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1. This paper discusses the key geological processes associated with the Timor tectonic collision.
Timor Island has mountains up to 3 km high, is over 475 km long and has a width of 75 – 100 km
(150 km wide with its submarine southern slope). Without including the volcanic islands, East and
West Timor are together larger than the 280 100 km Swiss Alps. The Banda Arcs are 2300 km
long, a length equivalent to the European Alps in France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria as well as
the Carpathian Mountains. Timor is not an accre- tionary (G.1.1) wedge of a volcanic fore-arc, nor
a fore-arc as some geological maps show, although its rocks include parts of the older volcanic
fore-arc. It is com- prised mainly of the Australian continental margin deformed by collision with
the Banda volcanic fore- arc. After collision, none of the continental crust was subducted
although subduction of Australian sub-crustal mantle lithosphere continued. (P1.1)

G.1.1 Gambar Akresi

 P.1.1 meskipun bebatuannya mencakup bagian-bagian dari busur vulkanik yang lebih tua. Hal ini
terutama terdiri dari margin kontinental Australia yang hancur akibat tabrakan dengan busur
vulkanik Banda. Setelah tumbukan, tidak ada kerak benua yang mengalami subduksi meskipun
subduksi sub-lapisan litium crustal Australia berlanjut
2. The Banda subduction trench began to develop between about 15 to 12 Ma from the eastern part
of the Sunda– Java Trench (Fig. 1) to form the Banda volcanic arc (Hall 2002)This trench has
been assumed by many writers to have been located in what is now the Timor Trough south of
the rocks that now form Timor Island (e.g. Hamilton 1979; Rangin et al. 1999), although the Timor
Trough is now underlain by about 26 km of Austra- lian continental crust (e.g. Richardson &
Blundell 1996; Snyder et al. 1996) ).(P2.1). . Audley-Charles (2004) attempted to explain how the
Benioff zone must always have lain north of almost all the rocks that gave rise to Timor and the
other islands of the southern part of the Outer Banda Arc (Fig. 1)(P2.2). Audley-Charles (1986b)
and others (e.g. Lorenzo et al. 1998; Tandon et al. 2000; Hall 2002; Londono & Lorenzo 2004;
Woodcock 2004) recog- nized that the Timor Trough is a foreland basin (G2.1)and could never
have been a Benioff subduction trench.P.3.3 Audley-Charles (2004) showed how the Banda
Trench had been destroyed in the tectonic collision but he did not recognize how the subduction
passage below the fore-arc had been partially blocked by the inability of Australian continental
crust to subduct from about 4 Ma.P3.4

 P2.1 Parit subduksi banda brkmbng 15-12Ma dri utara parit Sunda -Java trench dn mmbntuk bsr
vulkanik banda(Hall 2002), yg di asuMsikan apa yg dsbt sbgai palung selatan timor yg skrng
mnjdi pulau timor(e.g. Hamilton 1979; Rangin et al. 1999), mskpn palung timor didasari sekitar
26 km oleh kerak benua australia.
 P.2.2 Audley-Charles (2004) zona beniof sllu brada di utara dari hampir slurh batuan yg
mmnclkn timor dn pulau lain di slatan busur luar banda.
 P.3.3 Audley-Charles (1986b) and others (e.g. Lorenzo et al. 1998; Tandon et al. 2000; Hall
2002; Londono & Lorenzo 2004; Woodcock 2004) palung adalah cekungan dan tidak akn pernah
bisa sebagai sebuah parit ssubduksi beniof
 P.3.4 Audley-Charles (2004) parit banda telah hancur akibt tbarakn tektonik, ttpi dia tdk mngkui
bgaiamn subduksi bagian bawah dari busur luar telah tkunci oleh ketidakmampuan dri kerak
benua australia yang mensubduksi pada 4 Ma
 G2
Foreland basin merupakn struktur cekungan yg brkmbng diantar dn sejajar thdap sbuah abuk
gunung api, trbntk akibat masa yang luas dari penebalan kerak yg berasosiasi dan bervolusi
trhadap sbuah sabuk gunung api yg mnybbbkn lithosper mnglmi penekukkan, tebal dan kdlmn
di tentukan oleh kelnturan dari litospehere yg mndasari dn karektistik dri sabuk pegunungan,
cekungan foreland mnrmina sedimen dri erosi diantara pegunungan, terisi oleh penebalan
sedimen. Foreland bassin brbda dngn rift basin yang mngmi peregangan.

