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Submitted as a Paper Presentation Class Assignment


Fahreza Naufaldi Putra Nawawi

Student Number: 2016034008




There is a relation between sleep quality with college students activity. The aim of

this research is to know that, the effects between dentistry student’s sleep quality

with their activity. The participants of this study were 20 students of 2016’s

Denstistry Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, consist of 4

Males and 16 Females. Participants median age was 20 and has variant activity.

This study used Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) for data collection,

consisting of 18 question items and divided into 7 components, namely sleep

duration, sleep disturbance, sleep latency, daytime dysfunction, sleep efficiency,

and overall sleep quality individual subjective perceptions. From the results of the

study note that almost all participants have poor sleep quality, only one person

who has good sleep quality. Because poor sleep quality can cause many problems

and negative effects, so the study is done. to provide information to the readers,

especially medical students that the solid activities should also be parallel to the

pattern of good rest, so that health remains good. because a doctor should be a

role model in his patients in terms of maintaining health.

A. Introduction

Sleep activity is important for everyone. Sleep is a basic need to recovery

the energy in the body that has been used in all day. At sleep condition, the body

performs a recovery process to improve the stamina of the body to be in optimal

condition. ( Guyton, 2007 ). Sleep quality is called important because the

function of sleep it self. Sleep activity has many important advantages such as ;

 affect the balance of hormonhormone in the body,

 restore or rest physical after a day of activity,

 reduce stress and anxiety,

 repair damaged body cells, save energy, repair immunity,

 including the ability to increase the power of concentration when

about to perform daily activities. ( Moore, 1986-1992, Japardi,

2002, Arifin, 2010 ).

Sleep quality has two aspects that works together, namely qualitative and

quantitative aspects. For example the length of sleep, the time it takes to fall

asleep, the frequency of awakening and subjective aspects such as depth and sleep

deprivation (Bussye DJ, Reynold CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kuffer DJ, 2013).

Sleep quality is called good when there is no sign and problems in their

body. Lack of sleep can found in teenagers or college students that has many task

and deadline. Lack of sleep can cause an effect for their body such as decreased

consentration and health disorders. ( Hidayat, 2009 ). Consentration is what

everyone really needs. Consentration is identical to conditions when people focus

on their activity, for example studying or working. Consentration is also often

associated with learn abilty of someone. If we have good consentration we can

learn fast and effectively.

In this modern era, the activity of human is increased. The more activity

that they done, can effect their quality of sleep. This is evidenced through the

survey of healthy lifestyle index, American International Assurance (AIA) in

2013 in Indonesia conducted by global research company that is Taylor Nelson

Sofrens (TNS). The survey shows that the people of Indonesia who want to get

sleep time for 7.8 hours was only able to realize only 6.8 hours per day because

their activities are increasingly longer. We can look at college students for

example, they have so many task in their college , task for organization in their

faculty, studying for examination and many more.

Hidayat added sleep quality is the satisfaction of a person to sleep, so that

the person does not show feelings of fatigue, easily aroused and anxious, lethargic

and apathetic, blackish around the eyes, swollen eyelids, red conjunctiva, sore

eyes, attention split, headache and often yawning or sleepy and the quality of

sleep from a person can be said good if it shows no signs of lack of sleep and no

trouble in sleep. Signs of sleep deprivation can be divided into physical signs and

psychological signs.

As reported by Hanafi (2016) , the sleep quality of 2010‘s Medical

Students of Universitas Andalas is more than half bad. The academic achevement

of 2010’s Medical Students of Universitas Andalas is more than half good. But
the number are almost comparable with the poor academic achievement. So the

sleep quality is related with academic achievement of 2010’s Medical Students of

Universitas Andalas.

I Made Ari S (2017) added the sleep quality of Semester 1 Medical

Students of Universitas Udayana 2014-2015, is dominated by poor quality of

sleep (77%). Similarly with the concentration data, the consentration of Semester

1 Medical Students of Universitas Udayana 2014-2015, is dominated by poor

quality of sleep (66%).

So there is a relation between sleep quality with college students activity.

The aim of this research is to know that, the effects between dentistry student’s

sleep quality with their activity. Based on the previous research , it hypothesized

that there would be a negative effects between dentistry student’s sleep quality

with their activity.

B. Research Method

The participants of this study were 20 students of 2016’s Denstistry

Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, consist of 4 Males and 16

Females. Participants median age was 20 and has variant activity.

This study used Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) for data collection,

consisting of 18 question items and divided into 7 components, namely sleep

duration, sleep disturbance, sleep latency, daytime dysfunction, sleep efficiency,

and overall sleep quality individual subjective perceptions. each component has a

score range of 0 to 3. PSQI total score is the sum of the score of each component
that has a range of 0-21, where the total score below or equal to 5 is categorized as

having good sleep quality and above 5 is categorized as having poor sleep quality

(bad) .

At an initial meeting, participants arrived they were asked to have a seat

and paticipants get some information about this research, like the title of the

research, the aim of the research , and the directions to fill the quisionaire.

