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The Element to be found most abundantly on earth’s surface Oxygen

2. The metallic element to be found most abundantly on the earth’s surface Aluminum
3. The lightest element to be found in nature Hydrogen
4. The heaviest element to be found in nature Osmium
5. The lightest metallic element to be found in nature Lithium
6. The lightest non-metallic element to be found in nature Hydrogen
7. The Liquid metallic element to be found in nature Mercury
8. The liquid non-metallic element to be found in nature Bromine
9. The non-metal which is best conductor of electricity Graphite
10. The metal which is best conductor of electricity Silver
11. The metal which is Second best conductor of electricity Copper
12. Most Malleable element to be found in nature Gold
13. The most reactive non-metal to be found in nature Fluorine
14. The most reactive metal to be found in nature Cesium
15. The Maximum electron acceptable element in the nature Chlorine
16. The most abundantly found element in the human body Oxygen
17. The group of most gaseous elements Zero Group
18. Name of Monoatomic elements Inert Gases
19. The element having highest Ionization potential(IP) in nature Helium
20. The most electro negative element in nature Fluorine
21. The most powerful Oxidizing agent Fluorine
22. The element kept Inside the Kerosene Oil Sodium
23. Who is called the father of Modern Chemistry Lavoisier
24. The word Chemistry Originates from Egyptian Word Chemeo ( means Black Color)
25. Organic Chemistry: Under which compounds of Carbon are studied
26. Matter’s Physical Composition: It totally depends on intermolecular forces existing among their

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