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DOCUMENT NO299 October 2016

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy




6 Castle Mews, Caerleon, Newport

Newport City Council

Planning Applications: NPT1357/RD & 16/0691

Prepared for: Mr S. Phillips.

By: Mr L. Stafford.

Checked by: Dr N. Phillips.


This report comprises of an Archaeological Watching Brief undertaken during

ground disturbance works necessary for the erection of two single story extensions
to 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon (NGR ST342721 186968).

The Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust - Curatorial Division (GGAT-CD),

acting as advisors to Newport City Council (NCC) recommended an
archaeological watching brief should be undertaken on all ground works
associated with the development as a condition of planning (NCC

The proposed work required archaeological mitigation due to the site being
located within an archaeologically sensitive area and in close proximity to the
Scheduled Ancient Monuments of the Roman Legionary Fortress and Caerleon

The watching brief uncovered layers of occupation dating to the Roman Period at
1.18m below current ground level. The full extent of the excavation was 1.92m
below current ground level where riverine clay was exposed in the base of the
foundation trench.

The initial occupation takes the form of two thin charcoal rich pyrotechnical
dumps alternating with stabilization periods. The final stabilization period showed
signs of occupation with a moderate and varied assemblage of Roman pottery
dating from the 1st-2nd Century A.D. This was capped by a fairly large demolition
layer comprising large quantities of Roman tegulae - roof tile - with smaller
quantities of Roman brick and imbrex. Two fragments of identifiable box tile was
also recovered.

The finds showed little abrasion and the quantity of Roman building debris suggest
a substantial Roman structure was in close proximity of the ground works. This
building given the date would relate to the canabae - village - attached to the
outside of the Roman Legionary Fortress. The single box tile suggests it had a
hypocaust and may relate to the civilian bathhouse which is known to reside in the

A thick layer of subsoil capped the Roman demolition layer with much later 19th-
20th Century pottery recovered. The remaining layers were disturbed through the
construction of more recent and current buildings on site, with at least one former
19th Century brick built building appears to have been demolished to make way
for the current.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: DSC09949. General view, full depth excavated, natural layers, under built up ground.
A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents........................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures: ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Plates: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Site Location, Topography and Geology ........................................................................................ 4
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 5
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 6
Watching Brief ................................................................................................................................ 6
Finds ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Staff ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Archive: ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Acknowledgements: ...................................................................................................................... 10
Bibliography and References: ....................................................................................................... 11

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16


Figure 1 Site Location

Figure 2 Site plan and trench locations
Figure 3 1882 Edition OS Map 6 Inch
Figure 4 1900 Edition OS Map 6 Inch
Figure 5 1917 Edition OS Map 6 Inch
Figure 6 1938 Edition OS Map 6 Inch
Figure 7 1949 Edition OS Map 6 Inch
Figure 8 HER core overview map
Figure 9 HER event overview map
Figure 10 Trench 1 plan drawing
Figure 11 Trench 1 south-west facing section drawing
Figure 12 Trench 1 north-west facing section drawing
Figure 13 Trench 2 plan drawing
Figure 14 Trench 2 south-east facing section drawing


Plate 1 View north-east of trench 1, showing subsoil (10) and partially exposing (09) made
Plate 2: View north-east of trench 1, showing full ground reduction, exposing (09) made ground
Plate 3: View north-east of trench 1, showing south-west facing section, with lower contexts (01)-
(07) tipping slightly toward the south-east
Plate 4: View south-east of trench 1, north-west facing section, showing contexts
(01)-(07) tipping toward the south-east. Modern foul sewer [13] visible in section
Plate 5: Close up of Trench 1 south-west facing section
Plate 6: Trench 1 north, west facing section
Plate 7: View north-east of trench 2, showing full ground reduction, exposing (20)
Plate 8: View north-west of trench 2, showing south-east facing section


Appendix I HER Event records

Appendix II HER Core records
Appendix III HER NMR records
Appendix IV Context Register
Appendix V Digital Photograph Register
Appendix VI Finds Catalogue

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16


This Watching Brief Report has been prepared by Mr Louis Stafford; on behalf of A.P.A.C. Ltd, for Mr S. Jeremiah,
in response to a proposed programme of works for the construction of two single story extensions to the existing
building of 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon.

The planning proposal application was noted by Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust - Curatorial Division,
(henceforth GGAT-CD), acting as archaeological advisers to Newport City Council (henceforth NCC) as having a
potential for impact upon archaeological remains. The development work was approved with condition;

The proposal will require archaeological mitigation due to the application area being situated close
to the legionary Fortress (Cadw ref. MM230) and Caerleon Castle, a scheduled Monument. We also
note it is located within the conservation Area and Archaeologically Sensitive area of Newport. Due
to the proximity of the proposal to a Scheduled Monument.

The response stated the need for archaeological investigation suggesting that NCC word the condition in line with
the Welsh Office Circular 60/96, Section 23:

No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has
secured agreement for a written scheme of historic environment mitigation which has been
submitted by the applicant and approved by the local planning authority. Thereafter, the
programme of work will be fully carried out in accordance with the requirements and standards
of the written scheme.

Reason: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during the
works, in order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource.

The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (henceforth CIfA), standards and guidance require that a Written Scheme
of Investigation (henceforth WSI) be submitted to the Local Planning Authority to provided a framework for the
archaeological watching brief. WSI: WB/CMC/16 was prepared by A. Phillips, APAC Ltd., at the request of the
client. The WSI was subsequently given approval and work commenced on October 17th 2016 (Appendix VII).

The archaeological Watching brief conformed to the Standards and Guidance for an Archaeological Watching Brief
(CIfA 2014) and Standards and Guidance for Archaeological Artefact and Environmental Collection,
documentation, Conservation and Research (CIfA).

The project was managed by Dr N. Phillips (Director), APAC Ltd with site work undertaken by Louis Stafford.

Site Location, Topography and Geology

The watching brief is centred on NGR ST 42721 186968, 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon, Newport, NP18 1BY (Fig 1).

The development area lies on the southern bank of the River Usk, at the southern end of the village of Caerleon. The
land slips away gently toward the south and rises steeply toward the north. The site is bounded to the north east by
Castle Street. To the east and west of site, further housing is prominent; lying on a similar contour which would
have formed the flood plain of the River Usk.

The solid geology at the site is St Maughans Formation – Argillaceous rocks and (subequal/subordinate) interbedded
Sandstone. Sedimentary bedrock formed approximately 398 to 416 million years ago in the Devonian period. Local
environment previously dominated by rivers. (British Geological Survey 2001).

The superficial geology comprises riverine silts and clays.

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16

Brief archaeological and historical background

A 500m diameter search centred on the proposed site was commissioned from the Historic Environment Record
(HER): appendices I-II-III. The search map (Fig 3-4), shows the concentration of both Core and Event records
around the site, as provided by the HER. The concentration and numerous event and core records, of which there are
too many to list here, show the archaeologically sensitive nature of the area.

The paucity of prehistoric finds is possibly due to the substantial development of Caerleon during the Roman period.
However, there is some Iron Age occupation in the form of Lodge Wood Hillfort (GGAT Ref:00597g), dating to
around 600-300 BC, located approximately 1km north west of site. The hillfort is later re-occupied in the Roman
period by the Legion and used as a summer camp.

The Roman period in Caerleon starts around AD 75 with the construction of the Legionary Fortress (Cadw
ref:MM230) by the Second Augustan Legion. Initially an earth and timber rampart but later of stone. Later additions
of an amphitheatre (Cadw Ref:MM232) in 80 AD and the permanence of the Legion in the area attracted a large
civilian settlement or canabae, (Cadw Ref:MM231) which formed around the Fortress. The settlements are located
in almost all directions around the Fortress with one located 100m to the east of site (Cadw ref. MM244) and
similarly to the west where a port was constructed near to the amphitheatre. Gravestones and burials dating from the
Roman period have been recovered south of Caerleon and the River Usk; continuing from Belmont Hill toward
Bulmore along the ridge line. The Legionary Fortress appears to have been abandoned in the 3rd Century AD by the
Legion with little further occupation noted past the late 4th Century.

The Medieval Period sees a second hiatus with the construction of a Norman defensive motte of Caerleon castle
(Cadw ref:MM014), located just north of site. The castle itself; built upon the already situated Roman fortress, is
thought to have begun as a timber motte and bailey castle, later converted to masonry with a defensive curtain wall,
barbican and three stone towers. The castle motte, was also apparently surmounted by a round tower which
collapsed in 1793. Of the three known defensive towers, only one survives; incorporated within the building “The
Hanbury Arms”, a 16th Century grade II listed building (Cadw Ref: Building ID: 2995).

The Church of St Cadoc's, grade II* listed building (Cadw Ref: Building ID: 2948), is also added to during the
Norman period but its foundation was of probable early Christian/Roman date. Medieval occupation outside of the
Norman castle continues as shown by occupation and find spots scattered throughout the village. Medieval
occupation is also known in the neighbouring settlements across the river which was linked by a bridge with
opposing towers; one of which is built into the afore mentioned Hanbury Arms.

Occupation of Caerleon therefore continues up and through the Post Medieval period to modern times, fairly
uninterrupted, with a hiatus firmly in the Roman period and to lesser extremes in the Medieval and Post Medieval

Cartographic documentation provides little further information, but it does however identity a former building
located on site which appears on the First Edition 1882 OS 1:2500 (Fig 3). A single long east west range crosses the
site, with a small southern range at the eastern end and central, with a third larger toward the western end. The
northern side had a small annex toward the western end with a small return noted along the northern edge, half way

The 1900 Edition OS map 6 Inch shows less detail than the previous map, with a single rectangular block of similar
dimensions orientated east to west (Fig 4).

The 1917 Edition OS map 6 Inch shows some changes from the 1882. The east west range is shown as two separate
buildings with the western building almost three times the length of the eastern building, with a small parcel of land
between the two (Fig 5).

The 1938 and 1949 Edition OS map 6 Inch shows no changes to that of the previous 1917 map (Fig 6-7).

The 1972, 1977 and 1989 1:10000 OS Edition maps were also examined, but the resolution was to low to determine
any changes, but none were apparent.

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the watching brief was to preserve by record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits
uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief also ensured that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being discovered and
requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief, that steps would be implemented to ensure that their
treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the CIfA.


The concrete paved patio which was encountered across the area of Trench 1 was removed with a tracked 360
machine excavator with a toothed bucket. The aggregate and overburden were then removed with a toothless
grading bucket.

Initially, a standard slot foundation was cut against the house to ascertain the level of the current foundations and the
depth of the natural (Pl 3). The work encountered archaeology of Roman date at a depth of approximately 1.2m
below current ground level, with the natural at 1.85m (Pl 5). The contractors then deemed that a foundation raft
would be the preferred option instead of conventional slot foundations and excavation was adjusted to suit.

The overburden for the raft foundation was removed by a 360°, mini digger, using a toothless grading bucket, in
spits down to a maximum depth of 0.6m below current ground level. The same formation level was imposed on
Trench 2.

