proveas of auditing response of the p2rnon being audited, Iam however firmly convinced that there is in the hunan body pover to overcoue wany aiineats if ondy the natural resources of the body can be released to do their work, I an also firmly convinced that auiliting, corriea out properly ty a competent perscn can achieve this end. My success as Tater Registrar was marked by reason of tke fact that I. Ron Hubbard spoke to se personally and ask ne to reply to all enquiris watch he received, and for this purpose I vas to be provided vith a rubber stamp of his simature to enable ne to attent to the apeedy deapeten of the letters on his behalf. I vorked very tong and tant oure An thie post, nore often than not to three ofclosk in the moming. In Septenber of 2964 1 wee amnointe Cane Supervisor for the Briefing Course st Saint Hill Manor. This involved the general supervision of the various Tino sessions of auditing which were Being carrie? out there, In this capacity I learned from people whe Ind undergone asgiting that ta 2 early days of the Organisation sions of auditing led to sexual stimulation ang culninated tn sexual activity. I vas told this ty people of both aex who had been involved in such sessions of auditing, tot T never had such an experience mynelf, It vas in ay capacity aa. 0 effects which bat auditing could have on peopl Supervisor that T began to realise the aaveree ‘The ninimun azount of auditing which could be booked for @ Process Course vas 25 hours. although sone cases night be resolved in less than an hour, but the students would still have to pay for the full 25 hours. The period of 25 hours auditing would be ‘spread over five cont cutive day: hnours suliting would be done each day. It was usually arranged co that two and a half hours auditing took place in end five ‘he noming and tvo and a half houre in the afternoon. No one had ever suffered as a result of being audited by ‘wat £t soon became vary apparent to ce in ay nev post thet five hours of auditing can be very stressful. I often, aw people distmught a2 a result of their auditing, and on cceseions T had to intervene to stop an auditor froz completing the session, This was because the auditors, in compliance with the instructions of 1, Ron Hubbard, were poroisting with the sane question when it vas clear the person being audited had nothing more to say. This 1s snconasotent vith the definition of auditing contained in the Scientology Abridged Dictionary. I recall that on more shan one oceaeion I as evakenei between three and four in the morning by people who had received bad auditing ané who dn consequence vere extrenely distressed, indeed to the extent of needing netical attention by reason of their ‘oeconing disorientated, I believe that auditing, properly carried out by a trained person vho has an aptitude for ‘the function, can be very beneficial, Hovever, not everyone can carry out auliting, If the auditor & not competent St de Like putting atonie weapons in the bands of apes, I vituessed many cases of people going through mental hel ue to the incompetence of the auditor, Much of the probles arose because of the attitude instilled into the saditor by the Orgnndestion snepired by Hubbard. It appeared to me fron the case papers that I read that the ay@tors wore, directed towards seeking out any possible crininal aspect fron the mot of the person Veing citited, Such criminal incidoats'vere ter person could attain freedom as a result of admitting to ouch activity, the date, tine, place and nature of ihe act €M@ to ve recorded by the auditor in the presence of the person being audited. I refer to the pri overte (withholée béfore aisclomre) and Hubbard hed decreed'that before s clear assesanent sheet referred to later in this my statement. Moreover, to attain freedom the person had to suffer the degradation of hie overt. That ie to say the pergon in question had to suffer the humiliation of reliving the experiesce, I v0 ‘40 see Ron Hubbard vhen the facts decane known to me, Teaid "I think you have got the yrong nan", I explained ‘that ay conception of auditing w to aeeset people and not to make then suffer unnec! jarily. I made it clear that Af T hud aesumed the wrong approach, to hie vay of thinking, then he should get rid of ze. Hie response was one of silence and I remained in the Organisation, determine’ to secure that auditing vas carried out in the manner T conaiderea proper. Hubbard impla-nted into the minds of auditors that pre-clears Imew nothing of themselves. I ned St very clear to Hubbard that in ay opinion the pre-clears vere and could be the only persobs who knew anything of thencelves. ‘There vere munerous cases in vhich I read the reports froa vhich it appeared that as a reoult of the initial auditing process those being audited suffered sdvercely at firex and then were barely brought back to the standard at viich they vere before any auditing. They were thus brain-vashed' into believing that they had achieved sone progress. To experience bad auditing is ike going into cenent. What I sav worried me innensely, but I believ that I could, by hard work,, improve upon the technology of auéiting,, persudde the auditors to teke, the prorer gent passive approach end that standards would improve. It ia within ay Imovledge that originally people vere adnitte? to auditing with a history of gental illness. I have lad produced to ne a copy HOO Policy Letter dated 3Cth Aprit. 