Tipe foreland basin

Peripheral : trjdi akibt lempeng yg tersbuduksi atau terdorong saat proses subduksi, pada busur luar
Retroarc (Retro) foreland basins :terjadi pada lempeng yg mnimpa slama lmpng mnglmi tubrukan
, trjdi di blkng jalur magmatik yg brhbngn dngn subduksi dri litosphere samudra.

 Examples include the Andean basins, or Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic Rocky Mountain
Basins of North America

Foreland basin system[edit]

DeCelles & Giles (1996) provide(mnydiakan) a thorough9teliti) definition of the foreland basin
system. Foreland basin systems comprise three characteristic properties:

 An elongate region of potential sediment accommodation that forms on continental crust

between a contractional orogenic belt and the adjacent craton, mainly in response to
geodynamic processes related to subduction and the resulting(dihasilkan)
peripheral(Sekliling) or retroarc fold-thrust belt;
 It consists(terdiri) of four discrete(brlainan) depozones, referred to as the wedge-top,
foredeep, forebulge and back-bulge depozones (depositional zones) – which of these
depozones a sediment particle occupies(mnmpati) depends(trgntung) on its location at
the time of deposition, rather than its ultimate geometric relationship with the thrust belt;
 The longitudinal dimension of the foreland basin system is roughly(krnglbih) equal(sama)
to the length of the fold-thrust belt, and does not include sediment that spills(tumpah)
into remnant(sisa) ocean basins or continental rifts (impactogens)

3. Tectonic collision of the Australian continental margin with the Asian Banda fore-arc in Timor
can be defined as beginning when the Australian continental crust was first unable to enter
the exist- ing subduction passage below the volcanic fore-arc P3.1. At 4 Ma the Banda Trench
was c. 6 km deep and 30 wide (Audley-Charles 2004). Following col- lision, rollback of the
subducting lithosphere con- tinued by c. 30 km with separation of Australian continental lower
crust by delamination from the subducting mantle lithosphere P3.2 The former trench became
filled by thrust stacking of the Australian con- tinental crust, and Asian nappes G.3 that were
thrust southwards during rollback, and these rocks now form a region about 35 km in
thickness and 110– 150 km in length from NW to SE.P3.3 There were two important
decollements in the Australian continental upper crust; this thickening since 4 Ma was crucial
to the orogenic processes. This paper discusses the fundamental roles of rollback, continuing
subduction of sub-crustal lithosphere, five major decollements, and the movement of the
lower crust creating the Wetar Suture, and how these key processes led to the tectonic
evolution of Timor IslandP.3.4
Fig. 1. Plate tectonic reconstruction of part of the Indian Ocean, Banda Trench and NW Australian
continental shelf and margin at 10 and 5 Ma based on Hall (2002), and Spakman & Hall (2010). Note
position of active Banda Trench north of Timor. Tectonic collision of the Australian continental
margin with the Banda volcanic fore-arc proposed by Keep & Haigh (2010) between 10.8 and 9.8 Ma
is not tenable.

 P.3.1 trjdinya kolisi antra banda dngn krk bnua australia mnjdikn awal krk bnua asutria tdk
bsa masuk dn kluar dri bgian subduksi dibwh busur vulkanik
 P.3.2(Audley-Charles 2004) Abad 4 ma busr bnda mmpnyai kdlmaan 6 km dn lebar 30
km,diikuti dengaan peleburan serta subduksi lithospere, dilanjutkan 30 km dengan pemisahan
krak benua australia bagian bawah dengan pengelupasan dari subduksi mantel litospehere
 P.3.3 bekas dri pnunjamn mnejdi terisi oleh dorongan penumpukqan dri kerka benua
australia dan asian nappes mnglmi dorongan ke sealatan selama rollback, dn skrng mnjdi
sbuah wilayh dngn lbr 35 km dn tbal 110-150 km
 P.3.4 Ada 2 hl pnting decolment kerka benua australia sejak 4 Ma mrpkn proses krusial
 G.3 An autochthon in structural geology is a large block or mass of rock which is in the place
of its original formation relative to its basement or foundation rock. It can be described as
rooted to its basement rock as opposed to an allochthonous block or nappe which has been
relocated from its site of formation.[1] While an autochthon may have experienced some
minor shifting, an allochthonous block will have moved at least a few kilometres.[2][3] If an
overlying allochthon has an opening or hole which exposes the underlying autochthonous
material, the hole is called a window (or Fenster).
The etymology of the term is from Greek: 'autos' means self, and 'chthon' means earth.