The trench locations were related back to the House and boundaries and all heights were recorded back to OD.
Recording was carried out using APAC Ltd recording systems (pro-forma context sheets etc), using a continuous
sequence for all contexts.

Written, drawn and photographic records of an appropriate level of detail were maintained throughout the course of
the project. Digital photographs were taken using cameras with resolutions of 18 mega pixels or above.

Plans and sections were drawn to a scale of 1:20 scale.

Watching Brief

Presentation Notes:

All contexts are denoted as a [#Cut] and (#Fill) in the text, listed in Appendix IV, cross referenced in Appendix V, to
the plates section.

Photographs used in the text are listed Pl # and a complete list of photographs can be found in appendix V with
contact sheets.

The watching brief was undertaken during a single day: 17th October 2016. The conditions were favourable
however, the excavation work encountered some difficulties when a water main was broken, early during the
undertaking. This was followed later with encroaching ground water at the base of the trench, when the water table
was reached.

Trench 1

Trench 1 was located against the south-east elevation of 6 Castle Mews, measuring 6.2m by 3.9m, orientated
approximately north-east to south-west (Fig 2). The trench area was level and covered in modern concrete patio
slabs. The initial excavation was to a depth of approximately 0.5m across the trench (Pl 1). The excavation then
continued down to a depth of 1.92m for a length of 3.9m along the north east edge of Trench 1(Pl 2). A small return
along the south east edge over a length of 2.4m was also excavated (Fig 10-12, Pl 2-6).

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16
At the base of the excavation, riverine clay (01) was exposed. This was a light grey soft plastic clay, very well sorted
low energy alluvial deposit with a horizontal clast orientation. No stone inclusions were apparent and no
archaeological features were present cut into the natural.

Overlying the riverine clay (01) was a series of pyrotechnical dumps (02), (04) with periods of stabilisation (03),
(05) where vegetation briefly appeared to take hold. The pyrotechnical dumps (02) and (04) consisted of a dark
brown to black moderately firm silty clay with some alluvial sorting as the clast orientation appeared horizontal.
Large quantities of charcoal and ash were present forming the majority of the context. No stone inclusions appeared
present. The contexts (02) & (04) appeared to represent burning episodes in the vicinity with a deliberate rapid
deposition over the area to a maximum depth of 0.05m. A stabilisation period of dark brown silty clay, 0.1m in
depth, split the two pyrotechnical dumps. This context, (03), was moderately firm with some moderately sized
alluvial components; well sorted with rare rounded inclusions probably representative of a period of vegetation
briefly taking hold. Overlying pyrotechnical dump (04) was a second stabilisation period (05); similar to context

The stabilisation period context (05) was dark brown moderately firm silty clay, 0.4m in depth, with some alluvial
sorting, with rare rounded stone inclusions. This context produced a large quantity of varied Roman pottery finds, a
single animal bone and some fragments of imbrex. The finds themselves showed little signs of abrasion suggesting a
deliberate dumping of domestic wares with little movement. Overlying context (05) was (06).

Context (06) was a mid orangey brown, firm silty clay, with little to no orientation, with rare large rounded and
angular stone inclusions. The majority of the context was formed by Roman CBM including brick, tegulae, imbrex
and box tile. A small assemblage of Roman ceramics was also present. This context appears to represent a collapsed
Roman building in the vicinity, presumably given the slight tipping toward the south, it was located north of the

Overlying context (06), was a dark red brown, moderately firm silty clay, (07) 0.12m in depth, with some alluvial
sorting and rare rounded stone inclusions. This appeared to be a remnant subsoil. No finds were noted. Overlying
(07) was a thick 0.35m in depth subsoil (08), a dark grey brown friable silty clay with some sand content, moderate
energy, little sorting with no clast orientation and a moderate amount of stone inclusions. Some ash lenses were
present toward the top of the context. Presumably given the depth below ground this would represent the
Medieval/Post Medieval subsoil; however, no finds were noted.

Overlying context (08) was a mid orangey brown, moderately firm, unsorted rapid made ground (09), 0.4m in depth.
The context had large amounts of modern building rubble and appeared to represent a demolished Post Medieval
building in the area. The majority of the material was 20th-21st Century CBM with some residual Roman CBM
present and Caerleon Forge brick was also present. Clear glass and blue and white print ceramic were also
recovered. This context appears to relate to the construction of the current building on site having impacted down to
the Roman layers when the foundations for 6 Castle Mews were cut. The previous building and ant excess soil were
used to level the ground to the south east of the building.

Overlying context (09) was a modern subsoil (10), mid red grey, unsorted silty clay, 0.28m in depth with large
quantities of angular stone inclusions. Modern CBM and ceramics were noted. Cutting this context were two
modern service trenches [15], a water pipe and [13], the foul sewer. Capping the trench was a thin layer of aggregate
bedding (11) for the concrete slab patio (12).

The conventional slot trench was abandoned in favour for a raft given the density of Roman finds encountered. The
remainder of the trench was excavated down to a depth of 0.6m exposing context (09) (Pl 2).

Trench 2

Trench 2 was located against the north-west elevation of 6 Castle Mews, measuring 4.3m by 2.2m, orientated
approximately north-east to south-west (Fig 2). The trench area was level and covered in modern topsoil (21). The
trench was excavated down to a depth of 0.6m (Fig 13-14, Pl 7-8).

At the base of the trench, a modern building debris/subsoil (20) was exposed. This was dark grey friable silty clay,
very little sorting, rapid deposit with moderate amounts of stone inclusions mixed with modern CBM. No
archaeological features were present cut into (20) apart from the foundation trench for the current building.
Overlying (20) was a thin layer of dark brown, loamy, modern topsoil.

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16


An assemblage of 68 fragments of pottery were recovered during the watching brief. Two fragments were of post-
medieval date and the remainder were Roman; 1st-2nd century AD. An assemblage of 63 fragments of CBM was
recovered. Two fragments were post-medieval in date the remainder were Roman 1st-2nd century AD (Appendix

The assemblage from Castle Mews presents a number of points of interest. Remarkable is the low percentage of any
post-Roman pottery. On most sites in and around Caerleon, one can expect a wide range of post-medieval pottery,
and even some medieval. This site has two post-medieval sherds, probably 19th to 20th century material,
suggesting that it has been largely unoccupied, flooded or used as pasture over the last 1600 years.

The bias toward roof construction material was notable with 40 fragments of tegulae and 14 fragments of imbrex
(crests). The complete absence of any legion stamps, given the large quantity recovered, could suggest an early date
in the forts history, late 1st early second century AD, rather than a later.

Three fragments of tegulae featured chamfered edges on the underside with a single square notched piece also
recovered. The flanges were varied as was the material used in their construction, with only a few heavily abraded
fragments. Suggesting a single collapse episode of a roof that had seen maintenance and repair.

Four tegulae featured finger rings, one featuring three rings, one featuring four rings and two had a single ring. A
single piece of floor brick also featured four rings.

Context (05) produced substantial portions of single pots suggesting that these found their way into the ground
complete or near complete. Little abrasion was shown if any possibly suggesting that the context was fairly rapid
and helped by inundation from the river.

An un-documented form of Caerleon Ware from the Abernant Kiln was also recovered from the same context. This
bowl takes a similar form to previously known bowls from the same series but has a larger flanged rim. Two simple
horizontal bands form the decoration around the centre of the bowl. The base was not recovered. A black burnished
flat rimmed and grooved bowl was also recovered with horizontal line decoration. A fragment of mortaria with
spout and simple banding on the base and a single handled water jug of local production was also recovered.

The nature of the pottery assemblage as a whole suggests a domestic assemblage. Kitchen wares predominate
although the lack of animal bone was notable. A single fragment of Dressel 20 amphora, associated with olive oil
and a single Samian sherd being the only fine ware present.

Indications as to the chronological and economic/social outline of the site are fairly limited. Among the Roman
pottery, material is present from the first to second century, favouring the early second century reign of Hadrian
(117-138 AD); suggested by Dr Mark Lewis of the Nation Roman Legion Museum. The CBM recovered, represents
a large quantity, suggesting a building in close proximity; possibly with a hypocaust and brick floor as suggested by
the remains of two box tiles and a handful of brick fragments.

The remains of the building appear to have been disturbed by later 20th century construction as a fragment of
frogged brick from the Caerleon brick forge are located in context (09), alongside that of Roman tegulae.

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16


Trench 1 impacted down to the natural riverine clays (01). A layer of pyrotechnical dump (02), overlay the natural
clays, which was followed by a short period of stabilisation where plant growth took hold and a subsoil (03), albeit
shallow in depth formed. This layer was followed by another pyrotechnical dump (04) underlying another
stabilisation period where plant growth was established and a subsoil (05) formed.

The subsoil layer (05), had the earliest datable context considering the Roman pottery recovered. The pottery itself
was typical of domestic assemblages, however there was an absence of bone. The pottery itself was fairly un-
abraded and many of the sherds belonged to the same pot suggesting a fairly rapid if not deliberate segregation of
domestic waste in this area; favouring pottery rather than a typical cross section of domestic debris. Three sherds of
imbrex (crest) were also found within this context and may suggest that the roof structure, which is apparent in the
overlying context (06), may have already begun to collapse or this may suggest small scale maintenance.

Context (06) is potentially debris from a Roman building collapse. Given the small glimpse of the context, it is not
possible to determine if this is an insitu deposit or partially sorted. However, given the depth, clast orientation and
the tipping nature of the context, it is suggestive of a roof collapse from a nearby building. The lack of other CBM
or building material would indicate the roof tipped externally of the building and the walls collapsed inwardly. The
two fragments of box tile and the five fragments of floor brick from the same context, may suggest the building had
a hypocaust and brick floor.

If indeed the building had a hypocaust, it may have a bearing on the pyrotechnical dumps (02) and (04) and these
may have been associated with maintaining the buildings heat source. Dr Mark Lewis suggests there was a
bathhouse in this area belonging to the canabae and the evidence gleamed from Trench 1 would fit this.

The finds from (05) and (06) show food preparation took place in the vicinity, with the recovery of mortaria, oil was
also apparent with a fragment of amphora, with water jugs and decorated bowls also apparent. The only fine ware
was a single sherd of undecorated Samian bowl. The finds from below the Roman building debris and within the
debris itself are approximately 1st to 2nd century AD, which is early in the lifespan of the fortress.

The overlying deposits were largely formed through remnant subsoils, with a modern ‘made ground’ (09), formed
when the current building was constructed. This appears; given the cartographic evidence, to have demolished a
Post-Medieval structure, which probably was a later add on to that structure, utilising bricks from the Caerleon brick
forge. This disturbance managed to impact down to the Roman layer (06) as Roman tegulae were recovered from
this context.

Trench 2 was negative for archaeological finds or features pre-dating the 20th century.

