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Nursing Interventions

No. The purpose of the Standard Intervention Criteria

1. After doing counseling:
Families have the knowledge about the relationship rules of the handling and
Control of diseases. - The family knows that high blood pressure is a disease caused krn lifestyle
is wrong.
- Families do not let Mrs. Rani eating salted fish and meat.
- Family members of the family with food separate food Rani Mother. Verbal: - The client can
know that high blood disease caused by wrong lifestyle.
- Clients can limit the intake of foods high in salt and
- Clients can separate the food with
members of his family. - Give some information about diseases, symptoms and causes and the
danger of complications arising
- Encourage families to limit the intake of foods high in salt and high fat
- Encourage families to separate family members with food food Rani Mother.

No. The purpose of the Standard Intervention Criteria

Special General
2 Not a decline in cardiac output Cardiac not
pounding headache and no
- BP: 150/90 mmHg
- N: 60x/menit
- R: 20x/menit
- Breath breathing
- Skin pink

- Families can
knowing the characteristics of heart disease caused
by hypertension.
- Families can
know how
its prevention. - Encourage the family to monitor patient compliance in performing therapy
- Monitor the TD, measuring in both hands Mother Rani
- Auscultation of heart and tone the heart sound
- Refer to the clinic and recommend to always perform blood pressure checks.
No. The purpose of the Standard Intervention Criteria
Special General
3 When done 2x Family visits are expected to maintain a healthy home environment. Families
- Mention some of the terms
healthy home.
- Mention the back of the home environment impact
- Maintain cleanliness of the home environment
especially the bedroom.
- Spruce up the hanging clothes.
- Cleaning the home environment
regularly. Verbal:

Non-verbal: Families are able to:

- Mention the three requirements a healthy home.
- Mention 2 of 3 benefits of a clean house.

- House looks neat and no clothes hanging.

- Cleaning the house every day.
- Clean the bathroom regularly. 1. Explain to the family about the terms of a healthy home.
2. Explain to the family of things can happen due to a less healthy homes (humid, less sunlight,
seldom drained bathtub.)
3. Discuss with your family about the division of tasks in maintaining the cleanliness of the
4. Encourage the family to open the windows, folding clothes profits depend.

No. Standard Diagnostic Criteria The purpose of nursing interventions

Special General
5. Encourage the family to keep
environmental cleanliness
6. Give praise for appropriate action.
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