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In the bright morning at one of the hospital at Malang, there was a nurse and a doctor who will visit

appendicitis postoperative patients. As usual, the nurses and doctors did a General Check Up morning.

Doctor & Nurse : Good morning

Mother : Good morning doc, sis

Nurse : Hello, I’m Adel. Here I’m as a nurse who will handle your daughter, Dinni for
this morning. If there are any complaints or problems on Dinni, I will surely help
you ma’am.

Mother : Okay sis, if there are any complaints and problems with my daughter I will
report to you.

Nurse : Ma’am, this is Doctor Memey. We’re here for general check up ma’am.

Doctor : Well sis, let's start this morning General Check Up.

Nurse : yes doc. Excuse my Dinni, may I open your upper button?

Patients : ooh please sis

Doctor : excuse me...

Sister PB: 180, temperature: 37derajat, pulse: 80/minutes.

Okay, this is very good

Nurse : Dinni, the check up is now complete. Have you eaten yet?

Patient : not yet sis

Sister : you haven’t eaten yet? Well the food will be delivered soon anyway. Eat a lot
okay, Dinni. So you can recover quickly.

Patient : (laughs) yeah sisters, I will surely eat a lot.

A few seconds later

Nurse : The breakfast has come…

Meal deliverer : excuse me… this is the breakfast for Dinni.

Patients : yeeey meal has comes

Meal deliverer : eati a lot dear ...

Patient : yes I will

Nurse : Thank you

Meal deliverer : your welcome

Nurse : Let’s eat now dear

Patients : Okay sis

Mother : okay.. here here… say aaaaaah~

When finished eating, the nurse need to excuse herself to examine other patient

Nurse : Well, Dinni, Ma’am I will excuse myself. If there are any complaints or problem
don’t forget to contact me.

Mother : Okay sis, if there is a complaint I would call the nurse. Thank you sis

Nurse : yes ma'am, good morning, bye…

Since it was lunchtime hour, the nurse for shift 2 deliver food for lunch to patients while introducing

Nurse : good afternoon

Patients + families : good afternoon

Nurse : yes, excuse me ma’am, I’m here to deliver lunch to your daughter. Before that,
my name is Sanda, I’m the nurse for this afternoon shift.

Mother : Oh, yes sis, thanks. Nice to meet you

Nurse : don’t be late on eating. (While holding the patient). Later on when there is a
need please contact me.

Patients : yes sis, I will finish this food in no time.

Nurse : Well excuse me.

After lunch, there was a sudden serious issue with patient Dinni. The mother frantically calling the day
shift nurse.

Mother : Sisters help me.

Nurse : yes. What’s the matter ma’am? Ma’am calm down.

The nurse and the mother immediately see the condition of the patient, and after that the nurse
immediately contacted a doctor room.

Nurse : Excuse me doc, there’s a problem.

Doctor : Well, what's going on?

Nurse : Well it’s like this doc, the patient in-room 42 she got a surgical wound
infections. She experienced some dizziness complications and acute pain. So
what will we do doc?

Doctor : okay. I'll call the surgeon division. Because of my lack of understanding if the
condition like that.

Nurse : yes doc. Please be quickly while I deal with the pain first.

Doctors room and then call a specialist.

Doctor : good evening doc

Doc. Specialist : Good evening, can I help you?

Doctor : it’s like this doc, there’s a patient from postoperative surgery of appendicitis
develop complications that I cannot handle. So I hope that doctor can come to
the hospital immediately.

Dr, Specialist : yes, I will immediately go there.

The specialists had finally come to see the patients. The doctor asked the nurse's medical record as well.

Dr. specialist : sis, where the patient's medical record room 42?

Nurse : Here dock, so the patient has just experienced postoperative complications
due to infection, how is this doc?

Dr. specialist : how can it be like this? What is the cause?

Nurse : This is because a lot of Dinni’s motion doc, while the wound hasn’t dry.

Dr. specialist : okay, i will check the wound first

Specialist nurses and doctors immediately deal with the replacement bandage. After that nurses do
documentation of a medical procedure that has been performed, and subsequently reported on the next
shift nurse.

Nurse II : sis, this is the medical report for patient room 42. This afternoon she just had a
complication, so please wait and monitor her condition again.

Nurse III : yes, sis. I will monitor her. Thank you.

In the night, when the problem already solved. Nurse back to control patient's conditions for making sure
everything's all right.

Nurse : good afternoon, dear. I'm Anisa. I'm the one that will be handling you for this
night until the next morning.

Dinni : yes nurse. Thank you.

Mother : well, how’s my daughter condition?

Nurse : the wound have been handled and waiting for it to heal. Because of that you
must not be too active. If you want anything, just ask me or your mom.

Dinni : ok nurse. Thanks very much for the caring and the advice.

Sister : my pleasure, sleep well Dinni. Good night. Excuse me.

Dinni + mother : (smile and nod)

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