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Post-Instructional Plan Decisions

Most of my students did not master this content. Seven students scored about a 75%. Seven
other students scored between 50% and 75%. This was a short, multiple choice quiz, meaning
that one incorrect answer has a significant impact on the student’s overall score. From the other
formal formative assessments given daily and my informal formative assessment during
instruction, I feel as if most of my students have a good understanding of these concepts, even
if they do not have mastery.

This Instructional Plan was part of a larger unit, so I will continue to teach the unit and refer back
to these events to show the further effect they had. We will discuss them periodically again to
remember the cause and effect for each. We are building up to the American Revolution, so we
will discuss all of the different steps and how they built to going to war. We will talk about this as
a domino effect as well, which was a suggestion from my Cooperating Teacher. Hopefully this
will help them to understand cause and effect better.

The day after finishing this Instructional Plan, we will do the semi-well-known activity, “the King’s
M&Ms.” This activity is a simulation that has to do with collecting a tax in candy from each
student and giving it to the student chosen as King. I am hoping that this gets them invested in
these topics and gives them a clearer, more experiential understanding of the laws and the
tension with the British government. We will discuss the fairness of the simulation afterwards, in
addition to discussing the historical context of it. This is another time to bring up the events
again and how the colonists responded. The response of the colonists and Great Britain creates
many of the effects for different events in the unit.

Another option would be to use a stations document I found before starting the Instructional
Plan. I used several ideas from this document but did not use any of the reading materials. I
could have students rotate in stations to read again about the different acts and events in
addition to learning new information that we have not covered yet.

In summary, we will talk more about these events and their causes and effects during the King’s
M&Ms activity and as we continue on with our unit. We may go through reading stations
covering this events as well, but it depends on if we have enough time in our schedule to do this
before moving on.

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