Schematic overview of a thrust system. The hanging wall

block is (when it has reasonable proportions) called a nappe which overlays the autochthonous (unrelocated) material. A hole in the
nappe which exposes the underlying autochthonous material is called a window. A klippe is a solitary outcrop of the nappe in the
middle of autochthonous material
Brief geological history of Timor

4. Geologically, Timor and all the islands of the non- volcanic, Outer Banda Arc are part of the Australian
continental margin (Figs 1 – 3). Their oldest exposed sedimentary rocks are Early Permian in age and
associated with Triassic and Jurassic strata. These rocks were deposited in a large Gondwana cratonic
basin that underlies much of what is now the conti- nental shelf of northern Australia. The
northeastern part of eastern Gondwana was rifted from Australia and New Guinea at about 200 Ma
(Pigram & Panggabean 1984) P4.1. This cratonic basin extended below what are now the islands of
the Outer Banda Arc, into that part of Eastern Gondwanaland that rifted from NW Australia at 155
Ma (Audley-Charles 1988; Metcalfe 1988; Powell et al. 1988) P4.2. Thus, the younger sequence of
rocks, of what is now Timor Island, began to be deposited after about 155 Ma on the NW Australian
rifted continental margin above the Australian Gondwana cratonic basinP4.4. What was to become
Timor remained a submarine part of that margin until it emerged as an island in the Late Pliocene
following the tectonic collision with the fore-arc of the southern Banda volcanic islands in the Mid-
Late Pliocene (Hall 2002).P4.4

 P.4.1 Geologi timor slrh pulau non vulkanik, nusur luar banda adalah bagian dri batas krk
benua australia, mrka lbh tua terespose batuan sedimen di awal permian yg umurny
berasosiaasi dengn trias dan yura, btuan trsbt terdeposit pd kraton godwana luas yg mndsri
tntng ap yg dsbt sbgai krk bnua australia bgian utara

 P.4.2Cekungn kraton diperpanjng dibawah ap yg skrng dsbt sbgai bgian busur luar banda,
yg trmsk bgian dalam timu rgodwana mnglmi pemisahan dri barat laut autralia saa155
Ma(Audley-Charles 1988; Metcalfe 1988; Powell et al. 1988).

 P.4.3 bgian sekuen trmuda dri pulau timor dmulai pngndpn stlh 155Ma diatas barat laut
australia ygf mmshkn anatra australia dengan cekungan godwanana.

 P4.4 yg mnjdknn timor tetap sbgai bgian bawah air pd batas hingg muncul sbgai pulau pd
akhr pliocene dikuti dngn tubrukn tektonik dengn bgian dpn dri busur pd sltan vulknik
banda pd tngh hingg akhr pliocene(hall 2002)

5. Two mega-sequences can be recognized in the para-autochthon of Timor. The older mega-
sequence crops out in the northern three-quarters of the island, whereas the younger is exposed
almost entirely in the southern quarter of Timor Island, and it con- tributes numerous exotic blocks
and clay matrix to tectonic melanges exposed with the older mega- sequence and with the Asian
Banda Terrane.P5.1 (The older mega-sequence is the pre-rift or Gondwana mega-sequence. This
includes the oldest Australian. continental margin sedimentary rocks exposed in Timor and all
other islands of the Outer Banda Arc, ranging from Early Permian to late Middle Jur- assic stratified,
mainly sedimentary, rocks. They are now highly deformed and all other rock sequences overlie
them P5.2). The younger mega-sequence is referred to as the post-155 Ma rift mega-sequence.
This ranges in age from Late Jurassic to Pliocene. It is strongly deformed with large-scale
recumbent folds, thrusts, with some strong to intense imbrica- tion and pressure solution cleavage,
all well exposed in the Kolbano region of SW TimorP5.3. The evidence of multiple deformation, and
the presence of large-scale flat-lying overthrusts distinguish this mega-sequence of younger rocks
from the pre-Late Jurassic rocks of the Gondwana pre-rift mega- sequence. In a structurally high
position on Timor are rocks with an Asian affinity forming thrust sheets called the Banda Terrane
(Audley-Charles & Harris 1990; Harris 1991)P5.4. This rests on the highly deformed para-
autochthonous part of the Gondwana mega-sequence of Early Permian to Mid-Jurassic age. The
basement rocks of the Banda Terrane are known as the Mutis Metamorphic Complex in West Timor
and are correlated with the Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex in East Timor.P.5.5

 P.5.1 2 megasekuen yg diyakini sbgai para autochton di timor, yg trttua muncul di tiga tmpt
bgian kuarter utara, sdngkn trmuda msk bgian selatan kuarter dri plau timor, keduanya sbgai
blok dn lmpung dlm melanges tektonik yg mncul dngn megasekuen trtua dn bnda terrane

 P5.2 megasekuen trtua adlh sblm pemekaran atau godwana megasekuen yg tmsk adlh bgian
trtua australia, batuan sdimen bts bnua yg mncul di timor dn slrh pulau lain di luar banda
diMulai awal permian hingga prtnghn akhr dri jurasik, mrk mnglmi deformasi yg tinggi dgn slrh
batuan diatasnya.