The watching brief provided a small window into the Roman canabae which clung to the outside of the fortress of
Caerleon in the 1st to 2nd century AD. This structure featured brick floors and Roman tegulae and imbrex on the
roof, with the possibility of a hypocaust, suggesting the structure may have been part of the bathhouse. Samian ware
from the continent was imported as was oil from Spain, with decorated bowls from Dorset. Food was prepared in
locally produced mortaria, suggesting a well-connected and thriving structure, integrated into the Roman empire
and well established within South Wales.

Post Ex

Following the watching brief, the field notes and photographs were digitised to produce the context record of the
stratigraphy; Appendix IV, and an annotated list of the photographs, Appendix V.

The finds were washed by hand, dried, identified, photographed and packed in sealed and labelled bags and recorded
in Appendix VI.

The Appendices Context Register IV, Photographs V and Finds VI were cross referenced ready for inclusion in the

All finds were deposited with the National Roman Legion Museum Wales.

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16


Mr L. Stafford
Dr. Neil Phillips, ACIFA.
Mr A. O. Phillips.


The original archive for this project will remain with APAC Ltd and a copy deposited with The National Roman
Legion Museum Wales.

All finds at Mr S. Jeremiah gracious behest will be deposited with the Nation Roman Legion Museum.

Copies of the report will be deposited with the client, Cadw, GGAT HER, RCAHMW NMR & NCC Planning.


Thanks to the ground workers for their assistance and efficient handling of the excavations.
Thanks also to Mr S. Jeremiah for his patience during the excavations and his donation to the National Roman
Legion Museum Wales, who were exceptionally grateful and have recorded his donation.

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16

Bibliography and References:

Barber, A., Cox, S.

Hancocks, A., 2006. ‘A Late Iron Age and Roman farmstead at RAF St. Athan, Vale of Glamorgan,
evaluation and excavation 2002-03’, Archaeologia Cambrensis, 155, 49-155.

Evans, E.M. 2001. Romano-British southeast Wales settlement survey: Final report. GGAT Report

Gillam, J.P. 1976, ‘Coarse fumed ware in north Britain and beyond’, Glasgow Archaeological Journal, 4,

GGAT, 2008. Lower Wye Valley HLCA. GGAT report

Manning, W.H. 1993. Report on the excavations at Usk 1965-1976. The Roman Pottery, Cardiff.

Nash-Williams, V.E.
1929. ‘The Roman Legionary Fortress at Caerleon in Monmouthshire. Report on excavations
carried out in 1926’, Archaeologia Cambrensis, 84, 237-307.

Rogers, G.B. 1974. Poteries sigillées de la Gaule Centrale. I: les motifs non figurés, 28th supplement to
Gallia, Paris.

S&S, Stanfield, J.A.,

Simpson, G, 1958. Central Gaulish Potters, Oxford for Durham, 1958.

Webster, P.V. 1976. Severn Valley Ware: a preliminary study’, Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological
Society Transactions, 94, 28-46.

Young C.J. 1977. Oxfordshire Roman Pottery, British Archaeological Reports, British series, 43, Oxford.

DWR Cymru Re Erection of single story front and rear extensions, 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon, Newport,
NP18 1BY

CNDplanning Magor Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Proposals. Draft. 25/03/2013.

CIfA Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the Regulation of Contractual
Arrangements in Field Archaeology 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Watching Brief 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Collection, Documentation, Conservation and Research of
Archaeological materials 2014

English Heritage 1991 Management of Archaeological Projects

GGAT NPT1357/RD. Re Erection of single story front and rear extensions, 6 Castle Mews,
Caerleon, Newport, NP18 1BY.

GGAT HER Report No 5364. 500m diameter search centred on NGR 342721 186968

NCC Planning Approval. 16/0691. Re Erection of single story front and rear extensions, 6
Castle Mews, Caerleon, Newport, NP18 1BY

Ordnance Survey Extract. Location 352792

DC/2012/00227. Case Officer report Gaynor Hazard.

A.P.A.C. 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon WB/CMC/16
Planning Application. DC/2016/00179. Single Storey Rear Extension, The Nook,
Sycamore Terrace, Magor, Monmouthshire. NP26 3EG

Existing plans, 1762. 02/12
Proposed extension SP18001-DWG-001 02/2016

British Geological Survey http://mapapps.bgs.ac.uk/geologyofbritain/home.html (viewed November 2016)

British Listed Buildings https://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/(viewed November 2016)
Magic Maps https://magic.defra.gov.uk/(viewed November 2016)
National library of Scotland https://www.nls.co.uk/(viewed November 2016)
Vision of Britain https://www.visionofbritain.co.uk/(viewed November 2016)

The copyright for this report shall be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

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A.P.A.C. Ltd
Fig 1: Site Location
Site Location

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Trench 2

6 Castle Mews


Trench 1

Fig 2: Site Plan and

Location of Trenches

0 10m

Scale 1:100
A.P.A.C. Ltd
Fig 3: 1882 Edition OS

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Location

Map 6 Inch

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 4: 1900 Edition OS

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Location

Map 6 Inch

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 5: 1917 Edition OS

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Location

Map 6 Inch

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 6: 1938 Edition OS

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Location

Map 6 Inch

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 7: 1949 Edition OS

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Location

Map 6 Inch

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 8: HER Core
Overview Map

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Fig 9: HER Event
Overview Map

A.P.A.C. Ltd
(01) Fig 11



Fig 12

Fig 10: Trench 1 Plan


0 5m

Scale 1:50

A.P.A.C. Ltd

6 Caslte
Mews (16)
South East
(09) (14)

(08) [13]



(04) (05)

(02) (03)

Fig 11: Trench 1 South
West Facing Section

0 2m

Scale 1:20
A.P.A.C. Ltd


(08) [13]



(03) (04) (05)


Fig 12: Trench 1 North

West Facing Section
0 2m Drawing

Scale 1:20

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Fig 14


Fig 13: Trench 2 Plan

0 5m

Scale 1:50

A.P.A.C. Ltd


Fig 14: Trench 2 South

East Facing Section
0 2m Drawing

Scale 1:20

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Plate 1: View north-east of trench 1, showing subsoil (10) and partially exposing (09)
made ground
A.P.A.C. Ltd

Plate 2: View north-east of trench 1,showing full ground reduction, exposing (09)
A.P.A.C. Ltd
Plate 3: View north-east of trench 1, showing south-west facing section, with lower
contexts (01)-(07) tipping slightly toward the south-east
A.P.A.C. Ltd

Plate 4: View south-east of trench 1, north-west facing section, showing contexts (01)-(07)
tipping toward the south-east. Modern foul sewer [13] visible in section
A.P.A.C. Ltd
Plate 5: Close up of Trench 1 south-west
facing section
A.P.A.C. Ltd

Plate 6: Trench 1 north, west facing section

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Plate 7: View north-east of trench 2, showing full ground reduction, exposing (20)
A.P.A.C. Ltd

Plate 8: View north-west of trench 2, showing south-east facing section

A.P.A.C. Ltd
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/CMC/16

HER Report 5364. Event Record

PRN Name Event Type Contractor Year NGR

Plas Newydd Goldcroft Watching Monmouth
GGATE004490 Common WB Brief Archaeology 2001 ST20359108
Watching brief in Grounds Cardiff
of St Cadoc's House, Watching Archaeological
GGATE003748 Caerleon Brief Consultants 2011 ST3394290812
Afon Llwyd River, Caerleon, Desk based
GGATE003278 Newport assessment GGAT 2006 ST34589090
Evaluation at High Street,
GGATE003213 Caerleon Evaluation 2006 ST3214887025
Public Footpath Link, Watching
GGATE002439 Broadway WB Brief GGAT 1999 ST33759030
Newport Landscapes - Managemen TACP,
Landscape Strategy t Plan Environmental
GGATE002401 DBA/SUR Landscape Consultants 1998 ST3122287958
Caerleon Endowed Junior Archaeological
GGATE001404 School, Excavation Excavation Consultants 2007 ST3378390599
GGATE001218 CAERLEON, 1984-90 Excavation GGAT 1986-7 ST34109095
Mission Chapel, Bulmore Monmouth
GGATE000116 Road, Caerleon Evaluation Archaeology 2007 ST34469003
Tan House Drive, Caerleon Watching
GGATE000121 WB brief GGAT 2008 ST34337900642
28 High Street, Caerleon Watching Archaeological
GGATE000132 WB Brief Unit 2008 ST3408190478
28 High Street, Caerleon Watching Monmouth
GGATE000134 WB Brief Archaeology 2008 ST3407590467
GGATE000372 1849 Excavation 1849 ST34199049
GGATE000375 1928 Excavation NMW 1928 ST34209056
GGATE000380 EXCAVATION, 1937 Excavation NMW 1937 ST34209064
GGATE000382 1932 Excavation 1932 ST33809044
GGATE000383 1984 brief GGAT 1984 ST34089075
GGATE000384 EXCAVATION, 1939 Excavation 1939 ST34169060
GGATE000385 1931-3 Excavation GGAT 1931-3 ST33819050
GGATE000386 1931-3 Excavation NMW 1931-3 ST33839060
GGATE000387 1938 Excavation 1938 ST34059039
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/CMC/16

GGATE000388 EXCAVATION, 1926-7 Excavation 1926-7 ST33849034
GGATE000390 1926 Excavation NMW 1926 ST33899073
GGATE000391 EXCAVATION, 1937 Excavation 1937 ST33949058
GGATE000393 EXCAVATION, 1908 Excavation 1908 ST33959070
GGATE000397 1968-9 Excavation 1968-9 ST33999055
GGATE000398 1938 Excavation 1938 ST34079042
GGATE000412 EXCAVATION, 1957 Excavation 1957 ST34029057
GGATE000415 1965 Excavation 1965 ST340906
GGATE000416 EXCAVATION, 1964 Excavation 1964 ST34169066
GGATE000417 EXCAVATION, 1939 Excavation 1939 ST34189060
GGATE000418 1936 Excavation 1936 ST340907
GGATE000423 EXCAVATION, 1962 excavation 1962 ST33949028
GGATE000425 1986 excavation GGAT 1986 ST344907
GGATE000429 EXCAVATION, 1982 excavation GGAT 1982 ST33929055
GGATE000437 EXCAVATION, 1956 Excavation 1956 ST34209064
GGATE000438 1936 Excavation 1936 ST33899073
GGATE000444 1959 Excavation 1959 ST33899073
Excavations at Caerleon Cardiff
Legionary Fortress (Priory University/UC
GGATE000950 Field) Excavation L 2008 ST3393290455
Geophysical Survey
Caerleon Legionary Fortress Geophysical
GGATE000951 (Priory Field) Survey GeoArch 2008 ST3393290455
GGATE001048 SOUTH CORNER Excavation 1909 ST33969040
GGATE001049 (CAERLEON FORTRESS) Excavation 1929 ST34229060
GGATE001050 CAERLEON, 1980-81 Excavation GGAT 1980-1 ST34009075
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/CMC/16