After participants get some information about the reasearch, the researcher

gave each participants the quisionaire that contain Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (

PSQI ). In this quisionaire there were some questions related to participants’s

sleep conditions and some instructions how to fill the blank . The quisionaire

contain 4 open-ended questions and 14 closed-ended questions. After that, the

researcher asked them to read the directions and the question carefully and asked

them to ask if they not understand about the question, for example. The researcher

gave 20 minutes to the participants for fill the quisionaires. The participants were

free to choose the answer related to their conditions.

After the participants were completed the quisionaire, the researcher

collect the quisionaire from each participants. Then , there were an interview with

some participants in the class. The questions contain three until five open ended

questions about the correlation their sleep quality with their daily activity. The

researchers were choose the pacticipants with different amount of their activity.

After the interview were complete the researcher collected and calculated the data

for the results.

C. Results

A. Quisionaire Results

Sleep Quality


( Picture 1. Sleep quality charts )

The pie charts shows the sleep quality of 20 participants that calculated

from the quisionaire. Almost all participants have bad quality of sleep (95%).

Only 1 participant who have good quality of sleep (5%).

Subjective sleep quality



Subjective sleep quality

Not good Bad Good Very

( Picture 2. Subjective Sleep Quality Charts )

The bar charts shows the subjective sleep quality from 20 participants who

completed the quisionaire. The highest bar shows there are 16 participants who

felt has good quality sleep. And there are 1 participant who felt has bad quality
sleep. There are 3 participants who felt have poor quality sleep in the past one


Sleep Disturbances
Sleep Disturbances
0 (0) Very 1-9 ( 1 ) 10-18 ( 2 ) 19 - 27 ( 3 )
Rare Rare Often Very Often

( Picture 3. Sleep Disturbances Charts )

The charts shows how often the participants have problem while

they sleep at night. The most data shows that 12 participants rarely experienced

sleep disturbances. Then, 7 participants felt that they often suffered from sleep

distubances. Last , the lowest data shows that 1 participant felt very often suffered

from sleep problems.

The sleep distubances include coughing and snoring while sleep, wake up

in the middle of the night, feeling cold and hot, feeling have to use bathroom,

cannot breathe comfortably, had bad dreams and pain.

Daytime Dysfunction
4 Dysfunction
0 ( 0 ) Very 1-2 ( 1 ) 3-4 ( 2 ) 5-6 ( 3 )
Rare Rare Often Very Often
( Picture 4. Daytime Dysfuction charts)

In this charts there are how often participants have trouble in their

daily activities because of their quality of sleep. The highest data shows there are

10 participants felt they often suffered from daytime problems. The lowest data

shows there are 3 participants that rarely suffered from daytime problems. And

there are 7 participants felt very often suffered from daytime problems.

In other result in this study , 95 % from 20 participants said that

their sleep quality affects their activity in daytime. Only 1 participant ( 5 % ) said

the quality of sleep not affect his activity. The daytime dysfunction include, lack

of concentration, sleepy, and feel exhausted.

( Picture 5. Actual Hours of Sleep charts )

The pie chart above shows the actual participants' hours of sleep.

There are 9 participants ( 45 % ) that sleep 5 until 6 hours at night, 7 participants (

35% ) sleep 6 until 7 hours at night. Last, there are 4 participants ( 20% ) from 20

that sleep under 5 hours at night.

B. Interview Data Presentation

This interview was conducted by giving as many as three questions to

three participants, which contains about the quality of sleep. the first question

contains participants' opinions about how important sleep or rest is. all

participants stated that sleep or rest is very important, to maintain their fitness.

The second question contains about whether or not they take a break every

day. all participants said that their sleep time every day is not enough. due to the

many activities outside the home that takes up a lot of time, so that the sleeping

time decreases.

The third question is about feeling at the time of activity after sleep with

the time already mentioned. Almost all participants said that they were sleepy

during the day and feel not consentrated during activity.

D. Discussion

The aim of this research is to know that, the effects between dentistry

student’s sleep quality with their activity. This study used Pittsburg Sleep Quality

Index (PSQI) for data collection, consisting of 18 question items and divided into

7 components, namely sleep duration, sleep disturbance, sleep latency, daytime

dysfunction, sleep efficiency, and overall sleep quality individual subjective

perceptions. Then , there were an interview with some participants in the class.

The questions contain three until five open ended questions about the correlation

their sleep quality with their daily activity.

From the results of the study note that almost all participants have poor

sleep quality, only one person who has good sleep quality. and the quality of sleep

has been found to have an adverse effect on all aspects of participants such as

fitness, concentration, sleepiness, and more. from interviews that have been done

also found a negative effect of the quality of sleep that participants feel.

Based on existing findings, it relates to what has been hypothesized above

which mentioned that there will be negative effects arising on dental student

activity due to poor sleep quality. Sleep quality in all participants has been

calculated in detail using the Pittsburg Sleep Quality index, from components in

the index showing some interesting data to discuss, such as sleep disturbances and

daytime dysfunction. Some sleep disorders such as, pain, heat and cold, snoring
and coughing during sleep, and others are very influential on the quality of sleep

of the students of dentistry. Negative effects arising from poor sleep quality

usually arise during the daytime commonly called, Daytime Dysfunction. Some of

these effects are lack of concentration, fatigue that arises during activity, and


The findings are related to what has been mentioned above by Hidayat

(2009), namely lack of sleep can lead to reduced concentration and decreased

health. the results of this study found that almost all participants feel the things

mentioned by Hidayat, ie the body becomes weak and the power of concentration

is lost.

