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ISSUE: 20180607- Re: Who is coming to the party for cannibalism, etc & the constitution

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, are you sure you are OK? Do you really expect people to turn up for a birthday
celebration in cannibalism?
**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, of the list of items shown below I seldom ever had Campbell
Soup and never any of the other items. As such I am not the cannibalism type of person and from
now on will not even touch any Campbell products or for that Craft, Pepsi or other kind of
products listed below.
The failed abortion survivor whose mum thought she was dead
By Adam Eley and Jo Adnitt BBC Victoria Derbyshire programme
In 1977, in a hospital in the US state of Iowa, Melissa's 19-year-old mother had undergone an abortion using
a toxic saline solution over five days.
Born at eight months and weighing less than three pounds (1.3kg), Melissa was placed among medical waste.
That was, until a nurse heard her weak cries and slight movements.
Melissa was rushed to an intensive care unit, where - against the odds - she survived.
Doctors thought she would be blind, and at one stage believed she had a fatal heart defect.
But she has gone on to live a perfectly healthy life, being brought up by an adoptive family.
"It is astonishing", Melissa admits. "I pinch myself some days."

The failed abortion survivor whose mum thought she was dead
"The biggest secret truly is that my birth mother had spent over 30 years of my life believing I had died that
day at the hospital.
"She was not told I survived. It was kept a secret from her," she says.
"I was placed for adoption without her ever knowing.
"She never knew if it was a little boy or a little girl she had delivered."

The failed abortion survivor whose mum thought she was dead
Her birth mother, Ruth, told her she had never wanted to have an abortion, and that she had been put in a
position of feeling forced to go through with the termination.
"What I learned was my grandmother - her mother - was a prominent nurse in the community, and that the
local abortionist was a friend of hers.
"Together they literally forced the abortion on my birth mother against her will.
"They were able to bypass the hospital regulations and procedures that my birth mother would have had to go
"So people at the hospital thought it was her choice, and she had no opportunity to fight back."
Melissa's survival had been even more unlikely as her grandmother, who worked at the hospital where she
was born, had instructed her colleagues to "leave the baby in the room to die" that day - a fact she had openly
admitted among family members.

p1 7-6-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
* I am aware you do not agree with killing people but surely there is a difference between an
aborted baby and a life one?
**#** This baby Melissa survived but how many are deliberately killed and then used in food to
make it tasty?
* I get your point. So what is your answer?
**#** Ban the usage of anything of a baby that was aborted or otherwise killed for any food
* But if the baby is unwanted.
**#** Look if a female gets involved in sexual intercourse then I view by doing so she give
away the right about her own body if she becomes pregnant as then the baby should have
* What if it is a matter of live or death for the mother or the child?
**#** there are always exemptions to the rule. If medical advice is that unlikely both can live
but one life might be saved, such as after a car accident, then whatever decision is made should
be accepted as appropriate. However, to have in todays society millions of babies murdered to
me is unacceptable. Women may not desire to use protection to prevent becoming pregnant as it
is cheaper to let the taxpayers pay for an abortion but I view this should never be tolerated.

* Is there some religious connotation behind it all?

**#** I do not practice any religion. It is simple that we all were given the right of life when
born (OK Melissa is one who was denied of it but survived) and I view no person who had this
right could deny another person the same.

* What if a women fell pregnant and you had not intended for her to do so, would you then
accept abortion?
**#** Actually I have one of my daughters who is the apple of my eye and I adore her who I
never expected to be born and I didn’t know until months later but I would never have accepted
any abortion. Period. There are so to say many freaks about who pursue that abortion is a
woman’s right and by this essentially dictate to other women she should have an abortion. There
are also blokes who demand a woman to have an abortion because they do not desire to pay child
support, etc. One even claimed that because of his religion he couldn’t have a child without
marriage. Bull. Religions may not accept a sexual relationship before marriage but not about
killing an unborn child. One of my daughters was such a victim and I was notified she was dying.
I went to the hospital and boy did I give her a lecture. Well she came through it all right,
realizing giving up life was not the answer. I made clear the bloke was not worth losing your life
over, and more than likely in 6 months time she might not even remember this godless wonder.
Well, she left this loser behind. You imagine if what could have been my first grandchild had
been part of any Campbell Soup I could have been eating. Luckily I never did eat it then but
about a year ago my wife indicated she liked a particular soup that Campbell provides for. Well,
I doubt now she would ever want to purchase any Campbell Soups.
* What about Pepsi?
**#** I never touched Pepsi. Anyhow read some of the comments;
QUOTE EMAIL List of companies using fetal cells from aborted babies to flavour products.
p2 7-6-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
List of companies using fetal cells from aborted babies to flavour products.
Jim <jim.sovereign@optusnet.com.au>
Today at 19:29 (6-6-2018)