GGATE001052 MUSEUM EXTENSION Excavation NMW 1983 ST339905
GGATE001053 SOCIAL CLUB Excavation GGAT 1987 ST342904
GGATE001055 USKSIDE Evaluation GGAT 1990 ST34439045
GGATE001057 EXCAVATIONS) Excavation 1986 ST34179090
GGATE001059 PRIORY HOUSE Evaluation GGAT 1982 ST33929055
GGATE001060 ISCA GRANGE Evaluation GGAT 1984 ST34409015
GGATE001061 CARLTON TERRACE Evaluation GGAT 1984 ST34159041
Watching GGAT
GGATE001062 AVALON brief 1987 ST34609007
GGATE001063 TAN HOUSE DRIVE Evaluation GGAT 1986 ST344907
Field visit to Caerleon GGAT
GGATE001270 medieval bridge Field visit 2005 ST34109026
Field visit to Caerleon post GGAT
GGATE001290 medieval bridge Field visit 2005 ST34109026
GGATE001292 Field visit drainage channel Field visit GGAT 2005 ST3464790366
GGATE001293 Field visit slipway Field visit GGAT 2005 ST3416090349
Watching Brief for Roman Watching
GGATE001348 Inspired Garden Brief NRLM 2008 ST33979059
Evaluation at Hanbury Cotswold
GGATE001401 Garage, Caerleon Evaluation Archaeology 2006 ST34069031
The Roman fortress of GGAT
Caerleon and its environs: A Desk based
GGATE001411 framework for research assessment 2004 ST33909060
GGATE001486 Duplicate PRN Excavation GGAT 1981 ST34029080
Watching brief units 3-7, 28 Watching Archaeological
GGATE001493 High Street, Caerleon Brief Unit 2009 ST3404690424
Geophysical survey of
Caerleon residential Geophysical
GGATE001566 development survey GGAT 1989 ST34389073
Geophysical survey of GGAT
Caerleon residential Geophysical
GGATE001566 development survey 1989 ST34319093
Geophysical survey of GGAT
Caerleon residential Geophysical
GGATE001566 development survey 1989 ST34599118
Land to the rear of No. 6
High Street, Caerleon Border
GGATE001656 Evaluation Evaluation Archaeology 2009 ST33989057
Castle Acre, Castle Lane Investigations
GGATE002231 EXCAV Excavation Ltd 1997 ST34209058
Trial excavation on land off GGAT
GGATE002310 Cambria Close, Caerleon Evaluation 2005 ST34129089
GGATE002311 CAERLEON CANABAE Assessment 2005-06 ST335901
GGATE002311 CAERLEON CANABAE Assessment 2005-06 ST342908
GGATE002311 CAERLEON CANABAE Assessment 2005-06 ST342904
Geophysical survey in
selected areas of the eastern Geophysical
GGATE002312 canabae, Caerleon survey ST34339094
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/CMC/16

Geophysical survey in
selected areas of the eastern Geophysical
GGATE002312 canabae, Caerleon survey ST34539040
Field evaluation in Millmead GGAT
GGATE002313 and Uskside, Caerleon Evaluation 2005 ST34259093
Field evaluation in Millmead GGAT
GGATE002313 and Uskside, Caerleon Evaluation 2005 ST34509038
Field evaluation in Millmead GGAT
GGATE002313 and Uskside, Caerleon Evaluation 2005 ST34379093
Watching Brief on 1 Watching Monmouth
GGATE002315 Tanhouse Drive, Caerleon brief Archaeology 2005 ST3428490617
Hanbury Garage, Caerleon, Watching Monmouth
GGATE002512 Gwent. WB Brief Archaeology 2001 ST34069031
50 Mill Street, Caerleon Monmouth
GGATE002599 EVAL Evaluation Archaeology 1999 ST34099075
Isca Road, Caerleon, Watching GGAT
GGATE003086 Newport brief 2009 ST34459020
Tan House Drive, Caerleon, Watching GGAT
GGATE003125 Newport brief 2009 ST3435090623
Excavation of Caerleon post- GGAT
GGATE003370 medieval bridge Excavation 2004? ST3424990312
Excavation of basilica
principorum, Caerleon,
GGATE003481 1968-69 Excavation NMW 1968-69 ST33919063
Geophysical survey of Priory Geophysical
GGATE003482 Field, Caerleon, 2006 survey 2006 ST3393990422
Priory Field, Caerleon, 2010 UCL/Cardiff
GGATE003591 excavation Excavation University 2010 ST3393690455
Watching Brief at The Watching Monmouth 2010-
GGATE003653 Retreat, Caerleon Brief Archaeology 2011 ST3443690140
Excavation at Broadway GGAT
Access, Caerleon Endowed
GGATE003796 Schools Evaluation 1994 ST3388790553
GGATE003833 Caerleon Endowed School Excavation GGAT 1993 ST33849055
The White Hart Inn,
Caerleon, An Archaeological Monmouth
GGATE003871 Evaluation Evaluation Archaeology 1998 ST3405690470
Proposed Development on GGAT
Land to the East of Caerleon.
An Archaeological
GGATE003906 Assessment. Evaluation 1990 ST3425190927
Proposed Development on GGAT
Land to the East of Caerleon.
An Archaeological
GGATE003906 Assessment. Evaluation 1990 ST3439190443
Proposed Development on GGAT
Land to the East of Caerleon.
An Archaeological
GGATE003906 Assessment. Evaluation 1990 ST3460491189
Proposed Development on GGAT
Land to the East of Caerleon.
An Archaeological
GGATE003906 Assessment. Evaluation 1990 ST34439045
Watching GGAT
GGATE003968 Mill Street, Caerleon Brief 1988 ST34219091
Electricity Substation,
Church Road, Caerleon Wessex
GGATE004043 EVAL Evaluation Archaeology 2012 ST3390090730
GGATE004052 1a White Hart Lane and 30 Evaluation NRLM 2012 ST34029045
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/CMC/16

High Street (Bank House),

Caerleon EVAL
Land at Bridge House, Cotswold
GGATE004363 Caerleon EVAL Evaluation Archaeology 1997 ST3400090300
Cadoc House, Old Vicarage Watching Monmouth
GGATE004395 Garden, Caerleon WB Brief Archaeology 1998 ST33909060
Ambulance HQ, Mill Street Cotswold
GGATE004440 EVAL Evaluation Archaeology 1996 ST34159082
GGATE004443 The Mynde, Caerleon EVAL Evaluation GGAT 1995 ST3417190548
Caerleon Junior School, WATCHIN GGAT
GGATE004517 Caerleon WB G BRIEF 2012 ST3384390600
12 Church Street, Caerleon WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE004586 WB G BRIEF Archaeology 2000 ST3391890694
Watching brief at River WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE004618 Cottage, Isca Road, Caerleon G BRIEF Archaeology 2002 ST3431590229
Watching brief at Ivy WATCHIN
GGATE004627 Cottage, Caerleon. G BRIEF GGAT 2003 ST3440990172
Watching brief at 27 WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE004644 Backhall Street, Caerleon G BRIEF Archaeology 2002 ST3403890652
Watching Brief at 10 Mill WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE004645 Street, Caerleon. G BRIEF Archaeology 2002 ST3412690807
Archaeological investigation
at Ty Bryn, Bulmore Road, EXCAVATI Monmouth 2001-
GGATE004647 Caerleon, Gwent. ON Archaeology 2002 ST3470090180
Watching brief at 27 WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE004648 Backhall Street, Caerleon. G BRIEF Archaeology 2006 ST3403890653
Watching Brief at 27 Mill WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE004736 Street, Caerleon G BRIEF Archaeology 2002 ST3420990726
Evaluation at The Priory EVALUATI Monmouth
GGATE004783 Hotel, Caerleon ON Archaeology 2002 ST3394490507
An Archaeological
Evaluation: The Hollies, Isca EVALUATI Monmouth
GGATE004813 Road, Caerleon ON Archaeology 2003 ST3446090096
Watching Brief at Yew Tree WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE005005 Gardens G BRIEF Archaeology 2006 ST3456190071
Evaluation at 4 Tan House EVALUATI Monmouth
GGATE005017 Drive ON Archaeology 2004 ST34339060
Caerleon Flood Defence
Scheme, Newport:
archaeological watching WATCHIN
GGATE005030 brief G BRIEF GGAT 2005 ST3424990312
WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE005071 33 Mill Street, Caerleon G BRIEF Archaeology 2013 ST3423590690
Excavation at Caerleon EXCAVATI
GGATE005055 Bridge, Newport ON GGAT 2004 ST3424990312
Watching Brief at The WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE005040 Hollies, Isca Road, Caerleon G BRIEF Archaeology 2004 ST34459009
GGATE005037 90 Mill Street, Caerleon G BRIEF GGAT 2005 ST34199069
GGATE005118 MONMOUTHSHIRE. G BRIEF Makepeace 2004 ST3428290667
18 Tan House Drive WATCHIN Monmouth
GGATE005168 Watching Brief G BRIEF Archaeology 2004 ST3431490516
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/CMC/16

Roman Legionary Museum, WATCHIN

GGATE005366 Caerleon, Newport G BRIEF NRLM 2005 ST33969058


GGAT Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust

NRLM National Roman Legionary Museum
NMW National Museum Wales
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

HER Report 5266. Core Record

PRN Name Period Type Status NGR

Isca (Caerleon ancient
GGAT00514g Roman Fortress) Roman Fortress monument ST33909060
GGAT00518g S Corner Turret Roman Turret - ST33969031
E Corner Turret
and Furnace
GGAT00519g House Roman Turret - ST34249060
GGAT00520g MILL STREET Roman Turret - ST34209064
GGAT00521g Event record - - - ST34209064
GGAT00525g FIELD) Roman Gate - ST33809044
Former South
GGAT00526g CAERLEON Roman Gate - ST34129045
GGAT00527g FORTRESS Roman Gate - ST34089075
GGAT00529g E Corner Turret Roman Turret - ST34209056
Roman Barracks,
GGAT00531g ORCHARD Roman Barracks - ST34169060
Roman Barracks,
GGAT00532g FIELD Roman Barracks - ST33819050
GGAT00533g Event record - - - ST33969040
Roman Barrack
GGAT00534g FIELD Roman Barracks - ST33839060
Latrine, WHITE
GGAT00535g HART LANE Roman Building - ST34059047
Rampart, WHITE
GGAT00538g HART LANE Roman Building - ST34059039
GGAT00539g CORNER Roman Building - ST34179053
GGAT00540g Event record - - - ST34229060
GGAT00541g Caerleon Bridge Post-Medieval Bridge building ST34109026
GGAT00542g Caerleon Castle Medieval Castle monument ST34259054
GGAT00543g Hanbury Tower Medieval Tower sted building ST3416590372
GGAT00544g CASTLE Medieval Tower - ST34259028
GGAT00545g TOWER Medieval Tower - ST34219028
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

