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Name : Desak Made Ari Wahyuni

From : Polytechnic of Health Denpasar


Drugs, all of us already know about drugs, and half of us knew about the dangerous of
drugs. However, some people, do not know what the dangers of drugs so decided to try it
even if just to try it. Okay, before I explain what the dangers and negative effects of drugs,
let's see the definition of drugs first. What is drugs? Drugs are short for narcotics and
hazardous drugs containing synthetic or organic chemicals that damage the nerves. Why
damage the nerves? Because the ingredients contain substances that can make the user
become addicted or opium, unconscious, even fatality can die. That's why this drug is very
dangerous and vulnerable to young adolescents today. Because of its impact that greatly
affects the user and the surrounding environment. The impact of its use among others, opium,
thus justifying any means to get drugs again despite the criminal nature. It can damage to the
nervous system, so that mental and psychological also damaged, caused by substances
contained in drugs can cause user get hallucinations so can not distinguish which is real and
which is fantasy. Then the overdose that can cause death, the most fatal impact. Drug use is
not the same dose every use, but increases every day, causing the user to become overdose
and then die slowly.

Why are drugs susceptible to teenagers? Here are some reasons, such as emotions that
are still unstable. Due to this, teenagers become easy to invite and lure. Like, given a free try
for the first time, just to hook and make them become user. Not only that, but the trend of
bandwagon also causes teenagers fall into the dangers of drugs. Depression, stress, the
amount of pressure, also make teenagers become falling because of their desire to remove the
problems it faces. However, apart from the many reasons that cause it, lack of affection from
parents is the main reason adolescents use drugs. Parents who are too busy with their work,
so can not pay attention to their children, family conditions that do not support the
development of children (domestic violence), and broken home. From here we can see that
the importance of the role of parents in keeping their children not to fall into the dangers of
drugs. Like giving love to a child, taking into account the child's behavior, and having time to
be with the child. Then what about the role of society and the environment? Certainly people
should be more concerned with the surrounding environment, such as if you see the
transaction secretly, if there is a drug party that is known to be immediately reported to the
authorities. What about the role of government? Certainly the role of government in the field
of law. Like a law that has been echoed by the government. And if there is a violation, such
as the distribution of drugs, then strict sanctions should be given to distributors, as well as
users. What is the solution if you have used drugs and opium? Of course, the government has
anticipated this problem, namely by the construction of Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN)
that serves as a preventive body and the exploitation of narcotics abuse. Therefore, by
permission of this institution, people who are already exposed to opium will be rehabilitated
and sanctioned by law. Nevertheless, we remain as a society to participate in preventing the
occurrence of both drug use and distribution.
Regardless of that why should we keep the young generation from falling on drugs?
Because the young generation of our nation is a future generation that will continue
development in Indonesia. Who else if not the younger generation of Indonesia who will
promote Indonesia? Surely all the young generation in Indonesia has a very important role in
every field of development in Indonesia. What if our younger generation gets into drugs? So
the younger generation will be mentally damaged, increased crime rate, and the worst impact
that is death. This could make
lost the younger generation of successors of the nation. If the young generation of the
Indonesian nation has been lost, then who will continue the development in Indonesia?

Therefore, let us the younger generation, be wary of drugs and never try bad things
we already know how they affect us and the environment. We as the young generation of
Indonesia must respect the struggle of our ancestors who have been fighting for independence
with bloodshed and extraordinary spirit. Let us, the younger generation of the nation, possess
and instill the tremendous spirit of earlier homeland fighters into us today to fight against
drugs in this current globalization.

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