Message body
From: Gail & Bruce [mailto:beegee22@impulse.net.au]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 7:52 AM
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: FW: List of companies using.......
List of companies using fetal cells from aborted babies to flavour products
The Real News
by admin - March 19, 2017
In 2010, the pro-life organization wrote to the CEO of Senomyx, Jewish Zionist Kent
Snyder, indicating the many ethical and moral choices that can and should be used to test
their food additives.
However, Senomyx and the companies listed on its website as “partners” decided to ignore
the letter. The giants of the food industry as Pepsico, Kraft Foods, Campbell Soup, Solae
and Nestle are the main targets of the boycott, although Senomyx account other
international partners on their website.
Senomyx’s website says that “the key programs of flavor company focusing on the
discovery and development of savory ingredients, candy and other additives intended to
reduce the MSG, sugar and salt in food and beverage products (…) “, proclaiming that”
(…) using the isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary test systems based on
taste receptors that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient
interacts with the receptor. ”
Senomyx says its partners will provide funding for research and development, plus on sales
of products using their flavor ingredients.
“What is hidden from the public who are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells
taken from an electively aborted baby to produce these receptors,” said Debi Vinnedge,
Executive Director of Children of God for Life, a pro-life organization and ethics which
monitors the use and amount of aborted fetal material in medical and cosmetic products
(per year).
“They could use monkey cells (CON) cells, Chinese hamster ovary cells, insect cells or
other human taste receptor, morally obtained, expressing the G protein,” said Vinnedge.
After several requests for information Nestlé finally admitted his relationship with
Senomyx, indicating that the cell line was “well established in the scientific research”.
After listening to Ms. Vinnedge in April 2012, exposing the reality of the problem, many
consumers-angry citizens began to express their condemnation of such immorality through
letters to companies. Campbell Soup and PepsiCo responded immediately.
Pepsi was one of the companies with Monsanto contributed money in the campaign against
GM labeling.
Surprisingly, Pepsico wrote: “We expect to feel safe knowing that our collaboration with
Senomyx is strictly limited to the creation of drinks with lower calorie and great taste for
consumers. This cooperation will help us achieve our commitment to reduce sugar by 25%