GGAT00546g PRIORY Medieval Priory - ST34019051
Hanbury Arms, listed
GGAT00548g Uskside Post-Medieval House building ST3417090380
Caerleon ancient
GGAT00550g Amphitheatre Roman Amphitheatre monument ST33849034
AT BULMORE Inscribed Stone,
GGAT00551g (RIB 382) Roman Inhumation - ST34609008
St Cadoc's Church listed
GGAT00555g at Caerleon Medieval Church building ST33939063
GGAT00556g CHURCH Early Medieval cross - ST33919061
CROSS AT listed
GGAT00557g CAERLEON Medieval Cross building ST33939062
GGAT00558g Market House Post-Medieval Market - ST34069050
GGAT00559g CROSS Medieval Cross - ST34059051
GGAT00560g BRIDGE Medieval Bridge - ST34239033
GGAT00561g ROAD RR60 ) Roman Bridge - ST34189038
GGAT00562g (RIB 337) Roman Inscribed stone - ST34189038
GGAT00563g CAERLEON Roman Bath house - ST34199049
GGAT00564g CAERLEON Roman Column - ST34229052
GGAT00566g CAERLEON Roman Workshop - ST33899073
GGAT00567g PRINCIPIORUM Roman Mosaic - ST33919063
GGAT00568g TELEPHONE Roman Building - ST3398090607
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

GGAT00570g EXTENSION Roman Building - ST33959070
GGAT00575g GARDEN Roman Building - ST33999055
GGAT00576g LANE Roman Building - ST34079042
GGAT00580g COTTAGE Roman findspot - ST34189062
GGAT00583g SUBSTATION Roman Coin hoard - ST33919073
Caerleon Fortress Ditch, Curtain ancient
GGAT00590g defences Roman Wall, Bank monument ST33949063
Legionary scheduled
Fortress: Field SE ancient
GGAT00594g of Broadway Unknown Fortress monument ST3385190475
GGAT00738g FIELDS Unknown Fortress - ST338905
Fortress: Car Park
and Garden of
Endowed School, scheduled
North of ancient
GGAT00742g Broadway Unknown Fortress monument ST33849055
Legionary scheduled
Fortress: Old ancient
GGAT01024g Vicarage Garden Unknown Fortress monument ST339906
Legionary scheduled
Fortress: Area off ancient
GGAT01233g White Hart Lane Unknown Fortress monument ST3406390446
Fortress: Area
between Priory scheduled
Hotel and Priory ancient
GGAT01266g Lodge Unknown Fortress monument ST340906
Fortress: Back scheduled
Garden of No 4 ancient
GGAT01269g Museum Street Unknown Fortress monument ST340906
Caerleon scheduled
Legionary ancient
GGAT01367g Fortress: Area Unknown Fortress monument ST3409590446
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

behind Caerleon
Former Garden of ancient
GGAT01377g the Firs Unknown Fortress monument ST341905
Fortress: Area of scheduled
Myrtle Cottage ancient
GGAT01379g Barracks Unknown Fortress monument ST341906
FORTRESS scheduled
(CAMBRIA Archaeological ancient
GGAT01383g CLOSE) Roman Feature monument ST34179089
GGAT02210g HALL STREET Roman Bath house - ST34039057
Caerleon Roman
GGAT02342g Gates Roman Curtain Wall - ST34009075
GGAT02516g 19 High Street Post-Medieval House building ST34189043
GGAT02522g PRIORY Roman Findspot - ST340905
Wall at Castle
Street and Mill listed
GGAT02525g Street Post-Medieval Wall building ST34299053
No 5 Backhall listed
GGAT02526g Street Post-Medieval House building ST3406390756
No 6 Backhall listed
GGAT02527g Street Post-Medieval House building ST34059074
No 7 Backhall listed
GGAT02528g Street Post-Medieval House building ST34049073
No 20 Backhall listed
GGAT02531g Street Post-Medieval House building ST34099060
No 21 Backhall listed
GGAT02532g Street Post-Medieval House building ST34089060
No 22 Backhall listed
GGAT02533g Street Post-Medieval House building ST34089061
The Cottage, listed
GGAT02534g Backhall Street Post-Medieval House building ST34079062
Back Hall, listed
GGAT02535g Backhall Street Post-Medieval House building ST3406490630
Back Hall listed
GGAT02536g Railings and Gate Post-Medieval Wall building ST34069064
No 26 Backhall listed
GGAT02537g Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST34049065
No 27 Backhall listed
GGAT02538g Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST3404090652
GGAT02539g Red Lion Post-Medieval Public house building ST34079072
GGAT02540g No 1 Castle Street Post-Medieval House building ST34259047
GGAT02541g No 2 Castle Street Post-Medieval House building ST34249046
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

GGAT02542g No. 1 Cross Street Post-Medieval House building ST34099060
GGAT02543g No. 2 Cross Street Post-Medieval House building ST34109061
GGAT02544g No. 3 Cross Street Post-Medieval House building ST34119062
GGAT02545g No. 9 Cross Street Post-Medieval House building ST34149060
No. 10 Cross listed
GGAT02546g Street Post-Medieval House building ST34159060
No. 19 Cross listed
GGAT02547g Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST34079054
No. 20 Cross listed
GGAT02548g Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST3407090535
No. 21 Cross listed
GGAT02549g Street Post-Medieval House building ST3407090535
The Firs (Cross listed
GGAT02550g Street) Post-Medieval House building ST34079053
Bull Inn : High listed
GGAT02551g Street Medieval Inn building ST34049052
GGAT02552g No 9. High Street Post-Medieval House building ST34089051
GGAT02553g No 10 High Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST34099050
GGAT02554g No 15. High Street Post-Medieval House building ST3413690464
wall and entrance
gates of Caer listed
GGAT02555g Cottage Post-Medieval Wall building ST34149046
GGAT02556g No 23 High Street Post-Medieval House building ST34149044
GGAT02557g No 24 High Street Post-Medieval House building ST34139045
Caerleon House, listed
GGAT02558g High Street Post-Medieval House building ST34109046
GGAT02559g No 27 High Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST34089047
GGAT02560g No 28. High Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST3408390480
GGAT02561g No 30 High Street Post-Medieval Shop building ST34059049
GGAT02562g Duplicate PRN Post-Medieval House - ST34049049
Caerleon Post listed
GGAT02563g Office Post-Medieval Post office building ST34049049
GGAT02564g No 32 High Street Post-Medieval House building ST34049050
GGAT02565g No 33 High Street Post-Medieval House building ST34039051
The Prior House listed
GGAT02566g Hotel Post-Medieval Hotel building ST34029052
Former Stable
Wing and Wall, listed
GGAT02567g The Priory Hotel Post-Medieval Stable building ST3393490534
Broad Towers, listed
GGAT02568g High Street Post-Medieval House building ST3388790530
Caerleon Junior listed
GGAT02569g School Post-Medieval School building ST3388790583
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

GGAT02570g No 15 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34119082
GGAT02571g No 80 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34179073
GGAT02572g No 82 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34179072
GGAT02573g No 84 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34189072
GGAT02574g No 86 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34189071
GGAT02575g No 88 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34199071
GGAT02576g No 92 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34209069
GGAT02577g No 94 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34219069
GGAT02578g No 96 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34279060
GGAT02579g No 98 Mill Street Post-Medieval House building ST34279059
GGAT02580g Caerleon Museum Post-Medieval Museum building ST33949058
The Village, Toll listed
GGAT02581g House Post-Medieval Toll house building ST34189018
No 1 (White Lion listed
GGAT02582g House) Post-Medieval House building ST34289026
Isca Grange, The listed
GGAT02583g Village Post-Medieval House building ST34379018
The Bell Inn, The listed
GGAT02584g Village Post-Medieval Inn building ST34549005
GGAT02833g CHURCHYARD Roman Inscribed stone - ST339906
GGAT02834g CHURCHYARD Roman Inscribed stone - ST339907
GGAT02835g CHURCHYARD Roman Inscribed stone - ST339907
GGAT02837g NOT KNOWN Roman Inscribed stone - ST339907
GGAT02838g (RIB 362) Roman Inscribed stone - ST339907
GGAT02839g (RIB 368) Roman Inscribed stone - ST339907
GGAT02850g Roman tombstone Roman Inscribed stone - ST34239058
GGAT02851g (RIB334) Roman Inscribed stone - ST34239058
GGAT02852g EVENTUS Roman Inscribed stone - ST34239058
GGAT02979g FROM Roman mosaic - ST34069062
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

GGAT02981g HIGH STREET Roman Building - ST34029057
GGAT02982g Priory Garden Site Roman Building - ST33889052
GGAT03077g FORTRESS Roman Road - ST33809045
GGAT03078g CAERLEON Roman Hospital - ST34129066
GGAT03600g ORCHARD Roman Barracks - ST34189060
GGAT03618g COTTAGES Roman Barracks - ST340907
GGAT03621g GARDEN Roman Inscribed stone - ST339906
Sculptured Stone,
Caerleon Castle
GGAT03661g Mound Roman Stone - ST34209054
GGAT03742g DRIVE Roman Findspot - ST34309049
GGAT03787g VILLAGE) Roman Place name - ST342900
GGAT03791g Backhall St no. 32 Post-Medieval House - ST34059065
GGAT03804g NOT KNOWN Roman Inscribed stone - ST33869038
GGAT03805g NOT KNOWN Roman Inscribed stone - ST34039057
GGAT03968g Event record - - - ST339905
Bronze phalera
GGAT03991g mount, findspot Roman Findspot - ST341903
GGAT04254g Event record - - - ST342904
Findspot at
Works, High
GGAT04283g Street Medieval Findspot - ST34039057
GGAT04298g COTTAGE Roman Inscribed stone - ST34569054
GGAT04370g Event record - - - ST34439045
GGAT04481g Event record - - - ST33929055
GGAT04482g Event record - - - ST34409015
GGAT04483g Event record - - - ST34159041
GGAT04484g Event record - - - ST34609007
GGAT04489g South Corner Roman Ditch monument ST33949028
GGAT04496g Event record - - - ST344907
Telephone Call- listed
GGAT04644g box outside the Modern Telephone box building ST3405290504
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

Post Office
Telephone Call-
box at the junction
with Bulmore listed
GGAT04646g Road Modern Telephone box building ST3452190072
Caerleon Canabae ancient
GGAT05131g (civil settlement) Roman Canabae monument ST335901
GGAT05134g Brick Kiln Post-Medieval Brick kiln - ST339902
GGAT05135g MOTTE Medieval Motte - ST342905
CAERLEON scheduled
CANABAE building,Bath ancient
GGAT05136g (USKSIDE) Roman house monument ST3440990443
GGAT05137g CORN MILL Medieval Mill - ST342908
GGAT05138g FULLING MILL Post-Medieval Fulling mill - ST342908
GGAT05140g TOWER Medieval Tower - ST341904
GGAT05154g CAERLEON Roman Building - ST342908
GGAT05197g ACCESS Roman Building - ST33849055
GGAT05284g CAERLEON Roman Feature - ST34199055
GGAT05332g NOT KNOWN Post-Medieval Mill - ST34239079
Caerleon listed
GGAT05579g Endowed School Post-Medieval Wall building ST33889058
GGAT05580g SCHOOL Roman Building - ST33859055
GGAT05581g SCHOOL Roman Building - ST33839056
Deposits, Bridge
GGAT05670g House Roman feature,building - ST34009025
0g CAERLEON Roman Barracks - ST34219057
GGAT05816g SANDY GATE Roman Ditch - ST34229060
0g BANK ROUTE Roman Road - ST34299102
1g BANK ROUTE Roman road - ST3412890807
0g CAERLEON Roman Road - ST341909
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