 P.5.3 Btuan trmuda stlh pemekaran yg brumr 155 Ma, dimulai dri akhr jura-pliosen, mnglmi
deformsi kuat dngn daerah yg luas mnglmi struktr liptn rebah, dorongn, dn bbrpa imbricate
tkanan yg mnybbkn trbelah, slrhnya trdpt di Kolbano pd tenggara Timor.

 P5.4Bnyknya struktur ini yg mmdbkn antra megasekuen trmuda dngn trtua,. Dlm kndsi struktrl
yg tinggi trhdp batuan timor dengn afinitas asian membntuk thrust sheet yg disebut Banda
terrnae(Audley-Charles & Harris 1990; Harris 1991, yg mrpkn bgian dri megasekuen godwana
pd awal permian-prtnghn jurasic.

 P.5.5Dasr batuan dri banda terrane yg dikthui sbgai komples metamorpik di bagian barat timor
yg mmiliki korelasi dengan komplek lolotoi di bgian timor.

6.Banda Trench subduction seems to have been initiated at the easternmost limit of the Sunda–
Java Trench and propagated eastwards (Fig. 1) so that it perhaps reached as far east as Seram (Hall &
Wilson 2000; Hall 2002; Spakman & Hall 2010)P6.1. Following collision at about 4 Ma Timor Island
was created about 2 Ma by uplift, probably at least partly isostatic, by the Neogene collision
between the NW Australian continental margin crust and the fore-arc of the Banda volcanic islands
of Wetar, Atauro, Pantar, Lomblen, Adonara and the eastern part of FloresP.6.2. The collision was
associated with the inability of the lower density and thicker Australian upper continental crust and
the thinner crystalline lower crust to be subducted with the sub-crustal mantle lithosphere. The sub-
crustal mantle lithosphere continued to subduct below the former Banda volcanic arc. Rollback
continued southwards after 4 Ma by about 30 km creating a large space that opened
southeastwards progress- ively filled by the stacked upper crust.P.63

 P6.1 parit subduksi banda tmpkny atelah dimulai dri bgian pling timur batas sunda-java tench
dn siebrkn ke arah timur jadi dimmungkinkan mencapai sejauh seram(Hall & Wilson 2000;
Hall 2002; Spakman & Hall 2010)

 P6.2 Diikuti oleh tabrakan pd 4 Ma dn pulau timur terbntuk pa 2 Ma oleh pngkaktan, mngkin
bgian bbr kilomtr isostatik(kondisi prgrkn batuan dlm suatu fluida yg dipngrhi oleh masa
jenis batuan yg brbnding trblik dengan berat masa batuan) dari umur tbrakn neogene diantra
australia dn pulau luar vulkanik banda mlai wetar, atauro, lomblen, adoanra dan bgian timur
dri flores.

 Tabrakan yang berasosiasi dengan ketidakmampuan dari berat jenis yang rendah dan tebal
bagian atas kerak benua australia dan tipisnya bagian bawah kerak yg mnesybduksi dengan
bagian kerak mantel lithsoper. Bagian kerak mantel lithsopere berlanjut mensubduksi
dibawah bagian busur vulkanik banda. Pemutaran balik berlanjt ke arah seemakin sealtan
setelah 4Ma sekitar 30 km membentuk sebuah area jarak yg luas dengan terbuka ke tenggara
semakin diisi oleh tumpukkan bgian atas kerak.

7..The age of the collision continues to be a source of controversy. This partly reflects the shape of the
pre-collisional Australian margin and the differ- ent times at which different parts of this margin
came into contact with the Asian margin (Fig. 1; see reconstructions in Hall 2002 and Spakman &
Hall 2010). In this paper the collision refers to the time at which the fore-arc of the Banda volcanic
arc made first contact with the distal parts of the Australian passive continental margin in the Timor
P7.1 Pepr ini nrdski bhwa colisin mengacu pada waktu dengnn bgian luas bus gunung api banda
sbagai kontak prtama bagia distal dri australia pada batas regioanal Timor.

Fig. 2. Summary of Timor autochthonous, para-autochthonous and allochthonous stratigraphy. The allochthonous stratigraphy is
found only in the Asian Banda Terrane and its cover rocks, and in the amphibolites of the Aileu Complex. Tectonic collision was N20,
although locally N20 strata have been reported in the Australian autochthon. This may indicate diachronous deposition and
deformation. See text for discussion.

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