1065 and the uatter at the top of page 3 thercof bears this out. At séme tine I have eeen the original of this lett Hovever, sone tine oubecquent to 1965 a Policy Letter vas isoued by L. Ron Hubbard thet people vith such i13neco should not be taken of audsting stulents or pre-cleara, In ay opinion it is also dangerous to terminate cour Tin, iaway bo ‘tate nae suse 4 leaves a person disorientatéd, but to ay knowledge this has been done many tine ‘red vhen persons being audited have been unable to find the necessary funda, or ven for gone reason or exothor thoy have fatten foul of the Sodentology Organseation and, following the subsequent formation of the Ethics Breach, have boon declared euppressive or have been put in sone other condition, I knoy of these things because victine cans to we and complained and asked no to intervene on their behalf, there oan be no doubt thet the intention of the publicity distributed ty the Church of Soientology ie designed to create the Sspression thet Scientology can cure ailsents, Indeed, in various editions of the "Auiitor" and "Freeton” claizsare made that Sefentology 4s the Largest mental health or intention of the Ghorch of Seientelogs to polson the minds of tte adherents against orthodox medicine and, in partioute: sation in the world, Moreover, 4 te the clear roychiatry. ‘This is patently obvious fron the anti-peychiatry aterial which appears in publications of the cnarch of| Scientology.Furtheraore, instructions were issued in regard to healing prove: |. Thave had produced to mo a copy HOO Boley Letter dated 9th September 1964 nich deals with ‘Clay able Healing’, I have in the past een the criginal of this letter. I can confirm that it vas practised, I never ran this procesgind it vas discontinued after a tine. If was a brainchild of Hubtant, and I never Imew of any 0! watch was cured by the pro I have coxe into contact with various people who clearly came to Scientology with the object of securing a cure fore farticular condition from whch they suffered, I have already alluded to the position which I held ao Letter Registra: in watch capacity 1 ww many letters fron such people. I give by way of illustration the following cases, but there wore sony sore. Daphne Parselle, a Londoner, cane to Scientology vhen she vas ouffering from cancer. I vas pre: sn the Chapel at Saint Hil2 sonetine tn 1967 when she mde her olear speech, following completion of the clear court 4m which ohe olained to have been cured thereby. of her ailment, She died shortly aftervarde, There vas also therenee nt of ge American, Ellen Carder. this leay again had cancer, she tol mo that Hubbard had promised her recovery tron 7he| aigMive,, I never audited this lady tecauce ahe could net afford ezectal fees vatah Mubbart proaertbed suzcli bs etl ing ty 2, She told uo thet che hed untergone higher processing and sd been personally told by Mubbara tha the Clearing course vould cure her coaplaint. This lady died however in Juno 1966 at the Victoria Hospital, Zact cr@eons, r vas with ner wmen she ated. ‘There w and arrived in this country in & wheel-ohatz, rigid froa the hipe downward, I, in fact, gave this person some, wsditin: after he tad failed to respond to 60 hours of auditing by another auditor, and indeed was shoving adverse symptona, also the case of Coton Bustamante. He was an aide to Fidel Casts As a result of ay endeavours a nolicus of progress wae achieved. . prom files which I read during 1964 to early 1966, and they vere sany, a clear pattern emerged, If people cane to ‘the Scientology Organteation with any form of complatht they were offered auditing. When this did not have the desired effect they were told that the next highe? level of auditing vould have the desired effect.: People vere An the hope of having etlnonts cured, Moreover, restrictions thorety prevailed uyon to pay for adéitional cour vere placed on students concerning their taking ne¢ical advice. this 19 confirmed by the copy #00 Policy Letter dated 26th July 1965 which has been produced to ue, I have seen the original thereof end can authenticate the copy, The object vas to secure that the auditing had curet people and not orthodox aedicine. Tater, in 1968, Ron Hubbard dented ‘the policy that the next level would cure. Although the matters to which I have referred caused se concern, I folt that I vas doing a good job. Iwas kept so busy that I really 4id not have much tine to doubt what fon 1, siusbent vas doing, There was technology to be evolved ant there vere people coming froa’all over the world for auditing and training. It vas a relentless process continuing day after day, alvays challenging and exciting. In December of 1964 T vas appointed by Ron Hubbard as Tho Communicator at Saint Hil, I was in fact e General Manager] of the Organisation, I vas resvonsible for the general running of the establishnent, I still gave advice on auditing Taper. as

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