1g FORTRESS Roman road - ST3423690854
2g FORTRESS Roman road - ST3408890976
GGAT06174g CAERLEON Roman Mount SSSI,PSAC ST341903
GGAT07707g CAERLEON Roman Road - ST34219057
6 HIgh Street, listed
GGAT07869g Caerleon Post-Medieval House building ST33959056
GGAT08151g CHURCHYARD Medieval Churchyard - ST33939063
GGAT08358g CAERLEON Early Medieval Inhumation - ST340907
GGAT08885g Slipway Post-Medieval slipway building ST3416090349
GGAT08886g Drainage channel Post-Medieval drainage channel - ST3464790366
GGAT09201g Fortress Roman Storehouse - ST3393290455
Medieval Farm
GGAT09202g Fortress Medieval Farm Building - ST3393290455
Roman Building,
GGAT09615g Isca Road Roman structure - ST3443690140
Roman Road, Isca
GGAT09616g Road, Caerleon Roman road - ST3443690140
GGAT09640g WHARVES Medieval wharf - ST342904
Industrial corn
GGAT09776g mill Post-Medieval corn mill - ST3423090790
Poor Law
Schools, Mill
GGAT10013g Street, Caerleon Modern Hospital - ST3416590766
CANABAE Unknown,Rom
GGAT10269g (USKSIDE) an building - ST3438890441
Structure, Mill
GGAT10305g Street Roman structure - ST3414090780
GGAT10547g Victorian Post-Medieval structure - ST3415090780
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

Building, Mill St
GGAT10562g ALLOTMENTS) Roman building - ST3415390896
Drill Hall,
GGAT10665g Caerleon Modern Drill hall - ST339907
GGAT10742g CAERLEON Early Medieval inhumation,burial - ST3424290879
GGAT10837g DRIVE) Roman occupation site - ST3428490617
0g FORTRESS Roman track - ST33739080
1g FORTRESS Roman track - ST33929032
CAERLEON Unknown,Rom road,cobbled
GGAT10839g FORTRESS an surface - ST3420990939
GGAT10841g 9) Roman building - ST34169088
GGAT10842g BUILDING 20) Roman building - ST3417590896
GGAT10848g BUILDING 9) Roman building - ST3418090922
GGAT10850g OF CAERLEON Roman fence - ST3408590900
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

OF CAERLEON paddock,garden,d
GGAT10852g FORTRESS Roman itch complex - ST3408590900
0g CANABAE Roman road - ST3425090852
GGAT10856g FORTRESS Roman road - ST34379045
GGAT10857g BUILDING 1) Roman building - ST3425490865
GGAT10858g BUILDING 2) Roman building - ST3424290879
GGAT10859g BUILDING 3) Roman building - ST3424290879
GGAT10860g BUILDING 4) Roman building - ST3425490865
GGAT10861g BUILDING 5) Roman building - ST3425490865
CANABAE workshop,iron
(MILL STREET working
GGAT10862g BUILDING 6) Roman site,building - ST3426590850
(MILL STREET workshop,buildin
GGAT10863g BUILDING 21) Roman g - ST3424290896
GGAT10864g BUILDING 22) Roman building - ST3423290843
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CMC/16

GGAT10865g (SOCIAL CLUB) Roman building - ST3420490388
GGAT10866g S SITE) Roman building - ST3416390783
GGAT10867g (MILLMEAD) Roman wall,pit,building - ST3425290933
CAERLEON slag,pit,iron
CANABAE working site,iron
GGAT10868g (MILL STREET) Roman furnace - ST3424890834
GGAT10869g (MILLMEAD) Roman occupation site - ST3427490936
GGAT10870g S) Roman ditch - ST3417290789
Ditch, 33 Mill
GGAT11218g Street UNKNOWN DITCH - ST3423590688
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

HER Report 5266. National Monuments Record

NPRN NMRW Name Object Title Period NGR

Roman melon
81875 Mynde site, Caerleon Fortress, Caerleon bead Roman ST 39 SW
Roman melon
81874 Mynde site, Caerleon Fortress, Caerleon bead Roman ST 39 SW
22412 Mynde site, Caerleon Fortress, Caerleon gun flint Post-Medieval ST 39 SW
Mesolithic flint
22411 Mynde site, Caerleon Fortress, Caerleon blade core Mesolithic ST 39 SW
Roman samian
14881 Mynde site, Caerleon Fortress, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Mynde
site excavation
9808 Mynde site, Caerleon Fortress, Caerleon material Roman ST 39 SW
Roman lead
8412 Mynde site, Caerleon Fortress, Caerleon plumb bob Roman ST 39 SW
Roman brick
and mortar
13721 Museum Street, Caerleon, Gwent samples Roman
Finds from
excavations at
Bulmore Rd
304229 Mission Capel Field, Bulmore Road Mission ST 3496 SW
Roman /
13717 Lulworth House, Caerleon, Gwent objects Roman
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296662 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
295468 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296661 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296660 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296659 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296658 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296657 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296656 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295473 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296654 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296653 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296652 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
295467 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295345 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
295344 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent flask
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295343 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295342 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295462 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295340 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295339 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295338 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295337 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295336 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293670 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
294003 Gwent cup Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
294002 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295454 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293998 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon,
293982 Gwent Roman glass jug Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon,
293980 Gwent Roman glass jug Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293979 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293978 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293877 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293876 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293669 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295445 Gwent cup Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293667 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293708 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293707 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293706 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293705 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293704 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293700 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
293699 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent bottle
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295436 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293697 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293689 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293724 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293723 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296642 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296644 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296643 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296641 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295429 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296639 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296638 Gwent vessel Post-Medieval ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296637 Gwent plate Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296636 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296635 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296634 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296621 Gwent vessel uncertain period ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296633 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295428 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296620 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296631 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296630 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296629 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296628 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296627 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296626 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296625 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295427 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
296623 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent vessel
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296619 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296618 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296622 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296617 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296616 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296615 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296614 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295426 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295501 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295500 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295499 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295498 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295495 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295494 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295493 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295492 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295350 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295490 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295489 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295488 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295487 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295486 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295485 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295484 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295483 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295349 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295481 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295480 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
295479 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent vessel
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295478 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295477 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295476 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295475 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295474 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295347 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293677 Gwent unguent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295472 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295471 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295470 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295469 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295466 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295465 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295464 Gwent beaker Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295346 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295463 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295461 Gwent plate Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295460 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295459 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295458 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295457 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295456 Gwent cup Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295455 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293671 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295453 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295452 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295451 Gwent plate Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295450 Gwent plate Roman ST 39 SW
295449 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent flask
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295448 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295447 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295446 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths , Caerleon , Roman window
302962 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295444 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295443 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295442 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295441 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295440 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295439 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295438 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295437 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths , Caerleon , Roman window
302961 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296717 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296709 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296699 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296688 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296680 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296645 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296663 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296655 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295341 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
294000 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293668 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293698 Gwent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296640 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296632 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296624 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
296607 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent vessel
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296588 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths , Caerleon , Roman window
302960 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295435 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295434 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295433 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295432 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295431 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293722 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295430 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Churchyard, Caerleon Fortress, ECM: Caerleon;
78263 Caerleon cross slab Early Medieval
Caerleon Churchyard, Caerleon Fortress, ECM: Caerleon;
6407 Caerleon cross slab Early Medieval ST 39 SW
Medieval / Post-
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) pottery vessel Medieval ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) tazza Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) beaker Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) mortarium Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) mortarium Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) mortarium Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) stamped Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) flagon Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) flagon Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) dish, stamped Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
dish, with
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) graffito Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) cup Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) candlestick Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) Roman samian Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) beaker Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) amphora Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) flagon Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) Roman pottery Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

bowl with
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Roman pottery
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) amphora Roman ST 39 SW
ceramic ridge
92849 Castle Villa (Baths), Caerleon, Gwent tile Medieval ST 39 SW
Roman copper
59694 Castle Mound, Caerleon, Gwent alloy pin Roman ST 39 SW
Roman ceramic
265616 Castle Acre, Caerleon tile Roman
Roman ceramic
265615 Castle Acre, Caerleon tile Roman
Roman ceramic
265614 Castle Acre, Caerleon tile Roman
Roman ceramic
265613 Castle Acre, Caerleon tile Roman
Roman ceramic
265612 Castle Acre, Caerleon tile Roman
264428 Castle Acre, Caerleon Roman slag Roman
264427 Castle Acre, Caerleon Roman slag Roman
264426 Castle Acre, Caerleon Roman slag Roman
Roman mortar
264425 Castle Acre, Caerleon sample Roman
264424 Castle Acre, Caerleon plaster Roman
Roman pottery
264420 Castle Acre, Caerleon vessel Roman
Roman pottery
264418 Castle Acre, Caerleon vessel Roman
Roman pottery
264417 Castle Acre, Caerleon vessel Roman
Roman pottery
264414 Castle Acre, Caerleon vessel Roman
Roman pottery
264413 Castle Acre, Caerleon vessel Roman
264412 Castle Acre, Caerleon pottery vessel Post-Medieval
264411 Castle Acre, Caerleon pottery vessel Post-Medieval
264410 Castle Acre, Caerleon pottery vessel Medieval
Roman pottery
264421 Castle Acre, Caerleon vessel Roman
264408 Castle Acre, Caerleon pottery vessel Post-Medieval
264405 Castle Acre, Caerleon Roman iron nail Roman
264402 Castle Acre, Caerleon Roman iron nail Roman
Roman window
264401 Castle Acre, Caerleon glass Roman
Roman glass
264398 Castle Acre, Caerleon bowl Roman
264395 Castle Acre, Caerleon Roman copper Roman
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