The results of this study are also in harmony with what has been

investigated by Hanafi (2016), the majority of medical students have poor sleep

quality calculation results, it can happen because of the many activities carried out

on campus.
E. Conclusion

The aim of this research is to know that, the effects between dentistry student’s

sleep quality with their activity. because many do not know that medical students

and dentistry students have a solid and time-consuming activity. decreased rest

periods due to heavy activity can cause many negative effects. This study used

Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) for data collection, Then , there were an

interview. From the results of the study note that almost all participants have poor

sleep quality, only one person who has good sleep quality. and the quality of sleep

has been found to have an adverse effect. Poor sleep quality can cause many

problems and negative effects, so the study is done. To provide information to the

readers, especially medical students that the solid activities should also be parallel

to the pattern of good rest, so that health remains good. because a doctor should

be a role model in his patients in terms of maintaining health. Limitations in this

study, namely the lack of adequate calculation tool that prevents researchers to

obtain a lot of data. in this study addressed to dentistry students of University of

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta which have some activities both inside and outside

campus. suggestions for research that will be done next can examine students

from other faculty, because may be obtained different results.


1. Guyton, AC. ( 2007 ) . Textbook of medical physicology. Philadhelpia:

Elsevier Saunders.

2. Hidayat, AA. ( 2009 ). Kebutuhan dasar manusia. Jakarta: Salemba


3. Bussye, D. J., Reynold, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., Kuffer, D. J. (

2013). The Pittsburg sleep quality index: a new Instrument for psychiatric

and research. Retrieved From: HYPERLINK



4. Sastrawan, IMA. ( 2017 ). Hubungan antara kualitas tidur dan konsentrasi

mahasiswa program studi pendidikan dokter fakultas kedokteran

universitas udayana, 6, 8.

5. Taylor Nelson Sofrens (TNS). Survei indeks pola hidup sehat American

International Assurance (AIA). ( 2007 ). Indonesia.

6. Fenny & Supriatmo. ( 2016 ). Hubungan kualitas dan kuantitas tidur

dengan prestasi belajar pada mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran, 5 , 3.

7. Nilifda, H., Nadjmir., Hardisman., ( 2016 ). Hubungan kualitas tidur

dengan prestasi akademik mahasiswa program studi pendidikan dokter

angkatan 2010 universitas andalas, 5, 243-249.

List Iinterview

1. Do you think sleep is important? Why?

2. Is your sleep time sufficient?

3. What do you feel when doing activities during the day after sleeping with

that time?

Interview Transcript

Participant 1

Interviewer : “ Excuse Me , Do you have any time , Dias?”

Inteviewee : “ Of Course , Jak “

Interviewer : “ Thanks, brother, I have some questions for fulling my

reasearch, Can you help me?”

Interviewee : “ Okay”

Interviewer : “ First question, Do you think sleep is important? Can you

explain why sleep is important?”

Interviewee : “ok, I think sleep is very impotant because we can recover

our body after working in a day”

Interviewer : “Nice answer, ok second question , is your sleep time


Interviewee : “ no, i guess”

Interviewer: “ Okay, last questions , What do you feel when doing

activities during the day after sleeping with that time? “

Interviewee : “ I feel exhausted and sleepy “

Interviewer : “ okay, thanks a alot Dias”

Participant 2

Interviewer : “ Excuse Me , Do you have any time , Shylvi?”

Inteviewee : “ yes “

Interviewer : “ Thanks, I have some questions for fulling my

reasearch, Can you help me?”

Interviewee : “ Okay”

Interviewer : “ First question, Do you think sleep is important? Can you

explain why sleep is important?”

Interviewee : “ It is important because it helps with my concentration and

my body needed too”

Interviewer : “Nice answer, ok second question , is your sleep time


Interviewee : “ Exactly, No”

Interviewer: “ Okay, last questions , What do you feel when doing

activities during the day after sleeping with that time? “

Interviewee : “ I feel tired and not focus on my study“

Interviewer : “ okay, thanks a alot shylvi”

Participant 3

Interviewer : “ Excuse Me , Do you have any time , Nara?”

Inteviewee : “ yeah “

Interviewer : “ Thanks, brother, I have some questions for fulling my

reasearch, Can you help me?”

Interviewee : “ Of course”

Interviewer : “ First question, Do you think sleep is important? Can you

explain why sleep is important?”

Interviewee : “ it is important because i feel tired”

Interviewer : “Nice! ok second question , is your sleep time


Interviewee : “ For now, it is not”

Interviewer: “ Okay, last questions , What do you feel when doing

activities during the day after sleeping with that time? “

Interviewee : “ I feel sleepy “

Interviewer : “ okay, thanks a alot Nara”

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