p3 7-6-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
in key brands and the main markets of the next decade, eventually, we help people live
healthier lives. “Read the article: – Coca Cola and Pepsi cause cancer –
The Campbell Soup corporation was a little concerned about the answer: “Every effort will
be made to use the best ingredients and develop the largest selection of products, providing
a great value. With this in mind, I must say that it is not worth compromising the trust we
have grown and developed over the years with our customers to reduce costs or increase
profit margins. ”
Although Campbell said not change their methods, Vinnedge felt hope.
“If enough people express their outrage and their intention to boycott these consumer
products, Senomyx it could be forced to change their methods,” he said.
Click here to read the original letters of response Pepsico, Nestle and Campbell Soup
(Letter 1, 2, 3)
Need evidence on the use of fetal cell lines from aborted babies Senomyx?
This is the link online for your patent in the sweet receptors (several separate patents were
filed for every taste receptor). As is long and technical, we recommend doing a search on
the document for HEK-293.
HEK (human embryonic kidney cells 293), also known as HEK 293, 293, or less precisely
as HEK cells. They are a specific cell line originally obtained from human embryonic
kidney cells, and cultured in a laboratory (tissue culture). HEK 293 cells are very easy to
grow and easy to transfect, which were widely used in cell biology research for many
years. They are also used by the biotech industry to produce therapeutic proteins and
viruses for gene therapy.
A list of products containing HEK cells.
 All soft drinks and Pepsi
 All drinks Sierra Mist
 All drinks Mountain Dew
 All the en Beer Mug Root Beer (Pepsi)
 Drinks No Fear
 Drinks Ocean Spray
 Seattle’s Best Coffee
 All drinks Tazo
 All brands of “Energy Drink”
 Aquafina Water
 Aquafina Water saborizas
 DoubleShot
 Frappuccino
 Lipton tea and other beverages
 Propel
 SoBe
 Gatorade
 Party Miranda
 Tropicana
 All products of Nestle
 Including coffee creamers, instant soups Maggi bouillon cubes, ketchup, sauces, instant
noodles soup.
 Kraft – Cadbury Adams LLC Products:
 Bubblegum
 Black Jack
 Bubbaloo
 Bubblicious
p4 7-6-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
 Chiclets
 Clorets
 Dentyne
 Freshen Up Gum
 Sour Cherry Gum
 Sour Apple Gum
 Stride
 Trident
 Cadbury Adams LLC Candies
 Sour Cherry Blasters
 Fruit Mania
 Bassett’s Liquorice
 Maynards Wine Gum
 Swedish Fish
 Swedish Berries
 Juicy Squirts
 Original Gummies
 Fuzzy Peach
 Sour Chillers
 Sour Patch Kids
 Mini Fruit Gums
 Other Cadbury Adams LLC
 Certs
 Halls
Neocutis Products
This company produces anti-wrinkle creams containing cells of aborted babies of 14 weeks
gestation. Here is a list of creams, although a boycott is recommended for all products Neocutis.a
 Journee Bio-Gel Prevedem
 Bio-Serum Lumiere
 Bio Restorative Skin Cream
 Vaccines having HEK cells and their manufacturers:
 MMR II (Merck)
 ProQuad (MMR + varicella – Merck)
 Varivax (Varicella – Merck)
 Pentacel (DTaP Polio + Hib + – Sanofi Pasteur)
 Vaqta (Hepatitis-A – Merck)
 Havrix (Hepatitis-A – Glaxo SmithKline)
 Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo – Glaxo)
 Zostavax (Shingles – Merck)
 Imovax (Rabia – Sanofi Pasteur)
 Other drugs:
 Pulmozyme (cystic fibrosis – Genetech)
 Enbrel (rheumatoid arthritis – Amgen)
 Fountain

Source: http://www.healthclinicweb.com/2016/02/11/list-of-companies-using-fetal-cells-

END QUOTE EMAIL List of companies using fetal cells from aborted babies to flavour products.

p5 7-6-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
* It appears medications are involved also.
**#** I am known by doctors I refuse to use painkillers and other medications and also
* Even if you could die?
**#** If I die then it be my own choice but I am not someone getting me to take any rubbish that
may cause harm to me.
* What about a flu injection?
**#** My natural resistance is precisely that. Having a vaccination to be told afterwards it was
for the wrong strain only means that they pumped it into someone who got harmed without any
* Are you urging people to ban the products and companies listed above?
**#** I merely make it known and it is for everyone to determine for themselves what to do.
* So what kind of cannibalism would you do for your birthday?
**#** Have a ginger bread man, and eat it. No human(s) involved in this kind of cannibalism!.
* What about the government(s).
**#** every politicians should remember that if they had been aborted they wouldn’t have been
now a Member of Parliament and so if they are so much about LOVE and EQUALITY then
they should oppose abortions and prohibit any human tissue to be used in any kind of meal. But
I quite frankly doubt any sleaze, leeching politician will care less and so we can judge them by
their inaction/action.
* I assume you support Barnaby Joyce decision.
**#**If you are talking about the baby, I respect him for it. Nothing could be more valuable then
human life. I view that the nationals should get over it and respect him for it. I never liked him
for his deception about Telstra but he proved to b e a person who put the live of his child before
his career. Considering that in the ALP we have a Member of Parliament who reportedly is
married to a convicted drug trafficker, etc, then I prefer Barnaby Joyce. I didn’t watch the show
about him and Vikky and only happen to read a magazine in a store but instead of attacking
either of them they should respect them. Falling in love is not depending upon being married or
not. It just happens and any idiot who doesn’t grasp this needs to learn what life is about. Any
politician who wants to get rid of Barnaby Joyce as to advance himself to me is unscrupulous and
is the real problem. Again Barnaby and Vikky chose life above anything and I can only but
respect them for this what I consider very wise and human decision.

* Happy birthday!

**#** Well, thanks but I feel more like going back to bed to go to sleep. You can eat the ginger
bread man on your own.

This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)
p6 7-6-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

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