alloy object
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296603 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296594 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296593 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296592 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296591 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296590 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296589 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass oil
293688 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295425 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296587 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296586 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296585 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296584 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296583 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296582 Gwent plate Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296580 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296577 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295424 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass oil
293687 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296573 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296571 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296569 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296568 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296566 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296565 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296563 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295423 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296561 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
296560 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent vessel
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296559 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296558 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296557 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296556 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296555 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295519 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295422 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295517 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295516 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295515 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293684 Gwent unguent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295514 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295513 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295512 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295511 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295421 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass oil
295509 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass oil
295508 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295507 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295506 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295505 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
293683 Gwent unguent bottle Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295504 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295503 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295348 Gwent bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) Roman samian Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman samian
0 Eastern corner (Mynde site) bowl Roman ST 39 SW
Roman stone
13520 Yew Tree Gardens, Caerleon, Gwent tombstone Roman ST 39 SW
12938 Ultra Pontem, Caerleon, Gwent Roman pottery Roman ST39SW
Roman stone
Priory Field, Caerleon Caerleon building
258130 Fortress, Caerleon inscription Roman ST 39 SW
Isca Road, Ultra Pontem, Caerleon,
166521 Gwent site notes Modern ST 39 SW
gravestone (M.
Isca Road, Ultra Pontem (Caerleon), Valerius
12845 Caerleon, Gwent [Tus]cus) Roman ST 39 SW
Finds from
excavations at
303844 Broadway Farm, Caerleon Farm, Caerleon Roman ST 39 SE
Roman glass
306383 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306379 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306378 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306377 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306373 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306371 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306368 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306367 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
306412 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass bottle Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306363 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306362 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306360 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306359 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
306415 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass vessel Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
306414 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass vessel Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
306413 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass vessel Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
Roman lead
306349 Southern Defences, Caerleon object Roman ST 34 90 SE
305614 Southern Defences, Caerleon Roman bird Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman copper
306323 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy object Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306321 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy object Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306345 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy fragment Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman bone
306356 Southern Defences, Caerleon object Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
tegula with
human footprint
305540 Southern Defences, Caerleon (cast) Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
305546 Southern Defences, Caerleon tegula, stamped Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
305545 Southern Defences, Caerleon tegula, stamped Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
305544 Southern Defences, Caerleon tegula, stamped Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305635 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
tegula with
305543 Southern Defences, Caerleon hobnail imprint Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
tegula with
305542 Southern Defences, Caerleon hobnail imprint Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
tegula with
305541 Southern Defences, Caerleon animal print Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306342 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy stud Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306340 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy stud Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306334 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy strip Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306333 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy strip Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306344 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy strap end Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305626 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
306307 Southern Defences, Caerleon Roman iron slag Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman oyster
305890 Southern Defences, Caerleon shell Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman lead
306346 Southern Defences, Caerleon sheet Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306335 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy sheet Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306322 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy sheet Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306308 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy sheet Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306315 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy seal box Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman lead
306350 Southern Defences, Caerleon scrap Roman ST 34 90 SE
305617 Southern Defences, Caerleon Roman animal Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman copper
306338 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy scrap Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306337 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy scrap Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306336 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy scrap Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman bone
306358 Southern Defences, Caerleon object Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman bone
306357 Southern Defences, Caerleon object Roman ST 34 90 SE
305549 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
305548 Southern Defences, Caerleon sediment sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman mortar
306306 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305607 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman mortar
306303 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman mortar
306302 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman charcoal
305824 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman charcoal
305823 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman charcoal
305822 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman charcoal
305551 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman charcoal
305550 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
305539 Southern Defences, Caerleon tile Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305598 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306329 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ring Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306328 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ring Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306327 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ring Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306326 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ring Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306325 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ring Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306300 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306299 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306298 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305589 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306287 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman painted
305896 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
305651 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
305650 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
305894 Southern Defences, Caerleon clay pipe Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
305893 Southern Defences, Caerleon clay pipe Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
305892 Southern Defences, Caerleon clay pipe Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
306354 Southern Defences, Caerleon Roman bone pin Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304865 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman opus
306301 Southern Defences, Caerleon signinum Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306313 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy needle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306324 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy nail Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306343 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ligula Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
alloy harness
306310 Southern Defences, Caerleon fitting Roman ST 34 90 SE
306401 Southern Defences, Caerleon Roman glass jug Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman bone
306353 Southern Defences, Caerleon gaming counter Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman bone
306352 Southern Defences, Caerleon gaming counter Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304878 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305889 Southern Defences, Caerleon gaming counter Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman fired
clay furnace
305547 Southern Defences, Caerleon lining Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306361 Southern Defences, Caerleon flask Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306317 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy finger ring Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306316 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ear scoop Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305459 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish, stamped Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305458 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish, stamped Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305455 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish, stamped Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304841 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
306347 Southern Defences, Caerleon Roman lead disc Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306312 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy disc Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306311 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy disc Roman ST 34 90 SE
305463 Southern Defences, Caerleon Roman samian Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman samian
305494 Southern Defences, Caerleon cup Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305462 Southern Defences, Caerleon cup Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305461 Southern Defences, Caerleon cup Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306320 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy chain Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305284 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305535 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305464 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
bowl, with
305537 Southern Defences, Caerleon graffito Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305456 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305454 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305453 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305452 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305451 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304849 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305449 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305448 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305447 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305446 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305445 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305444 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305443 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305442 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305396 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305440 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305439 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305497 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306391 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306318 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy bow Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman glass
306402 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306400 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306398 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305035 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306396 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306395 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306394 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306393 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306392 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306389 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306388 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306382 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305398 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
306411 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass bottle Post-Medieval ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306341 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy binding Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306332 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy binding Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306331 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy binding Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
alloy openwork
306309 Southern Defences, Caerleon belt plate Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306399 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306372 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman antler
306355 Southern Defences, Caerleon tine Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305348 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305643 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305642 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305641 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305640 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305639 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305638 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman animal
305637 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305636 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305337 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305634 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305633 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305632 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305631 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305630 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305629 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305628 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305627 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305310 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305625 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305624 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305623 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305622 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305621 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305620 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305619 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305618 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304857 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305616 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305615 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305613 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305612 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305611 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305610 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305609 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305608 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
305287 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305606 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305605 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305604 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305603 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305602 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305601 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305600 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305599 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305007 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305597 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305596 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305595 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305594 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305593 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305592 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305591 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305590 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304868 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305588 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305587 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305555 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305554 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305553 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman animal
305552 Southern Defences, Caerleon bone Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
304840 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305424 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305267 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304862 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
304861 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304845 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305263 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305385 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305326 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305268 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305264 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305357 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304877 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304847 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305387 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305386 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305388 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305329 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304843 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304842 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305373 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304839 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304838 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304837 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304836 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304835 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304834 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304833 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305285 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305316 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304875 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304866 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304851 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
304850 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305269 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304846 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305262 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305261 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305321 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304848 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305282 Southern Defences, Caerleon vase Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305383 Southern Defences, Caerleon tazza Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305382 Southern Defences, Caerleon tazza Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305272 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305384 Southern Defences, Caerleon platter Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304869 Southern Defences, Caerleon open lamp Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305418 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305281 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305394 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305271 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305034 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305380 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304844 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305379 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305325 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305036 Southern Defences, Caerleon mortarium Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305015 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305417 Southern Defences, Caerleon lid Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305416 Southern Defences, Caerleon lid Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305381 Southern Defences, Caerleon lid Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305324 Southern Defences, Caerleon lid Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305323 Southern Defences, Caerleon lid Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
305283 Southern Defences, Caerleon lid Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305404 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305399 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305378 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305395 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305345 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304863 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305336 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305341 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar with graffito Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305407 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305405 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305403 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305347 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305346 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305344 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305343 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305342 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305340 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305339 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305338 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305335 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305334 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305333 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305332 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305331 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305330 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305312 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305311 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305309 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
305308 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305307 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305306 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305013 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305012 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305011 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305010 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304856 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304855 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304854 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305327 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar with graffito Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305406 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305305 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305304 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar with graffito Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305303 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305277 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305276 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305275 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305222 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305221 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305220 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305009 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305008 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305006 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305005 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305004 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305003 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305002 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305001 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
305000 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304879 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305265 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304852 Southern Defences, Caerleon flanged bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305423 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305420 Southern Defences, Caerleon flagon Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305389 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305328 Southern Defences, Caerleon flagon Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305033 Southern Defences, Caerleon flagon Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305032 Southern Defences, Caerleon flagon Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305419 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305024 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305023 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305022 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305021 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304859 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305412 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305411 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304870 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305322 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305318 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305223 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305025 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304858 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305410 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305374 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305369 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305367 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305364 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
305363 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305356 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305355 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305354 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305319 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305315 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305314 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305313 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305014 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305413 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305392 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305362 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305358 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305317 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304853 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305368 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305026 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305408 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305401 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305375 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305320 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305280 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305279 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305278 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305020 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305019 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305018 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305017 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305016 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
305415 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305414 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304867 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304864 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305031 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305030 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305029 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304860 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305376 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305028 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305393 Southern Defences, Caerleon beaker Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305422 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306423 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306422 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306421 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306420 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306419 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306418 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306417 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306416 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305450 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305536 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305509 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305508 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305507 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305506 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305505 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305504 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305502 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman samian
305441 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl, decorated Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305499 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305498 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305496 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305493 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305492 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306410 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306409 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306408 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306397 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306406 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306405 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306404 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306403 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306390 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306387 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306386 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306385 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306381 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306296 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306295 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306294 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306293 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306292 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306291 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306290 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306289 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305421 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306380 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman glass
306376 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306375 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306374 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306370 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306369 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306366 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306364 Southern Defences, Caerleon bottle Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305402 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305274 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305273 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305270 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304876 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304874 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304873 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304872 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
304871 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305409 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305400 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305391 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305390 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305353 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305352 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305351 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305350 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305349 Southern Defences, Caerleon jar Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305372 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305371 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305370 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305366 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Roman pottery
305365 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305361 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305360 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman pottery
305359 Southern Defences, Caerleon bowl Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306429 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306428 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306427 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306426 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306425 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman window
306424 Southern Defences, Caerleon glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
306430 Southern Defences, Caerleon window glass Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305500 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306407 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306384 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman glass
306365 Southern Defences, Caerleon vessel Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman lead
306348 Southern Defences, Caerleon object Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman ceramic
305538 Southern Defences, Caerleon tegula, stamped Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306314 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy spoon Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306339 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy scrap Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman mortar
306305 Southern Defences, Caerleon sample Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306330 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy ring Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306297 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman painted
306288 Southern Defences, Caerleon wall plaster Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman opus
306304 Southern Defences, Caerleon signinum Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman bone
306351 Southern Defences, Caerleon gaming counter Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman samian
305460 Southern Defences, Caerleon dish Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
306319 Southern Defences, Caerleon alloy bracelet Roman ST 34 90 SE
Roman copper
alloy crescentic
230798 Caerleon, Gwent pendant Roman
296651 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent glass
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296732 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296731 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296730 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296729 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296650 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296728 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Roman stone
12866 Bulmore, Caerleon, Gwent tombstone Roman
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296727 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296726 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296724 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296723 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296722 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296719 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296720 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296718 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296574 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296649 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296716 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296715 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296714 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296713 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296712 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296711 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296710 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
296562 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296708 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296707 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296648 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
296705 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent glass
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296704 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296703 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296701 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296700 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295518 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296697 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296696 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296695 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296694 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296647 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296692 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296691 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296689 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass oil
295510 Gwent flask Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296687 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296686 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296685 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296684 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296683 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296682 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296646 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296681 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295502 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296679 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296678 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296677 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296676 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296675 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
296674 Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window Roman ST 39 SW
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/CMC/16

Gwent glass
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296673 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296672 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295491 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296671 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296670 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296669 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296668 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296667 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296666 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296665 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman window
296664 Gwent glass Roman ST 39 SW
Caerleon Fortress Baths, Caerleon, Roman glass
295482 Gwent vessel Roman ST 39 SW
Roman stone
15533 Roman Gates Site, Caerleon, Gwent (Aurelian) Roman ST 39 SW
Roman stone
15532 Roman Gates Site, Caerleon, Gwent (Aurelian) Roman ST 39 SW
Roman stone
13565 Roman Gates Site, Caerleon, Gwent (Aurelian) Roman ST 39 SW
Roman stone
88610 Roman Gates Site, Caerleon, Gwent (Aurelian) Roman ST 39 SW
Roman stone
88609 Roman Gates Site, Caerleon, Gwent inscription Roman ST 39 SW
Backhall Street, Caerleon Fortress, Roman ceramic
13726 Caerleon antefix
83 High Street (Woodstock House), Roman samian
289997 Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan bowl Roman SS 97 SE
Roman ceramic
13720 7 Cross Street, Caerleon box flue tile Roman
13888 7 Cross Street, Caerleon sandstone block Roman ST 39 SW
13719 18 Cross Street, Caerleon material
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix IV WB/CMC/16

Site: 6 Castle Mews, Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

Caerleon 334293 190457 WB/CMC/16/
01 Trench 1 Riverine terrace Light grey high plasticity soft, fine very well sorted 4-21, 25-27
alluvial deposition low energy riverine deposit no
inclusions present horizontal clast orientation.
Context dives away to the south east.
02 Trench 1 Burning Dark brown to black moderately firm, silty clay 4-21, 25-27
episode deposit some alluvial sorting with horizontal clast
orientation. Large quantities of charcoal and ash
present forming the majority of the context. No
stone inclusions. Deliberate rapid deposit of a
pyrotechnical dump with later sorting. Context
dives away to the south east.
03 Trench 1 Stabilisation Dark brown moderately firm, fine to moderate 4-21, 25-27
period, remnant components alluvial well sorted silty clay with rare
subsoil rounded inclusions less than 0.02m
04 Trench 1 Burning Dark brown to black moderately firm, silty clay 4-27
episode deposit some alluvial sorting with horizontal clast
orientation. Large quantities of charcoal and ash
present forming the majority of the context. No
stone inclusions. Deliberate rapid deposit of a
pyrotechnical dump with later sorting. Context
dives away to the south east.
05 Trench 1 Stabilisation Dark brown moderately firm, fine to moderate Roman 4-27
period, remnant components alluvial well sorted silty clay with rare ceramics,
subsoil rounded inclusions less than 0.02m Little abrasion animal
to ceramic finds. Context dives away to the south bone frag,
east. imbrex
06 Trench 1 Roman building Mid orangey brown firm silty clay with little to no Roman 4-27
debris sorting, no orientation to clast inclusions, rare stone ceramics,
inclusions rounded and angular less than 0.2m. tegulae,
Represents a collapsed Roman building. Little brick,
abrasion noted on ceramics and CBM. Context imbrex,
dives away to the south east. box tile
07 Trench 1 Stabilisation Dark reddy brown moderately firm, moderate 4-27
period, remnant components some alluvial sorting silty clay with
subsoil rare rounded inclusions less than 0.02m. Context
dives away to the south east.
08 Trench 1 Subsoil Dark grey brown friable silty clay with some sand 4-21, 25-27
content, moderate energy little sorting with no
noted clast orientation. Moderate amounts of stone
inclusion less than 0.02m. Some ash lenses present
toward top of context.
09 Trench 1 Modern Mid orangey brown moderately firm, unsorted no Modern 1-27
demolition orientation rapid made ground with modern ceramics,
rubble, made building rubble and some residual Roman CBM. glass,
ground Moderate quantity of stone inclusion no orientation. CBM
roman tile
10 Trench 1 Subsoil Mid reddy grey unsorted modern subsoil with large Modern 1-27
quantities of angular stone inclusions less than CBM
11 Trench 1 Aggregate Modern green grey aggregate bedding layer for 4-21
Bedding Layer concrete paving slabs.
12 Trench 1 Modern concrete paving slabs. 4-21
13 Trench 1 Foul sewer pipe Vertical cut for modern foul. 9, 22-27
14 Trench 1 Foul sewer pipe. 9, 22-27
15 Trench 1 Water pipe Vertical cut for modern water pipe. 4, 11-21
16 Trench 1 Water pipe. 4, 11-21
17 Trench 1 Topsoil Dark brown loamy modern topsoil. 1, 2, 3, 22-27
20 Trench 2 Modern Modern building debris mixed with subsoil. Modern 31-34
demolition ceramics,
layer/subsoil glass
21 Trench 2 Topsoil Dark brown loamy modern topsoil. 33, 34
Appendix IV: Harris Matrix

Trench 1 Trench 2

Topsoil (12) Topsoil (21)


Subsoil (11) Disturbed Subsoil (20)

(16) (14)
Water Pipe [15] [13] Waste Pipe





Roman C1-2 A.D




Natural Clay (01)

Appendix IV: Harris

A.P.A.C. Ltd
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix V WB/CMC/16

Digital photograph list

Photo no Date Camera L/P View Description Plate

1 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Plan shot of Trench 1 showing modern subsoil (10) and partially exposing (09) modern demolition layer PL01
2 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Plan shot of Trench 1 showing modern subsoil (10) and partially exposing (09) modern demolition layer
3 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Plan shot of Trench 1 showing modern subsoil (10) and partially exposing (09) modern demolition layer
4 13/10/16 CANON 600D L N Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
5 13/10/16 CANON 600D P E Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
6 13/10/16 CANON 600D L E Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
7 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
8 13/10/16 CANON 600D P NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
9 13/10/16 CANON 600D P NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
10 13/10/16 CANON 600D P NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
11 13/10/16 CANON 600D P N Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
12 13/10/16 CANON 600D P N Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
13 13/10/16 CANON 600D P N Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
14 13/10/16 CANON 600D P N Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
15 13/10/16 CANON 600D P N Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
16 13/10/16 CANON 600D P NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
17 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section PL03
18 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
19 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
20 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
21 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
22 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section PL04
23 13/10/16 CANON 600D P E Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section PL06
24 13/10/16 CANON 600D L E Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
25 13/10/16 CANON 600D P NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
26 13/10/16 CANON 600D P NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section PL05
27 13/10/16 CANON 600D P NE Wall foundation trench I trench 1. South west facing section
28 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Plan shot of Trench 1 showing (09) modern demolition layer PL02
29 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Plan shot of Trench 1 showing (09) modern demolition layer
30 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Plan shot of Trench 1 showing (09) modern demolition layer
31 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Plan shot of Trench 1 showing (09) modern demolition layer PL07
32 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE South east facing section of trench 2
33 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Trench 2 & 3, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103]
34 13/10/16 CANON 600D L NE Trenches 1, 2, & 3 complete with 4 being excavated. PL08
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg

5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg

9.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg

Appendix V: Digital
Photograph Tiles

13.jpg 14.jpg 15.jpg 16.jpg

A.P.A.C. Ltd
17.jpg 18.jpg 19.jpg 20.jpg

21.jpg 22.jpg 23.jpg 24.jpg

25.jpg 26.jpg 27.jpg 28.jpg

Appendix V: Digital
Photograph Tiles

29.jpg 30.jpg 31.jpg 32.jpg

A.P.A.C. Ltd
33.jpg 34.jpg

Appendix V: Digital
Photograph Tiles

A.P.A.C. Ltd
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 1 (05) 41 sherds loc al war e jug 628.4 Roman C1st-2nd
5 sherds Bla ck Burnished Ware bowl with fla t grooved rim 211.1 Roman C1st-2nd
4 sherds Caerleon War e bowl 203.2 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd loca l ware morta ria with spout horizontal banding detail 500.7 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Black Burnished Wa re 21.15 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd of Grey Ware base 30.91 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd loca l ware rim 16.7 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd loca l ware body 1.8 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown base 9.1 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown red slip ware body 19.3 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Black Burnished Wa re rim 24.2 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Sam ian Ware (Copy?) bowl 54.55 Roman C1st-2nd

3 frag Imbrex 810.6 Roman C1st-2nd

1 frag unknown anim al bone 4.2

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 1 (06) 1 sherd Dressel 20 amphora handle shoulder 250.8 Roman C1st-2nd
2 sherds unknown ba se 229.3 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown body 18.65 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown red slip ware base 20.65 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Malvernian Ware rim 25.3 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Black Burnished Wa re decorated body 37.86 Roman C1st-2nd

33 frags Tegulae 23017 Roman C1st-2nd

11 frags Imbrex 2604 Roman C1st-2nd

2 frags B ox Tile 400 Roman C1st-2nd

5 frags Floor Brick 3531 Roman C1st-2nd

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 1 (09) 1 sherd China Blue and White P rint Tr ansfer Wa re 9.35 C20th

7 frags Tegulae 7541 Roman C1st-2nd

1 caerleon forge brick frag 420 C20th

1 frag clear gla ss m ilk bottle neck 70.35 C20th

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 1 (10) 1 frag of sundial tile 131.6 Modern

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 2 (20) 1 sherd China Blue and White P rint Tr ansfer Wa re 4.1 C20th

1 clear glass bottle 39.2 C20th

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 1 (05) 41 sherds loc al war e jug 628.4 Roman C1st-2nd
5 sherds Bla ck Burnished Ware bowl with fla t grooved rim 211.1 Roman C1st-2nd
4 sherds Caerleon War e bowl 203.2 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd loca l ware morta ria with spout horizontal banding detail 500.7 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Black Burnished Wa re 21.15 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd of Grey Ware base 30.91 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd loca l ware rim 16.7 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd loca l ware body 1.8 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown base 9.1 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown red slip ware body 19.3 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Black Burnished Wa re rim 24.2 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Sam ian Ware (Copy?) bowl 54.55 Roman C1st-2nd

1 frag unknown anim al bone 4.2

3 frag Imbrex 810.6 Roman C1st-2nd

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16


A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16


A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 1 (06) 1 sherd Dressel 20 amphora handle shoulder 250.8 Roman C1st-2nd
2 sherds unknown ba se 229.3 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown body 18.65 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd unknown red slip ware base 20.65 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Malvernian Ware rim 25.3 Roman C1st-2nd
1 sherd Black Burnished Wa re decorated body 37.86 Roman C1st-2nd

33 frags Tegulae 23017 Roman C1st-2nd

11 frags Imbrex 2604 Roman C1st-2nd

2 frags B ox Tile 400 Roman C1st-2nd

5 frags Floor Brick 3531 Roman C1st-2nd

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16


A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16


A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

Are a Con text Description Weight ( g) Period

Trench 1 (09) 1 sherd China Blue and White P rint Tr ansfer Wa re 9.35 C20th

7 frags Tegulae 7541 Roman C1st-2nd

1 caerleon forge brick frag 420 C20th

1 frag clear gla ss m ilk bottle neck 70.35 C20th

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

Area Context Description Weight (g) Period

Trench 1 (10) 1 frag of sundial tile 131.6 Modern

A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI 6 Castle Mews, Caerleon
Finds Catalogue WB/CMC/16

Area Context Description Weight (g) Period

Trench 2 (20) 1 sherd China Blue and White Print Transfer Ware 4.1 C20th

1 clear glass bottle 39.2 C20th


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